HermitCraft 6: 145 | SAHARA'S MEGA EXPANSION

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hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to another episode of her Becraft season six today we're starting things off at Sahara and I have a new mega project for this wonderful store and I think you've come up with an idea for an extension to Sahara that is going to make us even more diamonds I'm gonna quest ladies and gentlemen Sahara must break even before we get started I just want to take a quick peek of the sales green and still not submitted them but I did ask Leon and he has sold three of them just like I thought in the last episode and Mambo hasn't sold a single one I I feel I feel really bad for him now because he built a really really cool thing over here this is epic he did like a piston feed tape really cool billboard thing ride over this and this I think this one around and it says Sahara now on it there's only one slight issue with it though and that is the fact that it needs to be chunk loaded so when when no one is here it actually stoped and yeah that was that was the end of that in addition mumbles I did a campaign where a zombie killed him over and over again for like a full day here on the server I'm not kidding it was the entire day just messages in chat and the message is read that Mambo had been slain by Sahara now open message me for a membership or something like that it was absolutely genius so I feel I feel a little bit sorry for him that he hasn't made any sales yet but maybe he has secretly made sales and not just submitted it to the chest at this moment in time and while we're on the topic of marketing before we start our mega project here I have received a message from Ren Dogg saying that he has put up suhara signs on the racetrack if you don't remember I made an investment from Sahara to buy that racetracks rights and campaigns and all that stuff so that we would have our name all over it and I'm not gonna lie I am super excited to go over there and see what he has done oh my goodness look at this yes we got the yellow stripes we got the dice Sahara color colors and oh that is looking for that oh hello there I love it I love it I don't know about you guys but that ice investment is pretty feels pretty good right now I'm not gonna lie like this is I mean this is massive presence at a makeup mini game over on the other side of the map and what in the world Randy Stanley that beat up Louis here racing okay I'm just gonna follow these people randomly without saying anything it's kind of weird oh it's Callum up okay so I guess I get a boat and I plunk it I like the yellow here by the way very nice Sahara touch hit the button when you're ready okay so here we go hit the button and I love this aura touch I love this horror commercial did Sarah Sahara marketing that's what it's called okay like this is super tough but also super fun this is my first ever lap of this thing so I guess I should try and keep on the blue ice and order that it looks so horror for the wind oh no I made a bad bump there the dread st. not looking good slower on the cliffs not looking good and then he said not bad not bad right well what time did I get all my goodness that is a really good time 6-4 6-4 30 is the best sour power these sweets thinks that they can race I'm too nuggets of your time dude oh this is worse I crash to the Gorder no it's a horse on the ready strike this is gonna be so much worse there's a horse at the race track you gotta be kidding me there was a horse on the racetrack I had to touch bonus points please let me look at this thing it's standing right in the middle of the ready strike oh my goodness rend you didn't have to kill it he got it off the track it is they killed it okay not gonna lie I'm super addicted to this now this is what I will be doing for the next hour resolve I ended up spending another two hours at the racetrack and I never beat the first time that I got it so I'll definitely be back and raise some more but that is good news because there's a horror panners that brent has put up are absolutely amazing looking and that means that other people are gonna be addicted and come back and play as well it was it was so much fun but we are back it's ahora now because I want to get started with today's project which is going to be a really really really big project and it's probably not gonna get done today but I'm hoping to at least get started so I've collected a bunch of materials that I'm gonna need for this build and I also need to do some concrete blasting because as you guys know building anything with Sahara is just a concrete nightmare so I've got together a lot of the powder gray dark gray and white I got a lot of scienter Cora and I got even more of this stuff here yeah look at this I got over to schalke boxes full of concrete powder and so far I've done this part manually which took me way longer than it should so I think what I'll do next before I can start laying down blocks I'm gonna head over to mumbles perimeter base and use his TNT blast chamber for concrete every time I come here I just appreciate how absolutely cool this entire place looks I'm so jealous I'm so jealous I I would love to have a perimeter of my own look at these vines but anyway yeah this place looks absolutely gorgeous I am absolutely loving this thing and I'm just done with the last piece I got one full white half gray I thought I had more than this but hopefully oh no I have another half white box over at Sahara that was already made up okay hopefully that's gonna be enough I don't have my hopes up though the concrete when building stuff at Sahara goes really quickly so buckets are up now that all the prep work has been done and I hopefully got all the resources I can finally start working on my extension of Sahara now realize that I still haven't told anyone what my idea for this extension is actually going to be used for so here goes nothing no one in the shopping district is selling concrete no one is selling concrete because it is a hassle to make you need a lot of different things you need to craft it together in different steps where you need to dye the sand and the gravel and then you need to harden it and yeah it's just a hassle but I think I've come up with an idea for a concrete making factory at Sahara which I mean every everybody loves concrete everybody loves concrete I think we can all agree so if we could sell massive amounts of it we're gonna make massive amount of diamonds stocks to make this happen we need a mega platform so time for a third-person time-lapse so the way I deal with new big projects in Minecraft is usually that I will go into my creative test world and I will test build and see how big a project will be and I then go into my survival world or into her craft and I find a space where I can build it this was very different because first of all I didn't really know exactly how big this thing was gonna be I didn't want to build it fully and creative because it was a lot of repetitive redstone stuff but I knew that it was gonna be rather large but the biggest challenge was the fact that there is or was so very little land at siharan we didn't really have any area that we had claimed where I could build this thing so the very first thing I had to do was to extend this pathway over here and remove the full mountain and the mountain with greens Observatory is it an observed no telescope tell it's not observatory yeah I had to remove the mount then both of the side and the bomb that Koreans telescope is standing on and very quickly about around here I started discovering that I would no not have anywhere near the amount of space I needed for this build it is just absolutely impossible there they've simply no no space so I decided that I'm probably gonna have to extend it out over this giant water and I tried a few different things and I had a lot of ideas for how I was gonna make that work and in the end I decided to do a giant book stick it out and to be honest I think this turns out really really cool it's kind of it goes in line with Sahara with having very very sharp edges and stuff like that and yeah I mean the view the view that we got over this place is just absolutely fantastic now there's obviously meant that I had to get a lot more concrete than the original concrete I was getting or I was aiming for and I also decided to lay down concrete powder both on the floor and on the side so that I saw that I later as you can see here in a second and it's super super satisfying to watch by the way oh I was attacked by fans who say it was a pretty bad pretty bad night but yeah so that I could later fill it with water look at how satisfying this looks I mean that's I I miscounted I miscounted that's pretty bad but eventually anyway I managed to fix it and I ended up with this giant platform of doom to build my project on and I still didn't know if this was gonna be big enough I was crossing my fingers now I don't know about you guys but I think this view is really cool to have from Sahara there used to be like a mountain that went up three blocks here so you couldn't see anything but now we've kind of opened up the whole thing and I feel that that looks really really good but most importantly we got the mega platform that I want to race the next Sahara Building in and we're gonna start right away I want to create a redstone contraption that can give me any dye that I point that or that I choose and it should give it to me really really fast and the way we're gonna achieve it is using droppers and some math and so we want one stack of diaper button pressure we want to go up and press a button and then get a stack of die and so to do that this should actually not be too hard I want to put down one two three eight droppers why have I made this building so big then I mean I'm totally winging the positioning of this even though I should really measure it out but let's try this so we got eight toppers if we could now pulse these eight times they would drop eight items each eight times eight is sixty-four and there is actually a surprisingly easy way to do that all we need is observers going down like this now if I put an observer like that and a piston like that to create a clock and we power them now they are going to be outputting quite a few more things I would think let's refill lace and see what that does that should give me something like 48 maybe not 40 okay 40 so now we're very close in getting them to drop 64 items super super quickly this time instead of using a stone button if I use a wooden button I have a feeling that I'm gonna get exactly 64 let's see if that is true that is so satisfying we got 64 now that is how we're gonna get dyes super quickly to the player there is a con Corp spy well Asahara security not a conquer spy inside my elevator but what's funnier is that there's also pig and another llama I don't understand how did all of you get in this once both I did not push them in I swear now that we got a way to get a stack of dice in one click super quickly we need to also make sure that we can restock the dice or refill the dice because we can't access the hoppers from above so I'm thinking we'll put drop hoppers on the side and then I'm gonna run rails over top so if I connect this line up right here I should have now got a system that will restock the droppers evenly and then we take a comparator output from the last one and when it reaches signal strength 3 which is I don't know a substantial amount of dice in the system this lamp should come on the sister would work without it I just I just thought it's a good indicator we also need to power this rail like that and then we need a lever for now I guess right there to restock okay so this would be the dye box and this here would be a yellow module this should also be completely Thai label so that we can place them next to each other that's very important but first things first let's see if this works oh and you know what I forgot something missing here we need a mine cards yep it's it's strange to me - how can you forget the most important part of a puzzle so hope remind card goes there and that should be sucking out items from our input and a quick pace and now if I send this off I don't know if that light is gonna come on I don't think it will listen now I should just still be able to do this that is so satisfying 63 hello oh we got one left in there right we're gonna give this another go and see if that was just a fluke or a random thing or if it happens every single time so here we go do we get 64 this time 64 okay I don't know if like server lag will maybe cause this to not work sometimes that would be really really annoying because that doesn't make any sense that that troffer didn't shoot one more off but anyway I think we got a working module just out of curiosity how many stacks have died do I need in here in order to turn on that light okay not much not much at all actually that's good I am kind of curious because I am a person that don't really enjoy repetitive stuff in life I like to start new things and sometimes I don't really finish them but when it comes to doing a redstone project I really love doing it in layers after layers so it gets super repetitive but to me it's just super satisfying I mean just just look at this thing coming together layer by layer side by side I I don't know is is that just me or is that a weird thing one thing that is not as satisfying is when you do that and a lot of materials though anyway things are going absolutely great I got this entire side done and I found the most satisfying thing ever yes this thing is gonna be super addictive for a certain person I know that that is part of the architects it's gonna be very addictive I think and with these buttons I think that is that side completely finished as well I love it okay so now I have to get some more pack ties because I am completely out and I have to work out the waterways so the idea is that the items get stopped here we then send them through some waterway and I want everything to sort of come up in the center here so one dye side is now completely done and if I press this button here I'm going to get 64 pretend brown dye at this speed I mean look at that and that's one full stack of brown dye that is so very satisfying I loved his thing there's only one slight problem when I constructed this I completely forgot about the gravel and the sand I was simply going to have one gravel on here and once an line here but I completely forgot to consider that you need four stacks of gravel and four stacks of sand per craft and I want all of the things to craft eight stacks of powder to be shown up to the player within seconds so what I've done is I've installed this line down here and this line actually triggers every time I press any of the die bot and the idea is that I should be able to make a T flip-flop something like this and we should be getting exactly eight pulses out of that if I've understood this correctly let's try this again that was a pulses hopefully I think that was a pulses I wonder if this we'll work so that is a T flip-flop and in theory I four times eight droppers that should shoot out eight items each and that should give us four stacks of iron blocks I got zero iron blocks in my inventory let's give this a try please work I did the math wrong I got two stacks so there are four left in each yeah okay so here we go again there's eight blocks in each dropper and this work yeah that leaves it behind that's a lot of iron blocks is it for snacks this is looking good this is looking a lot better it is for snacks yes so now we get one stack of the die and four stacks of whatever we stock it here and I'm not gonna lie I have spent the majority of two days building this project not just building the project so much as gathering resources I think I've used a ridiculous amount of servers and hoppers into this project but I think we're finally at a point where this actually works so I've just filled the system we have gravel in here we've sanded here and if I now order oh and I also have likely die here if I now would likely die I should get a perfect craft amount of light blue light blue concrete so pushing the button stand out here and my inventory please yep look at that that was pretty quick so I got four stacks of gravel and four stacks of sand and one stack of likely die I'm not sure how fast that was but I felt very very fast to me now I gotta say this looks seriously cool this thing looks seriously cool except for these two blocks these two blocks was very annoying but yeah this thing looks absolutely ridiculous now of course we're gonna put a building around this but from a technical standpoint this is pretty much done the water crafter 4 dies and Sand & Gravel is pretty much done I need to fit a crafting table there and I'm probably gonna do the water stream so that everything comes up there and have crafting tables next to it I think I'm not entirely sure about that yet but that should be simple and then I'm gonna add a little bit of a walkway so to cover up these observers and to make it easier to reach the schalke boxes with the dice etc when that's to be restocked now I want to try this thing one more time so I've stoked the sand in there and I've stuck to gravel in there and that's all going in and then I'm gonna stock the light blue dye in there I mean this thing is just a blast to work with and of course the idea is that we fill all of these dyes up and we fill the gravel and the sand up to the brim as well so that we have a lot of stock in this thing but let's send these away and let's send you away so that we can get the satisfaction once again I don't know what it is with fast clicking droppers but they are very very satisfying to listen to I mean seriously listen to this it's just unbelievably amazing I love it I absolutely love it and that worked perfectly again I I'm seriously thinking that this this it takes less than like four seconds to fill up the stuff I need for eight stacks of concrete and you may be asking yourself what about the dyes where or suhara gonna get all the dyes from well I've got a little bit of a plan first things first stress and Sahara now have a deal remember how she made an Inc farm and she's now delivered deer saw her peeps here is the ink for you to sell per our agreement PS can I have the shopkins oh my goodness this is a lot of ink that she has delivered that is really really nice so that that covers the black ties the gray dyes and the light gray dyes now for the more colorful dyes I think we have an architect hippie friend that has been working on a lot of colorful things over at area 77 or the hippie hideout and hopefully he'll be able to or he'd be willing to help us out so I've made my way over to the hippie camp outside area 77 and I gotta say that giant mushroom that Rambo has built and all of these mushroom it's looking really really cool over here I really really like it and then not to speak about the the giant RV in a tube I also very much like that but this is what I heard rumors of this is apparently apparently greens redstone project yep yep greens redstone project crib has done redstone and I mean I gotta say it looks it looks very organized more importantly yes he pass a law of the different dice and sugar cane and oxides and all that stuff that we need in order to fill the concrete factory I think we can all agree that I have been pretty successful in charming people lately with all the Sahara now membership sales to turn green I've got an idea I've got I got these dear Green Sahara is in need of lots of different dyes all colors except black can you help out is Kal 85 I mean this just speaks degree and this just speaks degree and it also looks pretty cool I must admit but I may I may be falling for the science I may be falling for the science so hopefully Green will get the message and be able to supply us with dyes because I mean in all seriousness is that the flower form is that a sugar came form doing bone meal to power the fire flower form I mean this is a pretty big this is a pretty big flower form I imagine he's gonna get lots and lots of dies from this anyway that's going to do it for Dre though ladies and gentlemen I really do hope that you have enjoyed this video if you did please do hit the like button down below and if you brand new cuz it subscribing and I will see you dudes in the next episode yep by the way I totally made 22 more tyrants on this game this game this game is the greatest oh and yeah I know that ahora is that I don't we be pretty bad at least okay the thing I'm not gonna lie I've tried my hardest to keep up with demands but we certainly need to be a lot better at it so in between episodes I'm going to really make a push and try and stop Sahara as much as I possibly can there are a lot of things to stock I'm gonna start with rockets and gold and carrots and the things that we actually have income off but yeah I'm gonna do my absolute best absolute best
Channel: iskall85
Views: 677,384
Rating: 4.9718904 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hermitcraft, hermitcraft 6, hermitcraft season 6, minecraft hermitcraft, minecraft smp, minecraft server, hermitcraft ip, hermitcraft iskall85, iskall85, iskall minecraft, iskall mini game, hermitcraft mini game, hermitcraft iskall mini game, reward boxes minecraft, minecraft loot boxes, minecraft loot box, hermitcraft loot box, run jackpot hermitcraft, jackpot hermitcraft, sahara now membership, sahara now, sahara now iskall
Id: OWq3O9VmhVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 33sec (1473 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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