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I miss San Diego

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ThatsRiteOtherBarry πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

He didn’t make the little cuts in the wiener this time!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/alanz01 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

What are all of your thoughts on STCG sauces for hot dogs? This mayo/BBQ sauce sounds delicious but I haven't tried it yet. But I have tried one of his sauces from a video in the past. He did a sour cream/oil/garlic/parsley sauce that was dope as hell. What are your GO TO hot dog sauces??? What's your favorite Sam??!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheGhost206 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This seriously looks incredible, though I kinda want to do a Johnsonville cheddar jalapeΓ±o dog with this same idea.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Saltwater_Heart πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

i don't usually mind long videos because they had content. this was a 4 minute video.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/monkeyman80 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 08 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Not doing it for me dawg

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Mikhaildaily πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] today we make the mr miyagi which just might become your new favorite hot dog [Music] if you don't know of a chain called dog house h-a-u-s wait this yeah you have something on your like two little black marks on your lip is it your mustache it's [ __ ] where here yeah yeah okay you want me to shave no no i just thought it was like a smudge you okay yeah fine look if you don't know them you should because they're delicious they specialize in a crazy selection of dogs much like i specialize in a crazy selection of tacos not not tacos not trying to make it about me because it's not and by the way today is not an integration it's not sponsored there is no money coming to us for this but the hot dog that we're going to make today is in their stores right now through march and one dollar from every one of these mr miyagi dogs sold goes to an organization called no kid hungry so great charity organization you win you get a delicious dog they win because they get your money and i get um wait what do i get i get the i get the warm feeling knowing that i'm doing something to help the kids that need not be hungry so the dog house comes and they go hey we do the celebrity collaboration a few times a year the person figures out some interesting dog to make and then we put on the menu so i played around i had a few ideas and i come up with this i'm calling it mr miyagi because it has japanese notes to it it's a great dog oh and by the way all of the dog house dogs come on on these guys the hawaiian king's wine rolls also not sponsored so a few things to do it's pretty simple you're going to freaking love it we're going to deep fry the dog oh i didn't know that oh yeah how good is that going to be that's going to be good there's onions there's that there's a there's a tempura crumbles we're gonna make our own there's teriyaki there's mayo it's just delicious it's just straight plain delicious and i want you to find a dog house near you and it's a dog house h-a-u-s go look them up find one and go in there and say i want the sam the cooking guy mr miyagi limited time offer also known as an lto in the business and then they'll go okay coming right up should we make it yeah how about you make me one how about just you yeah okay what we're making today ladies and gentlemen will just be exclusively for max as long as he promises to come on camera and eat it we'll see turns out it's gonna be for everybody all right uh let's get some onions happening because the caramelizing of them is muy importante we begin with some butter for caramelized onions oh it's too hot damn it why me why me i don't want this brown butter onions i want the way to fix is i'm going to quickly throw my onions in and it will stop this madness so here we go and they're in beautiful all right okay the goal now is to start these guys caramelizing so we don't need a lot of heat obviously i had it too hot i apologize turned it way down and over the next 15-20 minutes these guys will start to turn a darker brown the sweetness will come out the true nature of the term caramelizing will happen and they'll be delicious we will season with some salt and pepper in a little bit but for now we really don't have to do too much but sort of hang around and wait of course we can give them a little mix taking our time here folks taking our time we begin with a bowl and an egg in it this we will beat until the white and the yellow are just together don't need to overdo this part okay that's done now we need to add one cup of ice cold water so i have a measuring cup here and i have a container with ice water in it i'll measure this out beautiful i'll incorporate this into my egg stir this together just next we're going to add one cup of flour but because we don't want this lumpy i'm going to put it through my sieve what's this called a sieve strainer my strainer is this cold i think it's a sieve whatever we're putting it i know somebody at home is going shouldn't he know what that thing's called i i forget sometimes so this is a cup of flour i'm definitely not saying that in my head all-purpose flour and we just do this and you can see it will leave any lumpy bits behind we want a lump free tempura batter now she said no now we'll take our stupid fork and we'll mix we're not trying to make this like 100 smooth a little bit of lumps at this point from the sifted flour are okay it's not okay from a lump of flour you understand the difference there yes i hope so when it's done it's ready to use and of course if we wanted to tempura eye some shrimp or some vegetables or whatever this would be the time to do it dip in here and the hot oil and that but we're doing this for tempura crumbles that will go on top of our mr miyagi that's so good let's come over here to the hot oil please please boys when your oil's hot enough and i'm at uh about 350. say hi to everyone in the oil oh hi everyone in the oil how are you when the oil is at where we want it which is about 350 we're going to take our tempura batter and using the tines of our fork just drop bits of it ah it's really hot i'm getting a lot of heat coming out of here can i bring it closer to myself sorry man i don't know i'm surprised but and then you're just going to do this and you'll get varying size ones and that's fine you'll do you know a few of these fork fulls in here you don't want to do too many because you don't want there to be too big of a gap between the beginning and the last ones you want them all to be sort of even color look how fun this is they're already getting crispy but we want a little bit of color on them so you're not looking for them to get the brown because it's not really going to happen with straight tempura batter like this but you'll start to see them not being nearly as sort of a white as they were and you can hear there's a crispiness to them and that's what you're going for when they start to get like this take them out let them drip there you go you can see the color now a little bit more scoop them all out and make another batch it's quite fun it's beautiful isn't it oh yeah it's freaking art geez now you're just going a little crazy i can't help it now i'm mesmerized by it i just want like almost like a solid forget everything i said just do it till you're satisfied because this is ridiculously satisfying i got a couple big ones in there that i'll just eat there i think that's it okay one more oh yeah this is kind of satisfying to the like 12th degree yeah you can see here's our color of our finished ones and then where we're going with these guys and while we're on this side with max at my back look how gorgeous those onions have become if you could split screen and show them when they first went into now i think that would be very impressive for people now we're going to give them a little salt and pepper don't go crazy right don't go crazy but you do want them to have some delicious flavor all by themselves so this has been about it's been about 20 minutes so you could stop here you could let them go but look this is what caramelizing is all about it brings out the natural sugars it gets sweeter they get a thousand times better and at this level looking like this i think my friend greg would even try them oh no but he doesn't like onions i forgot reggie from ohio doesn't like onions little gravy poor baby all right let's go back to our tempura crumbles so they need this to uh skosh more thyme you know skosh just a skosh do you know how to spell skosh i don't chant deb h is that right sure okay now we have to look it up how to spell skosh well that was so wrong it wasn't even funny scotia's s-c-o-s-c-h-e oh my gosh and when your guys are the appropriate color we bring them up gorgeous all right let me get the rest of these out you guys don't need to watch and then we can get our bun ready and make this delicious dog happen anybody hear angels because you should because these these are amazing just by themselves listen for the crunch you hear that they're so good look they'd be better um salted but they don't need to be because of everything else that's going in this mr miyagi i'm just saying if you decide you like this for some dish that you're making at home i think about giving them a little seasoning wait speaking of dishes that people are making at home you wanna come over here and tell everybody no you go for it we love that you make our food that for us is everything when i meet someone and they say hey we made their the the your beef stroke meatball stroganoff or we made the the chicken piccata it warms my heart it makes us all very happy we especially love it when you send pictures and go look what we made so every month we're going to pull a picture instagram facebook reddit twitter where else that's pretty much it uh of one of your dishes that you've made are we looking for perfect plating probably not i mean sometimes you might go for an amazing a plated pick but we like the idea that you make the food that's it so we'll pick one a month and we'll give you something what are they going to get it's ongoing it's ongoing what is how does that happen it's just never every month no but i said what are we gonna give him are we gonna give him something yeah we're gonna we're gonna give him something book a book maybe a knife how about something of yours gonna be my book why can't well you have something you can win my camera something for max's house one of his cooking utensils that are all brand new never been touched copper pots and pans from his wedding i don't know how many years ago never been used probably not even a thumb print on those they're decorative they're on the wall they're decorative okay so we've got this down set my oil's getting hot again that's good our onions so look you end up when you caramelize you clearly get way less if you want to do that shot again show them what we started with what we have now you can see decidedly way less so make more than you think you're going to need because they're going to shrink but look at the color that color tells me everything i need to know about these and that mainly is that these are freaking delicious let's talk about our dogs so dog house has i don't know a dozen different types of wieners they they really do their sign they have a slime max is smiling they have a sign inside that says we love wieners that's true so i'm using to to closely approximate what you can get at dog house i'm using a hebrew national not sponsored and not because i'm jewish they're just a great all beef dog and it's the right size i think this is a three out oh i can do this math so one two three there's four of these it's a three ounce dog you want something like that that's skinny little kind of thing you just don't want a a thin little dog right get something decent size so here's our dog and here's our our our our vine and so what they do with theirs come down here and i'll show you so here's what they do on their dogs they use these ganged in threes so you can see the hot dog fits almost perfectly in there so we'll take three out keep them together if you break them you're aft perfect i'm gonna cut them being as careful as i can with your serrated bread with my serrated red knife thank you but i'm not gonna cut all the way through i'm gonna go about three quarters of the way be as nicely gentle as i can and that's it it's perfect okay this now needs to go on the flat top with some butter to get this edge gorgeous brown so we can do that all right so some butter because this is very important god i hope this is not too hot and then this cut side down it goes now this is a really important part of what dog house does if you look at their dogs all the buns have this gorgeous golden brown color on the cut side now my job is not to eff this up at all so we're just waiting for that but while that is happening we can start deep frying our hot dog so with our oil where we like it and we go boom boom i think you're probably uh two and a half minutes away from that thing being outrageous give it a little turn let's check the bun and oh mother may i i've been living a good life because that's dog house perfect and when our dog is ready look it see what the deep frying does i do believe i'm the first chef collaboration to suggest a deep fried dog so what are we learning today we're learning you can deep fry your hot dogs we're learning how to make tempura crumbles we're learning to caramelize onions properly slowly on low temperature so they look like this unbelievable huh wow and dare i say i think we're there let's have a look we're gonna give it one more minute then we can start to build and there she is just out of the oil do you know what that means max chance deb we're eating we're eating so here's this gorgeous bun it's here's how this goes down we open it up gently gently gently please don't break the doghouse people would be so mad at me if i broke this now we take this beautiful dog and then she goes hi buddy look at you and this i don't know if you can hear this right there's a crisp to it that really is going to help now comes the very complicated part and chance knows this because he was here when we shot this little promo thing they do this thing with their sauces their mayo's and their mustards they do these eight points so they go one two three four five six seven eight i could not get it right i failed in fact we probably have some video of that two three four right but you just want eight seven eight no you wanna go so i'm gonna try it first i'm gonna go first with the japanese mayo see if i can pull this off one two three four five six seven eight wow i think you did nine you were counting but now the other problem is i have i've introduced teriyaki sauce to this now i'm supposed to go in the other direction it's like starting here one two three four kiss my ass i can't do this okay that's it okay but now here we go ready moving on now comes these gorgeous caramelized onions like this oh the smell i'm telling you i always say that about the smell but this is really what's going to make it and now there's two more things i just can't remember the proper order so i'm going to go like this because i'm going to want to see it now we're going to take our tempura crumbles and be very generous because these add the crunch of course a couple more couple more couple more don't be cheap sam don't be cheap here we go dog house wouldn't be so i shouldn't be and the last thing is called furukake and furukake really is like a japanese topping their seaweed their sesame seeds in here look you can see there's there's uh a little sugar it looks like this that's for a cocky it comes in different flavors i think the one at dog house has wasabi in it this one doesn't but it's okay my kids max his brothers used to have this all the time when they were little on hot rice it's really good so now we just dust the top lightly and see that's why you want to do it last so you can see it damn son look at this that's a dog that's a dog and up we go i think i've created this and the doghouse people would be proud certainly i'm proud let's have a bite isn't there really no good way to do this so i won't try look mayonnaise and teriyaki sauce are a dream team i'm not kidding they go together beautifully but now you add the textural components in here you've got this crispy deep-fried hotdog with a little snap to it the caramelized onions are fantastic on a old pair of shoes they'd be good this nutty this crazy tempura crumble and the furukake if you can't find it where you live you can definitely order for a cockey online oh my god it's so good this is so good mr miyagi wait the real mr miyagi pat morita would be happy with this and who couldn't be happy going into a dog house and getting one of these knowing that a dollar from every one of these which as far as i can tell if i do some restaurant math is pretty much everything they're making on this hot dog is gonna go to no kid hungry so i said it earlier it's a win for everybody it's a double win for me because i get to eat this right now go find a dog house near you have one say sam told you to come in it'll be meaningless and they probably won't know you're talking about but it would be kind of funny thanks send your pictures of your food oh christ
Views: 716,351
Rating: 4.9275789 out of 5
Keywords: sam the cooking guy, cooking, sam cooking, hot dog, custom hot dog, mr miyagi, cooking hot dog, sam cooking hot dog, sam the cooking guy hot dog, sam the cooking guy custom
Id: JdiK3mWN8Ww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 5sec (1205 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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