History of China, Sodom's Hell, Melchizedek & Shamans | Intermediate Discipleship #37 | Dr. Gene Kim

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so everything is in my brain so i didn't have time to write it down so hopefully i'll cover every portion as best as i can the first thing that i want to recommend onliners is a map which is but published by bible charts and maps so it's called bible charts and maps the name of this map is called world history chart it's called the world history chart and you can order it from this website it's amazing amazing bible timeline so all so the capitalization is correct and there's no space all right there's no space in between these three words and the capitalizations and the lowercase is all correct www.amazingbibletimeline.com okay again www dot amazing timeline i don't know if i said four w's but obviously it's three w's so just making sure on that one just making sure on that one when we go through this chart that is going to be the chart that i'm going to use throughout nearly nearly every discipleship class so i would highly recommend well i would actually say that this is mandatory for everyone to get this chart that way you can understand the timeline that i'm guiding you through now these people are not king james only bible believers so because of that your pastor is going to point out the inconsistencies and i'm going to correct them now the first thing i want to say concerning about when we go through our world history so if you can if all of you want to look at that map that's fine if not you can just pay attention best as you could once this is an archive video you can pause this order the map and then you can better understand as i go through this timeline all right so over there you're going to notice it goes through the generations of atom the genealogy really well so i like how it went through the genealogy of adam and it went through kane now through noah there is a issue here so as we go through the timeline where it covers noah and his three sons shem ham and japheth that's where we're going to differ now i notice that both bible scholars and even creationists they give an incorrect teaching concerning the genealogy now i do not deny some of their etymological roots that they're going to pull up as well as some scientific data and i'm going to cover some of that concerning about these three sons but i'm going to give an explanation on why it's biblically and what i really believe is biblically wrong but how that scientific data and the etymological root is also right what they pull up so i'm going to reconcile that and explain now the first thing is if you look at the three sons concern concerning shem ham and japheth what's perfect about this map is that it goes off into three colors in a clockwise position to show shems line ham's line and japheth's line it's really excellent so shem's line is colored in yellow now what they did with shems line which i do not like is that they only concentrate concerning this region which makes it look very very small so i really don't buy that that's just too small then they give japheth too much room where he's going through here here here here here and all the way here i that's just too much i really don't think it goes like that because if we're going to cover like world population where every um where they're as generations pass by where they're procreating where they're able to replenish the world i mean it just looks very unbalanced to me that's one thing ham they get it pretty much right concerning about africa and as you know ham seed covers uh your pastor mentioned sociology 101 concerning about the negroid and then the caucasians now because i told you before these three terms are considered where it's prejudicial and a lot of people don't like that because they're culturally sensitive they're changing the words but sociology 101 agrees as well as people who dig up the dna they're going to generally agree that these three can be breaked off when you trace the dna now concerning about shem ham and japheth another thing is your pastor pointed out at genesis jump over there concerning about joctan it doesn't explain about joctan we're going to go to genesis and then we're going to look at chapter 10. so notice that p-leg is covering the juice your pastor mentioned that before by the way i want to clarify this some people kind of get upset where i said your pastor your pastor understand this i am teaching to my church so because i'm teaching to my church it's become a habit and some people who are outside viewers they're like thinking like what is this this is so weird it's like a belonging like he's in control of us or something no it's because i'm teaching to my church so please understand that not only that there's a lot of onliners who actually like it when i say your pastor because it makes them feel belong to the church so because that was a term of endearment it became a habit for me so me i'll try not to say that often because i can understand the outsider viewers point of view but try to be understanding in my case too it's a habit of endearment with the people that's going to be hard to break so try to go easy on me here now jocked hand remember he went at verse 30 toward the east so because he went toward the east it doesn't explain joktan's line so it makes more sense when you're talking about the east or the orient that this would be covering joctan another thing is this as we look through the scriptures when we talk about the east in the bible it's amazing how many bible scholars will put china in there but in this passage they don't do that which is strange to me another thing is it mentions that japheth is dwelling in the tents of shem we already covered that at genesis chapter 9 right genesis 9 verse 27 god enlarges japheth genesis chapter 9 verse 27 genesis chapter 9 verse 27 it says god shall enlarge japheth he shall dwell in the tents of shem so if he's dwelling in the tents of sham while he's enlarging itself when we look at history the colonization makes a lot more sense a lot of people only concentrate the first part god enlarges japheth so because of that they give japheth a lot of ground to cover over here but in my opinion this is it just doesn't it does it doesn't fit with me because i see the colonization makes more sense because what about dwelling in the tents of hashem and that is true with america he is dwelling in the tents of shem because your pastor here i go again i mentioned before that joktan if he's pushing toward east and not only that if you go to all sorts of university studies and genetic data research bases they all admit that there's a spread toward the tower of babel area where it's pushing toward east and then it hits toward the americas and down here so from what i see from a biblical standpoint this fits more of the bill to me another thing what they talk about is that they try to trace in etymological roots why the chinese could actually come from ham believe it or not that's what that's the standard teaching among creationists believe it or not now i'm gonna show you what they say and it's actually very very interesting and i believe that a lot of it can be true but from what i see from a biblical standpoint it doesn't fit the bill with me one thing is if they want to go by etymological roots is that if you go to genesis chapter 10 it mentions a mount of the east and if you want to play etymological hebrew roots i mentioned before that the transliteration can go literally the orient over here and not only that if we go by biblical hermeneutics east why is it that they put that as china for revelation chapter 16 and other passages but not in this one so that's another thing now there are some people who say that jakan would be referring to the arabic people that's where the arabs came from now what i believe is this now this is going to make a lot of sense if you believe in this scientific fact this is a scientific genetic fact when sham ham and jeff is spread throughout all the world it's not like okay just the people that came from shaman and japheth you stay in your line i'll stay in my line we're not going to meet each other ever we're not going to have one of our people meet one of your people and there's going to be intermingling no that's impossible especially when there was a lot of conquest during the old during the ancient times there were so many conquests that when there was one tribe that conquered another tribe it was bound to happen where there's going to be intermingling with the rulers and the people that's a matter of fact historical and that's even scientific scientific fact is when you trace through our lineages it's not as segregated as you think it's actually we're very very intertwined more than you think and that's a scientific fact so because there's this intermingling that's going on throughout sham ham and japheth's line it makes sense why it is true that job10 he may be at the arabic region but you got to realize as science genetic data will show you keep going east you're not going to stay there you're going to keep pushing east and by the way biblical hermeneutics east right so everybody puts that as concerning the orient why not here and is it too far-fetched to say that the yes there may have been arabic people where jok 10 was from here but is it too far-fetched to say where china is just around over here that they weren't intermingling there wasn't intermingling going on there was that intermingling that's a scientific historical fact so the chinese i could see that that they could come from the arabic people now they mentioned over here that could come from ham now why is that well concerning about the arabic people one thing i have to disagree is if you look at ham's line i believe that the arabic people it's a mixture of shem and ham now is that very very likely yes i think it's even more than that it's probable if not even 100 percent fact the reason why is i mentioned about the five ancient kingdoms right in these kingdoms what was the intermingling shemingham shaman ham all over during that time but the arabs you'll notice over here genesis chapter 10 verse 6 the sons of hand cush misery on foot and canaan now look at this the sons of kashiba and havela and sapta and ra'ama and septica and the sons of rama sheba and didan now sheba is referring to arabia over here not only that sabta is referring to arabia and ra amah is south east arabia not only that if you want to push the idea where the muslims claim that their genetic forefather is ishmael ishmael's mom is an egyptian from ham's line and it's a matter of fact where bible scholars will have to agree that egypt is from ham's line and even if you doubt that all you have to do is look at the book of psalms and it mentions that the children of israel came from the land of ham at egypt that's what was referring to concerning about the chinese and the asians that may have come from ham here's something very interesting that creationists pointed out they mentioned at verse 15 genesis 10 15. and canaan begat sidon his firstborn and heath and the jebusite and the amorite and the girgasite and the hivite and the archite and the senite so here's the key where they believe that the chinese may have come from ham's line so actually all you have to do is very very easy all you have to do is just go to google type down chinese and ham and then you'll see literally creationist science websites all the way from ken ham to henry morris all these people mention how these chinese from these terms the sinai at verse 17 and heth at verse 15 are the etymological roots where the chinese came from now i'm going to read you a quote from bible believers a bible believer looks at world history by widowson remember i occasionally read from this passage what he does is that he combines all these creationist websites together into one large quote so that'll be found on page 38 38 so what they go is through this manner sin a brother of heth has many occurrences in variant forms in the far east the place most closely associated by the chinese themselves with the origin of their civilization is the capital of shenzhe namely father sin xiang fu appears in assyrian records as sianu today's jungfu can be loosely translated peace to the western capital of china now isn't that intriguing because the western side of china is close to the assyrian side over here the chinese have a tradition that their first king fuhi or fohe chinese noah made his appearance on the mountains of chin was surrounded by a rainbow yada yada will skip down over there sin himself was the third generation from noah a circumstance which would provide the right time interval for the formation of early chinese culture so because the claim was is that the chinese came from sin as the third generation from noah this can match also when you look at the historical biblical historical timeline of chinese civilization building which is why they really believe that it he came from the chinese came from sin or from ham's line furthermore those who came from the far east to trade were called sinai sin by the scythians ptolemy a greek astronomer referred to china as the land of cinnamon or sinai reference to the synonym in isaiah 49 12. now turn over there this is a very interesting passage isaiah chapter 49 verse 12. this is a reference to china actually when you look at isaiah chapter 49 verse 12 when god gathers his people the nation of israel around the world notice what it reads over here look at the root word of sin over here verse 12 behold these shall come from far and lo these come from the north and from the west north and west and these from the land of where cinema is reference to the east that's the idea because you got north and west taken the the more logical route that's left over would be east over here and not only that it's referenced to as cinnam which is one of the etymological root words where sin and you can trace that with chinese root words there's a lot of fascinating stuff concerning about our history but what makes it very convincing is this part for the sinai the most important town was thin a a great trading emporium in western china the city thin a is now known uh uh as thin or simply tin and it lies in the province of shenzi much of china was ruled by the sino-kitan empire where do we get that term sino from right see it comes from sin that's the reason why a lot of the scientists who are creation who a lot of the scientists who are christians they believe that he could really come from sin or from ham's line let's keep reading over here the word sin uh itself came to have the meaning of purebred let's skip down over here the greek word for china is kinah latin is sina as well chinese and surrounding languages are part of the what sino tibetan language family here's another one chinese and japanese in which the ancient name reappeared in its original form the sino japanese war synology refers to the study of chinese history here's another one concerning about the cathay the cathay people where they're from is from heth so you got sin which or the cyanides covered at genesis 10 right but you also have to explain heth heth is from cathay so this is what they say over here still others migrated throughout the region and beyond making up present day races in asia and the americas the evidence strongly suggests that ham's grandsons hath who are the hittites or aka cathay and sin sinnites otherwise known as china are the ancestors of the peoples so notice that they come from hittites too and if you jump to genesis again if you go backwards to genesis chapter 10 who comes from canaan they're hittites right you'll notice that the hittites are also covered at genesis chapter 10 as people who came from canaan now concerning about the sinaite and all the other people let's cover some other pointers where there are some things that i disagree with but there's something that reconciles everything here what's also very interesting is that there are some historians that also believe that that word sin is also from sinai as in literally the sinai peninsula now remember in this region is arabia and as a matter of fact in the book of galatians it will even call it arabia we'll look at the book of galatians galatians what's the simple answer over here the simple answer is it comes from ham's line why because of the arabic people remember genesis 10 the arabic people they came from ham's line so because they come from ham's line obviously they can mean and they're from ham's line they're going to mingle with who sin and they're going to have heth who are hamsun with that together so there's that intermingling why because this is in ham's territory but you can either go here or here it's a convenient route you can go this way or this way that's why shems line it can mingle over here because both are going this way and if you look at genetic data as well it is you can see that they can go through here or even here that's what you can see over here so because of that it's not hard to believe why is it that there's a reconciliation that chinese people come from ham because of that intermingling with shem well why would you prefer to say shem pastor rather than ham well one you gotta understand this one in the bible god sees this as clean off the descendants of shem ham and japheth it doesn't talk about the integration over here it's just a common sense matter of fact that shamham and japheth's people they're going to intermingle with each other but what god's seeing as a point of view is not during that timeline or today's timeline he's looking at the origin where it started so that's why he's looking at the origin where it started he's going to call the people as you're from shem you're from ham you're from japheth that's what he's going to say now excluding that thing why is it that we have to say that the chinese would more likely come from this rather than here i admit there's a mingling but why would i choose this one rather than this the reason why is their very proof takes isaiah says east they recognize that as china but why don't they do that with genesis 10 they only picked and choose looked at ham's line they didn't keep reading where it actually mentioned east there and not only that they recognize that at that east location was what where the arabic people came from why is it that the arabic people are from ham because of genesis 10 you mentioned these sons of the arabic people not only that if you look at the ishmaelites or where the muslims claim that they're descendants from that as arabs their forefather is ishmael what is his mother egyptian what is his father though semi that's why if you also now if you also look at racial features as well that's why it makes sense there's this mixture you can see with the line of sham here and the line of ham here that makes a lot of sense where bridges were bridges as well concerning racial features as well now we covered everything concerning about china's migration etc remember i mentioned about the religion of shamanism so it came from siberia and that's why it was carried on to korea during the bcs when it went to korea they carried it to the americas that's why native americans what is their religion shamanism that makes a lot of sense that makes a lot of sense that's why it's all connected to shems line over here we can see all of that connected to shem's line where it was carried on down now what i find interesting is that if you look at ham's line where they had the pyramids in egypt correct but then if chinese came from ham they also had they made similar discoveries over here and if they kept pushing toward east what did they find at south america eventually yeah these pyramid figures why they were carrying knowledge from their ancestors they were carrying knowledge from their ancestors now remember what i mentioned about the origin of pyramids i mentioned about the origin of pyramids is that because the structure is so incomprehensible where these ancient people could have the knowledge to build it the only way they could have do done it was through demonic access so either that the sons of god directly did it they made it themselves or indirectly the sons of god gave them the possession or the knowledge but i also mentioned to you before there's an interesting note that some bible-believing preachers teach that the pyramids were built through means of shamanism that is extremely interesting so it could have been built by shamanism the pyramids let's look at genesis chapter 14. genesis 14. so covering all these pointers that's the reason why i believe that asians would have to come from shem because remember the prophet the prophetic promise as well where japheth would dwell in the tents of shem they don't explain that part here's another interesting thing we didn't turn up i should have looked at this but genesis 10 if you read all these descendants of sin and the other people here's a bummer over here the bummer is when all these lines uh these people from ham's genealogy were mentioned the text mentions they spread throughout all over concerning about borderline it specifically says the borderline of canaan area uh you know what let's go back to genesis 10. i know some people are going to probably doubt me so go go over here genesis 10 verse 18 verse 18 the second part and afterward afterward what all these names hath sin etc where the families of the canaanites spread abroad up to what point and the border of the canaanites was from said on as thou comes to girard unto gaza as thou goest unto sodom and gomorrah and atma and zeboam even on tilasha see it's up to that borderline these are the sons of hand after their families after their tongues in their countries and their nations that's the reason why i see over here that god sees more as the chinese coming from shem because of what genesis 10 shows that and god considers where we talk about sociology 101 that the african americans or the africans or the black people they come from ham they come from ham due to that borderline territory it makes a lot more sense when i see it this way why because of the bible i'm seeing it all from a biblical perspective but what about these scientists and all these other people it's simple they're not they're not all the way at that ancient timeline at the beginning when it happened they're only showing the after effects what already happened decades if not centuries later there was a mingling now let's look at genesis 14 but keep your hand at genesis 10 because we're going to come back to genesis 10. now go to genesis 14. a lot of stuff right a lot of stuff a lot of stuff so concerning about when you look at your map they're going to put the arabs now i could be wrong but from what i noticed at the map they put the arabs within shems territory rather than ham that's what i see as incorrect you have to put the arab people with ham and not only that the chinese people you can't put that with japheth you got to put that with shem but not only that even standard christian scientists disagree that chinese came from japheth they see that more as ham they're getting closer but they're not biblically there they're just getting closer because they use scientific standards okay let's look at genesis 14. now remember the kings that i mentioned about five versus four there was a lot of interesting notes concerning that which i'm not going to repeat again but remember this is during hammurabi's time and hammurabi was powerful but elam seemed to be more of a superior nation that time so elam remember the in the beginning of discipleship where i talked about elim if not the most ancient capital is one of the most ancient cities in the world so elam combined with babylon hammurabi and the other people and they conquered sodom uh they conquered the five kings at verse two so think about this abraham do you know how many people abram had for his army to conquer those four powerful kings look at genesis 14 13. there came one that escaped and told abram the hebrew for he dwelt in the plane of mamrie the amorite brother of eshkol let's keep skipping down over here verse 14. when abraham heard that his brother was taken captive that's referring to lot so if you listen to your adler commentary homework you know that lot was captured he armed his trained servants born in his own house how many 318. is isn't your bible an amazing book yes sir now notice the way that they conquered the kings is that in verse 15 they conquered them by night with 300 people now what's a similar instance that you can think of in the book of judges gideon with the 300 at the dead heat of the night that's good interesting so notice that if you read that book and you study history you'd be amazed how awesome your god is now remember i described all the powerful achievements of these ancient ancient empire hammurabi's empire elam uh assyria and other places and isn't it amazing that you just have approximately 300 something people that conquered those kings that's god that's god that's why the nation of israel small vomit they may be and they're still small very small today yet very powerful why because god's hand was upon his promise with abraham you cannot deny that fact now as we continue reading over here we're going to cover this mysterious figure who is over here let's read genesis chapter 14 verse 7 verse 18 and melchizedek king of salem brought forth bread and wine and he was the priest of the most high god and he blessed him and said blessed be abram of the most high god possessor of heaven and earth and blessed be the most high god which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand and he gave him ties of all there are two important notes that you want to know over here concerning about melchizedek concerning about melchizedek there are two things that debunks the teaching of hyperdispensationalism so i think i may have spelled that right milk is ed e okay e thank you okay e what debunks hyper dispensationalism that you want to know is concerning before and i'm not talking about during the law of moses i'm talking about before the law of moses before old testament law was planted notice that the lord's supper was practiced bread and wine and you'll also notice that ties was practiced now i know that we disagree with the book of malachi bible-believing dispensationalists do not agree that the book of malachi concerning ties that that applies to the christian church we recognize that's for the levitical law but bible-believing dispensationalists we don't deny either that concerning giving to the lord a tithe is the least that you can give to him we're actually supposed to give more we're supposed to give more why because the book of uh corinthians mentions about giving cheerfully and give proportion of what you've got the very best that you got at first corinthians 16. and this is paul the apostle paul that hyper dispensationalists keep chirping about so notice over here that bollinger was wrong about the uh denying the lord's supper and hyper dispensationalists are wrong about oh you don't have to give a tithe to the lord well i would be afraid if i were you because what it shows here is that during different dispensations people gave to the lord that's the bottom line the bottom line is that when you look at throughout nearly every dispensation people gave to the lord you can't weaken that why deny a tenth or a tithe when you notice over here that abraham he did not even need the law of moses it was like common sense that this is something i should give to the lord that was common sense that time that this is the least i could give to the lord a tenth now if god gave you all of his life i'm sure a tenth of your life could be the bare minimum isn't that logical to say now let's talk about the identity of melchizedek over here a lot of people they believe that this person can either be jesus christ and then dr ruckman will lean it more toward shem what do you believe pastor me i don't know me i think that you can see both sides as interesting pointers you might say how would both sides have interesting pointers a lot of people will say it's jesus and a lot of them will actually rush to jump and criticize dr upman for saying shem but actually if you include shem here i think that you'll miss out a lot of interesting gold mines for example the interesting gold mine if you say if it's shem is that you overlook the fact that when sarai died shem was still alive that is intensely interesting if you look at your genealogy map but not only that frederick widowson even mentioned that in his book that is intensely interesting not only that think about it if you look at ancient history remember remember i talked about nimrod's timeline and the ancient five kingdoms timeline what was what were god's people that time that was versing against satan's people semites hashem remember that nimrod and semaramis had a hard time with building their empire because of shem's people giving them a hard time and shem was the one according to according to islam and daniels and other people who dig up mythology hashem was the one who dismembered and killed nimrod so you notice that god was having his own so to speak his office his ministry of people running isn't that logical to say it is very logical to say that where god would have his own priests his own people i mean are you going to deny the fact when shems people are growing more and more and more they're not going to have religious leaders or ministers melchizedek he's not just the king but he's also what the priest so this can make a lot of sense where he can come from shems line but let's look at the book of hebrews let's look at hebrews chapter 5 hebrews chapter 5. another noteworthy another nor excuse me another noteworthy thought concerning melchizedek is that if you pay attention to genesis 14 19 genesis 14 19 he says blessed be abram of the most high god possessor of heaven and earth and blessed be the most high god now look how this matches with noah's blessing upon shem genesis chapter 9 verse 26 and he said blessed be the lord god of shem it's as if shem's people their god see their religion so to speak okay just be uh just be forgiving with me and be tolerant of me over here i'm trying to make it click with you but see their people their tribes god is the right god they have their priestly ministry it's strongly indicating that and that wording matches a lot with genesis 14 19. now why some people believe it's jesus christ they also have a strong case this is not to downplay the strong role of jesus either so let's look at genesis chapter 5 verse 5 what did they say about jesus christ so also christ glorified not himself to be made in high priest but he that said unto him thou art my son today have i begotten thee as he saith also in another place thou art a priest forever after the order of melchizedek now let's keep reading concerning melchizedek we're going to look at genesis chapter 6 genesis 6. excuse me hebrews yes hebrews 6 not genesis hebrews 6. hebrews 6 verse 20 whether the forerunner is for us entered even jesus made in high priest forever after the order of what melchizedek okay look at chapter 7 verse 1. for this melchizedek king of salem high god who met abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings blessed him to whom also abraham gave a tenth part of all first being by interpretation king of righteousness and after that also king of salem which is king of peace without father without mother without descent having neither beginning of days nor the end of life but made like unto the son of god abideth a priest continually now this is the issue over here you'll notice over here that the reason why a lot of people don't believe it's shem and dr uckman acknowledges this too is that notice it says verse 3 without father without mother without descent see so he has no genealogy another thing why people would believe that it's jesus jesus christ is because it mentions verse two king of peace the catalyzation king of righteousness it's that title of jesus notice the middle of verse 3 made like unto the son of god see that so it seems to show over here that this is referring to jesus christ but this also becomes a weak argument too it becomes an argument against them as well because it's it doesn't make sense that jesus is made to look like jesus see that you'll also notice over here that the previous verses hebrews 6 20 and hebrews 5 which we read jesus is after the order of who melchizedek so it doesn't make sense over here that you're gonna create two jesuses so to speak now here's something that's also very interesting what they can argue is that they will say well it's not jesus himself but it is a pre-incarnate form of jesus in other words in the old testament jesus it may not be jesus himself but his pre-incarnate form pre-incarnate what does that mean so the incarnation of christ is referring to when jesus was born on this earth so pre-incarnate is before jesus was born so that's a term so his pre-incarnate form is the angel of the lord and that is a matter of fact case where god did come down to abraham as the angel of the lord so you can put it at that sense too however the thing that bugs me the reason why i'm not rushed to conclude that it's jesus this seems very logical but the problem is is that when i read these passages it just doesn't make sense that jesus was looking like himself jesus came comes after the form of himself etc i still see that as two separate people but not only that i think that we're under we're under looking it's it's dismissing more study on shim it's like easily dismissing sham and just pointing out jesus i don't like that because i feel like that if you acknowledge what dr utman pointed out as this could be a good contender it can make you study more deeply and you can find a lot of interesting things on shem's line some of the things i told you about shem's line are not taught yet i think from some bible believing preachers why because they would not dig into this they would not dig into this they just easily dismiss it and say it's a pre-incarnate form of jesus now i'm not denying it's a pre-incarnate form of jesus and i'm not criticizing pastors who believe and they strongly believe 100 this is a pre-incarnate form of jesus i'm not even criticizing that either but what i'm saying is i don't like it when this just understudies shem that's the thing that i'm pointing out and not only that if a lot of people and a lot of these people who say pre-incarnate form of jesus a lot of what they studied was from dr rockman himself i don't like to uh not just understudy or overlook shem i don't want to easily dismiss or overlook dr rutman either especially if you learn from him so that's the reason why it's important to consider these factors and say let's study a little bit more seriously over here not just easily dismiss let's return to genesis again janice is 10. and i'm gonna have to close it off over here already i wanted to cover india there was a lot of goldmine remember elam would have had access to india so some onliners were questioning well couldn't india be there then before elam i'll cover that next week we'll skip india and the more interesting things concerning china but i'll cover that next week what we're going to cover right now is sodom and gomorrah who do they come from they come from ham if you look at genesis chapter 10 verse 19. you see that sodom and gomorrah they come from ham now sodom and gomorrah we know that they were very infamous concerning their practice of homosexuality in other words they were sodomites so they committed the sin of sodomy so we're going to use that as a biblical term because they were committing the sin of sonomy hence it came from sodom that's actually traced from etymological sources believe it or not so when people talk about sodomizing someone so please excuse my language here but i'm trying to show you from a medical standpoint as well when a person sodomizes someone we know that's referring to some sort of homosexual action so to speak a male homosexual action but where did that term come from it came from sodom and gomorrah that's why they are definitely homosexuals there's absolutely no doubt about it a lot of preachers try to overlook it and say no their sin was the book of ezekiel abundance of idleness etc well that's a no-brainer your pastor even said that that wasn't their main problem their main problem was abundance of idleness which led to what homosexual actions you stay at home all day long with that mind running you know what's gonna fantasize and think about unthinkable things wicked sins but let's jump now to genesis 19. let's look at genesis 19. now does this not look like a homosexual action over here what do you think they were saying what do you think they were saying look at verse four look at verse four what do you think the bible's saying i mean look what the bible says but before they lay down the men of the city even the who okay it says men of sodom right now look at this compass the house round both what old and young all the people from every quarter now this is really why would the bible specifically say that unless it's trying to show you something horrifying and they called on to lot and said unto him what where are the men which came into the this night night bring them out unto us that we may what know them did you study the word no in your bible where genesis adam knew his wife eve she conceived bear a son that's sexual them out that we may what so that the heat they can sodomize them they were wicked people what did lot do why would lot even offer this okay if this wasn't sexual why would offer this look at verse eight behold now i have two daughters which have what okay what does that mean that means they sexually didn't know so they were virgins now this is a no-brainer okay why would they jump like 20 books later when the very first book says it's they're definitely homosexuals see they're hiding that's sick that's a satanic agenda especially when you try to put jesus with that bunch you're a wicked professor and i had professors teaching that berkeley look at the latter part of verse 8. i pray you bring them out on tien do ye to them as is good in what in your eyes only unto these men do what nothing see it's so obvious they were sexual perverts they were sexual perverts so notice over here that solomon gomorrah their sin was sodomy but it's worse than that look at the book of jude book of jude and we gotta wrap it up here quickly i gotta at least finish sodom and gomorrah jude and you're and i'm going to read ahead of time okay i'm going to read ahead of time it'll say over here verse 6 the angels which kept not their first estate but left their own habitation he had reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day okay i mentioned to you before jude 1 6 was similar with what the sons of god intermingling uh with the humans down on the earth right but look at this even as sodom and gomorrah and the cities about them in what they were following what the sons of god were doing doing strange sexual actions giving themselves over to fornication and going after what strange flesh notice over here they went after what kind of flesh okay strange flesh you know what strange flesh means strange look up in the dictionary it means other or it means another now what's another form of flesh then flesh in the bible where the bible talks about all fleshes as grass man is as the flower of the grass etc we know that flesh is referring to man but what is another flesh then what is other flesh first corinthians 15 it says there's a flesh of humans and the what flesh of birds flesh of fish flesh of etc animals so they were having sex with animals not only that they came from who who's the son kanan correct now what did the law of moses talked about the canaanites they were doing what sexual actions with animals that's proven at the book of leviticus the land of canaan obviously their their children or their brothers and siblings gonna follow along with each other it's wicked it's wicked perversion it's wicked perversion why because they were following something their daddy did like father like son like father like son which is what him that's why it makes more sense at ham what he did with noah it is a sexual sin it is a sexual sin but it is also very strange how from ham's line i mentioned to you before there were some strange genealogy where giants came out again how would that happen unless satan was doing something again satan was doing something again all right so sodom and gomorrah they noticed that they suffered the vengeance verse 7 of what eternal fire so their judgment was hell fire if you look at the book of genesis sodom and gomorrah was reigned with what fire and brimstone what did the book of revelation 21 verse 8 says hell is the lake of fire is what yeah fire and brimstone so sodom and gomorrah they just didn't get a normal fire they literally got hell itself so what is very very interesting which i'm going to show you later on is that close to the area the region of sodom and gomorrah when you're looking at the lines throughout our world today when you go around the lines it crosses it crosses a similar region not too far away where cora dayton and the byram dropped into hell where you can trace it to the bermuda triangle with their strange activity and a lot of hell instances a lot of interesting stuff over here so sodom and gomorrah what happened is that basically god burned them with hell fire and then pretty much so hell it may have come out from the below not just from above the bible talks about hell coming from above but what could be very possible is that when hell opens up the fire how do volcanoes spurt out fire from heavens right where does the lava come from volcanoes from where hell so that's why it could be spurting from below that's why it can rain fire and brimstone it makes a lot of sense that way because that is something scientifically we see every day and we know that lava comes from hell the center of the earth bible says hell is the heart of the earth center of the earth so that would make a lot of sense and if you go to that dead sea region today you're going to see that salt and sulfur everywhere around the dead sea region and it is very interesting that region is called the dead sea dead it says dead why would it say dead now i don't think i'm not saying that this is connected to this passage but it might be why does revelation 20 says the sea gave up the dead in it and death and hell delivered up the dead in them what is that see it could be referring to that dead sea because it's close to the location of hell that's something to think about that's something to think about and to consider all right there's a lot more interesting stuff but i'm going to end here all right we'll cover a lot more interesting gold mines next discipleship and i did not cover ishmael like i was going to do today because of a lot of other things all right listen to the next track of your ad-lib commentary that is your homework assignment listen to the next track of the adlet commentary god my father dismiss today's discipleship with your blessing bless the next bible study that we have in jesus name we pray amen
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 43,261
Rating: 4.8501101 out of 5
Keywords: Sid Roth, Living Waters, Grace To You, Desiring God, Mark Dice, conspiracy, King James, Dispensationalism, end times, prophecy, rapture, Baptist, Christian, Bible
Id: Fga78KJ7iCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 46sec (3346 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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