Hermitcraft 6: Episode 56 - DIAMOND JET Donation!

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I feel like Mumbo is starting to get into the groove with Hermitcraft. His last few videos have been quite good.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Spear994 📅︎︎ Dec 15 2018 🗫︎ replies
hello everyone this is Mambo and welcome banks for the episode on the hermit crab surveys episode 56 and today we are starting things off outside the n'oubliez farm that we built in the previous episode of hermit craft and you probably shouldn't stand there if you want to look at it yeah I mean I I didn't need to put a roof on that thing because you sit underneath but I hadn't thought of the fact that when you approach the Blaz farm you do kind of walk on top of it so maybe that's something that we'll have to change but this is the new blaze farm that we built essentially I wanted to light up one of my builds with n rods I realized that no one in the town was selling them and then I finally looked up the crafting recipe for end rods I'm playing Minecraft for eight years now never thought to look up how to make an end rod and it turns out it's really easy both the items in an end rod are totally farmable so I thought would be smart to build up a blaze farm and this blaze farm right here is so simple it doesn't rely on any redstone or any pistons or anything the blaze just make their way into the killing chamber because solid blocks that's about as far as my understanding goes you'll have to watch an M Baum's video on it so actually make sense of it all but this decides awesome it's awesome it was super easy to build and now we have swags upon stacks of end rods and stacks upon stacks of blaze rods I mean it can be much better now obviously I currently have way more than I need so I thought would be a good idea to be a little entrepreneur home it and create a couple of new shops because there's also melons and pumpkins I mean we have how many melons and pumpkins to me actually have these days quite quite a lot quite a lot of those and yeah quite quite a few of those so melons and pumpkins obviously very handy for villager trading and then end rods just handy for looking really really cool and because no one else is selling them I mean it only makes sense so yeah let's get to it so where do we build this thing I was thinking somewhere I mean it has to be near the eye trader and I want to try my best to make it not obvious that it is to do with trading but also semi obvious and it's not gonna be a big store this seems like a really really strong spot as no one claimed this yet this seems prime real estate to me yeah I mean this is this is spot-on this is exactly what I needed I'm hoping that this should actually be everything like it's really not going to be a particularly big build I don't know whether to spread that out yeah maybe I don't honestly I call him over the last time I looked at a pumpkin you know we don't really celebrate Halloween too much in the UK didn't see too many pumpkins then you know what that's actually not that bad I think maybe round off the edges a tiny bit so then it's a little bit less kind of cubic and then also take out that edge there I think there might be on to something ladies and gents there is a phantom in the nether and he seems confused oh no no he's stopped being confused he's stopped being confused and attacked me yeah I would say that's a pretty good name from a little store perfect and if we pop inside everything's looking a tiny bit orange I've just placed the sign accidentally let's give it that one and yeah everything's looking pretty good in fact you know what I think that's a little bit too green on that ceiling there let's just get rid of that perfect it is literally like being on the inside of a pumpkin and that's exactly what we want nice you know while we're at it with the pumpkin stuff I think we should probably get rid of this pumpkin what's the date currently December the 12th that's that's quite a long time since Halloween stupid this thing looks this is the I mean it is so goofy I forgot how goofy it was I wonder has anyone donated to us Cal oh my word someone actually donated two diamonds that's that's awful twelve thousand one sleep later whoa we have filled up with Schrute cane and I mean you got a decent number of pumpkins and decent number of melons but I'm actually a little bit disappointed by that you know what I think will stop me from feeling disappointed miniature golf who doesn't like a game in miniature golf I'm actually going to pop over there and I'm going to take a look at what holes are there currently and then also looking to building one myself wow this place is looking amazing so much has changed since I was last here oh my word this looks fantastic this looks so cool and this is here is the miniature golf course so I need to claim a plot so here is in debate entrance to hole three okay so yeah so I think each one of these entrance to hole - oh my word this is this is getting complicated i I I'm gonna need to read up on this this is genius by the way these genuinely look like chocolate bars on those candy cane designs are beautiful sorry I need to stop game distracted I've actually claimed my plot and I've also done a little bit research into the different color coding techniques and the different ways in which we can do things inside this build and I have to say yeah I'm super excited for this this is gonna end up looking really really cool so I think the first thing I've got to do is I'm actually going to build up I guess the entrance to this place now we're going to need a lot more resources than this seriously I have been I've been back and forth to the golf course and then back to my base probably about seven or eight times without really even placing a single block I just keep forgetting important things it's driving me up the wall I don't know what to say let's give this a test then so if I throw this into here that shoots up like that and then shoots onto the next level that looks so cool alright that's perfect so that that gives us a little bit of height to work with I wonder if I should do it hmm I wonder how far that will go I'm just trying to think how to kind of transition us into this area here I think maybe I might have another water stream that then drops us down into this area because then this is where I want my redstone bit to be so it goes through this oh wow okay I actually think I need to create a reset system here because we can't have the hermit dropping it there because then they might never be able to actually make it on to the top level right let's work on that real quick so that system all seems to work so now if I mess up it will drop through into this hopper and then be dropped back out so the hermit's essentially wasted a shot and just as a top tip throw it really low on this it seems counterintuitive but that's the way to do it anyway next part of the process is we needed to go all the way up like this I'm then getting it to jump over a barrier and then yeah fall through that hole right there so that has actually worked perfectly so you see this piece of stone here that is literally just popped through this area and that's then going to drop into a chamber which is going to have a redstone activated slime block golf ball launcher which is going to launch it through this redstone obstacle which is going to be the centerpiece for the entire build so let me just quickly try and work out all of this I wonder how powerful actually is this thing if I just somehow managed to get some form of golf ball up there but if we give this a press let's see okay that's pretty powerful but that hasn't actually ended up working I wonder why that is oh of course it all works flawlessly nice so now that that part is done it's time to move on to the actual the centerpiece of the entire Builder and this is probably gonna have to be quite pretty now I think about it but the idea is is that we're going to have a piston feed tape which rotates solid blocks and upside down half slabs the upside down half slabs will allow the items to fly through obviously the solid blocks will stop it and then it will drop down into some form of chamber and then be re dispensed back out near this slime block here so essentially you reset the mechanism I absolutely love this idea but it is going to be quite complicated to make was a very very close shave indeed these guys man and go well that's that's not the best of signs yeah this thing seems to have broken itself how exactly one tick four ticks four ticks one tick that should totally be working right let's try again okay that's a little bit more like I'm guessing there was a piece of redstone missing or something okay let's turn this off I now need to redo what all of the block placement inside our piston feed tape but that is actually the system functioning and I would say that's about the right speed to write so now it's time to work out the logistics of how we're going to return the item back to this location if the home it messes up so I guess the first thing we should do is actually shoot one through yeah sure probably I should probably put an item there yeah let's just try that okay so now that's in place all right let's try and shoot one through this gap here oh well that was pretty close so we managed to do it but then if we do it with a block I'm guessing or at least I'm hoping it crashes into it and then it drops down into that hopper all right okay that's perfect and from that hopper I'm gonna send it a little bit of like a wild Rapids right that the hermit's can watch so when they mess up it's not totally heartbreaking because they'll end up being able to watch the golf ball do some loop-de-loops and then eventually make its way back onto that block there so that they can try it again however I've just realized that this is really really ugly so I think I'm going to swap it out actually for some spruce wood spruce wood seems Christmasy to me right this is looking far better that's much much better and I thought I would actually go through and fill in some of the extra bits as well so I'll start looping round some of this stuff and actually I've just thought so that needs to be solid and guessing all of this needs to be solid we need to stand there and this is the entrance to the course so all of this is going to have orange carpet on it I believe okay yeah but sprue she's going to outline the entire course palm over that made me jump so much so I just is he really doing this now so for those who don't know in the previous episode of hermitcraft I asked for cement rods and yeah I I was going back and forth with this girl for probably about 15 minutes negotiating down from 1,000 diamonds down to six diamonds and then he tells me they actually doesn't have any but it looks like he's come through he's given them to me which I much appreciate I do now have 80 stacks though so so let's see what I'll go of course now looks like okay it looks a tiny bit more substantial it still looks quite technical but it's looking much much better that's looking really cool and once we get all of the green carpet in as well it will look a tiny bit less icy which is quite cool but yeah this is our item transportation system that is going to be returning our item back to this position so that's now all completed all we have to do now is this final section which is going to take us to the end hole and see honestly I don't actually know what to do with this area I really don't I kind of planned out this section then forgot that I actually needs to do the home straight I've come up with a little something which is just a piston pusher that if you don't time it correctly the item we've pushed it into the water and the make its way back we have to build an item elevator here and for some reason I'm struggling yeah it's a little bit embarrassing so I've decided to keep things super simple so the item when it goes through this system will end up on that slab down there and then obviously we'll pick it up and if we throw it and it makes its way into the water which I've actually managed to not do then it will go through the water stream and end up back in our inventory so that's about as simple as it gets how am i struggling with this all I've done is extended out the redstone line from our piston feed tape into these pistons and it seems to function but it is incredibly difficult so that's not gonna make it you have to actually throw just as the piston out that's that's too late you kind of have to anticipate when the pistons are and there we go we made it and that should shoot through into a hopper so there it is that is our hole all completed that's the entire system done now we actually have to do all of the gaps in between because yeah this place is looking pretty horrendously ugly right now we almost already now that we're starting to get grass in it's looking so cool by just seeing all of this coming together it's it's making me very very happy I'm glad we took on the challenge of building one of these mini golf courses now the question is does this work with carpets in place Yonsei is no and there's a phantom here and I I just don't want to be anywhere near here literally had a bed in my inventory that entire time that all could have been solved quite easily turns out that actually quite a large quantity of my build doesn't work that well with carpets but that has actually functioned flawlessly so that goes up there now let's play the entire hole so that's now drop down there shoot that makes its way over to that section so that's another shot and then we have to go for this which this is by far the most tricky obstacle no was that it no I think that was it and there we go is drop down into the hole amazing so now it's just all the finishing touches all of the snow layers all that sort of thing candy canes you know stuff to make it really really pretty because I don't know if I mentioned this but this is actually a kind of competition at least there's going to be prizes for the winners it Exuma void is judging it all this is all Exuma Boyd's idea and I thought I'd get involved with this one so there we have it ladies and gents this is my golf course in all of his glory finished completo finito feeling very good about it I really really like this place I think it's pretty sweet we've got some candy canes you've got all of the snow layers in it actually functions quite nicely too I'm proud of this really really proud of this but we are going to be moving on that took way way longer than I care to admit and also than I expected it is time to move on to their next project of today's hammock craft episode which I think you guys are really going to appreciate for me this is just larious as you all know mr. Reece Cowell has fallen on hard times a little bit and not only is he charging people thousands of diamonds he's attempting to charge people thousands of diamonds for things that he has but also he's asking for donations in the shopping district and I'm a nice guy you know a nice gal is a good friend of mine I feel like I should donate to him I'm not I'm not just going to put it in the chest cuz that's quite boring we're going to make him work for it if there's one item I never seem to have resources for it would be a writ of writable book what are they called a book and quill yeah just never seem to have them I can't believe my brain went to writable book that doesn't make any sense anyway my devious plan is that I am going to build the most expensive flying machine okay so this is going to be a ridiculously expensive flying machine that I am going to sit in and I'm going to put a donation inside is scales chest but it's not really a donation it will be a book and quill that explains that his donation is currently flying into the distance and if he can catch up with it and find it then but then he'll be able to keep all of the resources on there I have no clue how farm goods go I have no clue how soon is girl is going to discover it he is online right now so yeah I think this could be quite interesting now I sincerely hope this works I want to create kind of like a private jet looking thing because obviously that's going to look pretty expensive and fairly impressive risk al so I've created the tail here and now it's time to actually start creating the build itself so that is four blocks hmm okay I think we might have to split this up a little bit so we'll have three blocks and then we'll surround that with things like iron and other bits and pieces and then I guess we have another piston at the end so that there will be a redstone block and then this will also push in to another set like this so kind of like another module and that should do it except our flying machine is way too fast so that means that we can only have one attachment to each set of the slime blocks which is a bit of a shame I really like the way that this looks but we've hit the block push limit which means that we're gonna have to make some sacrifices as to what blocks get involved I can't take those n blocks off because it just looks so snub-nosed I really don't know what to do so I think that's my fighter jet or just private jet all fully completed so we have got plenty of diamonds you've got plenty of iron blocks involved there in theory all of it should be functioning and I've actually been trying to work out where I'm going to sit in this thing and I think it's going to be in here in a minecart so that's where I am going to be going in fact I could just potentially swap that out for a cauldron stand in there yeah if I did that then yeah that could be a cold ruin right there I could chill in there and then I could even put another diamond block above me so that phantoms don't spawn that might actually be quite a good idea dearest Eskow I hear you have fallen on hard times and I'm here to help I wish to donate to you my private jet you may keep all the resources it is made of and kill the pilot if needed however first you must catch it it took off from x equals 20 y equals 253 and it's headed south at a fairly fast paced who knows how far away it will be by the time you get there I do hope this helps though your good friend mumbo right that is the book that we are going to be putting inside the donations box then I'm going to chug all my resources in the ender chest take off everything because there's a high likelihood that I'm going to die and I don't fancy fly back anyway so I will kill myself and then we are ready to actually try this I'm terrified why do I not have any flint and steel okay that okay there's a flint I didn't actually realized that Flint was in the storage system so yeah that definitely helps can you tell I'm nervous I really can't get my words out right now all right in three two one go not really not act oh that doesn't work how I thought it would so let's let's try something slightly different I'm gonna try a fire charge I feel like a fire charge might work instead of vinton steel so let's give that a well I was almost certain they not do they sell fire charges long story short they didn't so I've swapped out a dispenser for a water dispenser I've also sort out these solid blocks for half slabs because they would have actually powered this piston and broke it so it's very good it's very good that our system can work first time anyway once again all items have been removed the half slab is going in and I'm getting scared again oh I was so scared go what my jet worked but I don't fly in it I fell flat I fell through the floor that was private I've ever seen and now I I have no way to get it I have no way to catch again and I'm back of the spawn junks oh no this is terrible news this is awful I've totally messed up I gotta say though I've just logged in with my second account this thing looks glorious look how cool this looks and also look how far it's already gone it's already it's already so far out over the modern district he this could actually be miles away by the time he actually logs in Green is currently following me where we're currently in the process of trying to chase down my jet I think it should be oh no this is north this is north no we go south I can't believe this I'm in a total panic because I'm trying to keep it loaded using my other camera account as well so it doesn't stop and break cuz that'll be really frustrating yes there it is widgets we got back to it it's a very tricky thing to write but I think he's just right well I mean this is probably that looks like the least comfortable place I've ever seen or the jet but this is perfect I mean I guess I should just chill out here and then wait for it's Cal I mean I I'm actually going to look at this on my screen just to ensure that no phantoms come along and kill me but I think it should be okay anyway ladies gents I think that just about wraps things up for today's episode on the hermit craft server this has been very very interesting indeed I'm excited to see it's girls reaction to this one I'm going to be cruising on this for well I'm gonna cruise on this overnight and we'll see we'll see when he eventually finds it but anyway I hope you enjoyed if you did please go to that like button and if you really loved it then make sure to subscribe but thanks for watching guys this bimbo and I'm out I'll see you later [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 1,351,009
Rating: 4.9611297 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: gq8_CbzKDZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 17sec (1397 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 14 2018
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