Hermitcraft 7 | Ep 029: EASIEST 200 DIAMONDS EVER!

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you know keeping this shop stocked is basically a full-time job lately it is impossible to cheese are you kidding me Oh either you still have this glass oh that reminds me we gotta go unsubscribe to that service because yeah Shady's not a smart move but as I was saying keeping this shop stocked is taking up so much time oh my goodness well you know last episode we were working on the the flower farm basically the first we had the bone mill farm to feed the flower farm and thanks to that finally able to stock everything here except for brown this still needs to be done of course but I think tango and I are going to be taking care of that on live stream this week so yeah hopefully that will be done soon but every other die is now it's talking you're probably saying why is wither rose that's not a die why is that in here kept them in the wither rows form just because figured if people actually wanted the wither rose to do something like make a mob farm this would still be valuable for them and turning it into black diet yeah it's just a couple clicks no big deal but as you can see every single chest completely full now and that was that was just a lot of work it was really a lot of work but was able to do this thanks to all that work we did out there at the flower farm and I will show you some upgrades a little later but yeah you saw it every single chest and oh yeah the floor is broke we should we should probably fix this has been broke for a while so I wasn't quite sure how I was gonna fix the floor I thought about changing the timings on the redstone here to shift it just a little bit at a time but I think it might just be easier to just come in here and kind of just knock the blocks out right so right now nobody's in the room the whole floor should be made of quartz and if we just take these blocks out and kind of add them to the back end and replace them with these guys here right here that's just gonna fix the florist knit so that's probably the easiest way to go about this but while I'm doing this I did want to mention one thing a few episodes ago I mentioned that I have created a new channel called imp and Skiz with my buddy skills a man we do all of our content that we've been doing for four years together is now over there and we've got a new Skyblock evolution series which is absolutely amazing it is so much fun and after I announced that channel within the first week 20,000 people went and subscribe to the channel so that is just incredible and I wanted to thank you so much if you guys are interested in having a good time and watching some amazing videos as I know you probably are I'll put a link on screen and in the description so if you haven't checked out that channel just yet you can head on over and check it out we're on I think we've done two episodes so far of Skyblock evolution and we have a new animated short in the works which is gonna be fantastic and I'm so excited for that so yeah please consider heading on over and checking it out I would appreciate that and my pockets are full so I need to do some inventory management here and we'll finish this all right let's see if it is fixed now come on baby let's work yes okay that is looking good and it should stop no white perfect so when you're inside it is all colorful and when you leave I'll have to peek through the door to see if it's gonna work here let's see oh yeah that's right there's still a brown state on the floor from scar he was in there and the floor moving on him left left a stain behind I'll have to have him clean that up sometime but yeah that is looking good it is back to normal and I was thinking about heading on over to the Guardian shop to see if xB has paid for that Guardian job yet whoa this is new greetin's barge is now very fancy very very fancy this is looking good does he now sell new things as well I think he did sell the dirt and stuff before redstone what one diamond per stack now we're talking now we're talking we could get some cheap redstone of course the ugly torch did its job though we got a lot of redstone from that so I don't know that we necessarily need as much redstone anymore in fact it may be time to tear down the ugly torch because it is truly an eyesore here in the shopping district but look at all this does look like he's selling some news stuff this is awesome lanterns and stuff bricks very nice and this place is gorgeous well what do we have here why is there a pile of diamonds right outside my shop maybe this will tell us hello impulse if interested at investing a generous amount for your land your guardian shop for the land regarding shop is sitting on I can read in addition I would help you move your shop to a any new location my offers two hundred diamonds two hundred diamonds is that what these are these are the two hundred what is this okay so in order to make you utter the atom okay I get it I get it interesting offer huh that is a variant two hundred a lot of diamonds look at that and then it's not like what is going on with him so oh I think I get it I think I get it look at this is this is he trying to claim the entire lake yeah second quadruplet he wants the entire lake doesn't he is he gonna build like a dynasty out here what is happening he's he's doing a lot here I wonder if he's gonna try to buy out false as well hmm interesting okay I definitely need to think about this because it's not like this shop is very big it would be pretty simple to move okay I'm gonna give us some thought and maybe scout out potential new locations that wouldn't be so bad but we need to come in here and see yes XV has paid and I know a lot of you guys said that was pretty cheap for the job but I was you know I had fun doing it we you know I had a good time and even though it did take us you know quite a few hours to do it was still fun so I didn't want to overcharge him and 32 times that's pretty good that's pretty good it's more more redstone blocks awesome so kind of wandering around the shopping district looking for a potential new spot for the Guardian shop there and I did want to say I there's cement some changes I was asked to move the portals that were here to the town hall so that is why this platform used to be the the two portals we no longer link below the nether we just used the hole in the bedrock to get down and I was able to take down these portals and we now have a new portal right at the town hall right there right in front of us but we've also got this this is so so new as well I mean this is like a a polling station this is not a voting thing I heard it's not like it's not time to vote for the mayor's but you can see all the different mayor candidates are here including doc stress scar false mumbo and Joe although as far as I know he's not truly running for mayor just wants to be a dog catcher or something but they forgot plopper he forgot to put plopper in here did they not think plopper was a serious candidate is he still here Oh uh-oh whopper why are you not on the throne anymore what happened did somebody push you off the throne because it wasn't your spot yet well we can take care of that yep just need a few rails a little bit of muscle and you are back up where you belong perfect don't let anybody tell you you don't belong there okay plopper so I think I'm gonna do it I think I'm gonna show my support since plopper doesn't have a station I'll show my support for scar for now and because you know leader the Green Team and everybody knows Green Team best team yep not gonna change that for anybody all right so I think what we do is we just click on the head here right and that should grow there we go look at that in fact is scar winning Lobos is pretty tall too how many's mumble have one two three four five and this makes scar one two three four five so it's a tie right now stress in a close a second I guess or third if we call that a tie so now that the portal is here this is gonna be the main entrance for most Hermits which means now the land around this portal becomes more valuable and I wonder if we can sneak our Guardian shop into this little spot right here if we were to move it I'll have to do some measuring and it looks like somebody left some stuff here I hope that I hope that's not for claiming a spot here but I'll have to check and make sure this hasn't already been claimed and we could put we move it and then it would kind of match this shop to since it's made out of the same material which could be kind of good but what is this thing in the background this is looking pretty interesting I gotta see this oh my goodness instructions here what do we got Oh zed vouchers Oh welcome to Zed's Alger's for a cheap cheap price of the promise of two little diamond blocks you can receive a randomized outcha redeemable at any time simple right zennith an IOU for two diamond blocks and then poke me in the right eye to receive your voucher then simply régime your Zed of Zao Zed of wait redeem with that if whenever you best suit message I can totally read today guys don't worry about me I'm fine okay so we need you okay are they in here I owe you okay you're you gotta sign it okay of course we got to put our name on it so he knows so we do this and then we put it in here oh it looks like a lot of people have already claimed theirs okay so we'll put it next to there and we gotta click his right eye it said yep personal Butler it says the bearer will receive a full day of being butlered on by but Zen fu may call him by whatever name you like he will call you anything you like bowtie included expires by the end of season seven oh that is very nice we gonna use this whenever we feel like using it all of season seven I love that great ideas that I can't wait for you to be my Butler I'm definitely gonna make you wear a different skin lots to do in the shopping district today I also wanted to check on the Boomer shop because I heard we had a new job and that is from false here so didn't leave instructions here anyway basically drop that off hit us up and discord and told us that what she needs is actually out at her base which I believe is just this way hopefully not too far yep this is definitely falses base and oh my word wow she's been busy she has been super busy look at this oh my gosh she goes all the way down to bedrock and she's not done for she needs this she means this whole area taken out all the way down to bedrock how crazy of a job is that that is going to be an insane amount of tea and tea let's step back a little bit holy cow look at that big wall this whole thing needs to be taken out all the way back to that back corner No what have we got ourselves into I'm gonna need a few more shovels all right before I forget I think we need to unsubscribe to the the free glass service here from etho and it says just replace this paper with a diamond block of course we just got these diamonds from XB so no problem there and yeah okay we shall do that definitely got scammed by ito they're paid him for his service that was bad and then paid him to unsubscribe yeah you got me throw but this is supercool look at this I understand it's going back and forth you hear the water so obviously there's like a water channel above his head and it goes one way and then it reaches that side it switches direction there that is super cool Oh cuz it's on top of carpet I see put some just into the water that is nice it's on both sides here in fact there's something new here sign up a friend by placing their name and the subscription on a piece of paper as reward take three diamonds out for helping us out current options free glass gardening wait gardening Oh gardening service hmm what's nice is I don't have to worry about getting you know any kind of bad service if I put somebody else's name in they're the ones that's gonna have to tip with it so I think I'm gonna do this I know tango has definitely been mentioning that he would like around his base terraformed or garden so I'm gonna go ahead and do him a solid and put his name in okay I think I get this now it's actually two different services I can sign somebody up for free glass or gardening and of course I want to sign tango up for gardening so we're gonna go ahead and put this in here and replace the three diamonds with that and tango you're welcome buddy you're gonna get free gardening oh no no no no no did we let the button die did somebody Oh was rigged with TNT to go off if it went all the way down this is not good it's done the button is done yeah rip button Oh 15th of April to the 26th of May oh my gosh Wow I cannot believe it 41 days we kept the button alive and it is now done what does that mean does that mean no more Green Team what what do we what do we do with ourselves if we're not team Green I mean and let's change - what does this say the green team button Memorial gone but not forgetting forgotten forever green yes forever green what does this button do I feel like pressing it yes forever green that is true I wonder if come oh hi hello free stuff for clicking they would have rotted I'll take him this is pretty cool I think Cup fans set this up that is awesome I love it yeah I love the message to forever green and speaking of Green Team looks like I've got a little sign I guess at my vase Green Team meeting in the treehouse soon also gift gift baskets excellent so we're gonna have a green team meeting so okay it looks like green team is gonna live on past the button which is super cool and you know I'll be there cuz gift baskets I believe this is left from scar the leader of the green team calling a team meeting maybe it's to discuss the future post button but we'll find out soon I hope but I guess that's enough messing around we got a job to do big boomers job and of course that means lots of tnt and we're gonna have to get our shovels out obviously do the shovel shuffle and get some sand [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] two hours of digging sand and a lot of crafting thanks to tango having some gunpowder from his creeper farm and we have two full shelter boxes of TNT oh I hope that's gonna be enough for the job it is probably not it's probably now we're gonna need more I bet but it's a good start it's a good start and I'm glad that is behind me shovels have survived we're good to go I do need to go get some shovels repaired though oh my gosh I was tearing through them look at these shovels they are take a trip to the Enderman farm or something now last episode we spent a lot of time working on this crop farm here to produce a ton of bone meal and I've got a head and underneath here we are stealing some of that bone meal to put in our - hi flour little machines here and these are really cool because look we hit him with bone mill and it creates flowers just like that nothing complicated and then we can take these of course and turn them into the different colored dyes so this is kind of the reason why I wasn't too worried about building the flower farm in a spot that didn't produce too many different colors cuz of course we can get pink we can get magenta we can get yellow and get red we can combine them together to make orange all that kind of good stuff going on and I'm just simply you know splitting off some of the bone meal that comes in from the crop farm to the back of these to fill these up and then I can just come down here and generate those flowers and generate the dyes and we are good to go so pretty cool I do need to of course make this place look better but yeah I don't think I'm gonna spend any time here today I just wanted to show you what I've been up to all right I am checking this plot real quick to make sure our Guardian is gonna fit the Guardian shop and this is the size of it it is definitely gonna fit look at this thing oh yes this is gonna look beautiful right here the portal is surely right there oh I gotta claim this I have to claim this right now before anyone tries to take it from me for something else and this means this means we can actually accept his skulls crazy offer of - oh he's here hi mm-hmm let's see if we could strike up this deal I am pretty sure I can see the shape is kind of you can't mistake it right this it looks to be like someone is hammered in a mega Guardian yeah well dude I saw your offer over there and I was like this could actually be a good thing if I can fit the Guardian in this lake right next to the town hall and the new portal location see the new portal there and I noticed it moved oh yeah yeah that's what they say in businessman location is everything and yeah so I'm just gonna take advantage of that I mean not not take advantage of you of course no I bought like five plus the other day I should have consulted to you because I just what is this this is what I bought oh you did you bought one little plot right here okay yeah yep yep okay I've got a show you know that I know that you're a location expert right yes over here I bought yeah I also bought a plot here I bet you think way back here just randomly I mean it's it's on a nice mountain or like a six of a pixel yeah well this one block wide yeah I mean it might be a bit of a hike for people to get to the shops and sits up on a mountain I don't know man I I wouldn't exactly buy this myself but you do you you know like you do you next next time I should I thought these glasses made me smart but they they clearly clearly blur my vision I mean if if a pair of glasses could just make you smart I mean those things would sell like hotcakes wouldn't they I guess so you were telling me that this do you are accepting this deal well um yeah because it's kind of it's kind of a win-win right you you wanted this plot and I kind of wanted to move the Guardian anyway to be closer to the portal so and then I get diamonds out of the deal so it's like a win-win-win yeah I may have I I love this I love that I love this lake I may have fallen in love with this lake a little bit too much I'll let you in on a secret I don't necessarily have a plan for this plot yet wait wait so you just buy enough land so that future you can have an idea yes future me can make that best of luck to you buddy but I I think I'm pretty excited about this I'm super excited about the diamonds of course but I'm also excited about this new location so this thing is not that big I mean this is gonna take me just like two minutes to take down and put backups elsewhere so I'm just gonna start on my man okay well well thank you for the thank you for the deal and the land yeah enjoy in the land and I will definitely enjoy your diamonds appreciate it well looks like we've got a shop to remove let's do it [Music] well that was easy that didn't take long at all and it is back up we got everything back inside now I will admit I do want to clear the sand out and dirt out and put the water back in like we had before missing a couple blocks back there as well but we got the stock back in place and I am running low on dark prismarine again I believe Greene's been working on his base some more so I think he's been definitely my main customer but we've got all the stock back in place in the shop is now in a much better location look at this I mean literally you are hanging out here at the Town Hall you can't help but see that Guardian right there and he's got a nice friend there in the background too he's got the the Drowned there that sells tried absolutely so that's kind of nice that they match but now this move that means we get to come on over here and collect our I was going to say winnings but we did exactly with this although it does feel like we are a winner today for sure 200 diamonds that was easy mode that was just the easiest thing ever to move that shop oh my gosh thank you for the diamonds is skull and now that we've got that all cleaned up I'd say that's where we'll end today's episode hopefully you guys enjoyed it if you did please hit that like button if you've not subscribed already please make sure you do that before you go in with that said I'll see you again next time I'm a good one everyone [Music] [Music]
Channel: impulseSV
Views: 717,634
Rating: 4.9682107 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft hermitcraft, hermit craft, lets play minecraft, minecraft server, no swearing, family friendly, let's play, let's play minecraft, impulse, impulseSV, minecraft lets play, hermitcraft, minecraft, yt:quality=high, impulse hermitcraft, hermitcraft season 7, hermitcraft 7, minecraft 1.15.2, minecraft 1.15 let's play, raid farm, guardian farm, minecraft kelp farm, automatic kelp farm, lets play, minecraft survival, impulse base, gaming
Id: YkQ9S_oqIQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 14sec (1454 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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