Horse Shelter Heroes - Episode 40 - October 1-7

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broke your toe and you think you're fine oh I'm fine I promise okay so we just finished giving them baths what hair products you put in your hair because it looks fantastic all the time and that's why it looks like she's got some swelling there she's got a bunch of muscle we're up in quarantine right now we're giving everybody some food getting everybody settled in for the day and jesse's trying to get blue jeans to cooperate travis is about to feed the clinton horses up here what do we got there uh bag of feed but i'd say they're pretty happy jesse and shelby are getting a blanket an extra bucket of water and some feed for braveheart has got very part a really thick warm blanket that should warm him right up like a heater under his blanket it's so warm okay coats are getting fluffy already how has your experience been with first plus i cannot say enough great things about horse plus you guys are i've been here twice as you know i've adopted two horses from you guys and you guys are always so helpful and everything that is that i've seen is just amazing what you guys do i'm super excited we were able to get this barn concreted i know a lot of people are very concerned when they hear you concrete at a horse area and the fact of the matter is horses are here at our facility for a short time in quarantine it's usually 30 days at our entire facility time it's usually about 90 days before they find a home so it's not like these horses are here where they're just standing on concrete the rest of their lives we've talked to multiple veterinarians about our sheltering situation what's the best way to handle the mud and high traffic areas and here in tennessee we get a lot of hoof problems uh horses just because it's so wet and the horse is standing in wet ground or you know just the mud it it hurts their hooves so this barn will be a nice dry area they can come in when the weather's nasty they'll have nice bedding on top of the concrete so it's not something that they're going to be just standing on concrete not having a relief from it because it's going to be bedded down we already have our sawdust pile here we're just waiting for the concrete to cure a little bit and then we'll be putting the sawdust in there it's just nice bedding nice barrier between the concrete and the horses and it just gives them a really nice dry place to stand and then it's easy for us to come in with the tractor scrape it out and there's no just mud or urine that's stuck in here we're able to deep clean it especially with horses coming from auction you know they may have come in contact with horses that had strangles or some other contagious disease it's very important that we were able to disinfect and have a nice clean dry surface when we re-bed this barn it is now october so we are going to take down the horses that were adopted in september we adopted out 15 horses and we are super excited that they are very much enjoying their new home so we're going to take them down and we're going to start putting up the october horses that get adopted this month we're excited to say that we've already had one adoption this month so we get to take orion down he's going to be the first horse adopted in october i'm putting gates on the side barn to make it easier for clean outs and to get horses in and out we come out here and belle is just in the round pin snoozing chillaxing just taking it easy no oh oh maybe she can get up nope oh there she goes and she's up she is a six-year-old mare she came in through the july auction and jessie is giving her a good brush down and shelby is gonna do some stretches with her um she's got a little bit of something going up in her shoulder so we're gonna see what we can what we can do about that shelby is stretching belle's leg out that's what she said she only caught five well three of them are very small yeah they're not mine okay you want my name here oh yeah i'm just saying you dropped them off without crying poor little babies turn it towards the camera she was she was so broken in every way i was crying at the bed and i just met her i love all critters and when we we've relocated from california out here because there's just nothing for animals and yeah we came to louis county because there was no nothing for animals so we're like okay so we focus on horses except elephants did the right thing and now that we're here um these little kittens were just brought to us somebody found them really rough shape a lady met her at the vet office one of them had to be euthanized it was in such horrible condition she brought the rest of them here and we're going to take care of them and get them the help they need they're super little um we're just thankful that we're able to take cats when there's nowhere else to go because otherwise i don't know what would have happened to them these little guys are gonna get a bath they smell pretty rough they're so tiny be very careful with them because they're very very small but shelby's gonna do a great job went and got spayed and neutered today so they're a little sleepy still but he decided to go and visit them so we just finished giving them baths and um we threw the towels in the dryer to get them warm and now we're just drying the keys off so we're gonna start opening this um stuff up and sarah's gonna read who it's from and jessie is uh opening packages because we've got a lot so we have some awesome swat here so that is from nancy she says enjoy your gift thank you thank you nancy oh yeah so this is awesome i don't know if you can figure out who's doing this this is on our amazon wishlist we really need 16 of them actually 15 now we'd love to put one in every single stall we have we have feeder doors that open we'd love to have these permanently mounted in the stalls this is our first one since putting them on the amazon wishlist so if you're watching and you'd like to get something that would last a long time would be very helpful to us a corner stall feeder would be excellent oh some collapsible barrels oh have fun wow that is pretty exciting i can use those for all six minutes oh yeah now absolutely i think there might be one check these out and you want to open it up and see what it looks like this would be great like especially like the round pin when we're working with the horses to be able to just pop up the barrel nope i didn't want to make sure nobody could get into that put it in a waterproof bag does it work okay oh it's zipped okay it's got snacks on it this is from kristen she says enjoy your gift i'm not in a place to adopt one of your lovely horses right now but one day i will and until then have fun aw thank you thank you so much well i know jessie and shelby are gonna have fun with these more desensitizing and all kinds of good good stuff so uh i'd just like to thank each and every person that purchased something off of our amazon wishlist and for those of you that are just joining if you'd like to go see what's on our amazon wish list there's a link in the description of this video uh there's always lots of stuff that uh you can use um one thing i am gonna mention it's not really for the horses but i'm gonna put it on there is it starting to get cold now i know you all up north are gonna be like surely it's not cold but it is getting cold and we would love to have some hand warmers over the winter going to auction rescues and just working outside our poor girly hands get so cold so i'm gonna put some hand warmers in there that would be awesome um and just thank you all so much for your support and um we'll get this stuff out to the horses storm is getting her feet done they're in pretty rough shape so we'll have to see what the farrier says about them rain is getting his feet done he's a little unsure so the less people the better but he's doing a really good job while electra is getting her feet done jessie is working on getting the knots out of her mane hey did i tell you about the lady that called her story no what what happened so there was a lady that called yesterday if we could rescue every if we could rescue every horse that that needs help you can guarantee that we would do it was just we have to make sure that we focus on um what we can and what we know that we can physically do and handle and like i said we're more than welcome to take them if somebody could bring them here it's just we don't have the manpower to always run and help every horse in need that's why we need people out there that can be the bodies and can be the people that can go and rescue them and bring them to us so that your reference to not to not be so closed-minded to the idea that perhaps because you're in a horse community that is much closer from what it's sounding like from where i'm coming from if you're willing to get somebody to buy those horses for you and drop them off at your doorstep but unless you have somebody who's willing to buy them and drop them off at your doorstep you're not willing to take an interest to actually save them from water let me let you talk to my supervisor hold on just a second so it sounds like there's a group of horses her name is sarah yes that's who i was just speaking to yeah i don't care if you i i've heard well we're talking now and we're more than happy to help these horses if they can get here the problem is every single week here in tennessee there's an auction that sells 100 horses and most of them go to slaughter we go there as often as we possibly can and rescue you know 20 horses and that's what it sounds like to me not to be disrespectful at all i just thought you all would might want to know that there's registered courses that are corner horns yeah you're going to go like water tomorrow it's really horrible we follow the usda slaughter reports and just friday there was um 99 horses sent to slaughter every single day we watched the usda reports and i can guarantee that our organization is doing everything we can to rescue as many horses i hear that you're doing good work and not being disrespectful in any by any means but i don't want to hear this i've already heard that if they are willing to be paid for dropped off you'll fly and hold them i understand that y'all have you you're not even interested enough to take the site from where they are where they're going oh thank you very kindly and i'm gonna just just know that we are here if you are in the air for those horses so it's really frustrating and i know it's really frustrating for everyone out there that sees these horses on these kill pin lots they're being shipped tomorrow and we can take if somebody can rescue those horses and bring them here we are not going to turn them away we're an open admission shelter but the fact is we don't have the manpower i wish we did but we don't have the manpower to be jumping into horse you know into rescue rigs and driving everywhere across the united states to rescue a small percentage of what those kill buyers are shipping out i know this lady was really frustrated but where the frustration comes in if she's frustrated us we're we're trying to help these horses she needs to be frustrated at the slaughter pipeline system and that these horses are being exported daily into mexico they're being exported into canada and canada won't even release the records of how many horses are being exported because um it's just a racket so let's keep our frustration at the real problem it's the kill buyers purchasing the horses shipping hundreds of horses across the border and we need to do everything we can to change the lives for as many horses as we can and that's what we do here at horse plus and this lady was very frustrated at us because we can't jump in a rescue rig and drive to texas while you know a hundred horses are shipped out here in tennessee we we do as much as we can but something i learned a long time ago in rescue is you can't always save every single horse and i wish we could but we do as much as we possibly can and she said that she had called us about five times we apologized to her that we hadn't gotten back with her yet she was upset because we're not able to just jump in the car and head off to texas to save the horses from the kill lot down there that she wanted us to save i didn't explain to her there are lots of horses here in tennessee and all over the united states that we would love to save but we do rescue as many as we possibly can as much as we have the manpower and donations here to do that i looked at the notifications this morning we had a hundred phone calls yesterday a hundred i know people get really um upset because they have a hard time getting through to us so if somebody wants to donate so that we could have somebody that just mends the phones and checks all the emails oh and not to mention all the facebook comments i'm just keeping up with all the communications i'm on facebook like jail and i cannot like or love anything that anybody's posting right now we try and get back to everybody as quickly as we possibly can with all the emails and facebook comments and everything that comes in there is quite a bit of it i got peace in my mind i got peace in my mind knowing that we've got the ties that bind gives me peace so much brighter the colors so much deeper tribbles and cosmos are on their way to their new home we're so excited that they both got to go together and we know that they will do wonderful got a question for you somebody wants to know what hair products you put in your hair because it looks fantastic all the time huh somebody else okay i do nothing fancy with my hair y'all um my hair is very naturally curly um a lot of times it's just a water trough i put my hands in it and just let them down and um i i guess my biggest trick would be um wet hair and just take regular conditioner and kind of put it in there but yeah i don't know tons and tons of people ask me about my hair i see comments all the time and i'm glad you all like my hair um as most people have curly hair know you hate your curly hair so i'm glad somebody likes it i like it too but it does get kind of curly uh anyways um i did want to talk to you about uh the adoption event coming up yeah and you'll fall in love yeah i'm pretty excited it's fall um so i'm working on the website and facebook page getting it all up there um so we can start screening homes this is not an event for first time horse people for sure just because we have a short amount of time so it needs to be experienced people um i know angela's got a lot of applications already but we just need to make sure we get that streamlined so everyone gets their appointments okay we'll make sure everybody's up on the website and everything yep okay so um and any any more photos that we need to take so uh to have shelby work on that okay and it's still october 18th through the 21st yes okay sounds awesome fading away they did not adopt tina as they want to go home and think about it shelby is giving stardust and braids so he looks good for doc how old is he yeah he's the pony that's like super duper old wow wow pretty impressive what do we have going on with this one pigeon toad she's lame on her front right you have to write nice you know you need to sharpen your hoof knife when you don't know which side to surface it's somewhere between here and here we've got it narrowed down maybe if we do have an abscess it'll develop further but the radiographs show that the fetlock joints collapse arthritis bony regions on that lock as well she was pretty skinny before if you tear a tendon or even if you tear muscle it'll ricochet up to the upper part and then you'll get some scar tissue forming and that's why it looks like she's got some swelling there she's got a bunch of muscle got her in august she she's been in quarantine she just got over her snotty nose we gave so her last dose of exceed was last thursday hers i don't think the exercises so she when you're riding her to the right i believe it is where this is on the outside it pops look like you can really hear it and then if you stretch this out shelby stretched it a few times and you can hear it so put her down for x-rays next week okay oh no shelby just got stepped on by a horse you broke your toe and you think you're fine oh i'm fine i promise man well i don't i don't think broken toes are fine but i do i don't so you were getting a horse ready for the vet and i stepped on your foot and it may have broken the toe hey i'm okay she's fine she's a tough country girl but i don't know i hope it's okay also that is that is that why you went and sat down when that word i tell you i'm like i hope she's okay looks like just a broken toe um yeah i'm fine better be i'll get up and show you soon yeah well he's got a little snot now so maybe another dose of exceed the smz's and the butte and the wrap keep keep wrapping and keep soaking keep wrapping and soaking and start working him some he's got a little congestion in his left lungs more so than the right but the rights are slightly louder and increased density too it sounds like oh my goodness there we go there you go doc is currently working on zenna's teeth her teeth are super super long and so he's just trying to grind them down so that way she can eat again and gain her weight back it's quite a process but we're hoping that it helps her a lot you see it gives me some extra you
Channel: Horse Plus Humane Society
Views: 97,580
Rating: 4.9486961 out of 5
Id: xzihwK1RxCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 14sec (1574 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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