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so I get an email from Greg Scholl that reads dear Sam and fam recent cancer survivor come out on the other side of the treatment couldn't eat for the better part of four months I'm an aspiring chef feel very at home watching and listening to you so the email gets longer I'll go to the bottom half I just want to say congratulations brother for becoming a cancer survivor that had to be a battle I can't imagine I don't know that ever want to find out but way to go from all of us any rights I want upgrade to a gas range flattop steel grill built-in I think would be great to show to visit the idea of what to look for in a stove how to shop for wine blah blah blah that kind of stuff well how perfect purchase a sponsor the show they just happen to have those things I thought we'd make a little visit here today look at some of the stuff that's there show you kind of some of the few cool things that are innovated innovated that are innovating that are innovative I can't can you can we fix that he's not gonna let me you're just gonna make me suffer and said I wanted you to see some cool [ __ ] in the store that's what I wanted you to see and maybe help answer your questions and I'm not going to do prices and stuff like that we'll leave it up to you but give you an idea of what wonderful thing okay stop it just come on already okay great so we're gonna start with raises I mean it was an important part of your question and so like a few things to consider these days one is do you want one built in or are you looking for a cooktop because the oven components of it will go in a separate part of the kitchen it's kind of up to you in how you like to work and what your physical layout of your kitchen is like but one of the things that I think are really important these days are the continuous and cook tops they used to make them that there was a little ring here that you would put your pot on then one here but you couldn't slide a pot I don't think there's a pot here he's gonna say you couldn't slide a pot across without falling into that little crevice sorry that little crevasse what I like about it is that I can shift things around if I'm cooking something and it gets too hot in the pan and I need it less for a second without manipulating this I'll just gently push it off to the side let it cool for a second then bring it back it's it's a really nice really nice way of working I know these guys are important to you flat griddle I'll tell you this you see the one that I use on the show when my stove came that griddle just sat as an extra piece on top I took out of the box and I put it there thinking I would just look at it I wanted to see the whole thing complete and then I thought I'd put it away since I don't know how many four or five years ago that we did that I have not taken it off the stove ever unless I've needed you know all the burners which almost never happens and I use it probably six times a week for almost everything so whether you get one that fits on top and I think most manufacturers offer those or you get one built in like these guys I think they're a really important piece of how people cook these days and given a choice I would rather have mine off to the side like this rather than breaking up the burners like that okay so clearly there's a lot of options and you can see what that is and honestly take a look almost all continuous grates all the way along because people know that that's an important thing if you come over here you take a look at this or this guy right here this is a simmer burner notice the size come take a look Matson look at these guys these guys are big here right big one big one big Lagoon this little guy gives you a much smaller much more precise burn if you were gonna be cooking something like a sauce and you need a gentle heat underneath it it's hard to dial some of the big boys down to get the gentle enough so the little tiny burners are perfect for that wolf somebody makes a version somebody makes a version that they cycle on and off camera who it is thermador thermador makes one that you can I've got credit okay chef executive chef Bryan behind max feeding me words so Thermidor has one that actually goes on for 10 seconds and then it goes off for 50 on for 10 off for 50 which is really nice perfect for sauces okay well I'm holding this I'll show it this is pointed yes max do you want to guess or what what it's a wok ring which i think is completely useless I get it you put it on the thing then it lets you use the curve thing but the walks that I have carbon steel flat bottom don't let this be a decision why you buy a stove because a carbon steel flat ball and walk like mine for like 19 bucks I think that's the way to go okay so on the other side we looked at just the cooked ox it could be dropped in anywhere so clearly this is like a little Volkswagen this you need space for but this gives everything all in one side and what's nice is that there's a big site look I suppose the obvious thing to say would be make them to exact exactly the same size but it's really nice to have a super wide one for giant pans or for a whole bunch of stuff think Thanksgiving you can stuff this thing up to the gills and you'd be fine but if you only want to heat up one side a little bit right here it's perfect so this both be used as regular bait or they'll have a convection off option but there's something new and very cool that we'll take a look at one oh you're following me I like this okay check this guy out this is the me lay so what's really cool about this it's basically like the other side there's two sides of it right this is a regular oven convection or regular Bay this side is a speed oven and or a convection oven so you could use this big little cake in like normal but the speed of impart really combines microwave ability with convection it and it doesn't mean that you have to choose one or the other it means you could start something in here use microwave on it then have a quarter convection or you could use microwave and convection at the same time thereby reducing your cooking time to like nothing I think a whole roast beef will cook in like 14 seconds in this thing ok that's completely not true but that's the idea it so this is this used like a micro use like a convection uses both for speed cooking this is one of the new the new cool things that there's not being too much technology and these things in the past few years that's pretty cool and this meal a itself happens to have a warming drawer attached to it which is nice I have a warming drawer and I use it for storing my Panza pin I've never actually used it to warm anything plates that's where use it use a warming drawer for plates you have company don't serve hot food on a cold plate ladies and gentlemen and if you don't have a warming drawer and don't want a warming drawer then use your microwave put a stack of six plates in the microwave turn on for a couple minutes then you take food out of the oven you put it on there good good refrigerators let's go oh yeah before I forget the other thing you want to consider when buying a a cooktop or a whole range what are the BTUs of the burners BTUs British thermal units it's the way flame heat is measured and a good range to look for say anywhere between about 1718 thousand to twenty plus thousand BTUs word is one of them one of the manufacturers has a 20 mm BTU burner but if you're in the 18,000 range you're gonna be happy that helps you get the kind of superhot cooking that you want for wok cooking like put it this way you go to a Chinese restaurant though individual burners that they use are probably in the range of 75 thousand BTUs so we're never gonna get that in a residential kitchen but by as many BTUs as you can for the heat all right so now hope nobody gets mad at me for saying this in the refrigerator business I don't really think there's been a lot of innovation in the past few years the standard things pretty much still exist do you want it to be stainless and of course here at purchased everything stainless so do you want a plain stainless front like this one do you want a glass front like this sub-zero and the reality is I don't want this I say I want this I've told Kelly I'd like this and Kelly goes oh you want the glass door that you can see and I go yeah I think it was great she was okay go pin your fridge right now and take a look and of course I open the fridge and it's ridiculous because it would be a horror show so I wouldn't do that fridge on top freezer on the bottom that's becoming popular then it has been for for some time a little bit of a change is fridge fridge and now freeze it if you want to separate stuff you know the big thing up on top you put big platters in here the thing on the bottom the fridge on the bottom is great for reaching juices and stuff like that that's what I would use it for then if you've got little rats running around I mean little kids you have little kids running around that's just like their perfect height for them to come over and do this and reach in and take take a juice juice box or something people still serving those juice boxes aren't those things old sugar please stuff that start there sugar right start making juice for your kids or there's this thing I heard about the other day that's apparently really good for kids it's called thumb water I need to try that or see start the habits of young he says now that my children are already old and ruined but it's not too late for you you got little kids water is an interesting thing to start them because they get into a habit of and then they get older and they're going for water instead of going for like the giant 64 ounce massive coke it 7 o'clock in the morning on the way to work in their car with a crawler on the seat beside them but I didn't mean to get all health and everything on you right now but so and then the other comes one then the other options are do you want ice on the door do you not want ice in the door and water and stuff like that personal preference is mine that I don't see here it measures water and ounces as the water is coming out it's a 1 to 3 ounces it's actually pretty cool if you want that and that's it yeah I don't know did we is there one yes wadhwa I'll check this out okay so here look at the inside of this okay remember remember the inside of this what do you sing you're seeing white yeah okay now check this out look oh wait stop here look at this one so this is I don't know who makes us this is oh it's Amelie right so you got fridge you've got freezer down here which is nice kind of like the freezer on the bottom I'm starting to dig that and a built-in wine cooler on that side holy smokes with a lot of room for wine that's pretty isn't that that's a pretty fridge I like that alright and then of course if you don't want stainless I mean they make the the you know if this is what your cabinets are like you can get this to go on the front of your well this is an elevator of course but you can't get the cabinet you know what I'm talking about now we're talking go all the way look at that that's beautiful huh stainless you like that this is like sub-zero this is serious stuff here boy and there's doubles of both and look at how nice come check this out look how nicely this is this is laid out these sections in here I could get behind this or I could really get behind that yeah same thing down here no so that's the option and by the way I did here and by the way I did hear that a gin ear is coming out with one that's alabaster insides snowed alabaster's neither did I mean I thought I knew it's like like a dark brown there's not one here it's not even out yet alabaster inside take all that talk dramatic that would make your food right we have an alabaster interior for your fridge everything's got to be really neat I'm thinking and red and green lots of limes in a bowl gorgeous all right so ranges cooktops let's all go look at some special stuff because there are some innovating things by Greg even referred to a mushroom looking thing well we'll look that right now alright so check this out so this is a perch this is called the patio look it's very outdoorsy it's very at the risk of hurting any women it's a very Man esque because it's about grilling and and outdoorsy stuff and there were men and that's what we do maybe out I don't know but so this is the thing that Greg was asking about check this out so this max just bumped himself on a chair this is called the Evo Evo it's this mushroom deal you ready for this boom look at that so that is basically a 30 inch circle of cast iron think of it like a cast iron pan that's been turned upside down and anything you want to cook on this thing you can we're getting ready to start thinking about doing stuff in the backyard oh I shouldn't say that we're thinking about doing stuff in the backyard and this baby would be an important part of it so what it's got inside hold on why must i torture myself with this you see if I know how to do this keep watching look at so two separate rings right and what that means is that you can have them at different temperatures you could have one off the center off just cook stuff on the outside but what it's really meant for is let's say you had skewered beef like you were doing a saute thing skewered beef is skewers all the way around the outside and then the center one turned down lower and maybe a little pot with some sauce in the middle that people could take their skewers and dip in there and bring back down onto the thing it's really pretty fantastic I can't oh god it's so heavy so heavy imagine how many eggs you could do it I say four pieces of bacon or grilled cheese sandwiches or hamburgers or hot dogs this thing belongs I'll be bold and saying every home in America they're not paying me to say this and you can get the indoor version like this I mean the the built-in version like this for outside or inside or they make him on a cart that's the mushroom thing Greg was talking about I guess while we're here we could always talk about a hearth and the important thing like I know that this is something that not everybody's putting into their into their house but the one thing I will say I call it a hearth and not a pizza oven because the tendency is to just cook pizza in it if it's a pizza oven but really it's just a nice big warm a pizza oven a hearth was the original convection oven because of the shape I don't know if you can see the shape in there Maxie but they go like this so the way that the heat comes down helps cook foods much faster but they're good for steaks they're good for casseroles are good for chickens they're good for stews anything you would do anything you could do in a regular oven you could do in a hearth and should do in a hearth and this is a gas wine you can put actual logs in this thing if you want to the advice that I've gotten is the gas ones at least use them to start the the fires going because they can't take a long time all right steam ovens okay so if you believe the perch people and you have absolutely no reason not to a steam oven like these guys are like the hottest thing in appliances as I stand here in 2015 in February here's here's what's cool about them so they can be used either as just a plain standalone convection oven or that can be used as convection with steam or justing remember the the speed of and we talked about you can use a speed like the microwave part and the convection part same thing except convection and steam so you open it up looks fairly normal like your regular oven push the water button and this little door opens up what's that again because that's always fine and then you literally put water into it because as we all know from TV because I didn't learn this in school I mean I might have but I just don't remember I know steam though needs water so the water goes in and then you said it and vegetables and cakes cooked with steam along with the convection of the baking part makes them really moist and beautiful I had an event at the perch in Atlanta and I needed a whole lot of mashed potatoes before the Saturday event I was doing there I made them by hand I know how to make mashed potatoes by hand on the Friday seal them up in a big metal pan put them in the fridge the next day I had to heat them up for this event so now I'm thinking my options for heating up a lot of mashed potatoes I could put them in the oven which I think would put a crust on top I think it would make it kind of weird I wouldn't like that I could put them in a pot on the stove but unless you stand there the whole time astray the mashed potatoes in super low heat you know what you're gonna get you're gonna get that brown burnt layer on the bottom that's gonna get stirred in and make them ugly so I took the whole pan saran over the top in the steam oven and walked away for about a half an hour I came back and they were the most perfect mashed potatoes you thought I had just finished whipping them right then in there steam oven might not be for everybody but I'm telling you it's coming to a kitchen near you very soon get more cool stuff so I don't know that Greg specifically asked the bug girls but while we're here it seems like a waste not to show so you'd all recognize what these what these guys are in fact this one has that flat griddle part built into it which is nice for an option if you want to do vegetables or something on that side so fairly normal everything's fine these guys are a version of the Green Egg you've seen the Green Egg they're green this companies called Calibur they're starting to make these in really cool colors which is very nice and what I like especially about this one check this out watch the watch the way this works this lifts up so when you want to add more charcoal to this thing right here you don't have to take the whole thing I think that's a really good idea all right oh wait that was two really cool things once right over here max hey check this out and they both the two cool things both have to do with lids some form of innovations coming to grilling is fantastic so this is just a big fire magic grill right you can see it's nice it's a big grill anything amazing here yes when you do this ready it's got a window in it give me a freakin break imagine all the time that you've spent standing around the grill going was it ready well I don't know opening lid well the heat will come out well I don't know you just and then you do this thing I'm sorry max then you do this you get done really low and you you're trying to look there's no more of that now you just go is it ready yes it's beautiful and by the way I know what people when they buy grills the rotisserie part comes with it they take it off they dismantle it and they put it away never to be seen from again get the rotisserie out what you can do with this thing is outstanding outstanding ok one more really cool thing let's look at this guy so this is a I don't know who he is I just know it's very cool a David Rockwell design to grill right so beautiful by itself I like the color I like the combination of the wood here the wood down here it's really gorgeous and these huge ass knobs really cool but you're ready for the really best part of this thing here we go it's a lid it's a lid it's a lid it's a lid it's not a let any more the lid is gone think about it you could have this in the middle of your yard it's now like a giant foosball table slash grill I mean you can't foosball on it but it's basically the size of it but girls before with a lid up on one side you're completely limited to who would be able to stand around it now these guys I think they've just invented the term social grilling that's what this is maybe I just invented the term social grilling because when it's up like this nobody on this sides having any of the fun and now look now it just disappears into the back and what did that take it took a good hinge and a couple slices in the back for the handle to go into I love it when people filled up this kind of stuff and maybe because David Rock was a a designer of design things doesn't even make sense I couldn't I couldn't be here today not show you what I guess is the the gold standard and ranges it was certainly the most expensive range in the building I realized it's not for everybody it's hardly for anybody it's for Quincy Jones because he has one but but and you tell me again Brian how much sit quietly 115 thousand dollars ridiculous right but I have to show you because it's here it's a lot corn you there's the name la corn you they've been making them since 1908 in France which of course it's of course it's French so that's gonna add to the price tag well we'll sell this to the Americans and here it's only the $25,000 but the Americans have lots of money or the entertainment will drive the price way the hell up all in don't hate me for that terrible French accent they because I'm stupid not for that but it does have an interesting thing up here that's called a French top this is a French top you'll find this in many professional restaurant kitchens maybe not attached to a lot corn you because other people do it but you can see the burner is inside right and the main part of the heat clearly is in the center when you have a pot on here and it's cooking and you want less heat off that way little s little s little s little s and it wouldn't be for like a stew or something generally a French talk would be use for something that's pretty delicate if you were making a very special omelet or something Brian what would you use a French top for I melting chocolate on the edges and sauteing sauteing in the middle right so that makes sense little pot over here gentle amana he could regular people like us duel with by turning our burner way down or using that little simmer burner of course but if you got an extra 115 just laying around the lock horn you might just be for you and and I couldn't show you the luck on you range without showing you the luck on you phloem bearish it's a rotisserie but the most amazing one so this is pork belly that they put on here in the morning and they cook throughout the day and then they use it the next day but these vegetables will cook this is gonna cook very slowly and gently you've seen I'm sure in in many restaurants that have demonstration kitchens that you can look into these familiar little white I don't know what that stuff is made of but somehow that helps hold the heat and these things are very popular in the chef world regular folks not so much would I like one of these I would you know chicken or a whole roast or something like that is like after being on this thing for a bunch of hours it's fantastic probably not in my future but I wanted you to see it because because I love it well I think we did well and then we cover the high points there are no low points to cover the stuff these days is is beautiful he's got to work for you so find somebody good to work with somebody can ask the questions like how do you want to work and cook in your kitchen that's the important stuff not what you want if you walk into a store and they say yeah what do you want I guess it's an obvious question but the better question is you know what do you want and how are you gonna use it how do you like to cook that's the important thing because based on what you like to do might be completely different pieces of equipment that fit for that it's a good cappuccino alright that's it for me more shows coming up thanks for being here Greg hold we answered your questions Cheers
Views: 371,741
Rating: 4.9170494 out of 5
Keywords: the sam livecast, podcast, cooking, online, live, hd, how to cook, kitchen equipment, basic kitchen equipment, kitchen essentials, Kitchen, Food, Cook, oven, fridge, what is best fridge, best fridge, which is best fridge, which is best oven to buy, pirch, the pirch, Refrigerator (Culinary Tool), Cook (Profession), Family
Id: HQbclwJzZfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 6sec (1686 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 24 2015
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