History of Nephilim, Nimrod, Semiramis & Babylon's Tower | Intermediate Discipleship #34 | Dr. Kim

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[Music] we're going to look at Genesis chapter 10 and as well as Genesis chapter 11 now as you might recall Noah has three sons which all racial groups come from Shem ham and Japheth now remember ham is the one who messed up in sin so because of that it was the same thing like how God judged Adam and Eve and whether people call that discrimination or not the point is is that when God casts his judgment on a individual and the group that the individual is representing you got to stick to how God does things rather than saying if somebody gets judged by God that oh that's automatic discrimination no if every individual in our church wind that way when they are going through some judgment by God and wine oh you're discriminating against me preacher when you preach about that hey man when you do that then you can justify any sin out there and erase consequences that follow these consequences are crucial to know that way people can learn a lesson from that and not only that how God plans and set up things is always done for your betterment you also have to understand that too so we've seen how God judged Adam and Eve and then right here what God did is that he judged him so through this line as we might know we already covered this through this account from hands line we see how Giants are going to return so that's a strange thing the strange thing is that the Giants show up again when they were supposed to be drowned out by the flood of Noah so throughout Noah's Flood what should have happened was that these Giants were drowned out but they pop up again now when God cursed ham God specifically cursed his son Canaan now some people which is a common argument will say that only Canaan's line is cursed and not hams line in totality but that one I disagree with because if you look at Genesis I told you to look at chapter 10 and 11 but let's go back to the past a little bit more to establish the critics side of the argument if we look at Genesis chapter 9 the reason why God didn't curse ham is because he already blessed ham at verse 1 and God blessed Noah and his what sons so because ham is blessed see he cannot get the curse that's the reason why now when you go to Genesis chapter 9 and verse 18 it's very interesting what God says God the Holy Spirit specifically wrote this he specifically connected ham with Canaan he mentions that like twice or three times and then mentions the curse upon Canaan so it shows right here that there is a when Canaan is cursed it's connected to ham seed ham is a representative for Canaan's line so what I believe is this is that I believe that ham seed in totality was cursed why because it's connected with Canaan that's the reason why otherwise why would the Holy Spirit repeat that three times so it says right here verse 18 the sons of Noah that went forth of the ark were shem ham and japheth now notice it says the sons of noah see it doesn't say the specific grandsons of noah it's limited to the specific grandsons no the sons so it mentions ham in totality right but ham and totality notice that latter part and ham is the father of canaan and then it mentions after that these are the three sons of Noah and of them was a whole earth overspread why would it say that see why would it include Canaan with ham couldn't it just simply say Shem ham and Japheth that overspread the whole earth notice it says in verse 22 that the sin and ham the what father a Canaan saw the nakedness of his father and told his two brethren without now Wenham committed this sin notice that canaan is included in here see that so I can't I don't see this as limited to only Canaan I think that it's representing him as a whole because the Lord puts ham and Canaan together so many times all over you'll also notice right here that at verse 25 cursed be Canaan a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren now another thing to understand is this is that concerning about right here where it says cursed be Canaan a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren we got to realize this the brethren is not just referring to Kanaan's brothers if it's Canaan's brothers then what is that that's limited to only hands line that don't make sense obviously the Canaanites were submitted to who they were submitted under shams lying the Jews actually when the Jews conquered the land of Canaan they got the Canaanites as their slaves not only that Japheth was probably infamous throughout history where all the left-wing liberals throw a fit about why colonisation and in slavery so that's pretty obvious itself but not only that I think history itself is evidence that ham seed went through the curse of slavery so there was no doubt that if we look at a historical standpoint and then we look at verse 25 and the Holy Spirit's specific mentions at Genesis 9 that it would be ham as a totality that would make a lot more sense but another thing is this another thing is that when you look at a ham seed throughout the Bible at Genesis chapter 10 with all these different nations there's no doubt that saw these nations went under slavery as well another thing is this another thing what is kind of interesting concerning about God's Way of cursing people is that sometimes you gotta understand this is that when God is cursing one of your descendants it would be a representative as a whole of the community so for example when God cursed Adam it would be representing his whole of the community as well all of mankind suffered because of one man's sin but because of Jesus Christ that one seed all became alive sometimes one person in a community can affect the whole community and actually that is a Asian mentality and a semi thing actually and your Bible is a Semite book so it is a mentality that when what in an individual messes up it can affect the whole community so you got understand that fact and we see that all over throughout the Bible - when some child messes up in the family it affects the whole family and not only that that's just common sense in our day and age - is that if there's somebody who messes up in our country then the whole country takes the blame that happens so that's why sometimes ambassadors they'll have to apologize to different nations if one of their residents caused harm to their country so that's why you got understand about this all right now let's look at understanding this mentality let's look at Genesis chapter 10 all right Genesis 10 is a chapter VIII chapter the e chapter for the descendants of Shem ham and Japheth don't you want to know it is extremely interesting perhaps your pastor will refer to Genesis 10 as we go throughout history I noticed that if I'm going to trace the roots of different nations Genesis 10 is the key so we might return to that some time I'm going to give you some interesting notes about some in some nations that popped out of Genesis 10 as we go through our world history but we're gonna cover the most popular ones now what's very interesting is this is that when you read Genesis chapter 10 and when you look at history the main superpowers during this ancient timeline was not blind neither who was Japheth he was actually ham ham was the one that's supposed to receive the curse but actually it was the nation's that became the most prosperous you might say why is there that contradiction well if it's not of God then where the power and blessing comes from where could it where else could it come from so here's the thing is that I mentioned before that giants are mentioned from hams line how can that be possible unless Satan did something again right here unless Satan and the Fallen Angels did something right here now there are a few theories one of the theories which your pastor indicated so I'll specify it now but your pastor indicated in the last one which last discipleship which I'm going to specify now is that when ham sexual sin it involves something with Satan am sexual sin with Noah the reason why is if you look at Eve's account with the serpent it's not something where it's plain where it's a like a normal human sexual interaction how the Bible did it is some kind of supernatural spiritual strange thing where it connects with partaking the fruit from the Garden of Eden and then your pastor mentioned some indications of that at Genesis chapter 3 he didn't specify everything but it is interesting that ham sexual sin we know that from Habakkuk right Habakkuk mentioned about where it has to do with drunkenness and taking the fruit the great fruit of the wine where it can where it has to do with something sexual well wait a minute your pastor taught you this last time what fruit in most likely Eve ate at the Garden of Eden was grapes grapes so there might be a connection here so that's something very interesting if you listen to your homework assignment at dr. Hoffman's adalah commentary it kind of go it kind of went like this where when ham was drinking and he got a little drunk and then the old friend of the suddenly just slipped inside the room and and then he says I'm just an old friend of the family and then he says you know you ever wonder about those Giants and those strong heroes before the flood ham yeah how did they get that ham says and then Satan says well I'll tell you and dr. Otteman says so and so and then dr. Otteman put like just a doctor out and put like an abstract thing he says all you saw was a naked body and a drunk an empty bottle on the floor yeah we don't know so that's why this is theoretical over here but there are some interesting indications the second thing is this the second thing I think a lot of people go more for number two because number one it does seem a little controversial but if you're very open-minded with the Bible there's no doubt there's some connections with sex and grape there's no doubt about that I'm not saying that it did happen with ham and Noah but I do know the connection is strong with sex and drunkenness and grape and that when you apply that strong connection with Eve and Noah it might give you some food for thought okay number two which is the more likely one that people would go for is that the sons of God survived or returned so in other words they came down again or there's a group that may have survived Noah's Flood you might say how so well how so is this is that all these domani acts where do they come from if you look at Revelation chapter 9 they come from below so then when this flood came to the scene these sons of God they can stoop down to their hiding places underground and through underground they can avoid it there are some pagan sources as well as apocryphal sources like The Book of Enoch that mentioned that the sons of God what they did is that they built these underground things where they went beneath the earth and then that's how they survived or escaped Noah's Flood what could also be possible is that they may have built their UFOs and then flew out of there and went to outer space that could also be possible too but anyways these are simply just theories and then mythological pagan apocryphal sources and obviously you can't depend upon those things as your final authority it's all the Word of God well your pastor he's trying to show everything from history including miss what they think okay so I'm just pouring out everything there now because this thing happened and it's connected with hams line let's look at Deuteronomy chapter 2 Deuteronomy chapter 2 let's look at Deuteronomy chapter 2 and then we're gonna look at verse 20 notice that these come from hams line we're gonna look at Deuteronomy chapter 2 and then we'll read verse 20 the Bible says that also was accounted a land of giants giants dwelt there and in old time and the who ammonites called them Zam zooms a people great a many and tall as the who Anakin's but the Lord destroyed them before them and they succeeded them and dwelt in their stead as he did to the children of Esau which dwelt in sare when he destroyed the horns from before them and they succeeded them in dwelt in their stead he and the avens which dwelt in has room even unto aza the calf torrents which came forth out of Kaptur destroyed them and dwelt in their stead so it's giving you some little bit of interesting historical information about how these giants and different nations fought each other and survived but notice right here that it is connected to the anakims ammonites let's and let's look back at Genesis let's look back at Genesis so these are giants from the land of Canaan and notice that as it talks about the Giants in the land of Canaan that remember who is the father of Canaan ad Genesis nine and ten it's ham so these giants have survived through that time all right we can also look at a few other interesting notes over here concerning about the sons of ham let's look at Genesis chapter 10 and we see over here the firt the generations of Japheth ad Genesis chapter 10 verses 2 through 5 so that's something that you want to mark down especially if you're Caucasian or you're white if you want to know your history that's your history for small verses sorry but the ones that have the most emphasis are ham and Shem throughout the Bible Japheth hardly you might say why is that so look don't scream discrimination again whenever God does things differently you notice how people calls it discrimination no it's just God doing things differently judging different people but people get culturally sensitive and call it discrimination look god call me to preach not you so don't whine and scream discrimination why didn't God call me all right trust me you probably wouldn't want the position God put me in and you don't you wouldn't want the position that God put these other people in so sometimes you got to use your head okay but anyways why is this Shem and ham mostly so here might be some interesting food for thought that you might want to know Sherman Ham are mostly mentioned throughout the Old Testament because it is a conflict of where God's people are mentioned and then a lot of the enemies that the Jews went through Jews came from Shin a lot of what the Jews went through were from hams line and that is going to be intensely interesting even after the flood during that time there is a conflict with shams descendants and hams descendants actually it seemed like that the good guy so to speak or the godly line so to speak were from shams lon and they had a conflict and warfare with hams line but also a lot of the interesting nations that came up during the ancient time periods it was a mingling of Shem and ham you see that with Egypt and you see that with Assyria so that is intensely interesting whereas Japheth I guess was out there conquering the world somewhere you know all the way out there hit climbing mountains but here's the interesting part the New Testament what's more so mentioned is Shem and Japheth what's going on actually is that what you'll notice is that it was originally Shem but it was switching to Japheth hence they confused Christian culture with a white mentality you might say why is that because Japheth hardly received attention throughout these millennia they were the dogs and Gentiles in the Jewish eyes actually so then the Lord what did he do he went down for the low people and then he says well you know I'll use these bunch and boy the Jews hated that they really hated that because they were priced for Millennia's but then the Lord switched to Japheth line and what happened Japheth was the one that accepted the religion of Christianity that time and that's why Christianity was more favored toward the Japheth slide so what did Satan do then he concentrated Japheth line and then now today Japheth is so messed up that you cannot tell all right but anyways what is interesting is that hams line which was originally cursed that would be probably the number one seat today that you'd find a Christianity favorite upon so you notice right here now don't scream out discrimination again okay it's just how God does things with different people and different people respond differently alright you can't make it all equalize okay if you make it all equalized as dr. Upton said before and you're mentally insane to pretend that everybody is the same is just mental insanity okay now Genesis chapter 10 and then verse 6 here we go so Shems line is mentioned at verse 21 to 30 - and then hams line is mentioned at verses 6 through 20 now shams line has an interesting deviation where I'm going to mention before we covered ham because ham is gonna be the most interesting sham we already know what happened all right they went somewhere up there at the Caucasus region somewhere but Shem there's something interesting you'll notice that even though this is the race that God concentrated on let's be honest you hardly hear I think that the Orientals and the Asiatic so to speak the East Asian country that is more least mentioned than Japheth why China North Korea South Korea Vietnam Thailand etc least mentioned out of all the other racial groups in the Bible the only time that you'll see it mentioned that you can find the closest reference will be the book of Revelation 16 and probably chapter 9 actually so that's the closest that you can get but Shems line there were the Jews because they came from peel egg over here there's a split that's where we Orientals came from all right now let's look at Genesis chapter 10 look at verse 21 unto Shem also the father of all the children of Eber the brother of Japheth the elder even to him were children born okay now look at the line of Shem okay verse 25 and unto Eber remember Eber is Shams son right at verse 21 all right Eber were born two sons the name of one was what Peleg okay now Peleg or P leg if you compare with Matthew not Matthew if you compare with the Book of Luke where it talks about Jesus's genealogy and you look at the book of first Chronicles Jews came from peeling that's what you're going to notice right there but there's a split notice over here the name of the one was P Lake he mentioned two sons from Shem Shems line P Lake Jews for in his days was the Earth divided and his brother's name was that's where you guys come from so if any of you are Orientals that's where we come from Jacques 10 so your pastor wrote his doctorate paper on that and it is intensely fascinating I'm not going to go through every single detail on that one but notice right here that as we keep reading over here verse 26 in Joktan begat Alma dad and then it lists all these different names right for the last part of verse 29 all these were the sons of joktan and their dwelling was from Missha as thou goest unto sea far a what east they were going east sea there is no doubt that Orientals came from chocked hands line you might say why because they are heading toward East P leg was more west of that job tans descendants they were going further east but what's also interesting is that if you go to amount of the east if any of you like to use some Greek and Hebrew criticisms here's something that you can stuff in your mouth actually you Greek and Hebrew scholars actually Hebrew amount of the east if you translate it more literally it's amount of the Orient interesting right interesting okay anyway so that's where the Orientals came from but we're hardly mentioned so I'm I guess I'm gonna be culturally sensitive and cry on camera because the only time I mentioned I mentioned is actually right over here at verge s is 1030 and revelation 16 and 9 where the Antichrist takes over my countries okay so calm down alright see people get all culturally sensitive it's just sickening okay alright anyways now let's go to ham this is where all the ancient superpowers come from verse six and the sons of ham cush and Mizraim and Phut and Canaan loo okay look at that and the sons of cush Sheba and hvala Sapta Rama SAP tika and the sons of Rama Sheba and Dedan verse eight here is key this guy is very important in your ancient history that the Holy Spirit he did make mention of this person now you'll notice that the Genesis account during those millennia it didn't mention too much detail the details start building up listen up now you notice how the God the Holy Spirit writes the details build up when he starts with Abraham and his descendants that's where specifics come out with every lie but why didn't he do it prior to Abraham because prior to Abraham God's people were very small it was only Noah it was only anak Adam and Eve and Abel mankind was fully corrupted by Satan's contamination so because of Satan's connect and contamination and Kingdom the Holy Spirit saw it not fit to make too much mention of it why don't give too much credit to the devil's history God wants you to know his people his history the history of his people so that's food for thought but even with the devil's people the Lord knows that this guy is a significant figure so he so he at least mentioned two or a few verses that's it out of all of hams children it is meant it is interesting the Lord made specific mention of Nimrod verse 8 and cush begat Nimrod he began to be a mighty one in the earth he was a hunter before the Lord wherefore it is said even as nimrod the mighty hunter before the Lord so notice that he was a mighty hunter before the Lord now some people might think that isn't that a positive thing no that's a negative thing notice this is mighty hunter before the Lord that's basically when he was living his life as a hunter before God that was abomination let's look at that kind of logic with the book of Genesis and look at Genesis chapter 13 that's a good number ain't it Genesis 13 a great number and look at verse 13 that's another great number chapter 13 verse 13 alright Church you've learned this the number thirteen represents rebellion yeah that's right look at verse 13 but the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners what before the Lord exceedingly see so that's something important to understand so when we look back at justice 10 9 before God what he was a mighty hunter hunter if you look up that another key phrases look up the word hunt throughout your Bible it's not positive it's mostly negative even when the Lord does hunting himself it's used as a negative turn mostly throughout your Bible so notice right here that a hunter is something negative now a hunter during that time line how would they hunt during that time line they didn't have a crossbow or a gun how would they hunt during that time line like this Revelation chapter 6 your pastor mentioned to you this first Horseman comes out and he comes forth conquering and to conquer like a hunter and if we believe that that's the Antichrist and we believe that's the Pope what kind of fingers does the Pope raise up occasionally like this just like the hunter does with what all right think about that for a while think about everything that has to do with this it's not really love and peace like you would say smoking cigarettes right like that this is not Winston Churchill I know he did his famous V for victory but actually you'll notice that to attain that peace was too much death through World War 2 it means ultimate surrender from the opposing side and that's the Antichrist proclaiming peace like this through what bloodshed conquering and to conquer all right anyway it's back to our main text here Nimrod otice right here verse 10 and the beginning of his kingdom was what okay you want to know this one so Nimrod came from hams line Nimrods first kingdom was babel wait a minute look at Genesis 11 we're not going to read that isn't that the famous Tower of Babel why was Nimrod a mighty hunter before the Lord because at Genesis 11 look what they are trying to do before God verse 4 they Genesis 11 for they said go to let us build us a city and tower whose top may reach unto heaven and let us make a name lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth now did you read that carefully they did not want to spread out throughout the whole world remember God says against is 9 what spread throughout the whole earth they disobeyed they did not want that so they said let's make a tower that would reach all the way to heaven before we scatter abroad let's build us a kingdom all the way up to heaven you see how that's like trying to desecrate God like hey we can reach all the way to heaven what did the Bible say the Bible says even if you try to reach up to heaven you're not gonna reach up there Lucifer didn't he says I will exalt myself above the heights of the cloud the stars reach the top of heaven that's something satanic that's not something positive so notice over here that's why it makes sense he was a hunter before the Lord it's interesting one of these Bible old Bible movies that I saw it gave a very interesting scene where Nimrod he was climbing on top of the Tower of Babel and what he did was that he took that bow and arrow just like a hunter and then he aimed it like toward God and it shot it up at God up to heaven which was pretty interesting and then the scenery made it more dramatic where after Nimrod as soon as he shot that arrow up to heaven all of a sudden his followers start to speak in Chinese Vietnamese and all the other world languages and the Nimrods kingdom just fell apart after that it's like God's trying to rub dirt at Nimrods face so we know that's what happened at the Tower of Babel at verses six through nine from verses six through nine notice that God destroyed the work at the Tower of Babel but look look at the wording okay look at this careful wording this is repeating Genesis six this is repeating Lucifer before Adam look at verse six Genesis 11:6 the Lord said Behold the people is one and they have all one language now this they begin to do look at the wording here remember Genesis 6 and now nothing will be restrained from them which they have what imagined to do remember Genesis 6 their imagination just kept going wild and wicked and God says nothing can stop them from that remember Rome Romans 1 says today's modern age is what imagination dark imagination that's our society and your pastor showed compared the modern civilization today civilization with Genesis 6 civilization not much different right unique they'd like to mask it with words though uniqueness creativity independence critical thinking that's what they brainwash you in schools so that what your imagination can run wild and then whatever weird concocted belief you come out out there then society can tolerate that and if you do not tolerate that then you are hate group all right let's look at Genesis chapter 10 Genesis chapter 10 okay so let's talk about some interesting things of Nimrod there's a book that I would recommend but you have to be careful as well so it is Alexander his lops book Alexander Hislop now I cannot I was going to read portions but then I realized look if I read portions then ah we're not gonna get through the day because I have to read full pages to show you context so I cannot do that so what I'm going to do is is I'm going to give you a summary from the top my head and then you can compare that with his book there is one other book that I'd highly recommend and this is in comic book format so this is even more fun the guy is such a genius so it's called Babylon religion and it's in Jack chick comic style he's old-fashioned cartoon drawing not like the Crusader comics okay it's actually Jack chick old cartoon and it is by David W Daniels and what he does is that his book is more reliable and documentation than his law believe it or not so David dr. Otteman actually recommended this book at his bulletin so this one if you're if you're bored reading his lops book then you can read David Daniels but to be quite honest with his Locke what he wrote was actually true because all you have to do is compare with ancient accounts and then the bottom line is this there is no doubt that all world religions originated from semaa ramus and Nimrod that's the bottom line of the whole thing so some of these amateurish Calvinists who like to criticize Bible believers in his lop and so those whose loves words has been refuted it's so says Judas like blah blah blah and his Omega and alpha ministries I just did it backwards but anyway so the point so these idiots that what they like to do is that they like to point out certain portions of his lops works where he was misquoting or it was not following full context but you know that's the same thing they did with gail riplinger the point is is rippling her and hislop they took too many works and it's a lot of hard work okay so when you read his love stuff he was reading like really deep historical accounts say that you wouldn't dig up online and also from really high-class scholars so this was like really deep stuff so looking through all that with lots of footnotes and digging through all that thousands of stuff ah you're gonna find something to slip up on your pastor did two thousand-plus videos and look I'm not a perfect man either I'm a sinner saved by grace I'm bound to I've slipped up somewhere so see that's what people don't have the common sense of okay so all you have to do is just compare with other ancient works that's it and then see what's and then find what's true and false with this book but overall despite of all that the main truth is this all world religions come from sama ramus Nimrod so you won't escape that pact okay now here's the bottom line so it seems like that there was this warfare that was going on with Shems line Semites and then hams line the highlights during this time so during this time there seemed to be like good guys and there and there were bad guys during that time now during that time what was going on was that hams line was building their own civilization where they learned that lesson from like Cain did at Genesis that's very interesting not only that if you look at hams line where a Syria Egypt and also Babylon would come from they all boast about having some connection to the gods that taught them the ways so it shows right here that Satan's forces the the ones who survived or returned from the flood or whether they came from hams line whatever it is that they were the ones that continued this trace of power of civilization of repeating Genesis six influences so to speak so Nimrod was reviving this with his kingdom now notice that this was all one world Kingdom you notice that they didn't want to be scattered so let's all do this one world the Antichrist one world new world order system one world Kingdom could have started way back at Genesis 11 God was your God is very genius how he divided it was different languages you know why that was genius because that different languages made these nations prize their own people and culture and for millennia as they never got along there was always warfare bloodshed now I'm not saying that I'm condoning that that's all that's very sad and that's unfortunate but see God knows human nature what they're capable of in their good ways or in their bad ways so God will use whatever good way or bad way in your human nature to fulfill his purpose that's the thing about your God your God's genius incredibly genius this work man for for the past thousands of years of history it calls that division until until stupid modern century came in you notice that came with good intentions but see that's how Satan deceives people with good sincere intentions in heart that masks the demonic influence was Satan's fulfilling at the end okay so with this conflict going on with ham i'ts and Semites gosh this say the story goes that cush married an incredibly beautiful woman different historical accounts will also admit to this fact as well the a very a very beautiful woman named cemre amis cemre amis that time so cemre amis she was actually an incredibly beautiful woman which is why all these goddess religions goddess names came out from cemre amis the different gods that came out would come from Nimrod Nimrod Kush Semih ramus had a child named Nimrod together now it could go the other way the other way could be this Nimrod married Semiramis instead of Kush marrying Semiramis it could go that way so either or you can depend upon yourself what to do but there's no doubt that either or Nimrod did marry cemre amis either or it doesn't matter which way actually so Nimrod simmer honestly married so you might say wait so then if Kush married Semiramis and nimr and they had a son named Nimrod you're saying if that account is true then Nimrod married his mother yeah yeah it's gross so either/or there's no doubt these two had a marriage either or if it's Kush that did it first or Nimrod so some are amis undoubtedly she was a beautiful woman and she went through many marriages which makes a lot more sense when you come to revelation 17 how God really hated this particular woman and always said and harlot now that's probably like one of the most worst the name callings that you would refer to a woman that's very base but that's how some Aramis was and God connected Jezebel with that and all other bad woman's in the Bible it's intensely interesting because Jezebel was repeating summer amis doings but we'll see that later on so notice Satan keeps reviving his things from history right so Jezebel would repeat Semiramis Nimrod kingdom trying to repeat Genesis 6 Lucifer trying to repeat his kingdom at Genesis 6 before Adam's kingdom before the jaw before the six days of creation look at this it's just Satan trying to keep reviving repeating you got to look at this historical pattern okay now shemites or the Semites during that time or Shems line they were in constant conflict so because Nimrod just created this horrendous amount of religion where you see a lot of the Catholic observances days and rituals masonry etc where they have the secret oaths and all that it all came from Nimrods religion Nimrods religion all these gods and goddesses that came out in in Ron's religion sacrificing children as well human sacrifice and etc all came from Nimrods form of religion and worship in fact it was so bad that according to ancient sources from what we read about the two babylons is that Shem got so angry that he actually killed Nimrod and so because he killed Nimrod and I think he also dismembered his body to probably just like what you read about the account what is interesting at the book of Judges about the dismembering but anyway that shows how much vengeance they had so much anger that time so what happened was the whole kingdom was in disruption so simmer a ministering that time she gave birth to another child after that his name get this now you probably heard this name before Tammuz so Tammuz was either the offspring of Nimrod or some Aramis just laid around with another guy and that's no surprise because some are Amish you know she had a lot of bad relations so here's what's even worse than that Semih ramus married Tammuz so there was no doubt she is the okay she is the so when Tammuz was born then hence came the idea of reincarnation before that time they had a more ancient belief where it's called transmigration so to speak the idea is this in reincarnation she proclaimed to the world while it was in disruption due to nimrod dying being killed by shem that thomas is the reincarnation of nimrod and supposedly this is where december 25th Christmas came to the scene so which is intensely interesting and summer amis would point out to the Sun and when the Sun rose up she would say there is your God that's Nimrod and thus the Sun God would be affiliated quite often with Nimrod and Tammuz and not only that that's why Egypt made a big deal about the Sun and if not just them it's also interesting why do different religions worship the Sun you ever thought about that if there's a common root source somewhere see a common root source and that's actually summer amis and Nimrod alright so let me give you a couple names throughout different countries which I think you find pretty interesting so originating from Semiramis and Nimrod as we go throughout different countries it could read it in this way basically as we go through this mother and child worship see summer amis and Tamas right and you'll see idols of this all over around the world where are they all these different nations get that from see originated from Simha ramus and Nimrod that's proof over there so this is Babylonian worship but you can see this throughout different countries the Chinese has a mother goddess called Shing mu or the holy mother and she is pictured with child in her arms with rays of glory around her head wait a minute that looks like the Virgin Mary the Roman Catholic Church that's why his laughs book was hated by the Catholic Church it was infamous it was infamous because he was trying to prove Roman Catholic religion came from ancient from samurai miss new Murad in fact even Jehovah Witnesses use his laughs book to show how ancient how Catholic religion came from ancient Babylon religion that's how widespread his LOB's book was you you can tell the Catholic Church hated his love ancient Germans worshiped the Virgin Hertha with child in her arms the Scandinavians called her DISA who was also pictured with the child at truce cons called her nutria the Druids you know those Druids who did those fleshy fleshly sacrifices those weird stuff blood stuff the Druids they did the Virgo patter Torah was worshipped as the mother of God India she is known as Indrani represented with child in her arms mother goddess known as what Aphrodite or C res to the Greeks na na to the Sumerians Venus or Fortuna to the old days of Rome her child Jupiter Asia mother was known as cybele II the child is do Lea's let's see right here it's interesting where there's another one with the mother and child as Devaki and Krishna so there's another one of those illustrations and pictures that shows Devaki and Krishna together you see is another name Great Goddess her child is swara let's see over here Ephesus the mother goddess was known as what Diana and then you can see that with modern culture with Wonder Woman so to speak Egypt the mother was known as Isis child is Horus let's see over here what other examples so you'll notice like throughout the entire world you'll see these mentions about this mother goddess as well as the child so I think I pretty much covered a lot of the other things here so there are some mentions here about the Egyptian goddess of fertility as Isis and she's standing on a crescent moon with star surrounding her head just like the Roman Catholic Church will do it there's also the Phoenician goddess of fertility Astarte she's associated with the crescent moon as well isis child Horus as well etc etc so notice over here that there's already so many mentions of these mother and child now what happened during this time which is kind of interesting so I'm going to read a page from David W Daniels work so I know that I'm past the time but I'm going to finish this one I have to finish this one at least so it can follow in context so what is interesting in David W Daniels work is that he writes over here about summer amesys beauty and this is documented by GJ white Melville the work is Sarka dawn a legend of the great Queen page 28 so this is what this archaeologist wrote concerning about Semiramis she was beautiful no doubt her form was matchless in symmetry so that her every gesture in the saddle or on the throne was womanly dignified and graceful while each dress she wore seemed that in which she looked her best she possessed more than a man's power of mind and force of will now you got to remember during the ancient time women did not have powerful roles even secular historians who don't know about cemre amesys connection with ancient babylon they do admit that there was a woman named cemre amis who existed and she had a powerful role as a woman even though the men looked down on her so this was one demonic diabolical genius beautiful woman a shrewd observer would have detected in those bright eyes despite their loving Lance the genius that can command an army and found an empire in the clean-cut jaw and prominence of the beautifully molded chin a cold recklessness that could harden on occasion two pitiless cruelty how about that spy that beautiful exterior there's a pitiless cruelty cruelty inside now you notice throughout your entire Bible the Bible never mentioned her name never at all never but you know what the Bible did it did mention about a specific evil woman and God used that woman phrase throughout the entire Bible as a symbolic reference and it's always represented as a did you notice that what do you think God was thinking in his mind when God wanted to picture Israel as a great sinner and use a woman as an example he always thought of a why because he was thinking of cemre amis cemre amis Jezebel called her a harlot Babylon called her a harlot you know why that's how powerful simmer ms simmer a mrs. influence was during that time so this was pure evil Tammuz it is said that cemre amis had him go out on a wild boar hunt and probably a boar killed Tammis actually why because cemre amis wanted to retain her power but she such a genius they needed a male figure because why ancient culture would respect and more look up to a god more if there's a male figure hence Nimrod was there that time hence Thomas was there at that time but some are amazed how she received her power was using these two was using these two especially Tammuz as a tool that's where your epic of gilgamesh would come from and all the other ancient Sumerian accounts now what happened after that was that God split the descendents from the Tower of Babel next discipleship I didn't talk about it tonight but next discipleship I will talk about the three ancient superpowers and also two ancient kingdoms prior to that and that's why God decided I'm gonna use a brand new group of people and he called Abraham out of those ancient prestigious kingdoms during that time all right this is our will of history look when you look at world history it's very interesting it's also understandable where mankind is heading toward and why God was doing those things throughout the Bible Emily father I prayed that tonight's teachings were a blessing to the hearers help us to learn important lessons throughout our history in Jesus name we pray amen you
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 67,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nephilim, who are the giants, who is nimrod, is nimrod a hero, nimrod, devil origin, babylon tower, where did demons come from, where does devil come from, semiramis, idolatry, false worship, pagan worship, ancient worship
Id: qXZG6cXmwyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 56sec (3176 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 14 2020
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