HermitCraft 6: 143 | I made a DIORITE house!

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/amiiboh πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Make a disney house Maybe a wizard of Oz house ore a Alladin house

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/YOUREABOT πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Give back the real Iskall. He’s been kidnapped.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/gnome-cop πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Has to be an alien abduction.

Someone get DocM77 on this.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/s_s πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to another episode of hurry craft season 6 today we're starting things off right back at Sahara and I know it's been a lot of Sahara lately hasn't it but in all seriousness we we need to make diamonds okay I'm on a mission we need to make diamonds and besides I have actually got a task from green is how can you automate this G so for those of you don't know and I didn't know this for the longest time Green has made a massive mega carrot farm in the Zen garden of Sahara and now he's asked me to automate it and of course of course we can automate this and I've been thinking a little bit about it whether or not I should do a normal carrots farm automation with villagers or with bone meal but the reason he's growing these carrots are so that we can sell golden carrots and guess what : carrots can be traded with villagers these days and you can get every amount of : carrots by trading with Ben's the farmers and since I a few episodes ago discovered the whole quartz trade and wanted to include quartz traders in Sahara and the majority of you in the comments really seem to like that idea I think this is a great time for me to build some sort of trading hole in this face here and I'm not gonna be building a trading rule that is resettable because we only need the villagers once and we don't really need a god machine or anything like that but I do need an area for them and I do need to get to get myself villagers over here there are quite a few things you can do in Minecraft that are very satisfying and I gotta say I'm adding this to the list ever since they changed the sound of carrots I think that was 114 or crops or whatever this is super super satisfying to do that is the yield of all the carrots that was grown here I mean this this place is it's pretty it was a pretty mega carrot filled farm I think what I'll be doing is probably digging down a little bit and then including some form of stairs yeah I think I want to come down here a few blocks and then enter the area where the villagers are going to be standing before we get any further into the digging and planning this out I think it's time I go into a creative test world in order to find out just what villagers can help Sahara keep stock because that is essentially what this is about these villagers we're just gonna use to keep the warehouse full with certain items that we know we're gonna sell to the other Hermits some in my creative test world and I actually found two more villagers that we may want to use at Sephora at the Zen garden in order to increase stock but let's start over here with the stonemason this is the guy who's gonna sell us quartz and this is just an amazing trade he sells it at one-to-one ratio and you can also buy the quartz pillars which is absolutely fantastic because a lot of people have quartz not including me I'm not the biggest quartz fan the trick in order to get this to work well though is to have a lot of Mason's I would say that we should probably aim to have maybe 10 Masons because they do they do only trade 12 per per trade even though they unlock themselves immediately or very very frequently during the day moving on to Ben the farmer he of course sells golden carats and I looked through the trades here there isn't really any other reason for having him but you can see this guy does reduce his price the more trade with him but we may want to think about Zomba fiying the farmers because I can trade this for one emerald for three golden carats in my base of doom and that's probably gonna be better for Sahar as well but the two new guys I added to the list is the cleric yes the cleric who sells redstone and lapis this guy actually sells quite a few things that are useful such as glowstone but I think considering mumbo has a witch form which also produces redstone by the way considering a stat I think it's better to get the glowstone from the witch farm lastly I found the butcher to have one sell that I'm interested in and that is the cooked pork chop I think this food is similar or almost as good as a golden carrot I can't fully remember I think it's different different with saturation but this could sort of be a different food source that we could sell it Sahara may be a little bit cheaper so these are the four villagers that I'm going to be aiming to get and I'm gonna aim to get quantities of them so back on the arm across over before I can do anything they're even getting villagers I need to prepare this area slightly and I probably should also get a beacon over here because yeah I don't want to be mining this slowly and since I tried it out in creative it may also be worth to have some sort of simplification possibilities maybe in a simpler way than the genius machine though because we don't need to we don't need to overdo this I also need to get villagers over here yeah this is this is gonna be a little bit of a little bit of an effort to get all of this set up but I am really excited six hours later and this is what I have got so far and those of you who aren't seeing it we have a green iskele Mambo green is called Mambo green and is called Mambo green is called Mambo green and escal Mambo scheme going on with our stonemasons and I've also got all the automation of the golden carrots with five farmers over on this side and over here I got two butchers and two clerics and these two are the original parents of all of these villagers unfortunately I can't for the life of me I couldn't for the life of me breed and last villager to be in this lot so for now I'm just gonna leave that open and maybe we'll have something very special there on the end but I'm super super happy with this super happy with this setup I think they're happy with hard stabbing I mean they they got some arm rests for crying out loud they got they got arm rests they must be happy anyway the way this works is that I walk up to the villager and I then just do this and then I keep going to the left and because they're so close together I can cover a lot of villagers in a very short amount of time and because this quartz trade is like the final trade the villager has the amount of XP I'm getting is quite ridiculously high in a way I'm allowing these villagers to live their dream and their dream of course is as any other villager to make as many emeralds as possible before they go to Emerald City I'm pretty proud of myself pretty proud of myself for for making their dreams come true giving them all the emeralds in the world ain't I right green and of course those of you who watch the last episode you will now know why I bought all of those emerald blocks so this was my scheme in order to get stopped for Sahara and through just one run which we got tea stacks and 52 blocks of quartz I mean these are really hard to come by in the nether this would take a lot of time to get this amount of quartz three minutes three minutes I've been trading with the villagers and this is the amount of course I've got I mean if that is not satisfying I I don't know what is this is just ridiculous absolutely ridiculous but I can't get carried away this room is not finished yet as you can see and I really want to finish this segment over here now it turns out the green has not centered this entrance there's carrot farm which I thought that he had but as you can clearly see it's a bit to the left I think it's time I finish this in the view of a third-person time-lapse oh and we've got a cat we got a cap that I tamed it's it's Sarah Sarah so this is going to be a pretty short time lapse here today because time lapse the interior design is pretty tough but I did manage to install this really really cool piston door and I think it fits there the whole entrance in the Zen garden perfectly I also decided to continue with the yellow brick road which is now a saying apparently I don't even know where that's from but I'm sure some way sort of force or something anyway I decided to continue with the yellow brick road feature of Sahara the interiors design with the carpets and I've received a lot of comments saying that the number one thing we should do with Sahara is to clean up all of the torch spam that is everywhere and slowly but surely I promise you guys that's what I'm working on okay I'm working on trying to get rid of torches and installed lighting everywhere but because lighting is as what it is in Minecraft it's it's tough it's tough anyway I also installed a storage room for all of our emeralds that we have for the trades and I just to do like an auto feeder here and then some storage chests on the side and that's pretty much it I'm really really happy with this so we walk in we open the door we got Sarah sitting on a carpet very very important now that we have a cat she has to be the center of attention and behind her this our logo just looking really good and all in all like I'd really felt like this thing came together and hopefully it's gonna be very useful to have all the emeralds here so this is a emerald buffer storage of all the emeralds that I purchased from extrema in the last episode I know I keep investing my own diamonds into Sahara but it is so important to me that's a horror makes profit now there is a bit of a storage grid here and I've really really hope that Korean doesn't mess this up this is storage for things that we trade such as quartz golden carats redstone lapis and all of that stuff and I've wanted to be something that one you when you go and trade you can dump it off here and continue trading with the villagers but all-in-all this project is done this project is done we automated the golden carats and we included all of the workers of Sahara it took a while I'm not gonna like this this whole thing is probably taking me a bit over eight hours but definitely definitely worth it now I'm no expert at a piston doors but this one this one I've used a few times and I really really like it now moving on for today the competition of selling the Sahara memberships is still ongoing and I'm the only one who submitted diamonds to this thing here but I'm pretty sure that this man has made some sales remember last episode when I said that I think Green has done something mega because of his cryptic chat messages in during that day turns out that he has a thirst but he has I'm gonna head over to hermit ville and take a look for myself oh my goodness you maniac you maniac I don't know what to say this is this is insane what in the world so this is greens marketing campaign to sell the Sahara now membership that smug smile that is habit I mean you kind of deserve it with this build oh my goodness I I need to look more at this yeah but without a doubt I gotta say this is one of the most impressive buildings on the server right now I mean it is just gravel but it look at the shape this is not easy to do ladies and gentlemen oh I could this well-played green well played now did you actually sell and okay okay okay so at the moment this looks like he's sold one membership I don't know why the diamonds are split like that I suppose because you can't actually stack 200 yeah I'm an idiot so he has sold one membership what is this about example deals not for sales oh you smart smart smart smart fish man my goodness this is obviously genius so we're not allowed to show what we're selling in Sahara now but we are of course allowed to do example deals genius I think we're all in agreement that this is this is just next-level impressive and I I'm almost at this face almost at the point where I feel like conceding this whole thing just because of this blimp this is we should have one of these over at Sahara we should we should fly this over to Sahara III I don't expect green to rebuild one of these over at Sahar okay I I'm not expecting that so Green has made one sale I don't think that our moustache friend has made any sales yet he hasn't actually been on that much since we had that meeting now while I'm here I've also received a lot of messages why is that there why is the out of service sign back up remove this that's better okay so I've also received a lot messages that I have had people playing my mini game which is really really exciting so the very first thing I want to check and I'm just gonna break in here is whether or not I still have prices I do creepers hello I don't see the mega jackpot it looks to me as if the mega jackpot has left the game No so how many diamonds have I actually made and I realized I don't think I made a chest storage for this I think I didn't expect to get diamonds enough to make a chest story so this is all the fake items that people have thrown in come on hermits why iron set it here oh my goodness we've made a lot of diamonds we have made a lot of diamonds that is Wow and I also actually think that there wasn't that a possibility to cape or because this hopper was closed up so no more diamonds could have made it in so we may have lost a little bit of potential potential income there so what I'm gonna do is just place down a chest here to collect the diamonds in the future and then I placed on a chest over here so we can collect all the junk items that Hermits throw in the thing ladies and gentlemen we made a team blocks of diamonds and seven diamonds how many diamonds was in the mega jackpot again I think it was something like 24 I'm gonna be refilling this game and restocking it and maybe we can't do like a mega jackpot immediately but I definitely want to put some more goodies in there I also got the suggestions from you guys that I should put less good common boxes like pretty garbage common boxes like one one block of dirt because they still get the shell key box I don't know about that I don't know about that at the moment this game is is very very very friendly in terms of giving you rewards now this whole thing is new seems like someone has added on to the style of my game and this looks really really cool I like it huh I wonder who did this doesn't actually lead anywhere there it's just just a very weird Street but I like it that that that looks great on I didn't even realize this but we've got a road leading up to our game now that will certainly help I really I really don't know the reason I've made my way over here is because just over this hill I believe the new guys for the CSUN betta blow and corrales are setting up new hermit will yeah look at this oh my goodness this is starting to look great already I love this building that's looking great and then I believe this is betta blows little building very very very fine so those of you who don't know Corrales and betta below or both what I would consider expert builders and I feel that I am obliged to come here and perform a little bit of a test I need to set up a little bit of a building and I apologize for destroying there's a flowerbed here but I need a little bit of a space this area right here in the center of the village is probably gonna be a good real estate now I sincerely apologize before I do this next step but I'm going to build a building using diorite yep yeah it has to be done someone have to do this test the first things first I got to make sure to take off my good armor and put on some kind of secondhand stuff I found around laying around in my chests so what I want to create here is a tire right house and this feels so wrong in so many ways but I want to create a tie right house just saying that makes me makes me get a little bit of a stomach pain but I want to create a die rise thyroid house and I'm going to try and it's gonna be really hard I'm gonna try my absolute best to build a house that looks decent now we all know that that is impossible we all know that that is impossible but see that is what I'm going to test them on I want to build a building where I really put some effort into trying to make it look good not a big one just a little small tiny nice house and once I have this house I'm going to create a little bit of a quiz inside to see if they like the house or not because I need to find out what kind of expert builders these guys are now I'm trying really really hard to make this house look decent and it is very tough it is obviously very very tough I am struggling I'm really strong but I am getting there I am slowly but surely getting there I think I have an outer shell of a die right house that thing is not supposed to be there even though that means you look better it hit more died right who this thing is hideous it is absolutely absolutely hideous but it is a house made out of diorite it is sort of similar scale to be double O's I need to add a little bit of detail as well some more cobblestone around it and possibly also add some Lucius birch torque yeah I'm ashamed to admit it but some polished diorite makes a huge difference in this house this block is pretty nice I stick with it it's pretty pretty nice anyway now that we got our house up we have got to do the quiz and I want this quiz to be pretty simple do you like this house yes or no now based on the response to this question they will either fall down a hole and get a lesson in die right or we will reward them I don't even want to admit how long I spent on this circuit right here with the yes button and the no button it was way too long but now if we press the yes button which by the way I changed to yes maybe kind of it's okay you see the point is anything positive about this house is wrong because it's died right anyway pressing this button here opens up a pit fall all the way down to bedrock and if I press No on the other hand I get rewarded with a diamond block saying welcome to hermit craft I am very very very curious to see what choice they make all in all replace the Barrow it for something else seriously anything else and this house is decent it's it's not terrible I never build houses like this but proud of this one again - the dye right don't get crazy now I feel like I definitely want to give this a test as well so walk inside I read the sign do you like this house and if I say yes I fall down and I die there's a sign there which yeah I wasn't really read a ball that's a little bit of a shame but I guess when they go down to get their stuff they will read the sign yeah no I'm not a monster there's a hope recollecting anything you drop down there by the way anyway with that all being done we have one more important thing we have to do because I've been working with die right I have to take this secondhand armor that I put on earlier and we have to dispose of it it cannot be worn ever again by anyone it would be absolutely disgusting in fact there was a mind some die right with my silky pickaxe and I I can't I can't live with that I'm very excited to see how they choose their answers and I really hope I really hope that these amazing builders will fail my little house solely based on the fact that it's died right but I I think I think we can all agree that I I did the best I possibly could I mean it's it's not bad it's not bad except for that I right I realized I just said that I want them to fail my house and without I meant I want them to think that it's ugly but anyway that's going to be for today ladies and gentlemen I really hope that you have enjoyed this video and if you did please do hit like on down below if you're brand new consider describing and I will see you dudes in the next episode
Channel: iskall85
Views: 596,722
Rating: 4.9433818 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hermitcraft, hermitcraft 6, hermitcraft season 6, minecraft hermitcraft, minecraft smp, minecraft server, hermitcraft ip, hermitcraft iskall85, iskall85, iskall minecraft, diorite house minecraft, diorite prank minecraft, iskall diorite prank, diorite prank, prank hermitcraft, iskall prank hermitcraft, hermitcraft prank iskall, diorite builds, sahara villagers, sahara village hermitcraft, golden carrots minecraft, golden carrots farm minecraft
Id: WbU_1ba_47E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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