What Is the REAL Date of the Rapture? | Dr. Gene Kim (Rev. 20:6)

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all right revelation chapter 20. all right let me give you the fun one okay now the fun one is this is a lot of people get infatuated with the timing of the rapture actually now here's the thing is that the bible mentions that no man knows the day or the hour but the bible says at first thessalonians 5 we are to be aware of the times and seasons so then uh a lot of these rapture date setters and you've seen plenty of my videos on that one especially when september happened i was like look you know you can't just bet your soul that this is when jesus is going to come because you're going to be damaged and hurt and a lot of people did so it is very important to be careful of date setting at a specific day and time if you're going to find a date of a rapture it's best where you give an approximate date and you can't be certain either because humans calendars keep changing i was actually trying to compare to biblical calendar and hebrew calendars and i was very amazed we either passed it by we still have 200 years to go actually according to the rapture clock so the the timings all very very different timings all very very different so let me explain how the timeline would go though it's very interesting first of all notice that the millennium it says a thousand years correct if we look at revelation chapter 20 verses uh two all the way through uh six six times it says a thousand years right okay so we know that the millennium is a thousand years all right and we can say that's the end right now think about this how much time has passed by pretty much approximately 6 000 or over 6 000 years of human history right so then we know that approximately 4 000 years during the old testament time and then under the new testament time it's been 2 000 years now then in total what's going on over here in total what would happen over here now i know it's not exactly zero but it's like approximately right so in total over here that's six and that's seven you see that now let me show you something interesting about the number seven go to the book of genesis chapter two one of those interesting doctrines on the sevens you want to know your sevens here okay now think about it okay why did god sanctify the seventh day huh why did god says that he sanctifies the people his people on the seventh day oh you're you're seeing too much significance in the number seven no you should because god does look what god did genesis chapter 2 verse 3 and god what did he do with the seventh day he blessed the seventh day okay remember it's uh the word blessed okay and then notice that during this timeline which is seven thousand years right is this seven thousand years then this one this is the seventh one right over here is there a lot of blessing that happens during this time we read revelation 20 blessed is he that partakes in the first resurrection right the whole earth is blessed everything is blessing over there no more curse okay now uh let me go over here so then if you go 4 000 to three thousand that's one three thousand to two thousand uh that's two two thousand to one thousand that's three and then one thousand to zero that's four all right zero to one thousand right zero we're in the new testament zero to one thousand five and then uh 1000 to 2006 and then notice over here that the seventh day god sanctified it seventh day god sanctified right here is seven over here this is all considered seven over here so then here's the thing is that when we reached 6 000 uh i hope i'm not out of bounds all right thank you all right when we reach 6000 we already completed six then right then this means after six thousand we should be entering number seven then okay then look at this so god verse three god bless the seventh day and what sanctified it the seventh day it's considered to be his blessing go to the book of uh let's see over here we're going to go to the book of hebrews chapter 3 hebrews chapter 3. hebrews 3. let's go to hebrews chapter 3. now do you know what god told the jews god told the jews within the mosaic law that i gave the sabbath to you as a sign why he gave the sabbath as a sign that they may know he is the lord god they may know that he is the lord god if you doubt me you can search word that right now if you want to he said the sabbath day was there so that they can know the lord all right now look at this hebrews chapter 3 verse 15 while it is said today if he will hear his voice harden not your hearts as in the provocation now look at verse one let us therefore fear lest a promise being left us of entering into his what rest okay so that's another clue it's called his rest any of you should seem to come short of it so god's saying uh some of you can come short of his rest now it's important that we know who he's talking to we know who he's talking to right or do i have to explain it hebrews chapter 1 he's speaking about the last days tribulation the title of your book is hebrews end times not only that he mentions at verse 10 that you labored from your own works and that matches with revelation chapter 14 where they rested from their own works so i think it's revelation 14 or 16. so there's no doubt this is tribulation jews all right can we agree with that okay so hebrews is talking to tribulation jews so they have a rest that the lord prepared for them that they're going to come short isn't it pretty obvious what this rest would be remember matthew 25 i don't know if you remember that chapter matthew 25 god prepares them a kingdom so this is his what his millennial kingdom so the rest is referring to his millennial kingdom but uh let's keep reading okay verse two for unto us was the gospel preached as well as unto them but the word preached did not profit them not being mixed with faith in them that hurt it okay what is he talking about over here in verse 2 he's talking about the jews who fell away from the wilderness and could not enter in the promised land which is the land of israel now remember where is jesus christ reigning in the millennium israel okay if you don't even uh you can look at the context of chapter 3 verses 11 all the way through 19. it's speaking about those jews who fail to listen to moses and they fail to enter the promised land which is israel that's the rest that is the rest okay so if we know that this is the rest over here then let's see okay keep reading hebrews chapter four uh we'll read verse three for we which have believed to enter into rest as he said as i have sworn in my wrath if they shall enter into my rest although the works were finished from the foundation of the world uh remember where jesus said in matthew 25 to the tribulation saints who enter the kingdom enter the kingdom that's prepared from the foundation of the world okay so is it uh is this convincing enough that we know this is referring to the millennial rest so we're it's getting to a millennial rest over here now look at verse four for he's he ties it to something here look at this he's tying this millennial rest to something verse four he for he spake in a certain place of the what oh my oh my oh my and then you thought the bible was born you thought hebrews 4 was this is just uh interesting examples or is god trying to show you of the seventh day on this wise god did rest the seventh day from all his works why in the world would the author of hebrews mention about the sabbath here about the rest because the seventh day is the day of rest at verse four verse 4. so undoubtedly what we understand so far okay we can agree with this can we agree that undoubtedly sabbath seventh day has to be tied to millennium rest yeah that's that much we know okay that much we know that the sabbath day is tied to millennium all this other weird number stuff i'll explain later okay we just have to go step by step so you can know more clearly now look at this he mentioned at verse 7 again he limiteth a certain day saying in david today after so long a time as it is said today if he will hear his voice heart and not your hearts for if jesus had given them rest then would he not afterward have spoken of a what so look at this verse eight he has to tie this to a day you see that verse 7 he has to limit he has to tie it to a day now is can we agree with that can we agree the millennial rest has to be tied has to be restricted to something that's the sabbath now if that's too deep for you you go back home and rewind and you go home and then look through read through that again all right because i got to get going if you want me to finish this i got to get going just remember what you heard write the notes don't believe me like a tree full of vowels and just go home and study your bible and read through again all right now let me drop a few bombs over here go to isaiah 11 and then second peter three go to 2nd peter 3 and isaiah 11. let me drop a few bombs over here wouldn't this be a great time to close bible study right wouldn't this be a great time where the online internet just suddenly shut down right look at second peter 3 and isaiah 11. here we go all right all of this is tied to the millennium right blessed sanctified know the lord rest yes all right we know that's all tied to the millennium sabbath is tied to millennium correct all right what does this have to do with timing look at this second peter chapter three now look at this look at the context what is the context verse 4 verse 4 and saying where is the promise of his what for since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation wait a minute his coming is over here right okay so i hope you're not lost when he's coming here they're talking about his coming is can we agree with that if you that's the context of verse 4 all the way downward it's tied to his coming all right people being ignorant and they were ignorant of god's judgments for example that the lord would bring up so his coming that's the context that's why god says that verse eight but beloved be not what ignorant why because of if you go back to verse five go to verse five for this they willingly are what they're ignorant of what verse 4 his coming yes okay can we so they're ignorant of his coming so god's saying if we go to verse 8 don't be ignorant of this one that's tied to his coming he gave you a timeline he gave you a timeline here don't be ignorant of his coming because he's giving you a timeline that one day is with the lord as a what a thousand years and a what as what one day remember to the lord where it can be like a thousand years going on down here can be one day up to god remember genesis 2 he has uh six days but the seventh day he stopped why didn't he go for day number eight you thought about that day number nine ten eleven twelve why do you stop at seven and that's an end of that system that time system and then you start fresh some something ends here and his to what a thousand years is one day okay we counted right that's 6 000 years then six days right one day is a thousand years six thousand years seven this should be what the seven thousand year yeah so when you're editing see we're hitting so this is when we pass 6000 we're entering seven and when we enter seven what are you supposed to do at that day you're supposed to rest all right i don't care people don't need that whatever but this is where they're supposed to rest okay so when they're entering seven here they should be resting wait a minute then if you're saying that this is the timeline jesus was coming right second peter three yes or no second peter three yes this is coming right don't be ignorant of that and the tie is coming to this date system one day is a thousand years that is coming over here then look at this and this one they put as seventh day rest is very befitting because look at i say 11 now all right oh to joy man now let's wrap it up here all right isaiah chapter 11 verse 10 verse 10 and in that what oh god takes days very seriously there shall be a root of jesse which shall stand for an ensign of the people to which shall the gentiles seek and his what oh wait wait what what okay do we agree this is the millennium verse 10. yes he's coming down he's reigning and he has his rest prepared wait a minute hebrews 3 he has his rest prepared for the tribulation saints what day did god rest on seven genesis two and a day seems like a thousand years to god think about it use use your head if that's god's clock system i mean do you believe as it says a thousand years seems like one day to god right so then in god's mind when a thousand years is going on every one thousand years god seeing one two three four five six and then what now use your head which day do you think god would pick the best for his millennial reign ah obviously this one wouldn't he rest on that wouldn't he sanctify the people wouldn't he bless it and oops i think we're seeing all of this at the millennium perfect completion so is this abstract or is this doctrine this is doctrine this is for real actually so look at isaiah 11 and it shall come to pass in that again day that the lord shall set his hand again the second time to recover the remnant of the people so this is all the world around him look at verse 12 he shall set up an ins ensign for the nations and shall assemble the outcasts of israel that's true he's gathering all the nations for judgment of what nations and he's restoring the nation of what again israel see that keep reading and gather together the dispersed of judah from the four corners of the earth well how about that let's keep reading over here so notice that if you read verse 14 15 16 god does away with the gentiles right uh but by the way um if you look at verse four and five and six seven isn't that the millennium look at verse four five six seven yeah it's the millennium uh look at this one verse nine they shall not hurt nor destroy in all my what holy mountain it's sanctified [Music] for the earth shall be full of the what wait they will no the okay go to ezekiel 37. this is undoubtable then look at the book of ezekiel [Music] 37 then do you know what that means brethren if we already passed the 2000 a.d then that means uh we should be over here but what's holding why is the dating off the dating's off is simple like i told you calendars are off they keep changing when i looked at hebrew calendars and biblical calendars like i told you before we either pass 66 years or we need 200 years to go actually so it can vary but you notice that we're not far we're like at the corner no wonder covent 19 happened no wonder everything's like man everything's becoming one world order and man we're so close yeah we're close we're literally at the how doorstep that man oh man that book is amazing blow up your mind every single time like i told you love your mind every single time all right so we're going to look at the book of ezekiel chapter 37 chapter 37 now look at verse 28 and the heathen shall know that i the lord do what sanctify wait it's sanctified here israel when my sanctuary shall be in the midst of them forevermore wow look at uh verse 23 23 neither shall they defile themselves anymore with their idols nor with their detestable things nor with any of their transgressions but i will save them out of all their dwelling places wherein they have sinned and will cleanse them so shall they be my people and i will be their god and david my servant shall be king over them see that's this is the millennium there is absolutely no doubt about that now i wouldn't uh there are tons of verses i can give to you but then i'd waste too much time i would recommend you this look up these words all right brother sean loves this all right so look up these words okay and i guarantee you you're going to find of where the lord connects these words with the millennium and type down sabbath too with some of these words and you're going to see that those words connected to sabbath
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 117,673
Rating: 4.7128129 out of 5
Keywords: bible study, end times, revelation explained, biblical prophecy, king james only, bible believer, rapture, how to understand the bible, right doctrine, watchman update, rapture date, is 2020 the rapture year, bible prophecy update, happy days challenge, live q&a, they have covered up, trump report
Id: 8TkAYoE3lGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 8sec (1268 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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