HermitCraft 6: 142 | Sahara is making DIAMONDS!

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Iskall watching the wizard of oz makes my life

Edit: >! He didnt actually watch it. Crushed! !<

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/optimisticpsychic 📅︎︎ Sep 06 2019 🗫︎ replies

Me: sees title Also me: impossible.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/AsDoNaX 📅︎︎ Sep 06 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to another episode of hurry craft season 6 today we're starting things off at the island but it's gonna be all about these things it really looks like I'm holding some merry old coins in my hands but these are the Sahara now membership tokens and today I want to make Sahara diamonds so the bring you up to speed in case you did miss last episode we have decided to sell these tokens for 100 diamonds each I know that is a lot of diamonds but seriously though the deals they get they're incredible and in all fairness for Sahara it is about time we start making some diamonds because it is it is quite embarrassing with how bad we have done in sales so far another thing we also decided in last episode of hermitcraft was to have a little bit of a competition between the architect people in order to see who could sell the most of these and you know obviously we've had architects competitions before and what competitions they have been this is just incredible that bab dap and they're always there was a good laugh but i really want to try and win this one i mean really i'm going to start with trying to sell a membership to the richest man on the server to the man who is parting sides with the opposing force of our core of Sahara I want to try and sell good times with Skaar a membership token however to sell a membership token to a conquered member is maybe not the easiest task I have a little bit of a trick up my sleeve I have been at the tailors and I have got myself a new fancy costume and [Laughter] this costume looks ridiculous but it is hopefully going to help me sell so are now membership and to be honest anything for Sahara I understand if some of you don't get this reference and don't worry I didn't either a few episodes ago scar looks on are you kidding me I have your order yes let's see if he goes for it meet me on top of the rainbow for an epic offer okay Dorothy I should probably get that reference but I don't but if you haven't figured it out yet I am Dorothy from Wizard of Oz scores favorite movie so the plan is now that I mean my Dorothy suit I should be able to hopefully charm the biggest Wizard of Oz fan there is and that is also that the richest server member good times with score so I'm gonna try and get him to agree to a deal hey scar you know I'm a man with fantastic deals I have another amazing deal for you today if you are interested you know where to meet me he says rainbow he is fully on board yes scar I am at our place that's right we call it our place now I hit my head really hard and now I'm looking at you and you're gonna you're in a new outfit a new persona yes and I won't get it do you see who I am yes you're you're Dorothy you're Dorothy you've got the ruby slippers and the pigtails and everything yeah why this is well I have no idea I still think I'm hallucinating from hitting my head on the giant witch's hat behind you in the shopping district you sir are not hallucinating I am I am dressed up as Dorothy from your favorite movie to impress you that I now know about about the movie I know everything and and I can even says so somewhere over the rain I finally get the reference so yeah this is makes me so happy and you love the Ruby city right the Ruby city is your favorite yes no no oh no no don't apply I I do like the with do I like the Ruby city's car where did you get the ruby slippers if you didn't where did Dorothy get the ruby slippers the Ruby City right in my dreams hmm got them in my dreams with my dog where I met okay where I met the demon and okay you you searched Wizard of Oz he never watched it I tricked you with the ruby slippers because it's the Emerald City M really yes I tricked you back can I get an A for effort this seems really expensive I was gonna say that I was incredibly disappointed there was a terrace girl there was he there's a but but A for effort with the outfit I have a deal for you scarf today I love deals and you know what yeah I know you love deals and IND and you love my outfit I want to make you the first exclusive Sahara now member hmm okay did you see medicine did you see my do you see my pigtails I did see the pigtails they're very very nice so no we think cake is greedy for Concord only what do you do you say do you want to become a Sahara now member I do but I have one small sticking point okay I will bide said membership if you wear that for the rest of your episode but I'm gonna make I'm gonna have temp to make more sales today I'm gonna buy two memberships and you have to wear it at one of your meetings with the Sahara boys just no context and I will buy two I'll buy two memberships well okay I'm not allowed to say why I'm wearing it I'm just supposed to what if they ask then you just say this is this is me this has always been me I mean yeah I deal to memberships you don't need to membership spots it's fine you haven't even heard the price of the membership yet I know you're the richest man on the server I know I know any amount of diamond doesn't bother you I know that and and we we find gentlemen don't like to speak about prices of the 100 diamonds per each membership we don't know okay whatever I got into it further it's for the greater good okay I have the payment I have the payment for you so that is a 100 and a 200 for the two Sahara memberships can I give one of these horror memberships to somebody or do I get double the benefits no I don't think there's anything against it in the rules to give it away for anyone I mean not that we have a competition internally in architects or anything I just think that's fine you can give it away because you paid for two it's yours to give away I'm gonna give it to jelly okay yeah it's not our new hermit let's do a cat is the first hermit animal yes official right now I made it I can't believe it tickets 200 diamonds and two memberships sold thank you so much scar and jelly Thank You jelly the cat since this is a competition I think it is or in order to have some sort of gathering here in the meeting room where we can show off to each other how we're doing so I'm gonna take this stuff down and yeah this this area needs a little something I like this idea a little Sahara logo and then we can have one chest each where we put our sails in now I just gotta figure out who gets what bar I guess his Mambo has the smallest chair yet tallest chair he will get the tallest thing and this green has the second biggest chair he will get the second one and I will I'll take this I'll take that I'll take this more one that's fine and then I'm gonna put the two hundred diamonds in here and put two tokens in to show to whom I have sold yeah I think that's good we also need some sort of indicator of who's where is sky mumble angry and Koreans text is white that's weird I know okay I know that that green loves science but come on this this got to make sense rights this gotta make sense where would he put the Diamonds that he gets for the memberships I guess we need some kind of sign to tell him that this is the collecting area architect challenge for tracker perfect I would love to get one more sailing today but at the moment it's only Corrales online and he is so new that he may not have one diamonds to spend on a now membership so I'm gonna wait with that a little bit and see who comes online today I guess and move on to something else but I've got a I gotta get out of these coats though I gotta get out of these kills so what I would like to do next is to work a little bit on the warehouse I for the longest time wanted to do some visual improvements and also some technical improvements to this place that will help us with the restocking because honestly it is part of the problem why we're not making as many diamonds as we could is because we can't really restock it easily so the very first thing I need to do is to install all the filters in mumbles modules here with all the items matching yeah this this is gonna be a little bit of a pain because the only way to tell what items goes where is either from memory and I think the first one is definitely sand so either from memory or I have to go all the way down to this area which is a little bit inaccessible to decoding area and then once I'm down here I can look and see that the first one is sand I guess I could make a list because I could order them and make a list that would probably be that probably be very smart actually well it took quite a bit of time but I have done it so if I put that there oh if I put that Observer there everything is now good I've installed the filters and I've also added these item frames because this will certainly help me but I have to troubleshoot module if something goes wrong it may very well be the specific module and not actually the stock or anything like that but yeah I got the item frames in there and I got the filters installed on top I want to make it so that we can now go up to a chest and in put a lot of stock and that will slowly but surely make it into the warehouse modules through all the filters the mumbo has created it's cookies creeper although I need sea pickles and hopefully hopefully this shop is stoked but I am worried that it's not gonna be nope nope I can't find any stock in here but I have borrowed okay I borrowed 8c pickles from green to use in Sahara from a corner over there and I hope he's ok with that what is what is this thing this is not a alt space as we know it's an issue at Sahara and I'm actually gonna have to build two modules in together with each other but I got two of my sea pickles planted down and in theory I should be able to bounce an item off of that side and it should be aligned towards this edge there so let's try that out we got water there and I've never done this before but if I send a glass block down I'd get stuck oh baby the slab here I'm an idiot it may be the slab it's aligning around the slab so if I just have slabs down like that we should have a functioning thing it is super scary to build water streams and stuff right above all of this it is terribly terribly scary but okay so now we have that let's try that once again so an item comes in and yes yes it's working I've just created a very very weird little circuit here but I thought it would be fun to do something a little bit different with how we are inputting the items to the water elevator and I want to see if I could make a system that uses a double chest and to droppers to shoot it into the water stream so if we put items in here they should be doubly pulled out and as you can see both rubbers are being powered and/or being clocked the hiss and they empty it rather quick rather quick hope that's not too quick for there may actually be too quick for the item filter so in the top section here because I have a double one of these I guess I should just have that water source there be the bubbles and that's gonna run over the other one yeah I hope I've got this correctly and I also feel really scared every time I have to deal with water in in the Sahara warehouse this should be the last of that and now we should be able to test this for real so any input into Sahara warehouse should go into here and hopefully hopefully everything will work I keep saying hopeful but I mean working on this project it's just always always a bit scary I guess we can try with some blocks of iron because we do have a filter for that so put those in there should be double speed setting up oh my goodness that looks amazing you can see the eye they aren't travelling across here I'm now added a little bit of a design around the input and I think this actually works out really well so we have the meeting room and we have a direct entrance into the restocking module where we send the items back and anyone can do this now of the architect members because there are filters and if anyone needs to troubleshoot anything we got their item frames so everything is really good except this thing this thing is not good this thing looks really ugly but there is not much I can do here because that is the module for the minecarts anyway I think that's enough of Sahara Warehouse shenanigans for me today because it makes me nervous to work in this I'm not gonna lie I get I get give very nervous that I'll break something or that water will spill or something like that so I'm gonna move on from the warehouse today I like how I without planning it slowly moved away from the warehouse and ended up on this little mountain here this place looks really cool oh my goodness some really word weird worshiping going on here anyway I made my way over to exhume us emerald store I have never checked this place out but this is a shop that sells out man he is getting low on stock okay this is a shop that sells emerald blocks that extremer gathers from his mega emerald form the r8 form so I've just invested a ridiculous amount of my own diamonds in order to purchase these emerald blocks here and these emerald blocks are gonna come into play a little bit later probably in the next episode but this here if I've understood everything correctly and if I managed to put up a little scheme that I have as a as an idea these emeralds should Nets ahora a lot of diamonds like a ridiculous amount of diamonds at the end of the day so hopefully that was a good personal investment because unfortunately I'm now below a stack of diamond blocks in fact if this turns out to be successful I think I'm gonna take on the task to build a raid farm for Sahara maybe do together with the other architects as well so that we can produce our own emeralds but this should be a great investment and while I'm in town I also just remembered I received a message from cap fund the other day telling me that I've received mail I haven't been in this building in a very very long time but that usually means diamonds yep 15 diamonds I'll take it so I really want to try and get one more of these Sahara now tokens sold in this episode it would mean 300 diamonds for Sahara and that's a pretty good achievement I think now I happen to know the Green has been working a whole day today on something that I've understood by the description is pretty spectacular this is a very cryptic message he sent an hour ago I got through three lighters on this project I don't know about you guys but I think he's up to something in order to win this little competition now no ingrian he always takes things to the next level so it's quite urgent that I get another sale and I've decided that I want to try and sell this token to none other than the ice queen herself stress monster and not only does she like ice I also happen to know that she is very fond of flowers so I thought instead of dressing up differently like I did for scar I just charm her a little bit by making sure I give her a lot of different flowers and it's quite convenient that the Sahara now membership token is indeed also a flower hey stress have a little gift for you nothing special but I would like to deliver it to you Gringo's don't do it it's a trap the competition is real anyway whereabouts are you I am at the treat your chick then fly west and look for squid farm-like fingy I'm there okay I mean if that is that that sounds more like a trap to me like a gift to be honest treasure hunter astray some I guess it's on my way here I just decided to add a little bit of flavor to my gift so I I'm gonna give her this flower and then I'm gonna give her all of these afterwards it it is a little bit cheeky but we're here to charm someone okay I'm here to charm someone and I hope this works I think that is the place right there the beacon well that was a stress hunt not a treasure hunt I'm here because I wanted to give you a little bit of a gift will you I have you may want to have some inventory space all of these because I know like the cake would be better so I am here to well I just really just wanted to give you those gifts okay now that I'm here you know me too well now that I'm here I'm figured that I may also want to see if you're interested in becoming an exclusive member in the exclusive club Sahara now Sahara now is like a box of chocolate you never know what you're gonna get until you spend 100 diamonds on the membership what yeah it's it's this sunflower head thingamajig it's a coin actually SSR now member you get access to deals in Sahara and I'm not actually allowed to tell any non-members what those deals are but I can just say this some of them are absolutely fantastic and I know that you always run out of chunky boxes every single deal includes the schalke box so you know tell me what's in it but these things okay I just have to do this right now we're not here to con you we're not as I said I'm here tall for you an exclusive Sahara now membership take care of that mishap right there load of beautiful flowers for me that I can't apparently plant alright but like you over here yeah you look very interested and said that there might be something that we could do maybe possibly in the future or now I don't know it's not maybe Sahara now we're playing with words yes alright so I've all take your membership ok very gladly because what you have said sounds quite cool and interesting and probably something that I would make use of but I also have something for you but I think Sahara would think like it would suit Sahara and I spanked you want I definitely won't think it's actually quite me it's very very I think I said in a few episodes ago I was like I need to make an ink form because I always run out of ink yes so turn out the stress wanted to partnership with Sahara to sell her ink we had a discussion for about 20 minutes until we finally came to what seems to be some sort of conclusion Sahara will take 25% of the profit from the ink you will get 75 but you have to deliver it to Sahara for us to stock it in the Sahara yard the backyard in a chest and let me know when you've delivered it thank you I will have I would have architect legal send over some documents about this yes yes I was caught up in the idea of us selling ink finally at Sahara I was it's 64 and 36 and 36 [Music] that's good because then there are some deals for 10 diamonds that's a hard now all in all it was a super confusing meeting but I think I think that we are going to be selling ink at Sahara and that is really good because a lot of Hermits need ink anyway we also made the deal so now I get to put even more diamonds in the chest and this is also Horus a prophet I honestly think that we have made more diamonds no I honestly think that we have made more diamonds in today than Sahara has ever made before [Laughter] that's quite a bear saying but it's still good I mean we did build a massive warehouse and that doesn't even play any part in summer now but I mean yeah here we are it's been a little bit of a weird episode today and it's been extremely Sahara focused and I promise you all that we're gonna do something different in the next episode but that's gonna do it for today so I hope that you all have enjoyed the episode and if you did please do hit the like button down below and if you're brand new consider subscribing and I will see you dudes in the next episode
Channel: iskall85
Views: 651,713
Rating: 4.9692125 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hermitcraft, hermitcraft 6, hermitcraft season 6, minecraft hermitcraft, minecraft smp, minecraft server, hermitcraft ip, hermitcraft iskall85, iskall85, iskall minecraft, making diamonds in minecraft, making diamonds, sahara diamonds, sahara gets diamonds, sahara diamonds hermitcraft, grian, mumbo, iskall, architechs challenge, mumbo grian iskall, hermitcraft 6 iskall, sahara warehouse hermitcraft
Id: 1kHWQREp6ss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 20sec (1580 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 05 2019
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