HoI4 Guide: Bulgaria - Master Puppeteer Achievement

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My boi with the Bulgaria upload, can't wait for the next one

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Seantoneill7 📅︎︎ Oct 25 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey guys it's me bittersteel here back with another video for hearts of iron four basil for the whisperers we got a nice little kitty here and today we'll be playing bulgaria yes i know what you're thinking i promised more turkey and i've worked on it for an entire week only to keep having to throw the footage out gonna wait for a balance patch before i dive back into that but i promise bulgaria very fun country all the same now as bulgaria what are we going to do well specifically today i will be showing you how to get master puppeteer with minimal bloodshed i'd say no bloodshed but it's hearts of iron for who doesn't want a little bloodshed leave the game on iron man obviously and the historical ai focuses on so we can see what italy is doing but first if you like these videos leave a like and hit me up in the comments telling me what you want to see me try next maybe a cool challenge maybe some achievements you're having trouble with i'm always open to some more suggestions also consider subscribing and hitting that bell icon that way you'll be notified whenever i upload more content other than that we have a very cool and active discord community i'll leave links to that down in the description below and if you're one of those people who likes twitter i also have a twitter you can find the link for that in the description as well but enough rambling onto the video now bulgaria is not in a great state it's having itself a nice second national catastrophe those are pretty bad modifiers the army restrictions this is crippling absolutely crippling can't recruit units can change templates factory output dockyard output it's all garbage and then the imro a terrorist organization operating from bulgarian soil will have to deal with this let's start out by giving some more power to the tsar what we're going to do is rush all the way down here to form a regency council and fate of the balkans as fast as possible which does mean we'll have to get through this one requiring over 20 democratic support that's okay we can get ourselves an advisor for that let's start out with power to the tsar construction just a bunch of military factors can throw in a civilian one here and there but focus on mills research fairly box standard for now just stick with engineering and production the military can't really do much with it just give them a general and i'll i'll just park them here so they'll look at our neighbors menacingly i suppose now for production we'll get rid of the trucks replace them with transport planes so i think some of you already know where this is going and anything fresh can go into infantry equipment for now and with basic setup done let's kick things off maximum speed a few moments later and with its are empowered let's keep moving we could head down the tsar's regime but i like to pick these first uh i suggest cooperating with this veno and condemning the macedonians this veno holds all the good generals and condemning the macedonians will encourage the british to finally let us have an army again now for decisions you'll notice that we suddenly have a whole lot of stuff to click in the faction management and this is going to be where the bulk of our pp will be spent for now i recommend not bothering with the royal visits instead focus on the factions first of all get rid of the broad socialists they're just a bunch of troublemakers so we'll stomp them out as quickly as possible we'll ignore the national social movement they're fairly irrelevant and will focus on integrating the zveno and the agrarian union but first off broad socialists will simply be alternating different decisions that will bring their loyalty and popularity down and once popularity and loyalty hit zero percent we will have another option of destroying them so let's bring down the broad socialists one thing that's quite annoying is there is no notifications for this when he's finished so he'll be playing with this open pretty much the entire time cooperation with this veno done let's condemn the macedonians well the terrorist ones not all of them now for every faction that you're destroying or integrating you'll get factions like this if their loyalty is below a certain number and the broad socialists are at zero and the workers are striking them communists doesn't really matter which one you pick i suggest picking something that has a lower chance of reducing their faction popularity since we're trying to get that to zero now for your industry dispersed or concentrated doesn't really matter too much i like picking this burst excellent the imro is condemned let's keep moving to the tsar's regime and in preparation we'll also hire a democratic reformer since we need to get the dp here democratic party up to 20 support you can slowly work on that with this guy and with the imro condemned we'll have other options as well here macedonian revolutionary organizations for 50 pp we can start anti-imro propaganda i recommend doing at least the first one of these it will make the uk like you a little bit more because it shows your commitment to peace and prosperity in the region i don't know if it actually factors into the uk allowing you to rearm i just click this and we can now destroy the socialists that's one down two to go every time you destroy or integrate a faction you also get a nice chunk of political power so it's a good way to get yourself some free pp there we go they are destroyed now to integrate either zveno or the agrarian union first it doesn't really matter who you do first but i would recommend getting their loyalty up both at the same time it's not until the later decisions that bumping one up causes the other to go down a little bit but once their loyalty is high enough at least they won't give you any negative events and you can integrate them at your leisure so i'll start out with the zveno and some anti-imro propaganda tara's regime is done we can't take this one anyway so we'll hop over to promote bulgarian nationalism first since we're sitting on a bit of political power might not be a bad idea to ramp up the partial mobilization we can wait a few more days to click another one of these we need production since we're caught up with the research and production let's pick up our paratroopers and with that that's all the mandatory research out of the way i recommend if you're taking this play through further to focus on keeping up to date with the industry keep up to date with the research as usual and then focus mostly on infantry equipment and artillery and a bit of support the ones you need like engineers and maybe logistics companies because the balkans are not great as for doctrines i suggest sticking with superior firepower for a country like bulgaria there's not much point to a navy or an air force really you can make a few fighters if you want to make some small time early wars but you'll never out produce your enemies it's not feasible it's much better to simply build some anti-air but other than that just pick whatever you like really we can't take the nonpartisan system yet we lack the support for the dp let's see oh we're two percent off that's a shame oh well meanwhile we'll take bulgarian iridentism that should give us some nice spirits yeah seems pretty great and with bulgarian irredentism we finally have the support required let's take illusions of a non-partisan system we have 22 support now i think we can get rid of the reformer now now don't do this if you're squarely on 20 because boris here has daily support for non-aligned which will make them tick back down just keep a little buffer here like 22 percent definitely more than enough yeah let's keep going on to liberalization of trade pulses now i know we're sitting on a good chunk of pp but we need a lot of it for these decisions and other ones that will pop up later like dealing with the imro dealing with the bulgarian rearmament and in future also for dealing with the tsar here not to mention that once japan start things in china i'd like to send an attache there for some free army xp and then finally once we have this focus fate of the balkans there's a ton more decisions that we need to click so pp comes at a premium seems like a bit of a theme for all these new factions later time to plot against boris i feel bad for the guy he always gets the short end of the stick while we're here i like to make an intelligence agency you can do this earlier if you like just get yourself one spy that you can pull up on italy so you can see what focuses they're doing that gives you a bit of an idea when to plan your invasion of albania i believe around the time that they start doing special forces if i'm not mistaken that's about the time you want to start justifying on albania at least on historical i recommend doing this on historical for that reason time to plot against boris let's see what can we do let's brainwash some political prisoners always a good idea and japan has started its nonsense in china let's immediately send over a attache can do that instantly since we share the same ideology japan is going to demand that you're attracted though but i'm not too scared we can't form a regency council yet so let's head over here and work towards bulgarian rearmament and we'll send our spy over to italy so we can have a look at their focuses it's only july of 37 that we have time before zog submits and time to negotiate the bulgarian rearmament i really hope britain likes us enough that we can uh please have our army back please we've been a good boy and now we integrate this veno and that's the last of the relevant factions gone and bulgarian re-armament has been negotiated let's have a look here we can't proceed yet we still need to get rid of boris could improve our road system start going down the industry branch more production is always nice uh always need more guns and now in order to secure our rearmament let's demonstrate our policies of peace let's show the world what good boy we've been alright after plot against boris i almost forgot there's so many things here that sometimes just forget to click something gonna start making some artillery as well and this veno's gone that's the last of the relevant ones excellent we can forget all about this now we can now see what italy is doing they're on modernized army now if i'm not mistaken that leaves with one two three i guess that leaves us with three more focuses before we need to justify on the albanians better hurry with that regicide when you get these march events by the way from those uh national socialists uh just click the top option gives us some popularity for the gamers rise up ideology but that's okay since we'll be switching over to that eventually okay now to complete the path against boris let's first seek foreign support and then just get rid of him now for focuses maybe something nice and short i think we've run out of 35 day focuses to do let's just keep going on the industry time to execute boris i mean the plan yes execute the plan and uh let's also ask the uk if we've been good boys and can we please have our army back oh there goes boris oh if you don't like your spy getting caught once you can see what italy's doing just quiet the intel network that will reduce the chances of him getting caught and you can still see what the italians are doing now why does it matter so much what the italians are doing well two things one they're guaranteeing albania and two they're bound to eat albania on every game and uh well there's a way around that once we go all the way down here form a regency council we have the option of appointing a pro-axis government which will flip us over to the gamers rise up ideology that will allow us to justify on albania and the focus after that will allow us to create factions that combined with the fact that italy has a lovely focus here befriend bulgaria that they will always do at the same time will allow us to invite italy to our faction and if italy is in our faction that gives us a 70-day window where we can conquer albania now i hope i didn't ruin it because like i said i i kind of forgot about the whole boris thing so we're behind a couple of days well a significant amount of days but we should be still good to go hey the uk thinks we're good boys you can now change the army change these to the infantry divisions and let's edit these add some artillery will reduce the manpower cost and start training and it's a bit ambitious perhaps so and just start pumping these out at high priority deploy them whenever you can let's also change the paratroopers something decent can combat with and we'll train four of these one run highest priority and swap those around there we'll first get the paratroopers and then we'll spam out everyone else time to form a regency council let's see what italy is doing meanwhile fortification efforts yeah that means one two 140 days before uh they'll do the focus should be right on time still three days later now that our army restrictions are lifted let's start ramping up those recruitment laws this will not do this won't do it all we've now formed a regency council let's move on to the fate of the balkans italy is on their extra research slot so the next focus they do will be special forces yeah once they start their next focus we'll start our justification on albania meanwhile we'll get this event the regency council and will form a pro-axis government now germany is gonna start sending us some requests to join we'll be ignoring all of those we have no interest in that we will however be ramping up to war economy we spent all the peop we are willing to spend on these uh diplomatic protests we have enough army xp we can just retract our attache doesn't matter and it's june 29th 1938 this is the time that italy starts special forces and this will be the time that we justify on albania zog's days are numbered meanwhile keep force deploying these infantry divisions they don't need to be fully equipped we just need to have a big and strong army well an army that looks big and strong so we can intimidate our neighbors you'll see why in a second and we've completed the fate of the balkans which gives us access to this entire set of decisions we can influence all of our neighbors we're not gonna bother with albania click those away and after that we can also issue ultimatums now the influence is pretty standard you click the button 90 dames go by where you lose a bit of political power gain much like improving opinions and when it's done it will add a positive modifier to that ultimatum that we can also issue now as you can see in this text there's some red text some yellow text and some green text in the description green text is an indication that there's a positive modifier towards the outcome and red text is a negative modifier towards the outcome we want to make sure that we have as much green in there as possible before we click it so that means getting a stronger army than them neighboring them we can't do much about the ideology but that's okay doesn't really matter and we need to get their opinion up so that's something we have to work on but first we'll be influencing them we need a bit more pp before we can do that though 60 pp should do and we'll influence the greeks turks the yugoslavs and the romanians comes at quite the cost and considering the cost it might be a good idea to just hold off on national focuses anyway we'll follow up with the national propaganda and some more industry techs once this is done but i don't want my political power to dip too low let's also get these transport planes out there oh too many how many can we get there just just two that's fine i'll let them reinforce up to maybe not 50 10 fine 20 minutes later these are almost done uh let's start doing focuses again because there's some good stuff on the left side here mostly industry techs here and military factories for free let's go grab some military factories our paratroopers are done let's get them ready fortunately albania is not exactly a superpower so a limited power drop should be enough just gonna hit all their victory points and a tile in between somewhere usually only have the one division by now anyway so if we take all these tiles in one go we should be great now we can get the greeks in our faction if you can get our opinion up let's do that as you can see several of these things have changed compared to let's say turkey they have a low opinion of our military strength while the greeks here are quite fond of us well they they respect our sizable military so once we get their opinion up we should be able to get them in our faction with a little bit of bullying now for focuses i very much need more manpower we're at our limit here but military factories not bad either we'll pick rebuild the army and then head down here for some more mills or we can just found the branic here for additional recruitable pop okay the italians are influencing us and are very willing to join our faction let's get them in while we do that let's also uh convince the greeks to do the same there we go they're also in now we are at risk of italy taking over leadership but we should be able to stay just ahead of them if we can keep spamming out troops and once a country is in our faction and it's a balkan country we can also subjugate them and force them to be our vassal state or a puppet however this only works if you're considerably stronger than them so think around twice their fielded divisions so we have some work cut out for us but first i have to take down albania and in four days zok is gone there we go just declare italy won't do anything and we'll just power drop and their only division is on the greek border here so our units can land without opposition and it's happening and it's gone albania knocked out these can be converted into regular divisions and just integrated into the army so far so good and again just keep spamming out the visions oh and take all states don't puppets albania don't don't puppet albania ever the moment italy sees them available they'll snatch them up by their focus meanwhile keep getting as much recruitable pop as possible we'll now found the branic also gonna change our cavalry template to just a regular cav there and use them as an occupation force and we can get rid of the transport planes so we'll be able to ramp up our recruitment laws again and that should be the end of our manpower problems and we can significantly increase the size of our army snatch up the yugoslavs the romanians maybe the turks if we're lucky we can snatch hungary before they join the axis laytale instantly ramp up to extensive conscription and we have the branic speak nationalist propaganda as well 500 extra manpower every week let's improve our relations with the yugoslavs we'll be more powerful than them soon enough now another nice thing of having italy in our faction is that they won't join the axis they'll be here so that's a significantly weaker axis if you ever want to continue this game and let's head back here and get some military factories let's see how does yugoslavia think about us yeah they're willing to join and issue an ultimatum and they're in now with them in uh the earliest possible moment now i'm gonna justify i'm hungry but a little luck we'll be able to snatch them up right underneath the nose of the axis meanwhile what does romania and turkey think romania is not impressed in others turkey we have time let's justify 155 days maybe maybe i think it will go down significantly once germany kicks off ww2 here like they did just now so hungary is doing their mobile whatever germany's declared everyone's going to join that yep about now a little less time i'm going to wait and see if the world tension goes up just a little bit more now hungary isn't required but it's just a nice bonus to have to have everything in the balkans am i gonna line these troops up on that romanian border see if we can't intimidate them into joining our faction as well a little bit more pp though i i wasted a little of it by accidentally canceling that justification i'm hungry then starting again yeah i'm not a genius uh whoops gonna work towards prussia of the balkans that's a really good national focus now let's see if the romanians are willing to see reason our military is stronger we've influenced them and they're our neighbors but we can't get our opinion above 50 because of all those negatives hmm i could probably pressure them into a non-aggression pack but just see if this works there we go the romanians are in if you want to improve your odds at this like i said pressure them for a non-aggression pack that improves opinion a little more as well that's everyone except for turkey meanwhile the army continues to grow i think we should be pretty good to uh bully the greeks some more we have 42 divisions while they have what do they have yeah 14 we should be able to overpower them now if all goes well we should nab and we shouldn't have hungry before they join the axis let's see if we can't bully the greeks we are significantly more powerful than them yeah excellent and we can steal their divisions as well now for prussia of the balkans this is this is actually very powerful let's make hungary disappear and just call in maybe yugoslavia not perfect but it will work [Music] excellent and we'll pass a few times turn them into our puppets pass a few times done that's a that's a big yugoslavia another line everyone up on yugoslavia just to put a little pressure on them see if they will uh see reason the yugoslavs have what 23 divisions we have significantly more than that they should be willing to cave unless this made them more powerful not sure about that oh well let's see if we can't get them to cave excellent they know their place and we can just take their divisions as well and all these units can now make sure romania understands its place in the world now with prussia of the balkans done let's keep going in the industry we're now also well ahead of italy for leadership of the faction so uh yeah just by taking those troops from our subjects we're now too powerful for italy to just cast aside i'm just gonna quickly persecute these zimro activists that 0.3 daily pp gain eh it doesn't really matter at this point but i'm annoyed by it after that i'll issue the ultimatum and subjugate the last two countries just to make sure the turks know where they stand let's uh let's put on impressive display for them and we'll issue our ultimatum excellence that's all the countries in that is one mighty bulgarian federation very greater much bulgarian yes soviet union's justifying i think they won best arabia just look at these research slots five research slots bulgaria really is a powerhouse in this dlc significantly stronger than turkey i'd say ah damn it romania always giving in that's unfortunate oh well no big deal time to subjugate the romanians yep they know their place now for turkey just look at the army you're able to muster as bulgaria just through the wonderful mechanics of puppeting i'm quite sure turkey is well impressed by that force on their borders now let's see if the turks are willing to be subjugated of course they are and that's everyone in our faction well except for italy subjugated now for the achievement we need five balkans puppets now i don't know if turkey counts or if uh hungary counts but i do know that yugoslavia counts romania and greece so we have three already just in case that hungary and turkey don't count we'd need to find two more and there's an easy way to get those two through this decisions tab you can bring back southern serbia and bring back macedonia this gives you these regions macedonia and southern serbia obviously when you reclaim them from your yugoslav puppet you could then release serbia and macedonia from them as puppets and voila with that i've completed the achievements let's get that first off let's get uh southern serbia of course they'll give it up they know what's good for them we'll go into occupied territories and release serbia as a puppet now for the last one we will bring back macedonia go here occupy territories release nation as a puppet and with that we have completed master puppeteer as bulgaria we have completed the focus fate of the balkans while having five or more balkan puppets i think we went above and beyond because we have let's see one two three four five six seven balkan puppets so that's five or more great that's another achievement in the back very easily hardly any combat and you can do it without any combat whatsoever if you don't care about hungry now i hope you liked the video it was a lot of fun making this this is a very fun country to play us in the current dlc i hardly recommend it if you want to see more achievements from the current dlc or if you want to see some other challenges some other achievements hit me up in the comments i'm always looking for some inspiration if you like this video leave a like consider subscribing if you want to see more of it and hit me up in the comments with suggestions for other achievements you want to see maybe some challenges or if you have any questions i always try to read my comments and answer them if i have time and i don't forget if you didn't like it that's fine just hit that dislike button and tell me in the comments what i did wrong always looking to learn this has been me bittersteel have a good one see ya
Channel: Bitt3rSteel
Views: 15,999
Rating: 4.9509435 out of 5
Keywords: bitt3rsteel, bittersteel hoi4, hoi4, hoi4 achievements guide, hoi4 bulgaria, bulgaria, bulgaria focus tree hoi4, bulgaria focus tree, battle for the bosporus, hearts of iron iv, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron iv gameplay, hearts of iron, strategy, paradox, gameplay, hoi, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 56sec (1496 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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