Hermitcraft 6: Episode 78 - DIG STRAIGHT DOWN!

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hello my name is green welcome back to another episode of hermit craft and today I've had a pretty awesome idea so last episode we kind of founded and established hermit land which is the new minigame district that I'm hoping that all the other permits will get involved in at some point I haven't really done much I've just like added a bridge over here but it all needs a lot of improvement but I don't really want to act too much until I've got everyone else kind of involved so what I have done is actually flattened this area over here because what I'm gonna do is add my very first minigame to this area so what is my idea well it's actually a very very simple minigame however it's one of those ones that's very small and simple but it takes an awful long time to produce my minigame is going to be called dig straight down and it's going to be exactly what you think you have to dig straight down so what I'm gonna do is just define where this area is going to be these are gonna be the blocks that you can dig straight down in and this will make sense in a little while there we go so these are all the options now as we know in minecraft digging straight down is a really really bad idea so we're going to capitalize on the risk of this by creating a minigame that's entirely dedicated to digging straight down what we're going to do is offer up the chance to win more diamonds than you pay so what you would do is you come over here to where my minigame is and you pay your 5 diamonds you then take off all your gear and put it in a locker then you get given a fancy pickaxe and that's pretty much it you then take your pickaxe and you mine down and you have to dig straight down you will come across all kinds of walls and blocks that are your reward but at any point you could hit lava now obviously what I'm going to do is I'm going to predetermine where all of these blocks and the lava is so you can check it out at any point but if you go too far you will hit lover' obviously what I need to do now is set all of these up all the way up to the top on each one of these so I'm going to quickly have to dig out all of this and it's gonna take me an awful long time to do the other thing that I need to do is actually get a load of diamond ore as the reward for this MIDI game so let's start digging straight down shall we I thought that this wasn't going to take very long but unfortunately in the one point 14.4 update it reintroduced an old bug called phantom blocks and it meant that every now and again just an invisible block would stop me from walking on it just meant I had to fly away then fly back and it just wasted a lot of my time but eventually I got all the way to the bottom and I mined it all out it just took a long time digging all the way to bedrock took a surprisingly long time now I don't know if I've done a very good job of excuse me oh man there's some serious pillage of problems going on let's just take care of these yep they're taken care of so what I actually need is lots of diamond ore and then I need lots of other things that you can potentially get and then I also need lots of lava as well so what we're going to do is now collect lots of materials from underground in a big mining session yep got to go back to mining to get all of the ores that I need to make this game work and I've got to be very careful about the maths otherwise I could end up losing more diamonds than I make so this is a really really sped up version of just part of a clip of the amount of mining that I had to do and I got quite a lot of balls from it not a problem but what I'm worried about is this minigame probably will not make a profit however I'm still going to make it because it's going to be a lot of fun basically I have to contribute you know between 0 and 9 Diamond doors to each one of the 16 options meaning on average it's going to be three Diamond doors meaning that if I just remind those diamonds it probably would give me more diamonds than I'm charging people to play the game however this isn't about making money this is just about making a cool mini game for people to play and we'll see how it all pans out so I've managed to collect a lot of stuff I won't even need to use all of this but look at this I've got loads of lapis I've got loads of coal blocks and I've got a stack and over a stack and a half of diamond ore now it's going to cost five diamonds to select one and there are sixteen of these and I'm going to guarantee that at least one diamond ore is in each one but some of them might have as many as seven so it's a real risk reward game however remember as you dig down you might find this many diamond doors but if you don't chicken out at the right time you could end up hitting lava so what I'm gonna do is set up just one of these so that you can experience how this looks so I'm gonna use a silk I'm gonna use a silk touch just so this makes sense you dig straight down and you see what you get at some point you're going to start coming across some other blocks such as a diamond now as you get closer to the bottom the more chance that there is that you're going to go straight into lava and if you get to that point you've lost because you're going to die so the idea is you dig down you take what you can and when you think that you've pushed it far enough then you bail at the last second and they will have a bunch of scaffolding so that they can get out so now I've got to spend a long time sorting out what's going to go where and all of the lava is going to be at a different level but if you want diamonds you've got to dig as low as possible all of the lava blocks will be kind of near the bottom but the diamond blocks will indicate that you're getting close all right so it's time to start divvying up what diamonds are going where this took literally three or four hours I cannot exaggerate enough how much time I've spent on this but it is done and all we've got to do now is figure out how we're going to detail this and decorate this because this is a theme park basically we do need to make sure that this looks really quite nice for our customers to come and try out the game so we're going to do a little time-lapse to decorate this place and then we'll get Scott to come and try it out so to decorate this I wanted it to be in the same style as like Frontierland or like you know the Old West style so I added a bunch of barrels around I also added like a gravelly theme around it kind of like it's a quarry so that's why there's like rocks around it but obviously I still want that area in the middle to show all of the sixteen options for digging straight down then all I had to do was decorate it a little bit more because the feel of it is important I could have just left that game with 16 blocks open on the ground and just a chest but that wouldn't be very mini game or theme park like so I have to add these extra decorations to make it really feel like a cool mini game so I decided to add a crane very similar to the one that was on my build off house and that's just gonna have some barrels on a pole something it's really just for decoration purposes but it it added quite a lot to the build and because this is a mini game in a theme park I then decided to add a proper sign for it des D which obviously stands for dig straight down and that is the decoration for my mini game and I think it came out rather well and we are finished we just need to add a couple of lights here and it is done so what I've got here is a really cool looking decoration for my new game dig straight down or DSD for short I'm pretty proud of how this is will come out especially as the main part of the game is just this and then everything else around it is for decoration because this is meant to be a proper minigame hub between andesite and lava there are zero to nine Diamond doors so there's a chance of getting absolutely zero diamonds and there's a chance of getting nine diamonds and my diamonds I mean diamond or so there's an extra when I get all of these pickaxes sorted which is my last item on the list of things I need to do then you may even get times three because I'm going to inch on all of these with looting so let's crack on and get these pickaxes sorted I did say that this was a very simple game but it's just taking so so long to sort out but I absolutely knew that when I started this project okay I've got myself a shocker box full of some iron pickaxes with looting three on them and that should be exactly what we need so hopefully we can now meet up with scar to check out this game together so he can be my first ever test dummy to make sure that this works and hopefully we can make five diamonds at the same time there we go adding all the pickaxes now the reason that I've chosen iron is because I want this to be slow and I want them to be kind of panicking so the rate at which you mind with a iron pickaxe is a lot slower than a diamond and there's no haste to so it's gonna be it's gonna be really slow to get down there and the tension should rise quite quickly so we got our iron pickaxes we got our dirt and I think that's about it so hopefully I could just tell scar that it's open now and you can come and give it a go god DSD is open if you want to come and try it out I'm fairly sure that scar is going to end up in lava scar I know you've been watching me build this so do you want to be the first one to try it out don't check this check out my new minigame I brought my wallet because I'm ready to play I know you like theme parks that's true very true do you even know what this game is no I have no idea but I saw you from afar and it was very intriguing okay so this game is called dig straight down and it's pretty much what it says on the tin I've got my instructions for you right here I'm actually gonna ask you to read them because if you don't understand them I've messed up so if you could read them and see if it all makes sense then we'll know if I've done this correctly Wow okay all right I'm just gonna brush off that shade okay welcome okay that distracted me welcome to dig straight down one put all of your stuff in the lockers all items are at risk ooh scary take a pic and two stacks of dirt all right hey five oh five diamonds that's expensive I'm trying to get up to seven diamond block stacks so that's gonna hurt it make diamonds from this game you can make diamonds oh really okay I won't read on pay five diamonds and shoes and end as I block dig straight down there is a hundred percent chance of way there's a hundred percent percent chance hundred percent chance of lava every single one will 100% have lava but I would die in the hot stuff yeah yeah you will okay five well using dirt when your nerves get to you Oh easy easy easy I hope this is fun I haven't seen it yet my wallets a little heavy it's kind of hard oh man I'm ready to go you pick up the pickaxe you pick up some dirt in case you want to bail now remember you you have to bail at some point otherwise you will end up in lava whoo all right so choose wisely there's an andesite block and I think I remember where some of the good ones are okay you me they're just cool more than just diamonds there's there's some other loot as well but the diamonds are the ones you really after so choose wisely huh cold good anything huh over here over here okay nothing over here okay I'm not saying anything okay that was sinners I'll be honest I honestly don't really remember okay right down you guys okay oh oh oh read Stone perfect yeah see oh this is good I like it but there's love at some point in the game dude what is this block right here it's like it's cold it's cold it doesn't look like coal it's cool oh it is call it didn't look like oh okay kid the coal block is the scariest thing I've ever seen in my life keep guys all over okay I think I really want to diamond I'm gonna go till I get diamonds I'm doing it Oh attention building dude I'm wiping my hand off it was getting a little sweaty [Laughter] you can you can bail at any time remember dude I'm determined to get a diamond i ôm roads - it goes down really really deep so no and I totally knew before you went in that you picked the one that has zero diamonds in you picked the only one in the entire game with zero toilets dude I was determined you know I'm trying to get that full stack of diamond blocks oh you left your wallet here I'm out alright see you later see uh no just joking scar come back come back oh that's a long hike back made it and yeah for your convenience I've just put a bed hid so that you can respawn here if you if you die you just wanted me to work on my legs today I would like to play again okay sleep okay let's do one more so you've actually eliminated the one with zero diamonds so you now know that you can dig down and get at least one diamond right yes also that was cruel giving me one that didn't have a diamond I didn't give it to you you chose it and I knew it I knew no I smirked I didn't remember I was like this I was like hot/cold you're like good and I'm like ooh this might be a good one I'm ready and I'm going I'm going right now going straight in I'm gonna pay fast oh sorry mMmmm and join asleep as well I will wait for the Sun to settle in the east west oh wait it still has a ways to go all right you ready ska to choose another I'm well-rested and ready to go I'm going to this one right here what do you think I don't remember how I don't remember how many that has I only remember the one that had zero cuz I remember how much oh you mean the one I was in okay all right I remember which one has the most and which one has the least so I could tell you that that one doesn't have the most but I'm not gonna tell you which one it is so you might as well go for it okay good all right we're going deep here going deep deep deep oh [Music] I want to get my money back five okay I paid for one game oh okay I'm scary all right this is good this is good any point no no I'm gonna get I'm gonna pay myself back any point they could be lova remember that you stopped trying to jinx me up there any time go deep man if I would achieve a level as well I am cutting my losses [Music] he's made his money back he's bailing he's out actually I lost one diamond but I'm okay with that well joy was worth a diamond well that was a smart move I got some red stink there was one more diamond down there but you yeah the right you made the right decision you made the right decision ah look at this look at these diamonds look at them alright sweet well I'm glad you like the game I'm hoping other people are gonna play and I hope that they are smart like you and leave as soon as they get more than five diamonds this was awesome it did not take long from when I told the other Hermits that my game was live for them to come and try it out for themselves so I was still hanging around and I got to see it so X actually chose the one that had nine diamonds it but he decided to bail when he got five Diamond doors which was really smart so there was still four in there and I can use that for the next round so yeah I definitely lost diamonds on that particular one but I'll gain them in other places remember every time someone does the dig straight down game they will probably just leave straight after they get five diamonds oh they'll keep going until they end up in lava like our good old friend Cub fan did he decided to go down down and down and he committed and then yeah didn't end well for him so it's kind of fun watching them play this game it's been overnight since I made the mini game and wow look at this so many diamonds 45 diamonds that is pretty good that is really really good so there are eight spaces left meaning half of it has been played I might need to refill this before the games even gone live on YouTube this is ridiculous well I'm gonna leave it like that for now I have no idea how many people have died on this or how many people made it but I'm sure there's still some diamond door underneath there because some people will of course bail before they get all of them so let's leave dig straight down for now it's a really cool minigame and I hope to come up with a few more minigames like that but I'll be honest that game took all day to make literally all day so I haven't got time for much else Oh somebody's to cover this up but let's go back to the old lands because miss gal told me on discord that he has completely upgraded Sahara so I've got to check this out so when he said upgrade Sahara he meant all of this out and completely remade it so that it works flawlessly apparently but I think everything kind of works the same from a user experience so let's order something shall we I'll order an iron block shall we what I received I wonder if it uses a minecart city still uses a minecart system we were going to change this to ice so it would be much much quicker but I think that's for a future update so the order has arrived at the warehouse waiting for customer to confirm order maybe soon it's still quite slow oh there we go okay I've got some nice feedback on that and then it should be on its way and I think we can actually go and see it because like I said this should come out there it is there's the order yeah so you can imagine that this would be a lot faster if the item was on ice because it would just cause you so it takes too long to get from the warehouse all the way to the shop front that's for sure so we'll change that to ice when we can and then grab your goods and arriving there we go block of iron done brilliant and then collect receipt so one diamond to be paid oh look at that look at that payment received there we go so we got 32 iron blocks and it didn't mess up so Sahara works and that means that Sahara is officially out of bait oh it look easy v'n he's even removed the beta sign so yes Sahara is officially open and working but they're still still so many improvements that need to be made so one of the things that we definitely need to do is create some sort of entertainment system in here for people waiting for their order they need to be able to entertain themselves so that might fall onto me to do we definitely need to promote Sahara sand more to get people shopping here frequently and of course we need to change that to ice so that the minecart isn't so slow but all of that will be over time because Sahara is a long-term project and we need to make sure that it continues to make diamonds so let's have a look in the vault actually because we've got a vault where we keep all suhara diamonds and oh the money pile is growing very very slowly so that's exciting but there is one more thing that I really need to do and I need to get my diamonds back because I lost them and I've got lots of diamond ore now so it's not really bad but I did lose quite a lot of diamonds and it's great and all that I had to you know mine for three hours but it would be really great if I could just find all of my diamonds again but I'm gonna need to keep a lot of these Diamond doors for my mini game so yeah I've gotta be careful so I'm sure I can figure out a way to get my diamonds back so what I want to do is create another base not here in my giant pillar of a base because I need it to be secret it needs to be hidden it needs to be underground I need to create Green's lab Laborde love Green's lab greens laboratory I need a secret lab where I'm going to work on some major major projects so I think I might leave this area all together and make my secret area but actually it's not very secret if I tell you where it is we'll sort that out next episode because I'm afraid that's all we have time for today but this is very exciting this is so weird how it like vibrates a bit anyway thank you very much for watching everyone we will build a secret laboratory next episode so that we can try and figure out a way to get our diamonds back thank you very much for watching and good [Music]
Channel: Grian
Views: 3,147,435
Rating: 4.941577 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, dig straight down, hermitcraft grian, grian hermitcraft, episode 78, minecraft grian, season 6
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 19sec (1459 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2019
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