Hermitcraft 6: Episode 59 - HERMIT NEWS

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hello my name is green and welcome back to another episode of Hermit crafting you might be wondering why I'm walking backwards and that's because behind me I have sussed out how to do the back of this building I've been doing some off-camera building for Sahara and this particular part has been through about three different designs before I finally settled on this one the trickiest part was getting this bit here to look right and there's actually a of fresh room in here that I plan to use a little bit later on in the episode there's absolutely nothing going on or no differences inside the main warehouse building at the moment because the redstone is still under construction and I don't want to go ahead and build anything important there because the redstone does come first this building however I can do a little bit more because as you can see I have emptied out some of this area and I have filled it up with some blank walls the interface for Sahara is going to go somewhere around here the prayer I believe that the actual interface is only going to be like two blocks so that might actually look a little bit strange in the context of this great big wall but as you can see I've been doing some work now this is going to be the architect or the Sahara nether portal so let's get this set up shall we so if I pop through it's probably going to put me at somebody else's portal that's the one in the shopping district if we follow the mini map because the actual nether hub is one giant map of the entire island it actually makes it pretty easy to put our portal and that would be right about here so in theory if I place the portal like so this should link up perfect absolutely perfect so if you want to go to Sahara through the nether it's super super easy now but as for the building of Sahara there's still a lot to do like it may seem like we've got a lot of done and we have we have got a lot done but it's such a massive project it's hard to keep the steam going at a hundred percent in order to get this done for example this roof alone you can see how much quartz is needed to finish this and I used all of my supply just getting this outer ring done so what I did was I spent about an hour and a half gathering all of this nether quartz or and I thought I'd spend the start of this episode at least just time lapsing getting this part done so let's let's grind this out so I've never actually done this before where you make a time lapse where you take all the or if something you place it all down and then you literally remove it all as one big time-lapse yeah and I must admit it took me a really long time so I don't think I'll be doing it again but it was necessary to get all of this quartz and my goodness was there a lot in the end but eventually it got the job done or well did it I can't believe it after that time-lapse you saw me placing all that quartz or getting rid of it and then starting placing it all the way around and look twelve blocks of quartz slab left I can't even got enough I've got nothing I've just got nothing to fill this up with I'm gonna have to go and get some more quartz I thought huh this is gonna be enough and they'll have some left over no this is one of the most expensive blocks in the game like I literally cannot believe that it wasn't enough but as I was building this I was sort of doing my quartz or and stuff and as I was going I kind of stopped for a second and I looked over there and I I was like what so now I'm I'm in the middle of time lapsing and I want to go and check this out I haven't been yet because I wanted to record that little time-lapse there but there's something that that is a is a hideous hideous mask and it's on my pickle shop so let's go and have a look what's going on over here oh it's it's a salmon head oh it's a salmon oh okay from this angle I couldn't tell what it was from here it just really like kind of kind of phase but when you get around the corner when you actually face it on you can see yet that's 100% a salmon mask it's not even like a salmon head or a salmon face it's it's literally got a bit around it so let's go in oh my goodness I mean this is one of my favorite things that's going on in the server and slowly very slowly this little parrot has been we just you know doing his business and it's creepin its creepin everywhere it's spreading it's it's almost it's oh it's getting in cherry this is this is gross and its eyes drifted down into the pickle shop this is absolutely this is season six worth of birth poop and since we're here we should actually go and have a look in the pickle shop maybe that's maybe that's why they've done it they who the salmon wants me to go and check inside the pickle shop well if the salmon was here there's no way for me to tell because there's pickles absolutely everywhere I forgot about all the pickle puns this water can be a little bit cumbersome buy more pickles it's a pretty sweet deal oh nice we've actually sold some we've actually sold a lot wait whit there's I think there's one up here as well no nothing in that one oh we've sold all of our pickles I mean pickles aren't let's be honest a very big seller not many people need them but thirteen diamonds not that bad I don't know who needs that many pickles unless the Salmons actually for all of my pickles and that's their wave because you know here's the thing I haven't checked my pickle shop in I don't know weeks and weeks and weeks maybe it must have been like episode 20 where I last checked it because literally no one was buying pickles maybe the salmon is behind it well at least they pay for it at least they've paid for the pickles if anyone knows who did buy them please let me know but if not maybe it was the salmon that's really interesting you know what I think I'm gonna leave that there III mean that was a prank in the first place that was a Harry Potter pickle and now it's a salmon man Harry Potter pickle so I guess what I need to do is I'm gonna have to go and gather just a little bit more quartz to fix this up I believe right now mumbo is actually doing some redstone it's about time mumbo look at that there's loads of progress and there's already there's already mobs in there already mobs spawning light it up mumbo anyway let's go and grab this quartz so that we can kind of try and get this finished I I don't know what's going on but I can't fly it literally won't let me look watch this it's like my Rockets just don't go anywhere even if I take it off and I put it back on just it's just consuming the fireworks well is this look yeah smells a bit I think I'm gonna have to just reload there we go now we're flying and it's actually been quite a long time since we got this far and I've been doing lots and lots of work to it so when it got myself some more quartz and we're actually gonna finish this off right now this is a really good feeling and done but that's not all that I've been working on I've actually been working really hard on the whole of the Sahara build and trying to get it as done as possible so I've added in these two trees it's kind of cut off because of the building and yeah regrettably I would actually have put four in there but there's no way I'm taking them down and making for another one see that the spacing is probably a bit too much I probably should have had one two three then four which is annoying in fact I probably could just shift over that one and then make another there which wouldn't be as much work but either way the inside is what I've been working on the most and I've actually spent a really decent amount of time trying to make this a really cool interior so at the moment I'm thinking this is where the consoles gonna be this is where you actually make your order for Sahara now I've tried my best actually I'll prove it you can see I've put carpet everywhere I've even added some nice detailing on the roof there's like end rods that act as light and it's like it's hanging from there I've really put in a lot of effort to try and make this Lobby look really attractive to anyone that comes into the shop I've also added a couple of elevators here just some bubble elevators with some arrows pointing the direction that they go in but up here I've still got a lot to do so yeah I basically went to get quartz and I came back and worked on all this and boy oh boy did I use quite a lot of materials now over here you'll notice that I've been making these big holes and what I've been thinking is that I can do the glass fog trick to try and make something more decorative and then I'm thinking in here we have a couple of layers of water and it's kind of like having a fountain without removing all the sand in the middle and I think that would look really nice but I'm not actually sure how deep I need to go to make this fog effect work really well can excuse he's just walked into me oh he's seen me see me now well there's a first full-on walk yeah there's a full-on war going on here there's something weird about this area okay because seriously like the the entire mobcap can spawn in this one tiny cave and it's actually really bad this is probably a good idea to get this whole thing lit up overall I think in a few days time maybe a week I can have all of the building done I've really enjoyed this project so far but I've actually started doing something with this room here and this is part of my marketing campaign so this is a really big part of Sahara so I've got to make sure that I get this right first time what we're going to be producing here is some Sahara news or should we call it hermit news presented by Sahara so I am gonna take scars design for the camera because we're gonna need a camera for this and he made a really cool design so I I'm gonna I'm gonna use that so I've made a slightly different version to the one that Skaar made over at the VEX tank but we've got ourselves a camera which is such a cool design what we need now is just a little bit of studio lighting so that we can film our very first hermit news so brought to you by Sahara this is hermit news I think that I'm ready to make this this could be really really cool so yes this is this is like sponsored news I guess like this is a Sahara back so of course we're going to be pushing an agenda in our news stories but this could be a really really fun thing I've already got a few like little little things in mind so maybe what we should do is I'm just gonna go ahead and make it and see and see what happens yeah oh boy here we go all right let's start filming shall we [Music] [Music] good evening and welcome to Herman news tonight's top stories Ariana Grande's new album I'm agreeing with you tops the chance for 12 weeks in a row an ugly mask that looks like a salmon has appeared on the pickle shop and in a mysterious turn of events all the pickles have sold out and mumbo slime shop is still not stocked and now for our top story a major waste spill has been discovered at a Concord retailer in the shopping district let's go over to Creon who is out in the field Thank You grin as you can see behind me we're looking at one of the worst environmental disasters of season six it would appear that there waste disposal pipes have been clogged for months but time finally has taken its toll and it is now spewing out waste into the surrounding environment this stories into question the care of Duty con Corp has shown the shopping district and we are yet to hear response from them we can only hope that other companies will be more considerate and clean with their building back to you Creon and Grimm Thank You gran in other unrelated news suhara has been progressing greatly in the last few weeks having completed the majority of their building they have even started building an offshore wind farm to power their business venture talk about sustainable enterprise and that's it from us and Hermit news good evening and hashtag shop at Sahara and that's a wrap on the first hermit news I think that went pretty well don't you so I was thinking basically what we could do is Sahara news every now and again to update people on the on goings of the server obviously Sahara are going for some more sustainable energy than the toxic sludge that is going on with conquer this is a brilliant look at that oh it's even it's even grown since the last time since the report since the report happened it's gotten even bigger oh I totally forgot wait I didn't realize you could just bounce off it when you're flying I thought it damaged you even when you were when you were flying I thought it didn't matter full damage with full damage apparently not so what happens if you fall from a really do you get like a really big bounce I didn't even hit the slime oh that's so embarrassing I still want to see if you bounce off it though if I I do I boast about how good I am of flying and then I do this I think I need to give up my title as the best flier on the server okay let's try this again and this time I'm going to hit the slime properly all right here we go oh nice you could get some real air on that that's so cool I was pretty sure I was gonna die but I actually just died from bad flying so what I'm thinking we could do is we can definitely build on this whole news thing going on so there are plenty of con Corp shops in the shopping district and basically the plan is to give them a really bad reputation I mean they already have a bad reputation but like look at this this one is like a it's an engineer's checking out loads of look at this they have zero environmental concern look at all the junk that's coming out of this honestly they're even affecting the weather affecting the weather it's unbelievable so the news are going to a report on that and report on the good things that suhara are doing but that is only part of my advertising at campaigns honestly I have a lot of ideas this is just about giving Sahara a bit of a good reputation before we've even gotten started over the next few episodes I plan on doing some really intense marketing schemes to try and get all of the hermit's to start shopping at Sahara but unfortunately as much as I want to start advertising properly there's really not much chance of me advertising effectively if we don't even have a product we don't have the full shop yet it's just it's just not finished so we've really really got to get a move on with all of the building and the redstone as fun as it is we just need to actually start selling something because I can't advertise a shop that isn't even open yet and then we've got to have a grand opening day it's it's there's a lot of work to do here so going back into the building and speaking of all the work that we've got to do I should at least try and get this courtyard finished I'm really not sure if I like this giant square thing it doesn't look particularly good at the moment especially as this is four blocks that's three but either way I wanted to try out this glass trick and I'm I'm honestly not sure how many layers you need to do in order to make this work but I'm pretty sure I know the theory and I've got Ashoka box full of the glass right here it goes probably wise to start from the bottom for those of you that don't really know this trick all you have to do is do a layer of glass of stained glass for that matter and you have to have a space of air than another layer than another and you repeat multiple layers and then when you look down they all kind of like fade into one it gives this really cool effect there we go so if you're going to get the idea obviously I definitely have not done enough layers you've got to do really quite a lot of these to get the full effect but you can see where it's going and probably I've I've maybe done the wrongs coloured glass I could have done something else I may even just blow this whole thing up with tea and tea and start over again because yeah I'm not I'm not sure if this is the right direction I like the idea of having water all along here as it's like it's like resembling of a fountain but this glass thing this was just an experiment one thing that I was pretty certain that I wanted to do was maybe add some bookshelves like some decorative bookshelves for this main part because well I I do actually need some decoration in here that isn't just super ultra-modern so maybe some tall bookshelves might like make us seem a bit more sophisticated than we perhaps are here at Sahara I actually bought all of these with emeralds but I'm thinking I'm probably gonna need a lot more something like that with the shelving could look really cool I don't really know if it fits it definitely matches the floor I'm gonna have to do a lot of experimenting I oh I did a lot of experimenting with just the shape of this room I think this design up here went through three or four iterations before we got anywhere near where it is so this might take a few attempts as well but I kind of wanted to show you what what I do cuz a lot a lot of the time I build this off camera and then I just show you the finished thing but this time I wanted to show you how many times I mess up before I get the right design well anyway you need to let me know in the comments whether I should continue with the news thing see if that works it was a lot of fun to make but it is a lot of effort so if it's not a good idea then I'll ditch it but I I had a lot of fun with it I think it could be really funny show Khan Corp who's boss that's the goal of this show Khan Corp who rules the hermitcraft server and we're the new guy on the block and we're gonna sell everything and I've got to admit if you take a good look around you fly up in the sky and you take a look at the shopping district as a whole Sahara really is one of the most obvious things maybe not from this angle because we've got our big wall in the way but round like this you can see how enormous Sahara is and I'm really intrigued to get this on a separate server and get a like a welder net count of how many blocks we use I think that'd be a really interesting statistic well anyway we have done an awful lot of work today why scar following me Scott what you do that's my job Scott what are you doing no no okay so that's what that feels like I thought I was like here anyway that's it for me everyone thank you very much for watching I am having a great time working on Sahara and I can't wait to get into the marketing much more fully obviously my job is starting to come to an end when it comes to the building once this is - you know what from the air that doesn't look bad at all but my job on the whole is starting to come to an end the redstone might be a long ways off I mean I don't even know what's going on there but you can see that my building here I wasn't me but the building here it's and you know that all the details and stuff it's all starting to get finished at when the building's done there might still need to be redstone but it will be my job to start advertising this as much as possible but anyway thank you very much for watching everyone I hope you've enjoyed this episode and do you know what for the first time ever and I do you mean this first time ever if you enjoy the hermitcraft series and we're like fifty nine episodes in would you consider subscribing to my channel I've never ever ever ever asked anyone to subscribe to my channel like this before and it feels really really weird but you'd be surprised how many people that watch this series aren't actually subscribed to my channel and I want to know if this message actually does any different so if I see a big increase in subscribers I'll know that you saw it anyway thank you very much for watching everyone and I'll see you in the next episode good bye
Channel: Grian
Views: 1,925,911
Rating: 4.9700942 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, hermitcraft, hermit, season 6, episode 59, grian episode 59, sahara
Id: JwiFrq2IHi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 6sec (1326 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2019
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