Horse Shelter Heroes | S2E29 | AUCTION RESCUE

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this is the episode of horse shelter heroes you all have been waiting for it's the auction rescue episode we come to this auction and rescue a lot of horses there's a very critical horse you have to watch this episode to see exactly what happens we transport the horses back to our shelter for the auction intake with doc and a whole lot more happens don't miss a single minute of horse shelter heroes this is quinn and i'm going to do some obstacles with her today i have our new our horizontal noodles that are coming this way out today just to work on her work with her on so the first thing is i'm going to do is not even worry about the obstacle i'm going to worry more about her leading so what i'll do is i'll ask her to walk forward with me and i'll ask her to stop with me see how she stepped forward so that i'm going to back her up and then i'll ask her to come forward again so every time she steps ahead of me i'm going to ask her to back up so as you can see quinn kind of has that stop and go down so next i'm going to start with our obstacle and i have it separated enough that she should be able to walk through and i like to go back towards where the heart of horses are because it gives her more motivation to come through good girl bring her through with it like this one more time good girl and then i'll take these noodles and i'll move them closer together so some horses i can do just like an inch or a half an inch however they need to go moving closer and closer together i can make them farther apart but as you can see quinn's pretty brave so i could make them really close right now and she's not too bothered about it so doing these obstacles just teaches the horse to think about what they're doing i'm not necessarily desensitizing them to this obstacle i'm desensitizing their reaction to their anxiety that they're going to feel going through the obstacle so now i'll try to come through away from the herd and see what she does what a good girl as you can see she's pretty unbothered but now i'm gonna try it with trinity and this will be the first time she's ever done it and we'll see what the difference between trinity's reaction is and what quinn's reaction is so this is trinity and i'm gonna see how she does with the obstacles as you can see just walking a circle around them she's kind of eyeballing them a little bit more than quinn you can see she's kind of stepped away from the obstacles so now i'm gonna start working on the obstacle i separated it again and i'm gonna work on bringing her through right now i'm just gonna see what she does if she walks right through good girl so that time it didn't touch her at all actually she went right through very willingly because she might be fine coming through with no none of them touching her but as soon as they start hitting her side it might be a different story one of them touched her and she didn't react very much just move them closer a little bit more so you can see now that she has such a more smaller gap good girl so let's see how she does again same thing good girl just took a little bit of convincing which is okay see that was a lot better it's just her saying no i say yes please and she says okay i'll do it what a good girl so as you can see quinn and trinity had two had very similar reactions but they were still different at the same time neither of them were super reactive so if we have a super reactive horse we'll show you what they do too and what i do to handle that but hopefully you guys enjoy watching those two work on our new obstacle this is a long halter by the way need it leader sorry so we're cleaning up trying to get prep for auction so i am working on cleaning out all the stalls up here uh this is our porta potty or potty town they're camping everything style so she's gonna bring cenadore over first cenador is the um the older one that you looked at last week with the kissing spine and the everything that we put on uniprim and stuff the one that has kissing spines because i'm just worried about with his pissing spines and his legs and his age so has he gained any weight he's gained like a lot i think yeah but just riding him when you get on his back you can see like his head comes up and you can see that he gets uncomfortable i don't even know if you guys can hear us but it's raining like crazy and then his swelling and his leg never goes away but doesn't look yeah that's what's crazy yeah you know if you don't ride then i guess they'll see it yeah just one pant just don't want to put them in pain just to ride them yeah garrett just thinks it's not going to be something that you can get to twist back over and like we worry about like all the tendons and ligaments through his whole leg oh on the mini hercules he's a neat little horse but it looks like his feet there's probably some kind of deformity with them being so small and they're curling in and once that hoof starts curling in it's hard to get it to go straight it's almost impossible um probably take trimming every week and i don't know if you could do it then so we're in trouble we're pretty sure that phoenix is deaf when we were doing things with them the other day his ears don't go to sound you can stomp behind him you can throw things you can hit the ground he doesn't do anything you try to catch him in the field he doesn't even recognize that you're there until he can see you so we're just having doc check and see if he thinks maybe he might be deaf a little bit yeah okay a lot of all white animals or it's more in dogs cats white animal's blue eyes can be blind and dealt we're wondering if he was deaf so we were at least checking to see if we could see he's got pupillary response when you shine light in this eye and the other eye constricts that means that the pathways to the brain he's getting light into his brain and it's saying telling the other how to constrict that's always a fun thing to do your significant other at night shine a bright iron right in one eye look at the other one cover this eye must be a male he must have been married for 25 years do you want to watch him walk to his back fetlocks it just looked like they dropped a lot i don't think he can hear good or see good but he seems like a pretty good horse so this is dakota he was just having a little bit of breathing issues almost like a heaves like last week so we put him on trihist and we're just rechecking him this week but it's really hard to hear because of the rain and then he has a lot of skin issues like a lot of sunburn on him i just shove him so far in my ears that's all you can hear yeah so keep them on the try history i'm happy this is bourbon he's uh fully blind he's our draft cross from the last auction and he's just getting his breathing looked at so one of the things we noticed with him is that he runs hot like he like right now he's sweating and hot right here yeah his lungs on the other side don't sound that good like and i said that a smoker like a tri-hist might work or nothing will work that don't open him up so we'll just try it for a week and recheck him yes okay remind me that his left side was centered right his left side was worse or his right side was yours it's scar tissue from something but i don't think it's strange so she should be fine yeah that knows she's clean you're a pretty girl she's nice she's not scared how long y'all had her she came from the last auction only a month we're gonna do some x-rays on daisy when the farrier was trimming her he thought he may have seen a little founder and her previous owner did say that she is prone to founder so we kind of just want to check her feet out hopefully just roll out that and then she'll be okay and she can hopefully go to a new home soon she's a little moderately founder so moderate not nothing super duper about just watch your diet basically which we're already doing anyways that helps okay so we got your shirts in cool yes sir so we have doc let's check it out we went ahead and we got the dickies brand with the horse plus and it says stock on it as well that's pretty cool do you like it yes this i need to have this worn in a little bit okay well we can wear it down a little you want us to put it on travis let him ride around on the tractor a little bit i'll break it in okay so we're hooking up the trailers getting ready to go to auction uh we got the big trailer and tony and jason have the little trailer we're about to hit the road it's auction day and we've got to get going to the auction it's gonna be really busy auction um we've been fundraising and we hope to rescue at least 20 horses tonight but we'll kind of have to see how it goes when we're at auctions we're bidding up to slaughter price for horses so if a horse comes into the ring it drops below that slaughter price we're going to be bidding on it even though multiple other people might start bidding when the horse is out of that slaughter price range we're able to drop out um of it sometimes kill buyers do like to play bidding war games and they actually did that last time bidding back and forth and when a kill buyer is bidding against above slaughter price against us we're we're gonna pull out because he's just trying to waste donation dollars we have two trucks and trailers uh going to the auction and we have our head trainer maddie our shelter foreman cory and then our new employees that are joining the media team just saying get a really good feel about what we're doing we'll see how it goes we never know how it's going to go and i'm really excited to go save some lives like this is the highlight of the month we get to go rescue lives but again it's only because people just like you donate to make it possible so thank you very much all right we are just pulling into the auction you can see a trail there probably has a horse or two in it and um we're gonna let this car go through there's a lot of people here tonight just like there usually is and hopefully we can save a lot of horses i don't know exactly how many are here yet but we're gonna go find out these poor guys are so skinny they really need to be rescued and they need some help they kind of look like they're probably a little bit um younger maybe just from their body condition but they're just starved and skinny the auction's going to be starting any minute now and i'm really hoping that you can help us out i don't know exactly how many horses we're going to be able to save we'd like to save about 20 but with your support we can rescue a walk tonight but it's almost too late so if you've seen this please if you can at all make a donation right now so we can save lives thank you this horse has had some gash is on its leg they kind of doctored it and um hopefully he'll be okay he's also found her in the front a little bit so hopefully hopefully he'll be okay so when we first arrived at auction we were looking at horses beforehand we noticed that this horse was down your first reaction is they might be a little bit colicky so it's concerning he did have a big wound on his leg with a wrap on it so that's another concerning thing because it could have could have happened whenever so hopefully the vet looks at him later and can determine if what's wrong with him and hopefully he does better well we just got done with our first my first auction out here pretty different experience hi guys thanks so much for supporting we were able to rescue 28 horses tonight so thank you so much for everything you did to help us be able to rescue these horses and we're so excited to be able to take them back and get them vetted tomorrow at our shelter so thank you again so much for your support thank you guys so much we're able to rescue 28 horses tonight and you know we got some little ones too that aren't technically a full-size horse but we rescued them anyway some donkeys some miniatures and we're just really excited that uh 28 precious lives were safe thanks to your support including these three these are just three of the ones that we were able to save and we're going to get a few hours of sleep tonight get these guys loaded up in the morning and back to the shelter where doc and the rest of the intake staff are going to be waiting to give them whatever they need we did get a horse that was laying down and we're really concerned about him he had some fresh cuts on his back legs and he does have some founder but um the vet on on site here he was taking coggins he's able to check him out give him some painkiller and he's back up and he's comfortable for the evening so in the morning we'll be talking to our doc and making sure he has the right medication on board to be comfortable for the trip back to the shelter so again 28 precious lives saved tonight thanks to your support and we couldn't do it without you so keep an eye on our social media for updates and we'll see you guys in the morning it's been a long night and we're uh up awake it's still a little early but we're gonna head out and get these horses ready to head back to the shelter hi i was like this would be the first floor picking up some stragglers on the way down why'd you get there an apple i always take an apple for the horses so that way they know we're friendly morning everyone how many do we rescue last night 27 i think maybe 28 28 48 that's what they're saying so what did you all think of the auction last night because i mean it was your first auction um so the first horse that i saw last night it ended up being one of the ones that we bought but um it was missing an eye and i started to tear up because it was so sad and then i just kept seeing like other horses with injuries and they were just skinny and i just had to kind of put up a wall so that i wouldn't just sit there crying all night so it was kind of sad and stressful for sure but i'm so happy that we got to save 28 and that that just i'm really happy about that oh and a lot of the injured ones that i was seeing were some of the ones that we rescued it's always hard being a rescuer and coming to auctions and having to put you know just we're here to help these horses and we'll be able to process it later and it's always very important for rescuers to talk about um you know what what they're going through because we see a lot of really horrible things and it's good to be able to talk about it and process it because if you don't it can literally just be in your mind and you can't sleep it's i mean it haunts you so definitely process through things talk about it because it's rescuing the rescue life is not easy all right let's grab the auction box and go the paint that was down last night is up and moving around um doesn't seem like it's limping or anything so the pain meds really helped and we're getting him some more so he'll be comfortable for travel um but we got a great team here this morning and we're gonna get these horses loaded up and on the road how many horse plus workers does it take to get the auction box unloaded quite a few yeah absolutely this horse was from all uh observations about dying last night and i managed to get her for 200 because nobody knew if he would uh live or die yes one he's doing much better but he might well he's better now beautiful horse we should probably wrap it just for the trip so he doesn't re-injure it um good to see you doing better yeah and you're good horse yes we're gonna get you out of here okay yeah i know you don't want to be here that's really sore yeah it is poor baby your feet so we're gonna give him some beautiless paste just to help with his pain when we're traveling back and then we have some sin chill to give him to help with the travel back so that way he's not super stressed out you can finish with that johnny's getting photos of this donkey he's in a lot of pain from his uh split hooves and general his neglect this one's blind in that eye okay and this is the one that the person said that we bid against okay but it never went through yeah never went through this horse we purchased before the auction with a group of uh other horses is super sweet uh after the auction there was a person that came up to one of our staff and said hey i wanted to buy that horse i want to buy it now we don't sell horses if somebody comes up to us after we've purchased them and said hey i want to just buy this horse nobody has to know about it um just pretend you didn't own it we we don't do that so uh we told him just you know go to our website fill out an adoption application when you purchase a horse here at auction you know there's slaughter prices and this horse was purchased in a group of horses the person put a higher price on this horse but on average with the group of horses that we got it came out to an average below the slaughter price we purchased this horse before the auction so it never went through the auction and they posted on our facebook page that we were out bidding them and their poor nine-year-old daughter couldn't have this horse and when if somebody wants a horse they came here and they wanted to rescue a horse they can go to our website fill out an adoption application we'll screen them a lot of times people here buying horses they'll even tell you a story that oh it's for their daughter or their kid and kill buyers in california they were really good at i mean one family they had this cute daughter and they would take her places and pick up horses for their daughter and then they would sell them for slaughters and our adoption fees are 500 so it's not like um that it's too expensive to adopt from us we just want to make sure when a horse is purchased by us if somebody is here at the auction they wanted that horse to go through the proper channels not try to come buy it secretly from us after the auction because we don't do stuff like that oh wow so that's a honey yeah i've never seen it the ears are smaller and the body is more built like a horse rather than a donkey your poor nose it's uh always common when we're at auctions to get really sick horses and mules and this henny has a very very snotty nose this little guinea hen is uh apparently stuck in the rain out here it doesn't realize it can get out of this pen so i'm gonna see if we can get it out they still don't know what you're talking about there it sat here for like five minutes pacing this fence line now just walk through because i came in the pen oh wow get out of the rain buddy it's not nice out here the paint is ours so all the ones out here yeah the ones that are running loose are all ours maddie working on catching a horse so we can do the intake process here at the auction yard and then get it transported back to our shelter with the 27 other animals that we saved last night and that one's very ouchy having corey and maddie here is doing uh they're doing such a great job keith and angela angela is my little a note assistant over there and keith well he was in the hospital and he he nearly died we were all very scared um but he's back up and going but we told him he can only operate gates today because we want him to continue to get better what do you see on this horse cory uh it's pretty skinny it doesn't seem to be limping much i don't see any cuts or swelling anywhere really i think we just need to get some weight on it it's a d it has dsld but it's really young and usually gets pretty progressively worse when it happens very very concerning it's also blind in one eye and it's really sad and it's a gorgeous horse and that's what when we rescue them sometimes people are like oh it's so beautiful a lot of times horses come to auction is because there are they're messed up and um there are a lot of really amazing horses that come through that just were at the wrong place at the wrong time but i'm seeing um like dsld in all four legs which usually it's not in the front and then also be blind in its eyes that's that's rough so we're moving our base of operation over to where uh another group of horses is because we don't have to walk the horses all that way we'll just move our operation where the horses are just blind in one eye left side when i saw last night he's such a beautiful horse like wow this one's the one with hind end issues so the hawk is just extremely swollen that is not good it's the fetlock swollen too yeah if we look at the front hoof it comes up and it has a nice little arch and it just goes up um with dsld the ligaments start breaking down in the back so the weight is like right there on the like his leg comes down straight and then comes back over to where the hoof is so all that weight is sitting down like on the pasterns there um which is very uncomfortable because they were created to stand like this so all the weight distribution is like coming into the hoof his weight is going into his back and it's just it's painful and it gets gets worse and worse and there's usually nothing that can be done so keith how do you feel about just working on the gates today it's gonna be hard not doing anything else i don't like i don't i don't like standing around so yeah i like working his hind ends very off goopy eyes it's very old so if you see its teeth you can see how uneven they are all the way around pretty old has them all starting to fall out and grind down this little guy really isn't helping from what we can tell doesn't want to be uh caught at least this morning and so we're just going to get the pictures running them back and forth and then they can all ride these little miniature horses are wild a little cow watching the horses get hauled out one by one wondering when is it my turn looks like a little sway back the hips are popping out she has a lump right here on her back too she was eating funny and tilting her head last night these two are buddies too i just hang out down there until we're done then these two horses are buddies so they're gonna be walking uh to the holding pen together that's one load i'm going to go in here now keith i've got 13 in this time that should be about nothing that's one load there this one's not breathing very well very heavy if you watch his stomach talked with doc and he's told me what to do for the paint horse and we're also going to wrap its leg again we took the nasty wrap off of it because it uh it was pretty nasty and we're going to re-wrap it um the leg looks like it's doing really good to me uh we'll see what doc says but he's up he's walking so it's just a matter of getting that pain under control which the vet was able to do last night and we're going to continue with what our doc has told us to do and wrap the horse's leg so be comfortable for transport and won't have a chance of re injuring or opening that leg again hey buddy good boy okay eating treats um so hopefully he will stay entertained while we wrap it when you're doing that wrap you don't want to do it too tight um so you're right easy and thankfully this one doesn't stink because it's fresh supposedly it happened on the way to the auction so this is the horse that was down last night we did get a vet out to give him some pain meds and uh doing really well this morning the vet thought he might be foundered oh he doesn't like his bandage you're all right buddy um and so he's walking he seems to be comfortable so really hoping when we get back that doc will be able to fix him up and that he will be okay i know a lot of people thought he was to need to be euthanized but right now it's looking really really well and that he is going to make a recovery but we don't know for sure until we you know get him to dock and i know people on our facebook page thought like oh you know he's just he's going to be euthanized but the nice thing is when we go to auctions we rescue horses regardless of their condition sometimes it's horses like this it looks like it's on death's door last night and moaning and on the ground and this morning he's up and doing really well so i'm really happy i hope that he'll make a full recovery they had it wrapped up in this last night a polo wrap it's a maze going through here sometimes we're trying to figure out um who all because we rescue a lot of horses it's not like oh there's five horses and there's five auction tags we have nearly 30 auction tags and photos so we're going through and figuring out right now we have three that we're still unaccounted for so we've got to go through and figure out who those are as angela takes notes i sometimes you know we could be out of a miscommunication i took the pictures the note wasn't taken so just going through the photos right now and then um we'll try to try to figure out who we who we're missing here all right trailer number one is backing up getting ready to load horses if you're enjoying these videos uh what should somebody do if they're enjoying watching these videos of us rescuing horses and everything we're at the auction right now but what should somebody do if they're enjoying this video and uh they're watching they should leave a like and subscribe and turn on the notification bell so then you'll be notified when we upload another video yeah and we upload videos at least once a week so definitely like subscribe hit that bell so you won't miss a single video we release keith's back in up big red with the big rescue trailer we just got big red loaded up and i'm gonna go ahead and get the little trailer backed up and get the horses on the road to the shelter tony drove the truck last so i had to wait for the electric seat to go back to where i can actually get in so we're enroute uh back to our shelter and we have 28 horses on the road right now so doc you brought out somebody i know who she is but i know our fans don't know who she is you want to introduce her this is dr lydia young she is a resident veterinarian at the elephant sanctuary in tennessee she is my partner there in cohort and crime most of the time but a brilliant young lady yeah so um even though you haven't seen her in our episodes uh 2015 we rescued a whole bunch of um horses and dogs there was a donkey that was very pretty yes and you helped a lot with that so her history has been long with us she just stays out of the limelight anyway we're glad to have her today yes absolutely you guys are doing great work oh thanks i want to take all of them home with me today so that's why i'm not alive i'm happy with that i don't know you probably yeah she doesn't come around yeah now we know yeah i have four kids i can't bring home anything else that needs to be taken care of the scale's off three pounds oh man without taking x-rays or doing any extensive diagnostics we're seeing all kinds of problems she's she's worn down her top front teeth and though bottom teeth look like she's over 20 probably closer to 25 she's sort of lamin she's got a vaginal tear and chronic vision problems so we've got some got some problems with the girl she seems pretty sweet but we're not sure what to do do i think she's got a heart murmur it sounds like something's rubbing in there just sort of buzzing like her heart and it's the heart not the lungs i thought i heard a buzzing in there yeah i think it's the i think it's her heart yeah i thought it was her heart maybe it could have been a third heart sound but she's got a heart problem a lot of times man it seems like they i don't know how to say it seems like they know there's a problem so they can know not to go down but and on some level but i may have to give her some more we can which we can do easily but this is just the sedative that you've given her like yeah yeah it's just a very severe heart murmur what you you heard him when i hear a heart murmur it's a heart murmur that's a joke at the clinic i can't hear that what did you say it sounded like it sounded like it was just a buzz going on like there's blood coming back up i'm gonna go get some more kids in all right baby okay this was an older mare that had uh multiple problems she had some back problems uh teeth problems attitude problems and she had a heart murmur so we didn't know uh with the attitude and the heart we're going what can we do to make her life good it's gonna be as far as i know nobody gives much heart medications on a regular basis to horses and uh no problem keeping weight on so we decided that the last act of kindness was the best thing to do so we did that you can hear a rub like between the rough but between the ribs and the lungs sometimes occasionally you hear rubs sometimes you don't in some spots there's no air moving when you're listening to lungs you want a nice clean airflow wheezes and crackling are not good and then the absence of air is the worst so we've got some really bad lungs and it does not look like it's an active problem it's chronic we'll put her on antihistamine and see if there's any improvement for a day or two let's just do a watch list and we'll figure it out let's watch her through the day and see how she is okay last night when we got to the auction uh you know this horse was down it it looked like it was gonna die and um we were able to get a vet over he thought it was founder its feet look pretty good to me we'll do an x-ray to confirm what's going on in the front feet but there's no issues as far as lameness that we can see so um that gave us some pain management and we in the morning it was up totally fine so i think just you know however long it traveled to the auction with an injured leg it was just too much and was just exhausted and laid down uh probably very stressed too so after the pain was taken care of the horse was able to be up and okay and then we haven't seen any issues today so um it's it's looking really good i thought this horse probably isn't going to make it but everything we're seeing now it looks good i'm looking for something to put in that wound and we need to wrap it where you going vet wrapping gauze we're coming through right now his legs getting wrapped it's a pretty gnarly injury we're just hoping that it will heal and that he'll be okay what's his name he doesn't have a name yet so lots of people wonder why we don't say this this is joey and this is what happened to joey because they don't have names yet they're on our facebook page people are suggesting names for them right now so he is the paint gelding that was down at the auction okay so i sort of want to name him steve because he gets hurt all the time he's got injuries everywhere both back legs he was letting blood out of both back legs i think he was down at the auction mainly from blood loss he was so pale so we're trying to build up his blood at the same time to clean when we clean a wound you're going to get it and bleeding again so we're sort of between a rock and a hard place and if we can keep his gut and everything operational with a low amount of blood i think we can win with him only the only um behavioral problem was he was quite active with his front feet but doesn't like you giving him shots doesn't care for you giving him shots but but he was fine for me at the auction when i i gave him what you wanted me to this morning so he just doesn't like you just unlike you or maybe you maybe you messed up the first maybe maybe i gave him a bad bad experience anyway he was not a bad horse we hope we can get that foot healed we get that leg healed up he's looking a lot better than he did last night maybe hopefully get the leg healed up before he hurts himself again i don't know they said there's something about the tail and i was just we got a funny bump here we're finishing up his coggins and then i'll take him down to q1 i've only drank these for the last 50 years i had a pretty good-looking bunch so far pretty happy with them i liked it i liked the donkeys and meals this time it's sort of neat sort of neat bunch there so i think she's pregnant could be like her belly was jumping all around oh she looks like she's getting utter yeah i think she's got a baby go right in there look at that so it's a pretty windy day um it's a little chilly but not not bad um doc is here and he also brought doctor young and she's an awesome vet she's she's helped us ever since uh we moved to tennessee um and so we're thrilled to have her here today i guess it's a boy pretty young we could have with a little bit of luck if we can get him over that cold we could have about 30 more years 30 more years you got here buddy we're giving exceed because of the snot he knows we gave him a shot of penicillin because it acts pretty fast and we're giving them a shot of exceed because it's enough antibiotics for four days and one convenient to use those it doesn't have to be refrigerated yeah well that's a plastic yeah so maddie absolutely loves this mule doc absolutely loves this mule and i absolutely love him too uh he is just so sweet usually the mules we get at auction are kind of uh they've been so abused and mistreated they don't want anything to do with people and doc came up and just poked and jabbed and poked and jabbed giving it all its vaccines and antibiotics and it was such a good mule you are such a good mule sarah 13 44 this little donkey is a super sweet donkey um she was in with a bunch of other donkeys at the auction we really didn't get to know her but here we were able to put the halter on her and she's just super cute and she's possibly pregnant yeah you're natural not sure what doc and jason are talking about but it looks serious and they don't they don't want you to be filmed like what what's going on i don't know doc is probably telling him some awesome story and uh we don't get to hear it so i am working on just putting down the vet notes how old they are what grade they are what color they are what gender they are all that good stuff sarah 13 43 43 and i had it wait and then it went away back up 480. i'm vaccinating her for everything i can she's not and trying not to stab myself which is problematic at times all right how old is she not four and a half do you want to know what they said she broke the ride but it's been five years i should well they wrote her when she's a baby i guess all right tonya what are you giving her a microchip and she does not like shots and she's trying to bite doc and well oh good okay she was okay oh man there's less baby donkey's cute she seems nice i know you're kind of partially he excuse me i didn't want him his feet definitely need some tlt there's one donkey that we rescued and he's in really rough shape um his hoof is is literally bleeding giving it some xylosing three three tenths of a sec okay let's lead him out if he's gonna go out we're gonna use this to our advantage that way cory can go back to helping them oh he smells dead yeah he is rough oh man see all this is abscess in there terrible abscess starting to eat away at the coffin bone man it's hard it looks extremely rotated too yeah well it's so hard to tell because there's so much pathology there that coughing bone's almost dissolved yeah that means it's just rotting away you can smell it which is pretty bad when and when i say smell you know not like they wash your feet every night but you can smell the necrotic tissue there poor guy his hooves are in such horrible condition one's just completely cracked it's just really comes down to just pure neglect um and it gets to a point where we just can't fix it and it's it's very sad and he's he's in a lot a lot of pain and there's there's actually blood in his head coming out and so all right so it's uh it's just sad it's it's never never easy doing auction rescues and you know knowing that sometimes the best thing you can do is say goodbye because they're suffering and we just can't fix it one thing the video don't tell but you can smell the hooves rotting and there's so much just tissue and everything just coming through whether with separated from the lamina it's just sad and he's laying down right now but uh it's not the ethnicity he's just we sedate them first and then they're euthanized we just wanted to make it as peaceful as possible for them a lot of people wonder what happens when a horse is humanely euthanized here or a donkey and we do cremate here at our facility we're fortunate enough and blessed to have the ability to cremate horses here at our facility so after they're humanely euthanized they are cremated it's a it's you know burying horses and a sheltering situation really isn't feasible composting really doesn't work here very well for our situation and they're really other only option is to take them to the landfill and that's not you know i mean cremation is definitely the way to go and so horses when they're they're euthanized here they are cremated at the auction we noticed this horse also like in his hind in he has locking stifles and he was having a really hard time moving around so a little worried about his long-term health but we'll see we'll see what the vets think we're gonna x-ray the feet and see how bad they are we've already noted a couple of problems he seems to be off on both front feet he's got a snotty nose and maybe metabolic disease he does have metabolic disease we just haven't tested him in his back he was his stifles were locking at the end yeah he's got a lot wrong with him and that's why he was at the auction but just because you have a lot wrong with you doesn't mean you should go to slaughter so if your dog had a lot of issues you would take it to a vet and have it humanely euthanized it had medical problems that were affecting its quality of life and a lot of horses just end up going to auction and then on to slaughter but there's a lot of really amazing horses end up in there too that are perfectly adoptable and so it's kind of just going through and figuring out you know what's wrong with these horses he's got pain sensitivity in his back the list just keeps building with him on the outside with all his other problems we were expecting to be foundered and he is a little bit foundered the angle between the wall of the hoof and the coffin bone and you can tell it's sort of getting close to the soul but uh he's not as founded as we thought he would be with his other problems you know it's it's not founder too bad either yeah this is the left better than the right right right foot's founder worse than the left what's the plan i mean he's got a lot of things going on with him i think a watch list and just see how he does with medication and stuff i think he'd be good he's got projectile diarrhoea right now and that's not fun let's see probably around getting close to 10 yeah he's 10 he's about let's call him 10. 40 40. i was close i said 50. you said why we said probably ancient session 50. i go 40 i'll go 42. we looked at his teeth and that's the first one i've ever called 40 but he's probably pretty close ponies live a long time they live alone yeah and his his teeth are basically non-existent in there like down to the bone you said the top teeth have been gone so long that the bone is dissolving his upper upper bones dissolve when we rescued this little guy we knew that this was a mercy save just because he could barely walk at the auction and he's extremely old his teeth are gone and he is he is suffering when he's walking you can tell and it's something you know it's kind of like when somebody has an old dog and they just take it to the pound and it's alone and confused and scared and and then it's humanely euthanized at the pound it's it's really sad when we find really old horses or you know like these old pony and you know i just wish the owner would have done the right thing instead of you know it ending up in the slaughter pipeline because it's even though it's so small and skinny i mean they they stick these minis under in the trailers with the full-size horses and they it's all about weight so miniature horses are shipped to slaughter and it's uh it's just really sad when we rescue a little pony that's this old and you know like it's just sad i always get my grain bucket and just kind of love on them just the best we can do trying to clean the mud off his legs so we can x-ray them wait is this one oh this is the one too and the hawks yeah so this horse um we're going to do x-rays on um this is the horse when we were at the auction the lady was wanting it for her her daughter we're finding that this horse has um it looks like severe arthritis we're gonna be taking x-rays to find out and so it seems to be fine but we want to know exactly what's going on so that's one reason it's really good if you're interested in a horse if you get a horse from us you know it's come from auction we're gonna take x-rays we're gonna know exactly what's going on with that horse so there's no surprises when you adopt um so we're gonna get x-rays and see what's going on and um hopefully it's nothing serious i don't think it is because he moves around just fine we just want to know what's going on inside joint there's another joint look at this joint's almost fused look how it have the bone going all over it and it's just closing it off that bone it's not supposed to be there and it's just fixing that joint in place so that's what you call it so when it's when it's uh fused like that he's not moving back and forth so it's not painful it's just stiff it's just still the other joints are having to compensate confidence yeah which would say the swelling on the other side but he walks around like fine then we just give him everything and see how he does so this horse you know at the auction we purchased it beforehand with a group of horses and uh somebody came up and said they were basically i guess bidding against them um and they wanted this horse for their kid well the horse never went through the auction ring because at the auction they do allow us to purchase horses beforehand which we do like to do if it's below slaughter price or a group of horses the average is below slaughter price and in this case you know now we know that this horse does have a fused joint and that could have been something that you know if the person got the horse it could have been a deal breaker for them and he could have ended up right back at the auction so um we'll see if if they want to adopt they're welcome to apply fill out an application and now they know the horse has you know fused uh joint um everything about the horse so it's always safe to you know to adopt a horse knowing what the horse has gone through the process versus um you know just kind of jumping in and and getting a horse from auction you have no clue what what the history is really worried about this horse um his leg is causing a lot of problems he also looks like he has dsld let me take x-rays and pretty sharp angle there and it doesn't look as bad as when he walks his ligaments are stretched he's lost all the tone in his fetlock you probably want a 30 and that's close to what's that 45. we're not going to be able to fix it and it's something his owner should have been responsible and made that decision with their vet instead just take him to an auction because you know he's a big horse and that's the type of horses the kill buyers like to get but he doesn't deserve to go to the slaughterhouse so i'm thankful he's here i just wish it could have been different but it seems like so many times when we get these horses we're stepping into situations that we we can only love them and say goodbye and that's always really hard grayson light and we wake to pass so this is a horse we gave medication to earlier that was having extremely hard time breathing and it's getting worse like you can see her jerking when she's trying to breathe it's like her whole bottom like body like almost as like a spasm when it's trying to breathe and she's really suffering so we are going to have to give her the last act of kindness because this is a problem that is really causing her a lot of pain and when the lungs are damaged to that point and you can see there's she's if you imagine being a horse and not being able to breathe and not being able to understand why and it's i mean she's really really she is really really struggling like every breath is is taking her entire body of shaking to get it even her just trying to eat i can tell like she's having a hard time just eating because she's her breathing is so messed up yeah i'm sorry baby your lungs are so messed up like she doesn't even she's not even eating right now like she's just trying to concentrate on breathing well another auction intake day in the books this is i was thinking this is probably the last one this year we will finish in daylight probably probably be back next month days will be shorter and i'll get colder and colder and i'll be freezing all the time it'll be freezing we're going to go from extreme heat to high wind conditions today when wind finally died down to uh cool weather yeah so today went really really well um there were five that needed the last act of kindness um we had some really severe heart murmurs and we had heart rate lung problems nice bone problems yeah it was it was really sad but it was the best for for each one of them and there are three more on the watch list we have some severe dsld lameness and some other really concerning health problems but overall the horses are all now settling down staff are eating pizza doc has some pizza okay everything's quiet here everything's quiet everything and everybody's eating so everyone's eating and packing packing up for the night so um it went really really well it was a great great day and we were able to change the lives for a lot of horses uh today suffering from some change the lives for others absolutely so i hope you've enjoyed watching this episode of horse shelter heroes um keep watching it like and subscribe and um we'll see you next time thank you you
Channel: Horse Plus Humane Society
Views: 31,459
Rating: 4.9783168 out of 5
Id: 2o1sbz6XIoc
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Length: 61min 45sec (3705 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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