Hermitcraft VI - GRIAN ROBBED US! NOBODY TOUCHES MY BUSH! - Let's play Minecraft 1.13 - Episode 61

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Those literal 7 seconds of silence, only interrupted by dropper clicks… xD

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheRealWormbo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 15 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

"Here at the Stock Exchange everything is fine, just perfect."

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MrMarkley πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 15 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Doc has taken this to the next level in this video. This was extremely well put together and capped off by a brilliant closing scene.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/fc_newbro πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 15 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I loved the ending, made me laugh with mad joy!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AFishyBusiness πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 15 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

The bush shall be avenged.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BusyRegister πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 15 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I watched the stream where he made that bush. He was super frustrated.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MikeyMcD πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 15 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
Oh oh my god guys the trap is triggered oh my god we might have gotten her already I just came to check cycling through the next day oh let's get out of here it's good quickly out of here oh my god it triggered already what the heck baby this crazy old man can't wait to see her reaction oh it worked for sure the floor was gone and the key was gone so hopefully she dropped in I was slightly concerned because of our last second change we did there to the decoration and I was thinking a half of the night man did Ren unintentionally clip off the redstone day and it will not trigger but then I was scared to go on and mess with it in case she finds it and it looked like it triggered oh my god we got her good I'm so happy hey the prank masters I can't wait to see her video oh my god here it is still so unfriendly it is too dark here it is too dark here alright so the prank worked today I definitely need to go shopping a little bit I need some items and yeah I guess I have to yeah it's time to dig into a little bit of the reserves we have into in the in the vault you know I need to make a little bit of money because yeah I want to work on the piston ball today and definitely want to continue a little bit to spring four five six seven and I need a lot of class being good so one two three four five six seven I was hoping I would have a little bit more of a constant flow of cash from the end up and a pearl shop but it's not going to grade it's not about necessarily the pricing but I feel we introduced ender pearls so late you know we introduced ender pearls so late this season that people kind of got used to playing without them but for sure I have a schalke box full of diamonds we would normally use to pay out profits but at the moment nobody is really concerned about that so yeah I think I can take them until I make a little bit more what the heck I need to call Ren bro yeah we have a problem man like I see how they come I saw your messages on this code I see a Zima straining upstairs I was getting excited like I thought we're about to make a new deal or something what now you got me worried yeah what what what what happened why it's who's that that's tango man I'm Korean what this okay I thought it was just a jacuzzi and like the lava lamps which is hilarious but then I saw the the duckies this is really bad this is really bad we have a problem man dude we got robbed you know I told you you know do you wanted all this fanciness in here so I had no space to build in the security system and no ice we needed a place for the ladies to come and chill man it's important for the devote I sacrifice security for for coolness factor and here we are now look at that crap man what is that man Rob don't make too much noise man one of our whales is upstairs he hears listen comes downstairs and sees this it's bad times did you know Howie a broke man nobody can find out about that we cannot hate anybody if Jevons diamonds yeah why did they come what happened why did they come after us we had nothing with Tammy what we we've got some serious problems here did what we we've got we've got issues man no come on man this is true I was in such you know everything was so chill i was building piston poles and redstone museum yeah it's christmas time what the heck is going on dude I was powers building railway lines that looked like chocolate bars I was chillin you know just relaxing taking off around ya muddied I'd like I don't know what is happening I was over at the ship between us yeah right now dude I was I was over at the ship I checked yeah the trap triggered okay so that watch it yeah but I didn't we didn't didn't we didn't do anything to anybody else we were just messing with Cleo and why is what does Korean and have to do with Cleo and tango why I don't see no reason for us being robbed and why would they have did I like everything is like we need to check videos and stuff but today I checked rated and stuff I didn't see any videos about anything to do with Korean or anything so I don't know what is actually having indeed it's like maybe the chat can't or maybe the chat maybe the comments can help us cuz like this episode will come out in the next there's bound to be someone who put puts this up whatever happened here maybe we can get some some understanding of what's going on here I have no clue anymore man this is Jack totally stressful I'm all cramped up inside man but I'm gonna do hopefully jebin goes on Christmas holiday or something and like maybe we could like close this and like disable the the lock and key here did an idea man like I bet nobody can get in there oh then I will do a live stream tomorrow I can go diamond mining or whatever but I have no it was a lot bro I have like a stack of diamonds I have no I'm broke man I wanted to come down here get some get some diamonds too you know so I can get to your Lance and keep on going I'm we're screwed bro I need I'm going on holiday in like seven days man I'm freaking out right now like I don't even know what's going on am I gonna literally spend the next seven days of my time here mining diamonds for this is that my faith muddied could be bro good why created Sango why what is going on on the server dot the head was so chillin quiet man dude this is a real prank for coming up man we need to sign yeah I feel like it's gonna start feed listen I'm gonna be on holiday in like a few days oh I just fell through the world have my back while I'm gone here but ok because I feel like all of this might be in retaliation for our boat somehow right and then you're gonna have to take the helm for our for our PD I'm gonna be on a beach in saving days I'll just say it when you're gone I definitely you know there needs to be a team man I need some help this is yeah this looks like some serious trouble bro some serious trouble something's cooking I could probably see you in the office come to the office yes dude come to the office no no ways okay did we are gonna have to there's gonna have to be a response the prank wars have begun there has to be a response did they touch the office - I'm coming I'm not ready in the office right now I'm underneath the office okay but I can see something right now oh my god all right here right all right that's for you Bri red do you have an egg pearl yeah okay it's through the floor what no no okay my head is exploding right now do you you saw the livestream bro you saw this live stream where I was making this thing yeah and it was to be like three hour it was the biggest pain in oh my god this is if I was older this would be this would be a health this bro they touched a bush they touched my touch your bush this this this is this is too much deed like yo bro I don't know what I need to go out find a shot of tequila or something right now man like we have literally been we've been gone we've been gone good duck the bush met this is this is all out war bro whoever did this listen listen man I'm gonna bring the Trident back it gonna need a ritual but the doctor is coming back and you messed with somebody you never want to mess with this is too much never touch the doctor's bush let's ring the bell come on in my friend come on in hello hi talk you are aware that these are the bells to open the trade and this is not a doorbell right oh well I am now sorry did I break something okay no all good here at the stock exchange everything is fine just perfect it's it what's up Oh flap into your tree man what like what do you mean the green heads what's going on here would there's it's my Christmas decoration those are my ornaments you know strange Christmas decoration if you ask me looks like someone's taken the little head game a little bit too far around here oh man come on trying to get into the Christmas spirit all good so what's up man Verena dude I am here to sell sell sell once again against a friend I've gotten people buying into my company and I'm ready to make some profits here on the stocking man bro I mean you know don't want to be the guy that tells you but you know if you are a little bit into investment and know a little bit you know over the Christmas time the market is a bit slow and this is the time to hold or rather even buy more selling right now I expect a new year will be a you know an explosive start and if you you know all gains gains to be made selling right now you know this games to be made now I've been keeping track of how much I buy stock for and I'm pretty sure can make a mint of a couple hundred diamonds at the moment so I think I'd rather just take that while the opportunity's there you know I'm not gonna wait around I'm I'm a king investor you know it's time for me how do you know the rules regulations rules and regulations can I gave you a shop so we could do away with those things doc Jase dude listen because I hesitant today man what's going on I mean you're gonna make as well you take you take a cart don't ya yeah come come with me let's go down to the vault Holliday I saw the others can't hear us I mean they can't hear us yeah wait you know you do the seven on the other side so yeah we have a serious problem what's the problem yeah well stop gone missing no no not the stock is there all good I think at least like you're banging your head a lot yeah I feel like I need to bang my head and listen okay I think we're safe down here so what's going on doc man you sound so maybe maybe you know red and I saved some money and space especially space back there for the diamonds okay for our decorations no your decoration wait I ever have an issue with the code as well right now I am quite freaking out do you does not think you're feeling to our man dude I don't know I think that's something wrong with to a vault or it's not really opening so maybe you just don't want me to go in yes something's wrong maybe you can come back later and you know we check on that then I said uh saddest thing no man not only do you not want me to sell stock today slang sup with your redstone doc what is going on here something broke I don't know couldn't open the door but now he forced me to okay bring away yeah look diamond to cutie what what happens to the diamonds oh oh no doc you might have a little bit of a problem bro why didn't you tell me what the heck green and Tango have stolen all the diamonds maybe I'm not quite sure yet I know frame them I I have no idea man I just you know let us listen I unacceptable I like how many diamonds did they take I have no idea man I just looked into the server and then I was checking on the prank we were doing right and that went off and then I said all right cool back to normal business we are you know everything is even now I wanted to get some time it's because I need to buy some class and all of a sudden I come down here and all this mess and there's the heads everywhere and the diamonds are gone and I have no clue what's going on and yeah that's the thing so to be quite frank I can pay you out but that would mean I would need to tear down the jacuzzi here don't worry about it it seems like you know bigger fish are cooking on the server and you mentioned say about a prank going on potentially this is payback potentially but what's going on here I have no idea this is to me this is all completely unrelated listen look I'll show you all right man so from what I understand but I'm just a passive bystander now I'm in the middle of it pretty much so I can't claim him passive bystander anymore but the point is it all started with this stupid chicken here man I don't know like somebody pranked falsie with the chicken and then supposedly Kaleo switched out signs and then someone else got hit and then that all of a sudden dragged ran in because his railway station got got got hit then because you know somebody changed the sign and said it was wren but i don't know who did the chicken prank in there in the first place and okay farm i saw this there was hoop everywhere yeah yeah there was poop what's going on why is the poop missing but the chicken is there I guess I guess you got poop on your build you're gonna clean it up right yeah all right but this is another miss there's signs I'm not gonna I don't even want to know man this is getting way you know and then follow me follow me right then I saw the signs were changed to say ran did this right and then in retaliation so that explains this okay yeah then somebody went after Wren and I even got killed and you know they put this rollercoaster sing on the beautiful Central Station and yeah I think he died from it and and some somehow Green was involved in that or whatever but the main perpetrator was Cleo still I think and then you know things escalated further because you know they killed Wren I was like yo Wren what's going on who's coming after you and he said was Cleo so we went over there to Cleo's place and prank Cleo so yeah we need to find her the pirate district it's over here how ship right oh wow there's a second ship alongside a this is cool yeah so we did this thing we built a giant ship and and it's kind of a you know there was a ghost ship prank and pretty much I checked it already when I locked on oh my god and there was a trap here yeah another pufferfish here there was a death trap here and it really looks like the death trap is triggered oh yeah we went after Cleo and I thought it's done but I have no idea if this really is related now or unrelated but as you saw supposedly tango and yeah Green came after me now on and ran and robbed the bank or up the stock exchange and I don't know if it's a frame job if they really did it you know this whole thing is completely it's a mess the problem is my diamonds are gone and I'm gonna get them back and I need a team I need people to help me I mean if you want to get your diamonds back yeah I'm down to help man I got your back you and Ren have been hooking me up with the sweet deals at the Stock Exchange I've been yeah making my diamonds i'm i'm here to help you know i see it's good because you know ram is leaving soon as you know to vacation and I mean he direct me into this thing and now I'm stuck with all these problems I just want to build a piston vault man yeah he's a simple man he just needs a piston boat people come on now all right guys I told you nobody's gonna touch my bush but you also know I lost my hammer but it's time to get it back so I'm here out at the temple of the Phantom and I'm gonna do the age-old ritual summoning doctors hammer so let me get into the mood [Music] [Music] it's an old but yes I can feel the power building Oh Oh my teeth for I pray to you drink my habit bag I need it my purse was touched yes yes come on oh my - toward you if I have her back yes yes I can feel the power there we go yeah come back to me cool it is back it effect ever touched my boots i jealous you and me it is time [Music] you
Channel: docm77
Views: 604,013
Rating: 4.9180737 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft let's play, hermitcraft 6, hermitcraft vi, hermitcraft season 6, minecraft hermitcraft, Hermitcraft six, hermitcraft s6, hermitcraft recap, hermitcraft 1.13, Update Aquatic, aquatic update, family friendly, no swearing, new minecraft update, minecraft 1.13, docm77, docm, nho, hermitcraft tag, guinea pig, minecraft, minecraft survival, tag, tagged, tag game, tnt duper, prank, prank wars, hermitcraft prank, pranking, grian, tangotek, tango, THE HERMIT HEIST
Id: XVzaG2_dCeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 1sec (1261 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 14 2018
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