HoI4 Guide: Spain - One King, Two Crowns Achievement

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👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey guys it's me bittersteel here back with another video hard to iron for now today we will be taking a look at something completely unrelated to battle for the boss press now while i wait for this patch to mature as you can see i'm still on the beta patch 1.10.2 let's have a look at a nation that's fairly unaffected by all the shenanigans and that nation is spain spain's a very interesting country especially because of the early conflict so what can we do as spain well here's the big one one king two crowns as spain more specifically carlos spain conquer all of france all french cores so let's do that we'll leave the game on iron man mode obviously with historical ai on so you'll have some idea of what the other countries are going to do but first if you like these videos leave a like and hit me up in the comments telling me what you want to see me try next maybe a cool challenge maybe some achievements you're having trouble with i'm always open to some more suggestions also consider subscribing and hitting that bell icon that way you'll be notified whenever i upload more content other than that we have a very cool and active discord community i'll leave links to that down in the description below and if you're one of those people who likes twitter i also have a twitter you can find the link for that in the description as well but enough rambling onto the video and anyone who's ever played spain knows that it's in quite the state start your military is this loyal you've got some political violence national strikes and a bit of carnalism thrown in because why not people want their king let's give it to him start off with the military we'll need to organize these eventually but i'm just going to plop them all on madrid and work on them later research-wise we'll stick with the basics of research and production and construction now there's no tricks here for research just keep your industry and engineering up to date then focus on the infantry and as you get more slots maybe you can look at planes etc mostly infantry equipment artillery doctrines those are the big ones for construction we are going to build military factories where are we going to build them burgos and nevada maybe western aragon and valladolid these areas will make up our heartland burgos and navara are guaranteed and we will work hard to secure ourselves via the lead and western aragon and time permitting we might even snatch up eastern aragon this will be the carlest heartland as for production not a lot to do here one more in artillery one more support equipment and the rest into guns we'll need a lot of guns and stuff as for our national focuses we'll start off with a great spain now as for the navy we have a sizable navy we are going to select all of these ships and gather them up in north africa in a single fleet have the nationalist admiral you have ourselves a bit of an air force they can go to north africa as well now that's basic setup done let's kick things off now that the entire military has gathered here we are going to position our troops in a few key areas we will need troops in valencia let's start out with some tactical placement this division de calabria division yes this cavalry division here is guaranteed to flip to us so we'll park it in a place that we absolutely need valencia then we'll need three divisions in cadiz we'll take another three divisions in sevilla then there's also cordoba i believe yes cordoba also needs three divisions malaga needs three divisions down here and that leaves granada and that's where i'll put my mountaineers because granada is a mountain tile hey see there's some forethought in this so this is where we'll want our military deployed a quick recap we want two divisions in valencia one of those two will be your cavalry divisions three divisions in cadiz three divisions in sevilla three divisions in cordoba three divisions in malaga and three divisions in granada and these will be our mountaineers it's just the best idea and that's the initial deployment of the military the reason why we're doing this is because those troops will be in perfect position to seize key republican areas and to ensure that we have some control in those areas this will also be the areas that we need to contest but we'll get to that when it's relevant after a great spain we will work our way down here towards secure the northern garrisons and pick either franco or no franco doesn't matter let's uh work on this first this is the very key event the spanish election of 1937 this is what started the whole mess in spain now we have access to a bunch of unmapped decisions and some civil conflict decisions here in this list of decisions we will mostly be picking the primo de rivera speech as long as it's available as well as suppressing the strikes you want to keep spamming these so always have political power available so you can spam one of these decisions let's start with a speech what we'll be doing with the unmapped decisions is contesting the areas of sevilla granada cordoba mercia and valencia by the time the civil conflict fires we want to have one tick of influence in every single one of these states it's the bottom ones here one tick of influence in each of them that way they are not a nationalist core we don't want that we want these to be republican course so the republicans will suffer for us having taken their core territory it contributes to their surrender progress and will draw a lot of divisions away from the main front line where the actual fighting will happen these divisions will be well dug in and should have no difficulties surviving the rest of the conflict now why don't we want like full control one it's toon it's too expensive to make that investment and two that will make it a nationalist core uh and that doesn't really work for us we want this to be republican territory that way they suffer for it in terms of surrender progress and we'll keep going down this tree we now have a bunch of pp we will not be spending it on anything except these decisions and on map decisions we'll need a good stockpile of it by the time the conflict fires now that we're actively working towards the spanish civil conflict we will also shift our research more towards combat so radios and infantry equipment will be next and as you can see here the ai is contesting our control of this area we will probably be ping-ponging a few of these areas between the ai but we should be able to have one tick of influence in every single one of these areas so keep an eye on that like now we'll wait for them to finish their contesting and then we'll do it again for 10 pp instead of 20. it's a bargain at 10. there we go now this is a big one secure the northern garrisons that will give us control of this entire area it's pretty great a few moments later there's two days left on the military plot there's no point in suppressing any more strikes there's no point in contesting any more areas they're still challenging the garrison in valencia but that will take four days and the civil conflict will fire in two days so in two days of game time this whole thing will kick off and it's going to be a fairly even match 51 versus 54 but we will be organized and they will be in a complete state of disarray there we go the spanish civil conflict time to pick our faction by god fatherland and king we will win this is the option you want to choose for the carlost's the supremacy of the communion all right now a little organization before we go anywhere these southern troops all need to be under a single general and mohammed mezdiane here is our best general we need him to keep these troops alive you can set a bunch of fallback orders on victory points and that way these troops will have a good chance of actually remaining alive and there's no risk of them accidentally walking out of the victory point that they're supposed to hold now there's going to be some units in terrible positions there's nothing for it they'll have to stick around or be destroyed at least while they're standing somewhere they are distracting the enemy now once we unpause several of these divisions will start redeploying and you'll start seeing gaps where you can send some units into the main goal here is to link up these inland tiles with the ports so these units can be supplied other units like the one over here they probably will not survive or this one here there's a good chance that these will not survive it's a sad thing but it is what it is now for the north here we'll have about 15 units close to the border maybe a little more 19 wow these can take on these uh northern strongholds and the idea is to quickly rush the ports while keeping all of these units pinned down now this tile has two units in it that's unfortunate but they'll probably start moving soon keep an eye on that and the moment you see them leave the tile try and snake your way in there so you can capture the port that will make it a lot easier to clean up these northern pockets now for the army of africa we can have separate invasion orders we will be hitting almeria be hitting mercia alicante and finally barcelona up there and to that end the navy will also provide naval invasion support in the western mediterranean sea the army of africa will be hitting those coastal ports and securing even more victory points for our side and drawing ever more troops off the main front line anyone left these 18 divisions will form a simple front line to the south and they will push towards madrid and to that end we'll be pinning units in place and trying to snake around them as best we can we can take madrid early that will be excellent other units can push towards this southern river here or this central river to establish a foothold there now for focuses i recommend starting out with preparing the carlos insurrection contacting the union military espanola and then taking head to junta national and united if there's time and the northern pocket hasn't been cleaned up you can take a war in the north as well this one isn't super important this one is though we need to get this quickly now with our basic setup done we will uh need to win this conflict and it's going to be a gruesome and drawn out battle this division though is in a rather annoying position i don't really want it here it's going to attract troops in the area to stick around and i want these divisions out of bilbao so if it works i'm going to quickly railroad these out but chances are they'll be attacked anyway speed way down right and now we micromanage our offensive as aggressively as possible before the state modifier unplanned offensive sets in and everything grinds to a halt this is looking good once these divisions leave the port of bilbao i'm immediately going to try and take it that way all of these divisions are going to be cut off in the north and we can easily close the pocket i'll be pinning any division i see on the front line in place don't need to win those battles just need to have enough time to go around them take as many victory points as possible weaken the republicans as much as we can excellent they left bilbao i'll pin these divisions in place and move a unit into the port our naval invasions will launch as soon as possible and whatever we have left of our air force we can now also deploy into the field major fighting is going to be in southern iberia so i'll support the units there these are holdouts we need to keep these intact as long as we can there we go the front lines have solidified now every area will get a massive penalty to speed division organization game division attack and etc this will cause the entire conflict to grind to a halt and the only way to get rid of it is with these unmapped decisions per region this will remove the unplanned offensive debuffs i'm going to start around madrid my plan will be to try and encircle madrid and cut off the spanish army from its supplies now to the north we'll clean up these pockets once these pockets are cleaned up i will reassign the divisions that are currently cleaning up here to work towards the barcelona pocket while the rest of the army can work on the southern thrust [Music] [Music] [Music] now the naval landings were by and large a complete failure usually this goes a lot better but again even with a worst case scenario we can still win this civil conflict in well i wouldn't say record time now but we'll get a good time nonetheless keep making small pockets isolating units destroying them while in the south whenever you have to use a last stand keep these positions defended as best you can once we clean up to the north that's gonna help and again the plan is not to take madrid the plan is to completely cut off madrid from the outside world that way the rest of the republican army will get virtually no supplies you'll still have local supply but we will control most of the victory points oh god that's a lot of russians wow that's a lot of russians i think we found the russian army anyway we finished prepare the carlos insurrections move on to contact the union military espanola we also have a few additional decisions on the map here we can establish car list cells doing this will take 90 days and assign the area to us as the carlos faction in our ensuing uprising against the nationalists if we're taking this slowly we might actually turn this into a three-way civil conflict now the areas i recommend you take are via elite western aragon eastern aragon and leon leon is optional you don't really need this but if you have the time you can take it we don't have to focus on burgos or navara those are ours by default i'll start with take this decision every 90 days we're going to get as many of these as we can there we go we've encircled the spanish capital our let's make sure they don't break that encirclement they will come at us hard they will want this problem resolved and again you can see we've made a bunch of encirclements but the pockets just aren't closing and it's all to this modifier unplanned offense if this completely destroys any combat that's going on or rather any offensive combat you really want to clean this up or make your gains before it sets in otherwise well you'll be stuck there for a while six hours later okay the union military espanola this will give you three options of areas that will fall to your control and give you some troops five infantry divisions with three battalions in them so tiny divisions but numbers are what counts we can either get them in galicia salamanca or leon i recommend picking leon because it's nice and continuous with the rest of our power base in burgos navara valladolid and possibly aragorn and it would cut the nationalists in half since they will take most of the north like galicia asturias and the south where well the bits were conquering right now so let's secure the union military in leon and for focuses we will head to the junta national looks like the crackdown is impending 230 days 36 days left for our first area to control so i think we should be able to pull it off roughly three more times maybe two i hope three we'll see ah and the ai wouldn't be the ai if they weren't out to completely ruin any game for you the germans took madrid so they're no longer cut off from supply they move their capital to barcelona and barcelona has supply might as well take it now doesn't matter we're almost ready for our final big offensive and cleaning up these republican dogs so it's december of 36 and we pretty much have this in the bag we have inflicted massive casualties on the republicans we've taken most of the industrial capacity and well looks like they're edging towards surrender problem is barcelona is very well reinforced right now what i'm doing now is increasing my deficit of equipment by spamming out a bunch of troops and then going to see if italy wants to send me more stuff they'll only send you equipment if your stores are low like uh they are for me they don't have artillery though so we'll ask our questions maybe they'll send the stuff maybe they won't oh yeah they'll send us stuff and the germans as well and then we'll just simply cancel those again a little cheeky i know but uh gotta make do what you have let's see there's 109 days left before the crackdown that leaves us enough time to do one more focus i guess it's going to be this one followed by no compromise on carlos ideals giving us the advantage when the inevitable conflict with the nationalists comes along so that's perfect timing as for getting some more territories shouldn't be too much longer so in 10 days we can get yeah perfect timing we'll get ourselves eastern aragon we're mopping up this area very nicely just look at these casualties i think we're doing quite well as the nationalists oh and i messed up i'm three days off uh because i got distracted micromanaging this will take 90 days yeah this is not happening so ideally when you're doing this you're not a complete idiot like myself and you will actually pay attention at this point you simply click establish eastern aragon carlos cell and you have all your areas that you need i won't be able to do that but it's okay don't need it i can manage without it all right that's the fall of barcelona i'm gonna start reorganizing my armies though this is uh this is a mess looks like the regional defense council decided to join in on the fun um okay i think this is a little bit buggy just a tad oh well buggy or not doesn't seem like they stand much of a chance against our armies anyway with a little luck we'll be able to finish this entire conflict before the crackdown even happens now finally no compromise on car list ideals we'll skip this one revive the spirit of the car lists just for now let's head on here we want the initiative when we rise up and again let's cheese some equipment out of the italians all right we have 38 days although we rather have 35 days to um end things with the nationalists or rather the republicans uh somehow i doubt we'll make it but we will struggle on regardless best case scenario we actually make it worst case scenario well we'll have to endure some more chaos here they really don't have much more left and once valencia falls that's uh i believe that's it and the only thing keeping them afloat is their russian divisions that's the only thing with a little bit of gas left in the tank at least the anarchists aren't a problem anymore oh it's gonna be close but we might actually defeat the republicans before this focus finishes that might allow us to reorganize our military to get in a better position yeah once valencia falls that's it that should end this and we're gonna make it we made it oh thank god now to just reorganize everything in the area that we know will control burgos focus the entire military there and then once we start our uprising part two we'll organize from there now we've also got 150 pp might as well uh save that and ramp this up to war economy shouldn't be long now five more days all six there we go now we need to defeat the the brown shirts we should be able to do that we have a significant military at our disposal now all right let's keep going revive the spirit of the carlos that will allow us to get a crusade against democracy next before we do anything uh some organization is in order split the army in two halves first order of business will be to clean up this mess here and push towards la coruna and clean up galicia especially like quickly push in on these two tiles here to really cut the nationalists in half and then quickly and aggressively push south and roll this up you can also now go up to uh for economy and again slow things way way down and get things moving [Music] do [Music] so [Music] ah time for crusade against democracy this is going to give us a national spirit that will be improved by everything in here and the only downside to it is despite all of these excellent bonuses that this gives it's all cumulative by the way you need to do a focus and then wait 70 days so you can take these focuses every other focus i recommend doing it it really improves your country and your military substantially if few moments later you can see here we finished crusade against democracy and now it says at least 70 days since crusade against democracy has last been modified which means every other focus we can take one of these five so i recommend doing that meanwhile let's work towards confirm the fueros and take some industrial and recovery options below here we want to head down here towards stamp out the maki as quickly as possible so we can start recording spain [Music] a voila december of 1937 we have once again reunited spain under a single banner now the real work begins we will reorganize the entire military into these uh african divisions we will need a lot of equipment to do anything with them and we'll just park them on the french quarter we will be training more of these divisions as many as we can this will be the core of our military for now eventually we will be upgrading these to 14 fours that means 14 infantry battalions for artillery battalion basically double this and we'll use these as the basis for our garrison template that way we don't need too much artillery to get things done so now that we've unified spain things are not looking great our military will need a substantial amount of equipment we even equip our standing army we will need to recruit a lot of additional troops as well because once germany kicks thing off with france we will try and get in the thick of it grinding against southern france to get our participation up before making a naval landing on the uk and knocking the allies out early but for that we need to recover fortunately we now have control of the navy again so we have some ships we have a well non-existent economy right now and our production capacity is limited to say the least you don't have to finish these ships i just do so because well i'm an idiot as for focuses we will be rushing down towards stamp out the mackie first this will allow us to reclaim provinces of spain as our court territory again after which we will be getting industrial bonuses research slots before we head down to claim the french throne now if there's time however we can stop by and restore the iberian union first getting uh portugal in the mix as well other than that expanding these focuses here every other focus might not be a bad idea they uh boost the crusade against democracy national spirit by certain percentages but you can only do these every other focus so these take a cool down of 70 days it's only december of 1937 so we have about a year and a half to fix this country so let's get to that now we come to the succession question you can pick your new king here now i recommend going with javier here of bourbon parma also ramp up these recruitment laws volunteer only is not gonna cut it we need a lot more manpower especially having lost all these cores we need manpower to fill the garrisons we need the garages to be at maximum capacity that way we can get resistance down and start coring the areas and anything to get stability up might as well take some promises of peace here now that we have stamped out mackie we have access to some more decisions here every time one of these states that is not currently a core reaches 35 compliance and we have more than 2 000 guns in our stockpiles we can turn the area into a core we'll take about 70 days definitely going to need to do that we need the manpower we need the factories and we don't want our country to be in revolt against itself next up we will rush down to restore the iberian union and along the way we'll pick up some modifiers to improve the country i've also researched military police just to keep that annoying resistance under control gonna switch this into our cavalry template next since our cavalry is responsible for policing let's switch in military police for recon that should help resistance go down and to further improve our country after we've ramped up to limited conscription we'll take another advisor martin de riker martinez political power gain pretty great a relations improvement not that interesting but daily compliance gain that's going to help andios patra irae has somewhat helped with that recovering from the civil war national spirit made it a little less harsh now let's head on to restore the empire and restore the iberian union after that just gonna quickly snag up portugal if we can it will just help us secure the peninsula and portugal is pretty weak with the empire restored we could head down to restore the iberian union or strengthen the empire but quickly we're going to take a bypass here and get expand the raquetas get that three percent recruit pop we need more manpower as you can see we are at zero not great and another investment in pp here we can pick up the traditional theorist for another 15 pp gain that will make the pp flood in now on we'll probably be improving the military so it's january of 39 resistance is under control the army is relatively well equipped we are fixing our massive deficit we have a few factories and our production has somewhat recovered a few more days we'll finish the requites giving us more manpower then we'll snack up portugal before moving on to take france but we still have some time before things kick off in europe the request has expanded as you can see it takes another 70 days before we can take another crusade against democracy focus let's restore the iberian union bring portugal into the fold they are incredibly weak so they shouldn't pose too much of a problem and we have another 150 pp i'm going to pick up the lifelong car list first for 10 stability that will push us over 80 and we won't risk any strikes from now on we'll be investing in the military staff maybe bumping it up to free trade but that can wait and restore the iberian union is done we could now claim the french throne though i fear that might be a little bit early germany hasn't started its business in europe yet let's focus a little more on improving our country i'm gonna get that extra research slot here and we can core our first territory catalunya and the portuguese reject our proposal well that's their problem simply declare and everybody gets to march in they really don't have the strength to oppose us there we go that was hardly a fight now was it i'm going to satellite their african holdings then puppet portugal itself done we now have a bunch of puppets and the peninsula is secured as well as the portuguese fleet and a good source of tungsten here and now we redeploy the army against france and the uk and prepare for trouble and while we do have time it doesn't hurt to prepare i'll start by setting the navy to naval invasion support in the western approaches and the bay of this gay and i'll prepare some naval operations from la coruna into the port of cardiff bristol and the area surrounding it we'll make a total of five landings hitting the tile left of cardiff all the way through to the towel beneath bristol so this entire coastline here from there we will quickly push out and also ferry across the rest of our army should be able to knock the uk out relatively quickly we're going to assign the units to real quick so the invasion can be prepared and once it's prepared i'll just assign the troops elsewhere germany has just finished the molotov riven drop pact so we are running out of time still i believe there should be enough time to cut one more of these focuses before we need to claim the french throne i'm gonna improve my crusade against democracy some more and keep pouring your territory right germany has to finish the danziger war we are about to finish defenders of catholicism after this we will claim the french throne and get involved to that end let's improve the army a little bit uh army logistics stop bad army regrouping nothing super interesting i'll just take army organization all right time to claim the french throne and in 70 days we'll get involved let's hope the french last that long if you think this is cutting it a little too close it's perfectly fine to take this one a little earlier but i like to take risks you can easily take this focus a little bit earlier and we have claimed the french throne let's get involved here declare on the french and aggressively push into france and gibraltar the moment the uk joins that as for focuses the rest of this tree mostly gives us war goals don't really need those right now we'll finish battle rights first giving us a nice bonus to attack and defense for our divisions and then follow up with strengthen the empire and any more economic bonuses now let's take the speed down and see what happens and the uk has joined as well let's push them out of gibraltar stat leave the navy in port don't want to draw attention we'll give them an order once our naval invasions are ready to set off and we've taken gibraltar excellent might want to leave a small garrison there don't want them immediately retaking it and these shock troops can be redeployed to la coruna and wait there until it's safe to cross how much you can get here really depends on how many troops they shuffle south and how much territory you can take before they respond still every little bit helps now usually the ai invites you to their faction unfortunately it doesn't look like the germans are inviting us to the axis oh there you go the french and we got some bits of it see if they're willing to invite us now that is still not willing to invite us 12 seconds later okay so i've reloaded the game real quick and well the strategic reasons are gone just need to get their opinion of us up meanwhile we'll prepare to invade the united kingdom we can only send 10 units across so we'll assign two units to every one of these naval invasions we prepared earlier the rest of the army will stand by in the port ready to ship across as well ah there we go the germans have decided they'd like us in their faction if you have this problem where there are strategic reasons against you joining an alliance or whatever simply close the game and open it again and the ai should have that modifier cleared and things will proceed as normal so let's get into the axis as far as participation is concerned 10 percent well terrible uk's fighting in africa hope they keep a lot of troops there that way we can uh walk into their homelands all right the troops are in position i'm gonna let the organization take up and once all that is done we'll send out the navy and hopefully beat out the uk should be able to send the fleets out yes green and green let's launch this operation ships have set off now much of this hinges on just how committed the united kingdom is to africa if they're not committed at all and kept all their troops on the home islands this is going to be difficult not impossible but difficult and micro intensive now if they're heavily committed to africa this is easy they usually don't have a lot of troops left at home and you can just walk in no this is exciting i don't think they have any troops to oppose our landing that would be great okay we've landed and i'm immediately getting rid of these horrible horrible horrible front lines first order of business is to aggressively push out take as many tiles as we can preferably some victory points in the mix as well now we manually want to expand this bridgehead as quickly as possible make it as wide as possible take as many victory points as we can to secure local supply the navy can head back home or if you're feeling particularly confident you can set them to convoy escort you do risk losing your entire navy to the royal navy though now everything left behind on the mainland can be shipped across now as well into bristol [Music] uk is responding but it's a rather weak response now to maximize our participation here what we want to do is encircle london but not actually take the province and capture the rest of the island before we take london just want to get the most out of this [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and i think we're gonna end this on 25 participation not great not terrible we can work with this the important thing is the allies have capitulated and they are done for okay and that concludes the peace deal so what did we get out of this we got a good slice of france uh this gives us a nice avenue into vichy france which coincidentally is going to be our next target it gave us a sizable great britain most importantly we will now be able to take the royal navy from them once we integrate them and also very nice we have access to the spanish raj rather british raj let's just call it india shall we this gives us options in future funny enough germany has taken malaysia that's going to put them on a collision course with japan like i said our next target will be the french so let's prepare to take them on shall we best do this while they are still weak meanwhile we continue recruiting troops until we are ready to take them out first order of business will be to justify on the vichy french so i will now be building up the military we will work on getting a justification done on the vg french and when that's done i'll be back through power of editing 20 minutes later and with that we have finished our justification on the vichy french they shouldn't pose too much of a problem meanwhile keep improving the economy you'll need quite the strong economy and military if you are ever to take on the axes themselves but as for vichy troops are in position they don't have a sizable army anyway do note that you need something in africa you need to take some other african holdings because just taking the stuff they have in france proper is not actually enough to capitulate them just so you know at any rate is simply declare war without calling in the rest of the axis and uh let these battle lines run as you can see production wise still making the basics i've also started making some fighters and close air support i will also be starting up a line of towed anti-air these are excellent as a support company for that piercing and just shooting down enemy planes we will need a lot more factories though and that's fishy french done pretty easy we want all the cores naturally that includes corsica and north africa next up we'll create a bunch of satellites and puppet them get control of their fleet eventually that's done fishy france is in the algerian desert well where do we go from here now we will have to tangle with the axis next which means we need to ramp up our industry as best we can expand our military get the best troops we can and get as many of them as we can and just take on the germans best moments to do that is when when they're balls deep in the soviet union and to that end let's start preparations probably need to make a lot more equipment though so we need more factories easiest way to do that right now is to get our puppets to uh be slightly weaker i'm gonna start unleashing the uk so we can integrate them we will also be changing this template to a 14-4 which means 14 of these infantry battalions four of these artillery battalions and will fiddle with the support somewhat as well probably getting rid of recon and replacing it with signal companies will also pick up support artillery support anti-air and maybe if there's enough equipment we'll get some supply companies as well and again i will return to you through the power of editing later all right it's january of 1943 and the axis is about to crush what's left of the soviet union this is unfortunate but we needed more time as you can see we are almost ready to integrate great britain after which we'll simply release them again we don't want to bother with the territory but this way we get control of the royal navy and with control of the royal navy we will rule the seas now the easiest way to integrate your puppet that quickly is just to send them everything you have i sent them my convoys my guns my artillery everything doesn't matter we get all of it back anyway the moment we integrate them now as for the military i've managed to make three armies of 14 fours on the french front i pulled together some chaff here these are all portuguese and british divisions seven twos i believe yes seven twos two man the italian front and i've got another army of 14 force ready to launch a naval invasion of italy our goal will be to knock out italy as quickly as possible now as for africa again i just cobbled together some garbage that the uk had left over maybe we'll turn them into something decent eventually the african front is not really a priority it would just be nice to lock down this front takes a little bit of the pressure off now another nice thing is that because the germans puppeted a bunch of things in the southeast asia they are now at odds with japan so we don't have to worry about fighting japan once we justify on our italian brothers so we will justify on italy in 40 days we will be able to take on the axis and provided the soviet union has not completely collapsed by then they might make something of a recovery we'll see already we can now annex the uk what i'm going to do first is just get rid of all of these expeditionary forces they gave me that way they flip back to the uk and well once we take control of their units we'll actually have those units at our disposal as well whereas if we don't do that they bug out i've also not selected the national focus there's not that many great focuses out there might work on suppressing the subjects later on right now i need more pp so manage subjects and annex great britain first things first we'll take control of the entire royal navy and we'll add them to our own fleet don't need these submarines a bit garbage i'll just add them to the reserves all of these units we just borrowed i'll make these into seven twos give them their general back and plop them back down they can ravage africa for me and whatever's left 35 divisions yeah there's a bunch here i'm gonna get rid of these they're pointless and 23 divisions still okay we'll add these to the alps and that means i can send the portuguese units home that's good i will be lacking some artillery though once uh those divisions start filling up now how do i proceed from here i'd much rather have the uk as a puppet again because this territory is going to be terrible to defend and well you can already see resistance is rising and we hardly have any compliance zero so we'll simply release them as a puppet again and might as well release ceylon as puppet also now we will be lend leasing to them and send them a bunch of convoys again 800 750 convoys should do that way we can immediately turn them back into an integrated puppets giving us all those factories again well maybe not all of them but still many of them oh yeah factories are a problem now but that will sort itself out i am going to be short some equipment soon though and this alpine army i stole from the british will turn into 14 force so yes i will be short quite a bit of equipment that's okay we can make more once we can reintegrate them as a puppet in 14 days so the justification is going to finish yeah in 12 days so the italian justification is going to finish first though but that's okay we can wait a few more days alrighty our justification for pietmont is finished army's in position gonna wait a little bit until these guys get their organization back wouldn't want to start a war without the army being ready in africa we can aggressively push out in europe our mighty new navy can support a naval invasion at iranian sea oh i should probably be adding airplanes to these new carriers we have all right now we'll send some airplanes to those carriers navy will head out that's good and we should be able to launch those naval invasions and push into corsica quite easily no no wait sardinia yes sardinia they have fortified the alps though but that's okay should be able to hold there germany has redeployed a lot of troops towards our borders but again should be okay in five days i can turn great britain into an integrated puppet might as well just get things moving along as you can see we're not facing japan because the japanese are already fighting the axis the germans joined the party let's push towards these rivers quickly and aggressively they make for much better positions to defend and early game we will be defending against them mostly just to wear them down while we uh tickle the italians a bit africa shouldn't be an issue at all oh yeah take the speed way down all right naval invasion went off without a hitch perfect now immediately and aggressively expand we're gonna send these guys over as well don't need that many units to secure sardinia anyway i might be able to take rome early what appear italian units are showing up now they are responding but we're about to cut their country in half so shouldn't be too much of an issue germans seem to be aggressively attacking that's great let them burn manpower and equipment on our lines we can hold same fairly but i wish italy wouldn't burn so much more daily leave behind the more i could take all right italy is going to fall any minute now and we'll have to make an immediate dash towards the north here pushing as far as we can before the germany yep there we go now we have to push in as far as we can before the germans and assorted balkan countries respond i think i'll rush here this seems like a good defensible position and the army we had in the alps here will now redeploy to france and see if we can't use them to cut through through here and quickly across maybe we can cut off some german units in brittany we're not going to bother with the balkans we're going to lose this no matter what and that's okay we weren't planning on holding it anyway let's ramp up to extensive conscription because we need that manpower well with italy gone i think we can make a move on france now soon they'll start redeploying a bunch of troops here in a in a panic to get this garrison they're already popping up all in all we're not doing too bad we secured most of north africa and we'll probably push italy out of here without too much issue we've secured the italian peninsula and we're ready to strike at france and hopefully we can snowball that into an invasion of germany uh soviet unions clinging on to dear life here hope they can uh they can last looking at casualties we're not doing too bad we need a bit more contribution though but we have time we have a lot of time oh boy oh boy if we can complete this encirclement that will be huge okay we closed it um those units go there blue army go there blue army now aggressively try and close that this army should try an offensive move out when the situation calls for it all right with that going on the navy i'm getting my subs out and maybe we can convert bay of biscay just hope when we can trap a bunch of units in here i just hope they don't manage to make a great escape all right now push towards breast and destroy those divisions rest of the front seems stable might find an opportunity or two to launch an attack the alps were doing fine don't think they'll be breaking this anytime soon africa also pretty much unopposed that's a lot of german divisions in there should be quite a few german divisions in here unless they've all managed to escape i'm gonna call the fishy french in they only have a navy so at least they'll start using their navy at my advantage well to my advantage besides death they're not going to contribute much anyway oh right i forgot now the terrain is going to flip to vichy france that's fine we'll integrate them eventually i'm just gonna send them a bunch of stuff so yeah i'm just gonna work on integrating the vc french gives me more ships and i don't have to worry about this horrible mess totally forgot about that i wonder how many germans i killed in that pocket and not as many as i thought it's unfortunate i think i'll try a bit of a cheeky naval landing to the german beer we'll see how that plays out and see how germany's doing can't see much we'll start doing some infiltrations maybe some collaborations yeah i'll start doing some collaborations it's that way i don't have to walk as far say about that naval landing seems to be going off without a hitch oh they've got quite some troops here i wasn't expecting that though to be honest they seem to be of the garbage variety we're at the gates of paris already one hour in and i'd say we're doing quite nicely time to change our trade laws i'm going to limited exports that way uh we get to hold on to a bit more of our own stuff i don't have to trade for as much i don't really need the extra factories that the trading gives me my economy is quite strong already oh oh we did it we got a good pocket going here now time to dig in and aggressively close that germans are going to fight to get back out of there and we are not going to let them we can afford to take some losses if it can just get this pocket close that's a lot of german divisions that are going to be disappearing oh yeah that's 30 german divisions trapped what a bad day's work let's see how much that was half a million casualties i think one hour later german presence on our front line is a bit too strong right now i'll see if i can draw some away with the naval landing and then try another push in the alps they're still still suiciding all right let's set off that naval landing see where we end up any pressure we can take off this line is great it's already november and i would like to get some actual german territory in my hands before the soviet union completely uh falls over they've lost the caucuses now so it's a matter of time before they fall oh it looks like the area oh yeah uh the area seems to be well garrisoned that could prove problematic for that naval landing yikes i hope i don't lose too many troops here you can still cut across keel though i hope oh yeah these divisions are lost i'm afraid still if we can manage to make it to kill all is not lost we will have to push north now these guys are doomed i'm going to be a little cheesy and switch them off for something terrible and then just ban no point fighting that model i will need to quickly take the canal and then i can get my troops across you know this may have been a bad idea but we'll see what happens i can afford to lose some troops though it always sucks to lose an entire army of course all right our divisions can start getting across the push towards our house this may prove to be a terrible idea but we'll see if they reach it they might be able to reinforce this line if they don't well things happen well if i manage to dig in here i might actually hold out and clean up denmark just be a big old thorn in the german side assuming they they don't completely wipe us out here of course best keep the pressure up to the south to ensure that they don't get any uh towards ideas oh we've managed to take denmark uh it's a lovely thorn in germany's side or well top but i'm afraid we won't be pushing out from here anytime soon they've really short this up we'll have to look elsewhere one eternity later all right it looks like we're slowly starting to get somewhere uh it turns out that the major issue is the air force um in the current patch they seem to have changed the way fighters and cass interact in previous patches fighters would simply intercept cass if you set them to an intercept mission or air superiority it would seem however that currently close air support is completely ignored by fighters if they have other fighters too well fight meaning if you simply stack a giant amount of close air support like the ai does they can bomb the enemy into oblivion with impunity so we'll take a page out of their book and do the same so after a year and a half or a year and three quarters of a ww1 scenario on the western front we finally got it it was all in the air after all well good to know at least we can start producing a bunch more close air support so yeah in these last few weeks the front line has moved more than it has in the previous year in case anyone's wondering just build a giant amount of cass sure they're shooting down a lot of them but uh doesn't really matter as long as we're advancing yeah i think it's time we end this massive break in the netherlands now and with some good offensive operations we should be able to knock down the germans i could have done this a lot sooner if i had realized that but the way air works now not quite as intuitive just build a bunch of close air support and fighters and stack them in a single air zone oh games lagging is that the soviet union that's the soviet union okay so they knocked out the ussr um that's great that means we now have absolute control of the war well except for japan japan's not going to be able to do much with their limited amount of participation it's time to launch our offensive like to see them stop this game is proving very very laggy ah germany's capitulated let's see who else is in this that's it this should be over now oh no greater hungary and and legionary romania um okay eventually there we go there's the peace deal we won now we can take what we need and with that final peace deal we now have one king two crowns as carlos spain we have conquered all the core territory of france and uh got some powerful puppets in the mix german empire yes and kingdom of italy i do wonder what a kingdom of italy actually gets victory manuel while the german empire is random dude oh well it was a bit of a struggle but we got there eventually now if you like this video leave a like consider subscribing if you want to see more like this and hit me up in the comments tell me what you want to see next i'm always looking for great ideas also feel free to check out our discord it's a nice little community we've built over the last couple of months i'll leave links to that down in the description below i also want to make a big shout out to my patrons you guys are incredibly supportive of the channel it's your support that helps make these videos happen thank you thank you thank you this has been me peter steele have a good one goodbye
Channel: Bitt3rSteel
Views: 313,157
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Keywords: hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron 4 tutorial, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hearts of iron 4 battle for the bosphorus, hearts of iron 4 guide, hearts of iron iv, hoi4 carlist spain, spanish civil war, paradox interactive, hoi4, bittersteel hoi4, hoi4 achievements guide, one king two crowns hoi4, hoi4 spain, bitt3rsteel
Id: rAbht4mBOjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 44sec (3344 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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