Fish And Chips Recipe Tutorial S4 Ep 450

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ladies and gentlemen it's a beautiful fish dish today this is fish and chips you're going to get a wonderful recipe on beer batter and a fantastic tartar sauce this is a recipe you're really going to enjoy you today I'm gonna be making fish and chips now I did have one of my viewers that requested this recipe they said would you give us a fish and chips recipe so I decided yeah you bet I will and what I wanted to do here was to give a very authentic British type of recipe that's really the heart of this dish is Great Britain alright and that's whether you're in Scotland or Ireland or England this dish is kind of central in the lifestyle of the British person it is a very common and common man's dish that is just well it's fantastic when it's made the right way so I want to teach you how to get the batter perfect and crispy and crusty and how to prepare your fish I want to show you how to make great chips the process that you need to use that's an easy one and it trims the process down for making those good quality chips and folks we're gonna make delicious so let me show you what I have right here these fantastic ingredients for fish and chips come on today we have some wonderful ingredients to make this fantastic dish so you will know this isn't all about the gist the fish this is about making a wonderful tartar sauce and cooking up the chips just right and the right type of fish it starts with the fish folks I have some Cod here if it looks a little dry it is I've been spending some time with paper towels and making sure that any excess moisture was removed from this that is a an important process you need to make sure that that's prepared for cooking if it's too wet it doesn't do well for this particular dish so I've got my Cod here we also have some lemons a shallot I have some small gherkins here also capers salt paprika mayonnaise flour and a beautiful potato now folks the potato you use for this you can use anything you want you can use the Yukon Golds you can use white but you can use a rest that's what I'm going to do today whatever you want you can substitute in any kind of potato for this and it'll work just fine back here we have some beer now I'm using a lager and I'm using a lager because it has a very thick malty rich flavor that lends to the batter and that's part of the flavor of the dish if you have a thing about alcohol it's very simple just get a non-alcoholic beer use that it'll work fine folks there is a trick when it comes to making a good batter for fish and chips and the trick is simplicity sometimes simplicity is key you can overdo things you can put too much in something alright we want to get to a basic original British recipe and this is a very old recipe this goes back a long time and it was made with basic ingredients flour alright I have here an ale and it is important it is important that you use an ale for this just pour it on in and I'm only gonna pour in about half of that stir a little bit I'll take a look down in here there we go you get a good view see how it's getting kind of clumpy and stiff let's go ahead and get some more beer in there and don't worry about the foaming it's gonna be a very intense odor it's good and understand something that flavour of the malt does get imparted in the batter after it's cooked it's just it's incredible and it is so good I see there have much a beer I have left here ok let's go ahead pour that in there I'm looking for sort of a thin and runny texture if it was too thin for pancakes it would be just right a little clumping that'll that'll go away here a moment so you see how that isn't really sticking so very well to my whisk and this is exactly what I'm looking for I should have about an inch to inch and a half of liquid left in the bottom of my bottle there so that's about what I have and if this gets a little thicker I can add a little more beer to it just to kind of thin it back to this state but right now I'm going to set this aside it just needs to rest the longer this rests the better and that's the reason we do it first I so look forward to making fish and chips it is such a delicious dish but you know let's face it fish and so many other meat dishes really do well with a good sauce and tartar sauce was invented by the French to be used as a meat sauce and that's exactly what we're using it for here it's going to be a fish sauce I want to get all of these items cut up and down in that so first thing I need to do is just prep out my shallot real quick as soon as I get this skin off of here we'll get to cutting it up there we go have that all ready to go now and think of it is is it's kind of three-dimensional so I want to make a crosscut for the sides okay I just keeps me from having like really big dice which I do not want the side pieces would be real long this wedge up here might come out as I make this cut what do you know you notice I leave that root you tacked makes dicing one of these so much easier we have it a nice quarter cup of shallot right into the Mayo now let's take care of cutting up our little gherkins again we need roughly about a quarter cup of little cut gherkins what I want to do here I'm just going to cut these down a little bit at least having them if they're big enough to get three cuts out of it I'll do that so get that in there you know I would say that was a little more than a quarter of a cup that looks more like a third of a cup and I'm alright with that because frankly I don't like those little gherkins now on these these little round capers these are the big capers folks if you have the little ones you don't need to really do this you can just toss them right down in there if you're wondering about what capers are they're the berry of a little bush and they have a wonderful flavor to them it's a robust flavor it's very salty also so it adds a lot of salt to this dish all right well I need to do is clean up a little bit here I'll cut my lemon and we're gonna get busy making our tartar well I have everything mixed down in there now it's time to get these seasonings in there we'll start with cutting that a lemon I'm gonna need some fresh squeezed lemon in this it's important this lemon brings out flavors and I would say I have put oh easily three to four tablespoons of lemon juice in there and I got one seed in there right there I'm going to extract right now there we go now I can get on with some salt it's gonna be just a little bit not much a small pinch in other words no more than a quarter of a teaspoon and then a little bit of the paprika again you don't need a lot no more than quarter of a teaspoon to start with you get all that mixed together there we go now I'm seeing the red streaking stop and a more even displacement of the paprika I want to taste this and see if those flavors are where I want them and if they're not I can adjust them if you're watching this video this is one of the tutorials and so this is where I teach you some of the most important tricks that I have and one of the most important things overall when it comes to making recipes is knowing what you've just created what does that item taste like and there's only one way to know that's to pull a little bit out and taste it find out if you like your tartar sauce or if you need to fix it okay mmm you know I like that I like it a lot I'm gonna bump the salt by about another quarter of a teaspoon so we have a half a teaspoon in there gonna bump my paprika up by another quarter of a teaspoon I like paprika folks and I think it gives fabulous flavor to items like this so you will know I mentioned this is a basic tartar sauce recipe and it's as basic as it gets for me you can change this you can add other flavors to it you can add herbs like basil and tarragon they work well in this you can also add cayenne to it if you want to give it a little bit of zest you can put cardamom in this you can add a lot of different items go very light with that cardamom folks a very very light with it but regardless you end up with delicious now I'm gonna get another spoon and taste this because I believe I've got it where I want it if there's only one way to know oh yeah perfect tartar sauce I'm going to cover this and keep it refrigerated until it needs to be used all right everyone knows that fish and chips needs lemon wedges so let's wedge out of lemon all right now so you'll know there's different ways of doing this but I'm just going to show you one of and that's basically sort of the rule of Hafs where we keep having the half right so you can take this split them open let's lay them down flat if you want to flick out those seeds do so you don't have to contend with them later this and then cut them in half and then cut him in half there we go we have a lemon wedges in other ways I can just work my way across like this that gives me nice little lemon wedges also different ways of doing it either way you get beautiful wedges and you need that for that fish now folks I thought about different ways of cutting this and I think what I've chosen because of the length of this is I'm gonna have it and then I want to make chips off of each half normally if this was shorter I would just do some cross cuts on there or lengthwise cuts and then make them square that way so either way it'll work fine something that helps when you're working on a potato like this is give it a flat surface so you'll notice there's some narrower sides and some wider sides along one of those wider sides just take off a small amount to make it flat boom it's so much easier to work with now not rolling around on your safe keep the fingers turned under there we go so we have a good start all I need to do is cut this down into my chips so I'm good and thick about Oh 1/2 inch or better there we are this one's gonna be a couple of thickens here so once I get it to that point I want to remove one and that way I have that flat side to lay them on again it's all about that safety making it easier there we go big beautiful thick chips nice like I said about roughly finger size and I'm going to put this in running water nice cold water because we are going to remove some of the starch before we cook these up and we're gonna discuss different cooking methods right now I have these down in water and I'm going to change this water out several times until it just comes out clear now what this does is it kind of remove some of the excess starch the technique that I'm going to use is a little different than the one that some Brits like to use on this but either way it works the trick here is we have to number one par cook the fries or the chips in this case par cook the chips and then we take them off of the heat let them stand for a bit or cool down and then put them through the final cooking process which is frying so that's what we're going to do here but where a lot of folks like to boil these and then dry them and would do the routine on frying usually frying twice I cut a little bit of an end run off of that I do what I would like to say hey this is the american method and it's the same method i teach when it comes to making good golden crisp shoestring french fries and that is we are going to D start it I'm going to then dry these out I will then par fry them at a temperature lower than they normally fry at and after about a minute to a minute and a half of par frying I'll pull them out put them on a baking sheet and put them under cold cold temperature I want to put them in a freezer and bring them down in temperature once they're cold we can then drop them in the hot oil heat it up to the right temperature cooking for cooking chips and we will get beautiful golden chips that are fluffy inside crispy on the outside and just the right color well these have been doing really good they're mostly D starched now and the next step I'm going to be putting them into one of these salad spinners work really good for this so I'm gonna put them in a vegetable spinner and give it a good spin and that removes the majority of the water the rest I can easily dry off with a paper towel now folks this may not be the most conventional method of drying chips but frankly I think it should be this wonderful little device takes a lot of work out of stuff like this there we go and these are really quite dry already in this state they would already do very well if I were to go ahead and just park right in like this the reason I remove any excess moisture guys I'm wanting this to have more of a frying effect to the outside of the fry I don't want any kind of a vapor barrier forming between the french fry and the oil I want the oil to hit that french fry and to start immediately cooking the interior of the french fry and this is where we have to pay attention to a little thing that we call Leyden or a lesson that we learned from Professor Layton Frost all right okay this scientist named Leyden frost he noticed that when water came in contact with a sufficiently hot enough surface it would form a bubble and it would simply dance around on top of that surface it wouldn't immediately evaporate and what he noticed what was happening there was it was forming a vapour barrier and that vapor was preventing the heat from really coming in contact with that water droplet and we want to avoid that particular scenario on cooking these chips all right so I want to make sure they're dry and that way when they hit the oil we don't get that happening we get a good solid cooking action and with that solid cooking action we then get a different texture and effect from our fry the whole idea here guys is to partially cook this fry and then to bring it down in temperature by bringing it down in temperature we've made the cooking process longer so the idea there is to cook the outer part of the fry longer and the inside of the fry a long enough period of time to make it fluffy and light and so that's what we're doing here and I keep saying fry we're making chips here I keep forgetting this is British recipe I need to use the British nomenclature for it if I want to be fair so on our chips or drying them off real good here about to par fry and we're gonna cook a oil at 295 degrees I can't stress this enough when you're gonna be cooking in the kitchen do yourself a favor spend a few dollars it costs to get a set of thermometers not just one you need several but one we're gonna use today is a fry thermometer you can get this in both a steel form with a dial or like this and this works for candy or frying and it's great thermometer for this so it do yourself that favor because you there's no way of knowing if your oil is 295 degrees or 350 degrees without this and so when you're relying on specific temperatures you need that sucker go ahead and get it I have this oil heating of course you can see that on the bottom of the pan is forming the unique shapes that it does when oil heats and I have a pan back over on the side right over there that's going to be to throw these chips onto after the fry now folks please remember this is a very very short fry all I want to do is throw these into the oil at 295 degrees and leave them there for 1 and 1/2 a minute so basically 90 seconds is what I'm going to be cooking these for all right just that simple now need a slotted spoon and it doesn't hurt to have some tongs handy so do that you don't need anything to catch greased back here on that pan the grease needs to be on that because here's the thing you're gonna put that thing in the freezer and all of that oil is just going to cause of the fur that shouldn't be these chips to slide right off of that pan when it comes time to cook them they can be frozen solid and they'll still slide right off of there so do yourself that favor nothing to drain with okay it's not needed the oil temperature has just now come up to 295 degrees something I want to mention when you go throwing these down in there don't use your hands folks you're going to get burned all right use a slotted spoon or something like that to get them in there safely all right much better to do something safe like this and to get a splash back all right now this is 90 seconds I like to give these a good stir as they're cooking because I don't want them sticking together or pulling together in a group and that way you know kind of hinders though the cooking process has now been 90 seconds a minute and a half go have a good start on the cook my potatoes are finished par frying and now I just need to get this into my freezer when these are cold to the touch they're ready to cook now here's the neat thing these can be done this way days or even weeks in advance place it in the freezer in a bag and lift that way until you're ready to use them and it's the same type of chips that you would see used in restaurants when they pull them out of frozen bags that way I've taken my chips out of the freezer and they are cold they are frozen actually and that's just perfect really because it's going to give me the best quality chip the colder that core is the longer the outside cooks the crispy or it gets and the whole chip just really gets so much better this way so I really recommend this method please give it a try if you've never done it right now the oil is coming back up in temperature it's just getting close to 250 now and when it hits 325 to 350 in that bracket then I'll go ahead and throw these chips down in there I'm going to cook half of them and then I'll cook the other half following that [Applause] okay now that we have these started up I think I'm gonna do a count up timer and so I'll do that and it'll sit here and count up for us and we'll know just exactly how long that cook ends up being all right it makes life so much easier when you have that now folks it's important even in your own kitchen use a count up timer when you're cooking or if you're learning to cook this helps you to get so much better you end up being a much more proficient cook that timer gives you a good idea of how things relate to each other my chips have been cooking now for six minutes and thirty four thirty five seconds actually about seven minutes total when you figure the time I put them in they've come out a beautiful color look at this this is just about right just about the color I'm looking for and it's going to be wonderful these are already firm they floated to the surface a few minutes ago and when they do that that tells you that the sinner of them the inside is cooked now it's cooked through and you can remove them at that point so anywhere from there to as dark as you would like to get them now I like more color on my chips just the way I am I like them well-done basically so mine are gonna be in there for about eight minutes or maybe just a little bit more my chips are out of the oil and I'm gonna go ahead and season them now I have some salt mixed with msg and this is a mixture that I do myself and I do this on purpose because I love it on potatoes that are fried that's what I'm gonna do right there and I want to give a very very light dusting with paprika over the top of these there we go just so lightly and those are ready to enjoy now the others are prying up I know how long they're gonna take because I used my timer from before and we're up and cooking as soon as those are done we put our fish in there and it won't be long before we're having a good dinner okay we are at that point where it's time to start thinking about the fish I've just restored my batter it's looking beautiful and I have here a bowl of flour just a small amount I'm going to take my fish after salting it drop it in the flour and we're gonna get busy working it out so I'm gonna start a little salt over the top here give them a turn salt on the other side gonna take a whole lot but get some on there of course if you're not a little messy with the salt I think you don't didn't use enough now we need to go ahead and get these floured put the other one in here and I'm just shaking them together now they can stay right down here in the flour until you're ready to batter them and get them in the oil that's just perfectly fine oh yeah salt on there and that's some ultrafine salt that I grind down and a little paprika oh yes there we go now it's time for us to get our fish down in there I want to take a fillet of cod I want to knock off the extra flour there we go drop it down into my batter get it thoroughly coated oh yes I want to pull it up and let some of that batter run off and then lay it into the oil away from me there we go they are do the other one the same way all right folks it is cooking up beautiful as soon as it starts getting a little bit golden on one side and that's about one minute in then I want to take these and turn them over I'll cook them on the second side for four minutes turn them over one more time cook them on the last sides for three minutes and then that gives them me about a total of eight minutes cooking over all four on each side now these little bits around it little crunchies if you wish to include those makes a wonderful little extra with the fish I enjoy those you want to keep your oil in about two 325 to 350 degree range a little warmer if you want it darker a little cooler that 325 if you want it to be a lighter color a little more golden my timer has just sounded in four minutes that's beautiful look at that nice and crispy isn't that a gorgeous looking sight frying fish now that does something that Texans can get behind on any day of the week the quantities of ingredients that we've used today guys as you saw I would just add some pickles and capers in small quantities to kind of build that up what I ended up with here that was I started with about a quarter of a cup of pickles here I have a couple of tablespoon of capers and I used a medium shallot was what I started with on that also a pinch of salt and up to about a half a teaspoon of paprika worked into that also you can sprinkle a little over the top as a garnish it looks really nice the potato you use a pick a potato folks I got these russets that's what I have around here so that's what I'm using today you can use a Yukon Gold or you can use white potatoes for this or reds anything you'd like just get at it with a potato and enjoy that thing the amount of mayonnaise that I use for this that was about cup and a half to two cups of mayonnaise to make that wonderful tartar sauce now these fillets that I had these are good cod fillets and I folks and that's important you need codfish for this the cod is gonna be a nice thick fish and it also has a very certain particular flavor to it that that you're not gonna get elsewhere and you'll notice it when you've tasted it you'll be like okay yeah that's right that's the perfect fish for this dish and it is the most commonly used in Britain also flour and beer I used a cup of flour there and one bottle of beer as far as the lemon I used juice of about a half a lemon and of course you want plenty of wedges for the fish itself all right Tyler has just gone off place these on an appropriate drain rat and of course if you like the little Krispies you might want to grab a slotted spoon and you can fish those little golden goodies out of there you can make as much of this as you want by simply drizzling the batter down in the hot oil now that we have that out of the oil don't forget a little bit of salt oh yeah yes wonderful alright I have gone ahead and put some of the tartar sauce in a bowl let's get some lemon wedges up here and we want some nice clean pretty plating something that shows off our ingredients well speaks of the dish yeah I've been enjoying this mmm the fish is so flaky mmm the tartar sauce it's the bomb oh yeah and these chips folks if you want a good chip oh yeah that's some really really good stuff it's so earthy down-to-earth simple everyday food and that's what it should be it's good ladies and gentlemen thank you very much I appreciate you watching this if you would please also take a look at the work I do on patreon I've just started that that is a new funding source that is provided for people in the arts and people who teach and that's what I'm doing here is I'm teaching an artistic endeavor and also I'm about to start the photography side of things so I'll be doing that also if you would check that out you can help me out if you're interested also if you would please take a look at the channel and subscribe if you enjoyed this video click that like button and the comment section is there for a reason guys if you have a request if you have a question if you would like to try something new run it past me I'm glad to answer questions there thank you very much for watching and please enjoy your day bye bye yeah you
Channel: Texas Cooking Today
Views: 259,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Texas Cooking Today, Chef Trotter, Stuart Trotter, Recipe, Food, learning, education, art, free recipe tutorials, Texas Recipes, fish and chips, fried fish, fish and chips recipe, fried fish recipe, fish recipe, how to fry fish, how to make fish and chips, the best fish and chips, fish n chips, fish and chips (dish), fish batter recipe, fried fish batter, fried fish batter recipe
Id: JStE9-YO980
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 3sec (2043 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 21 2019
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