History of Demons, the Beginning & Eden | Intermediate Discipleship #29 | Dr. Gene Kim

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[Music] so we're going through our world history world history so this is all during the time line as you might notice at the B C's but then what happened before 4004 BC approximately right what happened before this time line during this time line this was a time line of Lucifer's Kingdom we discussed during Lucifer's Kingdom he used to rule over the world before mankind but then the Lord he sent a universal flood with this universal flood Lucifer's reign with his sons of God and the creatures that he was in charge of during that time could be the dinosaurs that time we also discussed that it is very possible that because the Lord was sending a universal flood and not only that what suddenly happened is that the sons of God that when they rebelled hell was immediately prepared for them that time we looked at Matthew chapter 25 since he'll was prepared at that time when the Fallen Angels rebelled against God then this could explain where all the a lot of the water came from I believe the water it can come up from above but it can also come up from below because how did noah's flood was able to get all the water come out of the ground according to a lot of creationists they'll talk about that is when you have held rumbling beneath and then volcanoes erupting we know volcano eruptions they come from hell so with hell stirring up boiling up the pot the water underneath the earth can explode upward and open up hell's mouth so then hell was able to consume and spread the water so God sent water from above and below and drowned out the whole universe because the universe is such a vast place and hell is located at the center of the earth when you like trillions or billions or millions of light-years away you lose all that heat so what happens to all that water it's frozen so it's also possible that there could have the ice age would have occurred during that time so we talked about that last time now we want to talk about what happened with Satan and his minions so it is possible that during this time there were some sons of God who survived this universal flood with Lucifer and when him and his minions survived we know that Lucifer that he was referred to as Isaiah 14 as that name but then when you read the Bible he's given a different name in his evil state in Isaiah 14 we seen him in his shining state in his evil state we see him known as Satan so here's an interesting quote concerning about satan's name right over here concerning about satan's name we notice over here that it says quote let's see the child aook form for Satan is actually Shaitaan in the Greek which is very interesting is Titan which last word is used by Greek and Latin poets but that was designated to the Sun God which is even more interesting which explains why Satan why he wants people to worship the Sun if you'll read your Bible you'll notice that the children of Israel they had a problem with worshipping the Sun and then God didn't want them to worship the Sun you'll also notice that if you know your Bible Malachi chapter 4 Jesus Christ is referred to as the Sun of righteousness so you'll see right here how saying he always wants to imitate God and he wants people to worship Pam so we see those two things over there so we see that he also takes a Greek named Titan which is where your Greek mythology's and poets later get the word Titan from if you know your Greek mythology what's very interesting is that during the Golden Age during that time you had Zeus and all the other gods but these class of gods came out after the Titans the Titans were first actually and then before the Titans would be the Greek gods and Zeus but these were supposedly the first guys but that was referring to Satan's name which is very interesting so some interesting notes about satan's name that time concerning about the Sun what's interesting is that if you look at Mystery Babylon on 1:03 you mentions this that I'm going to read from gh pembers works so gh pembers work Earth's earliest ages so I will write that on the board I'll be reading a direct quote from him so gh Pember he has a lot of interesting things concerning about Earth's earliest ages I believe that's also in dr. Altman's recommended reading list which is interesting it is also important to keep in mind that this person he is not well versed in bible-believing knowledge like we are because he's during the older timeline but you have to admit that during that older timeline he did a pretty good without technology without resources at that time okay so gh Pember he mentioned this indeed it would almost seem as if this connection were understood in the dark ages for did run in his Christian iconography describes three Byzantine miniatures of the 10th century in which Satan is depicted with the Nimbus or circular glory the recognized sign of the sun-god in pagan times as the church became paganized the Nimbus began to appear in images and pictures of Christ and the Saints at the same time the church was corrupted by the introduction of other customs such as the circular tonsure and the practice of turning to the east which had been connected with Sun worship from or antiquity so you'll notice right here how Satan he was able to spread his worship system through Greek paganism and then through Egyptian paganism their worship of the Sun all the way to the Catholic Church of that guy now during this time we see that in verse 2 the earth was without form and void yeah no kidding right because God he drowned it all out and darkness was upon the face of the deep so we realized that that was referring to Hell right so that's where the darkness came from everyone's wondering where the darkness came from from Hell where the waters came from it came from that universal flood see so by believing in this doctrine of the Genesis gap you get your so many questions already filled in an answered over there hell prepared for the devil and his angels that's where you can explain the darkness hell is a place of outer darkness where there shall be weeping wailing gnashing of teeth Bible says the fallen angels they were cast into everlasting chains of darkness so this Genesis gap teaching feels in all the blanks over here now the Bible says at the book of Matthew 25 if you go over there we read it before but I want you to note something important in this verse go to Matthew 25 a lot of people are wondering where Devils demons originated from so where did they come from well what seems to be very interesting is that demons that they may have been formed right after this incident so after God sent down the universal flood basically he prepared help after he prepared hell that's when the Devils or demons may have existed at that time how did these demons come out that time well Matthew chapter 25 it mentions over here verse 41 then shall he say also unto them on the left hand depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire so he'll was created it's talking about Hell but notice what's very interesting here now if you know your Bible when devils possess people they will tell Jesus do not torment us before our time they know that hell is prepared for them but you'll notice right here it does not say Devils here it says prepared for the devil and his what angels so the Devils did not exist that time see that so it shows right here that this looks like it's true that these guys came out after this was prepared because God prepared it not for the Devils he prepared a fourth Satan and his fallen angels so these demons or Devils may have came out after that time how did they exist how were they born and created you look at revelation you look at Revelation chapter 19 look at revelation 19 revelation 18 excuse me revelation I am all over tonight okay so revelation 16 final answer revelation 16 final answer revelation 16 alright look at Revelation chapter 16 so a lot of people they'll teach that the Devils or demons how they existed was because after the Angels fell they turned into demons now that's one theory that's possible but me I really don't go for that option I know that dr. upman he doesn't go for that option either because if you read throughout your Bible demons or Devils are likened to unclean animals whereas angels are likened to men so those are very opposite figures opposite beings so how are you going to explain concerning about these demons or Devils where they came from them so you just look at the scripture revelation 16 notice verse 13 and I saw three unclean spirits the devils right like what frogs so notice these are demons but look how they were formed come out of the mouth of the dragon and now the mouth of the Beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet for they are the spirits of devils so notice this seems to be your answer demons or Devils are created or formed out of what the body of Satan and his demonic forces so this makes sense concerning devil and Devils why becoming they're coming from Satan an unclean spirit from what the unclean spirit himself Satan just like all good spirits spirit of meekness spirit of humility or God sends down the spirit of wisdom spirit of power from what the Holy Spirit so all coming from the top executive chief leader himself now notice that because these are the spirits of devils and these come out not just from Satan but his demoniac - which gives out an interesting theory from larkin which is pretty wack but he was somewhere on the right track so Larkin Clarence Larkin taught this which some people teach is that after this Universal flood what happened is that the P the beings who suffered and drowning this universal flood their spirits came out and then their spirits start to roam but they have no bodies to inhabit which is why demons have an infatuating with in infatuation with possessing bodies see that so that's how this other theory goes by Larkin but from what we see in the scriptures there is no supporting evidence for that and generally Bible believers don't teach that but Larkin was on to something here if you look at revelation 16 these came out from Satan himself and his demoniac forces so there's a partial truth in there is that these fallen angels and Satan after this Universal flood these unclean spirits came out of Satan and his fallen beings his demoniac forces so that could be the answer right there so it could be a bridge to all three theories pretty much so remember one theory is that the devil the Fallen Angels became devils well not really but they did come from them so to speak the second theory it was the spirits of the beings who drown down the universal flood well not really but you can say in that sense it was because Satan and his minions went through that universal flood and these spirits came from them the third theory is that it is born out of Satan and his demonic forces which is proven by Scripture Revelation chapter 16 verses 13 through 14 so this is where demons might come from or devils now this is pretty interesting concerning about what the Greeks believed about demons Homer believed that it was applying to the gods actually that's what a homer believed him but Homer what he was thinking about the gods were supernatural men like the mighty heroes Hercules etc now let me tell you what Plato believed in Plato said this in his quote the deity has no intercourse with man but all the intercourse and conversation between gods okay those fallen beings and men is carried on by the mediation of demons pretty interesting he also says quote the demon is an interpreter and carrier from men to gods and from gods to men of the prayers and sacrifices of the one and of the injunctions and rewards of sacrifices from the other doesn't this sound similar with Roman Catholic saints there's always a connection with Roman Catholicism and paganism so you'll notice right here we went through Greek notice there's a connection here with Greek sources as well as Roman and I'll just put C in here because the Catholic Church eventually morphed out of that but this is the origins of that time Satan was already trying to corrupt things at the beginning of history you see that so that's the importance of this teaching I'm gonna go through a lot of topics even some controversial issues and I hope they will be very eye-opening to you where we cover all these topics from history till now and why we believe in certain doctrines we believe in why we do certain practices that we abide by why we don't compromise and join in with the ecumenical movement or follow their teachings and beliefs you already saw a wealth of importance and information just from one doctrine called the Genesis gap see that by denying the Genesis gap it's already a during a lot of our history and a lot of things what Satan was trying to deter upped our history see that so that's why it is important as I go through history and manchu sundeep doctrines how important it is that way we can see what Satan was doing that time and what God was doing that time if you want to know the spiritual warfare the spiritual world and function right at the spiritual world you need to know both sides what's going on and that's what Satan doesn't want he doesn't want you to know that history history is the best lesson to see those two spiritual worlds function that time see how they move that's why I'm more convinced I know that the movement and the quote-on-quote camp that I'm in is the right group you know why because your pastor looks at history so I would mention certain preachers that I don't get along with and other preachers that I get along with you know why how I know that is because see I looked through the history when I look through the history I see where the holy spirit moving or where the devil's moving so that's why this isn't very important okay anyways that's not the good part okay here's the interesting part the most interesting part all righty it quotes right here this is Hesiod now you know what Hesiod said about the Olympus and the gods Kassie odd is a big name concerning about Greek mythology so it's usually Homer Hesiod and some other people but here's another one quote first of all the immortals who possess the mansions of Olympus made a golden race of articulate speaking men these lived in the time of Cronus when he ruled in heaven like gods they spent their lives with hearts void of care apart and altogether free from toils in trouble nor did miserable old age threaten them but ever alike strong in a hands and feet they rejoiced in festal pleasures far from the reach of all ills so notice that these gods at they were raining that time and not only that the human men that time both lived happily now look at this and they died as if overcome by sleep something happened some catastrophe happened that ruined it all blessings were theirs and spontaneously the fruitful soil would bear crops great and abundant and so they occupied their cultivated lands in tranquility and peace with many goods being rich in flocks and deer to the Blessed gods so these human beings were these beings right here they hatch they suddenly went through a catastrophe but they were able to become messengers mediators for the gods here but after that earth had covered this generation like the universal flood for example they indeed by the counsels a mighty Zeus became demons that's what they teach so during that time these beings became demons and mediators for who the Fallen gods right over there the fallen angels now this is what's interesting in your King James Bible you know why your King James Bible says devil not demon we will say demon because that's the more popular term so we can use that but I don't like it when the modern translations they insist no devil is a wrong word we're going to use demon no the King James Bible got it right it's Devils its Devils you know why because Devils means something evil from the devil himself but the Greeks when they talked about these demons you know who they saw them as positive beings just like the Roman Catholic saints who mediated between the world and the gods that's what the Greeks taught that's why you're new to er translations are all going to read demons but that is a positive statement toward the Grecians let's keep reading over here and what they said about these demons became demons kind Wan's oh they're like beneficial beings kindly ones kindly once haunting the earth being guardians of mortal men these I ween shrouded in myths and going to and fro everywhere upon the earth watch both the decisions of justice and harsh deeds and our dispensers of riches such a royal prerogative is theirs whoa whoa now this is what gh Pember said on page 58 page 58 Pember says this a change in the heavenly dynasty the expulsion of Cronus or Saturn is always mentioned as having brought to a close this age of unmingled joy nor need we be startled at the good influence attributed by Hesiod to demons how about that so this is what happened at the beginning of your history this is what happened before the bc do you see how much you're missing if you deny the Genesis gap you miss a lot of information here so which is why you got to realize that there is a importance and a reason certain quote unquote controversial doctrines that Bible believers teach you'd be surprised how much important information is behind that so as we go through our history I'm going to show you those reasons and why we are what we are today Bible believers believing in the doctrines we teach and living by the practices we abide by there's a history behind everything okay now go back to Genesis 1 Genesis one you notice how much Satan likes to ruin our history and he's not done yet he's still trying to ruin the history look at Genesis chapter 1 verse 3 so we saw Genesis vs. chapter 1 verses 1 through 2 right this is what happened here now creationists what they're going to do is that they're going to teach that the Genesis gap is not real they claim that this supports evolution actually so what yeah I know it's crazy so they believe it supports evolution which is why we have to be more adamant in denying this so what they insist is this verse 1 when God created the heaven and the earth verse 2 and notice verse 2 well if he created it why is it without form it's void and there's waters all over it there they can't explain it so how creationists tried to explain this while denying the Genesis gap is when God created the earth he was preparing the earth so all of creation would be coming out of this water state so God created the earth and then he put waters all over it and darkness because he was about to use it for a preparation of his creation that's how they go around that but didn't you know that brings up several problems you might say what well one right here it supports evolution and they think that the Genesis gap supports evolution no it destroys evolution you know why because we teach verse one is creation verse two is destruction the opposite of creation opposite of evolution opposite of life forming verse three four and the rest is creation we teach theistic evolutionists evolutionists they'll try to say like I mentioned before to you verse one is the Big Bang right but you know what evolutionists teach on verse 2 that that our earth was in a water state prepared to be created to prepare to form life it's not a destructive state it's a creative state that's what creationists are teaching which matches the theistic evolutionists see so you'd be surprised that a so-called controversial doctrine like the Genesis gap can have a lot of truth in it that will prevent a lot of what Satan's trying to promote so we see right here that if we abided by the Genesis gap teaching we can destroy evolution with verse 2 but you can say no this is not talking about some primordial soup etc this is destruction over here now here's another thing Greek paganism also tries to teach that kind of try to teach that kind of interpretation at verse 2 like the creationists are talking about how are you going to account the darkness not just the water but the darkness as well right a Genesis 1:1 through 2 so how do you account for the darkness well they talked about it was the creationists talking about God was preparing it for his creation well the Greeks actually teach it that for their creation it was necessary to have darkness just like Buddhism teaches about yin and yang light and darkness is necessary for existence and life you know what the Greeks consider this Janus or chaos chaos if you read the Greek accounts of creation that's what they taught this is by Foskey and this is found at his quotation lines on 103 to 112 103 to 112 by FASTA FAS T I quote the ancients used to call me chaos for a primeval being am i see of how remote an age I shall recount the events this air full of light and the three remaining elements fire water and earth were a confused heap see there was all that confusion right like verse two as soon as this mass was separated through the discord of its component parts and had dissolved and passed away into new positions the flame ascended upwards a near place that is near to earth receive the air the earth and the sea is settled down to the bottom then I who had been but a mass and shapeless bulk passed into a form and limbs worthy of a God so the Greek god chaos was necessary for all of creation if you still deny me then you did not take mythology 101 which I did if you I study mythology 101 the first readings I read was Greek mythology of creation and the professor stressed the importance of darkness and chaos that time for all the universe to exist for all of creation to be born and formed that time but guess what if that's not enough you know who else teaches about creation from darkness the evolutionists they teach that what we we all came from what dark matter that's what they teach so they they insist that dark matter is the one where it's an eternal it's an eternal form and because darkness is an eternal form that we can use that as the baseline for all the world to be created that's what they're going to teach right there this is where our Big Bang this is where all the planets Sun etc the elements of the universe were able to be formed because of dark matter they called it but no we creationists deny that in verse two we insist that darkness is no sign of in evolving form or a creating form it is a opposite form it's a negative form it's a destructive form it's a de-evolving form not an evolving form so remember evolutionists they believe in evolving small little basic stuff in life and then it just evolves into more complex States right so then they believe that darkness isn't the dark matter was an important element for evolving created forming States but Bible believers say no that's an opposite effect it causes a destructive state it's more of a breaking apart it's more of a state which we always promote on the teaching in second law of thermodynamics law of entropy basically that matter and energy they break apart that's the dumbed down version of it all of creation just can't come together and evolve and create into a higher complex forms impossible but creationists would contribute that if they insist verse 2 that the darkness and the water were important necessary elements that God used for his creation no we believe those are destructive forces so that's why I Oh Genesis gap not a big deal but you'd be surprised how much it could be a big deal later on ok so we see right over here that how Satan already try to corrupt before the BCS and the first two verses of your Bible isn't that amazing that's why world history is important a lot of Bible believers very ignorant getting along with anybody and then thinking that some of the deep doctrines don't really matter and they brush it aside that shows that you don't study history I argue the reason why I stand my position and very selectively which certain preachers I get along with is I have to look through my history see which people the Lord the Holy Spirit used mightily that time and that should be everyday life anyway everyday life you should be selective of the people you hang around with and how you can tell which are the right people to hang around with is see where the Holy Spirit's moving alright anyways shall we start off finally at verse three already already this much information and God said let there be light and there was light that shattered what all this chaos there goes your Greek god chaos he's gone there goes Buddhism on light and darkness combing no light just went boom away from the darkness God said let there be light and there was light so I'm going to use a light marker over here he did light now who is that light some some sincere Bible scholars they'll try to say that it was some kind of light out there in the middle of the universe no it's Jesus Christ it's that simple how do you know because you just read John chapter one go to John 1 John chapter 1 did you hear this in your world history class before our public schools do you hear this in your seminaries or typical Christian seminaries about this world history they don't teach you this kind of stuff it's very eye-opening when you look at history and see how the spiritual beings are at move John chapter 1 verse 3 all things were made by him right the creation over there and without him was not anything made that was made in him was life and the life was the light of men and the light what shine a--the in darkness he in his creation the light bam away the darkness and the darkness comprehended it not the light you notice is what in Jesus Christ and then he went BAM like that but there be light and there was light all right go to the book of Genesis chapter 1 now what is interesting concerning here is that when evolutionists want to make fun of your Bible that oh how can you do that without the Sun but this is pretty interesting over here is that even though God did not create the Sun until the fourth day is they have they lack so much knowledge concerning about astronomy and the workings of our universe in fact in 1967 there was a phenomenon known as gamma-ray bursts and they have a burst of light brighter than all the universe Suns combined actually and they actually last for a few seconds and random intervals each day so which is very very interesting what's also very interesting over here is that some theories claim that this could be from collapsing stars but there are also other elements where people don't think about where light comes from light can be produced by sound passing through the water and that's call I don't know if I'm pronouncing this right but so no luminance luminescence okay so no luminescence sonoluminescence okay so let's now look at verse four man I hope I talk about this map I talk about this map yet alright and God saw the light that it was good now look what God did and God what divided the light from the darkness okay so God has to divide this light from the darkness when he created light so darkness is still all around here in our universe where did the light go the light is up in heaven if you look at Revelation chapter 22 when God rules in heaven the Bible says there is no need of the Sun why because God is the light so the light went over here he divided it right so darkness is where here in the universe outer space whereas heaven the light is all the way out there this is where why if you look out at outer space it's all what darkness that's where you get your darkness and what about the waters well verse five let's talk about this first and then the waters and God called the light day and the darkness he called night and the evening and the morning were the first day notice that night and day existed that time and they were considered what evening and morning were the first day so verse 6 verse 5 is important because it debunks theistic evolution also known as the day h theory you already see how much satan is corrupting within a first few verses of your Bible the first few verses of your Bible are so necessary where it debunked a lot of wrong teachings already Satan's already corrupting your world history at the beginning verses de-age theory they teach this they are a branch of Christian evolutionists or theistic evolutionists they try to compromise the Bible with evolution and they teach this they teach that when God created the universe in six days each day represented a long period of time so that's where we can put in billions and millions of years whenever each day passes by no each day in the Bible was debunked at verse 5 notice when God put six days of creation it's what literal 24 hours in a day evening and the morning were the first day right there you go already Satan's trying to corrupt the Bible alright verse 6 and God said let there be a firmament in the myths of the waters and let it divide the waters from the waters so notice that God has to put this firmament that divides the waters all over the universe okay so remember darkness is all over the universe and water is all over the universe and that matches with Genesis 1:2 beautifully that matches with the Genesis gap teaching beautifully that matches with all the other verses that talk about the fallen angels where they went and there was eternal darkness in match with second Peter 3 about a universal flood heavens enter see everything lines up with scripture beautifully in a controversial doctrine like the Genesis gap okay but how is he going to put this firmament that divides the waters let's key reading and God made the firmament and divided the waters which were under the firmament firmament from the waters which were above the firmament so notice that over here what he had to do okay I better erase all this so there's like no room anywhere okay anyway this is all gone right this is annihilated anyway okay so what happens right here God puts a firmament here to divide the waters when he puts this firmament here it divides the waters above the firmament is that right is that what your King James Bible says all right when the waters which are below the firmament is that what your King James Bible said all right so there's waters above on waters below now keep reading we'll come back here don't worry notice that God never said it was good at verse eight why because don't forget that there was all that darkness around verse nine and God said let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place and let the what dry land appear so the waters underneath the firmament is the waters in our earth what did he call them at verse 10 he called them what seas this is called sea he is the water above called sea as well yes look at Revelation chapter 4 look at Revelation chapter 4 mm-hmm notice what the Bible says in Revelation chapter 4 verse 6 and before the throne right heaven remember waters above the firmament with this picture match well let's keep reading the throne and before the throne at verse 6 heaven there was a what sea of glass like unto crystal oh there's your this is called what sea oh yes it matches perfectly Scripture with Scripture notice it said frozen as well right this seems to match up with what was previously mentioned about what your ice age why because the further out you go at the universe it's what more cold how about that over here in our earth though it's not as cold that's why it's in a liquid form still okay there you go that's why it makes sense over here that this is outer space over here there's your darkness then there's your darkness and there's your waters at Genesis 1 to make sense but if you still doubt me look what he did alright let's go back here Genesis 1 so we see first day of creation light second day of creation firmament third day of creation verses 9 through 13 is earth with vegetation fourth day of creation in verse 14 and God said Let there be what lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night notice verse 16 Sun Moon and stars are in there that's official the firmament is outer space it's in heaven it says there you go see that alright there you go so it's official now look at verse 20 through 21 God created fish and birds God said let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven and God created great whales and every living creature that moveth which the waters brought forth abundantly after their kind and every winged fowl after his kind and God saw that it was good notice that birds and fish were created you'll notice also that at verse 24 we see the sixth day of his creation sixth day of his creation living creature cattle and creeping thing you also notice man was also created at verse 26 at the sixth day these passages from verse 20 through 28 is absolutely necessary to debunk evolution again and you already see Satan corrupting your history there God says okay I'm gonna put it in this order I'm gonna put it as birds and fish at one day and then the creeping crawly things and all the earth animals and man at the Six Day Satan says no through millions of years of evolution what first happened was the sea creatures first and then after the sea creatures then we have the reptile creatures the you know the snakes the creepy crawlies now technically before them as amphibians but I'm not going to be exactly scientific accurately here okay I'm just gonna go by the animal mentions of Genesis one here and see how the order is off so it was a creepy crawly the snakes the reptiles and then after that then we get the boards flying creatures cc-can already messed up that order that God said no it's gonna be this and Satan says no I want it this way and then God says no I'm going to have man and land creatures create at the same day evolution teaches know what happened after that I was after the bird flu then we can get our mammals over there and then we got our eight monkeys after that and then mankind you see how Satan just corrupts history Satan always ruins this you saw how the Genesis gap how Satan try to ruin that and then Satan try to ruin within the six days of creation history is important to see what Satan wants to corrupt is recorded in the Bible in white satan wants his own history that is taught in public schools today alrighty mmm so Adam and Eve were created verse 27 we see that Genesis 1:27 Adam and Eve there's first mention of humankind of humans now let's look at Genesis chapter 2 I have to mention this otherwise this drawing was all in vain okay and then I have to close it for tonight yeah actually this was net unnecessary this was unnecessary so I just surprised how much information I gave well next discipleship I can teach the remaining half of what I prepared that okay mm-hmm Genesis chapter 2 verse 8 and the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden and there he put the man whom he had formed so notice that he put mankind in the Garden of Eden this map over here I know it's such a mess so let's besides this orange okay that says light you can see over here that everything is pretty much impact your map okay so we see over here Africa and then over here we see Asia Minor here's the Red Sea over here's a Persian Gulf when history especially biblical history talks about earliest civilization this cannot be denied both by secular and Christian scholars it if you're going to talk about mankind with some form of intelligence and civilization it will be this the Fertile Crescent and that matches up with Scripture to a tee and don't tell me that book is a fairy tale after that the Fertile Crescent why it's called the Fertile Crescent is because of this crescent shape that's fertile and during that time that's where people start to get into farming and then start to cultivate more and more that's why it was fertile and then eventually in time some form of civilization so it was in this area but we're gonna get here later on when we reached Chances chapter five if we're going to go all the way back isn't it very interesting that one side goes to Egypt but the other side the Fertile Crescent is God's area right here why this is where your Garden of Eden is at somewhere around here between these two rivers Tigris and Euphrates is the Garden of Eden somewhere around there but Satan wants to have his civilization formed really fast and early as well you go to Egypt you'll never escape these two you'll never escape these two systems these two are the biggest keys ever Greek is also a big key as well but it is very interesting you'll see Egypt and Roman especially Catholicism from that from the beginning of your history be seized all the way to today this is why world history class is going to be very important for you to see Satan's working and God's working ok let's prove the Garden of Eden was around these River verse 10 and a river went out of Eden right to water the garden and from thence it was parted and became into four heads so there were four rivers originally name of the first is paesan that is it which compasseth the whole land of havilah where there is gold let's skip down verse 13 in the name of the second river is Gahan the same is it that compasseth the whole land of ethiopia here's verse 14 and the name of the third river is hid aquel that is it which goeth toward the east of assyria you see that over here the east of assyria over here so there's your Tigris hit aquel was an older word which changed later on - tigress now today but back then was called hit aquel and the fourth river is what Euphrates that never changed ever since the bc's so that's where God civilization was at now notice that the civilization oh no I'm I'm done I got it okay so I will cover next discipleship about this region more you'll notice that it was natch stroll in resources at verse 11 that there was also a mist from the ground at chapter 2 as well so we're going to talk about some other interesting natural resources like where they're talking about oil where it came from there's something very interesting in some science journals actually that you might find interesting and it may have to do with the origin of this time of Garden of Eden next discipleship all right your homework assignment will be posted at the end of this video God my father I pray that you'll dismiss tonight's teaching with your blessing bless the next hour that we're going to have in Bible study and prayer in Jesus name we pray you out of all the wrong doctrines that's happening in our day and age at the last days of the church as the apocalypse is coming even closer the point of all this friend is that you won't be even able to grow in knowledge of the truth in Bible believing truth until you get safe first the most important question you have to ask yourself after watching all this is if you were to die today are you a hundred percent sure that you're going to go to heaven perhaps one of these wrong doctrines have affected you and you had the improper way of salvation as you have seen before the way to get saved is very simple it's only simply salvation by grace alone without works through the Lord Jesus Christ in this Christian day and age if you're not sure that you can go to heaven after you die it's very simple to get saved first of all you have to understand that because of sin God is a holy God and he cannot even allow one percent of sin into heaven so he has to judge sin with a burning hell so it is very important that you got to realize how serious sin is and you must repent you might say well then I guess I have to clean up all my sins I guess I have to go to church I guess I have to get baptized I have to I have to be a good person know my friend good works can never save you Jesus is God who died buried and resurrected so that he can pay all the sins for you you don't have to pay a single sin for yourself so all you have to do as a repentant sinner is turn to what he did on the cross alone for your salvation you might say well pastor I do believe only on what Jesus did on the cross to save me that's great then all you have to do is just say that to the Lord you might say well preacher I haven't prayed much before in my life I don't know really how to say it to God can you help me out sure you could say it this way dear God I know I'm a sinner as I repent I put my faith that Jesus is God and that he died buried and resurrected so that his blood can wash away my sins I put my faith in that alone to save me not my good works in Jesus name I pray amen congratulations my friend if you meant it with all your heart that you put your faith only on what Jesus did on the cross through his blood to save you then you are saved it's that simple my friend now my friend it is important to grow in Bible believing truth you now know the truth what are you going to do about it as the apocalypse comes even more closer and Satan's about his to set up his kingdom even more there are many souls dying and going to hell and even many more churches out there who don't know right and wrong doctrine it is up to you now on what to do and go to our resources siked WWB BBC english dorg and click on the resources link over there and it'll give you everything that you need to grow in grace the next step of your journey now is up to you we've done our part giving you this movie all of it was done for free by the love of the people god bless you [Music] or should we just stick to the Sermon on the mountain a passage that is so radical that it's doubtful that our own Defense Department would survive its application James only ISM is double standards now there's a false doctrine out there called dispensationalism yeah I don't believe once saved always saved the God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction jealous and proud of it a petty unjust unforgiving control-freak a vindictive bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser a misogynistic homophobic racist infanticidal genocidal Phyllis idle pestilential megalomaniacal sadomasochistic capriciously malevolent bully [Applause] [Music] but you don't want to get identified with the reproach of what really believing this Bible is all about you know these wicked left-wing liberal perverts want you to do legalize in the marijuana or a homosexuality or if the whole entire world [Music] people will leave the church over the color of the carpet what's wrong with our churches why don't we have a closer walk with Jesus why isn't everybody running around like little Jesus shouting screaming and hard thing you look in the mirror and don't want to go street preaching you don't want to read the Bible pray and watch TV and other junk you're lazy that's why you don't have it the wages of sin is death we offer so many Gospels back if you're walking away and you see them throw it on the ground that's not because they're afraid of what's in it they know what's in it no matter where you are today to turn to God and place your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ God Almighty got me through and got me through for 10 years 15 years 20 years 25 years 30 years 35 years 40 years you left that book on earth I'll mess with you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] give me your power Lord you know we need people to follow we need people to and Laura I just don't want their power this Holy Spirit power then we'll see so say Devin we'll see God do something with this tree then we'll see the Liberals and the homosexuals getting a big then we'll see those apostate Christians getting that then we'll see all the world opening their eyes to the truth and they say we have not seen such a thing rather systems only one hope looking for that blessed hope for the floors appear that man dog [Music]
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 36,625
Rating: 4.9089484 out of 5
Keywords: Sid Roth, Living Waters, Grace To You, Desiring God, Mark Dice, conspiracy, King James, Dispensationalism, end times, prophecy, rapture, Baptist, Christian, Bible
Id: nT9nZ8PQaBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 38sec (3578 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 01 2020
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