SIX BIG QUESTIONS on Once Saved Always Saved | Dr. Gene Kim | Salvation Is Here or Salvation Doubts?

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tonight i'm going to teach to you about tough questions if eternal security is false tough questions you have to answer if eternal security is false there's a lot of people who do not believe one saved always saved for some of you who do not know what that means it simply means this if you as a repentant sinner told the lord that i believe what you did on calvary to save my soul once you do that you're saved no matter what what if i sin in the future you're still saved no matter what what if i live very wickedly you're still saved no matter what well you can't just tell a person who receives christ for his or her salvation that oh they're saved and they haven't been to church for a long time or uh they end up being coming a full-fledged evil liberal or even committing like really despicable sins like some of them can become atheists or homosexuals and cetera well you gotta understand this you are saved no matter what now that's unbelievable to people and the reason why is because one well before i get to the feelings of the people i want to ask them this here are tough questions that you have to answer these are very tough questions you have to answer if you really deny this doctrine and think no i think that a person was not genuinely safe to begin with or a person is going to burn in hell because they're a wicked sinner because i don't see fruits from their lives and etc then we're going to have to go to matthew 7 matthew 7. i think this is the best place to start matthew 7 i can't tell you how this was abused by ray comfort and so many people who keep demanding from others i need to see fruit out of your life if i don't see fruit out of your life then you are not a saved believer so that's what they're going to keep claiming now if you demand that we have to see fruits out of their lives the question is this the question that they have to answer is okay we need to see fruit out of your lives and we can't see uh you can't commit uh keep committing these wicked sins otherwise you're not genuinely saved then my question is first question oh i don't want to use a black pen i want to use uh a blue pen over here and please don't be sensitive this is not a political reason all right i just want to use a blue pen please youtube don't don't don't don't okay please okay i'm begging for your pardon and nowadays okay you know what i mean all right anyways first question is what amount of fruit so you're telling me i have to see a significant amount of fruit within the life of an individual and that person is a safe christian all right then uh my question to you is this so then are you telling me that a person who actually is a pastor who tells people about the bible and who does a lot of good deeds for people and elevates the name of jesus christ that that person's the same person yes that person is a saved christian you know what you're judging him by you're not judging him by his faith in jesus christ for salvation you're judging him by his fruits which is the works that he did out of his life so you're judging by what he did rather than what jesus christ did for him that's your problem the problem that plus you got another issue another issue is up to what amount of fruit up to what amount of fruit so then uh you're telling me that your god and your god that you can say okay this is the right amount of fruit and you're saying well this is not the right amount of fruit you're wrong i mean there are christians who go to church and love jesus christ but they just don't come to church anymore so then is that person lost or saved let me give another one let's say a person went to church nearly all of his life and loved jesus christ served god better than you did all of a sudden had a falling out and then all of a sudden went to liberal universities and all of a sudden became brainwashed and became an atheist saved or lost uh let me uh get into that okay let me get into something else okay so then if you judge these people as loss then up to what amount of fruit is the person saved so then you're judging your level not scripture not scripture did you hear what i said not scripture you're not giving me a scripture which perfect level give me a specific which level of fruit that you're saved and which level you're lost you can't can you you know why you're judging by your own bias and preconception you're not judging by scripture let me show you scripture all right and i hear so many people talking about i had dreams or visions or you know i've done even miracles for the lord i've i've done so many works for his name okay you can do that but guess what if you're judging by those fruits the bible says you're lost matthew 7. matthew 7. this is the favorite proof text that people will use like ray comfort and etc to make you doubt your salvation and you're scared look at this verse 18 a good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is tuned down and cast into the fire wherefore by their fruits he shall know them so see you have to judge by the fruits of the individual where you can see the person is saved or lost ah but look at this not everyone that saith unto me lord lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven many will say to me in that day lord lord have we not prophesied in thy name and thy name have cast out devils and thy name done many wonderful works and then will i profess unto them look at this i never knew you depart from me ye that work iniquity notice god considers these people lost so here's the funny thing ray comfort and some of these people will say so notice over here that you have to follow the will of the father you have to have good fruits you have to be very serious about this otherwise just like these people you'll think you're a christian but you're actually not a christian you can go to hell you know why they went to hell look what they're trusting in they never said i trust in the sacrifice of the lord jesus christ they said lord lord have we not prophesied in thy name cast out devils in thy name done many wonderful what works they're trusting in their works for salvation look at that one so see if you go by this status about saved or lost then i would be scared if i were you well why did the bible says by their fruits he shall know them simple because uh it's so simple by the fruits of the spirit go to the book of oh what's a good passage about start starting good working you go to ephesians 2 8-10 ephesians 2 8-10 the fruit comes out by the holy spirit yes all right if the fruit comes out by the holy spirit then the holy spirit what the fruit that's going to produce is you're not relying on your works you're not relying on what you call fruits the holy spirit is the one producing the fruits why because you depended on him jesus christ you put your faith in him for salvation and the holy spirit's job is to produce the fruits and guess what it goes all the way till the end of uh till the day of jesus christ this is powerful i don't know how you're gonna overthrow this one let's look at first of ephesians two all right ephesians two ephesians two so look we're not denying we're not saying a person has zilch fruit and he has absolutely zero fruit in his life and then he goes to heaven i'm not saying that of course the holy spirit works in you and there's fruit but your problem is this your problem is you're judging by a certain level of fruits didn't you know that you can be a baby christian and produce little fruit for the lord didn't you know that you can be a big christian producing big fruits for the lord and you christians who think you got an amount of fruit that considers you saved you better be careful that that's a level of pride then you're bringing people to your level at least you're in my level then you're saved who are you look at ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 through 10. look at this this is this verse is so important you're not saved by works for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of god not of works lest any man should boast so it's absolutely not by works that you're saved you can't rely on that now look at this part for we are his workmanship so see there is fruit and there was work we don't deny it but look at this part created in christ jesus unto good works which god hath before ordained that we should walk in them now notice that christ is the one the holy spirit he is the one producing the fruit and the work now here's the thing god almighty is the one that created you he put it a spiritual nature within you if there's something that we believe in we believe in two natures the nature of the flesh and the nature of the holy spirit now here's the problem with the other side the other side's problem is that they think that they believe in basically an eradication of the flesh or basically the flesh being dominated by the spirit it's becoming really low but no that's a false doctrine because the flesh can grow more than the spirit so we believe in two natures so basically right here the outer man is the flesh there are two natures within a christian and then the inner nature is the spirit what happened nature is not eliminated and this fleshly nature is not eliminated so in other words the nature is not eliminated what does that mean this fleshly nature you're capable of doing things so if you feed your flesh more guess what happens it grows more and it's the same thing with the spiritual nature you feed it more it's gonna grow more so look we don't deny food and work because we also deny elimination of the spirit see you have a spiritual nature within you when you sin the bible says grieve not the holy spirit of god you get a conscience you get guilt um you have a desire to do what's right or the lord will chastise you to produce fruit etc that happens within say believer's life however here's the problem the problem that you deny is that you don't you deny that this flesh can grow bigger than the spirit because you do know if you're an honest person no matter how much jesus christ spanks you or the holy spirit does work in your life that you still rebel and you let the flesh grow bigger than the other nature see you know what their knowledge is their bible knowledge is shallow they're only looking at the outer man look at the change i did i did i did you're looking at your flesh and you see that becomes dangerous if you're looking at the outer nature of your flesh then are you looking at the works of your flesh and that makes me even question you even more that are you relying on your works for your salvation by what your flesh did rather than how the holy spirit was working in your life that's my mind because look what verse 10 says created in christ jesus unto good works you notice that god's the one who put that in you not you god's the one that put it in he created that inside you to do good works and that is done by what verse 8 and 9 if you choose not to rely on your work to begin with i am sick and tired of these people who try to mingle faith and works together and then ray uh ray comfort he'll give lines like well you need to quit this sin and stop this sin first and make sure you read your bible he doesn't get that person to immediately tell christ i trust in what you did on the cross for salvation not by works when you do that verse 8 and 9 then what happens verse 10 the holy spirit can start working in you see comfort told them in their flesh in their lost condition they have to stop doing these things first that's troubling that's troubling to me that's heresy that's plainly wrong that's plainly wrong you know what happens when people get saved and receive christ for their salvation then we start telling them you need to quit doing this and you need to start working that don't we do that yeah we do that after they get saved not to try out their salvation and to do it in order to get saved or to make them think that they were never safe to begin with so they need to do that to get saved what in the world so you're in christ jesus right so if that's done in christ jesus look at this one philippians chapter 2 verse 12 through 13 philippians chapter 2 verse 12-13 notice that i'm starting to prove one saved one one saved always saved with the proof text that people use to make you doubt your salvation isn't that funny the lord's verses and trying to make you assured of your salvation are actually actually used by the wicked ones to make you doubt your salvation now here's another text where they used to make you doubt your salvation but it shouldn't be philippians 2 12 wherefore my beloved as ye have always obeyed not as uh in my presence only but now much more in my absence work out your own salvation with fear and trembling whoa so see you need to work to get saved it didn't say work in order to get saved it says work out your salvation why because you already have salvation in you how can you work out salvation if salvation was never inside you to begin with salvation has to go in you so that you can do it out that's why ephesians 2 8 and 9. you're not saved by works all right you're saved by grace through faith but in order to do the works which is true catholics works don't count all right that's why in order to do works for the lord you need to what get saved first by faith without a single work so that you can do the works out ephesians 2 then ephesians 2 10 now you can be his workmanship people's people say at verse 12 you have to obey the lord though remember matthew 7 you have to follow the will of the father you know how you obey god and do his will don't be saved by works and don't rely on it why don't you trust my son for salvation you know what disobedience is you know what not following the will of god is you spit on that promise and you say no lord i'll do it my way outwardly how i do things out of my own life look at verse 13 answered already verse 12. for it is god which worketh in you see that it explains why you can work out because god worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure so notice that god works in you so once salvation's in you the lord is able to work in you so that you can let it out notice the wording matched with ephesians 2 10 already see god created in christ jesus unto good works philippians chapter 2 verse oh what was that again uh 12-13 see and then compare that now with romans 8 28 and then we're going to look at philippians chapter 1. right let me show you some this will prove one saved always save you ready for this one and then maybe we'll add hebrews no no i won't add hebrews let's let's just go here okay this should be good enough go to romans 8 28. now this is a wonderful promise basically the bad and the good that you do in life all things work together for good right bad and good right that's a wonderful promise look at romans chapter 8 verse 28 so then this is bad and good why because he says all things the bible says and we know that what all things oh no no not when you mess up here then you violate his promise of romans 8 28 god can work anything for good even the sins that i've done yeah you might say no he don't work that for good are you kidding me you deny god's promise you're one and number two you think god is too weak and shallow that he can't work your sin for good and number three you overlook the fact that when you live in sin the lord can work it for good why to teach you a lesson so that maybe you can use the sinful struggles you went through to help somebody else who's going through that one maybe the lord will use it for good how i don't know give you a spanking didn't the i mean didn't you read the verses there are too many verses god uses the evil and the sins of even lost people for his glory for good he used the sins of the bab uh the babylonian nation why to punish his children of israel he used it in that sense romans 8 by the way is the favorite calvinist passage which boggles my mind i don't know how calvinist overlooked this one but if you go to uh romans chapter 8 which goes to romans 9 god even uses the wicked for his glory i don't know why they overlooked that one so following the context of romans 8 28 it follows that pattern that no matter what god does he does it for good so romans 8 28 and we know that all things work together for good to them that love god to them who are the called according to his purpose now look at this all things work together for good see that remember god is the one that worketh in you remember that at philippians 2 there is no doubt they go hand and hand together so all of this is god working in you and god works that for good and guess what he cannot stop working in you he has to work all the way till the rapture he can't leave that that proves once saved always saved look at philippians 1. philippians 1. philippians chapter one look at verse six oh man i'm worried that i not really saved am i really saved or i'm gonna miss out the rapture paul didn't have that he says no we can be confident that's stronger than just knowing it's confident he says in verse 6 philippians 1 6 being confident of this very thing thing right like all things work together for good romans 8 28 that he which have begun a good work in you that matches romans 8 28 all things work together for good work for good philip uh and then philippians 2 13 god worketh in you excuse me that he which has begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of jesus christ so in other words wow then that means then uh that i can't lose my salvation you're right even when i mess up yeah you're right even when you sin and mess up god can't quit working in you you know why you're his child he has to chastise you now i guess we have to go to hebrews all right go to hebrews 12 he has to otherwise he's not doing his job look i got a question if you aren't truly safe to begin with all right then you're not even a child of god and if you're not a child of god then god shouldn't have even spanked you god has to spank you because you're his child if he's like oh no you're too sinful you don't qualify as my child then he doesn't have to spank him look at hebrews chapter 12. hebrews 12 verse 5 and you have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children my son despise not thou the chastening of the lord nor faint when thou art rebuked of him look at verse nine furthermore we have had our fathers of our we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us and we gave them reverence shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the father of spirits and live see that you can die so you can live wicked till the day you die why because god can just end your life like that for they verily for a few days chasing us after their own pleasure but he for our prophet that we might be partakers of his holiness now no chastening for the president seemeth to be joyous but grievous nevertheless afterward he yielded the peaceable fruit of righteousness see that see that fruit does come out we don't deny that fruit does come out work does come out but your problem is is that you think you're god the father and you can tell when a person's fruit is out of his or her life you don't know you're not you're not my father i'll tell you that much my father knows and you don't know all the private things i go through in my life or lots of other people you have no idea by just meeting them for five minutes that oh you're not really saved who do you think you are you don't know their lifetime what they went through how the lord worked in them who are you man all right going back going back he that do with the will of my father in matthew 7 or philippians 2 obey the lord and it's so simple god says trust in the death of my son for salvation and after that i'll work out of your life isn't that simple oh my goodness i all right now my second question all right so notice that this question is debunked by too much scripture amount of fruit yeah the lord's gonna give that person fruit but your problem is you're inspecting which amount of fruit and then if you do that then you're gonna be in trouble like matthew 7 where these people rely on their works like oh here are my work and here are my fruits and god says no i never knew you he calls them workers of iniquity instead that's scary right there that's scary right there all right number two then let's say that okay then christians they live well and they live significantly and they'll go to heaven after they die then i have a question then are you saying that christians uh what happens to their bad works what are these bad works at the judgment seat of christ didn't you know that they're always looking at good works good works good works why don't you look at the bad works you know what happens at the judgment seat of christ concerning about the bad works it is possible look they don't look at this you can have a significant level you can have a large level of bad works and then at the end you get nothing why because your good works are hardly shown that you've grown in it look at this one we're going to look at uh the book of corinthians first corinthians 3. first corinthians 3. oh i think you're heresy and all that okay then why do these people they can get nothing at the judgment seat of christ what do you think god is burning their underwear look at first corinthians chapter three he has to have bad works they so in other words a safe christian must have evil bad works in their lives and yes even in this passage a certain christian must have works that is really evil that he get nothing at the judgment seat of christ that much of a level look at first corinthians chapter three notice here at verse 13 every man's what works shall be made manifest for the day shall declare it because it shall be revealed by fire and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is see god's gonna try their work and see okay let's see here not down here okay let's look at your work and see if you're saved or not it's up in heaven god's gonna inspect their works but let's see if god says let me inspect your works here oh you don't count you're not you're gonna burn in hell you're not really saved well let's see if he does that verse 14 if any man's work abide which he had built there upon see if his work survives he shall receive a reward okay so we know that's a good person well what about a bad person if any man's work shall be burned see so that's not a good work so it's burned up he shall suffer what look see he loses he doesn't get anything so i guess he's going to burn in hell but he himself shall be saved yet so as by fire look at that the verse showed you that the fire don't touch the man the fire does not touch the person he gets saved out of the fire isn't that something and the bible emphasized yet so as by fire it emphasized that the person is saved out of the fire that's something man so then uh i guess god was like thinking he's john mcarthur or ray comfort and some people have been asking me what's the heresy john macarthur teaches and it's lordship salvation lordship salvation for some of you who don't know they judge people's salvation they say you're not really saved why because i don't see you love jesus and you're living your life in sin i don't see you serving god and being a good christian you don't act you don't look like a christian so you must be lost i get that that's the judgment that's the automatic thinking of all of us but you got to realize this you're judging them by their actions by their behavior by their works and you're looking at the wrong thing for salvation you know what i ask for a person's testimony i don't see them how much they love jesus read the bible or come to church and some of you you know what i've asked you i've asked you what how did you get saved what's your testimony is there a time and place in your life you told god god i repent as a sinner and i all i can do is trust what jesus did on the cross to save me that's what i'm looking for why because that's the right judgment of salvation not their works you think god is judging them you're saved you're lost by your works here no he's judging them by their service here and if a person did poorly he don't he don't damn them god has a different thinking from john mcarthur and ray comfort when he inspects people's works saved christians works for salvation okay um anyways if you deny me that this work has to be good or bad at the judgment then just look at ecclesiastes 12. it's that simple ecclesiastes 12. at the judgment god has to judge every work and work is bad or good whether it be good or evil look at ecclesiastes 12. ecclesiastes 12. notice that the bible says verse 14 one of the best verses solomon ever concluded out of his writings the last thing he probably said and that was probably the wisest thing that he said because he lived a very dumb life for a wise man ecclesiastes 12 14 for god shall bring what every work into judgment with every secret thing look at this line whether it be good or whether it be evil see god has to judge bad works at the judgment and that includes save christians and it's even at a significant level because why they get nothing at the end loss you saw that his work don't survive it's burned in god how about that all right number three then uh how about really wicked people you're saying that wicked christians there's no such thing then what about the bible who talks about them i go to first corinthians five first corinthians five this one i this one is i think the most judgmental thing you can ever do the most judgmental wicked thing you can ever do oh and you're not saved why because you're still uh living with the person opposite sex at the same house or you know you're still smoking drinking and stuff like that now look i believe in rebuking sin okay we believe in that but remember works come out after salvation so this is after salvation after salvation i have to rebuke their sins make sure they live in good works but when i'm telling them before salvation like you need to clean up this act to get saved and stuff like that then you're in trouble look at first corinthians 5. look at this there was incest going on in the home you know that there was incest going on in the home but this guy is saved first corinthians 5 1. it is reported commonly that there is fornication among you and such fornication as is not so much as named among the gentiles that one should have his father's wife and her uh look at verse four so this person committed the sin of taking uh the father's wife that's disgusting fornication look at verse four and five in the name of our lord jesus christ when we are gathered together in my spirit with the power of our lord jesus christ to deliver such a one unto satan now look at the word wording here for the destruction of the flesh that the spirit may be saved in the day of the lord jesus did you ever see a contradiction here wait a minute so this guy's turned over to the devil but his spirit is still saved you're right a person can be turned over to satan and still saved that's how extreme the bible goes is there a contradiction here no you don't you don't read here did you remember our lesson they overlook a basic doctrine two natures flesh and spirit they always judge you by your flesh flesh flesh if you're really safe no your flesh can be as evil as satan but the spirit can still be saved see i mean come on common sense you think that this flesh is pure and holy i don't care how perfect you live as a christian all of us are going to admit this our sin our flesh is sin and god has to transform our flesh at the rapture then we can say that the body is free from sin to tell me that you're free from sin when you get saved and you should be living a holy life and all that but it's okay if you sin a little bit here and there you're a hypocrite you're saying god's power is weak if i'm going to talk about a pure holy state and change in my life concerning about the flesh then i'll tell you what it's going to be it has to be 100 percent 100 percent i see i'm more extreme than these guys about a changed life but it has to be the division of the flesh and the spirit all right now let's uh look at another one we're going to look at second corinthians 12 second corinthians 12. look at second corinthians 12. you know i hate to bring up this person's name but i'm gonna have to do it because i wanna i am getting very upset at these calvinists at these people who teach lordship salvation okay i'm going to expose their hypocrisy here right now you ready for this and i challenge john macarthur ray comfort paul washer to say this tell me ravi zacharias is lost and burning in hell they will not say that you know why they had they sat down with him francis chan tell me that he's lost in going to hell ravi zacharias oh they wouldn't dare say that you know why he's defended the christian face so much and he's done so much work for the cause of christ he's did you see his lifestyle his lifestyle is more wicked than some christians who hardly came to church and don't love jesus don't read the bible anymore his lifestyle is manipulation that even lost sinners don't do he was manipulating these people through religious means like praying before they do the sexual action you are okay so okay i'm getting really mad here you consider a guy like him saved but then other people who smoke dance and do fornication all that they're lost they're not genuinely safe you got a mental brain damage problem see you know what you're doing back to point number one you're picking and choosing you're being god i think you're saved but i think you're lost see that's pharisaical that's wicked as hell that's wrong the calvinist would jump for joy to hear that john calvin burns somebody alive at the stake murder he burned someone alive at the stake but uh he must be a safe person because of the the five points of calvinism lordship salvation and charles spurgeon guess what uh you think people who keep smoking marijuana that oh you know you're not genuinely safe guess what charles had in spurgeon had a cigar problem smoking issue you didn't know that whoa hey don't let me carry on man i might i might knock over your christian calvinist heroes now do i do not am i saying that they're lost and they're going to hell i never said that do i deny that uh the lord use them sure i know that the lord used them but see your problem is this your problem is this you have this judgmental attitude that i can pick which sins your laws and which good works you're saved that's your problem well because the person doing repent of this sin and that sin they're not saved look at second corinthians chapter 12 verse 19. again again thank ye that we excuse ourselves unto you we speak before god in christ but we do all things what does he call them dearly beloved right paul recognizes these people as beloved of god that they're saved if you compare that with ephesians 1 it's even stronger if you're part of the beloved you're secured all the way to the rapture like you're predestinated and chosen and elected and all those strong calvinist terms that that is used actually so if you're beloved look at this verse 20 for i fear lest when i come i shall not find you such as i would and that i shall be found unto you such as he would not lest there be look at these sins debates endings rash strifes backbitings whispering swelling tumults well you know there are christians safe christians who still have that problem and they're still saying but you know we're talking about wicked people here i'm not done verse 21 and lest when i come again my god will humble me among you and that i shall be well many which have sinned already and have not repented of the uncleanness and fornication and lasciviousness which they have committed those are strong words you know how you know what those sins are they are dark sexual sins how about that how about that they didn't repent of these and paul considers him dearly beloved you know why because god doesn't consider your salvation where there's a checkmark list and if there's any of you out there i would love to see that but there's a check mark list of get rid of this sin get rid of that sin get rid of this sin and that's in in that sense if i did that with you in soul winning we would go all day long and by the way even after you thought you repented enough there were other sins the lord revealed to you that you went oh i didn't know that i had to repent of these two and it's not like you quit it immediately that's why some calvinists can't quit their sins and they uh justify drinking alcohol i kid you not they justify drinking beer and they justify about rap music they justify worldly dressing and they say i can commit these things and i believe that if you're not saved like me and don't commit as much sin like me glug glug then you're lost judgmental jeff durbin you jeff durbin james white god forbid i bet you he is too if you think i'm joking and lying it's easy to look up they justify drinking alcohol i mean what in the world and these are the hypocrites who preach on lordship salvation these are the hypocrites where paul washer makes you doubt your salvation makes you think you got to forsake the world deny the world take up your cross and follow jesus and after they do a rap concert then paul washer says you know uh i sense jesus christ was in this room you're on crack man now you notice i go really hard see you know why i told you what i go really hard on i really go hard on people who are responsible for the word of god and people's souls they've depended on these people like pious great godly men and you know what i'll give them the benefit of the doubt that they love jesus that they're sincere people but guess what sincere people can still damage people's lives you think peter the hermit that uh you know wasn't didn't we hear him about our world history class this guy was a sincere pious person ministering to muslims and then the greek world and everybody the poor but you know what happened at the end one of the worst wars in history in the crusades so many peasants and poor people died you know here's the easy question you don't think satan can't use sincere people well then uh how are we supposed to judge which person's right and wrong very simple there's no other truth and it's not by what i say i can yell and rant but i could be lying to you yes yes you better nod your heads okay and the same thing with john mcarthur ray comfort and paul washer all these guys are in the same pressured situation like i'm at i'll tell you how you judge it wow look at this book read your bible christians aren't reading their bibles they're looking at the lives of men and they think that they're pious and they love jesus and they judge these preachers by their past lives and they think oh that's scripture that's what jesus wants and you listen to these preachers and then when a person like ravi zacharias falls apart the christian world weeps and cries and they think that they lost jesus and that christianity is not worth it anymore and that ravi zechariah's apologetics that this was all manipulation and it's not true what are you looking at i don't get shaken about ravi zacharias's scandal a lot of his apologetics why were they right they match with the word of god i'm judging what he says by the book so who cares i mean do you see the problem with this doctrine you're not looking at the work of jesus christ you're looking at the work of man that's the whole point of this calvinism nonsense lordship salvation this uh denying of one saved always saved you're always looking at your work what a lot of pressure in your life why not look at look at the work of jesus christ he loved you enough to die for you why because he knows you can't do it yourself all right so uh let's look at other passages here it's grievous so my next question let's go to romans chapter 11 romans chapter 11. romans 11. what are you gonna do with verses that says grace has zero works all right my next question answer this one what are you gonna do with the bible that says faith and grace for saved christians must have zero works there is nowhere consistent in this one for salvation because work is totally opposite from faith and grace that's why god says i have to do this first and then this one after that you see that but people they judge you by your works to see if you're truly saved by faith and grace that's your problem man you better watch out for that okay um look at romans 11 verse 6 you heard the pretty saying you know it's not it's not by works but it is a faith that works you notice that that's a saying it's not by works but it's a grace that works that's a pretty saying but guess what i can pull you if you doubt me i have a question for you i like to add this too all right question number five what makes you different from the cults who say that now i wish i can pull up the quotes to you so that the people will believe me but why don't you look it up yourself look at the quotes of seventh-day adventist churches on salvation look at the quotes of catholic churches about salvation by faith and grace look at their quotes i i'm challenging the mormon church look at their quote on salvation you know what you're going to be shocked you're going to be shocked and you're going to be dumb enough to think these guys are safe christians you know why they you know why because they say this they say it's false we never taught salvation by works we taught that salvation is by grace through what jesus did on the cross you don't believe me i'll show you quotes one day but i've done that in so many other videos in the past all right but when i showed you when uh if you look at these quotes you think they're saved christians wait a minute then what's gonna stop you from holding hands with these cults which is probably why ravi zacharias with the mormon church and the catholic church he never denounced him as cult and he said you better be very careful with those wordings what's going to stop the new world order with all religions uniting scary thought now if you if if there are people who don't believe me or who want those quotations not onliners all right i can't pull up those quotes okay but you just have to look at my past videos and i give them quotes on that one but uh i'll give it to you guys and you know what's even scary i have some people who here who are my witnesses you know what you know what i did i blanked out the names of these quotes too i blanked out ray comfort's name john macarthur's name the catholic church name the jehovah witness name and seventh juventus and i told them pick and choose which one's cult and which one's to save christian and where they thought it was a catholic quote they were surprised it was john mcarthur all right i can't prove it here you onliners you can you you can cry and complain about that saying that you know oh he's just carrying it too far just research the quotes that's all i ask all right anyway uh let's go back here romans chapter 11 verse six the bible says and if by grace then what is it what no more of works now keep reading otherwise what grace is no more great then you get rid of the meaning of grace if you say it's a grace that works but keep reading you even get rid of the definition of works too you know that if you put grace in there you're not just disgracing grace you're disgracing works too because they're totally separate categories keep reading but if it be a works then is it what no more if you're saying this and there should be zero grace then otherwise what work is no more work now look at romans 4 romans 4. [Music] romans 4 verse 4 through 5. romans chapter 4 verse 4-5 what's the difference with christians or cults that's why some of you onliners it's so sad you can't tell the difference can you and you think that they're all the same christians like we are and that the real enemy out there is those that are trying to force the vaccines on us and it's all these globalist and liberals oh for crying out loud man you don't think that the devil that he's just used that's just one part of the enemy do you know how many enemies the devil has you are so gullible you are so gullible you know what satan has used throughout the past history he has used religions you know what jesus christ was against not uh the secular government at that time was not jesus's number one enemy and that's what deceived all you online it's the current government system in our world that wasn't jesus focus you know what it was his own people's religion that was his number one enemy talk about divisive jesus we're all in this together we have to overpower the roman government i mean they're oppressing your people the jews aren't you the messiah aren't you the king no you need to get right with god first circumcised thereof your hearts these sacrifices uh i would not end you know jesus didn't care about how he treated the sabbath and healing people and then he got all these religious people worked up just like what i'm doing right now i'm working you up right but see you know what the mentality is you can't go against the rest of the devil's enemies if god's people are not fixed first let me uh i have to give verses otherwise people are going to judge me right all right so let me read first peter real quick you can write this down if you don't believe me all right first peter chapter four you know what god says judgment must begin with yes judgment must begin with the house of god that's first not not the outside lost world out there judgment must begin with the house of god first look at uh it's the right you can write down first peter chapter 4 verse 17 first peter 4 17 for the time has come that judgment must begin at the house of god and if it first begin at us what shall be what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of god see that it's us first we have to fix ourselves first then we can hit the other ones out there okay now uh romans chapter four i just lost my text here okay look at verse four now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace but of debt see that if you do works god says that you're in debt you're not saved by grace but to him that worketh not let's say that you don't work all right oh then you're lost but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness what are you gonna do with those verses all right my last challenge and then we'll close it off for the night now this is where they're gonna go okay they are gonna go you know what they're gonna pull up on you they're gonna pull you bible verses yes scriptures in the bible that talk about well you know if you don't do works for your salvation if or if we don't see that out of your life you're not genuinely saved all right all right i'm sick and tired of online is trying to dedicate videos attacking yours truly and pulling up verses which i already answered a long time ago it's called the doctrine of dispensationalism just watch our video it's called amazing dispensational truth from genesis to revelation please watch that video it'll go from beginning of genesis all the way to revelation and tell you the doctrine that not all verses apply to you they apply for different people in different time periods now if you are really insane to not believe what i just said then that's not true in your bible it shows old testament and new testament okay here's another thing the bible says if someone takes god's name in vain you should stone them to death there's a difference of time periods obviously you want me to tell you something even more okay god in in a verse in the bible god told noah build an ark to rescue you and your family is that a verse for you i don't see any of you building boats out here and if you do happen to build a home here good luck to san francisco bay area with the building codes and phone codes seeking their permission and etc good luck for you on that one man all right the verses are uh divided the bible says you're not supposed to have mixed garments all right at the book of leviticus oh guilty all right crying out loud here's a here's a good one here's a good one the bible says that at the book at the old testament law that men are not to cut their hair they're to leave it long but in the new testament for christians god says it's a shame for man to have long hair so we have to cut it short which is why you notice we do that so what in the world there's a contradiction it's a different time period you know why jews were supposed to be a peculiar people because during their days the pagans were the ones who were shorning the hairs and stuff like that that's why catholic monks i don't know if you knew this that they had that circle bald circle uh during the pagan days they did that so then god says no you have to grow your hair law but new testament christianity god says no because i despise universal appearance because he wants the distinction of man and woman so because of that that's why he said woman's hair is long first corinthians 11 man's hair short why to tell the difference with a man and woman why because when we're looking at your back we want to know immediately that's a guy or that's a girl unless you want us to look at certain body areas that's not a good testimony see so that's why the lord he did all this so there's no doubt it's a different time period that's a point easy one animal sacrifices do we do that today no all right but in the old testament they did why because our sacrifice is not animals it's jesus christ so there's no doubt there's no doubt there are differences time periods and verses and with the group of people so my last challenge is this is any verse that you have proving works for salvation all right is there a single verse that will not apply to something that is of a jew or different time period so is it a different time period acts chapter 2 verse 38 repent and be baptized for the remission of sins and ye shall receive the gift of the holy ghost baptism for salvation did you read three verses behind it three verses after that it's for the house of israel and all the jews that are scattered around the world james chapter 2 verse 20 through 24 you see that how by works of man is justified and not by faith only that verse go to james 1 1 where it says to the 12 tribes israel scattered abroad james 5 3 for the tribulation last days it's that simple well what about the passage where it talks about uh where jesus said in matthew 19 to the rich young ruler forsake all you have and come and follow me that's old testament before jesus died on the cross it's that simple why because the jew is not the same as the christian church that's why the jews what they got mad at paul you know why they got mad at paul he was teaching things that were different now it was something that's non-jewish it's gentile god switched his program from jew to gentile that's the reason why so there were christian doctrines in place any verse that you pull up in the bible find me romans through philemon that's to the church all the verses you read from romans 2 philemon paul is addressing to a christian or he'll address it to the church at the very first five verses he'll say that it's either to a christian person or to a church all the other books is about jews it's about apostles who minister to jews even the general epistles james peter james john and all that the bible says their ministry was to jews see so there's no doubt about that so there's no way you can overthrow this doctrine i don't know how i don't know how and then combine that with the video that i have it's called one saved always saved please watch that video and they're just too many verses that you can't lose your salvation but i've tackled the reasons here these tough questions that they have to answer answer that before you criticize please god my father i pray tonight's teachings have been a blessing to the hearers and i pray it did not offend them your word says great peace have they that love thy law and nothing shall offend them i pray that it will be to the people who listen tonight and to those online touch their hearts with the truth in jesus name we pray amen
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 32,305
Rating: 4.8801155 out of 5
Keywords: dispensationalism, bible study, end times, revelation, revelation explained, conspiracy theory, biblical prophecy, king james only, bible believer, once saved always saved, rapture, kjv only, how to understand the bible, right doctrine, sid roth, old testament, new testament, jesus christ, jehovahs witnesses, testimonies of christians, salvation, salvation is created, salvation is here, salvation by works, salvation doubts, salvation john macarthur, salvation john piper
Id: Tb3Q4nRQjVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 18sec (3438 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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