Hermitcraft 7: Episode 25 - MAPPING OUT THE JUNGLE!

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official Mambo for mayor t-shirts are now available link in the description and a bit more on that later that's right we're back in another episode of heavy craft in today's episode we are going to be doing lots of things in the base I have been preparing my new stock for the barge one of which is empty maps and of course item frames but these are more expensive than you might think they cost quite a lot skaar says gee man you got any TNT actually I do that's funny you should mention it because I have just been trying to stock up some TNT for the barge if he needs to blow something up I'm up for it I need to make a boom boom should use the toilet then shouldn't you I don't know if this is gonna be enough but I mean that's quite a lot of TNT where is he come over to my new build I don't know where his new build is it's behind my base okay so what does he mean by behind because this doesn't have a front so behind his bases Mambo behind his bases s cows base behind his base is stress his base and behind his base is my base what's behind is it must be this way then literally must be this way because he is sandwiched in I think oh goodness yeah there he is what is he doing a giant circle [Laughter] hello good sir hello what is going on oh my goodness look at that drill I didn't even see the drill it has a name it's a big bug I was gonna say big bed yeah it's big buddy he does what big bud likes to do and that's drill this is the giant big big project the sequel and we're going to the nether get those 1.16 box it's gonna be amazing yep that's gonna be awesome hold on I just have something to throw to you just uh just a couple of those your way we're mixing we're mixing banners and signs buddy what do you think a little bit better than the the dark oak sign dude look at your scar thing someone's like oh wait someone's straight up there someone is there messing with it this TNT what are your thoughts I'm making a little boom boom happen here I'm not an official boomer like nothing to do with the boomers so I'm like a discount boomer I'll blow anything up for one diamond I just like blowing stuff up um how about one of these beautiful beautiful signs I've already I already got some of these and I don't think I need them dude one diamond just a diamond blue Terrica there it is it's a little darker diamond I'm darker done oh no oh yes there you go how big a boom-boom you want as big as boom-boom we can make all right we're gonna use all this might crash the server just just I I need you to sign the waivers form saying that the agreeing holds no responsibility for death of a server player or any builds in the vicinity I'm gonna need that in writing from you is that all right I wrote it on the Shocker box or I'll send it to you officially because this could this could end badly in fact it probably will end badly because I don't I don't know restraint all right let's go are you ready scar that's five stacks of TNT down there it doesn't look like it does it popping out the top all right I got my I got my bow I got my boat we hit it with the flame boat hit with the flame bow hit with the sucker how is anyone gonna vote from there how is anyone going to support you to be bad Oh amazing extremely successful Wow oh oh oh oh there's so many bad things down here Oh get out of there Scott wow you yeah things never go well this has created a perfect crater the stock dig this is amazing well thank you you I mean I mean maybe we should just become the boomers the rumours to Constitution oh no no these aren't going well okay that's how a good things normally go oh no that was Hillary that last thing that happened scar was amazing in fact I actually had the whole thing on replay mod let's watch an instant replay of this cuz it is phenomenal I don't know how Skaar does this I really don't so take a look at this he's he's a gross an Enderman which is following him which forces him to abandon ship and go down he then hits a couple of blocks panics uses them and goes full pelt into two creepers which promptly explodes and there he goes absolutely brilliant I can't even remember what I was doing I was producing a bunch of stuff for the barge actually I have a lot of crafting to do I have actually made a decent amount of empty maps now and that actually got me thinking I want to I want to produce some maps of this area kind of get a nice a nice coverage wow that's not what I expected that to look like let's get it let's get a decent map of this entire area and save it so that we've got like a timestamp of what this used to look like I probably should have done this right at the start of the season to be honest it's maybe a little bit late now but we're gonna do it anyway I've got a bunch of maps not a complete one but I'm thinking these are pretty empty spaces on the wall I could use these like timestamps every few months we could update these so I need to lock these to start with and then I think we could probably put together a really nice map area to show the whole thing I definitely won't be doing this again any time soon so this is the first one I kind of wish I did this at the start of the season and this was number two but this is number one because I only just thought of this but in a few months time we can put another there another there and by the end of the season we could have four different time stamps of this area and I think this is a really good map it shows an awful lot of things obviously here we have my base and it is a lot brighter with that prison marine color but you can see it's definitely not done it's very messy around it I've locked all of these maps then to the north we've got scars base with all his village we've got his end his nether portal the creeper farm and then north of that we have mumbos unfinished base we've got the unfinished Omega tree II stresses base down to the south a little bit and then a new addition to the jungle slash Mesa area is wren dog he is now I think officially part of our little crew here in the jungle we've got s cows little hobbit hole to the north and then we've got scars new venture that we just exploded a crater inside and then there is Big Ben his little drill Big Bird I think Big Ben that is a way better name but there we have it one big hole here with absolutely nothing in it potentially the location of a project how cool is this gives you a real idea of where everything is because it must be hard when you watch the videos to know exactly where all this is but I won't be doing this again any time soon and I have christened this hermit craft season 7 jungle gang episode 25 green and the date absolutely amazing now what we're going to do is very speedily craft all of this stuff up which I've prepared for the barge so I can get some more stock in there to make some more diamonds of course crafting crafting crafting crafting crafting crafting up all the things crafting crafting crafting crafting water boring scene crafting crafting crafting very very speedy crafting crafting crafting they gonna craft more crafting crafting crafting crafting crafting crafting crafting crafting crafting for four hours more and we are done these are extremely high item values each one is a stack of leather and a stack of logs plus all the crafting nonsense that you just saw and then empty Maps crafting up compass for iron ore it's it's these are very high value items and I expect them to do very well at the shop which we can go and have a look at right now Oh every time you come to the shopping district there's something new to see what is this Excalibur level sword doing in the shopping district sponsored by the phosphor mayor campaign opening soon grumble we need to step up our game and what's this the gorgeous intelligent fountain of truth take a gorgeous wish stone and rename it to your may or wish then throw it in the fountain I wish for Mambo to be mayor throw it in and down it goes I hope my wish comes true appreciation stone and the diamond this could be a win-win once again I got completely distracted and let's go and take a look at the polling situation apparently you can support more than one person I'm not sure how that works because then you get this situation where everyone's equal at the moment I kind of like that it's quite funny all except doc but I haven't seen him online in a while things are about to get a lot more interesting anyway I keep getting distracted I need to set up a place for these at the end literally the last two spots now filled item frames and empty maps and we've got some sales we are out of sad and I assume we are mega out of gravel as well okay so four empty maps considering how much has to go into an empty map it is for diamonds per stack I think it's quite justified and what really makes it more justified as the amount of time it takes to craft that stuff up and the same with here but it is three diamonds a stack there we go not too bad I really really love the barge it's like my favorite it's my one and only shop and it is definitely my baby it is it is grown-up and it still has a little ways to go but the more stock I add the harder and harder it is to keep stocked so now we have to go on a little grind session to get some gravel and some sand my favorite so let's go on a little time-lapse adventure for the grind for the grind [Music] for fresh boxes of sand for fresh boxes of gravel and we are officially stocked up in here now I actually want to head over to a leg run bot because I have a little question for him and it regards wait a second that wasn't there before no oh I guess we'll put we'll keep that there to show who the competition is we'll put it upside down though the question I have is in regards to the button now we all know that the button died I lost my gauntlet it was a whole thing but the Grumbach being the ultimate AI that it is should know what happened to it obviously I mean obviously it broke but all I need diamond why did mumbo make this you have to pay for it but I want to know who was responsible what happened to button what happened to the button Grumbach be beep boop flub those May or reservoirs again do and what do we get do we get an answer I don't know if he ever doesn't answer I think he always gives an answer yep there it is it it died well you're not wrong let's do this again how did it die how did it dive we need to be a bit more specific this time if we want to get it if we want to get a good answer out of Grumbach come on how did how did the button die you must know yeah he knows and he's sad why are you sad crumble oh no one must die so another can live what on earth what did you do grandpa what did you do this I don't I'm not gonna you know what I'm not gonna even ask another question about that so my next question is what do I do now what do I do you know grumble tell me I don't know if I actually have to press all the buttons but I think I do what do you think run bot you got an answer for me what do we do in the mayor campaign or you've got an answer we're Mambo for mayor sorry we're Mambo for we're as in as in where it that's totally right we have Mambo for mayor t-shirts and I guess I should actually put one on in game as well as real life so I'm gonna get changed into Maya Mambo firmer skin check it out my own Mambo for mayor tisha in Minecraft okay listen there's not enough pixels on a Minecraft character to make this t-shirt work so you get three lines just pretend that those three lines are three red lines say Mambo former imagination there's a link down below if you want to get yourself a mambo form a t-shirt and here's me wearing one alright now that we're wearing our Mambo from our t-shirt it is time to go back to the base now there's actually something I really want to try and it's a little bit cheeky but I think it could be fun towards the end of every episode or at least until he notices what I want to do is grab a block any block it doesn't really matter what and I want to add it to mumbo Jumbo's base not really on the outside here but somewhere somewhere in his inner always there oh he just logged in oh that's terrible timing oh no that's just this just got a lot harder maybe I should come back later what are the odds come on I just wanted to I just wanted to sneak in your base so we cool and so we kind of started this in his industrial district we changed one of the iron golem heads into agreeing head and successfully so he didn't notice at all now that was quite a big change but what I'm thinking is we just add one block every now and again to his base until he notices now if we do this correctly and you guys keep it quiet he may never notice anything and by and within a few weeks he'll have loads of random stuff in there but I don't see how I'm gonna get in while he's just there he mean if he sees if he sees me doing it then he's gonna suspect something yes yes yes I have been rumbled oh my how has he not seen me I don't know what he's doing but mumbos been like jumping up and down for about five minutes now I don't know one two I'm literally far too deep into this now to turn around and fly away because then he'll definitely see me I feel like I've just gotta wait this out this was a terrible decision you can see about seeing her handle of me why did I decide to do this I just wanted to add a lantern to his base without him noticing and now I'm stuck in this bizarre situation where I'm hiding from him I can't just what is he up to and here we see the mumbo jumbo in his natural habitat seemingly thinking as he bounces up and down with the use of his wings this behavior has baffled scientists and Hermits alike for many generations the behavior of a mumbo jumbo has come to be regarded as one of the most strange actions that can be had by any living creature do you think I should go for it he is busy facing that way but if he turns around the game's up we go for why is this a scary going for it we're going in yes yes no fall damage success okay all we need to do now is put this Lantern and it is complete this has been the most insane insane thing any noise could any noise could be bad now all right I'm gonna put the lantern here right here he may notice it he may not but I if I know mumbo-jumbo at all he'll just accept that this is there if you see this in a mumbo jumbo video you can all wink and know but please don't put him on to this I went through too much effort to sneak in here I don't even know why I'm doing this but this is just the beginning okay it's only it's a lantern now but then it's a green head behind there and then it's a cow head on there and then it's another block that's removed you know just changes every now and again is it safe he's still then okay the next problem is how on earth do I get out of here I see no way out please don't come down here I've done some pretty stupid things in this server but this is by far the stupidest and I don't even need to hide that much why am I so scared of being caught lighting up his base I just don't want him to know I'm here okay he logged in at such a bad time I've got myself into quite the pickle here I can't see a way out without making a noise [Music] all of that just to be rumbled instantly I lost my cool I could have maybe got away with it okay so he may have seen me in the base but the lanterns there now next episode we'll put another block and the episode after that we'll put another block the second he notices even one of them the game is up okay so if you let him know game over like episode one game over mama didn't even say anything by the way he's just like Al Green just green just being green anyway Nega distraction from what I that was that I think that was me basically putting off having to do any work on my base now that was that was me trying to get out of some work I don't really feel like doing a lot of progress on this today if I'm honest you can only do work on a project so much but what I will do is just a tiny bit of detailing here that I have been putting off it won't take too long but this sort of thing I don't know why I'm struggling to do it but well we just got to get this done it's not gonna take too long but let's err let's just get some progress done on the base just to tick that box and make a little bit more progress than I have been and stop messing around with mumbo-jumbo [Music] like I said a very small amount of work that this kind of detailing does take some time at least it's actually symmetrical now at least it's symmetrical now because there was no detailing here before but there is on the other side so hopefully soon I can I can muster all the energy I have to just get this done detailing to block diagonals is so difficult and time-consuming and frustrating because you end up with these weird weird little bits that just don't quite fit but don't worry we'll get there in the end one way or another this mansions getting done little by little working on projects like this can be really really difficult because you've got to make them look good and if I just went nuts on this going blind just do my thing just start you know detailing it could go wrong and then I could have wasted a lot of time right so what we do is we go into creative mode on a private server and we try to figure out exactly what we want this to look like and then we remake it here now the problem is the problem is even with all the tools like worldedit and all that kind of stuff it still takes almost a full day just to plan and to experiment and get the shape right in a creative world a fun fact about this mansion is it took me two full days just to come up with the basic design of just this top half here none of this was in the original design but it took me two days just to come up with that so for every time you see me working on this there was hours behind the scenes trying to get it absolutely perfect and that's what do next so the episode after this one may take a little longer because I need to really sit down and figure out what we're gonna put on here sometimes it comes easier than others sometimes you hit a block in the road but I'm afraid that is all we have time for today and actually I'm gonna ask something that I never normally ask now I know a lot of you may not actually reach the end of the video because you know it's the end but I'm gonna say it if you do like the video please consider subscribing to the and doing all those you to be things like hitting the bell anyway thank you very much for watching I hope you enjoyed this episode let me know what you thought in the comments below and there is a link to the mumbo for mare t-shirts in the description have a look and see if you want to support us thank you very much for watching and good bye oh this can be dangerous bail
Channel: Grian
Views: 3,700,977
Rating: 4.9747195 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, grian, mincraft, minecraft, hermitcraft, grian hermitcraft, episode 25, gaming videos, season 7
Id: c7uBEkYbbrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 38sec (1478 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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