Minecraft BUILD SWAP - Halloween Edition!

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hello well Sookie my name is GRU does that speak enough is it kind of ruined by the fact that I'm dressed up as a snowman you're spooky snowman that's super kawaii also yay it works welcome everybody we are playing build swap Halloween edition so what's happened is this weird-looking fella over here has killed Dahmer oh look there's his body there's a skeleton his name is reason his name is Gabe he's yeah he's kind of mean and so Dom's dead but he's clean not dead cuz he's there you can see him inside the pumpkin that's what he's pretending that he's not dumb but I mean that you can see him under there when I start a new life so we're playing build swap as we always do are you ready to begin I don't know man like I feel like I really want to win one because I don't know why he won he wasn't last round no I didn't know I died all right so judges today are dumb Rowan Rowan who are you today I'm screaming greens screaming green is the best you could do we named each other today it almost rhymes clothes what did you I have anymore just carry man's tortoise - no it's just Horus carry man what I carry oh well just would you pretend that it didn't happen huh this is set right I have a spooky skeleton man I guess they didn't I guess they ran out of room would you get it boo-ki skeleton man I think guillotine men yell at man right I'm ready when you are judges count us in go though they're just a gun Wow okay I'm lucky out of bone block ready I'm so ready to go curse I never finished my bail cuz they always start and I'm still lucky prom it works I suppose I've been building for so long I know exactly where all of them are I just I'm still looking through it trying to find what I want maybe walk over some clay yeah maybe well just we'll just have a little big clay today I really want to do a video where I'm like Bob Ross and I'm like here we only yes happy accidents here that be accidents pickle nice little Bush right here yeah just just just here and if you've just placed too many blocks that's okay because we only have happy accidents here that's soothing yeah you're building I don't know you didn't even touch my paper I lost my paper I did tell you what a regular sized monster no no Frankenstein's monster oh okay wow they had to get all correct about it they couldn't just say Frankenstein focused and I would have built the doctor yeah I know I know how it goes I know I know god no wait yeah he is just called the monster yeah he does have a name it's baby even have the decency to name him you know messed up man he's kind of a jerk yes he's a bad doctor he's bad father he did strangle a child the monster or the man ah well it was the child you know throwing rocks at myself maybe yeah yeah maybe deserved it I'm sure bet he did but is no jerk gate boarding where he's not supposed to I think this is gonna be a good build I think for me I think I go this Oh feeling confident alright wow that is like yeah right okay please the doctor would make a lady monster oh yeah maybe make break it stands a nice little girlfriend I'm even gonna get a breadbox parents yes buying buying GF more like building one yeah building building GF want to buy maths Phrygia halogen I mean he's just a scary skeleton I guess like no need to go what are you what are you building your building Frankenstein's monster oh I see you're building a table exactly right no I'm gonna use my brain and creativity oh man this was going so well for my tea but my table looks good right good table alright it's time to go to the waters misfortune so those are the ones that we used in tortoises episode so we're left with five sorry six more colors alright scrap subscrib alright release the hounds puppy oh that's going for me no it's not like green light green light green light green what a tweet what that tweezed alien abduction how are you gonna duck the table I feel like they should be abducting more precious things you know instead of just tables cows or something what are they doing I don't know I'm just gonna can I keep building I guess I guess you can as soon as it's done you can go they're not doing anything yet so I'm just gonna they're building a guess yeah I'm waiting I'm waiting for the abduction or maybe they're waiting for you to build well I don't know I'm waiting for them they're not doing anything yet alright gonna go meanwhile I'm just gonna continue building my Skeletor here floor the aliens are coming aliens what aliens I don't see any aliens they're not paranoid yeah tortoise come down sitting down here what happen what why I have to be in this hall they just put me in a hole I was right I feel like he was just gonna play you at all are you coming down you still up there good luck I'm sure you'll come down eventually it says the last for another minute what yeah dude you should have drunk milk straight away you know how sabotage works well I'm guessing the round is gonna be over before you hit the ground I don't know miss making your monster for here am I just that's how high up I am you don't know what's up and what's down no I just can't tell if I'm like falling at all if I'm moving is that why I think I'm falling no I don't know that was so funny dude like I wasn't ready boom I was like he's gonna cover him up my guys he'll be back that's okay check your y-coordinate oh yeah I did oh this is so funny yeah my why's going down very oh my god that's how high up I am I am I've been following this entire time what what do you have oh my goodness I was out a couple of thousand though uh well I'm pretty much done I'm gonna give my guy little bowler hat as well I mean you've only got yourself to blame for not counteracting what they do they come right back down all right what do you to combine well look at my dong did that it's like a frog he's just like I think something went wrong on the on the experimenting table and he's just like Erised okay he's embarrassed he's embarrassed because of your build look when he has to piss piss face on in the morning okay you didn't need to point that out okay yeah he needs to put makeup on did you really need to like point that out in front of an entire audience apologize yeah that's right I seriously I'm like really happy with mine really good I love the ribcage right so they gave the point to me so let's go and give me the direct ding ding right let's swap over so I'm working on your frog man which you didn't even make because you were spending your time flying high all right I'm ready are you ready tortoise is not very scary at all that's just mean Ash's game board screen I'm goo Lorien that's pretty funny it's good yeah someone already came up without Twitter but yeah yeah they're just copying me in the past Oh what have you go oh witch's broom I go eating tons of candy I gotta be like a machine above them just like but only candy good idea right you ready I'm ready I'm ready what was yours ready go broom riding a broom oh you could do that right three two okay six six six one I love it when I have to do this is so good like when when the arms are already set in stone but I need to use them I just I just extend them like crazy Frankenstein's monster because you could do whatever you want when you need to oh yeah yes build swap you can there are no rules really like we like to pretend that there's rules but there's not there's not really there's no rules except fun yeah have fun and make sure that I don't get sabotage yeah yeah I think I can make a broom I used 1 1 this is my trick-or-treat candy bucket what do you call those would would you could you call those things handy buckets candy buckets yeah dude it's sabotage already oh boy okay okay hopefully they don't mess with my brew but but spending hours on it it's just a stick all right release the hound all right puppy no need my sheep he's been on a figured only diet Diane so he's probably like I taste that good here we go here we go here we go it's gonna be cute tortoise oh that would be honest Green right green right there three above thriller Oh as in as in Michael Jackson I sip so I wonder my broom they've they're dancing thriller on my yeah they just got singing putting some bees everywhere I need more candy thank goodness that's over stop design stop there no they're getting in mode they're dancing in my way stop and oh I need a different color for this one one minute I need to get more candy oh this one's going in his face gelatin now has spaghetti arms I need orange need orange candy candy candy corn a candy how's your favorite what a candy green um I like brownies does that count that's okay I like the brownies like gummy worms got me all gummy ones are pretty duh god I finish - he's got one bitter candy corn he's eating tons of candy well and it's a lot of candy yeah right jeez it's like he's missing in life pretty wasteful it's just it's just his hands he winds up because of my build last time logic that's not fair good sure yeah we're not attempt rien fine even though face your skeletal toy I'm [Music] I have getting ready to funk it up is it another dancing one that sounds like it is getting ready to to get to go and dance I guess I've genuinely have no idea what to do this is the first time it builds swapper been stumped get along okay thanks Gabe thanks for the save bruh getting ready to funk it up okay I guess I'm gonna give him an afro maybe like music Halloween themes like party yeah I'm good okay I think I know what to do yeah alright release the hound release time let's get this over with only you see that he didn't tell you did a double turn bad candy bad candy bad candy he's already eaten some pretty good candy bad Candy's that like from gravity falls whether the dudes made out of bear candy oh that guy that guy was creepy yeah he was really he's like genuinely creepy alright I'm just gonna let you do your thing now you shouldn't have eaten that no no please please no I'm just gonna get on with my build because most of these sabotages just waste my time I'm flying in there like sky or two Bennet's Jack you've been stuck for a really long time I just want to know what they're doing first bad candy they haven't done anything yet so I'm gonna let just gonna let them do their thing what what have they done to me they oh oh no oh no they've given me nausea oh I can't I can't build a decent bad candy help oh my god I can't click it yeah I want some milk please please oh Jesus I'm placing them in the wrong place Oh help help I'm going as fast as I can I cut like the right place oh another one it again what I didn't even get to finish my nausea come on man you don't like it eight freakin legs I got 48 seconds of this keep angry oh okay huh he gave me milk he gonna milk oh oh daba Tosh time green oh geez okay I'm ready no nothing that guy isn't bad candy man are you holding your vomits this is what happens when you eat too much candy to the baby burn another sheep in there all right release the Hat oh come on come on oh the double whammy zombify come on I don't want to know I'm just gonna get on with it I'm just gonna get on with my build before they give me nausea again right too many legs man boom Turner Turner what do they are they're just putting green blocks they are actually ruining the build that's annoying me is that the point of sabotage yeah I know but like it was like a genuinely good one for once see look he's actually got ready to funk it up you see he's like doing the dance this is bad disco disco disco no put a zombie wife again no come how long is left of this round but triple time pauses with this happens right it's two minutes geez alright let's come on then release the hounds [Music] yes yes purple purple purple purple I wanted the turkey what is it I got automatically wins wins over the other person's YouTube channel whoa man okay my password is one two three personal blessing by Gabe a personal blessing by Gabe what is that what he's gonna bless me oh my god oh my god the tongue is split into two what what is going on this is a big blessed all right slightly disgusting the candy that block is too much like an actual tongue yeah it's just the texture I'm gonna help yeah I can do it on one I've been sabotage too many times that's gross they're so gross all right well I didn't I I did I didn't I promise it was it was your imagination it was your imagination oh no oh please come on man I didn't deserve this I can't even feel like this I don't know how far away things are did you don't know what it's like you Josh okay oh my gosh oh god you're like picking on me I think I do that a little bit too well love it I'm gonna do a disco ball oh I'm saved oh think thank Gabe Thank You Came that's his name I'm sorry I'll never touch your tongue again I'm just go just disco disco you tie his arm it's what what what is even happening to his right arm he's like this I connected from his shoulder I didn't do that I didn't do that what happened to yours like that as I am it connected to him all right all right all right let's let's before we decide who is the winner here let's just review what we've got here yeah so we have a skeleton a spooky skeleton riding a broomstick who's been zombified who's getting ready to funk it up funk it up so he's like like four arms yeah well only he can't ride a broom and funk it up at the same time you know like this should not be one of the skeletons they used like to teach classrooms like the anatomy yeah I mean no she shouldn't be teaching Harry Potter on this side on tour it aside we've got Frankenstein's monster eating a gable on a lot of candy I it's just a spider but what was your thing you had to build a spider this arachnophobia arachnophobia okay and then he's also being blessed by Gabe which kind of just dominates the whole thing if you ask okay yeah I'll take that so and guys decide who quote wins I think my sabotage saved me Gabe's blessing but don't rock when did it say did it save oh but you know what happens to the winner toward us the blessing is an automatic win by the rules of Gabe no that means you get sacrificed to Gabe that's too late Oh yet again the true winner is me you got to follow Dom where is he walk across the Tong bridge Oh what can I accept your victory and you go into games mouth I don't feel like a winner yep I don't feel like one goodbye tortoise congratulations on your win well he's gone um I guess that wraps up another build swamp [Music]
Channel: Grian
Views: 1,287,843
Rating: 4.9287581 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, ideas, creative, build, swap, halloween, spooky, scary, minecraft build swap, buildswap, minecraft minigame, minigame, bilding, building game, minecraft building
Id: Df9ZKYiipsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 22sec (1522 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 27 2016
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