Horse Shelter Heroes - July 2020 - Adoption Event Special Edition

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we just sent out the 100th adoption application request oh wow that's exciting yeah so we only have uh spots for 50 of the first approved adoption applications but after that then we can set up people appointments after the event if they still want to go that makes sense hey we just got an application from somebody who's adopted from us before really how they adopt um there are two horses in california 23 horses that were orphaned oh wow so that was we rescued i think it was 24 baby horses that were they came down from oregon and they were gonna get shipped to mexico for slaughter wow and we rescued them wow it's sunny i can't wait to see updates so they're moving to tennessee yes and they want to adopt from us again yes how awesome is that that's great thank you you're welcome these are the two horses that she adopted from us we intercepted them from being shipped to mexico for slaughter and uh it's so great to see an update and that they want to adopt all these years later it's about eight years ago they adopted so be great to adopt to them again all right so i just have some applications that just need help and approval all right so this lady you can't find her on facebook she may just not have one um which is the same with this lady as well um that one needs that okay all right and i don't think this one i don't think this one sent in anything okay so we have piles and piles of applications we're going through to make sure all these horses at our shelter get the best home possible going through all these applications we've found some kind of colorful characters we might say i'm just searching this person and um looks a little i have to verify that it's the same person because um the person going by this name is a horse thief there's articles about him stealing a horse worth ten thousand dollars and the horse was returned with minor injuries um so i need to make sure that this character is not the same person that's wanting to adopt from us if it is the same person we're definitely not adopting to that person because it's a horse thief if you could check the criminal background check on this one um if you look her up on here then she it talks about tennessee walking horses and she was suspended by the usda so if she was suspended by the usda that means she was involved directly with soaring horses because the usda is um following you know if somebody's been soaring horses or they suspect that they'll suspend them from showing so she would have been showing a horse that was soaring it was confirmed by the usda i'll look it up though but that's definitely a red flag working on this application um there is a violation with the usda um the lady and her husband were suspended from being involved with any shows or events and this was the usda putting the suspension on them that they found that there was evidence of soaring on a horse in a show come to find out it wasn't the first time they had had a violation with the usda for um you know with tennessee walking horses yeah that's not good um definitely can't can't have that so actually i'm gonna call this lady so we went from two appointments to seven appointments in a matter of like two hours that's awesome you're awesome we still have what one two three four five six seven eight more to call so we should be able to fill up sunday without a problem i was just doing one application and as i was doing it i was like wait a minute when i was doing photo verification i'm like i recognize these people and they came to our adoption event when we were doing homes for the holiday and that's actually their profile pictures actually standing at our gate waiting to adopt horses so that's awesome we'll have to get an update on the horses they adopted everyone's been working really really hard on applications and we had so many applications that were almost complete i had to tell the girls hey we've got to just put our weight in the harness and get it done and now sunday we have nine appointments where i have one room for one more on sunday but sarah's on the phone gonna get that appointment filled and then we're lining up the rest of the week too so sunday's gonna be very busy we potentially could have 20 horses adopted in that one day so we'll see what happens we're super excited today because it's our big adoption event we have been trying so hard to figure out how to make this event happen with coven 19 and we've been taking applications and making appointments and today's the day we have 10 adoption appointments today and we have adoption appointments lined up the next day and the next so i'm pretty sure we're going to get all the horses adopted from our facility we can hope have our great team here to help make this event go amazing and smooth and just follow us through this journey and see how many horses find homes [Music] jessie and alyssa over here so we're going to go ahead and get stars over here who are you guys here to see today uh we're here to see rain and cookie so how did you guys find out about horseplus was it on facebook the website or somebody to tell you um i think it was facebook we found out last time you had the adoption event last august okay did you guys come out to that one we adopted two that day okay who did you adopt that day um autumn and roman so what are you looking for in your next horse um something a little more beginner broke uh both of ours are pretty intermediate um so something we just get on and go whenever and you know if we have a family member we can just hop on our third [Music] when somebody can work on getting her ears up when you're looking this way [Music] okay i got it how has your guys's experience been today uh it's been awesome really i like the one-on-one time versus the group event okay what stood out about rain that you really liked um she was really responsive and just see her being a good fit for us here is the adoption form for ring so if you just want to fill out everything that is in yellow and then we'll do this one oh thank you guys thank you so much you're such a good girl so what you can do is you both have to fill out one and then pick which kids you're gonna put on like two on each one this is charlie's from what i understand she was the best pick i could find for you guys okay tell us a little bit about her uh and she's really laid back easy to ride her training evaluation there really wasn't anything i could pick on okay so she was pretty i guess if you can work on something just be catchy it comes to grain or whatever okay so we had adopted a donk a little donkey uh was how long it's been two years okay so you guys have been out here before that yeah yeah okay awesome this time you're looking for a horse yes our our 12 year old girl madeline is taking horse riding lessons so about that time yeah that's exciting somebody didn't train her though when we were younger we were sons and daughters coming out of the water holding everything now we're older making sense of the moment standing out in the open to find the light again question is do you like donkeys we're putting a donkey in there to see if she likes donkeys as this family already has a donkey at their house so we're gonna see what she does hopefully they like each other she's like um guys look at that yeah look at me [Music] how was your guys's experience today oh it was great we found a perfect course for our family what stood out to you about charlie's well she's just so sweet and gentle and calm and that's what we need because we've got some beginning horse riders here so if you'll fill out the adoption form just file everything in yellow fine because we're just going back and forth donations yes [Music] thank you so much we greatly appreciate it we've had a cancellation so i recommend that all of us staff uh eat while we can this will be a good break and our next appointment will be 11 45. i just left work i was headed out and i got down to the tia at the end of the road and found this dog abandoned on the side of the road so i decided to bring him back here and see whether we can find his owner or find a new owner [Music] oh so this poor dog was from everything we can gather dumped on the side of the road um we were able to rescue and bring them back to our shelter but while we've been doing all the adoptions and everything inside we've been networking the dog that got found and the humane society high forest humane society is here and they're going to take the dog and put it in their program because they specialize in dogs we specialize in horses but networking is what it's all about when it comes to helping animals and getting them to the right places they need to go this is lynette and she's here with high forest humane society when net is going to help us out with the dog that was found on the road and high force humane society is a great organization they've helped us out on horse rescues and we're very thankful to work with them as an adoption partner anything you'd like to say about your organization uh yeah we've been uh in existence since 2004 and we've uh rehomed approximately four to five thousand dogs and puppies we are very thankful that the horseplus humane society has been working with us over the years all right we have a donation here to help with little dog thank you very much and um yeah so take him and hopefully he finds a home he's a sweet dog he'll find a home he's adorable he's a very sweet boy oh my goodness they said he just crawled right into the vehicle when they went down there they opened the door and no he's not but hopefully that donation can help with that oh thank you so much yeah for sure so this is jessie you'll be working with her today okay you can just ask her okay so this is dutch [Music] so what do you think of her um i like her stuff you think she'd teach you a lot yeah you got cookie out of your mind teach you to do you have to use your legs and hands do you have cookie out of your mind because you just really want to go home with a horse or yeah i don't know that you're not here to just make her work but you're gonna love her too hey i was just back up on donner what's your thought you like him even though that's not what you expected to like or want okay he he did amazing [Music] and that he's really calm and that he can list into me well and i can control him yeah so how was your guessing experience today right it was really cool it was wonderful we microchipped donner so he has our our microchip okay but dutch came from the auction with a microchip and we tried to trace it back to who had her before and we couldn't because they didn't put her in their name but you should be able to call avid and find that okay and get her transferred to us yes okay if you have any questions or anything she's the person to ask short distance she just gets where she wants to keep going a couple weeks ago my assistant was riding her bare back and we're going to the river and she started cantering and she just let her go for a while and then she wanted to stop and she ended up falling off your girlfriend got stepped on by a horse after she fell off ow [Music] what do you think i'm done this is it you're taking her home yes okay two or three other horses he wasn't he was dying before yeah he was [Music] so they both super duper pretty but it's a this is a hard one [Music] so whenever i was younger i was obsessed with this pet finder website so whenever we decided that we were gonna get horses we kind of decided to try looking there and just see if we found anything that really popped out and i actually saw her picture and so she's kind of the reason that i kind of got in contact with you guys it's really great i had so many questions because we were coming from so far away and i wanted to make sure everything happened right so i called probably way too much but all my questions got answered everything was perfect it was great so how where did you come from louisiana um we left our house at two o'clock this morning oh my goodness and it's 1 47 our time so yeah that is a long ways hmm you go thank you so much yes thanks so much thank you charlie's is heading home they were able to go back and pick up their trailer so we're super excited for them oh wow without a problem all right thank you you're welcome we're excited for you guys hops adopters came out this last week and to look at him and they decided they wanted to sleep on it so they went home and we got the word that they did want to adopt him so they were able to come out right after church and sign the paperwork and get the pictures for him and he will be transported to his new home soon we're wondering if you say no we're totally okay with it we wonder if we can mic her up and she can talk oh my gosh she would love that okay she's greener and then you can tell us what you think about the horse okay yeah like you weren't in the car in the car about acting philly that's all we're gonna do come here come on i'm just gonna clip it right here just right on it like that and i'm going to put it behind you okay so i can hook it up here in your pocket okay okay i'm going to put it in your shirt right down here i'm going to hook it up to your pocket okay so this is jessie this is who you'll be working with today so you can ask her any questions that you have [Music] see it's pretty beautiful yeah so i'm gonna ride her around a little bit and then if you think you can ride her we'll get you up on her sound like a deal what do you think about her she bigger than your mini yeah it's about this big that's way yeah hang on with your knees how you feel you got the rain so you do do you ride much just by yourself for you to do on the lead button yeah okay so you ask her to move can you ask her and then can you use your reins to pull different directions [Applause] like do not turn that way okay pull her to the right and see if we can go back towards your mom how do you feel up there good she's too big for you they're just right i feel like just right and i'm glad i got a large helper what kind of babies wait have you back here before yet [Music] you get your own saddle on there that's going to be she's going to be looking good it's a perfect size already and i never got it out before because i never had a big horse like this [Music] yeah you can look around especially if you buy something yeah i'm gonna take up you need to go get my purse well thanks for getting stuck in the store yeah that's cool thank you so much and we love getting updates send us updates if you can thank you so much all right thank you drive safely so after they um adopted rosalind they load her up in the trailer and we're getting ready to take her home and we're on the way home and they got to talking and decided that roslyn was too tall for little sophie she was kind of a small girl so it's understandable um so they came back and they ended up adopting kinsley instead grab so there you go all right well we're gonna take her we're in dr king's lake oh look how pretty that is on her that's better [Music] it's been quite busy here in the office i've been uploading pictures so people know who's been adopted and who hasn't and then uh sarah or angela's been getting applications ready and we've been in here helping customers [Music] i figured yeah right would you like to write it sure [Music] this does like are you back up i like him i think i think he's a good fit yeah look at me we do encourage you to quarantine for 30 days after getting them home from your other horses only because the traveling the stress and everything they can give sign those and stuff so here's the paperwork we do encourage you to make a donation if you would like and then that is hearthstone firing then cheerleading yes yes um just and go under donate or i can do it here on my computer either way okay yeah any questions that you have or anything feel free to ask her okay i think this is our best fit for from what i understand so far this is rosa that's what i was thinking it was how did you hear about horse plus um we found you guys on facebook okay all right what is your most favorite thing you um like about roslyn her demeanor she's really friendly and i think she's a lot of what we were looking for so we could just hang out if we wanted to or i think she'll be great for the trail rides i'm just spoiling rawson's one last time because i'm gonna miss right here okay you don't stop so we have one more adoption appointment and the other adoption point we got done early so we have a little bit of a break um this next appointment will end at 8 15 so we're just a little exhausted everyone's kind of just chilling in the office right now trying to get some energy for this next appointment last one oh my goodness what are you doing down there cuddling with the wall what else do you do and the floor we're all a little tired i don't know what but 11 horses have been adopted so far and we have one more appointment we're just kind of exhausted that is from or ozzy yeah yeah [Music] i love molly you're a joke girl say look i lowered my head in everything yes i say yes to molly there we go green bucket shake a green bucket how did you hear about us well actually a good friend of mine had adopted a couple of horses from you and they're super sweet plus um i ran across you on a facebook page okay yep you're awesome well what is one thing that um really stood out to you about molly well i i like molly's kind eye i like her low head when we're walking and she's got just a real nice average build which is suitable for what i do so that's some of the things i really liked about her awesome well how has your experience been today it's been wonderful it's been wonderful um you all hear the team very kind very nice very knowledgeable and uh and it was a it was a good atmosphere i felt relaxed and and had a good time my signing for the day 12 adoptions that is awesome that's so exciting it's been a long day but we've got 12 adoptions done today and tomorrow our schedule is completely full as well so it's gonna be a busy day tomorrow too we're gonna be so exhausted by the end of this week all right so it's after nine o'clock at night we got done with the adoption appointments and we just got word that sarah's house is flooded and uh washing machine hose broke and we are exhausted but we're gonna go help with that because we know she's just exhausted as we are and uh life has to go on so we probably will be a little bit tired than we would be uh we're just getting some vans and stuff uh trying to help her house so she was planning on spending the night at the shelter so she could wake up early and get everything done for the event but now we're all headed to her house to try to try to clean up water damage so much fun where's our other mop okay well now it is very late at night the water is off of sarah's floor so we can catch a few hours of sleep and do our adoption event tomorrow so hopefully we've got it together and we can be a little more refreshed well girls you're ready to go all over again today we already have somebody waiting at the gate [Music] this is jessie you'll be working with her today so you can ask her any questions you have we have about an hour appointment they'll let us know in the office when we have 30 minutes left okay [Music] i just evaluated him last week i think i can train you you're good guys i need your train you you'll be good the horse yeah so what do you think about him i love him he is precious so are you saying yes to rat yes i am how did you hear about horseplus um i actually found you on facebook okay yeah that's a good place to find us what has you been your experience so far oh it has been wonderful i've actually adopted tomorrow before this will be the third adoption event that i've come to the first time we got here it was we didn't get until until midnight the very first time because we didn't realize how quick the event filled up the very second the second time we came we actually got here uh four o'clock or something the day before and stayed all night so oh my goodness that was the one we actually got to adopt a horse on that event because we got here early well what stood out to you about rhett what do you like most about him i like he's kind of calm and i'm just here i'm just gonna whatever you go for i'm here and then he is very very very very red very red you're almost so small that you're almost small enough oh my gosh i'm outnumbered because lily told me either a little donkey or a miniature horse that i was supposed to bring home one of those two and michael's heart's more set on the donkey than a miniature horse so that way i'd make both of them happy because it's the big yes [Applause] you too be careful thank you he felt output for you that guy when i was doing the adoption application it pulled up that he was a worse thing so i need to make sure that this character is not the same person that's wanting to adopt from us but it was somebody else the same name like they they're not the same people that i put in the name and i was like horsley i'm like great but no it's he's a fine person with a thorough background check it would be weird to have the same name exactly the same name as somebody else especially yeah so anyways he checked out fine but i was a little like what so this is jessie if you have all the questions that you have you can ask jess okay uh does he crib or anything is he broke green broke or like i call him green bro he's just a little bit more on the sensitive side so we've been taking that really slow [Music] so what are your thoughts that horse is good and that one i think would be a good fit for him what do you like most about copper he's calm he's calm do you like how calm he is awesome did you have a good experience here today awesome where'd you hear about us from in addition to adopting copper the family also decided to adopt more because they just fell in love with her color and with her personality and they're going to finish out her rehab what's something that stood out most about amour that you like colors are that's what we're doing she's very pretty well we're very happy for her and proper going to their new home with you guys and we can't wait to watch them around with you take care thank you please so so far today we've had um one person had to reschedule for tomorrow and then the person that's supposed to be here right now is not coming and then the afternoon still looks pretty busy but as horses get adopted through this event people are like oh that horse that i wanted is gone so they they don't show up be nice if they let us know um but we're excited because there's still lots more potential adopters that are excited to come out and see the horses we have so should keep us busy how old was this one forward yeah i think this is four and how much how much work does she have she she's had a saddle a couple times i think um possibly a writer but since she's had the baby she's just a little man's been guilty he's a guilty okay yeah he was just scouted last week [Music] we've had a halter on him a couple times come up three years so what are you thinking i'm so yeah gonna take all three of them how did you hear about us um my wife found you on the internet okay okay how was your experience here today this is awesome huh i really like this place it's nice awesome what is your favorite thing about soldier yeah it's kind of in your pocket i like that i like that he's he's right up under you probably won't like that after a week or two but i like it right now okay all right what about cane and molasses what's your favorite thing about them um favorite about the little foam little coat is i have a six-year-old and he doesn't know anything about horses so he'll get to grow up with one and learn how to work him right oh that well that will be [Music] wonderful [Music] she's still here after the event working [Music] i literally had the conversation in my mind well yes you know so basically we have a little break between adoptions and they're playing um it's not complaining they're talking about their sore aching feet and um being exhausted and but it's well worth it it just won't work it's very rewarding hello yes this is tawny um are you checking in for your appointment okay all right in front of you is a box that has release forms in it could you fill those out and then we'll be out there shortly to pick them up [Music] one for each person if they're a minor you can just fill it out on your form there's a spot for minors if you have any kids with you okay thank you thank you i love this next year yeah she's she's definitely right around there how tall will he get nope she's still uphill what time they say sometimes things gotta break for the sunlight to come in alone and hate all that you got you [Music] they say [Music] me yeah yeah he would be perfect [Music] [Applause] [Music] yay 21 and 20 two yay that's so awesome that is so awesome getting these babies into their homes now i have to make this look better because now i've got a gap must have it looking perfect so we are celebrating 22 adoptions tonight [Music] by coming out and eating everyone's been working so hard and um we're going to have our little celebration here tonight and celebrate all these horses that found homes so it is almost 6 30 in the morning and us girls have been staying in the bunk house because it's um easier to wake up earlier in the morning to get the horses ready for the adoption event so i'm just gonna go wake the girls up good morning it's time to wake up we gotta get busy morning what jazzy i'm slapping your hat why are you sleeping in the hat didn't have time to take it off are you that tired yeah lisa it's time to get out we got some more we have some more appointments good morning good morning all right good morning everyone i just wanted to go over who we have available today we have some awesome donkeys that are looking for home still so this is jessie you'll be working with her today this is mr mia how are you so any questions that you have just feel free to ask her thank you i i told her i've been watching all y'all's videos like a dozen times a piece you would pass for my niece's identical twin sister now is this donnie yeah okay it's one of the ones that came off the semi truck right absolutely she was wild back in november um she came with all those over 40 horses she's ben halter trained jessie halter out of her panty three cottons yeah really she also trained her last week i caught her for the first time without a shoot yeah yesterday really yeah that's cool she is beautiful yeah [Music] how's your experience been today it's been wonderful y'all been a great help okay your favorite thing about dolly just her personality she's just calm and and you know she's she's not she doesn't know much yet hasn't been handled much yet but she's just it's like she takes it all in stride and well we're very excited for her and you know we can't wait to watch her grow with you i appreciate that i thank you thank all y'all for all your help [Music] i'm proud of you so this is jessie you're going to be working with her today so any questions you have you can ask her okay nice to meet you okay how old is she she's a little over two yeah yeah and what is she [Music] arabian but she's super sweet she she meets you at the gate and just wants attention her you start a clean slate with so all she's ever had is halter training and everything you start with what however you start see that's what i was looking for and then i saw him and i just fell in love with his face and i was like i was like i don't need that yeah she's super sweet okay he's just not here but he's the third guy yeah so he's gonna spit through here how did you hear about us i saw it on a facebook post it was an ad okay yeah so how has your experience been here today uh 10 out of 10. it's really good oh that's awesome what is your favorite thing about fannie that you like um probably her markings and her personality and then that person can keep them and they ended up here and now they're gonna go to you i'm so excited thank you and just let us know the day and the time that she's gonna well you said monday but the time monday i'll try to get her out here as early as as i can okay but it's a four-hour drive no that's totally fine that's totally fine like 12 1 is good for with us or earlier [Music] the weather here in tennessee is strange uh as you can see there's blue sky behind me but it's pouring rain and that's something that just happens a lot around here it's weird weather in tennessee oh and then don't think that it's gonna cool off and be nice and cool after this rain goes through it'll be hot and steamy so it's it's not going to cool down today the rain isn't cold either oh man the 445 cancelled i don't know [Music] hopefully the 6 and 7 15 shall show up i hope so i don't know six o'clock canceled two six o'clock cancelled yeah we just lost at six o'clock and 4 45. oh man oh still hanging on about 7 15 that's supposed to come so molly's um the doctors that adopted her on monday came back to pick her up today so we're gonna load her up and she's gonna head on out bye molly hello ian this is angela from horseplus humane society i was just calling to check to see if you're still coming for your appointment this evening [Music] oh i'm so sorry no you're not gonna be able to come today i'm so sorry to hear that okay well we'll keep you in our pile um we're gonna have another event and i'll give you a call to see if we can get you another appointment for the next event have a great day thank you bye we've had some cancellations today today is day three and so we are winding that day down we have adopted out 25 horses so far we still have a couple more days left for this event all of the adoption applications that came in and were completed most of those people have had their appointments some people have sadly had to cancel due to various things and we still have one more adoption appointment tomorrow so we're hoping that at least one or maybe two more horses will be able to get their amazing homes if you would like to adopt please feel free to email us and we can send you adoption applications because we still do adoption appointments on mondays and thursdays even if it's not an [Music] the event keeps spinning around let the skies turn black and blue no matter what comes won't ever let you down [Music] my [Music] well are you saying yes to tina i think so what do you think i like her i like her too [Music] what's your favorite thing about tina that you like oh that's hard huh mama she's sweet [Music] yeah you are you're a sweet girl [Music] we're excited for her and her journey with you guys and we are very happy that you're adopting her let's go fill out the paperwork you're more than welcome to look at stuff in there if you like she wanted to [Music] we appreciate it all right well we will see you tomorrow at 11 45 all right we'll keep following you guys all right thank you well our adoption event has come to a close i must say we're all a little weary here but it's been a very very busy week we only have 18 left at our facility now and these are horses and donkeys that may need a little extra help training and we've had such an overwhelming response while we were doing this adoption event from so many people wanting to adopt that we're going to give ourselves a one week break and we're going to be doing another mini event for these special horses that didn't find their homes because they need homes but the really exciting news is if we go over to this wall these are all of the adoptions that we did just this week alone 26 adoptions we couldn't be more excited and we know all of these horses are super excited too you
Channel: Horse Plus Humane Society
Views: 104,698
Rating: 4.9186149 out of 5
Id: 2dMQv4eA59c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 30sec (3030 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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