History of Stonehenge, Dark Islands & Migrations | Intermediate Discipleship #43 | Dr. Gene Kim

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uh we're now remember heading toward the islands over here so remember at the tower of babel so let's say that it happened over here the tower of babel so wherever the tower of babel happened we're going to continue onwards toward this location so we talked about the migrations over here and then a little bit toward here but we didn't talk about down here so then they were going through numerous islands over here that time as well and then we're going to be covering also the caribbean islands as well okay but uh anyways why is africa disconnected so there we go amen now during the timeline that we're basically covering now is we're covering from the timeline of the exodus so let's reach to the last second half of the the last half of the second millennium so let's put this around 1700 bcs and then we're going to head toward this direction where we're reaching more and more toward the 400s now remember during this time we know what happened with israel with israel we've seen that they've done their exodus conquest of the promised land and then they went through a cycle at the book of judges and then they started out with their king like all the other secular nations and then that's when their nation deteriorated and that's when the assyrian empire became into power and nimrod's babylonian religion was still spreading and it's going to be expected two things which uh you remember what i told you before the two things that's going to be expected how satan is spreading his system is one the genesis 6 civilization so remember the genesis 6 civilization remnants of it was continuing and then it was dying out definitely during the time of the kings where it became pretty much extinct if not completely extinct and the second thing is nimrod's babylonian religion so when you combine this church and state together it becomes a dangerous combination actually which is the result of the roman catholic church during the dark ages so you're going to see a lot of the pagan nations imitating this church state system israel's system was different because why god says that you're going to be a peculiar people from all the nations and the system we call it is not church state we call it more of a theocracy because it's more of god's domain not secular man's domain state combined with man's religion the church this is more of god's system of secular government and uh his spiritual religion it's all in god's territory over here so that's the differences between that so let's look at the migrations over here on how it continues onward so then this is found at widowson's book page 51. he mentions over here around this time the lapita culture the ancestors of the modern people of micronesia polynesia and melanesia migrated to the islands of the western pacific so then we're going to look at several cultures during this timeline so one of them during the ancient timeline we see the lapita and they cover the pacific island territories and brother jack is probably watching right now so he'd want to listen to this part this culture is characterized by its intricately decorated pottery the people of new guinea started making freestanding stone figures about this time as well now you'll notice that they were making standing stone figures that's important to realize during this timeline now what's uh ideal what's significant about nimrod is notice it's a standing structure you notice that and then egypt they had a standing structure as well right everybody's trying to go up so keep that in mind today everyone is building towers that can go up the big shock guys millionaire billionaire companies why because they want to look above the other people and that's ideal of satan satan says i will be like the most high i will be like the most high that's something that you got to understand about satan's nature but not only that remember i mentioned that it may have been possible that the sons of god because of what they did with the pyramids in egypt trying to connect to their uh to their stars and planets where their ufos and where they were abiding out in outer space that they're trying to connect bridge man and the gods together somehow so remember to keep that in mind so it's interesting that even the islanders you notice they carry that knowledge with them but remember because centuries is passing by to millennials the knowledge is fading away but you notice that remnants of it is still in their mind of what they learned about their civilization and their religion the primitive jomon culture is the name given to the people that live in japan so now we see jamaan so let's continue onwards during this timeline there's a lot of things that happen the bon kao culture is the name give it given to the primitives in thailand and malaysia as mankind continues to migrate outward from the middle east or western asia meanwhile the untis culture in central europe is flourishing over here so now we cover the untis then bangkao thailand and then covering parts of malaysia let's keep reading this culture was characterized according to archaeologists with bodies in burial arranged according to gender and according to compass direction their flat graves replaced the the previous migrants burial gr mounds horses and a culture of horsemanship had arrived around 1800 bc and trade moves throughout primitive europe stonehenge was already probably a few hundred years old at this time no one knows what it or many of the massive stone megalists were for that were created from wales to the salisbury plains but it may have been for ceremonies associated guess what with the changing of the season so notice that the famous stonehenge figure this is definitely doesn't look like the british isles here okay all right somewhat so so the stonehenge when they were building these uh colossal stones no uh they were trying to connect it notice to the heavens see everyone was trying to reclaim the genesis 6 culture that time now remember satan's minions when they were replenishing and they were continuing their seed they had to do it secretly and in small amounts why because they can't do it publicly like before due to noah's flood and then the remnants of it they were being wiped out by the jews that's why the lord raised up the nation of israel it really obliterated satan's culture that time now i don't know if you remember the minoans or the mycenaean civilization remember i mentioned that this was the civilization that the philistine branch have also came from their territory as well if not from those people so they were a form of remember of primitive i guess quote unquote primitive mythological grease combined with the seed of ham remember during this timeline everyone was intermingling that's the reason why the lord raised up remember again that's why the lord raised up the nation of israel to be totally divided from all the nations that time because everybody who was integrating conglomerating they were carrying that genesis 6 civilization and nimrod's babylonian religion so troy rises in power and influence in what historians call it this it's six city with one ruin built on another utilizing sophisticated military architecture that rivals the minoan so that's where troy we're starting to see its picture rising so we got to go a little bit more further so i mentioned about 1800 so we'll start from there but now troy is rising up where the philistines now already moved over here now troy is starting to come up out of greece okay now let's keep reading the mycenaean civilization as just mentioned begins to grow in power using great engineering designing and building bridges fortifications and bee hive shaped tombs with elaborate drainage and irrigation systems with stones so large that later people thought that giants had built them so probably that might be the case now remember the philistines came from uh the mycenaean territory if not directly from those descendants if the philistines came from there didn't they have giants yes we know that goliath so remember i told you before when these civilizations were spreading there could have been some remnants of either the sons of god returning or their seed continuing onward that time but it's becoming scarce it's becoming scarce now but right now it's going to be revived they're trying to revive it bring it back and in the tribulation it will happen the remains found in the tombs do not give evidence that the mycenaeans achilles agamemnon or odysseus were giants in any respect other than their appetite for blood and pride so you notice that these uh hero figures in famous greek mythology legends they may not have been giants but they were great heroes kind of like nimrod that time who was known as a hero figure so either they were fully human that was stretched in mythology or exaggerated mythology or they could have been like the superheroes of genesis chapter 6 because it's not just giants but also superheroes mighty men what is also interesting i didn't mention this part but widowson also mentioned in his book i don't have the page number about hercules coming out which he came out before samson actually which is kind of interesting so i think so you notice that satan he always jumps the gun ahead of god you notice that that's the reason why secular historians will try to tell you that bible borrowed its stories from ancient pagan mythology remember that and then i gave you the arguments against why that argument is flawed so i'm not going to go through all of that again all right time to keep talking about the ancient civilization while the almex in mexico all right so now we're talking about the olmecs that time so these names i'm writing down because we'll see them mentioned later on okay so i mentioned about troy i should mention them and the mycenaean so kinda connected to that so let's continue reading on over here i think i'll just spell it wrong mycenae all right so this could be the wrong spelling okay while the olmecs in mexico were constructing pyramids pyramids the olmecs in mexico okay pyramids stone monuments and realistic looking human figures at this time the dye known as tirinian purple was being invented by the phoenicians and the peruvians were depicting the jaguar constrictor snake and the condor and eagle as the main focus of their temple heart the peruvians you're going to find out that they were very artistic people actually so you're going to find them later on now notice that they were carrying a lot of the ideas that these cultures were doing why because so this is showing over here the migration toward this direction see it was a culmination of all the knowledge from their previous ancestries over here so that's something interesting to figure out remember i told you phoenicia where the lord was casting judgment on it through the nation of israel israel through joshua and the jews conquest their coins were like uh the coins that they discovered i believe in south america or one of these or one of the americas over here was the same pattern like the phoenician coins remember that so the ancient hindus derive the modern sedative and hypertensive from the root of the raofia serpentina plant they also become the first to perform successful skin grafting and plastic surgery of the nose during the ancient civilization timeline over there the chinese devised a working calendar and began calculating using decimals the hittites develop a practical method of smelting iron ushering in a technological revolution of sorts and more easily made iron eventually replaces bronze as a dominant metal an innovation which makes it to europe by the end of this period so what carried on over here was spreading throughout europe what the hittites did as well all right this is found at widowson's book at page 56 as well all right let me read a few more concerning about the pacific islands and it's going to include some bits of australia as well so let's talk a little bit more about the migration over here more information is at the beginning of this era so this is widowson page 67 now at the beginning of this era one of the largest migrations in human history takes place as the bantu peoples of africa begin moving south of the present day sahara into southern africa a movement that took approximately how long 2 000 years because remember that africa is such a huge continent over here and remember that they're just uh if people are migrating from here it's going all the way over here so then the bond to now i'm going to tell you something interesting about bound to and i had some of these people who came from africa told me this as well which is interesting so let me tell you a few things the bantu are considered to be linguistically related descendants of ham part of their culture depended upon the importation of the banana a native of asia so that's where the banana came from supposedly and more stable crop production which allowed them to move beyond just mere survival political organization was primarily local and it is not until much later that larger kingdoms develop now remember during abraham's timeline and then reaching toward moses's timeline it was natural remember that it was uh when they're talking about a city or a kingdom that it was like local it's like local officials so to speak it wasn't like a huge empire like assyria babylon and then in time later on little communities with their own separate kingdoms would conquer each other combined and then becomes a much larger kingdom that becomes natural throughout history all right so that's what we see so far so notice that the lord really divided them you notice at the tower of babel the lord really divided them so that there won't be any chance for nimrod or satan to start some kind of genesis civilization but you notice mankind always tries to reclaim it they always go back let's see from about 750 or 600 bc cush or nubia ruled egypt from their capital of monroe in upper egypt a mixture of ham and shem or african people from ethiopia and semitic people from arabia formed the culture of aksum that settled around the red sea by 500 bc the noc ancestors of the yoruba people settled in nigeria so there's a lot of different people's na a lot of different tribes and groups names over here which i don't have time to write it is interesting to note that the christian bubba clan of the bantu lemba tribe of zimbabwe listen up claims to be descended from jews who migrated over a thousand years ago from the area of yemen and dna tests have revealed that this is true now do you know why do you know why go to numbers 14 numbers 14. go to the book of numbers chapter 14. what was the jews problem their problem was is that they didn't have faith in god to enter the promised land so god when he cast them out he says that you are living your whole entire living and death will be in the wilderness so then if you listen to your homework to simon at dr utman's adlet commentary he mentioned about during the 40 years of wandering in the wilderness they were jews who decided to either go back to egypt or to live in the wilderness and not just die out in the wilderness all right so let's look at numbers chapter 14. and then we will read verse 28 say unto them as truly as i live saith the lord as ye have spoken in mine years so will i do to you your carcasses shall fall in where this wilderness and all that were numbered of you according to your whole number from 20 years old and upward which have murmured against me doubtless ye shall not come into the land uh let's look at verse 32 but as for you your carcasses they shall fall in this wilderness now remember they mentioned that uh if the children of israel during the mount sinai region they were like wandering in a cycle like this and then uh during this cycle we know that saudi arabia and where they're at yemen would not be too far from there and then remember about yemen that the african descendants said that they were from yemen and when they trust their dna over there they found jewish blood verse 35 5 i the lord have said i will surely do it unto all this evil congregation that are gathered together against me in the wilderness they shall be consumed and there they shall die see so that's their whole living situation their death and living will be in the wilderness forever and all this you know this is sand region a lot of it is sand region over there okay so let's keep reading some stuff up interesting stuff about africa over here they practice so this is the bubba clan of the bantu lemba tribe of zimbabwe i'm continuing reading them they practice jewish rituals and religious practices as well as believe it or not christianity including male circumcision and identify themselves as being of jewish descent which scientifically speaking they are so that's intensely interesting over here now let's go back to mexico in the area of mexico in the americas at this time we have the olmec civilization so what's happening more with them as we continue onward this direction of the east mexico lowlands that are considered to be the forerunners of all listen up the the olmec civilization of the me east mexico lowlands are considered to be the forerunners of all middle or mess american civilizations so they're a very important group of people the olmec call themselves see she there have been over 170 olmec monuments found predominantly at three sites in the territory they inhabited from southern mexico through eastern guatemala they were advanced mathematicians and astronomers and created accurate calendars now where they get this knowledge becomes very uncanny unless you get it from some beings who have experience with the stars and the planets and the heavens food for thought maybe food for thought see the remnants was continuing in some way as was the case with other civilizations they used a hieroglyphic style of writing the culture existed on farming oddly enough when alma cooney form was compared to a type of libyan pictograph it was felt that it could be deciphered some people a few believe they must have migrated from the old world while others insist they were indigenous and bible believers know they are a part of the ongoing migration of mankind away from the ark begun over a millennium before their rise to prominence they had advanced irrigation systems like the sumerian assyrian and babylonian cultures and used buried stone drain lines colossal stonehenge colossal stone heads are the hallmark of the discovery of the olmec culture beginning in 1862. again see all these things about uh forming uh idols one interesting thing to note is that these heads are often african in in appearance omic in mexico about that maybe they were traveling through this way through the pacific islands and remember i read you an account from josephus that there were people who actually took ships and went uh toward the migration actually which could have reached the america regions actually afrocentrists who believe all civilization came from africa of course you know that's where lucy the evolution fossils are supposedly found right that's what they say claim that this is proof of african colonization of middle america you notice whenever the bible has supporting proof about migration then the evolutionist scientists have a different explanation for that in peru you have what is called by archaeologists the shavin culture elements of which go back to 1000 bc by traditional scholars representations so the shavin culture now from from the peruvian so to speak let's keep reading it is a culture characterized by beautiful if abstract artwork so remember i mentioned that they were mostly known for their artistic designs and a similarity they had similarity to the olmec designs which is not a surprise because everyone's migrating and these regions are nearby suggesting either a common origin or cross-cultural influence they also against a highly advanced technology with regard to the production of clothing using the hair of the type of camels found in south america such as the alpaca i think they pronounce it visuna and yama about 1 000 bc the cibone tribe left the mainland and began to immigrate eastward to settle the caribbean islands so now we come to the cibone tribe to the caribbean islands so let's keep reading over here so what about the caribbean islands what were they planning to do well see here they went eastward to settle the caribbean islands particularly cuba until almost 2 000 years later they were displaced and killed by the more warlike arrow wax whom the spanish eventually destroyed and about the same time polynesians settled the pacific island of samoa noah knows how long it took the original inhabitants of australia the aborigines from the beginning to reach it they are so the aborigines are among the oldest by modern scholarship standards of so-called indigenous peoples on earth remains of aboriginal culture have been dated by traditional archaeologists to forty thousand years ago at a time when many large now extinct animals were to have had the run of the continent like giant kangaroos and giant wombats this forty thousand year traditional dating also encompasses the time in which early north americans were to have begun their walk across the now submerged bearing straits land bridge between alaska and eastern asia so we seen a few interesting things over here is that samoa the migration to samoa is happening and then uh also i think i'm going too much out of bounds if i am let me know let me know so you're good right now all righty so samoa and then the aborigines now i think that this group of people will be most interesting to study because they are among the oldest if you study this group then perhaps you could probably see a lot more connections with the other areas and then we come to over here about uh the north americans they were supposed to have went through the bridge over here into alaska to north america while the aborigines were doing something at australia okay in europe we have the beginnings of the etruscan culture in italy all right so in italy there's known as the etruscan culture now look how this ties with rome later on that comes out okay so remember rome is coming out but rome wasn't there that time the beginnings of the etruscan culture in italy in the area known today it would be known today as tuscany it is a beautiful part of europe that had a large reserve of tin in those ancient times the etruscans may have emigrated from lydia in western asia minor their culture had some greek and some middle eastern influences they were a powerful culture who dominated the latins whom we came to know as the romans until the latins fought their way to freedom from around 700 bc to 500 bc rome was reduced to nothing more than an etruscan colony this constant warfare created this distinctive martial as in warlike society so we see over here that rome during this time it was very very minor we see that latin and then to rome now rome was very minor that time because remember this is the timeline of assyria and babylon and remember they go all the way back to nimrod these empires were extremely powerful for probably over a millennia then maybe if not if not a millennia we continue reading on further north in europe the celts who started out it seems in eastern france it seems like that's that where the celts started over here expanded all over western europe they were an iron-using people who traded salt as far south as italy and as far north as germany by 400 bc that's where they had spread to britain and all of western europe that time so the celts where we would know it's not where we would see them as in the isles it would be seen it would seem more at a larger area region eastern france because remember they're all uh traveling through here remember that so remember that okay they were also farmers the celts who lived in villages two periods that modern scholars recognize of celtic development as a people are the house stat culture and the latin culture so that's page 67 to 68 found at widowson's book over here so this is all of what happened now go to romans chapter one romans chapter one so we see everything that happened during the timeline of the migration notice that in the migration they were trying to reclaim a genesis 6 civilization and it could be that remnants of the satanic seed or the sons of god came back again where they were trying to carry on some of it another thing is nimrod's babylonian religion was being carried forth undoubtedly because everyone came from here and then when the power of babel split everybody they recalled the religion and carried it with them so remember that now another possibility why these structures were built does not necessarily have to be because it all comes solely through sons of god knowledge some of them cannot be explained so because some of them can't be explained that's why we would put sons of god over there which is more highly likely but then other technology or civilizations they built that mankind is able to come up with their own knowledge remember this uh the these people they come from an anti-diluvian period i mean noah built the ark for crying out loud and uh nimrod and the people they're trying to build a tower that would reach all the way up to heaven because they're all uh their ancestry and their heritage all came from a genesis 6 civilization to begin with technology civilization that time was much more advanced and very different how we would perceive things remember i read some accounts from india indian sources which was pretty interesting about what they had that time and the technology but there is one thing ideal about them romans 1 and then i want your other hand to go to genesis 9 genesis 9. there's another deterioration of man that god tried to do all right now if we go all the way back to the book of genesis 9 what did god do god he did something different if you look at genesis 9 verse 2 what happened to creation versus man they were now divided they were not integrated anymore jesus 9 2 and the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth and upon every fowl of the air upon all that moveth upon the earth and upon all the fishes of the sea into your hand are they delivered every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you even as the green herb have i given you all things but flesh with the life thereof which is the blood thereof shall he not eat now notice there are a couple interesting things over here remember genesis 6 what happened do you recall in our intermediate discipleship class nature and mankind were being too friendly i mean overtly friendly that it was sick they were there was sexual integration going on so then god's like okay i'm going to have to divide you so then he divided with man and nature so then satan he's trying to find every loophole okay let me try to combine man together then and god's like no i'm going to split mankind all over the world so then he divided them not integrated them and then while they even though god split them up the devil's trying to still find a loophole so he says why don't we make nature combined with mankind even more so then when you go to romans chapter 1 this is what happened so if satan can't if satan can't get the genesis 6 civilization of man and animals together then what he's going to have to do is that remember genesis 9 says god says man will be above nature man will be in control of nature but satan switches it around he always tries to put a wrong system in god's order he says no i'm going to put nature above man and man is going to fear the animals man is going to fear the nature and man is going to worship them that's the thing another thing that's uh also interesting is that in genesis 9 god says you're not supposed to eat blood but what did these pagans do they offered human sacrifice and there were even amounts of cannibalism in the uh when we come to the pacific islands when later missionaries visited them complete violation of scripture so notice how satan always tries to violate scripture constantly try whenever god's here's something important you got to realize all right this is important lesson that you gotta learn from history when god makes a rule expect the devil to make it backwards can i repeat that again when god sets a rule expect the devil to do some kind of rebellion against it all right so let's look at romans chapter one notice at verse 20 for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and godhead so that they are without excuse see so god proves his power that there is a god through creation right but look what mankind does verse 21 this is what satan does with them because that when they knew god they glorified him not as god neither were thankful but became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened verse 23 and changed the glory of the uncorruptable god into an image made like to corruptable man remember the stone heads remember the idols that they were setting up and two birds and four-footed beasts and creeping things remember peru where uh the jaguar the boa etc etc snakes etc etc a lot uh some of them they may not worship them but then others they do worship them some of these objects and four-footed beasts and creeping things so what happens when they start to worship nature this is what happens wherefore god also gave them up to uncleanness through the lust of their own hearts to dishonor their own bodies between themselves oh like the canaanites who already worship idol like it was a natural thing worship mother nature like it's a natural thing and that leads to what that leads to all kinds of sexual perversion see that's what say so if that's the case of a system of man's mentality that's what satan was trying to accomplish satan was trying to make the environment too friendly with mankind so that when you personalize the environment then there is no division or distinction so then it's like equal rights and then because everyone has like an equal ride or equal standing where like the obamas for example they would have like an air-conditioned room for one of their pet dogs you know through a long flight and etc where we come to that point now it's like it's building up a love that becomes now even something grotesque now and then there's this infatuation with animal and human that's too close now that becomes a sexual perversion and that doesn't just include animals now that includes different genders oh i'm excuse me excuse me there's not just two now there's 20 to 30 and god knows how many more they're going to add and that's a reprobate mine look at verse look at verse 28 and even as they did not like to retain god in their knowledge god gave them over to a reprobate mind that's what it is why because of verse 25 who changed the truth of god into a lie and worshiped and served the what creature more than the creator wait a minute isn't this uh everything that they're doing that time remember the canaanites they were mingling with animals why repeating genesis 6 the action so god says you're going to wipe them all out oh but i'm sorry today we're just uh we just mankind stupidly never learns their lesson what's the famous phrase class what men learn from history is that what men never learn from history every dispensation you'll find a man you'll find a similar pattern mankind repeating a cycle over and over again that's why you christians you have to be very careful about this so i'm not about animal abuse or then throwing litter out in the streets you know you shouldn't be doing that but you got to be careful where you're really getting close to animals and your affection is so attached where it becomes like your fear and paranoid about animals so it's i mean like if we i mean dr ruckman he he had a very strong endearment with german shepherd dogs and he would sometimes mention that in church when his german shepherd dog died and he would you know be sad about it and he would say i would i do wish i would see them in heaven he did mention that too but he didn't like raise his hand during a prayer meeting and say oh i have a prayer request church one of my loved one died and it's my german shepherd please pray for me but we have some christians who would do something like that see so you have to be very careful about this um because god he set a standard man has to be above the animal animals have lower priority if you don't get that in your head animals have a lower priority then you're going to come to a point where you're prioritizing so much on an animal that you de-prioritize things that you have to live as a capable human being especially as a christian i mean there's a case of a mother who neglected her children in the car just to rescue a dog from a street and guess what happened a car hit that a car hit the car and she lost her children see so you got to be very careful of that on how we're attached to animals and the environment you got to be careful of that there has to be a structure that you got to realize that they are a lower priority if you don't think like that then it might come to some dangerous abstract territory see dangerous abstract territories but uh the evidence is looking at our generation our generation they have treasured uh animals and nature so much that it's gotten to the point of ridiculous right where like they're tying themselves to trees and then you know uh living out their days i mean you got to realize this we are living in a generation where liberals if they see you throw trash on the floor they'll they'll preach at you pick up the trash and uh throw it in the garbage can and then when they sit down with you they'll talk they'll talk about nasty sexual stuff how about that how about that you know what that is romans 1 romans 1 about prizing creation more than the creator which seems very moral right but then you that but that moral ground becomes a place where you mask the sexual perversion now look at the college students talking about inv saving the environment right but then look at the filthy sexual language out of their mouths today that's the evidence of history i mean look at the our oh oh we don't worship nature uh i mean you may not worship them as god so to speak but look at evolution man they prize the creation to create us more than the creator see there's a disguised form of religion now basically the creation is prioritized above god it doesn't change that fact and not only that evolutionist pro pride in the form of how mankind is not greater than creation itself they try to do that they say man is just a speck of the dust of the process of evolution but you got to realize this no man is god's pinnacle creation we have to realize how high our position is that we would take very special care of him and not only that how we are very loved by god so we are prioritized above all of god's creation so we should love so that's how much god loves us so we should accept it but satan he would like for you to get rid of that love on how much god loves you more than anything else including the angels all of creation i mean jesus christ loved you more than anything but see satan wants to take away that that you're not that important to love that the grass is just as important as just that bush over there and a cat and a dog and you know uh whatever ext animal that's about to go extinct you know save the kangaroos you know alrighty so let's go back now uh so um important lessons we see romans 1 it's a history pattern and a history cycle that we've got to learn right now uh concerning about babylon now we're entering the age of babylon and babylon has so many interesting things actually but before i talk about a little bit about babylon i'm going to give you two arguments in history that you need to learn okay so one argument for history that you need to remember is this uh archaeologists scientists etc they're gonna try to use lack of historical figures in your bible as proof that these figures did not exist so for example where do we find evidence that david existed there's no writing about king david et cetera hence david did not exist they used to do that with joseph as well until they found interesting evidence about joseph which is really eye-opening so when they bring up the this stuff to you this is an important argument that you want to know this is from j.l schieler from news from the holy land that's his writing okay jail sheila news from the holy land and this is his respectable argument as an archaeologist archaeological arguments excuse me how it quote however other scholars note that there are blank spots in jerusalem's archaeological record during periods when the city is known to have been occupied and they caution against reading too much into a lack of evidence ronnie reich an archaeologist with the israel antiquities authorities notes for example that excavations near the gihon spring outside the present old city have turned up no pottery nothing from the byzantine era roughly 830 to 1450. how about that does that mean there were no people in jerusalem right ask of course not how do you explain it you can't so just because there is lack of evidence doesn't mean that it did not exist over there i mean come on during that timeline about uh there were no people in jerusalem when they had trouble uh trying to find pottery during a.d 330 to 1450 for crying out loud there weren't any peop there was nobody living at jerusalem you wouldn't dare say that so you got to realize this sometimes uh for example there could be destruction right destruction so then it would wipe out traces and by the way don't you stupid evolutionists say uh wine oh the reason why we lack so much fossil evidence is because of the destruction and you know those things don't exist they can become extinct and you know uh natural catastrophe disasters happen so all of them are pretty much wiped out that doesn't mean that monkey men don't exist because there's a lack of fossil evidence so use that dumb argument against these wicked scientists okay these wicked scientists so they're very hypocritical at best another argument which is very interesting that you would want to use which is very powerful against evolution is concerning about disease now william mcneill's book plagues and peoples is very interesting concerning about that so many people were actually dying because of the diseases but i mean because they didn't have the medical advancements like we got today right or the scientific advancements like we got today right however there's seen there's always a rapid growth of population so this contradiction seems to exist that a lot of people die yet there is so much rapid growth of population so think about this so man is able to conquer the environment and e don't evolutionist teach that anyway that you know that somehow life survived and conquered the environment despite of the uh huge uh huge odds of life existing from something that's non-life so that's pretty much impossible but evolutionists they'll argue that the miracle happened and they survived well if they strongly believe that then they have this uh argument that supports our end here our end on what we argue is that despite of so many diseases wiping out people there's so much human growth so if we were to go literally by tens to hundreds of thousands of years as evolution argued about uh monkey men and mankind existing guess what it would overpopulate the world even if you have like a huge amount of plagues and diseases so that's the second argument that you want to remember actually about ancient history that'll be helpful okay and then babylon what we'll do is that we'll have to cover that uh next discipleship class so that was a lot that was a lot uh so we covered mainly about the migrations and then we cut we covered about the mentality of these people and how the world is repeating that pattern we see that what men learn from history is that what men never learn men learn from history so don't be conditioned and influenced by this civilization you're repeating a pattern of history you're repeating a pattern of history so be careful of that don't don't follow this especially in this liberal bay area it's very easy to get conditioned and brainwashed by this system but you want to watch out for that one now babylon is going to be intensely interesting because where did water baptism come from i'm going to show you that's going to be interesting and then about the meads their relationship on how they conquered assyria and the babylonians used the medes but we know more in the bible as means and who persians but actually the medes were dominators of the persians during the ancient times so we're gonna and then persia has a lot of interesting things and lord willing will also cover cyrus a mysterious figure another ancient legendary hero that we'll discover all right let's uh close with the word of prayer god my father i pray today's discipleship was a blessing to the hearers increased our knowledge of the scriptures made us aware of mankind's detrimental system and cycle that we will never follow and not repeat a sick pattern of history lord but rather be able to stick to the bible so that we can improve our lives and not deteriorate in jesus name we pray amen
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 16,446
Rating: 4.931489 out of 5
Id: bnrout0JtyY
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Length: 51min 4sec (3064 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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