Adam and Eve Become Like gods & Fallen Angels (Genesis 3:5-9) | Dr. Gene Kim

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we left off at verse 4 so i'll just finish that off quickly because i did comment on that now remember satan said and the serpent said unto the woman ye shall not surely die so he plainly lied he now says that you will not die and i've shown you the steps where at verse 1 it's a question mark and then at verse 4 it's now an affirmative statement but notice how quickly he covered up his lie if he's just ended off at verse 4 that you're not going to die without a reasonable tempting true explanation then you won't believe in his lie it's like a huge lie for example that we can't meet together as a church because it's just not good for society and etc now medical reasons secular reasons and scientific reasons that's a totally different explanation i'm talking about spiritually here so i'm talking about the spiritual context about the great lie that it's not beneficial for society as a matter of fact it's very interesting that phd doctors and standard public sources are publishing about the importance of religion actually during the pandemic situation and that even though for scientific medical reasons they shut down spiritually it's really taking a toll on the country and it's not really worth it so then they talked about some measures that the government can do to make it better for the people which is very interesting so what i'm basically saying is this is that you'll always get some sort of scientific you'll get some sort of reasonable you'll get some sort of logical explanation for the lie and it will be true did you hear what i just said it will be true but the conclusion is a blatant lie look at verse 5 nothing is a lie at verse 5 absolutely nothing for god doth no so god does really know god knew something then the day ye thereof then your eyes shall be open so at the very day that they eat the fruit then what happens is they're gonna be open their eyes will be open illuminated so that's where the professors and the teachers talk about that god was being an oppressive god he didn't want to give them a greater illumination but that kind of illumination is where you get into dark stuff with the masons where they want to seek illumination the rosicrucians theosophist societies new age occultic societies it's that dark stuff that satan wants to accomplish and higher education is paving the way for that to greater illumination if you recall why the lord already knew and he doesn't want them to be open to it is because of man's innocent stage as i've already explained so i'm not going to expound on that one it was covered in previous studies and ye shall be as gods knowing good and evil true because adam and eve are going to be like the fallen angels like those little gods where they have knowledge of what is wrong and what is right good and evil back then they didn't have that they were at the stage of innocence so we're going to see several cases here of romans chapter 7 so first of all we're going to look at romans chapter 7. so it is an important doctrine to understand about the stage of innocence so back here at the garden of eden the lord knew that adam and eve they were of innocence so they had no knowledge of right and wrong if there is no knowledge of what is right and wrong can't really judge that person guilty it's like for an example at even in court they show leniency towards a person who may be mentally incapable or a person who is not capable of understanding what is right and wrong in the action they committed the lord he did this not because he's a mean god because it's to lay off the responsibility from our shoulders it's to give us incredible grace and mercy where we can get away with a lot of things so that is important to understand so at this stage of innocence it is important to understand that they have no knowledge like babies like little children that's the reason why babies can get away with a lot of things because at that point where the baby is crying his eyes off and then just disturbing mom and dad it doesn't care about that why it has no idea it has no comprehension so poor mothers they feel like they're slave laboring and fathers too but that's how babies are why because they don't have a comprehension so mothers and fathers can't really blame the child for waking them up in the middle of the night or for crying or for not shutting up and for always seeking attention and you're like give me a break give me a moment sorry the child does not comprehend that so the baby is free the baby is free from the responsibilities the problems and uh the issues to take responsibility for himself or herself so god has given a pure paradise see that no responsibility the only responsibility was basically don't touch the fruit and to take care of the garden but you know taking care of the garden is a piece of cake right because everything's at the stage of perfection anyways so he just basically has to live there if we look at romans chapter 7 we can see at verse 8 but sin now notice how sin takes occasion it takes advantage advantage taking occasion by the commandment rod in me all manner of concupiscence for without the law sin was dead so notice sin was dead that time sin did not exist it did not give birth because there was no knowledge here of what is right and wrong for i was alive without the law once so notice here that they were alive without the knowledge of right and wrong that's why god said that they will die and they truly did die the reason why they passed from life here at the garden of eden which is from the stage of innocence in today is because notice the whole context is about knowing what is right and wrong that's the idea of living and die the only people who don't know that is phd idiotic professors who still shoot off of their mouths and they're practically lying or dishonest or they don't know what they're talking about despite of how many phds they have so in totality the summary is they're incredibly stupid so it's either those three and you don't change the conclusion they're incredibly stupid i don't know why you would have them as your professor and learn and pay thousands of dollars to them but don't make me rant on about that so the point is here is that god knew and every baby christian should know this basically from the scriptures that the reason why they're considered to be alive is they don't have knowledge of right and wrong so then they don't have accountability so they don't receive the punishment of death or the deadly consequences so they live free that's the idea but now that they have the knowledge right romans chapter 7 they die that's why god said ye will die the next part of verse nine but when the commandment came sin revived see that so once they knew what was right and wrong sin revived it became alive and what i died i was the one who died and the commandment which was ordained to life i found to be unto death for sin taking occasion by the commandment now look at this deceive me what did the serpent do to fall to make mankind fall into temptation and to sin it's through deception so he deceived them how did he deceive them he deceived them by making them fall into sin and sin is deceptive so romans 7 is pretty much going hand in hand with genesis 3. it is literally hand in hand with genesis 3. notice and by it slew me so we all died so romans 7 is the great case of genesis 3. so in other words then if there are people today who do not have knowledge of right and wrong such as those with mental conditions and those who are little underage babies the lord considers them saved and go to heaven now the thing is is that augustine even though he's praised by some phd it's always phd people who are idiotic phd christian scholars like rc sprole and the others who augustine's a great doctor he championed philosophy uh compared to the secular philosophers and etc augustine was stupid enough to think about elect babies so in other words babies were damned to hell for all eternity if they weren't uh considered to be saved now i could be misinterpreting that to so i'll give the benefit of the doubt because calvinist they always accuse you of misinterpretation so i'll give them the benefit of the doubt but the point is over here is that babies and people are at the stage of innocent and there are some calvinists there is no doubt about that some calvinists who have promoted and taught a doctrine about elect babies so babies can be damned for hell for all eternity which is blatantly wrong so romans 7 is a great passage that you want to use that basically people who have no knowledge of right and wrong they're considered innocent so then they're saved they're going to heaven so i hope that gives some assurance to people returning to genesis chapter 3 we expound verse 5 again it says the last part he shall be as gods knowing good and evil so the serpent said you're going to become like the fallen angels like those little gods where you know good and evil what is right and wrong now that's important to understand in other words then the fallen angels if we were to think about that were these fallen angels so to speak have an idea of right and wrong yeah they have an idea of right and wrong there's no doubt about that if we were to look at genesis chapter 3. then here's another question the other question that brings up is i wonder if they were like adam and eve where they were at the stage of innocent before their fallen stage well the thing is is that if you look at genesis chapter 3 it doesn't show that case it actually shows the opposite that basically if you are a fallen angel or those little gods then you would have knowledge of right and wrong think about it those angels when they fell and lucifer who fell who was one of the angelic beings and he's a cherub why did he fall down well he knew he had all the temptations in his heart at isaiah chapter 14 right it was pride he thought that he could beat god so he was not deceived he knew so he had knowledge of what was right and wrong the angels knew what they were doing was wrong but they did it to rebel against god that's why it's known as the rebellion when the fallen angels followed satan why because they directly they directly violate god's command they directly violate god's command through knowledge they know what is right and wrong they rebel against that see that so they had a knowledge of what was right and wrong that's why they had a heavier penalty compared to mankind that's the reason why god made mankind in knowledge lower than the angels that's why god made them innocent why well god wanted them to be blind no stupids because god knew what had happened to the fallen angels so then the lord did that out of mercy for mankind mankind is so ungrateful and wicked to blame god and say well god just want to blind them from the truth and god didn't want them to know what was right and wrong i mean mankind can be so evil so wicked that you got to realize this if you died and burned in hell you greatly deserved it because god did everything that he could out of his mercy and grace and put up with your foolish garbage out of your mouth for thousands of years now we're going to return we're going to turn to acts chapter 7. acts chapter 7. notice that the giving of the law which instructs about what is right and wrong is dispensed carried out by angels so then these angels they might have a connection to understanding what is right and wrong let's look at acts chapter 7. notice what the bible reads at verse 53 verse 53 the angels know about the instructions of god's creeds and commandments verse 53 who have received the law by the disposition of angels and have not kept it so notice here that the angels they have direct instructions to god they carried it out we're going to look at the book of first peter i'm going to look at the book of first peter first peter chapter one first peter chapter one and verse 12 verse 12. notice that mankind was hidden the knowledge but the author peter he writes about it's something that even the angels didn't know about why did he word it that way it's taken for granted see that angels have greater knowledge of god of god's doings than mankind that's why the serpent tempted adam and eve you can know like we do those gods who have a direct knowledge a better knowledge of god's workings and doings look at first peter chapter 1 verse 12. unto whom it was revealed that not unto themselves that's mankind but unto us the new testament christians praise the lord they diminished the things which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the holy ghost sent down from heaven look at this which things the angels desire to look into so notice here that it's something that even the angels don't know why would paul word it that way it's as if it's taken for granted the angel should have more knowledge about god than we do now notice that god has given mankind more knowledge in this case new testament salvation first peter 1 12 the knowledge of new testament salvation new testament doctrine that the angels didn't even know about so god gave us something that not even the gods know about no wonder satan really hates you you know why so that's a lie basically but he told the truth so that's how satan clever he'll tell you something that's true but there's a lie behind it so the truth is if you eat the fruit then you're going to know like we do about god's workings which is true that's why you can't deny the masons the theosophist societies the rosicrucians they tell you something that is true about god they will because they're a little bit closer to the truth of god but they're not all the way to the truth christians have the full knowledge of the truth and that happens when you go through god's terms and god's ways but always it takes patience it takes god's timetable and it's through a strong relationship with god adam and eve it wasn't their time yet it wasn't their time yet so they wanted it now christians we want things now that's instant gratification of the flesh but god he times things rightly and he'll give you a knowledge greater that not even the devil knows about but if you follow god's terms adam and eve didn't follow god's terms that's why they lost it and you know how long they lost that knowledge of new testament salvation four thousand years four thousand years they weren't given that all right let's look at genesis chapter three genesis chapter three imagine if adam and eve waited a little longer if they resisted temptation and sin then perhaps so i'm not saying this with full certainty but perhaps they would have been at the mature age so to speak to partake in the fruit and maybe in the knowledge of good and evil when it's god's timetable because remember i talked to you about the theory that the fruit was immature that time indicating that they may have been able to take it later on now don't quote me on that as teaching something wrong and heretical because me i don't know 100 certain however i believe in exploring the abstract areas because if you always keep avoiding and being scared and even reject the abstract areas then how can you get closer to the deep doctrine of truth that the lord's trying to show to you so i believe in exploring that i don't get afraid about dodging it even if it's controversial i only dodge it as much as i can if it doesn't if it divides or if it hurts the body of christ so at those points i do deviate because it's not the right time table for the people let's look at genesis chapter 3 and then we're going to look at verse six three keys of temptation that i want you to catch which a lot of christians talk about and when the woman saw that the tree was good for food so notice that she sees that the tree it's pleasant to eat so there's your lust of the flesh and that it was pleasant to the eyes it's pleasing to the sight so there's the lust of the eyes and a tree to be desired to make one wise so this tree i desire to have why because it makes me smarter the pride of life she took of the fruit thereof and did eat so that's why she took the fruit from off the tree and ate it so compare that with first john keep your hand at genesis 3 go to first john chapter 2 first john chapter 2. the goal of verse by verse bible study is to make sure you understand every single word that you're hearing from the bible so that's the goal of verse by verse bible study the reason why you'll hear people turning the pages in their bibles is because they want to look and study the scriptures you can't just believe a word that i'm saying you have to look at the bible you have to look at the bible and make sure that what you're hearing is either right or wrong if it matches up and lines up with scripture first john chapter 2 notice in verse 16 for all that is in the world so notice the three keys of temptation in the world the lust of the flesh there you go tree good for food to eat and the lust of the eyes pleasant to the eyes and the pride of life a tree to be desired to make one wise verse 17 in the world passeth away and the lust thereof so all of this is the starting point of lust so eve was not attributed sin until she acted upon the lust when you ponder and act upon the lust that's when you get attributed with sin go to james chapter 1. james chapter 1. sometimes people feel guilty and they wonder well sometimes a flash a dirty image will flash in my mind or a dream will just pop out in my head that i never thought of before i mean i can tell you of other stories of i mean even spiritual men of god who the churches mentioning stuff like you know killing themselves killing people around them and they're like this don't even that's not even in my heart it just pops out of nowhere so people feel overtly guilty see that and they wonder what's wrong with themselves but here's something you have to understand what you have to understand is that god will not attribute you with sin at those cases why because the reason why is when the tempter seeps something inside your head and then we live in a day and age of the world where it's wicked and evil you can't help it the environment and that's something that even secular psychologists will understand that the environment it contributes something to the mind so you have to understand and don't feel guilty about that sense the guilt is when you ponder upon it when that thing pops out what i would do if i were you is cover it under the blood and pray to the lord and surrender it but once you hold that image see you made a decision you made a decision let me see it a little longer let me think about it a little longer and then you act upon it outwardly so there's a filthiness within and without that you have to take guard in but when something comes out within it's not considered sin until you made a decision to hold upon it so look at james chapter 1. we'll look at verse 14. but every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed so notice temptation starts out that way but god did not attribute eve with sin at genesis 3 so god did not publicly or officially attributed eve with sin at that point because look at verse 15 then when lust hath conceived it bringeth for sin that's the key and sin when it is finished bringeth forth death so what god spoke was true if you eat the fruit you will die why because at that action they chose to sin when lust conceives itself when it gets when it gets born it brings for sin so when you're at that point which i hope you understand when you're at that point that way people don't feel guilty lust conceives and that's something that look it cannot be changed it's something that we're all born with so just because a sodomite might whine that i'm born this way i can't help it no look all of us sin homosexuality is just one of the sins that's in the list you're not a special exception otherwise i'm a special exception and so is everybody about whatever sin they're going through we're all born with sin and that that line of reasoning is not going to work about your lifestyle because we all have this within us however within this spectrum you have a choice that's why we argue choice and the choice is you stop it right here and this is called your free will you have a free will to stop it or you have a free will to make a decision to get rid of the line so the point is are you putting the line at that point when lust came out did you put a line on it if you don't put a line and made a decision let's stick to it and that's where you sinned and here is where you get the sin at it comes to two points here which i hope that you'll understand yeah let's put the drawing over here so it comes into two points here go to second corinthians seven second corinthians seven again i told you don't feel guilty if it comes out inwardly but guess what that doesn't mean that you can get away scot-free and sin whatever you want inwardly the point is is when lust not sin yet lust comes out inwardly did you make a decision to hold it at that point then at that point you're counted you're attributed as sin inwardly usually what things lead inwardly then will lead outwardly right you can't hide it forever why because as jesus mentioned that out of the heart proceedeth evil thoughts so everything comes from within defileth the man but let's look at a few passages here let's look at second corinthians chapter seven that's why you have to keep yourself pure outward to inward inward to outward the bible reads that verse one if you look at second corinthians chapter seven verse one having therefore these promises dearly beloved let us cleanse ourselves why because of lust within us so you have to keep cleaning inside from all filthiness of the look at this filthiness of the flesh and what spirit perfecting holiness in the fear of god so it's within and without that you have to keep yourself clean if you don't do that then you're going to keep yourself dirty there's a passage at proverbs as a man thinketh in his heart so is he or a passage in the bible that talks about that if you look at matthew 15 uh turn over there matthew 15 matthew chapter 15 and we're not going to look up this other passage but the other passage is going to be at proverbs and i think what i'll do is i'll just simply quote that one we're going to look at matthew chapter 15 and i think also at the book of proverbs i don't really know what chapter and verse anyway so we're going to look at matthew chapter 15. the bible says at verse 18 but those things which proceed out of the mouth see something you do outwardly here correct it comes out outwardly because of what you are inwardly come forth from the heart and they defile the man for how the heart proceed evil thoughts murders adulteries fornications thefts false witnesses blasphemies these are the things which defile a man so we have to understand that these are the things that defile a man things that come out outwardly is because of what you had inwardly so you have to guard yourself you have to guard your heart you can write down the phrase i don't know the passage but the basically the verse reads as a man thinketh in his heart so is he so okay thank you proverbs chapter 20 uh 3 verse 7. oh yep proverbs chapter 23 verse 7 so i'll read it and you just write it down if you don't have time to turn there proverbs 23 7 for as for as he thinketh in his heart so is he he don't drink sayeth he to thee but his heart is not with thee so sometimes we have to understand that what you what comes out from your thought life it's because of who you are your heart let's go back to genesis 3 genesis chapter 3. so i hope that this is very helpful on dealing with temptation and sin there's another passage if i turn to all these passages we won't have time but in the book of matthew we see the three temptations of christ and there are christians who say that these match with the three types of temptations at first john chapter 2 and genesis chapter 3. so what started out with the first adam was also given to the last adam so to speak with those three temptations the lust of the flesh is the first temptation where jesus was tempted to turn the stones into bread for good for food right lust of the flesh lust of the eyes in christ's second temptation with being shown all the kingdoms of the world that he sees and then the pride of life where satan says if you are the son of god then show off to everybody that you are with the angels catching you pride of life so that's where christians supposedly say it would match up let's look at genesis chapter 3. the last part is important this is a great important passage about what adam did so you have to read the scriptures by reading through the scriptures and you can draw logical inferences and logical conclusions and a person who's very familiar with the passage and wording of scripture will come up with the same conclusion notice that eve took the fruit and did eat now look at the latter part of verse 6 and gave also unto her husband with her now look at that notice that when she took the fruit to eat she gave it to her husband so that her husband can join her the last part it says and he did eat notice that he ate that was his reaction and response when eve handed the fruit to adam then he ate notice here that the same case is given the or not a similar case excuse me not a similar not the same cases given with eve at verses 1 through 6 1-6 eve is deceived eve is led astray so certain the serpent didn't just hand her the fruit and she ate no the serpent tempted her eve grabbed the fruit herself and ate it so adam we see here it was not that case we don't see that case it's literally if you take the word as it says she gave the fruit to adam adam took it and ate it there's no deception involved then this is really given if you look at verse 12 verse 12 notice adam's excuse he didn't say that the serpent tricked me or i was tricked he said at verse 12 the man said the woman whom thou gave us to be with me she gave me of the tree and i did eat notice he said the woman gave me the fruit and i ate that's different from eve's excuse at verse 13. uh the woman said the last part of verse 13 the woman said the serpent beguiled me and i did eat see the woman is saying i got tricked now that would sound like a better excuse i was tricked i didn't really know why didn't adam say that verse 12. he was giving a different excuse look at the wording here at verse 12 the woman whom thou gave us to be with me why did he word it that way because if you remember genesis 2 adam was alone and god knew that adam needed a help meet so that's why god blessed adam with a wife and then adam had an affection with his life he he loved eve him and eve truly became one so it's something at the heart of adam here that we're looking at verse 12. it's something at his inner heart that was his weaknesses his weakness was a woman think about king david who had a close relationship with god very close relationship with god and he he was known as a man after god's own heart what caused him to fall astray was a woman samson who had all the filling power of the holy spirit in conquering with his own physical mind and strength his weakness was a woman usually women are the weak weak parts of man but in woman's cases their weak part is all those temptations given at verse one through six why because women have a thought they have thinking and emotions and satan appeals to those things man their weakness is that they have a strength and a passion for the lord but then once they get involved with the woman all of a sudden they just water down now is there a lot of truth that you see at genesis 3 1-6 already just so much so much about human nature that we don't know about if you look at first timothy two notice the wording man was not deceived woman was deceived that's important to understand first timothy chapter 2. notice what the bible reads first timothy chapter 2 and verse 14. the bible said it very plainly woman man is not deceived woman is deceived the bible made it even more plain in that case first timothy chapter 2 the bible reads at verse 14 and adam was not deceived see that's very plain adam didn't get tricked but the woman being deceived was in the transgression it was eve that fell into the transgression and sinned because she got tricked let's look at genesis chapter three now we're not going to turn to ephesians 5 there's literally so much scripture that i can point out to you about the fallen nature of mankind i have a basic discipleship course on just the fallen nature of mankind there's just too much on genesis 3 just about studying the if you want anthropology anthropology take genesis 3. but anthropologists don't like to study that anthropologists eventually leads to psychology where they justify their actions true anthropology and so-called psychology is founded at genesis chapter 3. the reason why i say so-called psychology is that a lot of the psychology is not science itself but anyway before i start a controversy going back to genesis chapter 3. we look at verse 6 where eve gave the fruit to adam and he did eat if you compare with ephesians 5 it makes so much sense ephesians 5 the verse at ephesians 5 matches directly with genesis 2 remember therefore shall a man leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife and they too shall be one flesh so that's talking about ephesians 5 about the christ and the church which is the relationship of husband and wife is directly get gleaning from genesis 2 adam and eve so in ephesians 5 christ gave himself for the church the husband gave himself to his wife why out of love no wonder it matches perfectly with adam and eve then at genesis 2 adam loved his wife lay down his life for her love is one of the greatest things that causes a person to give up his or her own benefit that's why adam did that and satan saw that no wonder god says you have to hate he worded it hate father mother sister brother your own life also to love me otherwise you can't be my disciple why because god understands that god took your fallen nature of sin upon himself that's the only time god gave the devil a temporary victory or a seeming victory satan knows the weakness of god so what who's he going to attack you he knows what grieves god what hurts god is always getting you to sin getting you to grieve god that's his only way of getting back at god watch yourselves you don't want to hurt god you're the weakness to god's side all right let's look at genesis chapter 2 and verse 7. god didn't have to omnipotent omnipotent but he's willing he's willing to yield yield himself right here put limitations and put his own rules out of love genesis 3 7 and the eyes of them both were open so obviously what satan said was true it's not a lie but remember it's a lie that's cloaked with truth so their eyes were open so adam and eve now they knew what was right and wrong and they knew see that their knowledge was open matching with romans 7 that they were naked so notice that they realized about their nakedness and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons so they were sowing fig leaves together to make themselves aprons why because they were naked and that's the important thing about sin once you have knowledge so once you have knowledge here which is all about death destruction responsibility accountability of your own actions if you have what's right and wrong what follows and what happens after that there is a knowing a realization and the conscience bothers you and that's why you get shame now we're going to look at this passage a little bit later shane is definitely exemplified from verse 7 all the way down to verse 13. you notice shame follows all the way there that's the result of eyes being open they know what's right and wrong so then they make excuses about the sins that they've committed they cover it up they covered up their nakedness because there is shame so all of verse 7 all the way down to 13 is a matter of shame resulting from sin sigmund freud he mentioned about the first tendency about the flesh or libido is done orally so that's what he claimed why freud was too slow the bible says that you realize that the first fleshly tendency where we get all accountability and issues is done at verse six the mouth all done through the mouth orally see god knew god was way ahead freud was too slow or maybe freud had a conscience and he tried to cover up his shame because he smoked too much and then he had to go through so many different surgeries and covers up with his mouth because he smoked just too many cigars there's your father of psychology so to speak very dependable guy look at every dependable founder of today's liberal movements you can find out that they were very dependable people or they had crummy lives if we were to turn to genesis chapter 3 verse 7 realizing about their sin nature they had to attempt to cover it that's the first thing we see here about man trying to take accountability for their sin in action is that they cover up themselves and that's done through fig leaves but go to the book of isaiah 64. isaiah chapter 64. but basically the best of mankind's effort to cover up their sin is what you can see within practically naked displays at mardi gras that's what they were wearing that's the best of mankind is that uh they're they're just as sinful as mardi gras that's the best nature of mankind their best efforts it's not something that's holy it's not something that's pure you're far away from that you know why because you are not as holy as god no matter how hard you try you'll never reach god's level look at verse six but we are all as an unclean thing and all our righteousness are as what filthy rags so notice that the best you do as a clothing and cover-up like adam and eve is filthy rags notice how god's words it because he knew what happened at genesis 3. he knows man's natures of trying his own best effort keep reading and we all do fade as a what leaf why would god word it that way all faint as a leaf alright returning back to genesis chapter 3 and verse 7. see god knows that at best you're nothing it disintegrates look at yourself what you're relying on for your salvation see you really think that you can go to heaven your own way through your own efforts good luck with that one because not all the luck in the world or history is going to save you from hell through your efforts you need the righteousness of jesus christ not your own verse 8 and they heard the voice of the lord god walking in the garden in the cool of the day so notice that adam and eve they heard god's voice that was moving it was walking in the garden at what time the cool of the day it wasn't late night it wasn't early morning it's at the cool time of the day so one basically we can see that at their middle of the day it's a great day it's cool it's paradise when we talk about our relationship and our walk with god usually it's very much advised that you do it at early morning the first thing in your day or late at night you might say why is that the reason why is because at the beginning of your day you start out clean then it helps you shield yourself from the filth out there if you do it at late at night it makes you end your day clean and especially when you sleep and the devil puts all kinds of crazy stuff in your head you can keep it pure and clean not only that it's a time of quietness it's a time of quietness where you don't think about all the hectic things in your schedule you first start out with setting a time with god because if you do it at the middle of the day all the hustle and bustle is in your mind during your walk and talk with jesus so usually the beginning of the day or at the end of the night that's why it's recommended there's a doctrine that i've taught in basic doctrines called quiet time and that is very much needed however you notice that adam and eve they could do it at the middle of the day this throws a little monkey wrench at quiet time you might say why the reason why is because the garden of eden was already pure paradise no distractions no hindrances so they could spend time with god whatever they want but there's a second meaning here the second meaning is in your relationship with god when you talk with god and that's what's indicated at verse 8. the indication here if you look at 7 8 and verse 10 7 8 and 10 adam and eve already knew about god's timing when he would be coming to spend time to talk with them so they had a relationship a daily relationship with god and this happened during the middle of the day so when they heard god's voice or when they talk to god you'll notice that perhaps the middle of the day should be practiced now you might say i thought that quiet time is recommended for the the first part of the day and the last part of the day you're right but there's also another side to it another side to it is perhaps god he wants that quiet time with you as well as the middle of the day perhaps he wants that out of you you might say why because between the first part of the day to the last part of the day you can easily forget god so you just need to remind yourself what did david do he said not just early in the morning or late at night he said at the middle of the day too at the book of psalms king david he had a communication with god that was three times think about daniel how many times did he communicate with god three times if you were to transform your communication with god three times a day and not just set aside a quiet time but three times a day perhaps it can be even more life changing for you you might say i don't have time that's the reason why i start out late at night or the middle of the day then whatever time you spend at late at night or the middle of the day divided by three it's that simple you might say why should i do that the reason why you should do that is because your brain is very forgetful no matter how smart you think you are your brain is so forgetful so just a little bit at the beginning a little bit at the middle and a little bit at night is actually far better perhaps than spending three hours at the first part of the day and then you easily forget perhaps i'm not saying that is the case but perhaps that is the case because i know human nature and the human mind it forgets very quickly because think about this if you were to think about a spiritual height that goes five days long straight like summer camp it don't matter how long that communication is if you don't have anything in between till next year you easily forget and to be quite honest it's better that you had spiritual church service every single day than just a summer camp for five days long straight it's better to have a summer camp practically every day that even if just a little bit that that way you can keep yourself clean every practically everybody or i'm not going to say everybody but a lot of people have been saying i wish that this can keep going on the summer camp it's too short why because you know that if you had this all the time not too much sin and busyness in between but just a spiritual cleanliness all the time it keeps yourself clean now i hope that you learned a lot just from verse 8 about your spiritual walk and spiritual relationship with god if we keep reading onwards and adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the lord god amongst the trees of the garden so out of shame and guilt from their sins adam and his wife they hid themselves notice the presence of the lord so their walk and talk with god god's presence amongst them they hid hid away from that amongst the trees of the garden they were hiding here why because of shame because of guilt why sometimes you don't read your bible and pray yeah it's a lot of times because you're lazy i'll give you that much but sometimes it's because you know that you just want to keep up with your sin and there's something you're ashamed about perhaps you don't want to get victory over your sin and your flesh that's why you don't want to read your bible and pray because you know that's going to keep you clean maybe that's the reason why sometimes you have to ask yourself why am i not truly reading my bible and praying sure a lot of times it's the laziness of the flesh but sometimes it may be because of a sinful nature within you you know you're going to sin if you don't read the bible and pray so why don't you read the bible and pray perhaps you really don't care about getting victory against the sin they'll preach verse 8 is a lot of a lot of preaching right there maybe i should preach that for sunday just verse 8 do you when's the last time you sensed god's presence his voice talking to you at verse 8 when's the last time when is the last time sometimes you have to ask yourself that verse 9 and the lord god called unto adam so god is calling out adam and said unto him he says where art thou so adam where are you so god is obviously not stupid we know that god is all-knowing he is omniscient why would he call it out the reason why is because the devil asked eve a question at verse one but the devil's not stupid either the devil knew the question he's asking but it's done with the intendency to get a reaction the devil asked the question at verse one to get a reaction and a response from the hearer god asked the question at verse nine to get a reaction a response from the hearer it's one thing that god already knows about all the sins that you've done but if he doesn't call you out on it and say hey tom why did you do that this morning i mean tom's not going to get that reaction of conviction right just now he just felt uncomfortable i see him moving like this you know so he's probably going to walk away from church now he folded his arms you know see he's very angry you know so so we see over here now his face is turning red out of shame you know no now i'm lying okay so nothing like that's going on all right so i'm just i'm just i'm just crucifying tom visitors not visitors are not going to come to this church anymore they're going to go oh man they're going to call me out now i just call it with people who i know really well but anyways back to the point at hand you notice from this example even though it's too much dramatized here this example shows the the conviction the reaction even more when the person is called out and a question is given so the lord the lord asks questions to get conviction out of you not because he's stupid it would be a stupid thing if he didn't uh convict you if he followed along the professor's advice saying that god was stupid i don't know why he asked the question i wouldn't if i knew everything well you're stupid professor i just love calling professor stupid okay going back to verse 10. you might say why do you get on them so hard because i hate it where they use an intellectual garb to justify themselves on being right and treating god like he's stupid and dumb that is utter disgrace the utter disgrace and gets your pastor angry even more is when you raise your intellect high above god's when you do that you're committing great blasphemy that's as much as the devil right that's a demonic thinking satan said i will be exalt above myself above the heights of the cloud i will be like the most high see satan's trying to put himself at a level that tries to beat god i don't like that that's a satanic thinking and using your intellectual intellectual garb to justify it that's why i get very hard on lost and save christian professors there are some out there who are good don't get me wrong and i thank god for them i get my doctorate i get my degrees i have about five of them from you from the schools and institutes but these kind of so having an understanding and empathy on that i get that but i also understand the nature and tendency because you think you know too much that you can correct god all right let's go back to verse 10. um we'll expound verse 10 next time i'll have to end it here so verse 10 through 13 i'll expound it next time but we're going to carry on where i mentioned before 7 through 13 where we can get into the psychology so to speak of mankind of how they treat and react concerning about their sin nature so we're going to see more about the unconscious and conscious workings or basically quote unquote the so-called psychology in 7 through 13 and also it we will come down to where i hit my most viral video on youtube as well within that teaching all right let's close with the word of prayer on my father i pray that today's teachings have been a blessing to the hearers and i want to seek and ask that you'll give us wisdom and awareness and carefulness against temptation of the flesh and sin and help us not to fall prey into the devil's system in jesus name we pray amen
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 27,206
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Keywords: dispensationalism, bible study, end times, revelation, revelation explained, biblical prophecy, king james only, bible believer, once saved always saved, rapture, kjv only, how to understand the bible, sid roth, end times 2021, genesis chapter 2, genesis 6, sons of god, nephilim giants, genesis chapter 3, bible study for women, genesis 6 explained, adam and eve story, adam and eve bible story, adam and eve story explained, adam and eve superbook, adam and eve for kids
Id: pWFuEScvYA4
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Length: 54min 38sec (3278 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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