Hearts of Iron 4 Tutorial for Land Doctrines (HoI4 Man the Guns Tutorial Guide)

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welcome back all ye who wish to learn the secrets of how to be better at parts firing for today we're gonna be looking at which ground doctrine is actually the best this is something I get asked in multiplayer a lot and I mean by people playing Canada people playing as so Union all these different countries and even though I've done videos in the past people still ask me all the time which ground doctrine is better so that's what today we're gonna be covering first off I just wanted to say before we get too far into this there's not really a one beats all kind of option here there is one option which is very very good compared to the rest however there is no actual best doctrine hardened iron for really comes down to the weight this game is built there's never one thing that is better than the other thing it's always based on who knows how to counter that item or that type of doctrine or that type of equipment or anything along those lines if you know how to counter it with something everything can kind of be countered so today though we are covering which one of these ground doctrines is probably the best option for everybody but also what these doctrines do and how you can put them into how you are building your army so let's get right into it now to start us out on our list we're gonna be going down a mobile warfare first now mobile warfare is mostly based for armored and motorized countries really to start building just in general a ton of tank and motorized divisions and honestly it gives org bonuses for all infantry now that's actually really good it's this one right here and down here it gives some more org bonuses which for motorized infantry and mech and Amtrak's not many people use em tracks but this is absolutely massive you can in total get about 25 extra org for your motorized and mechanized inventory if you really want to go down this path and that plus 25 extra org is pretty massive and all honesty and can actually help counterbalance armored divisions now over here this is this is kind of complicated because this is only good for the extra 10 org for infantry moto and mech right all these other bonuses are only good for motorized and mechanized units so unless you're gonna go very heavy in the motorized Meck this sides not really worth it it's nice to have the extra org bonus for your infantry however it's really gonna be best to use for motorized infantry and actual mechanized infantry down here over with a blitzkrieg we actually get some bonuses for breakthrough for tanks and stuff like that but more importantly it gives a little bit of an org bonus for tanks because about three in total a little bit of org bonus for your motorized symmetry but up here this is the main part of this it gives a plus 20% break through four tanks which that is the massive part of this side so over here the big deal is you can get up to 25 or it for your mobile infantry over here you can get an extra probably about 20% break through for your tanks now something else incredibly impressive and this is what really puts the icing on the cake for people who use mobile warfare doctrine is this one right here which gives a planning speed bonus of 20% but really down here with these two options over on the left side you can do desperate defense over on the right modern blitzkrieg the biggest part of this whole tree which is absolutely amazing to me is this right here these two different things right here getting Volk strim can give you two percent recruitable pop down here three percent for non-discriminatory conscription now this right here is also big effective our part stands 10% and it's not too big but he is still a noticeable difference people will have then over here with modern blitzkrieg as you can see we get some more organization bonus for our infantry down here we get a tactic and down here we get learned 20% for a breakthrough for our tanks so where does all this stand for mobile warfare there are some pros and cons to this tree now obviously the pros are you can make a lot of you can get a lot of bonuses for your armored and motorized divisions down here you can get 5% recruitable pop it sounds like an amazing tree but really it does not have only good things to say about it what ends up happening is towards the later years once you start choosing between desperate defense and modern blitzkrieg if you have to go down desperate defense mobile warfare doctrine is useless to you at this point and this is exactly why depending on what you went down up here you are probably wasting a lot of your tree mobile warfare most made from motorized you know and recovery rate bonuses and things like that but the problem is if you get to the point in my opinion where you have to actually take these because of the manpower bonuses that's kind of the point where you're not making motorized divisions anymore you're using this tree exclusively for the manpower bonus which compared to the rest of the trees which we'll cover using this tree just for the manpower bonus is not a good idea at all this tree is mainly meant for people who are going to use a lot of motorized divisions armoured divisions Calvary divisions even you know it technically that counts as an infantry division if I remember correctly let's see really quick just to make sure I won't know it's actually under mobile warfare but it's kind of weird how it works this technically count as an infantry I don't understand why but basically honestly in my opinion this doctrine is only good for nations like Germany if you're gonna go hardcore mobile warfare or the United States as one nation that can really pull this off to the limits and they go down modern blitzkrieg next up on our list we get to superior firepower and yes I know what I said earlier but in my opinion this is one of the best doctrines if not possibly technically speaking it actually is the best option for you and best doctrine inside of hearts yn4 and there's a lot of good reasons for this and it's kind of simple really superior firepower is really made for the early and late game alright so not this middle part over here I guess you could call it the little section where it finally branches off this is not really necessary for the kind of like beginning or end of the war this is kind of one of those weird areas because you're not really putting a lot of support companies and divisions by the time you're ready to start researching this stuff but once you get down here this is the point where nations like the United States or the Soviet Union nations that could really use this start going into war and by the time you get down here you usually already have this stuff already picked out for you and that's when you can either choose shock and awe or air land battles so the thing with superior firepower it's really for early game and late game see here's how you at least I come up to this realization basically the first three things you get with this doctrine are massive right you get a plus twenty percent soft attack bonus for every single type of equipment or troop you can feel that all frontline battalions that is everything inside of your arsenal that you can get inside of hearts mine for that means everything you own will have a plus twenty percent soft attack bonus which is huge then we get down here to your leg infantry your regular infantry they will have an extra ten org and down here all infantry and motorized and mechanized divisions plus twenty percent defense these three things are really made for the early game and they are absolutely amazing ok at least in terms of the early game nothing can come even close to that next up on our list for this little section here is integrated support and dispersed support honestly I don't really recommend dispersed support unless you're doing an 88 and that's still kind of iffy I personally prefer and highly recommend doing integrated support and I'm going to show you exactly why right now because when you see this you're gonna realize how overpowered this can be click there we go so basically we're gonna go ahead and get our doctrine here really quick and I'm not gonna do that just yet next we're gonna go over here to artillery and we're just gonna pretend we're making a regular template right just a regular you know template of whatever okay I just wanted to make that up really quick so here's what we could do if we stay had a 20 with 72 right I normally don't really make these very often and multiplayer I usually go all infantry or something like that depend on what I'm doing but here we have a 7 - which one of most common divisions in the game now here's the difference alright we if we throw an extra support artillery on here we can get as you can see right there that's an extra 40 soft attack we're not even having to pay for because we already have a rocket artillery in there so basically what you can do is throw two artillery in there because you get bonuses for your support companies with the right hand side so right now we're at 149 and support artillery boom we just went up about 70 soft attack in total about an hour I would say about 70 soft attack with no extra organization penalties and as you can see when we add these kind of things the order doesn't go down anywhere close to as much compared to if we didn't have that bonus because again what this stuff is doing if you look under superior firepower integrated support is giving an organization bonus to your support companies and a soft attack bonus it just basically does the exact same thing twice you get a plus 50% soft attack for all your support companies and an extra 10 or well extra 20 organ total compared to over here where your lion artillery gets a 10% soft attack which isn't really that impressive and the recovery rate is only 0.2 which again it's not that great later down here you actually get to choose one of really two options and I think it's any kind of obvious what you want to do so over here as you can see break through ten whatever but then we branch on the early in battle or shock and awe now shock and is good but it's not really got that many great bonuses sorry about that as I was saying under shock and awe really the best kind of bonus that I would say you could probably get in here is maybe the fact that you can kind of get some extra soft attack and org I mean it's not really that noticeable it's more like 10 percent soft tech for artillery support and line units you know a little bit extra for infantry it's not that great if you're going down this tree by far especially we can get air superiority the left-hand side is better not because of this not because of this even though that's nice not because of this but this this gives you a plus 20% air superiority bonus whenever you're using superior firepower if you have air superiority over the enemy now you might be thinking at 20% that's not a big deal right well if you go down say either one of these you can get an operational integrity or strategic destruction but under strategic destruction for having air superiority you can give enemy ground troops a 15% penalty give me a second here where is it 15% then we have another 15% so now we're at 30 then if you go down here and get this now you're up to a 50% penalty you give to the enemy if they don't have a a and you have air superiority that is a 50% penalty to their defensive stats which is absolutely massive I mean think if someone's got a division with 800 defense it just plummeted down to 400 so that means that this division right here could probably pierce them at my thigh just like I don't know add something kind of crazy in here yeah I probably like three of these could actually break a division with 800 defense if they had air superiority and that doctrine so that's absolutely insane when you really get down to thinking about it so really the best option for superior firepower is integrated support every single time I can guarantee it along with air land battle if you know you're not gonna get our superiority you've pretty much lost a few the allies but if you're the axis and you know you're not gonna get our superiority you shock nods not necessarily a bad choice but still early in battles a little bit nicer give us heart attack bonuses which means enemy armor is gonna get absolutely shredded and a reinforced rate right here now see here's the thing though I do try at the end of these to kind of point out some pros and flaws with these now one of the well not really one of but a couple big big problems with superior firepower though is this is relying on two things first off you're gonna have enough production to adequately fill all of your divisions pretty much to the max with support companies that's what this whole doctrine is expecting you to do if you're not gonna have an incredibly good type of like production this is not gonna be the good one for you because down here these really rely on you having air superiority and this one appear relies on you basically having a very good amount of support equipment being in your divisions and actually support you know have it full it's expecting you to have them mostly full with support companies so if you're playing a nation it's not gonna have a ton of good production and it's not really gonna be able to do that much this is not the doctrine fee this is for majors like the United States Soviet Union Russia and so on now usually people do not care about this doctrine this is actually really a doctoring if it's used correctly and that is the grand battle plan doctor I like to really call it the Great War doctoring even though ironically and you guys are gonna see how crazy this is this doctrine actually has a lot of similarities to mobile warfare it's actually insane how similar mobile warfare and grand battle plan really are usually what throws people off is when they look at this doctrine they see this right here right off the bat entrenchment speed plus 25% max entrenchment plus 10 then they go down max planning 10% but then they see this plus 10% defense then they see this like little breakthrough they like think oh this this doctrine is worthless it's got nothing great it's got no major soft attack bonuses you know except for five percents got no major or buses except for right here and it's only ten you know it's mostly a defensive doctorate no this is not a mostly defensive doctrine it's actually a really good one if you use it right now basically once you get done with these first few things up here it branches off in the two options you either can do a salt or you can do infiltration now both trees are pretty similar except for a very couple ish small things so first off infiltration in total gives you about a 25% bonus for night attack which is right here this is probably the big part of this tree at least in my opinion now think what this means right here this land at night attack bonus there's 24 hours in a day obviously and that goes for hearts of iron for there's 24 hours in game a day right that means for 12 hours your divisions are gonna have at least until people get night vision goggles which isn't until 43 that means that until about 42 to 43 ish you are going to have a plus 25% attack bonus that your enemy is not going to have at least again until 1943 so this is actually really good but also down this tree there's also if I can find it a nice little bonus here for a negative 10% supply consumption this basically means that you're getting one free logistics company inside of all of your divisions which also cuts down on supply usage now or correction of fuel usage so even though it doesn't list it it does cut down I've tried it I've tested it so it's wrong one but basically infiltration the two big things you can get out of infiltration are that little 10% supply bonus and then the plus 25% lanighta tag you also get a couple things like org and reconnaissance reinforce rate but really those are the big things in the infiltration side now as for the assault path the assault path and total gives you about a 20% bonus because of all this stuff up here so up here let's see 10% planting bonus and I believe it's also yeah right here the first to give you about or not the first two but a little bit into the tree you can get about eight twenty percent max planting bonus now here's why that actually is very good if you pair that up with your signal companies for maybe your tanks or whatever you're doing maybe you know you're the British it doesn't really matter it's based on your play style right so if you add that along with all of these right here that's gonna give you around a 70% planning speed bonus if you go down infiltration and actually get the bonuses for max planting because it's not just up there right you have this one for 10% whoops then you have this one for 10% plus the one up here another 10% so you already have a 30% bonus then you take four four signal companies which boost it up 10% each you're looking at a 70% soft attack increase of basically not just soft tech but everything on the offense you will have a 70% bonus for attacking people now unfortunately that does also become part of the flaw for this because even that sounds absolutely impressive and that's really my opinion the only bonus that this site has over this side because of that planting bonus whenever you attack somebody and I'm sure you guys will notice this you'll experience it but sometimes and actually I think we're gonna swap over to Germany you're really quick to show this example but here's what will sometimes happen in a game right if we have two divisions right here this is a good example we could say have a front line set up and we're ordering it to go to Brest the lens gray or whatever it is so you can see it says that they'll go through this path right sometimes if you have a superior correction a max planning speed bonus it will still attack to the sides so we were to say like add these few divisions and I throw it on five speed really quickly sometimes if we go to war we might be wanting to attack this guy versus this guy or whatever the divisions will not go through this empty corridor instead sometimes the way the battle plan works it's just gonna straight up attack one of the troops here no matter what sometimes it will go through sometimes it won't now the problem is when you do attack as you can see we have a planning speed bonus right right now it's about 10% if you move your troops away even on one speed right well access bump it up but basically the planning bonus up actually yeah it's just plummeted you saw it like over one day it just dropped from 10% to zero so basically over one day yeah it basically dropped down a lot so if you have to order your troops around you might have a few days of being able to actually manually attack before the bonus is completely gone and any extra bonuses your enemy has over you come into effect finally we get over here to mass assault the entire point of this doctrine is to get as many and I mean as many decent divisions out as possible now what I mean by that is really three combat wits now I don't I've said in other videos that people misunderstood about combat with sizes but really you want something like either this right here where it's just a simple 10 with a division like this which I'll get to later on how to do it correctly something like this just a little 10 width only for 10 width only for something like defense then maybe something like a 20 width like this furred defense and then maybe a 40 width there would be something like you know I would just say a 14-4 just for artillery and 14 infantry until you get it up to a 40 width then later on you can actually upgrade a little bit if you really want to and just because OCD will drive me absolutely insane there we go oh that's still gonna drive me nuts just for the sake of it someone like this you know it's really all based on those kind of three templates that you really want to start deploying as soon as possible if you're going to be going down massive salt doctrine now in the first three areas here for the mass of salt doctor actually gives some pretty big bonuses first off we get a minimum training level reduction which is for the Soviet Union in China that's automatically gone right off the bat but then a 2% reinforcement rate then down here we get an out of supply penalty reduction at a supply grace it's not too great but then we get down here so the little tiny bonus to org for infantry and max entrenchments so these are kind of good bonuses but this is really the best one to help out with early game now the reason is is because of this reinforced rate you see right here now it actually tells you straight up what this is chance per hour the units in reserve we're actually able to join the fight now what this is is whenever you're basically if you have a unit in combat you look at the battle now at the bottom of the battle it will end up saying reserves now have a bunch of units listed hover over them and it will say the chance of them joining what ends up happening is once there's space in the battle right once there space available like one of your units has been retreated one of those extra reserves every hour has this reinforcement rate as a chance constantly stacking about the chance that it's gonna join it's kind of complicated but if you click on a battle if you have a reinforcement rate and just watch it you'll see it actually go into effect now here's how big of a deal this actually is right if you do this right here that's a 2% reinforcement rate then go over to here my bad and get radio that's a 5% now when you add those numbers together you get about a 7% reinforcement rate as the Soviet Union or really whoever has mass assault doctrine has really early on now that means if say you have 20 divisions in a battle and you basically you're gonna have let's just say eighty combat with in basically fourteen hours all of your divisions are gonna have a 100% chance guaranteed to actually join the battle that is HUGE now after you get done with that beginning little section you get two choices you're either gonna go down a deep battle or mass mobilization now these are actually very different and I'm gonna kind of sum it up in a very easy way mass mobilizations big bonuses is really all together it gets about I think it's a 25% reinforcement rate altogether including what you get up here in the first place and that's gonna have you basically a 32% reinforcement rate without a signal company which is massive again that's why mass mobilization it's literally the whole idea of getting as many decent divisions as you can out in the battle to hopefully wear down your enemy to the point where they're undersupplied under-equipped and then you can just steamroll them back over basically it also you know if you go down here gives you a reinforced rate again due to to where is it here it is this one right here is massive this gives you a 5% recruitable pop but also the infantry combat with goes down negative 0.04 now that's good and bad and I'll give that a little bit of explanation to you later but as you can see here this whole doctrine is made for infantry charges it's just made to just steamroll your men towards the line just attack as much as you can now if you're gonna use that side of the doctrine for that purpose let me show you a really good example really quick here I'm just gonna grab these three guys and put them in their own group just so I can do this so you would have to battle groups to battle groups okay you would basically overlap the frontline so we're gonna do two frontlines right on top of each other and we could extend this as long as we want now what we would do is have one of our groups on an offensive order set them to aggressive and order him to attack now this second army group of ever how many divisions would not do anything it would sit there so that way only some of your divisions are losing organization and if you get counter tact you're not gonna get pushed out as easily now whenever we go over here and basically a good idea to think about this doctrine to decide what it is basically imagine historical Soviet Union priests I would say Stalingrad in beforehand okay just imagine mass mobilizations just send his name in the front as possible so then we get over here to deep battle plan which is actually really really good so over here on deep battle plan you're gonna get about a 30 percent bonus towards your partisans away or was it nope nope I am sorry I'm thinking of this one anyway back to what I was saying over here on the left hand side the best points of the deep battle plan tree is you get a 20% supply reduction altogether added up then you also get a negative 25% organization loss when moving and I think the combat with yep it's right here the negative combat with bonus also applies over here as well so really this is more towards helping you out with supply issues and lose not losing as much organization when you're moving and honestly that's not really a problem in the first place at least in my experience you know when troops are moving or right here's the bonus I'm talking about that's nice but that's not really necessary it's just I've never noticed organization to be that big of an issue where towards the end of the fight like it's gonna make that big of a difference usually you stop on the line you put up a little bit of a planning bonus and then you just attack even manually attack you still build up a little bit of a bonus so you get that bonus at the very start of the fight but come on back again here these are some cons and kind of just basically some cons to actually going out mass assault as well one of the biggest issues with mass assault is one of its best really its best things in my opinion it's this combat with thing right so we were to turn on research really quick here let's just do that and see this is why I don't ever ever ever ever actually oops research I can't do it unless I say to myself on icon click can't chew gum and talk so basically again the big problem with this tree over here is this you can't really make a 20 width anymore right well I mean you sort of can and I'm gonna show you white yeah you get the extra infantry in here but look you can't get it to 20 width right what this means is whenever you go into battle you're gonna definitely one way or another have a penalty for being over combat width now that's gonna hurt you definitely because you're gonna get a penalty assigned to all of your divisions just because something's not gonna fit in there correctly and it's exclusively because of that bonus because you're gonna get well you're gonna get negative combat with Nova tree so that's probably in my opinion biggest biggest problem with my massive salt but another huge problem as well there's not really there's not really any major bonuses to soft attacker or anything like that compared to the other one this is all stuff based on charging infantry just you know until very later on org bonuses recovery bonuses manpower combo with bonuses that's all that this tree is good for it's just send your troops at the men and try to wear them down compared to the other doctrines all of them have some kind of really good defensive bonuses or breakthrough you know soft attack something like that it's usually most I'm have especially over here so you know when it gets down to it mobile warfare doctrines for people who are gonna be again in general just using a ton of motorized go down this side tons of Tanks and motorized go down this side again desperate defense if you get down at this point you're already in trouble and you're kind of destroying the doctrine but if you have to take desperate defense that's really what you should do or if you have more enough manpower go down modern blitzkrieg this can't hurt you any worse than going down desperate defense because you can always swap back later if you actually need that manpower superior firepower is mostly made for if you have enough production to actually fully equip your support divisions and be able to get air superiority then we go over here to grand battle plan again this is most for countries that are not gonna be using a lot of Tanks and they just want bonuses to planning speed they want less supply consumption you know stuff like that this helps out a lot so probably actually Japan they would work really good for especially the right side in filtration over here really early on mmm especially that night attack bonus against China and multiplayer it'd be great then over here with mass assault this one's mostly made to just give you support bonuses get you charged infantry so anyway guys yeah hopefully that wrapped up the big question I keep getting asked and multiplayer over and over here over again what doctrine do I go down so anyway don't forget to subscribe if you like this content and you want to see more of it because every time you subscribe it helps me out makes me a little bit more powerful to one day take on Tommy Kay in a actual livestream may because he's not gonna fight me again otherwise anyway guys again thank you so much watch all see you guys next time stay off
Channel: Dustinl796 Videos
Views: 29,215
Rating: 4.826962 out of 5
Keywords: Hearts of Iron 4 Tutorial for Land Doctrines, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron iv, hoi4, hearts of iron 4 tips, hearts of iron 4 tutorial, hoi4 tutorial, hearts of iron 4 guide, how to play hearts of iron 4, hoi 4, hoi iv, hoi4 guide, hearts of iron, tutorial, hoi, guide, hoi4 man the guns, hearts of iron 4 tutorial guide for beginners, hoi4 stalemate, hoi4 doctrines
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 48sec (1788 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 25 2019
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