HOI4 Advanced Strategies: Restoration of Al-Andalus guide

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hello everyone i am spaniard and welcome to hoy4 advanced strategies before we begin let me ask you are you tired of cheat based guides that are only viable until paradox patches the exploit do you feel empty after obtaining an achievement the cheaters way do you prefer guides with detailed explanations and legit gameplay so you actually learn how to play this game if your answer is yes you have come to the right place and what better way to show you the power of legit gameplay and going after the one challenge nobody has shown on video yet the challenge many of you have requested the challenge most people consider impossible that's right we are going to restore alandalus if after the video you have any follow-up questions on this guide or any other challenges you can find me on bittersteels discord which is a nice community where we talk about the strategies i also recommend you watch his videos and drop us up there he does what i do but with much better video editing the links are in the description below alright enough with the script let's jump into it shall we so what is alandalus you may ask alandalus is a new form of nation that was released with the last dlc called la resistance where you have to play as a north african nation one of these five countries in this area and you have to control these two states in portugal and most of these southern states in spain with the exception of sevilla for some reason and if you manage to do that you will get a decision that will give you course on all of portugal all of spain and gibraltar uh that is pretty much the challenge that we're gonna go for but the real challenge doesn't really end there because if you manage to do that you will notice that you will get access to two new hidden decisions that uh will give you more course which is basically the first one uh the solution of africa i believe it's called where you have to control morocco algeria tunisia and libya if you do that you will get course on all of them and also you will get course on western sahara if you control it and the other decision is called the emirate of sicily where you will have to control well sicily obviously and malta greed dodecanese and cyprus if you manage to do that you will get the decision to get course on all of them and on top of that you will get bonus scores on both sardinia and corsica even though these two are not required to fire the decision the thing is that it doesn't really end there because if you manage to do those two on top of that you will get a new hidden decision that is called the umayyad caliphate where you will have to be in control of egypt all this area right here colonized by the allies uh iraq kuwait saudi arabia oman yemen and abu dhabi and if you do that you will of course get course on all of them but please note that these states of aden and qatar are not required for the decision nor will they get course but furthermore if you manage to do that you will get access to the last two hidden decisions which are the rashidi expansion where you will have to control all of iran afghanistan and all the pakistani states in the rush which is pretty much this area around here and the last decision it's called the northern expansion well you will have to be in control of these states right here in turkey i believe it's uh this four and parts of the soviet union namely the caucasus region and some other state right here i think it's up until here pretty much so if you manage to do all of that you will be able to create one of the biggest nations that you can legitimately get on holi 4 that i think it will be only second to china in terms of manpower and i think that is assuming that china gets all the cores and i believe the total population will be even bigger than that of the soviet union so you can imagine how big of a country you can create but you also have probably grasped so far that in order to do that at some point you will be at war with the allies the axis and the coming turn so quite a challenge indeed however we're just going to be sure we're just going to go for the first one because it's already going to take long enough and um let's go to discuss uh the five countries that can go for this so first of all you would have morocco algeria tunisia olivia we will talk about this one later and of all these four uh without a question if you just look at them individually at face value the strongest one of them all is algeria this is for several reasons number one being is the one with the higher population meaning you will have access to more manpower i think they start with some industry and they will also have access to a lot of steel rare around this area and that is going to be pretty good for your production for trading if you want to trade that away and get some cvs to build whatever and overall this is hands down the stronger the strongest one of them all uh however uh the best nation in my opinion even though i believe it can be pulled off with all of them this is in my opinion not the best nation to do it the best nation is morocco uh the reason for that is because if you look at what you have to do you have to take over pretty much portugal in spain and as you can see that means starting as any of these nations that you will have to naval invade them at some point so what is the problem that algeria and tunisia and libya have is that they will be locked in the mediterranean because they will not have access through the strategic var meaning that the only way that they will have to naval invade is through this one sea zone and only in these territories which is pretty bad on itself because uh spain has a considerable navy uh not as big as the the one for the big players but definitely big enough to make your life very difficult because you will start with no navy you will have to build one and spain just can assign missions to their name in just this one season and they will block you forever um in the case of tunisia and libya this is even worse because well maybe not tunisia but definitely libya they will have to go through two seasons so that is two seasons uh where you will have to get uh naval supremacy and that is gonna even increase the the difficulty of this challenge on top of that compared to algeria they do not have any resources worth mentioning maybe just i think tunisia has around 60 here but it's just too little and they have even less manpower than ongeria so that is uh the reason why i'm not even gonna consider these two for the challenge at first uh that leaves you with algerian morocco and the thing is that morocco has early access to the atlantic which is very convenient because you can get to choose more landing sites if you're going for spain in a different area and also you can choose to go for portugal which is an option that none of these have so that being said why did i leave western sahara because they also have access to the atlantic well the reason for that is that in the last dlc spain got a rework and as you can see they have a lot of new national spirits that prevent you to do pretty much anything until the beginning of the civil war which is probably programs just so you don't do any shenanigans and you have to go through the historical civil war somehow and one of the things that is not described in the national spirits is that one thing that you're prevented to do at the very start of the game is to release territories you cannot release western sahara you cannot release equatorial guinea that means that enable to be capable of playing with western sahara you will have to play with spain up until the civil war and then you will be able to release it which at the time is probably going to be already too late because we are going to need to be fast about this challenge we'll go more into that later um you don't really have anything going on for you with what's the sahara like i think this is the lowest manpower of all five they don't have any resources here worth mentioning so it's just um plainly not a good option to go so that being said we are gonna do this as morocco and in order to do that we will have to first play as friends and we're gonna do so on regular difficulty iron man mode historical focuses uh this is version 1.9.3 of the game which as of september 2020 is the last version of the game and i have all the dlc active especially in order to do that you will need the resistance because if you don't have it you will not get access to this decision so that being said let's go into it uh this is not going to be called iron man france uh this is going to be called the umayyad caliphate which seems more appropriate for what we are about to do [Music] all right here we are and first of all the first thing that i would recommend you do is uh that you take these five divisions that have friends has stationed in morocco and you go ahead and delete them right away the reason for that is because if you don't and you release the nation those five divisions will stay here as exiled divisions meaning they will not move they will just be locked in here and the ai doesn't even disband them so that would mean that you will lock that manpower and equipment that they already have in there for the whole game and that is gonna create some a minor disadvantage to france but the idea is that we want to uh get the initial conditions in a way that disrupts the rest of the gain as little as possible uh so because for instance if you want to do this you could think about well what if i'm playing as friends don't start by using all my sibling production to maybe i don't know uh pump some military factories in this area and also you may consider going for the focus tree and here you have the option to go down to this focus called in this in algerian france will you will get uh four additional uh building slots which is pretty good and then you can even go further than that and go for this focus right here to get two cvs and this focus right here to get to meals and only then you would be releasing algeria and if you do that you will definitely have a significant advantage in terms in terms of industry and that you consider that may help you uh take over your enemies but there are two problems with that approach number one that i believe is a lame approach uh i would hardly consider that as a legit gameplay i would consider that more like an exploit thing to do also you're gonna disrupt uh france's path so it's no longer gonna be really considered a historical game because then they will have to catch up with their normal focuses they're gonna be behind there's gonna create an advantage for the axis and all in all that is not good to do and the second problem that you face is the one we already explained that you will still be landlocked in the mediterranean you will have to go through the same season and whatever you do is not going to give you a massive advantage on on the naval part of it so that being said we are going to release morocco and we are going to do so on the first day of the game without them pausing which is also the reason that we had to delete them and we didn't have the time to just like move them around so that being said we're just going to go straight into here occupied territories as you can see france has a lot of territories that can release but we are only interested in one which is the kingdom of morocco we just go ahead click release nation we unselect release as puppet and we just select play s so we are now the kingdom of morocco and if we go here to decisions we will see the decision that constitutes this challenge i'm just going to hover over here so you can see in detail where exactly the states that you need to be in control of to restore a landlord and then let's start talking about the starting situation of morocco which i can tell you right now is pretty dire because first of all you start with a grand total of one civilian factory no militaries no naval doctors and that one itself is already pretty bad then you start with 5 million population which is not a lot and you will definitely be having issues with manpower then you have some decent stability and war support which i think at least we have something going on for us and another good thing that we have is that we inherit all the division templates from france which is something really good because we don't have to care that much about uh army experience finding a way to get it and just creating the appropriate template so this is already pretty good then you will start with only two research slots which is pretty bad on itself uh on top of that would you start with like the most basic of the basics of research meaning that you barely have anything other than basic equipment you have nothing in here you have no tanks you have no artillery you have no doctrines you have no ships whatsoever no air force uh no electronics so you can see you start with like i think this is the only uh research that you get at the start of the game so that is already pretty bad on top of that as you can see we have no armies no navy and no air force so i would say this is pretty much as bad as you can get as a starting nation and yet we are going to do a strategy uh that if we pull it off uh in the best case scenario because there will be an rng element later on that we can overcome don't worry but if we get the best outcome possible in that rng event we will be able to uh restore a landlord probably by 1938 and if we are very very very unlucky we will still be able to pull it off but we will probably have to wait until 1940 or 1941 so we'll see about that so uh let's jump into what are we supposed to do so it's very important that i mentioned before we get into it that in order to be able to pull this off you're gonna have to follow this strategy that i explained to the letter there is no much room for improvement even though there's other possible strategies definitely and i've tried some of those myself but this is the one that i consider the most reliable so you have to follow it to the letter because if you pick the wrong focus if you pick the wrong research if you pick the wrong decision or you spend your political power in something that you're not supposed to you will be missing a key component of this strategy and it will not work so i'm gonna go into it in in detail first of all let's jump into the focus three as you can see we have the generic focus three which is honestly i really like it i think it's pretty good and we're gonna go straight into political effort because we need that 120 political power right away as soon as possible for the reason that as you can see as morocco we start as non-aligned and being non-aligned means now let me show you right here that in order to justify working justify war goals you will need wall tension above 50 that means that in order to be able to justify on either portugal or spain you will have to be you will have to wait until world war ii kicks off and even though it would not get to 50 right away i think you will have to wait probably until the netherlands or belgium can be delayed probably around that time you will get 50 and that's already gonna be pretty late and the one thing that you do not have in your site well you don't have much in your site but the most important thing that you do not have in your side is time because as you can see would you start with pretty much nothing and your potential enemies will start with something uh they already have some industry well we don't see that right now because we don't have intel but uh they will get access to their focus tree there is some uh factories that they can get around here they can get bonuses for army they can get more divisions over time they have higher manpower and spain even though they will go into the civil war since you're playing you're playing historical um they are a much bigger and powerful country that you are meaning that the longer you wait uh the stronger they build they will become compared to you so that is why you will need to be quick about this that being said we need to uh flick to an ideology that would allow us to justify war goals early uh that leaves us with only two options which are communism and fascism but for this strategy we need to go with fascism uh there are several reasons for that number one being as you can see we start with a higher support for that and that is going to be pretty good for us because company starts with very little we will have to spend a lot of time getting this popularity up and as we mentioned we don't have time on our side so we have to go to fascist that would be uh enough of a reason just to choose fashions instead of communism but then you also have some of the reasons like i believe the fascist branch of the general focus 3 is better for what we are going to do meaning you will get stuff like manpower that we are desperately going to need whereas the company's branch of the generic focus tree what gives you is mostly political power uh this thing right here foreign subversive activities efficiency reduction meaning that if anybody wants to justify work on you it's gonna take longer but we don't really care about any of that for this challenge so fascist it is uh so we're just gonna do that and then we're gonna talk about research as we mentioned we only have two which is the worst that you can get and we start with no research so we have to be very specific about what we research and we don't have much room to uh to do any kind of improvisation whatsoever so bear with me uh first research is going to be basic torpedoes and that will go into submarines because as we mentioned we have to naval invade and we need some navy to do that so we really need to get this going and the second one is going to be uh basic machine tools um really at the start of the game this is not gonna give you anything any advantage because uh even though production efficiency cap is pretty good we start with no factories so it doesn't really make any difference but there is a higher purpose why this is selected first and we'll go into that a little bit later so then we only are missing construction for construction it doesn't really matter it's not gonna make any difference in my opinion for this strategy for the reason that first of all well you only have one building slot and if you only have one civilian factory and you want to build anything just see let's say we want to build a military factory and it's going to take around 1400 dates to complete and in most cases you will be able to restore a landlord before that so um i would just recommend that you maybe go for a military factory just you get some of the construction going in case you want to go for the whole challenge but really it doesn't really matter it's not going to make a difference so you can just build whatever it doesn't matter so that being said we are pretty much ready we are just gonna go here two decisions and we are going to unselect this this is not required for the strategy of course but i'd recommend that you do it because there's going to be a bunch of decisions that we will need to take in a very specific time frame and if we miss the mark we will have the whole strategy crumbling and we don't we don't want that to happen but you just unselect this so we you get the notification when the new decisions appear so you always have at least a visual aid to help you not miss the the mark so uh we're almost ready to uh start the game but uh i'll just want to talk that this strategy is something that you can 100 follow and well there's going to be some differences in every game because as you know uh every new gaming in hoi 4 has a random seed that affects these behavior of the ai and what they do and what they don't the grand scale of things if you're a historical like they're gonna still follow the historical path like germany is gonna go for rhineland first and eventually they're gonna grow a strong army they will go after poland in a certain date italy for instance will not go for italy first or anything like that so you have for pretty much a path lying down but there is going to be massive differences like for instance uh if you want to garrison the coast in the case of italy for instance they will not always garrison it the same way not in the same places not with the same type of divisions and some other things that usually you don't take a look into it but they will build different divisions in different times the production will not always be exactly the same and all those little things count towards uh making it harder for a strategy to be would do it exactly the same but i'm gonna give you enough details and enough information so you can replicate this strategy i would say 99.9 percent of the time so that being said i spoke before of a possible rng event there's two and there's only one that we cannot overcome but we are really not going to care because that is going to happen in the first two months of the game so if you get the bad outcome which is not very common i tell you uh you can simply restart and you will just waste maybe like a minute so it doesn't really matter the other one is going to determine whether we have uh an easier way to restore land loss meaning the possibility of restoring it by 1938 or we will have to wait longer and we will go into that a little bit later [Music] so that being said uh let's jump into explaining the first rng event well it's not really an event but it's a situation um and that is the ethiopian war so let's just uh go to speed five start a little bit so we get the game going and here we are so why do i call this an rng event uh it is because uh you probably have noticed at this point that in two games they will not defeat ethiopia in the same time uh there is a huge spread with this uh the earliest i've seen them do it is by fairly early in march so a couple months from now and worst case scenario i once saw them being entangled in ethiopia up until 1937 for some reason and we will go later into why i consider this an rng event that can be a wrong killer because all you need to know for now is that you need italy to defeat to defeat ethiopia before may 1936 and we'll go into that later so let's just uh watch this war and see we have a run going it will always first ethiopia will take this style first this is pretty much 99 of the time but what we care about is this error right here this is what is going to determine if they are gonna be able to do it [Music] um there's many possibilities but it's usually pretty good when by january they have been able to push in here because we want them to get to addis ababa as soon as possible uh base case scenario is early march and even if it's any time during april will still be good so so far it's looking good by february they're already pushing into this tile and let's see they got it and they will probably now uh get this one that's it and now they will start pushing into a disabba and this is looking pretty promising so far all right in the meantime we got a political effort completed and the next focus that we're gonna go into right away is industrial effort because we want that bonus for industry we go for dead and immediately you need to hire the fascist demigod like right away the minute you have the political power but you do that and keep watching this ammo okay now we have a pop-up for the decision this is the notification i was talking about um in order to flip to fascist uh there's as you know two options the referendum way or the civil war way but the referendum way is not gonna cut it because as we mentioned time is not on our side and this will take a long time so we're gonna go straight in to prepare for civil war and we are only interested in igniting it oh come on italy all right there we go uh of march this is pretty good it's not the best but it's definitely something you can work with and now we forget completely about ethiopia now we just focus on ourselves all right the reason uh we went for basic machine tools as you can see is that this research is going to finish before this focus meaning that when you complete this research you can go for one of the two industries and then the bonus will be applied for the second one and that is exactly where we want to do it but it's getting close everything else should be normal we we've disrupted the game just verily very little morocco is not that important in terms of like manpower or production or whatever to france so everything should keep going as normal all right now we got basic machine tools and now we have to decide for either concentrated industry and disperse industry there is a lot of debate of whether this one is better or this one is better in my opinion neither of them is better than the other it's sold depending on the circumstances so for instance uh for the purposes of this strategy i'm not gonna go into a rant about it but if you want to keep it short and your only goal is to just restore a landlord you're probably going to be better off if you go for concentrated because the main difference with between concentrated and dispersed is that the advantage of concentrate is that you get an extra five percent factory output you can see that you get 15. if this burst you get only 10. that is a five percent more per line meaning that if you go for two industries you will have an extra 10 factory output and that is gonna be definitely helpful it's gonna provide a small advantage not that big but something that you should not like uh discard right away because as you can see having so few of everything every single bonus that we can get is going to help us tremendously so if instead you want to go for the whole challenge and let's face it if you are capable of doing this you're very likely to want to keep going you know you're not going to want to stop there you can go with this burst for a while for the reason that you will get a production efficiency retention and production efficiency base that you don't have as concentrated industry and what this does is it's going to help you when you either are constructing new factories and you assign those new factories like military factors or whatever you assign those to a production line already existing and that means that that new factory is going to start with a higher efficiency percentage meaning you will be creating more equipment from day one and so and it's also going to be pretty good when you upgrade equipment so for instance you have these guns right here and then you research this and you uh upgrade them and from day one you will be pumping more uh new guns because you kept a higher efficiency retention that you do not get with concentrated as all those will start from zero so it's really a matter of reference i would say there's nothing definitely wrong with going concentrated industries not like this is really good and this is terrible because uh this is going to be better at first and this will be better in the long run so the thing is that if you manage to record all of this you will get an instant access to a lot of factories like 100 of the factories uh your economy will improve significantly and if you go for a whole challenge you will be snowballing hard you will be advancing and quarry meaning you will get more factories and that is why i prefer dispersed for the challenge because you do not have the luxury of sitting on your ass until like 1950 and then going after everybody because at that point it will already be too late though disperse it is for this game right let's keep going okay now we need to save uh 100 political power and get that as soon as possible to the point that even though that we now finish this focus and there's some very nice things around here that we definitely need but we are not going to select a focus because we want to get the 100 political power as as possible all right that's gonna happen pretty soon right there we are so now why do we need 100 political power well because we need to fire the civil war and firing a civil war requires 50 political power but we require more staff in order to be able to click the decision the total requirements in order to be able to click the decision is first of all you need to have a demagogue of a different ideology that you currently have uh you need to have 10 percent support for the ideology of the demagogue and we already have all that because as we went for fascist where we start with 20 if we did as communist we will not have 10 by now which is pretty bad and the other requirement is that you need to have less than 50 stability and as you can see we have right now 57 meaning that we need to reduce this uh the easier way to reduce it uh is this decision called expensive support which in exchange for 25 political power will decrease stability by three percent uh per week uh you will have to go for this for at least three weeks meaning that you will lose nine stability and in order to get below 50 and that it's important to note that that is stability that you will lose but you will not get back and stability is going to be really important for this run there is going to be a whole strategy about it and we need every single percentage that we can get so this is pretty bad on itself fortunately we have an alternative which is called raids the way this the race decision works is that you pay 50 political power and then you get an immediate decrease of 10 stability as you can see there but then over time for 120 days you will get a let's call it a national spirit or whatever it would increase stability over time and i don't remember the exact math but i believe it will give you around 12 stability meaning that overall with this decision you will be gaining a net of two stability as opposed to losing nine so that is right away a difference of 11 stability and that is pretty good so what are we going to do we're going to select one of the rates but it's important that you choose anti-democratic rates why because even if you are doing this as the kingdom of morocco and then you fire the civil war uh you will carry on this national spirit or whatever with you both the weekly stability and the daily democracy support reduction so that is why you want to choose this one and not this one so just so you don't hurt your ideology or your ideology so instead we're just gonna click these rates and now we can see that we immediately kind if not ignite the civil war so we're gonna do that right away now you may be asking but spaniard how do you plan on winning a civil war when you have no factories no equipment no armies and nothing well it is doable the thing is that uh something that it's also good of not having anything is that our enemy doesn't have anything either so you don't have to worry about them uh rushing units or whatever because they have absolutely nothing but we have a trick up our sleeve which is we're gonna go just some pause for a second so you're no longer called the kingdom of morocco and now you're the magrib empire and since now you're fascist you can go talk to your friends in italy and they will accept a non-aggression pact why is this important we'll see in a second uh we don't really care about non-aggression pack with italy what we care is about non-aggression pack giving us 25 relations now there we go now we have to wait a little bit more until we get another temporal power uh we'll see in a second in the meantime we get this research finished so we are just going to go straight for submarine halls and wait for our temp political power of course do not pick a focus yet uh not even after what we're gonna do with the temporal power uh we will need to keep this going for uh for probably more time so now we have temp political power we stop and we go ahead and improve relations with italy why because we want our relations to be at least three there we go now we have 43 now why do we care about this being 43 uh this is not going to be applied to every countries just specifically for italy because we want to request land lease so let's discuss a little bit how this requesting list works uh first of all the number one requirement that you cannot go around is uh you need to be at war so that is also why we wanted to fire the civil war right away so no if we didn't we could not request the land lease but then that is not the only thing because there's a lot more things to consider in order to successfully be requesting lease number one is uh the nation liking you uh if they don't like you it's very unlikely that they will send you anything and also let's jump into it so let's say that we want to go here and request some infantry equipment but they will initially say no why well the reasons are all explained here but mainly at this stage is because that horrible modifier of -1 000 that kills everything else that you can pull off that says italy has insufficient equipment or and this is the funny part we have too much equipment in stockpile really too much we have nothing whatsoever so this is the due to the way this is programmed where you the only way the ai has to understand that you need the guns is to be enough deficit so the only way that you have to be in a deficit of guns is to train units so where are we gonna train we are gonna train these two cavalry divisions just the two are we gonna deploy them in this tile right here north of marrakesh and then we're gonna train as many of these brigades as we can and this is not for exploiting forces we are going to legit need a lot of this division so we gotta get that going and now as you can see well since we are training uh um very important uh assign high equipment priority to this one first but now we are missing infantry equipment now we have a deficit now we go talk to italy request land links again and now they will say yes why because also we have been increasing relations if we kept at the 35 for the 10 that we initially have they will still say no because they need one more positive reason than a negative so now they are willing to accept this and now you may be asking well if this is working why don't you do it maybe with germany too well the reason is that germany as you can see they first of all do not like whatsoever non-aggression packs i think the only nation that can get to an aggression pack manually it's uh sweden at the beginning of the game because they have a modifier to like them uh but other than that you will have to increase uh relations a lot but still you will not be able to do it first of all number one reason first part of the horrible modifier germany at this stage of the game usually is in a deficit of guns themselves because they are pumping units and they don't have all their industry up and running so that's why there will be in a deficit and doesn't matter how much of a deficit you got the first part of the modifier will apply then after that you will notice that says german opinion of the maghreb empire is 10. if we increase it even to 100 we will not get enough to go over the base reluctance of 20 meaning that they will not agree to give us any land lease and this is going to happen with any other fascist nation doesn't matter if you go for like uh i don't know japan or i think uh el salvador uh the spurs serves fascists yet they will not accept either but why does italy accept well because italy starts with a national spirit called vittoria mutilata which gives them a modifier that says acceptance of fascist diplomacy plus 10. as you can see when you go here that's the reason why they have more opinion of us than negative oh now we can uh request the land lease we and pause and they will give us uh 1300 guns which is uh pretty good pretty average this is one of the things that is definitely not going to be the same in your game because i will have seen them giving from a range from 600 to 1600 that's usually spread and this is also the reason why the ethiopian world was so important and why i consider that an rng event because if they drag on the war for too long and for too long in my experimentation is usually may that means that they will be fighting more battles meaning they will be burning more equipment because also they will most likely not be winning those battles since they cannot break it and also ethiopia will be using more guns because they will be defender defending for longer that means that when they eventually do take ethiopia they will capture less equipment and if they burn a lot of equipment and they don't capture some equipment that will mean that this part of the modifier will still apply of them not having enough guns that is why i call this probably a wrong killer but not very important in itself because you can pretty much do this in a couple minutes and just figure it out so that being said uh we are just gonna wait for our guns to arrive and another thing that is gonna be completely random in your game is the leader that you get uh right now we got an okay leader there's nothing nothing good but nothing bad which is good so uh how does this work um when you change ideologies or you have a civil war or whatever if you have a an alternative leader designed by paradox like for instance you could have in germany you oppose hitler and you go for like wilhelm ii or whatever they will have uh predetermined um what you call it traits uh same as mostly for instance in the uk but if they if you are playing a country that has no uh design leader you would get a random one and the way random leaders work is that they have a chance i don't exactly sure what the chances but they have a chance of having either zero trades one trade or two trades um these possible trades are uh taken from a pool of trades i'm not exactly sure how many i think it's around ten um you can get to have like an amazing guy with like amazing traits or you can have um irrelevant traits like in this case we're not gonna need any of that or you can have bad trades the good news is that none of the trades are are wrong killer none of the bad traits they will definitely make your life harder and they will open the possibility for some horrible events but um you know in on itself is not bad um i'm thinking of two specific traits number one the one you don't want to see is hawk hawk is a national uh a trade sorry that will give you more world support which is good but would reduce your stability by five percent as we mentioned we need every single drop of stability to pull this off so that is the one you don't want to see and the other one even though it's not as bad as hawk but it's definitely not something too good it's the opposite that i think it's called uh humble appeaser where you will get some stability and that part is good but you will get reduced war support as i said it's not as bad as hawk but it's it can create a lot of problems and it could lead to a potential wrong killer oh keep that in mind that this will be completely random in your game now we're just going to wait for the guns because we don't get the guns immediately you have to wait for 30 days and when these 30 days pass you will get the guns and they will go straight into here which is also why we want to assign top priority to these guys yesterday get the guns um first and we're ready to go just in the meantime remember not to pick a national focus yet you're going to need that pp oh and just keep this open you see whenever you get the guns it's important that you react fast second now we need to keep holding political power until we get to 50 and now we can also stop improving relations just don't keep this forever you want to keep keep it going for a little bit uh i probably overdid it but it doesn't really matter because as you know when every month when you stop improving relations uh the relations that you go will decay by a factor of three meaning that if you stop improving relations just as soon as you get 43 but the following month you will lose that and then you will have to spend more political power again in order to be able to pull this request on lease so keep that in mind you just gonna stop it because it also eats into your little power and wait for the 50 to arrive all right here we go and now we get access to another decision and you may be asking is it industrial line appropriation absolutely not this is a horrible decision for us right now it has its uses but this is not one of the situations where it's good so just even hide it you don't want to click this by accident the decision that we want is war propaganda and you might be confused right now because you'd be like okay but you already have 81 percent with support how much more you want and the answer is a lot more uh first of all because we only have 81 percent because we are in a defensive war since all civil wars are considered defensive or bonuses purposes and uh when we finish the civil war we will lose that and we'll still be about 50 which is pretty good but we need a lot more so bear with me this is extremely important that you select it you're only going to have plans to select it while you're at war which is going to end pretty soon and you need this desperately so once you've already done that you can go ahead and start with national focuses again uh the next one that we're gonna go uh right away is our moment effort we need to get our military uh production going as soon as possible and also another thing that i mentioned if you're trying your your own strategy with this uh as i told you there's different strategies that are possible i would advise to never go for any focuses that will give you factories before you fire the civil war the reason for this is that this is not just specific for morocco this works uh similar in a lot of nations i've had it happen with finland and norway and several others is that for some reason and i'm not exactly sure why if you say that you get a factory through a national focus like this one and then you fire the civil war for some reason that factory disappears you no longer get it if it's in your enemies territory it will also disappear so considering that we don't have much going on for us and we only have a limited amount of focuses that will give us factories we cannot have the luxury of losing any of those so keep that in mind if you're going to try your own strategy so right away tournament effort you will see that we go into the negatives but it doesn't really matter because the only time that it matters that you go into the negatives is when you are justifying a world as we will do later because if during the negatives the justification will stop dead and it will not resume until you go into the positives again so just keep that in mind and keep going now let's watch four guns here we are and conveniently as you may notice we receive our guns exactly at the same time that the spanish civil war began and this is convenient for us why we'll see uh so now uh the way also land links works when you're requesting it is that you requested they send it to you the amount they promised and now they will keep going with it the problem is that they will only give you a percentage of what they promised uh it's usually around one to one point five percent of what they initially promised meaning that as you can see here if we wait another 30 days they will only give us 14 more guns and that's not gonna cut it because we need a lot of guns so how do we overcome that we simply go to italy we modify the incoming then lease and now we ask for it again and they will accept this is also why we kept improving relations a bit longer so now we hit it and they are going to give us a 1400 more and the reason we wanted to time this properly and find the civil wars and as possible and do all this stuff is because uh italy as well as germany will send guns as you can see here to spain and if they are sending them a lot of guns that means that they will send us less guns that's why we wanted to be first requesting this because as you can see now uh italy will only send 720 guns to spain and that is pretty good for us because number one we go we got most of the guns and number two that will weaken a little bit just a tiny little bit spain but every little bit counts uh now the next thing that we are going to do is uh force deploy these units as soon as possible and as soon as possible means when they reach uh 20 training so let's just wait for that all right so we keep waiting for this to get to 20 i believe they get 1.1 percent training per day so you if you want to time it out with your date or whatever and as soon as they hit 20 as they are about to we stop the game and force deploy them which is this button or if you want to do that individually is this one we deploy them and as you can see uh let's create another group uh all divisions that you deploy uh if you do that while the game is paused you will notice that they start with zero organization this means that when an unit has zero organization you will not be able to give them commands i mean you can but it's not going to apply as soon as we impossible this will be canceled and the reason for that is the same reason that when you are say encircle in a larger area you run out of supplies and run out of organization you will not be able to move the division so just to overcome that you just need to uh unpause and pass again really quickly like you know tap tap and now you have some organization now that you have some organization you you can give your orders but before we do that we are going to get uh two new generals it doesn't matter which ones you get you can pull this strategy off with any one that you get there's definitely better generals that you can get but it doesn't really matter um you want to promote one of those right away let's say this one's for instance and the reason you want to do this early is because whenever you promote any general fulfillment marshall for 100 days you will get this uh this trade right here that's called recently promote which reduces all the stats by one and that means that for 100 days this film marcia is going to be as good as useless uh even though it still says warning here if you hover over it you will see that says skill 0 which is terrible we want to do this early so we can get rid of this trade as soon as possible because we will be at war sooner rather than later and we don't want this affecting or combat capabilities also since we're already here we're just gonna go and assign one of tray one trait uh all four are good but for the purpose of this strategy the one that works the best is offensive doctrine so that being said you don't even need to assign them to to your two cavalry that is there's no point because you will not be engaged in any active combat so that being done now let's do our manual orders what we need to do is to go here to marrakesh then hold shift and click this province and this one and this one and the other guy is gonna go here here here and then to this province um you only need to several promises to win we already got one more that we need and it's whenever we take either this one or this one the word will be over and we'll see about that so let's just and pause and in the meantime this is very important uh right click on yourself and you will see that you will expect your next delivery of guns in six days so you want to be very precise and you you do not want to miss the mark so you're able to request little knees from italy one last time before the war is over less than pause three two one let's go anytime and now 30. now we got the guns as you can see here we got all the guns in here but we haven't finished the war yet now we go again to italy we modify the incoming lease and we request it again that and they will give us 586 you can see this is considerably lower than we received before for the reasons that i described they already sent us several thousand guns they already sent some guns to spain and now they don't have as many guns as before so next step is just finishing the civil war right over there and there we go now we are the fascist morocco good right but now next step uh select these two cavalry they already done their job so you want to delete them why because you want all the guns that they have to go into production line yes we um pause we get the guns back in here little more ends okay and now uh what you need to do with this is you're going to be force deploying all these units as soon as possible with the only exception of all those units that already have 100 equipment uh why because um what we need to do is like well if you already have the 100 equipment it's better to let them train until regular so when you're training then you don't waste equipment uh for the time that would take you to train from here to there but if they do not have all the guns you want to force deploy because any other new guns that you get you don't want them to go to fill this you want them to go to new units so you can deploy as soon as possible uh for this strategy you will need to um well you need to deploy 10 of them and now you assign top priority to this and just let it run this is probably the first one that we are going to deploy there we go and so the next guns go for this guy now that we have this guy deployed just create an army group assign the generals you want to create a full block line here in casablanca and then tell all new divisions to go straight into that army group now um for political power uh well let's talk first about this focusing is already finished uh we want to assign that to the only thing that we can really produce which is infantry equipment and we will assign two for later and the next focus is going to be one of my favorite focuses uh oddly in this uh focus three other than militarism of course which is pretty op and that is enable effort why do i like it so much because it gives you three enabled doctors which is pretty good and also gives you navy experience are we are going to need that so remember let's go for this right away then for political powers i was mentioning uh the next thing that you want to do is to save a hundred to go for improved working conditions so we're just going to select it so as soon as we get the 100 critical power we get the notification we don't forget and we go for it and now what is left is to keep deploying units as soon as you can remember another one is completed you see now we have uh world support even though you finish the civil war this will keep going if you selected the decision and that's pretty good for us now research uh we'll refinish the industry and the submarine halls very convenient timing so next research very important you want to go straight into artillery number one and number two you want to go here and get transport ships why well obviously because if we need to enable embed we're going to need this tech so now we'll see here as soon as we can we keep going remember you need to deploy up to 10 units there also you can start training them already uh i recommend you use this new feature that was with the attic with the last dlc which means that they will train but as soon as they reach level three or regular everything is called they will immediately stop and you want them to stop so they don't waste any more equipment than they need to because as you can see when you're training you will get uh attrition and that six percent attrition means that you will be burning down guns and as you can imagine we do not have the luxury to waste any single gun also now we have 100 political power and we are going to go right away and to improve work conditions because as we mentioned we are going to need a lot more stability and it's better to fire this as soon as possible because you can see it's going to give you consumer goods and reduce factory output so it is better to fire this early so that 10 percent applies to only one factory because if we have more factories it would essentially be the same thing as applying 10 percent to each of them so we want this to run its course as soon as possible uh next thing that we're going to do with political power we will do that when we get 50. now some of these are already deployed and keep deploying these all right now we got enabled effort and we got our doctors and for focuses the next thing that you want to do is to go run uh armament effort two and three we desperately need the military production for what we're going to do so i'm gonna make an effort to and for doc jars what are we gonna do with them okay so we're gonna go here now this is just a basic hole that we cannot produce because it's lucky modules so in order to do that we go here to create a variant uh you could create whatever you want my advice is just click this auto button and it will automatically fill the necessary module and this is perfect because this is the most basic vessel that you can get in the entire game but this will suffice and now we save it and this is why we needed the navy experience in order to be able to create submarines so now we get this we can start producing it and we are only going to assign two dog yards to it and the other one is going to go for convoys but we are only going to produce five of these uh the reason for this is that we will need convoys for naval invasions and with this strategy we will only need 20 and we already got that so that's pretty good but there is a possibility this doesn't always happen but it's better to be safe than sorry because in some instances as you can imagine when you invade them their navies are not going to like the fact that you're at war with them so they will convoy rate your convoys that giving you supply and if you get run out of supply and out of convoys you're as good as that so just for good measure just build the five uh it's entirely possible to do it without building any convoys but uh you will be risking it a lot so just uh produce this five and then assign the rest of the dog yards to the summary when this is over and this amount of submarines will be enough if you follow the steps in the strategy also another thing that you will notice that when we assign this now we require more steel and not having this steel is currently giving us a penalty for guns of 10 as you can see their lack of resources and for submarines this is 17.5 and that is bad and we don't want that so we're gonna go ahead and trade for steel uh you can trade with any nation you want really my advice is that you trade with a nation that you're not gonna be at work with soon and that you do not require congress for that a good candidate is germany so just get this deal and then it will say that you will not be able to construct any buildings that is because we only have one civilian factory and we are going to use it for training because honestly it doesn't really matter that you're having here just see how little progress we did in in all this time almost a year doesn't really matter your your construction and you're much better off as using that for uh pumping out more equipment that we desperately need and just uh while keeping it pause i'm just gonna unpause and you see the difference it's not gonna be very big with this one but it's gonna be something that is not negligible and uh for some reason you see that right now this is scheduled to finish on february 8 1937 but as soon as we unpause is now january 26th and now we're producing more guns in here so all in all pretty good now see if we can deploy any more guys doesn't look like it yet you see here that some of the guns that italy sent us are ethiopian guns so that is also what i mentioned that you don't want this to drag on for long okay we already got seven is looking pretty good actually since the one time i'm just gonna delete this one and we will add them later just so they don't accidentally get sent any guns okay dance now we have 50 political power so we're gonna go for our next decision which is one of the most forgotten and overlooked decisions in the game i would say which is promises of peace all right so why is this often overlooked and forgotten well for a very good reason because uh this decision basically is a trade-off uh between war support and stability so you give up word support in exchange for stability but you give uh twice uh worst support as you get stability and on top of that for 90 days you're gonna be gaining a lot less political power that's 0.5 which is like half of what you sacrifice for a focus and it's usually pretty bad because in general in most countries the general theme early game is that you want to get your word support up as soon as possible just so you can jump into a better trade law and you can spend concrete conscription and all that but in this particular instance we are going to need stability so go for this one now keep going and keep deploying as soon as possible there hey boy wait for the other two now i think this is uh as good as time as any to talk about the next um uh rng event but first of all let me mention a couple of things about this so why did we get this uh pop-up saying that we our trade was terminated because of lack of civilian batteries this is because we just finished this focus and it's not because of this focus itself but for what it gives us which is one military factory uh as i said we're going to go for abdomen effort three and the reason we lost our civilian factory is that uh this thing right here called consumer goods and the way this is programmed is that uh you take uh you add all the civilian and military factors that you have as you see there there's currently three then you apply the percentage of consumer goods and the resulting number is how many civilian factories you're not going to be able to access uh right now before we finish the focus we only had two and if you apply 38 percent to those two the resulting number is below one meaning that we still had access to our civilian factory but as we increase uh the number of factories now is three and we apply the same percentage of consumer goods the resulting number is one point something meaning is higher than one meaning we don't have access to one sibling factory so we lose the one we have that's pretty bad i'm not gonna lie but there is it's not that big of an issue you follow the strategy because we will be able to overcome that and now that being said about the other rng event and that is national spain how does this work well uh this is very random and and first of all i i really want to give a special thanks to bratton from the from paradox and because he went out of his way to explain to me in a little bit more detail a lot of the factors that affect this uh rng event this r d event is whether spain is going to be non-aligned or fascist and this is going to be important later on we'll discuss why but essentially what you need to know is that uh spain when the civil war starts it's always going to be non-aligned and over time it will eventually flip to fascists but there's a lot of factors that affect that for instance this is actually a very weird situation uh well they get primo de ribera because usually this guy gets imprisoned uh during the preparation for the civil war because if you play with spain you know that as of february you start getting some out of decisions that affect the outcome of the civil war and one of them is called the primo de ribera this guy speech if you're going for that speech you will increase uh well other than uh increasing or accelerating the fire firing of the civil war you will get fascist support and if you do that decision then the republican spain will have access to a decision that is called imprison this guy so 99 times out of 100 they will national spain will go for that decision and the republicans will imprison this guy meaning this guy is not going to be the leader of spain when it's ours this is actually a really really weird situation but for the purpose of demonstrating it doesn't matter because i'm going to explain the whole thing in a way let's just assume that this is as it usually happens when you you get a franco's a leader and it will start as not a line then uh the minute you are over 50 or at least the ai is over 50 percent for an ideology that is not the the one currently ruling uh it will it will have access to a decision of i think it costs a hundred political power but i'm not entirely sure about that and if they click it they will go instantly to fascist if they don't they will stay as not aligned and just uh let me share with you what usually happens with pain with spain normally most of your games you have franco's not online and they will prioritize uh political power spending to getting a couple of advisor military advisors i think they get one that is uh a military theorist and the other one is the army logistics one they that's what they tend to prioritize in most of your games and that means that they will probably not have enough political power to switch to passage fascists right away now the moment where they will turn to fascists eventually they will switch but later on there will be some things that you can do to affect that it's uh completely random so if you don't do anything you can see them staying non-aligned for a long time and that is not good because as you all know non-aligned nations tend to be guaranteed against fascist nations so this is what i mentioned before that if we get a best-case scenario uh we can probably do this by 1938 or late 1938 or early 39 if we're really unlucky and the ai decides that it doesn't care about uh fascist support and they want to stay online for whatever reason there's still things that you can do to circumvent that so that being said this is probably the best scenario i've ever encountered because they're fascists right away under primo de rivera i don't know if uh once they go for this focus which is martin dom for this guy sorry not this guy this guy uh this is basically uh you know once the republicans went for the decision to imprison him then franco will stage a person in exchange that he will stage it to fail just so he can get rid of this guy and he will become the leader honestly i don't know what is going to happen since this guy is ruling the country right now with the martyrdom uh regardless it doesn't matter if after this focus this this fascist that is great for us if it doesn't and we get franco's leader and stays on the line for whatever reason we can still overcome that so don't worry so uh let's keep focusing on deploying the units and the next political power spending is going to be for something really interesting we'll see how close we are close enough okay there we go and now we have our next two research done and next research uh number one is going to be towards electronic mechanical engineering you're gonna need this and the other one is going to go for the second industry whatever you decided was this person concentrated you go now using the bonus and it will only take you 82 days pretty good uh the reason we want to rush this is not because of what you usually want it for which is max factories in a state even though we have no building slots whatsoever other than the one we're using right now we don't want it for that because it's pointless we don't have the industrial capacity to put to pump any more constructions and by the time we uh like uh remake landau's we're gonna get cores on all of this meaning we're gonna have a lot of building slots we just gonna go this for factory and docker output any reason we go oh keep going and we deploy our 10 and once we deployed our tank which is usually around the time you have already finished the research or enable invasion now we want to delete this fallback line and now let's make our plans for the invasion so who are we going to invade first let's talk about that a little bit so we have the option to go for spain for instance but i would highly advise against that because of a very simple reason even though going after countering a civil war is usually a good idea because it's when they are their weakest in the case of spain it's not like that because uh both sides will get a lot of divisions around 40 to 45 depending uh of three which no uh six weeks sorry like three infantries uh three um italian infantry battalion sorry well that was hard for me and even though there are pretty bad divisions your dimensions are not that much better so let's say that you want to go for spain first and you want to land here in cuddy and the minute you do that they're gonna pull a lot of those divisions from the front line and they're gonna block you here and you're gonna be able to push forward uh same thing if you want to invade some other areas it is possible but they're gonna just uh kill you right away that means that we have to go for portugal which is the weakest of the two now the question is when do we want to go for them well pretty soon first of all we are going to get our 10 divisions and we are going to select just uh six are going going to naval invade from casablanca into portimao and then we are going to get two divisions and we are going to go from casablanca to the province north of portugal and the last two are going to go from casablanca into faro a beautiful city that i recommend you visit sometimes if you have the chance oh this is going to be our battle plan for invasion now uh also this time you will also get your first submarine so just get a new navy group get our numeral doesn't matter which one uh if you want to uh just give it a nice icon and then these are the two seasons where they will operate however do not select a mission yet because if you do you will start burning fuel and you don't want that because as a nation with no fuel and uh quite a challenge ahead of us we want to save all the fuel we can or enable invasion later on so just keep going and just keep training these guys now about when we are supposed to justify on on portugal uh for this strategy uh the earliest that you can allow yourself to do it is march 15 which is pretty close and there is no limit as of when you can go just notice that as we mentioned uh time is against us the longer we start justifying the longer we're gonna go at work with them the more divisions and equipment they're gonna have so it's not in our favor usually uh the ideal timing for going for this assuming that you got enough guns this is very random and that you got your 10 divisions deployed uh is usually between march 15 and april 15 that's a a month that you have right there that is pretty good uh you can definitely go later but i wouldn't recommend that unless you really got like not many guns from italy so uh for this uh for this video i think i'm gonna just go not to try to break my personal record but i'm just gonna go for a middle ground and go for march 31st and that is what are we going to spend our political power so what happened here after this focus i'm curious i've never seen this one before right well apparently he's still alive and now we're we're going for franco maybe he will get it as an event i don't know we'll see all right another case thing happens and we're almost there all right march 31st and if you use march 31st as a benchmark uh you can consider this event of friends and bring announcing an alliance as the triggering for uh justifying portugal that's a early reminder um it is possible that they won't always go for this on march 31st but in all of my test runs they have always gone for this on the same date so more you know so we're gonna start justifying you can pick any state doesn't really matter uh well we need one more political power we're almost there and there we go and we start just fine and now we have 240 days to make this into a capable invasion army what a challenge oh what happens i'm honestly really curious about these guys i've never seen this one before i mean i've seen it in non-historical when they go for the uh what's called the flanks when they go for that they will definitely get this guy but not on historical when they call the middle path interesting so now we have armament effort finished now we have our three military factories that we can access through this focus tree and now we are going to go straight for collectivist ethos all the way down to military youth do not select anything else this is the only path that you have to take and for extra military factory we are going to assign that immediately to artillery even though right now because of lag of steel we're gonna have some pretty hefty penalties let's see this is uh 40 this is pretty terrible but don't worry we have a plan all right we're almost finishing this decision for improved work conditions that should put us on 77 stability when we finish it okay around that is this looking muscle than our train this is good all right and electrical mechanical engineering so right away we're gonna go for radio because as you can see the theme of the initial theme of the research was to get the equipment that we needed such as submarines naval transports or tiller and all that so we can start producing them and now that we got what we need we need to switch your our target into things that are going to give us a benefit in combat number one is radio because reinforce rate is amazing it's a really good thing to have and terrible when you don't and this is the number one thing that you need to get radio uh there's also a chance i mean i don't exactly know what the chance is that by the time you declare on portugal they still don't have radio and if that's the case it's gonna be really good for you so this one and now two more days for the industry to finish another thing that we want to keep is a doctrine oh talking about doctrines as you can see given the time that we are in and the time we're going to be declaring we are only going to have time to go for the first of the doctrines like the first research not the second so you have to get the most of what you can from that uh let's discuss them a little bit so for instance you could go for mass assault master salt would be okay because it gives you more reinforced rate this is always good and it's also going to give you a reduction of minimal training level this is uh something very useful uh later on the strategy but you know my problem with mass assault is that even though it's great but it's i don't really like it then for combat because you're gonna relied on like uh making big divisions because of like this uh what's it called um come back with reduction and then you have to consider that a lot of your combat is gonna happen in the desert or whatever so if you want to go for the whole challenge and that is now like the best option in my opinion but i reckon it is it's definitely a legit strategy that you can go for and pull it off so if you're a proponent of mass assault by all means be my guest then you have a grand battle plan which the first one is not gonna give you anything that you can use for your first war because you're not gonna care about entrenchment you're gonna be offensive and you could also go for mobile war for dog doctrine but i don't recommend it because the only thing that you're gonna get out of this one early on for your divisions is going to be the division speed which is good but not as good as we could need and well organizational loss when moving minus 10 percent this is also pretty good but there is a better option which is superior firepower why because it's going to give us soft attack and for this war you can imagine that if we're going to do it with only 10 divisions we're going to need every single piece of hell that we can get and this is the one that is going to help us the most on top of that you also get a um tactic and this can also be pretty good in case they do not have any tactics that could give you a significant advantage in in combat so superior firepower it is now for political power you're not longer going to care about it until you get 150 of it so just do not spend it on anything else you need to save this 100 i don't care about china it's our playground in this challenge where's this going what's what do you think is going to happen when when this finishes i don't know all right yeah franco is back but they kept being fascist this is an amazing situation for us i can tell you that more times than not you will see franco as not a line and you will have to go for the alternative strategy i mean the start is going to be all the same doesn't matter what happens here this would only affect the outcome later on after we take portugal so when we do that i'll explain to you the difference of uh how does that affect the strategy from that point on all right so let's keep going keep training keep training you need them to be level three before the war all right and now uh we got up to 77 percent stability this is pretty good because as you can see gives us more political power gain reduces consumer goods increases factory output all in all pretty good things the thing is that we need to get up to 80 percent uh because uh you have to account for the fact that when you're at war any nation gets a modifier maybe we can see here yeah here says a worth minus 30 percent this is a flood reduction for all nations that are at war um and the problem is that if you're below 80 when you get that reduction of 30 it's gonna put you below 50 stability and the problem with being below 50 stability and being at war is that every single hour that passes where you meet those two requirements being a war and below 50 stability there is a chance that you get a horrible horrible event completely rng based that is called strikes that it can or cannot happen and if it happens it's going to be terrible because it's going to pretty much shut down your entire economy like whatever little economy we have right now is going to shut it down it's going to be bad and it's going to require a lot of political power to get rid of it and even if you spend the most political power which i think is like this most expensive option to re to get rid of it is 125 political power it's rng based so you're not guaranteed to get rid of it and that can go off the race pretty soon and completely kill your run after you've done all this so that is the reason why even though it's perfectly possible uh not doing this part of the strategy of like increasing stability and all that you will eventually save the 100 that you spend on improved work conditions the 50 that you spend on promises of peace you will get more political power because you don't select that one you will also be able to probably not need to select the war propaganda against morocco when you're in the civil war that will put you around 200 and something extra political power compared to the way i'm doing it and you can definitely invest that for something else there's definitely a lot of good things in here that you can go for but then you will be increasing the chance of running into one one of such events that could kill your run so this is pretty much uh i'm doing it for like the guy and if you feel adventurous you want to risk it you can definitely go for it you can find some even better australia like an improvement on that but just so you know you're gonna be risking it the whole time and that is also the reason uh that we needed the word propaganda because uh in a similar way is stability has its own terrible rng events that can happen that can trigger when you're below 50 percent and europe war and the events that you can get for these ones are definitely going to kill your run uh the number one which is terrible is called mutinies and mutinies uh does a lot of bad things for you and the worst thing that it does is like reduces combat capabilities of your units and since you don't have much to spare that could pretty much kill you here and portugal will overrun you if that happens is going to be terrible it can definitely happen in this run because in this strategy we are not going to have enough time to get them both up but we will only have them for a tiny little bit of time and i'll explain how we are going to get this up uh just a heads up is not going to be through raids uh so now we finish this focus we're gonna go for nationalism focus right away and we're gonna keep going good we're still lacking a lot of guns but don't worry we'll manage oh good for her congratulations all right we're getting close when does this finish november 28th that's good russia or japan keep going uh i also forget to assign all new subs to this navy group doesn't really matter go go all right almost there's 150 political power it's bad for them we don't care we know in historical they are eventually going to win oh 150 we got it now uh we're gonna go here and there's definitely as i mentioned a lot of things that you can make a good use of uh such as i don't know like a mili theory military theories for more army experience or whatever uh there is some good high command morocco has access to uh like an infantry expert army regrouping you have a good chief farming like army organization you can do something for your subs if you wanted to but of all things that you can get of course like uh i know whatever you want to hear captain industry or whatever you want to get of all the things that you can get and in my opinion the best one that you can go for is war economy why well you may be asking like this is probably a waste of political power because you're this is going to increase your military production but you're not producing buildings anyway so why do you care well it's true i don't care about that i care about the reduction in consumer goods why because now we go here we go to consumer goods and plus the reduction that we got with war economy plus the stability that we increase our percentage is reduced meaning that even though now we are we have one more factory for the calculation now we have four when we apply this percentage the result is going to be below one meaning we get our one civilian factory back and why do we want it just so we can get steel again and why do we want steel because we want to produce more stuff so this is the way it works you spend it on war economy to reduce consumer goods so you reduce the calculation so you get your civilian factory back so you get steel so you get more stuff now i'm going to unpause it again with this uh we bought it but it's not reflected yet so for instance we're going to go from nine guns a day and august 17 well this is probably not going to be much of a difference because it's already finished so from nine guns a day we go to 12 guns a day and you would not believe how much of a difference those extra three guns can make when you are this short oh keep going getting close from now on uh there is nothing in particular that you need to spend your political power on uh for the purpose of this strategy uh i would advise that you save at least 50. so whatever it is that you spend it on you want to have at least 50 political power by the time the war starts all right so nationalism focus and now we're gonna go for militarism militarism is the most sop focus probably in the game because it's going to give you a grand total of five percent recruitable population which is amazing because right now we are definitely really short on manpower i mean we have enough to cover or or the units that we have deployed but we are going to need a lot more so we are going to be really good with that five percent another thing that this focus adds after resistance is uh damage to garrison reduction uh this will potentially be useful not that very useful for us for this strategy but in general this is a useful thing to get because if you conquer anything basically you own any land that is not your core is going to create resistance and the way resistance works is well the higher it is the worse it is uh it will be uh giving you constant hits to manpower uh there is a lot of factors that play into this such as like i don't know the suppression values that you have the resistance level if the enemy has any modifiers if you're a war i don't know there's many others but in general this modifier what it does is that you take all of that everything else and that would cause whatever loss of manpower and this reduces the loss by 10 so if you're really short on manpower this is a pretty good thing to have which is also why right now the this advisor called the princess prince of terror which used to be pretty much useless is now not that useless because it gives you 25 reduction which plus your uh militarism addition you get 35 reduction to whatever manpower it is that you're going to lose because of resistance and the other thing that is going to give us that we desperately need right now is army experience and we need this to modify our template so this focus is going to give us pretty much everything that we need right now go for it and also this focus is the reason uh that you do not want to declare or justify on lisbon too early because you will see that when we declare is gonna be shortly after we finish this focus this is the last focus that we are going to be able to finish before the war and if we declare before having this we're gonna run short on um we call it manpower and we're not gonna have the experience to improve our divisions meaning we will have a hard time breaking through portugal so let's keep going we're getting close and these guys are almost finished training our film marshall as you can see no longer has that trait so this is pretty good and we'll see we're getting there guns see we're getting close enough all right now we got radio and this was the last rich research that we were going to be able to finish before the war that was it was important to have it and after this i you really can go for anything you like from this point but i'm going to tell you what i find it works best um this is definitely not required for the strategy to work but it's gonna make it easier uh you should go for interwar artillery we're going to need that 10 soft attack well as you can see when we finish improved working conditions and promises of peace we were at 77 stability and now we are at 78 and we didn't do anything else i wonder why this is part of the start of you guys don't worry [Music] i'm gonna hold it on longer than usual [Music] great we're getting close a month from now we'll be conquering portugal we don't need this anymore i did all right superior firepower we got our extra 10 and an extra tactic uh as i said this from this point doesn't you can go for whatever my advice you go for super weapons because it's going to give you some extra defense and some extra breakthrough all things that you're going to need soon all right it's already november and now you want to wait until you are let's say three days before the war now we have militarism this is very important that as soon as you get it you pause the game because what we're gonna do is that we're going to modify our template and we're just going to add artillery all right you can see that just by adding this artillery plus the bonus that we'll get later we're getting pretty much double soft attack and we're increasing our defense and our breakthrough and all good stuff that we are going to need to break through portugal so we saved this division and now this is uh absolutely not required but i would advise for you know just to give you the proper advice and detail advice i would advise you duplicate this division uh you just change name just say whatever say portugal for instance and you assign a lead this means that they are going to get reinforcements first of all the divisions in the field and right now it doesn't really make any difference whatsoever because if if it's your whole army it doesn't really make any difference if it's low or high but we will be deploying units a lot of them uh very soon and we want that whatever equipment that we receive that could reinforce our army it goes first to these guys doing the active combat and not the ones that were just deployed but this is just for good measure just so you don't forget later just switch them all now uh next focus as we mentioned is going to be military youth and we'll discuss about this focus a little bit later uh the thing is that we now on pause and we start training now why is uh sorry i wanted to just train until level three that there we go why is this important because if you look at it when you are uh trained says if this gives a zero percent modifier in combat meaning nothing good nothing bad but when you're uh regular you get a 25 modifier in combat and that is extremely important because if you look at it uh let's look at the bonuses that we are getting for combat we are getting uh 10 to all divisions through superior firepower we are gaining 10 percent just for the support artillery and with this one we are getting five percent just for defense and breakthrough but with having all our troops be trained or sorry regular we will have 25 and that is the biggest bonus that we can get early on for this war also we said this is going to finish number 28 i would advise you keep going until november 23rd and then stop the game for a second i'll explain why 21 22 23 there we go i mean you can also do it 24 whatever is not really required that is the 23rd the reason for this is number one we want to start improving relations with italy because since you can see here all the improved relations that we had have decayed over time and we lost it and as soon as we declare war we will need a lot of italian help for len lee's to to get our new divisions going and we need as you remember uh 43 relations for that so we want to be ready as soon as the war starts so we're gonna start improving relations now since this starts on the 28th uh we will start on stop on the 27 to do one last thing before the war that is extremely important for these strategies so let's get some pause for a second to the 27 and stop so why do we want to stop one day before we finish our world it is because of the way naval invasions work so let me explain uh first of all in order to be able to enable invade you're going to need as you can see here naval supremacy over 50 percent neighbor supremacy is determined by the number of ships and the quality of the ships that you have in a certain naval region and right now since we don't have any mission assigned to our fleet uh naval supreme name of supremacy is zero percent so uh that means that if we say okay let's go it's gonna be like no we cannot do it because we don't have the naval supremacy so we want to assign the mission to the ships so they get imposition and ready and in the naval zone before we start the war uh the reason we didn't do this earlier is because as i mentioned as a nation who has no oil we cannot allow to waste any of the fuel but this is the reason why we do it this way because portugal has the same problem as we do they are a nation with no oil and they cannot allow themselves to waste it just like patrolling without an uh an active war so that's why most of the portuguese navy is going to be a doctor port mostly as you can see seen here there's a one test for docking here and so we want to launch our naval invasion as we declare war because there will be a tiny window between we are launching or naval invasions since warships are already in position and they been assigning the the ships to the naval region that takes uh some time and that window will be able to launch your naval invasion of course this has its downsides because we are launching a naval invasion but the enemy fleet is is bigger that means that if they catch our naval invasion they will be able to do a lot of damage the good thing that we got going for us is the way uh naval system works which is uh we are not they're not gonna attack us right away because first of all they will need to get intel on this area through like uh there's a lot of things that you can do you can have spies you can have a recon air and you can have vessels on patrol because first they will have to find us once they find us then they will have to send the main force to attack us and that takes time and this is also the reason why we want to take the shorter road so we ensure that they do not detect us and catch us right away i suppose to say going for porto we will mean more time in the sea and more likely it is for them to find us and also another reason to choose this place to invade is that uh as i said uh every gang has a random seed that affects behavior of the ai that means that they're not gonna defend the same way so it's impossible for me to tell you exactly how to do this where i can give you enough tips so you can pull it off for yourself but uh one theme that i've noticed for portugal is that they always heavily guard lisbon no matter what and they always tend to keep divisions in porto because these are the main two victory points and for portimao is different because uh sometimes they will have units here they can have up to like two or three units sometimes it will be empty it's going to be completely random in your game but i found this strategy to work in every single time so um we already assigned the mission we're telling them to go and as we can see as we unpause and they're ready they're gonna be saying okay now we can go because now we have naval supremacy 100 why because right now there's no enemy ships because we're not at work yet so that is why they're ready to launch and now we have the word justification but before we go into the war there's one more thing that we need to do and that is uh talk to germany and ask to join the exile well they will accept uh they pretty much accept any fascist nation that wants to join and now we are part of the axis and why do we want to be part of the access is it just so they can help us with the war no because you need to fire uh to fight this war alone you do not want germany in this war whatsoever the reason why we are joining the axis right now is just so when we start the war we can request leads from them because now since they like us because we are in the same fashion that apply some modifiers and we will be able to get rid of that horrible modifier of one minus 1 000 and they will or at least will get enough relations with them to overcome that and now they will send us guns it's not guaranteed germany's behavior uh is very different every game it depends on uh how many guns they got how many guns they sent in here the divisions they sent in here and a lot of different factors but over time they will give us more and more guns but usually the first time you request from them you can maybe not get any or maybe just get a few hundred but every single gun that we can get our hands on it's good for us so how is italy doing all right we have the relation so now we have everything ready to go they are all trained so get ready for a declare war but do not call your allies right so now this is going probably going to launch pretty quickly uh right right away now we see okay they are defending portimao but they're not defending faru and that's pretty good for us now my advice for this uh for this to be able to defeat portugal you're gonna have to use a combination of battle plans and micro but i will explain exactly the micro that you need to do to pull this off so since micro is going to be required i advise that you go to three speed because you're gonna need to be giving orders right away all right so we're getting there they haven't found us yet that's good now we landed with the first two these are always the first two that get there so you're gonna take one division and you're gonna send it north with the idea that you what you want to create here is some sort of an encirclement just so they are not able to send any reinforcements because we need this port badly if you don't get the port uh this is pretty much game over so keep that in mind so we're sending that north and the other one is going to support the attack on portimao to support attack so normal attack will be right-clicking and you see a red arrow and for support attack it's going to do exactly the same as attacking with the difference that when the combat is over they will not move to the different tile they will stay where they are in order to do that you need to hold a control key and then you on this bubble you right click and now it's a blue arrow that means support attack so now keep going wait for these two guys to land if they can all right they landed they didn't reinforce in time so now they have to go a different route and you're gonna get one guy you can ascending here because maybe this guy will not get here in time before some other reinforcement will arrive here i'm just gonna do it like the steps that you have to follow regardless of what you're seeing here just so it works every single time so if you get divisions here before you can close this at least what you will automatically be doing is to pin them in place meaning they kind of go through here they're gonna go through here and they're pinning here so they will not get reinforcements here in time and with the other division we do the same thing we support attack and keep going all right so we got in here in time that we're sending two division such reinforcements but now they're just gonna stay here and probably not been able to break this one just uh keep this one sending sending this one as a reinforcement and you'll be good and now uh since we have a land border with portugal that we didn't have before now is when we have access to a decision or propaganda why do we need to raise this one uh well we already explained it we want to avoid mutinies so from the moment we declare until the moment we get this one to 50 we're going to be at risk of getting mutants uh there is uh i'm not entirely sure about this but there i think there's other factors that play in order to gain mutinies that is uh it's not only that you're below 50 but the further down that you're below 50 said that you have 0 or 10 it would increase the chance of communities firing and also another factor that plays a role is how many casualties you're getting so you're getting a lot of casualties in the war and you're fighting say battles that you're losing uh your army is probably gonna be demoralized and uh that will make it more likely that you get that trigger so we want to keep casualties as low as possible of course because we always have not very much manpower so we go for this right away and one thing that i forget is that doesn't really matter only past a few days we're going to train this ones not these ones this one's right here as many as we can because we are going to need uh for good measure we are going to need 30 of these ones and now you assign top priority because you need to be deploying as fast as you can now you no longer care about whether they have all the equipment or not you need to get numbers in the field as soon as possible so top priority for these ones even more than reinforcements to these guys this is important so now that we are at war i have our deficit we're going to go to italy and we're going to request stuff as you can see that i suppose as before now we can ask for artillery because now we also have uh well first of all we research artillery we got it in a division and now we have a deficit now we can ask for it but it will most probably say no why because uh usually at this stage in the game they do not have any artillery to spare yet but i recommend that you every time that you go and ask them for little knees you keep checking on artillery because at some point and this is random from game to game they will eventually say yes so right now they say no but for guns they say yes we're also going to be able to do the same with germany they will not give us artillery but they will give us guns right now german opinion of the macro vampire is increased why because of this modifier that says they want to contain a country we are or may be fighting that means that since we are in the axis any nation that we declare on is in the eyes of germany an enemy so they kind of feel uh sympathetic to our costs and that is what it's going to allow us to ask for land lease whereas if we were not in the axis they would not care so we then hit send and we are getting 4 000 guns from italy that's pretty good and 7 000 from german that is guys this is the most amazing run that i've ever had i usually only give you a couple hundred but definitely i've seen germany give more but none of the first time probably the second or third time yes they will give you uh maybe 8 000 or something like that but as from the beginning this is this is unreal this is pretty good outcome so be happy with it if it happens to you italy didn't send as many guns as they usually send they can send up to five or six thousand so it's all pretty good thing is that uh we're now gonna be pretty much okay with guns we're still gonna need more the thing is that the main problem that you're gonna have to deploy this early is manpower because as you know uh the way manpower works is that immobilize a tiny amount per day and the amount of the mobilize per day is also affected by your month of war support as you can see effect from our current workforce is minus 13 percent speed in mobilization that's another reason why we want to get it up as soon as possible and why we wanted to have as much as possible before the war so now we can keep focusing on the war which is looking pretty good right now oh they are trying to attack that's bad for us because they're gonna burn organization quicker this is going in our favor right they're already hitting our convoys right now it's only enable bombers and now navy's not found us yet and we can probably speed this up a little bit because this is a battle that we're just going to win since they are in circle and they're trying to attack us here it's a matter of time can we deploy anything not yet but another thing that you will see me doing a lot is that from this point forward in order to be able to properly do this you will need to be constantly checking on this so you can deploy as soon as possible and from time to time remember to check on your list so when it runs it's 30 days you can request it again right we're almost here among a 98 99 and we're in now uh when you do this there are several different outcomes uh depending on the behavior that portugal decides to go with in that particular game most usually they will do what you're seeing right here they will just staying behind this front line they will build entrenchment uh but some other times uh they will decide to be a little bit more adventurous and they will start attacking you here and if that happens which doesn't happen most of the time most usually you will see this uh that is amazing for you because they will be burning equipment defendant is pretty easy you have a river here for this tile and you will get uh you know usually defendant is easier than attacking and uh there will be burning equipment burning organization and then you will be able to counter attack pretty heavily and make a lot of damage but this this is the usual outcome yes uh just cancel this battle plan because you have two separate ones because you have different naval invasions and in order for the ai not to mess up you want to have just one and yes uh build a battle plan just so you can get uh planning bonus and this is going to be planning bonus is going to be really important because this is what it's going to allow us to break their entrenchment oh let them get into position and if they're not attacking go right away for staff of his plan but you get a 400 percent increase planning speed let me check in here we were not ready yet and let them build the planning all right one more day 32 percent is good enough we don't need to wait another day just for one percent now we are ready uh any at least is going good any deployments not yet so now you're going to uh activate the plan uh the difference between activating battle plans and micromanagement is that when you are using the battle plan uh this will decay over time but it will decay way slower than if you use micromanagement uh we can probably see that in this instance because we're just gonna i'm pause for a second and you see that they will decide to attack whatever they see fit but this is not what we want to do what we want to do in order to be able to conquer portugal is uh making encirclements um the best places for doing the encirclements i i'll tell you there's uh four potentially five good places for encirclement and the first one is you need to break this tile and this tile and you will create your first encirclement here so what you want to do is to focus most of your firepower in this tile while pinning these other divisions to do that we have well these three are attacking here these three are tracking here and these three we're not gonna need uh three just pin them we can go with uh yes so we're going to stop this division and i want them to attacking here oh uh you can see the difference this is the one that is doing it with micromanagement and this is the ones that are doing with battle plan this will decay much faster if this is 29 this is still 31 so you see uh probably the decay rate is three times as big so keep that in mind when you're using battle plans and micro management but we're just gonna keep going we deploy almost also uh one thing that i forgot but it's not uh like a mistake or anything i would advise well they did it on their own uh do you want to stop your submarines they already did their job and the only reason you want to do that is not because of fuel whatever you no longer care about this or your ships they already did their part uh the thing is that when you have uh navy or naval units uh deployed in a c zone that it's close to like the enemy or the enemy is doing some business in there like combo raiding or like combo escorting or whatever uh you will be more likely to attract their navy to that season because they see a threat and they send more ships to deal with the threat so we don't want them to feel any threat in the sea anymore because right now we have all our supplies going through this line and we don't want them feeling adventurous enough to hit our convoys because if we they hit our combos we run out of convoys uh we run out of supply and it's game over so it's important all right well we break this how are we doing here 11 days do we have 48 stability that will change soon okay we almost wrote this 6 78 99 and we broke it now very important stop the game well all these units to stop it will counter attack but it will not last for long and as soon as you're free of that you can assign more orders what you want to do is focus your firepower with all seven here and keep one attacking this one for the reason that a you can maybe get here in time and get it that would be good or as we probably won't be able because they're moving here we want to pin any more divisions in place we want to keep everything pinned while we get our encirclement which will be getting pretty easily because uh there's only one guy dork uh we're probably not even gonna need the six if you do need by all means use the six and now we can probably just i don't know just use two to support this attack and keep going okay i'm breaking that soon oh we got it surprisingly let's keep it in there and keep it in there for the moment finish this encirclement and actually you're not gonna need four divisions in there given the fact that we got this tile i'm gonna send the reinforcement here and i'm gonna send this towards the second encirclement getting set to bal because this will create your second encirclement uh how we doing on the guns five days can we deploy yes we can now oop there we go uh you need to keep the point i said you need to train a total of 30 divisions for good measure uh it's not necessary you can do it with less than that but it is advisable that you get 30 more so we now got this army right here we're gonna do the same thing fold back line let's start training right away and we're gonna say this to go here and keep going now uh do i want to yeah this this is okay yeah all right now we got these three and this two guys or at least two guys gonna come here and finish them off but you always want to keep at least one division in the area so they don't uh break through because uh main problem that you can face with if they do that is number one they will get free of the encirclement and this division will probably reposition somewhere else and you will have a tougher time breaking through them and the worst case scenario is that you forget about this place and they decide to break this division get into portugal get your port and its game over so since you already have this one already helping with the pin we're gonna make sure you want to stop this one so it doesn't burn organization you want it to stay strong and defend this style is important now we're getting there here this will get there in an hour and this will get there in centennial so we're good you don't want to leave this one empty at any time all right now they're in circle and now we're winning the battle and they have some divisions in here that's pretty good three divisions usually uh worst case scenario you will get one and three or four is your best case scenario so we're doing pretty good just uh make sure that everybody is helping and now this one is in circle as well so uh time to finish it off uh attack with this one and with this one you're just going to support the attack oh no they're pinning this one so we are at risk or losing this one so we're going to contour pinning here so they don't encircle us and this one we're going to turn to really chloe there uh i think this is called strategic withdrawing or something like that uh whatever we want it there basically all right it's there you stop you support here when you have the chat while they are checking doesn't matter and now this one stops attacking and finishes this in circle in another two divisions in here pretty good now this is your only focus finish it finishing off these two encirclements uh how we do it for this no deployments what about lynn lee sorry here every day so we're good they will be very unlikely to break this tile you have a force here if i remember correctly yeah forest and that reduces uh their offensive capabilities by 20 percent all right now we can ask for more lease deploy whatever we have and go for it i requested artillery no dance no why not oh they run out of guns go figure i guess this is a trade-off for getting as many guns from germany oh no oh okay no we still have enough guns in here well that's interesting uh we could exploit it but i don't like exploiting so we're just gonna say here uh no garrison because we want all the manpower right now is we are using 123 we want every single one to go into our divisions and maybe we can just stop for a little bit while we can deploy more units lloyd deploy deploy good okay another one and train more units uh the amount of units that you can train is limited by how many divisions or manpower you have in the field that's why we cannot train any more than 16. are we in a deficit nope that's pretty good but well it's not that good because we're gonna need a lot more visions and we need more guns but in the meantime finish these guys off we're gonna go a little bit faster just let him die oh look a german tourist in here what are you doing okay now we got this one uh yes okay you can reinforce that and finish these guys off any more deployments uh if you have a deficit but it's just as little as 300 guns it doesn't really make any sense to go for the land lease because another thing of how land lease works is that you will never all the ai will never send you any more guns that you have as a deficit so for instance in this case i think it's not 100 percent but the top amount that they potentially get to send us is 307 guns and that is ridiculous uh it's better to wait until you deploy and then you can train more units you will run into a bigger deficit and then you will get more guns from them and this is also why i remember when i said at this now this is uh convenient because if we have excess guns they will go first to these guys and then to these guys they are burning and equipment and they still need to receive more so we don't want it to go here before to these guys but still we want it to go first here all right this is almost done yeah if they want to attack by all means they are just gonna waste women on manpower all right now we got it and now we are gonna let our divisions to reposition we're gonna stop the attack and once they're in place we are going to uh staff office plan again no more deployments and we got interval artillery which is going to give us an advantage when we want to push in here uh as i said do whatever you want in my opinion the best thing to go next is infantry weapons one because you want to go for this thing right here to get more soft attack right go and they stopped attacking now do what happened now we got military youth and now we are no longer below 50 stability hooray we avoided strikes now why did military youth increase stability because military youth gives you two percent regular population but it gives you change in popularity of fascism by a flat 20 percent no what does that mean that we went from 53 percent to 73 support right away and this does something to stability call this ruling party popularity the more popular it is your your political party the more stability you get i think is capped at um 15 but for the purposes of what we are doing this is just barely enough and this is why we needed to go for improved work conditions and this is why we needed to go for promises of peace so when we got this we were above 50 oh that is the reason why and it's not because of the recruitable population i mean this is great don't get me wrong but uh in the short term this is gonna do nothing for us because we've already mentioned how this mobilization works and see since we got militarism we've only mobilized uh 0.6 percent and we still got five percent more to mobilize so this extra two percent is not gonna do anything for us now learn some focuses uh from this point on uh you can go for whatever you prefer uh there's no thing that is gonna be better than others or if you don't do it you're not gonna be able to pull the strategy now you're free but if you want to know my opinion uh well you can go for sibling industries to start getting some actual industry you can go to our militarism today get all the way down to technology sharing which we meet the requirements right now uh you can get for uh doctrine bonuses but if you want to know my opinion and i assume you do since you're watching me is that the best thing that you can go for at this point is army training another and i really often overlook uh continuous focus most of continuous focus are often overlooked but this one especially because this gives you the recent training time minus 25 and what is going to allow us is that these guys that have this equipment are going to train faster if we if they train faster means that we can deploy them earlier if we deploy them earlier we can train more if we can train more we can ask for more guns and we can have a better army that is why i think this is the best bet you have right now because yes it's nice to get more civilian factories but it's they're not gonna make any difference uh you can get land doctrine bonuses but you don't really have the research laws to do that and probably way before you finish this probably before we finish this we are already going to be defeating portugal who knows oh that's why oh these guys are almost in position no half of his plan get the juicy max planning and 30 i'm gonna let it run to 37. yeah there we go any more deployments no we cannot train anymore how are we doing our guns huh good enough so now we just hit the button and do what happens all right now now this is completely optional uh at this point you are very likely to already defeat portugal but if you want to go for more encirclements uh you could either break this tile on this one and you will get an encirclement here or if you're feeling more adventurous and i'm feeling somewhat adventurous in this round uh i'm gonna stop this guy and we wanted to go here push here and these two guys i want them to push here why because this is the most more adventurous encirclement you break this one in the guy in here or even cross the river and send one guy around here and you encircle these two tiles okay this is good for pinning and this is good for pinning so we're gonna break this one almost there boy man see now they train much faster and this is good for us more we need more deficit uh okay i think we can go for that now so we're gonna artillery no guns yes a new germany artillery no and yes uh 1300 and 1300 yes giving us the maximum so if we have 100 1 420 something uh maybe minus 100 is the limit okay good to know okay and now we breaking this one now we stop and we don't want them to attack there i want two guys back here and one of them will keep going here and then these two will go here and one will keep going here and we get third and preparing the fourth and the most important one this one okay and now we got it now this boarding and this will support all this line this guy is gonna stop pinning and he's gonna protect this tile right here this one is particularly right here and this one is in circling pretty good all right we no longer need to attack or pin now we are in place we don't want to waste manpower remember if the more losses we get the more likely it is that is fire and we are still not safe so far we're doing pretty good we only have 4k losses and they lost 26k so that's really good uh yeah keep going this guy feels like needs to go somewhere else that's okay and finish them off it may appear that they have no divisions in here and you can just like break through and win but make no mistake they will keep divisions in porto okay now this one is gone [Music] why didn't you go there just go here and finish them off and you're gonna stay here and just support the attack it finishes off earlier appointments yes keep going keep going keep going you need a lot and you can support as well be gone in no time okay now we got it now lisbon is a hard place to conquer for several reasons number one they keep uh always they keep divisions in here and it's an urban terrain and what happens with urban terrain says as you can see unit effects attack 70 percent essentially that translates in combat to a 30 percent terrain penalty and on top of that from two of the places that you're attacking from you have a long river meaning that you will also get the penalty for the river and you're you don't have like super powerful division so you need to do this carefully the way to do it is uh you're going to need six divisions that are going to be assigned here and the other four are going to be assigned to the north uh you delete this battle plan and for this six you create this spearhead towards lisbon and now you wait until everybody else is in position keep checking for deployments add more okay we're almost there and now again staff office plan see that there now they're bringing more divisions to the south that's okay and when you have the plan ready for this admissions and now is when you can start attacking it uh we deleted this uh battle plan because otherwise uh these four will start pushing and you don't want to push when you don't have all the advantage so yes keep in mind you only want to use the six now they start the combat and now if we go into this bubble into the details we'll see that one before because we encircled it now they have a 30 penalty for both attack and defense although we don't really care about the one for attack we care about the one for defense because this is one is what is going to upset the terrain penalty of 30 so we negate the advantage of terrain that they have and also we are getting the planning bonus and we are not doing this manually as micromanagement so it doesn't decay too quickly and we can overcome the second defensive advantage entrenchment they have 20 percent extra defense because of that entrenchment but we have 37 percent planning bonus and that is good for us and that over time is what is going to allow us to break lisbon so no more deployments release all right keep going and now that you can use these two just as support and you can use them manually and in case they had more divisions in here and they were attacking you just let them stay just so you can properly defend all right german tourists watching how the adults play are worse all right okay so this is finished still fascist that's amazing and we will eventually break this right now we got super weapons that is going to help us with breakthrough in here and we keep going we need more bonuses there and this one is ours ladies and gentlemen we've done the hardest part now we're just gonna let them all go to this front line we are going to reassign a battle plan and just let them arrive in place and you know the drill bite this time when they get there we will be getting some planning bonus through stafford's office plan and here we go let them build it deployments yes good okay we're building it and i think this is probably gonna be good enough for what we're about to do okay almost there now we have 37 percent and now we just hit go that should steamroll also at this point and now your is a great opportunity to give some experience to your general which is already level three and also training some traits appointments yes or more we already ran a deficit how are we going for at least 15 days it's okay [Music] you could go for more encirclements at this point if you want like a good option is here and here but uh at this point uh you can definitely do it but i would advise that unless you totally have to don't do it anymore maybe one for the experience because uh what is going to happen now is the same thing that we described with ethiopia which is if we encircle the divisions and kill them we also kill the equipment and what we want to do is to be able to um defeat portugal while they still have some units left alive so that equipment we will capture so uh let's keep going no you don't go here now you can go manually they are already broken what about this guy i want two guys here and this guy is coming here right there we go keep pushing and this guy when he arrives here we'll go here and see we can get portal all right it's undefended so we may end the world now uh running time we have another 150 little power really you can go for anything you want but uh as you can imagine that next target is spain and in spain i can tell you it's gonna be way harder than portugal to the feed meaning that you're gonna be needing every single little bit of help that you can get so my advice is of all the things that you can get that are all good go for the infantry expert because it's going to give you attack and defense and we are going to need both for the upcoming war deployments yes we still need to put four more in here at least six days go go go [Music] ammo oh i want you to go here oh yeah they're trying to filming here so you're going to block reinforcements or toe they will get there just in time and that is the end of the war ladies and gentlemen we got him and see since we didn't defeat all the divisions we got some support equipment and some 1.2 000 guns which is pretty good now it is very important that you do this peace conference properly and in the right order you're not gonna take all states first of all if you take all states you will have into problems because what you need to do is number one satellite guinea angola and mozambique do that then you take these tiles like main portuguese land they can and then for the rest you just pop it and this is going to be useful now we got it so why did we satellite and puppet portugal well number one reason is uh at this point we're pretty good on pretty much everything except for manpower because we are really needing to mobilize and we need to mobilize so this uh these guys right here that you can see they have the equipment that do not have the manpower we need to deploy them as soon as possible and we don't want to be using any uh or for very scarce manpower to garrison areas that we get no benefit from such as uh angola or mozambique or whatever because they start with no factories they have some one rubber so there's nothing that you're gonna get from here other than that losing manpower for garrisoning purposes so that's why you don't want to uh annex any of this on top of that uh now remember how we for uh garrison in here we went for no garrison which means resistance has been increasing and we did that just so we didn't waste any manpower there but now what we can do is uh well let's put this division there now we're gonna go for local police force uh for reducing the resistance but now that would mean that we'd have to use manpower but we can solve that because our new puppets are more than happy to give us garrison support this is also a new addition from the last dlc so we request garrison support here and here and also on guinea they feel like it yeah they feel like it sometimes they don't but it doesn't really matter and uh we want uh portugal to remain alive for one reason well for two actually number one uh these are territories that we will not need to defend in the future if you want to go for the whole challenge say for instance goa if you are later later on going to be at war with the allies this will be taken in a second but if it's a puppet and you don't call them into the war you will be saving here and uh same thing for timor leste and for macau so you don't want to lose this it's not that it's going to give you a major advantage but it's better if you don't have to garrison and protect any more places than you need to on top of that later on you will still have the option to um annex them if you want and you will get inherit their navy it's not a great navy but 21 ships is nothing to you know just say it's useless uh we can definitely do with all these destroyers later on so it just says uh option now so we and pause we will receive the manpower from our puppets uh mozambique give us 27 and gold another 27 and guinea another five meaning that we are going to be able to garrison this area at no cost of man powerful now we have to start preparing for the great struggle the work with spain as we mentioned we're not gonna attack them while they're still in the war because they on top of that they will also get the volunteers and we want to delay that as much as possible so what is going to be the battle plan for spain it's going to be uh we will park all of this here uh just through our frontline whatever doesn't really matter and you need to keep deploying because uh it's gonna be a great struggle because on top of having to conquer them here they have three more borders sharing with you where they can park units and kill you right away because if they take i don't know like casablanca marrakesh you're done for so you on top of invading them you will need to defend from them and that is why you need so many divisions uh as i said the optimal number is 30 we have 11 plus 15 26 24 more so just keep going and keep deploying as fast as you can okay we don't need any of this and also sometimes uh if i'm not wrong portugal uh gets to keep the visions meaning that you can request it from them two divisions good enough and these two look at that where they were uh they're gonna go here so that's two more divisions that you need meaning that you may not need to do 30 and you can do with 28 but that's okay keep the point and still with army training right now we have 14 because number one goal is to ensure that we have 24 divisions in this frontline that's really all that we are going to need so this 14 can go well actually yeah you can go here and you can assign here and you can start trading and then new deployments will be in charge of defending our territory and we cannot fulfill garrisons because now we're only missing infantry equipment but that's okay we can live with that after this we will not need to add any more division let's go speed five boy this guy is going to create a new army group and goes here for the moment we'll distribute them later and now this is all you need to be concerned about deploying deploying deploying training boy good thing about early deployment is that when they receive manpower or training you see that they are not entirely fulfilled and if we have top priority to this one remember this is very important uh the manpower will just go towards creating new units not to reinforce the already ones existing okay if there are pokemons are holding for the time being they will eventually get crushed deploy right infantry equipment and go for improved infantry equipment now at this point uh the decision to upgrade your guns is going to depend on how many guns did you manage to receive from germany and italy if you get to receive enough to have enough to deploy here you can just uh go ahead and improve them it's not that well you're getting 18 guns per day you already kind of have enough guns you're gonna lose part of your efficiency but you will get better guns and since most of your army is comprised of uh german italian and ethiopian guns is it doesn't really matter but it's entirely optional as i said uh decisions what do we have here uh promises of peace no we don't need that anymore and go go go deploy now we have enough so we can lay out the strategy for this thing right here so you're going to need two divisions in here which will help you defend here because you also have a nice river go here another two for evening they will also put divisions in here and you don't want them breaking through the good thing that you got going for you is that the two tiles they can attack into this one on top of the river is a desert which is usually they're gonna attrition more they're gonna have a problem and this one is mountains and mountains are great for defending because as you can see it says unit effects attack 40 percent meaning they will have a 60 terrain penalty meaning that they will not be able to break us if we have the division is entrenched and has that bonus they will not be able to break through here so that being said you have all that four and the rest of them are going to be parked in this uh foreign languages one of the most important uh or early in the war is when you declare on them uh the first goal is to make sure that you capture delta because if you manage to do that they you will effectively block them in the mediterranean the same way that algeria tunisia and libya had that problem at the beginning of the game meaning if they have any name in here they will not be able to use it in this area to like either cumberate or to naval invade you or whatever this is what prevents them from naval invading on top of that you will notice a very important thing uh of these three regions uh this one and this one are our cores and what does this uh place has on top of 770 000 population is gonna be great for our manpower they also have steel and since it's our core we will get access to all of the steel meaning that we will be able to keep producing here without a deficit and that's pretty good for us oh uh all those digits are gonna go there we are done with this and whatever new divisions we get are gonna go here in fact i feel uh [Music] what is this template it's a good template it's a 7-2 but it's severely under-equipped and i my guess is because of manpower uh yeah they only have 23 of manpower so we're gonna keep these two in here and these two in here there we go now we can go now everything that is left is to keep deploying these units as soon as possible and get ready for the war and the ideal moment to declare on spain is going to be entirely contingent and when they finish the civil war because what you don't want it to do is to justify get the justification ready they haven't finished the civil war they will feel the need to put more divisions in your full line meaning that they will not be attacking us effectively meaning that it's going to take longer and you don't want to go into that now we're secretly rooting for national spain boy we can also assign a general here whatever it doesn't really matter do for weapons too now uh this is really really when you are absolutely free to do whatever there are no more immediate bonuses that you can go for before the war and if you want to go for the land dog training this is not going to finish before you finish the war so at this point what i would advise is to start thinking on the rest of the challenge and from this point on i'm telling you this strategy up to this point is always going to be the same but now uh the difference is the the rng situation that i mentioned where they may not be fascist if they're not fascist and they stay not aligned if you justify on them you will notice that by that time world tension will be over 25 meaning the uk and france will instantly guarantee them and you absolutely do not want that to happen because if that happens game is over there is absolutely no way that you can uh take over uh spain in the allies i mean you could consider bringing germany that that's going to be bad for us because they will not be totally ready for the war yet they don't even have czechoslovakia or even austria austria will be probably in two or three more weeks but this is not a great time for germany to go at war with both of them so uh just keep waiting if they're not aligned because as i mentioned right now they are over 50 fascists there's a chance in your game that even with franco starting on the line he flips to fascist right about now it is it's a possibility and if that happens great if that doesn't happen uh take a look at the focus tree for national spain uh eventually they will go for this focus right here that will increase popularity of non-align and depending on when they go for this decisions right here this this focus right here sorry this one reduces the daily support for non-aligned that they get in this national sprinkler catalysm and since this doesn't have any modifiers means they already went for it meaning it's not increasing not a line but at some point i think it's when fuse the parties or somewhere i'm not exactly sure where uh is it here bunch of leaders one of these gave out this one uh the 10 plus this one eventually uh it's not gonna happen this game because they went for a different route but usually in your game what happens is that whether they go for this one or this one one of them is going to put them temporarily over 50 support for non-line meaning if that happens they're not going to flip to fascists anytime soon uh you will have to wait until they do these fused parties and then they eventually they will do this focus without the 26 points and this gives a 20 sorry 10 increase in fascism that will put them again over 50 percent meaning the chance for them to flip into fascists will be on the table again although in my experience it's very unlikely uh if they go at this point for fascists when they don't lie consider yourself lucky or most likely it's gonna happen they go for the military advisors um there's also a possibility for an increased chance another factor that plays a role if they hire a particular advisor that gives fascist support and if none of that happens you will have to wait for a long time uh if that happens uh my advice to you is as follows number one uh you keep your army ready and keep improving whenever possible when you get more uh more artillery more guns or whatever try to improve it just to make it as solid as possible uh focus on reducing the resistance for portugal because when you reduce the resistance and compliance increases you will get that's access for some factories and right now i don't know if we're receiving any but we're receiving uh some from trade italy is trading with us potentially germany will trade with us too giving us more cbs and what you want to do is to make sure that you reduce the resistance and then increase compliance so you get the factories and you want to get at least five civilian factories and when you get those five you right away go into creating an intelligence agency and start improving it right away and even consider spending political power in that case on an elusive gentleman because you are going to need as many operatives as you can initially there will be one when you create it another one when you get this one and another one when you get five improvements and then you can also uh become spymaster for the allies but initially it's not gonna give you any additional operatives because uh it would only be germany and you and there's a certain number of nations that have to be so you get more operative slots but the minute italy joins the axis you will get the fourth one what do you want to do with all those spines you want to create first um what you call an intel network here in madrid for instance and when it's strong enough you assign one of your spines towards boosting party popularity and with the third one you start creating another intel network say in in barcelona and then you all with the fourth one you also boost your ideology there why because and this is again a shout out to braden from paradox one of the guys that designed the whole spanish civil war is that even though franco most of the time will start as not a line they eventually flip fascists based on yeah you need to have over 50 percent but that requires the ai to spending political power on it that means that they are likely not to go for it if they pick some other things especially if they finish the civil war and they went for what's it called the uh here stamp out the mack's focus this will allow them to record the land and every time they record a state they spend 40 political power they tend to prioritize that or above everything else meaning they will not get the decision so you need to get the uh passion support as high as possible because apparently uh when support is over 60 uh it's a very much increased likelihood that they will select the decision to flip to fascists and you want them to flee to fascists because they don't get guaranteed so that is pretty much the alternative strategy up until this point it will be exactly the same even if they're not aligned because you need to take over portugal and you need the army and you need to defend all these areas and that is when it will be different uh but then again the war against spain is going to be surprisingly similar the only difference is where you're going to fight it in 1938 or in 1939 or 40 but then eventually even if they don't go for that and i've had this happen several times and even if you push this up to 70 i got to uh push it to 70 without them flipping eventually there is a time i'm not entirely sure when i'm not entirely sure if this is fixed but they will flip to a different portrait of franco the old franco guy and when that happens they will automatically flip to fascist meaning that's when you can go for them don't worry because either way um you they're gonna have uh well not yet because they haven't finished the civil war but they will get this national spirit that prevents them from joining any alliances so even if you declare war and then they're not well they're not gonna join the access because you're going to be in it but then they're not going to join the alice or anybody else because of that modifier so that means that you will be kept to yourself in your literal little ibrahim bubble meaning that you can take it problem with that if that happens is that well you're gonna be able to restore a landlord definitely you're gonna go for this decision this is guaranteed but uh it will create major problems for uh going for the rest of the challenge because if you manage to defeat them as i plan to do in 38 maybe early 39 depending on when they finish this uh you will get instantly cores all over you will get a lot of manpower you will get the factories and you will be able to create a proper army to uh go for whatever the whatever else it is that you uh want to do i'm taking on the allies or whatever if you have to wait until 1941 for that to happen you have a disadvantage of like two to three years of preparation so that is mainly uh the only downside that is going to have if they don't go fascist right away in your game all that being said uh since they are fascists and we're gonna get them early even though we'll finish the video when i finish this part maybe we can use this game for keep going and the next thing that i would advise you to get is either a industry especially machine tools construction at this point has been useless because we don't have anything potentially we will need it uh you could decide to go for doctrines or my personal preference support equipment why because with support equipment we will be able to get recon and engineer and this stuff is really good when you want to go at war with the big guys so for equipment it is keep deploying you just need to take valencia is over ammo no holding maybe granada ah there we go now they're finished oh in order to uh defeat spain this is uh for demonstration purposes perfect because they went fastest and they took a little bit longer well this is actually pretty standard for them to defeat or to win the civil war because right now uh they got this modifier this is the one i was talking about so they're not gonna be able to be producing many guns they just instantly lost all the divisions that they got for the civil war and as you can see says join ally -200 or desire to be or in or expand a faction minus 200 so that's what is going to prevent them at least until 1943 to join anybody else and this is the moment where they are at their weakest so the thing is that we didn't start justifying because a we didn't know when this was gonna finish and b because we still need to get ready in here they will be weakened but they will not be weak that is important to mention so keep deploying to have all of them as soon as possible train them as much as you can this is definitely gonna be something that's gonna help you keep going keep going keep going or i would also advise to just keep this one going because this not only affects how quickly they training here also how quickly they training here and there's also one thing to consider that was uh i think this was changed also with last dlc i don't know if this was an update for everyone even though you don't have it uh if you don't have it just check uh the difference between training units as opposed as what it used to be is that before uh ever since they released the game and when you're training all the divisions will be trained at a flat percentage uh depending on how big the division was and all that like for instance you see here that this is getting 1.39 experience per day and since right now they're 64 will you do the math that's how many days it will take you to get them trained to level three the thing is that if oh if your divisions are under equipped uh they will be training at a much slower rate that is the main difference that was introduced uh that means that uh you only want to be forced deploying and training units in the field whether when you absolutely need to like in our situation right now or if you have modifiers like the we don't have it but there's a guy here that thing is called like army training or something that increases the speed or discontinuous focus just keep that in mind because if you don't you just force deploy just for the heck of it and say that you want to convert this tiny unit into a bigger unit the problem is that if you don't have the equipment for that they're going to be training much slower and they will be burning more equipment since they will stay longer in training mode so if you're cherishing every single gun that you can get it's not advisable but in this case since we have no other option we need to be fast about this just keep going and keep army training so you reduce essentially equipment losses okay can we have an improvement here no oh this guy got really close to him to get another skill level what about this guy uh no he also got close but not close enough but this is good enough level three uh for political power as i said it's up to you entirely uh i recommend that you go for either the army regrouping guy or i personally prefer the army organization organization is good and we want it because this war is not going to be easy [Music] right and now we can deploy them all all right so this is pretty much what you're going to need for this work if you can get any more on top of this it's going to be great but at this point you have the numbers that you pretty much need and now it's better to just let all the divisions in here to get manpower equipment in fact you want to how are you doing this uh we're doing pretty badly uh what's with this prioritize that if you didn't uh get lucky enough to for them to be fascist and they're not aligned i would advise you go first for this like this so you reduce resistance faster and get all that good stuff since the we don't have that problem we're gonna go first for reinforcements and here yes you can just do whatever at this point it doesn't really matter yes i don't know whatever we're gonna recon [Music] and keep trying okay now i think we're in a pretty good position uh to start justifying spain these guys are almost already training these guys too we are producing some guns and we'll get the reinforcements enough so now ladies and gentlemen let's get ready to justify on your last war so to justify uh since you are playing as morocco and these are cores you have the option to go for retake or state as opposed to normal conquering for instance this will take 200 days but if you do it through record retake core state it will only take 100 and half the cost of political power which is pretty good it's a nice little thing but just keep in mind if you're doing it this way uh you will have approximately three months to be ready for war and you just gotta make sure that your divisions are somewhat ready uh the bird lisa would recommend that at least they are deployed before you go for this even if they are not trained to level three it's not that important for these ones right here it is very important for these ones right here but this one will make do so just keep that in mind and start just fine also you don't want to delay this too much because right now they are at their weakest and we are going to use that to our advantage because number one is they haven't had the time they're still here and they have to go all the way down here in order to start recording and that is going to be a massive advantage for us because at the start of the war uh not all in spain will be considered core territory meaning only the places our cores are the ones that we need to take to capitulate them and if you remember pretty much the layout when the civil war stars is the state this one this one not this one this one right here the northern ones with the exception of asturias and paisbasco and up until here meaning you will not need to conquer occupy whatever any of these regions giving you an advantage and also since they have a few guns they have the modifier that lets them produce less guns they will not have access to all the guns they will have to garrison the place uh these are all the things that we are going to use for our advantage because if we didn't this would be 10 times harder and in case your game went differently and you have to go for the waiting game uh don't worry because by that point if you have the worst case scenario you will have to wait until 1940 or 1941 you will have plenty of time to improve your uh your army uh in my test runs i've been able to create different types of divisions uh you will definitely be able to create an army of 24 uh seven twos which is gonna give you some extra bite to go after them uh if you want don't want to do that i've successfully done like uh 10 divisions or 14 fours and support all of the rest uh the downside of that even though you will be more powerful and they will not be that much more powerful it would definitely be more powerful but not that much is that you they will already have cores everywhere meaning that you will have to take a bigger chunk of spain in order to capitulate them but it is entirely doable uh in my experience uh if you have to go late the war tends to be easier just because you have better divisions and this one is the harder one but it's also the one that is going to allow you to do it by 1938 if you're lucky and get ready for the next wars uh so let's start justifying i will retake core state and either one it doesn't matter and go go go [Music] one thing that i've never really seen i just want to mention just in case is that uh with this one they're gonna get 10 percent monona line support which is gonna push them over 50 and i do not know what the chances are that they decide to take a decision to go back to normal line i don't know if that it's even possible but just to make sure that this run is not ruined uh we're gonna keep a close eye on this and if we see they turn to none online we are immediately going to stop the justification and go for the longer game because as we as i said you do not want them to be guaranteed okay december 28th uh my personal record doing this is october 8th uh i think it's possible to do it a few days before that probably by september i honestly don't think it's possible to do it much earlier than that but who knows maybe you can find a better way okay now we got we start getting uh military factories because we have reduced uh resistance a little bit and we have increased compliance and that is giving us access to more uh factories uh you can assign it to whatever it is you prefer i usually prefer just to go for artillery because we are guaranteed that uh both italy and germany are going to give us guns as loneliness if we need them but we are not guaranteed to get artillery so that's what we want to go for also and now we have more series also for the same reason uh because of increasing compliance and i would advise just to make sure that you keep your resources up so you don't have any penalties although for this particular case if it's only going to be applied for submarines we're actually going to be better if we don't because we no longer need the submarines for this strategy i mean the more we get is it's okay i guess but it's definitely not required for this war so just keep an eye on that fortunately you have any more divisions for me nope and these ones will not get any divisions anytime soon that you can request but the good thing about also public them is that they will start going uh for instance this guy looks like he's going for militarism so more rural population which is good or they will start getting some uh factories and you know eventually they will get some divisions if you really needed to uh you could uh say they have right now one thousand manpower is not much because they already gave us some and fourteen if you're really desperate one thing that you can do is to go here uh get any of their templates and just copy it and convert some of your divisions into that template through here you have to select it first and then you convert to it so it will consume uh your puppet's manpower instead of yours but i don't think it's gonna really be necessary for this strategy yes a heads up that that's another option that you have if you want to okay promise in december we said the 28th a month from now uh for particular power just do whatever uh really doesn't matter you could uh wait for this guy this will give you a slight bit of an edge or you can go for more stability if you want to it's completely up to you i personally prefer to wait for this guy all right this is looking very good uh okay we finished the uh military factory as time corrected guys i thought we would never finish this before this war but in this run we did oh let's just keep pumping more the problem is that now we have to build in territory that is not our core yet which if we finish it we will not get all the factories but uh just think ahead and start preparing for when this is all your core uh we also want to stop training the units uh right about i don't know maybe the 18th so or the 15 is okay just because when they're training uh you can see well it's only gonna affect two divisions now so it doesn't really matter but they don't have any work and we want them to be a full organization by the time we declare which is going to be immediately we stopped training and now we no longer need this continuous focus now you can go for whatever it is you want uh you want cvs or you want more research slots quickly or whatever uh i don't know it's it's really up to you i'm just going to go for the cps for instance okay almost there and we are ready so uh how do we win this war because as you can see even though they are their weakest they will still have this once called the uh division delegate to the africa which is that a really good template that they gave uh with a focus i think and this is basically a 7.2 but uh one thing that the ai tends to do a lot ever since the last dlc is that they tend to spend their army experience improving their divisions so you see this could potentially get to be a 14-4 most usually the one they go for first is uh 9-3 i think uh but as you can imagine this is going to be way more powerful and it's in you know in a hill and you don't have that much firepower so uh how do we win this uh first of all it's all my test runs what i've seen is that they always have the same layout here they put one division here one here and one here and they always tend to leave empty these two uh they will also have usually a division here now they don't have it and they will have one division here for the south you just want to hold you don't want to move from here you don't want to lose your defensive advantage because if you go adventurous bad things can happen and you do not want them to break through here because you will lose and then for this ones uh right as the war starts first thing that you need to do is to send a division here and here around this guy so you get failed as soon as possible to block them and then you will encircle this division also you will move with uh one division in here and then you will encircle this one and then after that uh if you're surrounding this one considering the penalties and all that you will be probably able to push into this guy as you can see uh right now this guy is not one of the good divisions so you can probably push into them but uh more than likely what is going to happen is that this division will start panicking when you are starting your attacking here and they will prioritize the main line uh as opposed to this area so it's just a matter of like going around and circling them and killing them all you know and and here just uh wait unless it's like i don't know in this situation you can probably get away with like going for this tile it's going to take a long time to get there and for this one just um just hold them because you also want to and and the reason i'm not going to go for this problem because i also want them to have additional front lines so in the event that they decide to send some divisions here meaning this will be less divisions that they have protecting the mainland now all that being said uh we go to the main part which is of course the mainland uh this is going to be different in every of your games but the common thing is that they will not have enough divisions to cover the entire front line and that is what is going to allow you to win the war uh usually they it's completely random the way they place their troops sometimes they tend to focus more on the north and they will give leave gaps in the south sometimes they will leave gaps in the middle in this game as we can see they left gaps mostly in the north uh usually they like to at least keep one or two divisions uh but still the the strategy that you have to go for and what is going to allow you to win the war and i don't know what i only have two divisions signing here or yeah there we go um you want to pin the divisions uh with the activating the frontline you're not going to win the vitals i mean don't get me wrong they're way too strong for you to be able to push normally and you're too weak for that but you want to do that just so you pin them in place and then you exploit the we're not exploit it's just like a breakthrough that's the proper word uh through these gaps in the in the front line and you want to be doing that fast fast fast and trying to encircle as many divisions as possible uh keep in mind that even when you encircle them like probably i don't know this one this is a good enough division that if even if it's in circle and you have like i don't know like one or two guys attacking them you're very unlikely to defeat them anytime soon the only thing that you want is to keep them pinned and keep moving remember you have to prioritize the um victory points that are core so for instance sevilla is a core but yeah granada is not that's what you want to exploit and not exploit again i hate that worries breakthrough and use your mechanics to your advantage but it's um mainly uh the hardest one to get to will be tharagotha this is like the furthest away that is still a core and is uh several victory points i don't remember you look at that but somewhere around here ah here three big three points and and this is considerable uh because most of them do not have any victory points so you probably need to get here to win the war uh so just keep moving keep moving keep moving and for that purpose we are going to slow the game down to three that will be good enough now we are going to declare again do not call your allies you need all the war score for yourself and since uh germany uh has um better dimensions than you do they will mean that they will be able to push through their divisions and that will give them war score and you don't want that the only problem is that when you do it this early as opposed to doing it later if you're not lucky with this is that uh italy uh will be sending them volunteers yes incredibly but they will be sending them volunteers i think that's the street because of the civil war whatever but germany will not because they're in the same faction as you are and they will not be allowed but italy is not getting the access and it will not be there in the access for at least i think it's three or four more months so for during that time they will be sending volunteers and that's that can create problems but it's not gonna be a major disadvantage uh so how are we doing on equipment and okay we have practical reinforcements and we are ready declare war oh first of all uh we don't need this uh you can go for more or support if you want to when you get a decision or whatever we already discuss now now we thought i'm pausing convening that we have a cover rated vision but we you can also do it with any other division uh you're gonna go around here these guys are going to in this guy here this other guy is gonna come here this two guys maybe yeah these two guys no i want a healthy one these two guys are gonna pin here this other guy is gonna close in here and this other two guys just can attack him there so we just activate do not assign any plan here so they don't go crazy and now here uh we analyze the front lines so they have all this cover they have a gap in here we're gonna use that uh we also gonna use this gap in here and from here this seems completely empty so uh we're gonna go straight in here at least one of the divisions i want them go here not because this is a but i would just want to block them from this area that's gonna be only one uh the other two are going to go around this guy or maybe just one and this guy is going to pin and this guy is going to go around and we can get our first encirclement and these guys just go to beagle this guy will go here here maybe and this one will go here here here and here so this is the initial layout and then we activate the plan so we keep all the others pinned because if you don't pin them they will start shuffling that could be used to your advantage later but you don't want them constantly uh you know reinforcing the different front lines you want to be able to break through somewhere and that's what's going to allow you to win the war so let's go also since you're going to be able to win this war sorry about that uh it's not a terrible idea to start training more units for when you're done with this and you want to go for future endeavors uh so what we're gonna do is just we're gonna trench train sorry a bunch of these uh low priority and now we're going to request some release surprisingly italy will send them volunteers but would also give you the lease go figure uh what about artillery they will accept now that's pretty good for us and what about guns they will accept too so this is amazing and what about germany will they give us artillery now they won and guns yes they will so uh germany's gonna got 9 000 guns we can create some decent army with this and italy is going to give us 11 000 guns and 225 artillery so we're very good to go i don't think we need to request any more lentil knees oh uh what's going on here uh this is the first part that you have to consider you need to take this quick and you will block them in the mediterranean and there we go now this is a circle and eventually they will get it and these guys are checking here and when this guy gets here i want you to finish down in circle minute and this is a battle we can win let's keep this open and what is this not yet you can see we're starting to lose this battle but it's okay this guy broke through let's see here best thing to do here maybe i will probably speed up this part of the video in when i'm editing because the whole war is about this uh using gaps uh going around them low speed and circle and keep going so this is just the main part that you have to know and the other thing that i will do is that once i've cleaned this part right here i will immediately take all of these divisions and send them to this war because we are gonna get to a point where we're gonna be controlling a lot of territory we're gonna have problems uh filling up the uh the front line ourselves and we can definitely use the extra help at least uh for anything else just to keep the visions pinned and use the others to keep moving but usually what i do when this is finished i will create maybe a front line around here or and this army will focus on the south since they're already here and the other the other ones will be redirected to the north or to whatever it's needed so um i will see you in a bit [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and a hundred g g we got it all right guys so this is the strategy that allows you to recreate a landlord so uh from this point forward what i would advise for uh the rest of the challenge we are going to uh satellite equatorial guinea we don't care about wasting manpower or anything here uh we are going to take everything else because everything else that we get is potentially a core well this will be a chord right away uh this is a chord already already and this will become a core if we keep going and conquer all of this so uh we not aligned and then we take all states here it is done by early 1939 not my best date but definitely something pretty good now when you have all the required territories now you can go here and finally restore alandalus now we click it and we get a new flag a new color and we are now called the caliphate of cordoba with a new capital and well and now you just need to um pause for a little moments just so this is officially considered core in terms of like population manpower and all that so we just some pause for a second and now we we go 1.18 million manpower on volunteer only which is pretty good and now we get this event i'm just going to let it here just if you want to read it and well if you want to keep reading you can stop the video now we have this we have a lot more factors not yet because first uh the first thing that tickle is manpower and then is the factories so we're gonna wait a little bit all right now we can assign factories and now we have double military factories hooray and now we'll just assign some here some more artillery we're definitely gonna need more uh one piece and one of these and this looks good enough and for this uh i don't care just make a lot of submarines or whatever and we don't want this and this is it guys this is the caliphate of quarterback and as i promised these are the new decisions that appeared are hidden until you click this decision the sultanate of africa and the emirate of sicily but this will probably be for another video i think this video is already long enough and i really hope you guys uh find this guide useful that it helps you recreate the caliphate of cordova and get in a good position to go for the rest of the challenge before i leave i just want to give a massive shout out and thank you again to peter steele for encouraging me to making the videos also to another guy in bittersteel's discord called antacio he also encouraged me to do it this i really appreciate it man thank you and of course once again to braden from paradox for going out of his way to explain to me uh all the mechanics that affect the ideology for national spain so i hope you guys enjoyed it and see you next time bye bye
Channel: Spaniard
Views: 2,474
Rating: 4.9745221 out of 5
Keywords: HOI4, Al-Andalus, HOI4 guides, NoExploits, HOI4 Tutorial
Id: SB_qw0UsGXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 195min 50sec (11750 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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