Horse Shelter Heroes - Episode 43 - October 22-28

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you look concerned i guess you'd have to find replacements for them in the time being until they get back [Applause] that is going to give her the last act of kindness we have an appointment today two of our horses that we previously adopted at are coming back today the kids lost interest in the horses and the parents don't just want them sitting around so they're going to bring them back and hopefully we can find them new and amazing homes fill out as much information there's one for each of them it was great when it first started out we'd never had horses before so you know we were a total novice in this whole thing it's a good experience it was a good experience and i'm hoping that uh we got them fat and happy and the next group will get to enjoy them as much as we did so we've had this tarp since about january so it's lasted a couple months but within the recent storms it's kind of gotten a little ripped up and it's definitely time to replace it feels like a heavier tarp i think that's gonna do the trick this is braveheart and he's gained 90 pounds so bell andromeda and ray part are going to another organization i'm really happy for them we have the gutter guys here today and we're gonna be getting some gutters on the office which is really awesome so we want to do it along here and then along here and then just the same on the other side and then running down out here so i got some really rough news last night um as you know jessie and sarah went on a little mini vacation and i let them off early on work and they were supposed to be back last night and they were still states and states and states away like they're like 20 hours away just about right now this is auction week and they're not gonna be here for probably i mean maybe for intake but we're looking at doing it without them which is fine because we are a team we all know where to pick up the pieces when team members are gone but we are gonna be short two people for this this auction take which really stinks because auction as you know is is really big and jesse was gonna be driving the second truck and now we've got we've got a bunch of gaps in our team because um they they didn't make it back so hopefully they will but we have to proceed as if they aren't going to be back for the auction this is really really bad for the team because we all rely on each other during auction intakes and um and i wish they were here but they're not so we have to really decide what we're gonna what we're gonna do kind of what your thoughts are of what we should do i guess you'd have to find replacements for them in the time being until they get back someone to do sarah's job or something to do jessica's job yeah so we'll need to get all the vaccines ready the wormers hey travis hey how's it going good um so yes yeah i got more brand news unfortunately i don't know uh sarah was supposed to do a order for the co-op today um our plan was to get all the grain out of the barn because we've got some problems with rights unfortunately yeah rodents um so we were in it i used pretty much all the grain yesterday uh i do have enough to feed for today okay but i will need to go down to the store and buy more for tomorrow okay so we're completely out of i mean we have hay but we're completely out of grain and feed we've got enough we're gonna know for today and sarah was gonna put the order in today so she's not here to do that yes this is banner he is a 16 year old pony and we are working on building his trust and desensitizing this is lightning she just got surrendered and right now we're just giving her a bath it's ever making time this is good stuff everyone's favorite this is electra and she's gained 55 pounds since she's been in quarantine this is rain and he's gained 130 pounds we're super happy with his progress [Music] this is marvel and she's gained 24 pounds this is mystic and she's gained 75 pounds total hi baby hi so this is bucky and he's gained 20 pounds [Music] this is rocket and so far he's gained 19 pounds so special this is storm she has gained 87 pounds and is doing a whole lot better so we are very happy this is argo and so far she's gained 47 pounds she's looking a lot better so we just finished weighing and deworming all the horses up here in quarantine we're super happy with their progress and they're all looking really good [Music] well we're getting ready to head out to go to the auction unfortunately jesse and sarah are still stuck in another state uh they're on their way back so hopefully they'll be here tomorrow for intake but they had a horrible time trying to get back to the shelter but if all goes well they should be back tomorrow when the horses are back from the auction travis is just laying down new shavings in our trailer and we will be on the road headed to the auction to rescue as many horses as we can tonight we don't know exactly how many that will be but thanks to your support we know we can rescue a lot of precious horses tonight 300. 200 quarters behind me are 18 of the horses that we rescued and i'm just so excited that we are able to save eight not only these 18 but another one that we purchased in the parking lot is a mustang with a previously broken leg just very very sad and the horses are settled in for the night we're going to get some sleep ourselves be out here early in the morning to do the intake photos initial photos evaluation get them loaded up and transported back to the shelter and i can't thank each and every person who donated enough to make this possible it's almost 10 o'clock and we're finally leaving the auction we still have an hour to two hours worth of work left to do this evening so we rescued a horse that's really critical and i've been talking to our vet um he's got a plan for the horse we're just gonna keep as comfortable as we can it's an old injury so he's been like this for a long time if this was fresh like a fresh injury we'd be finding we'd have to put him down tonight we couldn't allow him to continue suffering but it's healed in this position and so our vet feels the best thing is to just medicate them help with the pain and get them back to our shelter we can take x-rays and then make a decision from there so this is off of our amazon wish list and get it open so he's going to get um stress relief tonight i'm also going to wrap his leg and hope that gives him some support and i have to give him some banamine it's awesome having a great vet on call so he knows we're going to auctions and he's he's like let me know if you need anything i'll tell you what to do i'm going to give him the band main first and then i'm gonna wrap his leg i don't even know where to begin [Music] he's been like this for a really long time they've probably just been trimming off the end of his hoof but so he's got meds on board i'm just gonna give him the stress relief and he should be pretty comfortable for the night his legs wrapped so he has some support um and we'll he'll be getting more medication uh just as you know we're following the vet's plan so we can keep them comfortable so i'm just gonna give them this uh stress relieving uh poor guy has been through a lot yeah we'll see what the vet says that tastes really weird huh you're gonna be okay yeah we love you [Music] so now i've got to go up and send out an email and let everyone know how many horses we rescued and just thank everyone so much for their support because if we didn't have heroes out there making donations we wouldn't be able to do the work we do so um i feel it's vitally important to let them know even though i'm tired and exhausted is letting them know how much i appreciate their support and we couldn't do without them so i gotta get that email sent out and then i can get some rest for the night it's just uh where i write the email i get it send out and um this email shelby helped me with i am um i i have a i got kicked in the head when i was a kid and it really messed up my reading and writing ability uh so i rely a lot on others to help me with that so shelby helped write this up so it's raining today it's supposed to be raining all day that means we have to get the horses loaded and intake in a storm the nice thing is if my hair gets wet in the rain it's fine that's the only good thing i can think about right now as far as positive that it's raining today the rain is coming down we we have been battling weather all this week um sarah and jesse they headed out for the weekend they got stuck in the storm uh they wanted to go for traveling and they got stuck up by colorado and um so weather was giving them a horrible time and now this auction uh transferred from the auction to our organization and the intake is all going to be in the rain today and it's not going to be fun all right jason's got our auction box and we are heading in to find the horses we rescued it's not fun it's raining [Applause] hey babies hey precious it's gonna be okay hi baby we're gonna get you out of here okay we have one other horse over here hopefully he's not a stallion we gotta check and see because he's in the stallion pen that can make it difficult because we already have one stallion buddy [Applause] i know you're worried [Applause] there you go see it's okay i'm not gonna hurt you get him out here in the light and we'll see if he's a stud or not it looks like he's just been gelded he has a fresh incision down there so he probably will still be acting stallion like uh so i'll have to put them in with um possibly you know just other geldings um i see how old he looks if he's young that would be helpful it's probably about four or so so um makes the intake a little bit more difficult uh when we have stallions just because we have two adult full-sized stallions and it moving them and transporting them we just have to make sure everybody's safe oh man what happened oh that doesn't look good so i just want to say a huge thank you to everyone that goes on our amazon wish list and purchases the sin chill it really helps the horses at the auction they've been really stressed um we're able to give them that by the time they get back to the shelter the transport isn't so scary for them and it just it starts out their experience with us being able to be calmer and more relaxed and that's really important stress is very bad for horses getting the horses started out i'm catching them jason is putting him in different pens it's just him and i working here today hey baby you're right baby it's okay let me get you out of here okay hold on this will help you okay all right i know you probably think it's warmer but it's going to help you and there you go this horse has something wrong with its mouth it really stinks you can tell this horse has a chronic diarrhea and also has a swollen caster in there it's really skinny let me just get you out of here come on all right we're gonna see if uh this gelding will be okay with the other uh one we got that's just gelded it's always a trick trying to get these these boys to work out so we've got two other he's being good with that gelding so hopefully we can get him in here with this gelding and they'll be fine so far it looks like we're having success it looks like everyone's being nice to each other so that's a good thing hi guys come here mud encrusted halters or they've been left on for a long time are always so hard to take off let's get you out of here it's okay we're gonna take you too hold on you're gonna be safe it's okay let's get you out of here come on i'm so beautiful come on baby come on you're gonna be all right come on come on you're so skinny i know come on we can do this come on come on baby come on come on let's give you some of this i'll keep you calm oh i can tell from your teeth you're really old [Applause] [Music] here we go oh you're so pretty you look like black beauty don't you yes all right come on baby let's go come on come on so a lot of you saw this horse when we posted her and we were really hoping we were able to save her and we did so i just got to get her intake picture i gave her her calming medicine and we'll get her back to the shelter she's super skinny i think she'd been in stacks not terribly long ago because they grow the hoof out really long and you can see how long her heels are and she's actually walking back here it's it's it's swollen and puffy because she probably had stacks on for years of her life you can see her back legs pastern's actually almost like touching the ground when she walks and she has a hard time walking straight it's all just common with throwing away big lick horses they their bodies just can't handle the amount of stress and strain put on their their bones and their tendons and their legs just have a few more horses to do their intake on just noticed uh that one over there you can see it had another auction tag in its tail so it's been through multiple auctions and that's very common on the way to the slaughter pipeline that one has two it looks like it's been through three auctions at auction tag on its shoulder it's right hip and then from last night so these horses really just bounce around the auction slaughter pipelines until they ultimately end up in mexico they get too skinny dump them off exchange them for fatter horses like this one that we rescued instead of the kill buyers getting there he looks like he's starting to relax i think the their their eyes are getting calmer and that's from that uh sin chill just uh helping him relax and not be so scared you're the last horse in here yeah we still got the little minis he's gonna come down here and hide you're okay so i've tried catching this horse uh he's still very scared and he wants to connect with me so i don't want to push him to the point that he is scared of me and then uh when he gets back to their shelter we have the the proper facility for you know catching him without causing stress so i'm just going to take his intake pictures of him standing in here and then we'll run him into the pen with the other horses and we load it up and head to our shelter all right so i'm just going to run them down come on we try to cause the least amount of stress possible for these horses once they're in our care because we know they've been through a lot and we just want to get them back to the shelter and then get them evaluated there we go [Music] well now we got our little mini pen because we've got all the big horses sorted out so this is the first pen the first trailers here to load them up and we'll get them on the road come on come on i'm such a good boy he's so stoic it might be because he's so used to so much pain my uh needle doesn't doesn't affect him there you go buddy i think i'll make your trip better okay yeah this leg is just so horrific it's one of the worst legs i've seen in a very long time in rescuing where it's just broken and twisted and deformed out so bad and he's and it's an old injury he's having to live like this for probably years you get the little minis loaded up come on i don't want us so sad leg is just terrible i know all right we got everyone loaded up the first truck and trailer is on the road we've got stallion minis and more boys back here recently gelded one and then three two other geldings so we're off to the always shelter the kind of thing that knocked me off my feet until you can't pick me up i never really understood what people meant by [Music] but now i'm seeing all the things that we could be all you need tell me why [Music] [Music] but now i'm sure it's you that i've been waiting for there may be some days where things don't go exactly [Music] but i'll always be right there to hold you [Music] love can't always be [Music] as soon as the vet gets here let's get x-rayed and and do what we need to do because he is this is just not good so he was born in 96. hey at least it's raining you look [Music] concerned [Music] the whole joint is fused the bad thing is it's fused crooked if you've been few straight maybe we use it we've got a lot of bony reaction there there's nothing we can do for him um you know when we see a horse like this it's really hard to think of some years of agony that he endured and i'm thankful that he's here and we're gonna be able to do the right thing for him and relieve him of that constant suffering it's something his owner should have done a long time ago [Music] so the best looked at the x-rays of this little mini hips and it has a severe hip problem going on um it's it's something that can't be fixed and we're gonna have to do the last act of kindness i knew when we were bringing these horses here that that was probably going to happen it's always hard it's never easy um especially because the little mini's only two years old and you know to think about the pain and suffering she endured just because her owners didn't do the responsible thing and say wow i have an animal with a fractured hip i need to put it down and have a vet come out instead just take it to an auction and you know people do get upset at horsebutt to say oh horseplus kills horses and stuff we aren't the ones that are out there causing these problems and doing this to these horses we're the ones not turning a blind eye to them rescuing them and making the decision with the vet and giving them the last act of kindness because they're suffering we rescue horses regardless of their condition even if that means the last act of kindness and people are welcome to bash us on the internet as they want but we know it's the right thing to do how old is he doc yeah we think he says two on here so we're good doc is giving him his vaccinations and his antibiotics and i'm giving him electrolytes dewormer and his microchip [Music] it looks like part of p1 down here is dissolving uh we don't have a lot of the there's some real cancellous bone down here that usually shows up it's pretty much gone this joint we've got the coffin joint which is probably pretty good the next joint up is fused and i think that's where the problem is because we have some bone lysis right here so sadly there's nothing we can do for this horse she's nearly 30 years old and the kindest thing we can do is to end that constant painful suffering that she's she's going through so that is going to give her the last back to kindness it seems like every horse that comes through just about is needing that but that's because we're looking at the critical ones first and making those calls um it's just it's hard but it's the reality of rescue work we could have turned a blind eye to all these horses and rescued adoptable horses but even then we don't know if they're drugged and they're they've got lameness problems so we just rescue every one we can in the slaughter price range and figure out what's best once they're here and um you know just just looking at the x-ray anyone could tell that this horse has got a lot of problems [Music] [Music] let's do new coggins because they say it's a quarter horse since 14 years old and it was created right yeah so we got our barn all set up for these horses coming in and we have hay and salt and water and we're going to keep them in from the rain let's take an extra and see how it looks oh this horse over here we've got a what looks like a coronary band injury we took an x-ray of his hoof and all the bone structure looks great some of the best i've seen seen today for sure except for some of the best i've seen the best so everyone's saying they're hungry travis came over and asked about pizza um not sure what to do hey doc what are you doing i'm buying pizza you're buying pizza for everyone okay so this is how awesome doc is now last time i told you about all these amazing fan club you have what are they going to do when they see you buying pizza for everybody they'll have a lot more volunteers i don't know i don't know what happens [Music] i'm really worried about this horse's leg she's only two years old and i'm hoping there's no damage in her bones and her joints hopefully it's just swelling from getting picked or something but we don't know until we take the x-rays so that's what we're gonna do [Music] that you want about that's almost a 45 degree angle you want about 30 25 to 30. [Music] yeah i think she probably so we're taking x-rays over i'm afraid that she's got some arthritis and her pastern it seems pretty swollen we won't know until we get the x-ray and that's why we're taking it and then we can make it a educated decision on what's best for her if she's in pain and she's suffering we don't want that to continue she doesn't have a lot of arthritis but we're going to start getting it looks like it could be bone to bone there was a group of tennessee walking horse broodmares that were sold at the auction we got as many as we could and we knew when we rescued them that there was probably some major quality of life issues and you know this mayor she's she's almost 30 years old when she walks her her hind in is very very weak and we all believe here that this is from the big lick what you got there got pizza hope everybody's ready for pizza check it out 8.90 pizza gluten free tell your story about now the horse behind me is number 300 for the year uh this year we've been rescuing just over about a horse a day and this horse's name is lily she's named after somebody very special and um we're just gonna give her her vaccinations microchipping antibiotics all that good stuff and um i hope if lily out there is watching that she sees this horse that is named after her lily you're such a pretty girl yes you are you are a beautiful horse so regal we're waiting for the x-ray machine to uh do all its fancy stuff so we can see the image it's like we've got a little ring bone starting over uh that may be why she got turned back in by somebody that's trying to train her but she does not look lame oh is that yucky does anybody know what her costumes are hold on one more for you she did great for her microchip i got lily's tag here she's number 300 and she's 300 for this year we've rescued over 300 horses this year that's about a horse a day so we stay really busy around here all right there's her tag number 300. this is why i let doc do it [Music] it's been a long crazy day but we are finally it's been pretty long but it's been fun yeah i mean it's been a good day but we've got all horse all the horses taken care of there's 19 in total they're safe and they're happy and that's what it's all about so seems like we got a good bunch of horses this time so yep horses that needed help everybody seems happy so we're good and doc brought us all pizza and that was just icing on the cake gotta keep the crew happy well you do a good job
Channel: Horse Plus Humane Society
Views: 221,011
Rating: 4.9003043 out of 5
Id: rcCzd5ZTD4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 24sec (2184 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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