Christians Can Drink Beer & Play Rock Music? (Ephesians 5:15-21) | Dr. Gene Kim

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so the bible says see then that he walk circumspectly so paul says that you make sure that you see yourself in your walk in circumspectly he says circumspectly circumspectly the idea is is that you have to be careful in your walk so this is your christian walk over here and it's got to be done in carefulness it's got to be done where you're aware of your surroundings a lot of times when we do our christian walk we're careless we're sloppy and we don't we we don't have good self-control sometimes it's good don't get me wrong there is good goodness in having a desire and a passion for the lord but sometimes when a person thinks like okay i'm going to become a missionary to kenya why because of the preaching and the missionary presentation and there's got to be somebody there to give them the gospel well that's noble but a lot of times it's not done with careful thinking like did you count the cost did you count like what kind of incidents or sufferings that you're going to have to go through over there what you have to separate from concerning about the legal the immigration stuff etc have you considered all those options a lot of times we just go by blind passion in our christian walk without good self control but paul says you have to watch yourself that you walk circumspectly why because at verse 14 the whole idea in our christian walk is we gotta walk in the light not in darkness and usually people who have a good passion may think they're walking in the light but they're actually walking in the devil's darkness because they're outside of god's will the outside of the direction that god wants wants them to walk in in their lives does that make sense so make sure that you walk in carefulness you're aware of your surroundings street breaching especially is one good indication where uh the reason why i love it is that because you're self training yourself into becoming more bold but also learning how to take caution as well so it's very good self-control street preaching you learn to hold yourself back keep your mouth shut uh learn how to handle authorities wisely people that make you angry how much more bold you should be how much more you should cut back so that's one of the reasons why i believe in street breaching you don't uh we don't use electronic devices because i want them to use old-fashioned voices learn help them to become more bold up front and learn how to self-control in their voices so that they can save up the stamina so that's the whole idea anyways returning back the that's the whole point at the next part of verse 15 not as fools but as wise in your christian walk it should not be done where you are a fool it should be wise wisdom in your christian walk honestly when you lash out on another person when you're witnessing to the person and the person made you mad ask yourself this would you honestly tell yourself that was a wise move sometimes it can be sometimes it can be when you actually uh be more bold against the person because you have a point over there to convict them with see you're thinking when you're doing it you're not just doing it right so sometimes it can be but was there thinking carefulness wisdom before you've done it that's the key over there and a lot of times when you hold yourself back and then you don't lash out against the person we could say that you've done a wise move but also it could be not a wise move there are twofold applications here concerning about not as fools when you walk circumspectly one you're just rash about it you're careless but another thing is circumspectly carefully not as fools another thing is you can be foolish with your carefulness so go to the book of philippians for example go to the book of philippians we're going to look at the book of philippians chapter 4 and verse 6 philippians chapter 4 and verse 6. sometimes there's a thing that it's called foolish paranoia i'm not sure if i spelled that right i can't believe i'm embarrassed about this all right so is that right okay so foolish paranoia in other words you think you're being careful you think you're using wisdom before you do things but you're just cut over contemplating and you're being paranoid oh what if that happens what if that happens then you're thinking too much see that so god don't expect you to like a person answers you with something then you think 500 different thoughts before you say something else no the point is you think before you do something not think 500 different thoughts so the idea is is that you should think but not do foolish thinking that's the idea it is foolish when you are too much careful look at philippians chapter 4 and verse 6 be careful for nothing so god's saying don't be careful about any anything because but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto god and the peace of god which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through christ jesus so in philippians chapter 4 verse 6 through 7 it points out that you don't have to be careful because you're already doing the contemplation what's the contemplation you thought about what to pray to the lord about another thing is that verse says when god gives you the understanding it goes beyond all understanding normal understanding and it keeps your heart and mind on christ jesus see you are thinking that verse you're thinking the idea is is that you're not overthinking you're not being too careful you just think enough where you surrender it to the lord and god gives you the understanding and this understanding passes beyond all types of different understanding that you encounter so we're not overlooking wisdom understanding and thinking before you do something no uh it does involve with that but the idea is it's not foolish it's not foolish overthinking it's not foolish over contemplation it's not foolish carefulness that's the idea so foolishness has a twofold go back to your main text it has a twofold application the idea is is that you're not just being a fool and then you walk carelessly but also the idea is you don't have foolish when you walk circumspectly all right so the foolishness should not tie to walking circumspectly so make sure that when you walk circumspectly well how much pastor i got to be very careful as not as fools but as wise that's the idea wise carefulness that's the idea wisdom never separates from carefulness and your carefulness should not cross the line and violate wisdom itself is it wise when you sit down and bite your fingernails and you overthink and you get a headache on how to solve the issue see that's not uh wisdom that's not wise that's foolishness you wasted your life your health that god has given to you amen all right let's go back to the main text verse 16 redeeming the time now notice that redeeming the time is in the same sentence as verse 15 when you're walking circumspectly the whole idea about your christian walk when you walk circumspectly carefully having wisdom wisely is that it's all about time saving so it is not time saving when you just go day in and day out contemplating on one thing when there are so many things you've got to be doing for the lord see that and it's also not time saving when you're being rash and careless in your christian walk because by being rashly called quote unquote to the missionary as to kenya region you wasted what how many years of your life there are people's children's and wives who became a wreck because of the careless rash decisions of the husband who went out there sometimes the lord he wants you to be wise in your christian walk so then you wasted your time in your years the whole idea is that you got to redeem the time now redeem obviously what does that mean it means to buy back pay back wait a minute why do you have to buy back time that doesn't make sense why is it that you have to buy back time if you wasted it what does that mean pastor because look at the next part of the verse it says because the days are evil the idea is this the reason why you have to buy back time is that it's currently being stolen like even right now didn't you know that you might say really it's being stolen right now yeah it's the devil it's called the world it's called the flesh it weighs every second trying to please itself as every second passes by it's spent be honest now how much have you spent it on the lord amen what is it used for is it your flesh is it for the world do this job do this task do this project and hey why don't you spend time with us your worldly friends is that the devil he sends a sudden attack all of a sudden right when oh the blowout's coming i'm gonna get things ready and then the devil sends an attack right right so then he tries to steal back your time so the idea is because the days are evil it's an we we do not understand that we are living in whether you believe it or not the days that we are living in are evil times this is these are evil times that we live in that people do not understand because literally 24 7 all you see is the world the devil with his minions are behind the scenes and then all you take account and notice is yourself more than jesus christ right how your flesh feels so these are evil times that we live under that's why your time gets stolen every second every minute so that's why you have to buy back time you don't realize that right now you're wasting your seconds and your minutes so you have to buy that back that's why it's so important in your christian walk be careful how you're literally spending every second in time dr upman mentioned one thing which might be a little baffling for some of you but he would mention where if some people i don't think he's at all but some people where when they're brushing their teeth and then they're not thinking about what they're gonna do throughout the rest of the day if when they are cooking they're not spending that time in uh memorizing scripture etc you're wasting time and you're fulfilling the devil's duty what's he talking about multitasking the idea is is that time is so precious that you're gonna have to learn to be wise in your christian walk into buying back time you can buy back time you lost time and bible reading buy it back during that long drive after work with listening to the audio bible studies sometimes you have to buy back time for yourself because time gets stolen from you how long have you guys wasted your christian walk i think that's a good example right how long have you already wasted your life in a backslidden years in a worldly life or how long was it until you finally got saved see all those years you have to buy back my dad said one thing which was a huge blessing he mentioned this when he preached a long time ago in our church it's a rare sermon that he did but he mentioned that uh this day when he was preaching to us he said this day uh i was able to live i don't know one or ten more days more than i lived for the devil what did he mean by that because for thirty-something years he mentioned he lived for the devil but then as soon as he got saved and then he got called to the ministry and then he preached at my church he said now i got those 30-something years back from him plus extra days finally i lift more than the devil he said that spoke a lot of volume there what did he mean by that he bought back time finally but it took him 30-something years that's why it's best to live for god when you're young all right some of you already old and some of you know what i'm talking about you wasted so many years in sin and iniquity so there's a lot you need to buy back because why the days are evil that's a sermon right there right so then it may motivate you more to amp up your bible reading get more involved in church learn to multitask and do more things for the lord why because you've already wasted all those times spent on sin and it's about time you got to learn to like basically overrun that right you're living for god's got to be larger than how much you lived in sin how much time have you spent on sin that's the idea how much time have you wasted in sin it's about time that you redeem the time buy back your time amen let's go back wherefore be not unwise so paul says again that's why you cannot be unwise you can't be foolish you have to be wise why because you have to buy back the time you have to walk circumspectly etc uh the previous verses you can't be caught up in darkness people who are walking in darkness are foolish people despite of how many phd degrees they have to justify marijuana for example to justify homosexuality is a normal behavior for example see that's foolish thinking and that's all in dark verse 14. so paul saying by context of that you have to not be unwise like those guys you have to be wiser than that you have to be smarter than that don't be un uh don't be unwise foolish but understanding what the will of the lord is go to romans 12 romans 12. so you have to be understanding on what god's will is in your life do you understand the will of god you might say i'm having a hard time to find and understand the will of god you shouldn't be you might say well why is it that i can't understand simple it's because your mind has been too much into the world because your mind has been so much into the world that all you have is a worldly understanding of things you don't have a spiritual understanding of things yet so you have to diminish and filter out that worldly unders that worldly influence that you've been so much sucked up in and you gotta suck yourself into immerse yourself into spiritual things into god's world that's why paul mentioned the previous verse you gotta buy back your time why every time was spent on the world the flesh the devil because it was so much time spent on that it blinded your understanding of what god's will is so you have to buy back your time by getting into the spiritual things of god so that you can see the will of god amen that's the answer of understanding god's will in verse 2 it says and be not conformed to this world see that you cannot be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind get out of there so you got to get that so in other words god is saying that your mind is right now right now conformed to the world so you got to get out of there you got to renew it keep reading that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of god that's how you can find god's will is that you gotta get your mind out of this gutter and then you've got to transform it into the spiritual play so then how do you i go to the spiritual plane well it says the word is over their proof right prove what is a good acceptable imperfect will of god that's how you find god's will it's proven well how do you prove what is god's will well you know you're not that much of a dummy all right i know you and i are dummies but you're not that much of a dummy all right how do you prove it it's through the word of god well i still don't know god's will when i read that bible well you're not reading enough then how's that for a change right so you have to read and you have to study you have to keep attending church bible study glean the wisdoms off of god's preachers i mean you've got to get so much where you can learn in the book and then the book always proves the will of god does it not it always does it doesn't confl it doesn't conflict the will of god so in order to find god's will it needs to be proven how do you prove it it's through the word of god so get as much understanding that you can get into the word of god but you're too much into the world's point of view right worldly psychology humanism uh the economy so then you rely on the economist for the virus that's going on you're relying on the scientists for life issues you rely on psychologists of all things when life issues should rely on to the word of god so it's so amazing where our world has fallen into so much depravity what's that conform to the world and because you're conformed to the world you cannot understand god's will how do i understand god's will it's got to be proven how do i prove it through the word of god right now you know what god's will is despite of the lack of scripture you know because there is some scripture in you that know what god's will is well i don't know if god wants to uh wants me as a missionary in kenya what are you looking at you know what god's will is for you right now what is it pastor go to church well i don't have a bible bible-believing church near me you know well then you got us online what what are you doing skipping church what's god's will for me read your bible what's god's will for me well why don't you pray isn't praying god's will he wanted you to pray and when you pray you can ask them lord what is your will for me in my life why some of the things in uh i don't know if god wants me to quit that job well you do know some things of god's will what is that is that job making you backslide is that job having worldly influence on your life is that job making you sin see that much you know god's will so that helps you in beginning steps i'm not saying quit your job but it's helping you with beginning steps on ah okay so i'm starting to see more that this is becoming more of the world rather than the will of god and i cannot be conformed to this world sometimes it could be where the lord is giving that to you as a test where you don't let the job suck you up into backsliding but you have to keep up with that job and complete it why because he wants to see how strong you are as a christian to stay faithful for him so see all these things the idea is you do know some things about god's will so start doing those things and when you start doing those things his will becomes even more clear and it becomes and it opens up more and then you also see some some things that are not god's will apparently more and more for example that same job that i gave as an example as you did more and more into that job you start to realize where that job starting to make you suffer in your family life so you're not being the faithful husband the faithful father that you are to be and it's also causing you to even sin probably if you want to work in this job you have to go to these uh business park meetings and you have to drink with them so that you can make a good impression of our workplace see then god be makes it more clear for you and then you start to see some things are definitely not god's will all right let's return to our main text i hope that's been helpful uh verse 15 through 17 is very life changing i mentioned that to you last week as a heads up that the lesson was going to be life changing so all these things will be help will be definitely life-changing it will benefit your life so i hope that you did contemplate pay attention and took good notes about these because later on in life you're going to need them it's going to be very helpful for you they're all connected together 15 16 17. that's how i see this all right but paul is still continuing on here and so he's still giving a lot of good practical advice to christians verse 18 and be not drunk with wine wherein is excess so paul says that you cannot be drunk with alcohol why because inside alcohol it is the bible says excess excess the idea is is that it's uh either unnecessary overfilling or beyond the limit so that is very interesting there are two things one christians should not get involved with alcohol amen all right that's very apparent and plain at verse 18. you cannot get involved with alcohol it is a sin period but a lot of people and some idiots who are so intellectual and pretend they're intellectual like jeff durbin on all these uh wicked evil people pretending that they're more uh that they are saved why because i developed enough fruits for the lord but then they justify drinking that's hypocritical that self-righteousness at its core that really makes me upset oh i'm more saved than these guys why oh because i developed fruit those person didn't oh aren't you drinking alcohol yeah but i'm still saved i'm still more holy than those guys my fruits see that's wickedness i despise that and these are the same christians who are intellectual and they go atheist debates and they know so much apologetics yet they lack the basic principle of the word of god which is beyond my understanding except that they just want to keep their sin so people like him their problem is is that they justify alcohol by saying that well the bible condemns drunkenness but the bible does not condemn drinking wine itself you can drink wine in moderation now they'll use verses to justify it but there are verses to easily debunk that and i've given plenty of videos on that if you look them up but one of the verses to debunk that is this verse 18 you want to use that the bible says wine itself see that wine itself comma what wherein is what excess see i already told you that this is will lead you to drunkenness wine itself is guaranteed to make you commit that sin all right go to the book of proverbs go to the book of proverbs chapter 20 proverbs chapter 20. so the bible condemns not just drunkenness like you think but wine itself drinking wine itself you might say oh no it's okay as long as i don't get drunk how many you think that the people who go to aaa meetings that that's their justification and excuse no they know they're not stupid they know that just drinking a little bit of that is gonna you're gonna get drunk they'll laugh at you people at a a and uh people who are drug addicts they might not be intellectuals but they sure have more wisdom than jeff durbin and all those intellectuals who justify drinking let's look at the book of proverbs chapter 20 verse one okay see if i'm reading this correctly drunkenness is a mocker drunkenness is raging and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise did i read that correctly i didn't read that correctly wine is a mocker strong drink is raging see that itself is a sin so you know what's considered down in the gutter here that's considered to be simple uh sinful that's alcohol itself so don't drink period that's a sin oh i don't get drunk and i don't beat up my kids and stuff like no no it don't matter it's a sin it's a sin itself you need to repent and get that right with god that is not condom that is definitely not condom all right let's go back to our main text so use verse 18 to prove that it's not just drunkenness god is condemning god believes that wine itself is excessive it is over drinking it is beyond the limits all right let's go back but there's a comparison here at verse 18. don't be overfilled right excessive drunk into the wine contrast that but be filled with the spirit so you got to be filled with so much holy spirit now the thing about people that they do not understand about the holy spirit filling is that it is compared to like drunkenness you might say why is that why you can get so many good sermons out of that you might say no way pastor yes let's give let's give some examples here let's give some examples here about the holy spirit for example when you look at a drunk man when he's drinking and when he's drunk he literally does not care what people think and then he'll just act out the way where his liquor leaves him right why there you go didn't you get the gleaning out of there if you're so much filled with the holy spirit guess what happens you don't care what other people say or what they think amen you just guide and lead to where how the holy spirit leads you that's the important thing about the filling of the holy spirit you might say uh what other example can we glean out of the drunken man concerning about the filling of the spirit well the feeling of the spirit a lot of times when they talk you know they just talk in a way that does not talk normally where people in the world will think you are out of this world you are out of your mind you're not talking straight you're not talking like we are well when you're filled with the holy spirit and then you just preach where the holy spirit wants you to preach the people who come to the church for the first time they go this is not a normal church you're not like a typical pastor you don't talk like we do and you have a weird type of thinking and then there one day where they're gonna call your christian belief a mental illness which they are trying little by little they're calling it a mental illness but back then homosexuality was considered a mental illness and you see that distorted world thinking they put the mental illness on the christian belief and not on something that is genuinely a mental disease itself when you're drunk sometimes you notice that with drunk people that they just keep drinking they can't stop i mean no matter how many times that it just damages their family it just damages their home life or their job life they don't care they just have to keep drinking when you're filled with the holy spirit even though your family life uh you have to sacrifice your family life your job life and how the world looks at you you don't care you just have to keep being filled with the holy spirit see the christian life they think you're crazy you're nuts why can't you do this in life you can do things better why did you become a pastor of all things in the san francisco bay area silicon valley you could have done better things well i'm sorry but i got a job from this being right here and he guided me at this place so a lot of times i just do things where i have to sacrifice sacrifice my own gains my own personal benefits because what that's what the holy spirit does when you're filled man there's so much great sermons about the holy spirit uh great example is you can uh one day hopefully uh the sermon will show but pastor hilton smith preached a great sermon great sermon about addiction i mean he'll do a much better job than me he'll do a much better job than me one day hopefully you guys can find that sermon or we could one day upload it over here let's go back to our main text all right but that's enough so the filling of the spirit did you notice that then are you filled with the holy spirit how you can tell you're filled with the holy spirit is you compare that with the drunken man so then ask yourself this so then do you do it anyways you don't care what other people think and you do it because that's what the holy spirit filled you and told you to do you got a witness to that soul you got to read your bible you have to not care how the world thinks of you and take a stand for jesus christ amen you have to go out and street preach who cares how people look at you look like you look like a nut job are you filled with the holy spirit that's that's how you can tell you're filled with the holy spirit amen you compare yourselves with examples of a drunken man and when you look at that then you can see how less filling of the holy spirit you have or how much you lost the feeling of the holy spirit now a great example let's look at acts chapter 2 acts chapter 2 here's a great example of people being filled with the holy spirit and we're going to look at verse 8 verse 8. acts chapter 2 and verse 8. these people were filled with the holy spirit and then the world accused them as oh man these guys are weird who are these nut jobs and they say they're drunk they're drunk acts chapter two well look at verse eight and how here we every man in our own tongue when we were born so notice that they were preaching in different languages verse 9 and 10. they weren't doing the charismatic speaking of tongues that's not where i'm g getting at they were filled with the holy spirit that they were preaching in different languages to these people so they were straight preaching here they were giving the gospel they didn't care what other people thought of them so then look at verse 12 and they were all amazed and were in doubt saying one to another what meaning this verse 13 others mocking said these men are full of new why all right go back to ephesians chapter five that's a great example that's a great example that means they were filled with the holy spirit because they contrast they compare them to drunken people if you compare yourself with the drunken person and then your holy spirit example follows the way that a drunken man would do things then you know that you got the holy spirit in you now obviously i'm not saying that uh when i'm comparing the example of a drunk command i'm not talking you're beating up people you have to do exactly the same specific things as a drunken man all right obviously you all know that i'm not saying that the idea is is that god wants that's why god says don't be drunk with wine because he knows what wine will do but god knows that when you're filled and overfilled the holy spirit he knows what you are capable of doing what you will do let's go back to ephesians 5 verse 19 speaking to yourselves now god says that in verse 19 it's continuing the thought so then in other words verse 18 if you're filled with the holy spirit what are you going to do you're going to speak to yourselves notice three categories psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing and making melody in your heart to the lord so there are three categories you're gonna uh speak to yourself psalms hymns spiritual songs and while you're singing and making melody it's gonna be from your heart in your heart you're going to do it and that's unto the lord now i want you to take note of this there's a horrendous movement that's becoming so popular and hillsong is leading the way on that one but i wouldn't be surprised there's going to be a new movement that'll come out because it's overtly popular that's the contemporary christian music contemporary christian music you'd be surprised how many people are struggling with the addiction of drunkenness but this one itself is worse the music the music is a drug addiction and then a lot of people justify the music that they sing why oh because i'm singing it to the lord as long as i sing it to the lord then it's fine no there's a key difference with contemporary christian music it is known as contemporary music notice right here it's not psalms hymns and spiritual songs those these three are the categories where you find the right christian music well then what is that well you i mean you got a dictionary you can look it up yourself so a psalm is if you look up the word psalm in your dictionary and then you pay attention to the music that we sing at church at sundays you hear these three in our church psalms these are a more sacred type of worship music that's what psalms are you'll notice that when we start out a lot of times we do this all right unless uh maybe the song leader does things differently but a lot of times when we start out our music for the day it's more of a you notice the feeling too the music is more somber right it's more sacred it's like a worship style music you'll notice in the genre too of the hymn books they'll say worship worship so that's what psalms are it's more you'll notice that psalms is something that's from the scriptures too on the books of our bible you'll notice that these types of music that the wording is more old it's more archaic right it's more sacred it's um it's more deep thinking contemplating so that's what psalms are hymns that's the next category why that's pretty obvious what the hymns are the hymns is the majority of what we sing on sundays right so what we sing on sundays most majority of the time are hymns hopefully california can start opening up again real soon and then we can start singing hymns indoors one day maybe the lord will open uh that up in public one day we could do that in public one day but aside from that when we get back to our point hymns are the type of songs that you hear majority of the time on typical sundays spiritual song so then these are things where this is what contemporary musicians are going to pull up on you so you need to know this argument contemporary christian music what they're going to argue is this well people accused fanny crosby they accused martin luther that the song they sang was contemporary in their day now is that true that is actually true but it's not the way that you think it so ccm they will say the reason why our music is justified is because it's contemporary in our time the reason why people had trouble with luther's music and crosby's music which is true the same kind of logic that contemporary christian music does today is it's deviating from the typical type of music that uh the churches used to sing they feel like it's uh more out of bounds it feels more fleshly it feels better it's more playful etc it has more of a beat so to speak so which is basically true it is true that luther's time and then yeah even charles wesley crosby that they would use music that's contemporary in their time just like contemporary christian music that they will take music contemporary in their time but there's a key difference they already gave away the answer contemporary in their time and it's called music see they deceive you with christians see forget that all right contemporary music that's the key we're not talking about lyrics here words we're talking about music that's one music another thing is contemporary in their time the music let me tell you something all right there were worldly songs during wesley and crosby and luther's time and they would sing those at the bars but if you drop the words and just listen to the music itself the music itself there's nothing wrong with majority if not all of the music that time music itself i mean you got to realize that classical music itself that it's not christian wording but a lot of churches will mention that we got to do like classical music type of style etc why because see we're not talking about the words here the music is key music is key but the music contemporary in our time today now come on be honest all right be honest the music contemporary in our time can you justify that look at uh look at justin bieber ariana grande look at lady gaga etc why do they dress up the way that they dress why do they live their lifestyles in a way that way you know why because it all revolves around music and they know it music is their life itself usually you can notice a person's behavior from their music too sometimes because this is the way that they sing that's the way they live so then they dress that way they talk that way they act that way great example is rap music why do people get into rap music because of that lifestyle that's heavier more violent more sexual that's why they love the rap music music dictates what you are and that is a matter-of-fact statement with if you're if you're an honest musician which musicians i know even contemporary christian musicians will have to agree with and psychologists and secular music musicians itself and historians that's a matter of fact so the music contemporary in our time that's not justified that is definitely not justified itself because the beat of the contemporary music of our time is severely at a pattern of upbeat which i'm not going to get into but the point is the point is just look at the music in our time look at the musicians themselves who use that music look at the contemporary look this is so obvious with famous contemporary christian musicians they'll mention who their role models are in the music industry and you know what they're going to pull up it's not charles wesley it's not fanny crosby and they will mention these pagan wicked lost hellbound rock musicians you know why because they know it's impossible to separate music from the lifestyle so then that's where spiritual songs come in the idea is it's okay to take music contemporary in our time there's nothing wrong with that but the idea is you have to look at the music itself in our time which one is clean and which one is unclean that's the idea so there is music contemporary in our time uh that we can use that is clean and uh i don't know because so much so many people are into uh the rock music the rap music you can take like what charles wesley did you can take music contemporary in our time and then use it for spiritual music for example for children's music what are they saying roll your boat gently down the stream why have you replaced that with christian wording there's nothing wrong with that but then you take a music from lady gaga and then you replace that with christian music thank godly taylor swift music dying godly man so uh people they try to justify their contemporary christian music by saying well during that time it was considered contemporary so what is contemporary i'm not going to sing a music some christians they're they're taking this very seriously about contemporary christian music that they say i'm not going to use a song or a music until 10 years later when it's not contemporary in my time no no there's nothing wrong with that that's where spiritual songs come is this spiritual that's the idea contemporary christian music we know this that ain't spiritual that's fleshly it's apparent it's so apparent it's fleshly and if it's not fleshly it's spiritual then use it then use it uh gospel music is one great example but there are some gospel music that now is uh contemporary christian music that you have to be careful about uh the king is coming right we do that the specials you hear in this place a lot of it is music contemporary in our timetable so these songs are considered spiritual songs that's this verse is a great verse that will show you what kind of songs to sing well then how do i know that it's uh contemporary uh christian music that's fleshly and wrong pastor but the verse already gave it to you it's spiritual singing and making melody in your heart to the lord that's crucial the key reason why we condemn contemporary christian music like i mentioned to you before it's that upbeat pattern now i know that maybe crosby wesley it would have more i guess quote-unquote rhythm or beat so to speak that they might claim but the idea is this the idea is can you honestly say it has no it is truly a melo melodious song it is melody it's so obvious all right you're not stupid man all right you you cannot enjoy a good rock concert without the drums you have to have that like if there's a choice between a piano or a drum by their fruits you shall know them all right in a rock music concert people what do they want drums that's why because that's more about rhythm upbeat pattern that's not melody itself so that's how you can tell how you can tell it's a not the contemporary christian music genre that's fleshly is the key word is melody that is key some songs can be more uh have more of a rhythm or a beat so to speak compared to other songs but that's not the point the point is is that can you truly call it melodious or are you gonna have to call it more of upbeat that's the key are you gonna call that uh man that beat is a good beat type of song or can you honestly say it's more of a melodious type of song than you can tell not only that it says it's a spiritual in your heart to the lord so then just be honest man all right think about people who go to the bars people who go to uh the the places where they can dance and then the violent sceneries in music or something that's sexual think about it you think that they're gonna play this kind of music at the background or what kind of music will they use you know see you know the difference with what's fleshly and what's spiritual don't pretend that you don't you do know because you do know whatever is fleshly to you that will please your sin you know exactly the type of music you're gonna use and if you don't believe me you try you try sinning you try drinking that bottle while playing a rise my solo rise you're gonna get under conviction try to play some of the blowout music play some of the stuff where we're running around the room uh because it's so much beat no keep on the firing line you that's like the most beat music that you can think of but even with that type of music i mean can you honestly commit fornication with that type of music you can't do that how can you commit fornication with that type of music but you know what to play you know exactly what to play the lightest type of backbeat music jazz all the way to the hardest beat wrapping heavy metal you know okay that's enough about music i'm sure you learned a lot now verse 20 verse 20. giving thanks always for all things unto god so it's important that you always thank god for everything go to first thessalonians chapter 5 first thessalonians chapter 5. we're going to look at first thessalonians chapter 5 and this is the verse that should be memorized at verse 18. it's an important verse as you're walking literally every step in your christian life it's got to be full of thanksgiving to to the father amen god has to receive the glory because every step that you take is literally god's grace and mercy in all your life all right first thessalonians chapter 5. the bible reads here at verse 18 in everything everything give thanks for this is the will of god in christ jesus concerning you so that's god's will that you thank him for everything wait a minute remember back the context of ephesians 5 ephesians 5 says give thanks for all things but he mentions about the will of god doesn't he see they're all in line together so you do know the will of god if you want to find the will of god one event is to thank him for everything you go through go back to our main text bad things in life he deserves the glory and you should thank him for that you got to thank him for literally everything because the reason why you can thank him for literally everything even the bad things is because you deserved worse usually when you think about what you truly deserved then uh you start to be more appreciative here's a great example i mean some of you don't do this some of you if a car accident happens and then because of that you're falling behind in work and then you come out and you start to complain and you oh god why did this happen and then you whine and stuff like that hey man you got to thank god for everything well it's hard to do that pastor no not if you switch your thinking what did you deserve i think you deserve to die in that car wreck it could have been worse right three other cars could have hit you there do you know how many people became uh busted their necks because of car accidents thank god you're alive right even if your health got hurt it's not that bad there are see so then when you start thinking that way you realize there's more things then what happens instead of a complaining attitude it switches to more of a what thanking attitude thank you so much god for protecting me uh there was a huge good testimony this happened yeah i think it was in our church yeah it happened in our church where uh i could be wrong about this because this was many years ago but one of the people in our church he had a car accident and it was a really bad uh serious accident and then the news made uh put that in their article but then they mentioned also that the person who was involved in that serious accident got out of the car and started jumping up and down and praising the lord jesus christ that's a great testimony man and that person was uh attending our church that time that's a huge great testimony why instead of the person coming out and then just complaining whining and saying oh i heard he just got out and said thank you father for protecting me that's a great testimony so thank him for everything keep reading unto god and the father so again we see that a phrase that's usually occurs in the bible where it'll go god and something save your end lord and usually it does that because it's sharing the same idea of the person god and the father so the father is god the father is god in the name of our lord jesus christ now notice you're thanking him in jesus christ's name okay the only way you can thank god it's all done through a communication of prayer right when you thank god you're you are praying to him aren't you because you're talking to him so then that's why when we can see that as prayer because prayer usually ends in what in jesus name so in this verse over here when you're thanking the lord you are doing it in the name of the lord jesus christ a great example is before the meal that you eat before the meal that you eat what do you do lord thank you so much for this food in jesus name i pray amen this is a great example of that a great example of thanking the lord in jesus name that's done in prayer that's why we do that that's why we pray that way that's why thanks should be it included in your prayer this verse is the proof text that you want to use to show people how to pray well how should i pray to god well you should thank him what's a verse on that right here verse 20. you do you're thanking god but you're closing it in jesus name that's a prayer right there okay so i hope that you learned a lot of good things today um 21 22 23 24 and the rest is good is a great passage about submission and a lot of people we live in a dna where they cannot stand to submit especially in these dark times right where everyone is frustrated and angry so this teaching will be helpful concerning about submitting to authority let's pray father god i thank you so much for the truth of your word and so much life lessons that can help us improve in our way of living where it can glorify you and make us more happy in jesus name we pray amen
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 24,309
Rating: 4.8900342 out of 5
Keywords: dispensationalism, bible study, end times, revelation, revelation explained, conspiracy theory, biblical prophecy, king james only, bible believer, once saved always saved, rapture, kjv only, how to understand the bible, debunking false pastors, false preachers, right doctrine
Id: 1kKSS_ZQ5m0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 14sec (3254 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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