Hermitcraft 7: Episode 28 - THE BARGE UPGRADE!

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The Most Funny episode!!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Karn1412-kub 📅︎︎ Jun 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

The second song I might actually listen to if it wasn’t propaganda

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/SherryTheDog 📅︎︎ Jun 18 2020 🗫︎ replies
do you remember a few episodes ago when we bred a load of cows for leather well somehow one of them got there he's just been wandering around I guess we'll never know hello everyone and welcome back to another episode of hermitcraft I have been very very busy on lots of kind of boring things to be honest so here is my base last episode we did some big big progress and if you look at it closely you might notice some differences well on this side it is now snow free well I've clearly missed some but you can see how clean it is for the most part on this side because I wanted to show you what the difference would be I've left the snow on and you can see that these white lines across it kind of make for for not the best viewing because when you're moving around at a distance it kind of creates this weird optical illusion so I've been staring at this and I've decided yeah the cleaner version is definitely the way I'm going so the snow it's gonna go it's going to have to go if I was gonna add snow it would be in a more natural way so I would like literally add piles up against the side of the roof in little amounts giving it a much nicer more natural shape than just blanket sheet of snow but then again I may not it may just be the odd little bit where do we go from here well I said last episode I want to make some trees and greenery this thing needs a pop of fresh color something in here to contrast against this rather cold looking build but we're gonna come back to the mansion because there's something more pressing that I want to do now this is not part of the chests monster everything you see here is actually brand new stock for the barge and that's where we're kicking off today's episode because it's about time we did another upgrade oh boy the mum before mayor campaign is not going well we are out of the people that are actually running where the lowest we've got the lowest amount of support what's going on haven't people been buying diamonds we totally need to check how many people have done this two people two sales here sailes here and once they were here theoretically that should be at least a couple of blocks of support well we won't worry about that now will a scrum but later what we do it what we do because grandpa you're not you're not doing your job what we want to focus on is this greens well I call it the barge because it is still technically a barge but it has upgraded to greens Emporium and I want to sell a little bit of everything and I've started doing that but the interior is a little lackluster it's not very nice in here at all so we're gonna do a big big upgrade mainly to the inside but we're also gonna build a little bit here and also a little bit on here just to give it that extra height you know every time we get a bit of investment every time we get lots of sales this thing is gonna grow and grow and grow until I no longer know what to do with it so without further ado let's get in to the build of the barge to electric boogaloo wait wait wait wait wait hold on hold on hold on this is not gone to plan at all Oh a wandering trader oh no that's that's a value that's some valuable heads right there I'm gonna go here some emeralds and come back to you later but here I've had to stop the time-lapse because I've made a mistake quite look at this look at this mess I started building and then I sort of looked at it and I I realized this is actually a two-block centre you know one two three four but I actually need a one-block Center and you could see it basically what I'm saying is a done goof I need to move the entire thing all of these over one block and I must admit I was getting so frustrated trying to figure out what was wrong and I've actually messed around with this so much I don't know which bits I've moved and which bits I haven't the only logical conclusion that I can come to and it may not be the smartest thing in the world but I'm gonna blow it up and start again I'm just gonna take all of this down to like this base level here and then build it back up again the way it should be I actually believe genuinely believe that it will be less time taking it down and starring it over again than fiddling around trying to move everything block a block back and just repeatedly getting it wrong and then end up with a mistake somewhere in the build so I'm just gonna flatten this and go back again it shouldn't actually take as long as I think we're gonna go and grab some emeralds for that guy Oh number head XP head doc head I think we actually managed to trade every single one every single one and we got all these micro blocks that's probably a good thing to sell at the barge to be honest I'm still not entirely sure if I want to go through with this it could be a mistake and I definitely don't need to blow up the whole thing but I feel like I'm gonna be building exactly the same thing here this is really stupid I got to admit this is really stupid but I I'm so frustrated with it already that it's probably for the best to be honest now this probably won't go well [Music] you know what that didn't go too badly I maybe forgot that it's not gonna drop all the items but that's okay I have got so much dark oak and everything that we need for this build it's absolutely fine this is what happens when minecraft building goes wrong you get so frustrated with a build and you'd rather blow it up and start again than just fix the issue it's so rare to see this like I never just I never just blow up my own stuff this feels really strange I'm usually blowing up other stuff I think the boomers are gonna be out of a job this is such a mess but this is progress okay I think I've had enough of exploding time let's get back into the time-lapse and do it properly this time start again from scratch get that center piece finished let's go [Music] okay I definitely made a mistake that 100% took longer to completely rebuild it's only three hours to remake it and you know what it looks exactly the same exactly the same it isn't it is indeed one block shorter and it is perfect but it looks identical absolutely identical however we have added the new addition of these two parts right here it goes up these are completely aesthetic and on the inside we have totally changed it up it is looking far more neat and tidy we have two new areas here and here and I think we've set the precedent that we are going to expand upwards from here this is turning into a really really Zen place to be I've even added like this garden and I've put the end of chess the bed and the crafting table here in the middle which you might need and I've even included lots of anvils as part of the design if you ever need to rename something now I have to do the really really boring part of stocking this place up and that's easier said than done because I've definitely got more barrels and chests than I do stock so I'm gonna have to think this through a little bit the stock has just been sitting out here and people have just been I mean I don't even really need a shop earlier today mumbo just came in he just went on where's the cat one where's the carrot some wizard where's the carrots ah boom boom and he paved a diamond here like toy finita shop forget it just just leave schalke boxes here in the open people saw themselves out so now I'm gonna quickly well relatively quickly try and put all of these into the right spots inside the barge [Music] Wow all cleared up and installed I have put in some real effort into making this one of the best shops in the shopping district you have your easy access through the top so you can just fly in get what you need and zip out again this is a feature I want to really avoid losing I really like this and I have stacked up absolutely everything I possibly can I mean I don't even know if we have the time to go through everything but we go like anvils I think like quickly whizzed through you can stop on the prize if you want to most things are a diamond per stack it just depends on how much for pain they are to get or craft TNT is quite expensive because you know TNT and I've also added some like assorted heads here that I cut from the trader it's all going well this area needs stocking up and I will probably get some more stock off-camera for this area I have got the bundle deal a full box of rockets for eight diamonds including the Shocker box it's going very very well over here and I've even because because because I want you to enjoy your time here at the green Emporium I have added emergency rockets they are free you just take them if you get stuck now if people be taking these rockets when they're not stuck they're banned from the shop boom I am chuffed to absolute pieces with this place I really have become quite attached to this building and it feels so Pleasant in here now I've mixed two different styles together I've gone for a Victorian green house meets a Japanese garden and I think I've done a pretty good job of mixing those two together an unusual combination but really quite pleasant well I think that's enough time at the barge literally a day let's head back to the base now I think we gotta take we've got to take all this stuff with us we're basically going to become the supermarket of the shopping district we're gonna sell a bit of everything now this is where the item sorter really comes in handy because I can just pop in if it's an empty shocker box I don't need to worry but anything else I don't have to sorted sorting out the endless amount of items in my base is just ridiculous and while I was here I don't know if I did this or if someone else did this if they did it's probably the worst prank I've ever seen because it's two bits of gravel and a redstone torch my question is why now I'm sure I didn't do this is it's got it probably the biggest mystery of the entire server for me cuz I'm pretty sure I didn't do that so now that we're back at the base there is one thing I want to do I'm gonna get rid of all the rest of the snow I've decided that I prefer this it's much much cleaner and I'm gonna figure out another way to make the colors pop I have a feeling it's gonna be some flowers and stuff like that but first I want to get rid of the snow won't take long but let's get it done [Music] we are officially snow free it feels really good to see it like this it looks so much cleaner and while I was there I thought I might as well put those trees in that I mentioned at the start of the video and doesn't that look so much more fresh and clean and I really did think that the roses would pop a little bit more than they do I think I think the mansion might be a little bit too big to be popped with just a couple of rose bushes in the build but overall I think this looks amazing and I must admit I always fly around what I'm showing the mansion like from up here and you kind of get a a really nice overall view but to really understand that how big this build is we kind of need to just walk on the floor and look up and you can get a really good idea for how imposing this really is so the trees have been a huge success I think they look fantastic but now as my t-shirt says we need to look at what's going on for the Mambo from their campaign robots got some explaining to do every episode this mansion gets a little bit better a little bit better I haven't been to see grumbo in a while there he is handsome man right we need a diamond for you brahmbhatt do something we are last it's not even a question anymore it's just it's just do do something and buy last I mean look at this this is the visual support meters lots of support lots of support lots of support and there's a mystery support oh there's there's me there's mumbo there's someone else who's the mystery supporter either way I falling behind the more we try mumbo that's whether less good we do boop beep boop ba-doop come on grandpa do something my very intelligent robot son hey hey it's got music disc Oh two music discs mumbo for me and mumbo for mer they're not the same disk do I ever do I have a jeep do I have a jukebox I don't I don't have a jukebox I've got lots of random items that Mambo heads him by enderchest got Mambo head to the no jukebox do you reckon that grumble has a voice has he has he recorded something for us in his in his voice oh he does is there right I've got my jukebox let's check this out and see what let's see what he says he's made a song from monkeys the heck there we go we are now flying and what on earth is that thing what is that thing okay he's made some music on this one is this music as well oh my goodness oh my goodness well if this doesn't win people over I don't know what will we have to immediately go and play this to some people now stressing is skyla already on stresses campaign that leaves ren the city Easy's although he's also quite close so why don't we head over to him and play some of this music without being seen either subconsciously enter his mind okay I can't find Ren anywhere you know what b-dubs was in the shopping district why don't I think he's supporting scar but I think he could I think he could be swayed let's try it out maybe maybe this music is exactly what he needs to hear of course he might have moved why is he in the Hermit Herald I took damage there he is b-double oh that's gonna make a little bit of noise [Music] you can only imagine what's going on inside its head and now I mean I wish I looked through the window here let's try the other one and see what he does do we keep going I feel like we keep going now we hope that he changes his allegiance based on those two annoying songs I'm starting to question grumble a little bit it doesn't seem to have worked he's still I want to get close and play it again but he's looking he's looking for me so we play it again [Music] I could hear him mining the dirt well I mean if that annoying music didn't convince b-dubs to stop supporting Mambo I don't know what will oh my goodness I've just remembered something I've been wondering who the mystery supporter is for Mambo for mayor it was Skaar remember he lost the mining challenge and he was forced to put his his support on mumbos pillar we haven't got a single legitimate supporter not a single one skull scars is just a temporary forfeit my knee I'm the campaign manager and Mambo is Mambo no one likes us are we not saying Mambo from there loud enough oh there he is hi-yah no no look over there at that Hey no no hold on okay [Music] and we're out I mean he could have just pressed tab and seen that I was the only person online and also it's only gonna be me or mumbo isn't it okay I'm back at the base and I've been thinking about what I want to do next to the base and I don't think this project may ever be finished but I spoke about this before I want to go down from here now that is gonna take some proper designing so I'm not gonna start that for at least a couple of episodes but it's the next logical thing what I did notice is is that Red Dog is currently online which means he might be back at the hangar sneaky sneaky there is now we just need to get close enough so that he can hear the music why is he got why is he got poster here scar see seriously scar why have you put opposed to underground or maybe it was here and then he just he just arraigned over the top this is probably like a screenshot for the worst campaign placement but actually while we're here underground if we could just find his username we can play it from under here and he probably won't find us he's can opal you probably can hear me digging around okay let's just try it [Music] we can hear it [Music] okay we're really close now just imaginary action if I heard this song out of the blue I'd be like what in Queen Elizabeth's shiny crown was that let's try it let's try the other one [Music] I think we've successfully got another supporter and now we leave I've been seen [Music] they'll fail we've been we've been rumbled well I think that is enough for today's episode I had an amazing time today now I know I didn't upload for a week and that's because I also have lots to do in my life other than make video so occasionally it takes a little longer it doesn't mean that I'm working on the video for a whole week it just means that I'm busy that is all now I do want to share some amazing pictures with you these are from a reddit user called similarity City and they have made something is that that it's a parent on top of mumbos base that is weird they are an artist from reddit that I found and their art of Grumbach is so good I genuinely want to make my own poster out of it so take a look at these from similarity City they are absolutely gorgeous this fan art is some of my favorite that I've ever seen and I just wanted to I just wanted to give them a proper shout out on the channel because this is absolutely amazing and it probably took a very very long time but anyway that is enough for today's episode we have played some music we upgraded the bar and we've done some base work today tidying up the snow which are apparently I've missed a lot of I don't think it matters if it's on the back to be honest oh there's quite a lot let's just not look at it alright I shall see you in the next episode good
Channel: Grian
Views: 3,519,109
Rating: 4.9729533 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, mincraft, yt:quality=high, hermitcraft grian, grian hermitcraft, episode 28, grian mansion, minecraft videos, gaming videos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 33sec (1473 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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