Hermitcraft 7: Episode 29 - EXPANDING DOWNWARDS!

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only a few days later and we have some mega sales on the barge someone has been in and made some serious purchases of our more obscure items oh my god the maps have paid off almost a stack of diamonds in just one day this is going straight in the investment chest for the next stage of the barge we are starting in the shopping district today because we are setting up the voting booth that's right we have a proper date set for it and it's coming up really soon I thought we could stick them right in here either side of the entrance and then people can come in and cast their vote when they're ready so something really simple wait did I just see Jevon I think I just sort as just saw Jeff in somewhere oh my goodness yeah Jevons there just don't get seen please tell me I've got my music discs on me oh no I don't have my books where's my cheat books panic Kraft one crosswise super craft don't get seen [Music] I don't know what he's talking about we'll scare them into voting now any opportunity and we'll take it yet another example of me getting distracted anyway back to the booth there we go really simple voting booth got to have privacy and one person at a time so we actually need two booths one to vote for mayor and one to vote for dog catcher there we go mayoral voting booth opens on the 23rd of June I think that works perfectly and now we just need to make another one but you know what we really do need a dog catcher I think this is getting out of hand there we go don't catch a voting booth open June 23rd and now I just need to set up everything else so I put a stack of paper in there you only need to take one do I really need to write instructions on how to use this it's pretty straightforward right you take one bit of paper you go into the booth though the contestants will be written here and you rename the paper to who you would like to vote for I'm gonna vote for Lowell and then you pop it in the chest and it's as simple as that really really easy so just need to write the contestants Joe Hills that's it that's that's it for dog catcher this opens in just a few days so the last-minute campaigning really must begin this isn't looking good Mambo this isn't looking good at all it turns out that playing this annoying music hasn't gotten us any more supporters and lots of people look Jevons even wearing a moustache right now pretty sure he hasn't put his support on here I think they just want free diamonds well that's enough of setting up the booths I'm kind of glad that that's done now cuz it's a it's impending now as we all know or maybe you don't know the 1.16 never had to say that when we're in another Potter but the nether update is very very close that means the server will be updating very soon and I'm quite excited but this entire time we've talked a bit talking about the weather my portal has been on top of this tree the whole time ska has a really nice portal mine's just been chilling on that tree the whole season scar has made this nice this oh my goodness I forgot about my jelly how are you doing girly no but I I haven't done anything so I really would like an official place for my nether portal because it has to be up here I'm stuck in the tree this is my life now stuck in the scars tree well what I was trying to say but I want to create something really special for my nether portal and it involves digging down here like a lot of digging so we're gonna start a crazy dig project I will probably stop by tinting it saves a lot of time and then I can just time-lapse the rest after so let's craft up some tnt and let's be let's be reasonably sensible about this let's try and be smart because if this goes wrong it's not just my minecraft life at stake it is the mansion and admittedly I care more about the mansion because there's no respawn button for the mansion if it blows up it's gone let's do a little test a bit further away I don't really want oh we shouldn't be doing this we shouldn't be digging straight down okay we'll go for it we'll go for I think I want this to be alright that'll do so we then build up bit by bit out of tea and tea and then we cap the top with cobblestone so that it doesn't actually do too much damage there we go completely safe this is the really scary bit this is such a stupid idea we're still gonna do it okay so I'm gonna ignite this and then I've got to fly out of here three two we're out we're out we're out well that was super uneventful that probably worked a little bit too well hey a plan involving me and TNT worked kind of well what do you know okay now we step it up so we're gonna go two blocks out and make a whole whole new level of TNT explosions and then cap it off with some more cobblestone also there's no coming back from this so if this design for this project doesn't work out there's no I'll just have I'll just have a deep hole here forever there's nothing I can do about it okay I'm pretty stupid but I'm not that stupid so we are going to put our stuff even further away in a safe box so that the only thing we're wearing is some unenchanted Elektra and some Rockets okay wish me luck here we go there's a lot of there's like four stacks of TNT here oh I forgot turns out you need this as well alright okay kind of scared kinda scared this is a lot harder cuz there's actually a way to miss this one all right you ready three two what yes we're out okay nice I cut I'm professional let's see let's see how much we got this would have taken hours to mine out by hand this is fantastic this is all well and good and we've actually done a pretty good job in fact I might have even underestimated how much TNT I could use the issue really here is that I'm out of sand and out of TNT so unfortunately we're gonna have to go on a bit of a grind lapse adventure to get some sand of all things so let's load up on shocker boxes and get going to the desert to get some more sand [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] I have successfully got a lot of sand but you might have noticed in that time-lapse I also for some reason decided to go and attack the end and got this much obsidian I don't know why but I was in the nether and I thought well ender chests I could sell ender chests in the barge and well well I've got it so I'm gonna I'm gonna quickly craft up a bunch of ender chests to put in the barge by the way it took an hour to get this many to get this much obsidian by the way it took about an hour an hour of just for the obsidian I got three stacks of ender chests not not not the quickest not the quickest grind in the world that one anyway back to the task at hand so again I'm gonna craft up all the stuff that we need and then we can start really excavating at speed so I'm going to create all of the tunnels for TNT and I'll be back once that's done and we can ignite it all the TNT is in place it is equally spaced four blocks apart the only problem is I don't actually know how to set this off I could and I think I will try and just blow it up from here but it might not ignite them all so let's just go for it I had a couple of really close calls with creepers and they almost sent set off the whole thing but we made it one too [Music] it's still going I think that worked you know oh wait no it's still going oh my goodness I can't I can't believe it diamonds I it's it worked it worked so well this is amazing it actually it actually did dig out without too many floating blocks exactly the space that I needed and I think we made it without any casualties so I have no idea how much time this actually saved but it took me literally took me about an hour just to set up all the TNT and then seconds later boom this would have this probably saved me a few hours why can I see through there nope it wasn't real it was an illusion a couple didn't make it nice I'm just on the lookout for more diamonds now so all I got to do now is kind of tidy up all this top area and open it up I think I'm a qualified boomer so let's quickly time-lapse getting rid of all the excess stone on the top this was intentional so that I didn't damage the precious mansion so let's quickly get rid of this and then we can continue trying to work out what we're gonna do here [Music] [Music] well that's looking a little bit cleaner I don't actually have the time today to make this all perfect and it actually needs to be quite a bit bigger it needs to go all the way around there it needs to go all the way back a little bit because what I'm thinking I'm gonna do is take this cliff and extend it all the way to the bottom and then have this also extend down as well the bit that I'm not entirely sure on yet is how to do this side maybe pillars or something I just don't know but one thing's for sure I've made a mess and I will have to clean it up very very soon and then the other thing is that you can't just have this side you've got to blow up both sides got to have this build is pretty much perfectly symmetrical and I kind of like it that way it makes it makes life a little bit easier in some regards so you only have to get half right and then you can copy it over but I have run out of TNT this was an extraordinarily expensive hole to make so we'll have to leave that for another time however but what what is he doing in here what are you what do you excuse me okay can I help you mumbo is just on a casual visit to my base well we need to take a lot of this stuff over to the barge since we craft it up all these ender chests it's time to do a little bit of restocking let's take all of these over to the barge also by the way mumbo just turned up and then he just left you was he up to something so we're gonna add quartz block quartz pillar glass and bookshelves to the barge I haven't yet managed to stock quite enough of these yet but we're gonna get there and I haven't come up with a price but soon these will also be for sale and let's not forget the ender chests and we might as well add another bundle deal people seem to really like these a shocker of golden carrots that will keep you going for a very long time thirteen diamonds that's a pretty good deal you basically get a free shelcha box and a couple of stacks of carrots extra okay I've done all that I can in the barge today I have actually made quite a lot of sales look at this we started with an empty chest when we upgraded and we're already doing really well the other reason I really wanted to come to the shopping district is because of this mumbo Jumbo's campaign is not doing particularly well I think it's time we confronted grumble about his plan and sort of say that I don't think it's going well I don't think it's going well at all so I just hey I just saw I just cooked that that is now pink or magenta what and he's got a heart on his face he has got a heart on his face so free they've rebranded my son grumble are you okay speak to me grandpa grumble are you okay I was about to give him a hard time for failing at his job please be okay come on huh huh oh he said what did I say get gorgeous what that's their slogan no grandpa my boy from there my boy from there come on mumble for mayor you can do it you can do it grandpa come on grandpa is he is it yeah he's still sad he's still sad oh it's another get gorgeous I think he's stuck on get gorgeous let's just do it let's do a test test one two I can't believe it we've lost we've lost our secret weapon we've lost I'll see those sad again dead gorgeous we need to we need to fix it we need to fix him we need to fix him right now okay grandpa we're going in and we're gonna fix this okay I put on my mum bowhead to go in there make sure it's all good I'm not really qualified oh this is weird this this looks really weird not sure I like this okay let's let's do another quick test from BOTS are you okay one two three come on grandpa we got an answer he's still sad get green get great get gorgeous get great green uh-oh one more time one two three we got answer oh he's angry now it was an another get grin okay I've just got it stuck from get gorgeous to get green I think we need to get Mambo on this uh grumbles broken I got mumbos on my they said yes graboids a bit broken I tried to fix it now he's stuck please assist being hacked and I made it worse I guess I'll uh I'll leave that with mumbo then Oh grumble what are we gonna do with you okay mumbo is on the case I'll leave it I'll leave it with him don't worry grandpa you're you're more competent daddy's is comin to fix you up Oh No Oh hold the phone what's this fine false for mere but last-minute campaigns are real well if that's not an opportunity I can almost see it you can see it that is an opportunity hold on we need to get ourselves some black concrete oh this shop always makes me panic we don't need to listen to grumble I mean grandmas out of action he would grandpa would want me to do this let's be honest grandpa would want me to do this that's better that's that's so much better well we did just spend a bunch of money this black concrete there are other things that could do with a mustache like the chest monster what else has a face perfect I had this skeleton this might not stand out very well but we're still gonna do it yep that doesn't even look like a mustache but I'm sticking with it oh and the plan how would you even get a mustache on this thing perfect silly okay I think that's I think that's most of the things you can put a mustache on there's not there's not a huge amount of faces in the shopping district but yeah I think it's a nice touch oh wait the llama the llama already basically has one amazing I think out of all of them that one is the best by a long way this might also be a really good time to tell you that grumble off-camera he gave me some secret plans and I've been doing them again off-camera and I won't reveal what I've been up to until after we know the results of the vote and it's important that I don't share it but I just want you to remember I've been up to something on Graham bots orders and we're gonna see if that plan works just keep just keep that in mind anyway let's head back to the base because I need to figure out what I want to do with the inside hello what is this go into town on the on the oh man they've really gone to town on their poster take these down thank you very much now inside the mansion I have said oh yeah there's a hole there I don't sorry let me you know put this dog back now inside the mansion I was saying that I really wanted to put some farms and stuff here well I'm hoping to do that fairly soon all I've got so far is a pumpkin and melon farm but I'm thinking a mod farm is the first thing that goes in so bear that in mind for next episode we might be able to get that done but what I really wanted to come for its to ramp up there's more there's there's more posters I wants to ramp up my game with mumbos base he genuinely as far as I'm aware hasn't realized I've been putting stuff in his base and hopefully he's now gone to go and look at grumble and isn't at his base this moment but we will do a double no he's right there he's right there well anyway what I want to do is stick in a mumbo jumbo actual head into his base and see if he notices this is the ultimate test can I speak in a mumbo jumbo head somewhere in his base without him noticing I think he's gone doesn't look like he's in his face we still got the lantern still got the note block well if we're gonna just just just put it right there I mean even mumbo is gonna know is that but let's let's just see let's see how far we far away can go without him noticing and I'm very pleased to see that scar has been on the server very very recently well that was a lot of fun but I'm afraid that is all we have time for today we actually didn't get as much done today as I'd like we managed to dig a big hole with TNT and that took up the majority of my time to be honest we made the voting boost we did some barge work and we broke Grum but even more than before no dear but anyway I hope you have enjoyed this episode please let me know what you thought in the comments below and I don't normally say this but if you're watching it this late in the video consider subscribing if you haven't already subscribed and thank you very much for watching as always good
Channel: Grian
Views: 3,730,266
Rating: 4.9726486 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, hermitcraft, grian hermitcraft, mansion, minecraft mansion, episode 29, minecraft videos, gaming video, minecraft grian
Id: 27uRwj8Pf3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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