Hermitcraft 6 - Episode 85: THE RV SURPRISE

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hello my name is green and welcome back to another episode of hermitcraft and I'm not on Ren Bob's toilet for the reason that you think I am basically we made a brand new secret entrance to our secret tunnel instead of having the whole that was just sitting in my RV we made it so if you flush this toilet it goes down and do end up in the secret tunnel but unfortunately we've had a bit of an issue yeah look at this look at this I thought when I was building this I was fighting the grass left right and center but look it somehow crept in without any of us noticing and the whole things just covered in grass now it's actually really a knot because this is basically having to redo it redo the whole thing I'd have to redo the whole thing take out each and every one of these grass blocks place in a dirt block and then I guarantee you it will end up exactly as it is now so I'm now debating whether it's worth the time trying to fight this grass block shenanigans or just go with it just let it grow I I'm not even sure but I was a little is a little bit like oh no when I saw this either way I need to set up something here I actually need a couple of armor stands and I'm no good with armor stands what I'm gonna do is ask the zombie clear who is an expert in the armor stand world and ask her to make them for me which means giving her a little bit of an instruction so I'm gonna go and drop this off which tells her exactly what I need and to pay her some diamonds for it so we're gonna quickly head over to Cleo's base to give her the instructions so that she can help us out on this because it is a little bit tricky for me to use armor stands I've not really visited Cleo's base before but this is a very good example of three greens around a map look at this she's so good with the armor stands hello where have you been there's so many like I understand see how has she done all this anyway this is exactly what we need but I don't really know where she keeps all of her storage and stuff ah there we go I thought I'd find her storage right as long as I put the book in here then she will definitely come across it if these instructions don't confuse Cleo I don't know what will so it says top secret hi Cleo I need an off-the-books armorstand creation can you flush yourself down read Bob's toilet in hippie land signs there will tell you where to go and what to do payment is included here for your troubles so we're done put that in here and I'll pay twenty diamonds I don't know if that's enough but I think it's a good start you can always ask for more if she needs to so those instructions and maybe I should leave a sign here as well top-secret assignment there we go mission accomplished and it will make a lot of sense what that was all about a little bit later on but trust me it's really really important since we're here in the shopping district you might remember from a few episodes ago that I created the now extension to Sahara and I didn't really fully understand it all but actually this gal has just completed all of the Redstone for it and I think that's that's him there and he's asked us to get in a meeting so that we can sort out some of the finer details of this project and then hopefully we can get a few Hermits to buy a subscription to it so that they can pay us to spend more that's right we're gonna make a lot of diamonds from this hopefully so let's go and hop it to the meeting room where we're going to wait for this gal and mumbo well I hope mumbo turns up because we were all remember well needed last time I don't wanna have to take your moustache again although he's got it back at least so maybe we can get rid of this let's just hope that he turns out okay well well well look who decided to show up right missed one meeting finally it's only one I can't help I can't open is that you've also removed my chair cutthroat you guys are don't turn up to meetings we've actually added your your chair to us and our minds a bigger chair that's right this works that isn't all we have function senators Scout you wanna give him his new chair yeah yeah I'm appreciating the recline the front page my feet don't even fit on this thing we start turning up to meetings this is your chair just as many all right okay I'm taking my chair and I'm gonna make my way you know what I'm not cook there we go there we go there we go all right okay we're here to discuss the next stage of Sahara's evolution which is sahara now which is a brilliant scheme where we get Hermits to pay us to buy more stuff from us it's pure profit and that does sound it's a win-win it's a win-win-win it's a win I have been a bit busy being a hippie recently yeah what is that stuff you're wearing and and what consider showering and so my smell flowery is that sandals yes that sandals or is that Reynolds beard on your feet yeah they're they're actually their beard hair sandals it's a combination with the fan all right you can ignore my my hippie attire we're in business suhara mode okay let's go please explain what Sahara now is and how it works yes okay so it's a horror now is a an exclusive membership that requires you to have a membership coin OOP that you purchase for a price that we need to decide and when you purchased it you get access to the lounge area which I've read by I have renovated slightly since you guys last saw it and should we fly over there yeah yeah yeah that's you take a look so so as you can see I've renovated I've taken the liberty to renovate the lounge to include this Sahara now function and with a membership token other Hermits are allowed up to this area I've also made like an entrance for it but I can show you that later when you are a member you get to access all the different offers that we present and that is this little mechanic here also written a book with instructions and it's kind of like a good test for me to see if you guys understand it by reading the book I was elected to lead not to read yeah I was gonna say you want you want us to read all right the sign signs signs are messy this is an exclusive thing every Herman I've ever seen just goes oh there's a book right what does this button do so now you purchased an offer and now you get presented with the next offer I purchased it oh man this still sucked well you didn't have to buy it well I didn't I didn't know what the button because no one put sign there yeah mmm yeah I'm not gonna put signs here boy all right purchase deal was that that hard was that difficult miss girls always wanted to be a published author and we'll give him we'll give him this one boom I see miss cycles through and that's the purchase back boom cycle the next offer purchased it what's that hard that wasn't difficult at all fine very fine to be fair that does a look and I just saved four pages of book you know these these people are pretty good they're all ten diamonds though maybe I think some of them could be a little cheaper but how much question in relation to that is a lot of scenes for ten diamonds [Laughter] this is why you have a button for a chair this is my arch and the bigger than yours okay well it's gonna be live time right it's gonna be a lifetime membership yeah so 50 diamonds okay they get this that's why he's sitting on a button and win yeah that's too far the other one okay that escalated quickly it's a hundred diamonds a hundred diamonds hundreds a really nice figure cuz it's it's a quite a large price tag but when they actually are they allowed to come and see the deals how do they know they don't we have to do we have to we have to sell it to them through marketing oh okay so a hundred diamonds they don't know what they're getting until they pay a hundred diamonds then they see the deals but the deals are ridiculously good so hopefully a lot of mouths helps we we just need one person to sign up but in all chunky boxes be ten diamonds or should we differ so ridiculous offers yeah yeah yeah yeah that sounds like a good move so we need some dirt cheap choker boxes that are filled with really good stuff the people will then you know they'll tweet about it stuff like that varam our eyes yeah all right I mean yes I propose a little competition between the three of us then to see how many memberships we can sell to the other Hermits and that means we've all got to take on a little bit of a marketing program scheme by ourselves to see how many we can get right so if I if I sell three memberships I bring in three hundred diamonds Isco maybe only got one sale and maybe Mambo got ten Mambo wins yeah what do you think that is the likely results of this competition as well by the way there's a little competition to see who can sell the most memberships and also is it okay if I add some deal boxes of my own as well yeah that's the whole idea both of you should ad deal boxes because awesome yeah yeah but that's that's the whole point whole point do you want to see how members access this place oh yeah anyways press the button I like the beach well you should open the schalke box before it's like a key card insert so where's the sign that says that look alright it's just assumed that you would pick it back up okay it's just assumed you're that person at the supermarket that leaves the pound in the trolley isn't it you know it's not clear instructions not clear got my hand stuck in the machine hey I've lost my key card can I have another one please that'd be another hundred diamonds okay so we alright okay you're gonna actually wait take key card out before entering wow that wasn't a Costello long I love it instructions at the top weren't clear fell down just saying everyone that's shop there's a Hara so far has been super confused okay so wait so let me just to summarize the meeting okay cuz clearly I'm the only sensible one here so um so I I now have the tallest chair by default because I'm on top of greens chair so we've sorted that we've resolved that problem that we were having that was a serious problem that was number one on the schedule number two is that Sahara now is quite good we won't have the price which is a hundred diamonds we're going to be doing marketing campaigns and green isn't allowed access to any of this stuff anymore because is useless what I'm going to tried to make sure the customer has they don't stand next to me there's any conclusion from this is that a hippie has made it into Sahara yeah and it it now it's now very foul it's very roll my eyes in minecraft I would write so we're in we're on a competition to sell the most memberships through our marketing campaigns gentlemen's rules okay gentlemen's rules no no back dealings you can't you can't go and offer discounts for the hundred diamonds it's got to be 100 diamonds you can't pay them back once you order gentlemen's rules you've got to be honest with it and the best marketing and adverse will win right deadlines none just gonna leave it endless until I have the most I think so it's a wait guys it's a hard hour opened is it Oh forgot to open it [Laughter] not quite as big an opening as original one but I've gotten an opening rocket here for Sahara now budgets are tight because Sahara has been not making enough money right you ready yes count down with me three wasn't even yellow well that was actually a pretty awesome meeting but we need to get back to being a hippie because I mean that's the skin I'm wearing at the moment and the next thing that I want to work on is this thus hippie silo that everyone's been wondering what it's about I've actually made this giant cube and this is what I'm going to be making in here the big distraction for area 77 this is going to be one of the funnest pranks of the season you heard me pranks this is going to be awesome but it's actually something that's going to take a few weeks to do and I've prepared a bunch of blocks as I usually have to do this is the stuff you don't see we have to collect all this in the background projects like that possible so what we're gonna do is a quick time-lapse of building this and by the end of it you'll know exactly what it is so let's begin so in this little time-lapse I say little it took two hours it's not little at all and then gathering all the resources took many hours so when I say little I don't mean little at all but it will take only half a minute what we're going to be making actually I'm not gonna tell you what we're making because I think you can work out what it is but scaling up said things that I am now building is not easy it's not easy at all the thing that I'm building has been made three times already in this hippie commune it is something that works a lot better when it's smaller I think I've done a pretty good job of imitating it at about three times the size however it took so long I was like oh when I was building it anyway that is the full thing and yeah I'm pretty sure I could put a few more details in this however I think you get the point and that's the main thing if you can't tell what it is I don't know I don't I don't know how to help you well there you have it two hours later and we've got ourselves a giant RV in a silo this is only part one of my three-part plan okay and I'm guessing that you will guess what's going to happen to this RV but I'm not gonna give anything away just yet because I'm guessing you all know what's gonna happen to this but maybe not what comes after that so I've obviously built this giant RVs got nothing on the inside at the moment but that will change at some point and basically if you have guessed already this is going to launch in the air what its gonna do after that I'm not going to say however I need area 77 to know that it's going to launch because obviously they can take a look at this and make their guesses but really this destruction isn't quite enough and what I really need is a countdown clock something visible with a big five four three however many days it is until launch to show them that it's gonna go up and then when it actually does launch I want it to countdown five four three two one now my redstone ability well it's not great as we all know so I would like to do something that we haven't done which is recruit an extra hippie to the group at least recruit a hippie that's going to help us do a bit of a redstone project and I do have someone in mind but I'm gonna open it up to the group and I'm gonna put an advert out there to apply to join the hippies so that they can do exactly what I said the big launch countdown so actually I'm gonna have to let me have to head back to the shopping district again man this journey it does take a while so I'm in the shopping district outside of I trade this is a pretty used nether portal here so what I'm gonna do is put a advert right here for who we're looking for so we'll put wanted redstone wanted red stone based hippie to help fight the man to apply please contact green and Ren Bob for an interview that way we can make sure we're getting the right person for the job and now I've got to go all the way back this journey I must admit I've made this journey about a million times and is pretty dull especially when this happens actually while we're here on our way back have we made oh yes please we've got 30 diamonds looks like some people hit the lava Wow people have been busy playing this game I've got to restock at some point but there's still a few left open if people want to play I'm gonna add those 30 diamonds to my chest excellent stuff and if you're wondering about my lava minigame the floor is lava minigame well I'll be completely honest with you this doesn't happen very often but I have done a little bit of work in here and I am still continuing to work on it you can see I hippie paint things there love I've actually lost heart in this project I think I think I don't know what happened but it just suddenly became very painful just to keep building this I will finish this but I don't want you guys to think that I'm making a loads and loads of progress on this each and every episode because I'm simply not so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna be honest with you and I am going to just close it up not not indefinitely I'm just gonna put this on hold until I can sort out all the stuff in hippie land which I'm finding much more entertaining at the moment so tell you what I'm just gonna put opening soon there we go but that's that's what people do when when they put something on hold isn't it right so I don't know how long it is going to take me but I will come back to this a little later but it's such an awesome build and it is gonna be such an awesome game that I will have to finish it a little bit later on but to get back to the hippie world or hippie land or whatever we're calling this this commune there's a lot to do but I'm afraid that that will have to wait until next episode we got a lot done today and next episode I'm hoping to do some sales I need to make some sales for my Sahara membership I want to make as many diamonds as possible for Sahara cos it's not been particularly profitable at the moment we still need to break even but this membership thing could be really really cool so we got our RV built we had a big meeting and we're preparing for um Sahara membership alright thank you very much for watching and I'll see you in the next episode in which we're gonna do some really cool things see you later good bye
Channel: Grian
Views: 2,354,641
Rating: 4.953455 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, episode 85, grian hermitcraft, season 6, hermitcraft, grian minecraft
Id: N3DSrGYq-wY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 02 2019
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