ANTICHRIST WORSHIP! Ancient History to Modern Times | Dr. Gene Kim

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[Music] let's go through a little bit of the times over here let's cover what happened in the events in Genesis Genesis is always interesting I'm going to cover two events here during the time of Genesis the first one will be at chapter 6 you don't have to turn there but if you want to you can go ahead and the second event will be chapter 10 I'm going to show you something about Satan's Satan's dart system that has permeated ever since the BCS all the way to the end now if you look up stuff online concerning about conspiracy theorists what they covered concerning about the conspiracy they will try to trace it all the way from Genesis 2 now today and I'm going to be doing that but I'm going to show you more from a scriptural point of view from a scriptural point of view how this dark satanic system emerged that a lot of conspiracy start to cover and what you're going to find out is there is a particular religion that was mote was that was mainly the chief thing throughout all this conspiracy from the BCS till now and then the other religions you're gonna see them later catching up to it and then a cult and witchcraft that's going to be something that was ingrained from the system as well but there's a chief religion that was part of this system now before we come to chapter 10 where it became the pinnacle to a lot of things he goes back to chapter 6 chapter 6 verse 1 the Bible talks about the Fallen Angels coming down and these fallen angels they intermingled with the humans you'll notice that through this interaction of fallen angels intermingling with humans it was an abomination to the sight of the Lord and God was sorely displeased and he drowned them out with the worldwide flood now these people who in terming mingled with the fallen angels what was dangerous about that was that was Satan's birth of where he received his worship and his dark sister it goes back actually further than Chapter six it goes all the way back to the first mention of Satan at chapter three you don't have to turn there but if you want to you can turn there as well at Genesis chapter three it goes way back over there where Satan tempted Eve and Satan when he tempted Eve the temptation he gave to Eve was this is that God knows that if you eat this fruit your eyes will be opened and ye shall be as God's knowing good and evil that's when the first thing was born concerning about Satan sending up gods you know why Adam and Eve fell into temptation and sin it is disobedience and you can see the three issues lust of the flesh lust of the eyes the pride of life that too but you also you a lot of people don't realize this is that Satan was introducing and including in his temptation you're gonna be as gods that was a dark thing that Satan always in certain and that's when mankind always wanted what you're gonna notice from the beginning of the be sees all the way to the end is mankind always trying to have that communication that interaction that attainment of godhood that's what you're gonna notice that's the root thing that's why each part took up the fruit why because she wanted to be a god and then I Chapter six these fallen angels came down who are also known as the gods that's why the Bible says the sons of God right showing their God Jr's little gods see that God so to speak those little gods coming down and that was a humans chance to intermingle to connect with the gods you look at the book of Acts I'm going to turn there you don't only have to turn there but I'm going to turn there very briefly you'll notice that mankind realize that that's where all the paganism you might see where did all these pagan religions come from where there were worshipping false gods all of that came from Genesis chapter 6 and the root cause was Genesis chapter 3 which we looked at earlier now when you look at the book of Acts notice that these Greeks who gave you the names of all these false gods you're gonna notice what what they said at Acts chapter 14 and verse 11 and when the people saw what Paul had done they lifted up their voices saying in the speech of light Konya the gods are come down to us in the likeness of men and they call Barnabas Jupiter and Paul Mercurio because he was a chief speaker now think about that I took mythology class at college and you know what they said you might say this statement Acts chapter 14 verse 11 through 12 is typical Greek mythology you're right but you got to realize this you can't just think of that way when you study mythology you got to realize this mythology teaches that when they come up with this kind of a story there is a root source and then with it takes about a generation or two where they stretch the stories and make it fantastical but it doesn't change the fact that there is some something real and historical somewhere even though the other parts of the detail would be more fabricated and exaggerated but they just don't get these idea like out of thin air they got it from something that's what you're gonna learn that mythology classes so think about it where did these people get this idea from Genesis chapter 6 the gods are on the earth when did gods ever come down on the earth see that the first one was Satan you're gonna be like dots and then he sent his own gods down there where they adopted the practice so what did God do well God said I don't want this this is a mess so he drowned them all out so you would think that by doing this that man would learn their lesson that's why he sent the flood now what happened for that is that mankind did not learn their lesson and Satan will always find a way to revive his system so then you look at Genesis chapter 10 so notice that the souls were still hunted down by a hunter look at this Genesis chapter 10 and then we'll read verse 6 and the sons of ham cush and Mizraim and foot and Canaan now notice this came from the line of ham right okay from hams line notice that verse 8 and cush begat Nimrod there's something going on here he began to be a mighty one in the earth he was a mighty hunter before the Lord wherefore it is said even as nimrod the mighty hunter before the Lord now you'll notice right here that some people might see this as well he's sent from God right no if you look at this verse it says hunter before the Lord you know what the Bible says about Sodom they were wicked exceedingly before the Lord ain't a positive phrase and not only that look up the word hunter in your Bible that's usually something negative that happens to a person when there's a hunter so notice that he was a mighty hunter before the Lord that's something bad right here now if you read this book is highly recommended you read Alexander Hislop spoke and when you read Alexander Hislop spoke he's going to point out to you it's called to babylons he slaps books called the two babylons when you read that book it's going to show you the history of Nimrod and Semiramis and that's where all world religions come from it was born from this person Nimrod when Nimrod came to the scene his lot mentions that he was a hunter but he was a hunter of souls that's what his laughs gonna mention more specifically right here now how do we know that this is definitely a negative thing because look at the location look at the location verse 10 and the beginning of his kingdom was what Babel in Erik and a cat encounter in the land of where Shinar it's Babel in Shinar did you read your Bible concerning about Babel and Shinar that's Babylon eventually that's where Babel came from it's Babylon so notice right here that during this time that Nimrod he was hunting the souls of men and that's when different religions were born that's where you gotta understand that a lot of these pagan names of the weeks and the days Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday it all came from pagan God names and these pagan gods they actually came from Nimrod all the decorations and trap ments of Christmas as well as Easter all of that came from Nimrod and Semiramis here's another interesting thing confessional booth with priests that came from Semiramis and Nimrod the Masonic initiation where they bring you down blindfold you and then you say that you want to be brought in the light but in that initiation that's when you're denying Jesus actually and seeking after Lucifer and that was confirmed by Albert Pike who is the highest who reached the highest degree of masonry and if you doubt me just look up his statement concerning that he says Lucifer is the god of masonry and he recognizes that the light that they're seeking in their first initiation in masonry they are seeking after Lucifer and denying Jesus as the light you know where that initiation came from Semih ramus and Nimrod sama ramus and Nimrod they were the ones that started that initiation so then pastor you're saying that Wow so these Masonic elites that we get conspiracies is rooted from Babylon there you go see it all came from here simmer a mess and Nimrod and notice that this is Babylon right that's going to be important later on because it's going to infest all other religions around the world now during this time witchcraft is just as ancient as the BCS you look in the Bible every sin in the Book of Moses right so if you read the book of Exodus to Deuteronomy God mentions about witches and he said that the witches that they were to be put to death if you look at the book of first samuel saul was seeking after the Witch of Endor you look at the book of kings the Bible says that they were worshipping false gods but not just gods it says they sacrifice two Devils a colt is just as old as the bc's you can understand where did this come from ah remember those sons of gods all the way from here you might say why is that because if you read the passage in Kings it says they were sacrificing to false gods and then it later shows they were sacrificing the Devils so you'll notice right here that this is tied and connected witchcraft Devils God the occult system the things that have to do with the cult is all the way back to Genesis chapter 6 now when you look at Hinduism Buddhism and then you look at today's religion Catholicism and even Islam you're going to realize this all of them came from idols you didn't realize that right Mormonism masonry all the symbols and the decorations that they have they're all pagan symbols if you doubt me then all you have to do is read his book and see what kind of idols and symbols they had in ancient Babylon and compare that with the symbols and decorations in Mormon temples Masonic lodges and look at the idols of Mary Peter Paul at the Vatican and look at all the other idols of Hinduism and then you look at Shintoism you look at Islam and Islam actually their God Allah whether the Muslims don't like believe it or not it came from a moon God an idol and then when you go back this goes back to what Nimrod and Semiramis Nimrod and Semiramis they were the ones that gave birth to these gods the male God figures that you would hear about Zeus Jupiter etc all of the eight all of them are just different names coming from one man Nimrod and then these female goddesses that you hear concerning about Diana of the Ephesians and then you look at other Venus from the from the Roman Empire and the Virgin Mary they all came from summer amps that's why I'd highly recommend reading this book and then you're gonna see all these religions gods come from that they Hindu goddesses you're gonna find out they all come from Sumer amis that's what you're gonna find out very interesting so during the time of Babylon that's when all these gods and religions spread out do you know why because Genesis chapter 11 look what they tried to do at Babel at verse 2 and it came to pass as a journey from the east that they found a plain in the land of where Shinar isn't that Nimrods Kingdom Nimrod now look at this was this a good idea was this positive verse 4 and they said go to let us build us a city and a tower whose top may reach unto heaven and let us make a name lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth look at this one world meeting under the Kingdom of Nimrod hmm interesting isn't that reflecting the tribulation of a one-world government system under a key and in the Bible say Babylon will be resurrected at the tribulation see that it's coming from a source right there what did God do God said no adverse sakes I'm gonna scatter them that's why if God did not do that the Antichrist Kingdom would have been set up immediately that time here's something interesting when you go back to Genesis chapter 10 the Bible says Nimrod was a hunter right okay since he was a hunter look in your Bible what hunters do what are they what are they they're a bowmen who is the Antichrist now let's just jump all the way ahead of time shall we to the tribulation go to Revelation chapter 6 and chapter 17 Revelation chapter 6 in Chapter 17 let's jump a little bit ahead of time and this is taking longer than I thought so I'm going to have to go through this quickly because I'm just going to skip a lot of other gems here so let's go to revelation 6 and revelation 17 notice right here in the tribulation see that's why Nimrods religion is revived at the tribulation you'll notice that as we come to the future that everything from the beginning of time to now has not been changed it's just carrying it on but transitioning to different forms see that that's the idea look at Revelation chapter 6 look look at the Antichrist at verse 2 and I saw and behold a white horse so we all know that's the Antichrist but we don't pay attention to this part and he that sat on him had a what bow went forth conquering and to conquer what does a hunter do he has a bow and he's hunting and his lot mentioned that Nimrod was hunting for the souls of men what's so interesting is that concerning about a hunter if you're going to kill somebody you use this right pull the arrow and then to let it and when you let it go boom that means death and coincidentally who's the religious figure that like this with his fingers that's the Pope that's the Pope right there we think this means peace but no it means death well it didn't Winston Churchill did this like V for victory representing peace well you got to realize this how was that so-called peace attained by ultimate surrender by conquering their enemies that's why look at verse two he went forth conquering and to what conquer and then the Bible says the Antichrist will come as a man of peace at the Book of Daniel current events is more alive than you think that Bible's more current event than you think way ahead of you and then when you look at revelation 17 notice Babylon is revived in Revelation chapter 17 look at verse 5 notice Babylon is revived and upon her forehead was a name written Mystery Babylon the Great the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth so Babylon is revived and they all came from what Nimrod and Semiramis Antichrist reviving what Nimrod did Babylon reviving Nimrods Babel well I don't recognize this as Babylon ah what does it call it's not just Babylon it's called what see it has to it can't be publicly known as Babylon like you would say it has to be in a mysterious form of Babylon it's done as a mysterious invisible form that's how it was carried it's not if it's not a physical outward public Kingdom it's a mysterious form look at the Vatican aren't they always mysterious with what they hold inside with their docu with with their library what they hold inside the Vatican a lot of is held in secret and they don't want to show to the public world you know what's so interesting is about the Inquisition then you of the Inquisition it didn't really The History Channel mention we couldn't even make news of this until we went deep into the archive files of the Vatican in which they permitted us in some aspects and then we were horrified to see the tool numbers of deaths and the tortures during the Roman Catholic Inquisition how about that okay but let's go down to lividity let's go down to judges let's go down to judges let's go to the book of Judges chapter let's see right here so it's chapter 17 chapter 17 that's like a judges chapter 17 in Exodus through Deuteronomy God warned them we're gonna have to come here later on okay so we see during the time of Abraham that's why god what did he want them to do when this mess was going on he want Abraham to come out and to set up his people the Jews so Abraham Isaac and Jacob set up the Jews why cuz the whole world was falling into this but during that time the Jews they were what they were going by this they were joining this group right here that's why the Mosaic law was given Exodus to Deuteronomy stay away from this now look at what the Jews did during this time the Jews were reviving the system look at Judges chapter 17 verse 1 and there was a man of Mount Ephraim whose name was Micah now look at the similarity here don't look at where the Catholic Church learns their lesson from look at verse 5 and the man Micah had a house of gods and made an ephod and teraphim and created one of his sons who became his priest there is a priesthood there are idols everywhere and religious objects hmm does the Catholic Church copy that I wonder now look at verse 7 and there was a young man out of Bethlehem Judah of the family of Judah who was a Levite alright now look at this at verse 10 and Micah said unto Him dwell with me and be unto me a look at these two words together eh what father and a priest what religion would have a priest be called a father hmm and I will give the 10 shekels of silver silver by the year and a suit of apparel and thy victuals so the Levite went in which religion would have a house full of different idols there which the gods came from all the catholic idols come from all these different gods from nimrod as proven by his lobster babylons you have a priest who's called a father and then you got religious objects in there what religion copycats at the Catholic Church hmm now look at verse 13 seeing I have a what Levi to my priest here's a Jew who taught who adopts this before the term came out Catholic practice so it's going to be very interesting how Jews would join a Babylon religion later on which I want you to keep in mind now if you would read during the time of the before the tribulation and after the resurrection of Jesus Christ which is the church age hence you come out with all of the conspiracy theories that come out the Masons the Jewish elites as well as obviously the Jesuits in the Catholic Church but some of you don't know this but didn't you know what is so interesting that there are some documentation xand resources that would mention that there were some Jews the Jesuit General the Jesuit General he is known as the black Pope and the Jesuit general who is known as the black Pope which what is so interesting is that you'll see Jesuits involved in nearly all kinds of conspiracies you find out there if you're going to see Rothschild or a Jewish elite or a Masonic elite if you're going to see a banker and Hollywood you'll see a Catholic anywhere that's why you're gonna find out but didn't you know what is so interesting that some resources would show that there was a Jew who was a Jesuit general Wow interesting right and what is so interesting that in order to be a Jesuit you have to take this oath where you have to go against the Christians the Protestants and Jews very interesting right so you got to realize this Jewish elites and Catholicism Babylon is closer than you think why is that it's not it's not it's not much different if you go back to here in the Bible some of the Jews just have an infatuation to go to Babylon okay let's look at judges 18 there was a tribe that became this Babylon system judges chapter 18 let's see these group of people right here what they did verse 7 then the five men departed so they were Danites from the tribe of Dan and came to Leia SH and saw the people that were there in how they dwelt careless after the manner of the what zygonians okay so we see judges chapter 17 to 18 something going on at Zeidan so they wanted they were at the terrain of the zidonians but they didn't want to deal with them they want to conquer this place called Leia Sh which followed the zidonians so these panics actually conquered Leia Sh and they were around the terrain of the zygonians with these AI Donen influence these Danites later on we wonder hmm let's keep reading here as we keep reading notice at verse eight and they came unto their brethren to zorah and eshtaol and their brethren sent unto them what say ye and they said arise that we may go up against them for we have seen the land so these Danites are coming to the area of the terrain of the zidonians but more specifically the people who are separate from them laya SHhhh look at verse 14 then answered the five men the Danites that went out to spy out the country of lash and said unto their brethren do you know that there is in these houses there pointing out judges 17 and Micah's house where he has his Catholic priesthood there is in these houses in ephod and teraphim and a graven image and a molten image now therefore consider what you have to do and you know what these men did look at verse 17 and the five men that went to spy out the land went up and came in there and took the graven image and he thought in the teraphim and the molten image and the priests father stood in the entering of the gate with the six hundred men that were appointed with weapons for war and look at verse 19 and they said unto Him old IP slay thine hand upon thy mouth and go with us and be look at what these jews said to this quote-unquote catholic to us a father and a priest is it better for thee to be a priest unto the house of one man or that thou be a priest unto a tribe and a family in where notice these Jews adopted the Babylon system sometimes these people they get so much caught up with Jews Jews Jews running the world and the conspiracies but you got to realize this the root source and the mother you'll always find is going to be a Babylon Catholic form that's something you got to think about how about that so what did they do if you look at verse 29 these people took over the city called it Dan and they were at the area of near the zygonians and they continued that Babylon practice that's so similar Catholicism okay hmm was I done and quote-on-quote an early form of Catholicism hmm now remember I mark this down if I forget to cover this remind me please go to first Kings go to first Kings you have the 16 now notice right here I'm not giving you what a lot of other people are doing online from the B C's to today concerning about the conspiracies what I'm showing you is a scriptural format a scriptural format which is even better look at first Kings we'll look at chapter 16 the Bible is more up-to-date than you think look at first Kings chapter 16 now look what the Bible says right here concerning about a hab and Jezebel verse 30 and AB the son of Omri did evil in the sight of the Lord above all that were before him now if you look at previous kings of Israel they all worship false gods and they were evil but there's something that a hab did that was far more evil what was it look at verse 31 and it came to pass as if it had been a light thing what a light thing for him to walk in the sins of jeroboam the son of nebat there's something more wicked than that what is it that he took to wife Jezebel the daughter of earth ball king of the what Cydonia remember what what Zeidan and went and served what BHEL BHEL that bale is a person who came from nimrod and he became later known as the idol as you continue down to history Zeus Jupiter and then the Apostle Peter in the Roman Catholic Church okay so zygonians serving ball now if if you doubt me look it does this look Catholic to you verse 33 and a hat made of what groove verse 32 that Grove is what is for what it's to surround that Idol what religion puts a nice little Grove around this Idol if you don't think that sounds Catholic enough look at first Kings chapter 18 now notice the scripture is more current event than you think look at first Kings chapter 18 look at how Catholic this is look at verse 26 verse 26 the bay lights they were worshiping Bale came from Zion Cydonia pnes so we see Bale and then we see Zeidan and then Jezebel as a part of that okay so we saw first Kings 16 and first Kings 18 I'm gonna go over the time tonight because I have to show you all this connection at once okay yeah first Kings chapter 18 we'll read verse 26 and they took the Bullock which was given them and they dressed it and called on the name of Baal look at the day from morning even until noon now think about this we church services we have a church service usually a morning to noon right that's what all Christian Protestant churches do but do you know that adaptation how that became a tradition because it wasn't the Protestant Church that first did it it was a Catholic Church there were the ones that set up a morning church service up til the numerous so that's why we just so happened to adapt adopt those hours to today now some people might feel troubled about that another thing is concerning what day it's called Sunday and that one comes from ball and guess what that comes from Nimrod hence church services on a Sunday now some of you might be worried and go well then why do we a church service at those hours on a Sunday very simple the simple answer is that it doesn't matter which day you worship God 1 and number 2 the disciples had services on a Sunday okay so God he actually doesn't care that it just so happened the hours that you're gonna worship me just seemed to be what Nimrod does but who cares about them let's just worship me don't you think God would do that yeah God don't care what the devil would do you could care less to hell and I mean that scripturally to hell with the house Satan does names amen and God would say who cares about what they do you just worship me that's it can't be paranoid about everything that Devils people would do now here's something that's also interesting you'll notice that at verse 28 so we see something Catholic here they have a morning service up till noon and look at verse 20 and they cried aloud and cut themselves after their manner with knives and Lance's till the blood gushed out upon them what religion would call it flagellation and then cut themselves in a hurt their bodies makes you wonder makes you wonder so notice all of this right here just matches with the Catholic Church you have a Grove around an idol you have an idol not only that it came from Babylon itself not only that it came from Zeidan and Zeidan they carried what that Catholic form of religion from Micah only that they had a morning service and a noon service there's your Catholic Mass service over there right and not only that at those specific hours and not only that what they also have right here is where you injure your body so that you God can pay more attention to you now not only now if that ain't faint something if they ain't Catholic enough I don't know what is now let's go back to Joshua write Joshua's time why am I gonna go back here go to judges 10 judges chapter 10 let's rewind okay when we rewind over here there was something going on at the land of Canaan that the children of Israel was conquering now when we come to Canaan I would like to talk a little bit right here concerning Egypt as well now if you look at Egypt it is so interesting when you look at all their gods you know where it came from it came from Nimrod he came from Nimrod and Semiramis the female goddesses came from Semiramis the female the male gods would then come from Nimrod Egypt is one of the most ancient kingdoms that you're gonna study in ancient history and where they get their God worship from is there not only that Egyptians talk concerning about gods were there present on the earth and they were the ones that gave the religion the worship system to those Egyptians where they get that idea from it's from right here in chapter 6 the sons of God mingled with the humans look at that so God knew Egypt was very very wicked so what did God tell the children of Israel you're gonna leave Egypt and I'm gonna put you at the promised land but guess what the whole world was infected by Nimrod system all world religions and pagan gods were spread everywhere so when they went to Cain and God specifically told them you're gonna have to kick out these pagan tribes who are promoting this religion that Nimrod was spreading already because look at the name of all these tribes who already were adopting this kind of Nimrod Babylon system we're going to look at Judges chapter 10 isn't this interesting at verse 10 and the children of Israel cried unto the Lord saying we have sinned against the boat because we have forsaken our God and also served who Balaam huh that's a keyword you're gonna remember Balaam wait a minute wasn't there a false prophet named Balaam who helped the king of Moab whose name was bei Lac and if you look at the Book of Numbers and Revelation chapter 2 didn't they get these Jews to join their religion that was a Nimrod Babylonian form yeah because look at what Balaam is in line with look at verse 11 and the Lord said unto the children of Israel denied I deliver you from the Egyptians from the amorite from the children of Ammon and from the Philistines notice who the the who zygonians also and the Amalekites the mound Knights did oppress you and he cried to me and I delivered you out of their hand yet yet forsaken me and served what other gods wherefore I will deliver you know more go and cry unto the gods which what ye have chosen look at verse 6 and the children of Israel did evil again in the sight of the Lord and served Balaam and Astra there's your female goddess and the gods of Syria and the gods of who Zidan that's Jezebel and the gods of who there's bei Lac and the gods of the children of Ammon and the gods of the Philistine that's all in Canaan isn't it interesting verse 11 to 12 God puts Egypt with the Canaanites and the zygonians and all that you know I they all came from a worship system of God's back at chapter 6 and the one who introduced that worship of different gods was Nimrod and so all the world took that worship system with them you know how current event that is with the tribulation jump to Revelation to jump to Revelation to is this Babylon religion of God's continuing at the tribulation yes like a revelation chapter 2 God was warning noticed these people at verse 14 they had a problem here at verse 14 notice but I have a few things against thee because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of who Balaam who taught who Balak do cast a stumbling-block before the children of Israel to eat things sacrificed unto notice what idols that Babylon religion was continuing and that Babylon religion eventually that's where Catholicism came from - right look at that now if that's not wild enough look at who else is mentioned here I mean look at these keywords that carried this Babylon system and look who else is including the Zion and Jezebel we know has to be in this Babylon system - right well I think God thinks so - at Revelation chapter 2 notice well who he puts in line at verse 20 notwithstanding I have a few things against thee because thou sufferest that woman who Jezebel which calleth herself a prophetess to teach and to seduce my sermons servants to commit fornication and to eat things sacrificed unto idols that's the same thing as Balaam and Balak at verse 14 idols and fornication well see they all came from a root source lookie lookie the Bible is more up-to-date than you think this is going to take place at the tribulation so notice a bail up so the so bail at Moab Balaam Jezebel Zidan all of this which is Babylon is revived which makes so much sense at revelation 17 it's a mystery form of Babylon revived and then you look at Revelation chapter 11 the Bible says that the that the capital city of Jerusalem will be called Egypt whoa crazy what's going on here Babylon is getting revived are the gods coming down on the earth like the Babylon religion will teach oh yeah Daniel chapter 2 the sons of God the future come down intermingle with the humans that book is more alive than you think now look at what happened with the children of Israel we're going to look at Jeremiah we're going to look at the Book of Jeremiah look what they practiced over here looks like my memory was wrong concerning about the passage but I'm sure some of you might know probably Jeremiah Levin let's look at Jeremiah chapter 11 can you search word Queen of Heaven for me I had that memorized but it looks like I don't remember everything obviously you notice all this I'm going from memory so give me a break over here seven thank you okay Jeremiah chapter seven verse eighteen okay let's look at Jeremiah chapter seven verse eighteen sure am I at chapter seven mm-hmm we'll read verse eighteen okay so we see right here that in this mess that the Jews just keep going back to this Babylon religion they did it during the time of Eli the judges they did it during the time of Jezebel and then they did it right before their Babylonian captivity under Jeremiah hence why do you think God gave up the nation of Israel to Babylon you know why they are following the ancient Babylon religion very fitting that God gave them up to Babylon after that interesting isn't it alright Jeremiah chapter seven notice at verse eighteen the children gather wood and the father's kindled the fire and the women knead their dough okay see if see which religion you're picturing as I read this verse you make dough to make cakes you're making cakes to the who who has called the Queen of Heaven in today's religion and to pour out drink offerings what religious church service would have a drink offering and you make cakes right these little wafers that they provoke me to anger there you go the Roman Catholic the Roman Catholic religion alive again how about that it's crazy and then what happens is that it's very interesting when you come to let's go to the book of Matthew please the book of Matthew what happens now they were delivered up to Babylon correct know that they were delivered up to Babylon now look at Matthew chapter 23 Matthew chapter 23 both liberal scholars and even Christian scholars and Bible believers know this history they were given up to Babylon very fitting once they were given up to Babylon what happened was man we're just cramming time here man and I need to make more space here somehow so let's just add another space over here there is so much history here we'll put Church age over here what happened if you know your biblical history once they return from Babylon you'll notice they had an infatuation to go back to this pagan god pavulon system again right and then there were 400 years of silence and then Jesus finally came correct what you're going to notice is this when Jesus finally came during that time the Jews because they kept going back to the pagans which Nehemiah got so mad that he beat them up and spat on them but the Jews still not still did not learn their lesson so you'll notice that the Judaism was infested with Babylon really gen no look at Matthew chapter 23 look at look at these people what they do look at these people look at verse 7 in greetings in the markets and to be called of men rabbi rabbi but be not ye called rabbi for one is your mouth for even Christ and all yard brethren and call no man your what father would this religion is adapting to be called a father wait a minute a get that idea from remember those Danites who took the priest as their father how about that and liberal scholars Christian scholars and even Bible believers today will teach you that the Judaism of Jesus time was not under Moses law it was not going by that it was they borrowed Babylon's religion and mingled their religion with Babylon that's why Jesus when he was preaching to the Pharisees if you read your Bible you notice what Jesus said right Jesus and Moses didn't teach that you're going by your traditions what you were taught you know why they carried it from Babylon a lot of the Jewish practices during Jesus's time came from Babylon since when you study conspiracies a lot of the Jewish practices seems to match up with masonry but for some weird reason a lot of the conspiracy researchers don't tie that up with this ancient religion called Babylon which the Catholic Church has always been practicing a long long time ago everything in its root core you'll notice is Catholicism kept all this ISM kept all this ISM see that right there how about that that seems to make sense when you studied the conspiracies of today then where they all come from it just didn't come out thin air guys everything has to have a source somewhere where's the source boom boom boom boom boom look back at your history and the Bible will show you isn't that interesting look at verse look at verse 5 but all their works they do for it to be seen them in they make what broad their phylacteries and enlarge the borders of their garments what religion does that look lengthening the long robes how about that how about that mmm it's so interesting right here so you notice that that's why Jesus Christ said at verse 33 serpents II generations of vipers how can he escape the damnation of Hell now this is very interesting this is what Jesus said about these Pharisees because he's looking at the mysterious invisible form look at verse 35 that a well let's start off verse 34 wherefore behold I sent unto you prophets and wise men and scribes and some of them he shall kill and crucify and some of them shall ye scourge in your synagogues and persecute them from city to city do you send Mike my Christians later on you're gonna persecute them and look what he says that upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the Earth from the blood of righteous where all the way to people what these Pharisees didn't exist why we do put it to Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias whom he slew between the temple and the altar verily I say unto you all these things shall come upon this generation o Jerusalem Jerusalem thou that killest the prophets one the work were you talking about pastor Jerusalem is not responsible about all of this you're not looking at the mysterious spiritual invisible form well God was looking all that time was Babylon Jerusalem was called what Egypt at the tribulation the Antichrist will reign in Jerusalem he comes from Nimrods Babylon see that Jesus was looking that spiritual lens let's keep going backwards if you don't believe me the Bible says the blood of Baruch is right right there berrak is blood of Zacharias son of Barachias that was during the time of what the kings we're Jezebel's religion was raining that's Babylon Abel why did he say Abel Cain's worship service was what it was by his own works that he was offering up as a sacrifice his own legend to God not by the blood of the Lamb that is Catholic and that's what the Catholics later on practice how about that how about that look at that this was invisible Babylon spiritual Babylon that God was condemning all that time and then that's why when we come down to Revelation it became that kind of form Mystery Babylon the Great but during the church age let's not neglect the church age during that time let's jump to revelation 17 shall we and then we're going to also look at 2nd Thessalonians 2 and then let's call it a night thank you for your patience I have to go through a lot here that way you can show that way you can see the interesting history from a biblical scriptural point of view of where all the real conspiracies and mythology paganism occult witchcraft and all that came from okay revelation 17 let's take this as a Roman Catholic Church then shall we I don't believe it's the Roman Catholic Church you don't let's look at this revelation 17 let's start off at verse 4 and the woman which is Mystery Babylon at verse 5 right let's see if this is a Catholic Church woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color what religion dresses up in purple and red and decked with gold and precious stones and pearl which religion texts themselves in jewelry having a golden cup in her hand which religion stresses a golden cup okay let me ask you another question which religion is known as the City on seven hills look at verse 9 and here's the mind which hath wisdom the seven heads are what seven mountains on which the woman sitteth Rome is the city of what seven hills how about that you want something more name me one city in the world that is religious in Babylon religion in as well as political give me one city that acts in today that you can think of that has that state power but is religious look at verse 18 and the woman which thou sawest is that great country no city which what reigneth over the kings of the earth that's Vatican Vatican is its own independent political power but it's a religious form that matches with Babylon there is no doubt unless you're really blind this is wrong this is wrong verse 15 is even better and he saith unto me the waters which thou sawest where the sitteth are people's and multitudes and tongue and nations and tongues you know what that is some of you didn't know this but Pope Leo the twelfth he struck out a metal honoring himself and when he struck out this metal it was the church pictured as a woman holding a golden cup in her hand and then you'll know it says the Latin inscription said the each super universim meaning the whole world is her seat verse 15 what it what is this woman sitting on the whole world okay is that good enough that's the Roman Catholic Church now if that's not enough look at verse 6 which will apply to the church age so during the church age today's time period what did Rome do and I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints that's tribulation and see not just the tribulation Saints and with the blood of the one martyrs of Jesus there's your Christians did you there's a book called what foxes Book of Martyrs and you know who's the city that's condemned with all the martyrs not Muslims and not the Jewish synagogues which I know Jesus condemned the Pharisees but he was seeing something more than that he wasn't condemning the Jews he was condemning Mystery Babylon and that's Roman Catholic at its core foxes Book of Martyrs was all about one city Rome pagan Rome during the time of the church age but pagan Rome lost its power so what do they do they come I'm Christianity and became the Roman Catholic Church and foxes Book of Martyrs shows all these martyrs story of the victims of the Roman Catholic Church Inquisition that's the church age at revelation 17 and second Thessalonians 2 I conclude it not at the tribulation because I already showed you a lot of things at the tribulation already I'm gonna conclude the lesson with right now what's going on okay so what's going on right now pastor with Babylon second Thessalonians chapter 2 we know this is the Antichrist verse 3 let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first and that what man of sin be revealed the who son of perdition that's the Antichrist notice he's gonna be at Jerusalem we know that verse 4 who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped so that he as God sitteth in we're in the temple of God see he's gonna go to Jerusalem showing himself that He is God now look at verse 6 and now you know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time so the Antichrist officially is being withheld it's not time yet but there is a unofficial state of the Antichrist look at verse 7 for the mystery of iniquity death what already work look at that during Paul's time let's use our heads here during Paul's time who is that one world leader who ruled over the one world empire that time it was a Roman Caesar but Roman Caesars lost their power and they transition to what instead Roman Pope's and Paul said it's already at work so guess what the Antichrist what's going on it's right now going on but it's not the official Antichrist yet it's the unofficial Antichrist and that's the Pope during the church age all those martyrs slaughtered by revelation 17s Mystery Babylon pointed out the Antichrist is the Pope Wickliffe said that and then Luther said that and even John Wesley said that they all pointed out the Pope as the Antichrist until you reach modern century Christianity who says oh no he can't be the Antichrist no not the Pope let's all hold hands and they work with Jesuits to translate your Bibles today and hence comes 200 plus modern versions this is the day and age we're in today so what's going on it's already at work that's what's going on right now today there is your lesson and history of conspiracies and gods and mythology out of all the wrong doctrines that's happening in our day and age at the last days of the church as the apocalypse is coming even closer the point of all this friend is that you won't be even able to grow in knowledge of the truth in Bible believing truth until you get safe first the most important question you have to ask yourself after watching all this is if you were to die today are you a hundred percent sure that you're going to go to heaven perhaps one of these wrong doctrines have affected you and you had the improper way of salvation as you have seen before the way to get saved is very simple it's only simply salvation by grace alone without works through the Lord Jesus Christ in this Christian day and age if you're not sure that you can go to heaven after you die it's very simple to get saved first of all you have to understand that because of sin God is a holy God and he cannot even allow one percent of sin into heaven so he has to judge sin with a burning hell so it is very important that you got to realize how serious sin is and you must repent you might say well then I guess I have to clean up all my sins I guess I have to go to church I guess I have to get baptized I have to I have to be a good person you know my friend good works can never save you Jesus is God who died buried and resurrected so that he can pay all the sins for you you don't have to pay a single sin for yourself so all you have to do as a repentant sinner is turn to what he did on the cross alone for your salvation you might say well pastor I do believe only on what Jesus did on the cross to save me that's great then all you have to do is just say that to the Lord you might say well preacher I haven't prayed much before in my life I don't know really how to say it to God can you help me out sure you could say it this way dear God I know I'm a sinner as I repent I put my faith that Jesus is God and that he died buried and resurrected so that his blood can wash away my sins I put my faith in that alone to save me not my good works in Jesus name I pray amen congratulations my friend if you meant it with all your heart that you put your faith only on what Jesus did on the cross through his blood to save you then you are saved it's that simple my friend now my friend it is important to grow in Bible believing truth you now know the truth what are you going to do about it as the apocalypse comes even more closer and sings about his to set up his kingdom even more there are many souls dying and going to hell and even many more churches out there who don't know right and wrong doctrine it is up to you now on what to do and go to our resources site WW BBC english org and click on the resources link over there and they'll give you everything that you need to grow in grace the next step of your journey now is up to you we've done our part giving you this movie all of it was done for free by the love of the people god bless you [Music] or should we just stick to the Sermon on the mountain a passage that is so radical that is doubtful that our own Defense Department would survive its application King James only ISM is double standards now there's a false doctrine out there called dispensationalism yeah I don't believe once saved always saved the god of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction jealous and proud of it a petty unjust unforgiving control-freak a vindictive bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser a misogynistic homophobic racist infanticidal genocidal phyllis idle pestilential megalomaniacal sadomasochistic capriciously malevolent bully [Music] but you don't want to get identified with the reproach of what really believing this Bible is all about do it these wicked left-wing liberal perverts want you to do legalized in the marijuana or a homosexuality or if the whole entire world turns against the Lord that people will leave the church over the color of the carpet what's wrong with our churches why don't we have a closer walk with Jesus why isn't everybody running around like little Jesus shouting screaming it hard thing you looked in the mirror and don't want to go street preaching it don't want to read the Bible don't wanna pray watching a bunch of junk you don't have it because you're lazy that's why you don't have it because you won't work the wages of sin is death we offer so many Gospels back if you're walking away and you see them and throw it on the ground that's not because they're afraid of what's in it they know what's in it no matter where you aren't going to turn to God and place your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ God Almighty got me through and got me through for 10 years 15 years 20 years 25 years 30 years 35 years 40 years you left that book on earth I'll mess with you we double the power then we'll see so say Devin will see God do something with this tree then we'll see the Liberals and the homosexuals getting a thing then we'll see those apostate Christians getting that then we'll see all the world opening their eyes to the truth and they say we have not seen such a thing [Music] brother sisters only one hope looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of man boy [Music]
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 40,940
Rating: 4.8975739 out of 5
Keywords: Sid Roth, Living Waters, Grace To You, Desiring God, Mark Dice, conspiracy, King James, Dispensationalism, end times, prophecy, rapture, Baptist, Christian, Bible
Id: Pdi9qpr2M24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 52sec (4012 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 29 2019
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