HermitCraft 6: 178 | THE RIDE OF MY LIFE [FINALE]

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I was just thinking, did anyone check the Sahara vault for diamonds? Im pretty sure there were a few in there too!!! Amazing season Iskall, good luck next season!!!!!!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/YaCANADAbitch 📅︎︎ Feb 22 2020 🗫︎ replies
five hundred and eighty three days thirteen thousand nine hundred and ninety two hours eight hundred and thirty nine thousand five hundred and twenty minutes that is how long season six has been going on on the heavy craft server that five hundred and thirty five hundred eighty three days I mean that's incredible I know a lot of you may not know this but one of my absolute favorite TV shows all-time gotta be the office the American the office which ran for nine seasons and ended somewhere in like 2012 or something like that absolutely fantastic fantastic TV series and I love it and I've watched it may be nine times throughout like from season 1 to season 9 and there's one there's one there's one episode where Michael the manager the boss quits he like ends he says leaves the office and I think it's in season seven and the employees get together and they sing a song about the amount of minutes that he has been working there now those minutes are equivalent to 10 years and we're not quite there for season six I I gotta I gotta admit we're not even at the two-year mark but when I calculated the amount of minutes this server or this season has been running I I kind of I kind of want to I wanted to write a song just like the office 839 thousand minutes no I'm I'm not gonna write a song but it's quite incredible it's quite incredible and as I'm sure you already understand and I know that other videos have been announcing this already this is the fight finale this is the end of season six LF is really weird I've gotta be honest I feel very torn I'm super super excited to start season seven off of herma craft because yeah I will be participating in season seven and it's right around the corner you you all will not have to wait long but at the same time I'm also feeling I'm also feeling a little sad I think that's normal right I mean I've been spending a ridiculous amount of time in this world and I don't know if the things showing on tab here is minutes spent in the world maybe but I know I've spent a ridiculous amount of time I'm a really big fan of statistics I've played for 70 point 84 days this season which is a new record for me I went back and I looked at season four and season five which I've also participated in and none of those had over fifty days so it's it's a big record for me staying on the season the entire time and I'm very very happy I did because we've created some incredible things this season honestly I think one of the things that I'm absolutely most proud of the season was inventing this Guardian farm I decided that I wanted to try and do something that wasn't just out there already and I came up with this concept that's you know it's working really well I will say I did get some help from my good friend nimbin MC to figure out some of the details like the string up there and how that affects the spoon rates but yeah I mean this this thing I'm really really really proud of it and I know I should have made a tutorial should I I should have made a tutorial about it I'm so sorry I never did now we'll leave this world with a lot of like not finished bills like this obviously needed rebuilding this needed a roof I wanted to do the roads all the way around and that sort of stuff but all in all I mean the amount of projects that we've been taking on the amount of things the man built this season including the villager cannon which I absolutely love and to be honest haven't used enough I mean this is just this was just such a fun I I just want to see if it still works I may be out of TNT I'm not sure but these two guys are going to be the test subjects so I think I just pressed this button and that yeah okay so some TNT is still in there if they fly they do fly still [Laughter] this is a weird contraption isn't it it's really weird but it's one of the fun things that we did this season ever did so many fun things I mean yeah to me I just think back to July 2018 when season six started my life has been so including since then I've done so many things I've been I when we started the season I had never been to Boston and now I've been to Boston I've been to mine Colleen in Boston and in Nashville to mine cons during the season meeting some of you guys some of you guys amazing people and I've been on two minecraft panels and just had a blast really and that's that's just outside the server that's just things that has happened during the time and lately I bought a house I've even bought a house this season I think season six is gonna go down and in my history book as well a very very big ride and today I do want to take you back to the very very beginning of this season and I just want to I kind of just want to talk about some of the things that really meant a lot to me that season and I want to send out a huge thank you to all of you who followed my channel throughout the season or who have before the season or watch my entire season I kind of want to know down in the comments were you here from the beginning or have you gone back and watched my entire season anyway I'm really really grateful for all that but before we get to that we have some other business to attempt to one of them being the end of this dragon head but before we get to the end of the dragon head there's something we got to do with the other architect boys I mean the season is ending the big question is did we ever break even and yep yep I totally made a black screen mumbo cutscene here look at me go hello hello hello I spoke with ran the other day on the customers are a hotline and I realized throughout this entire season yeah we've only had one failure with zahra pretty yeah and that was when green put up at 8 there hasn't been a single customer complained mmm everything's been working that's not green potato yes straight thing how many people know the number for the sir customer care hotline because I I don't even know the number for the Hydra customer who's missing you answering the telephone because in which is that makes a lot of sense I didn't even know it existed until today from 99 still go charge still charged and ran was on the other side of the line well that's a straight up lie because we've had so many custom customer complaints all the orders came came in super late some of them were seriously wrong but somehow we've made some diamonds really I mean well we made diamonds I don't actually know if we say made we've made diamonds have we made have we broken even is there a question we've got diamonds but whether we've actually made a profit I have no idea okay we've had we've had a lot of costs building this thing yes yeah husband I mean I mean a scale we've spent how much on Reds that we've spent a long red stone a lot on actually don't really know but I think I've probably I probably spent the 800 diamonds 500 diamonds 600 good six I can't had it on the neighbor six I can't pieces of diamonds on Cherry computers a lot Sahasra basically just given why didn't you know this is this is scars shop really yeah basically yeah okay so I mean I I've definitely I I'm with this gala I don't I don't really know we really should have kept better accounts we're probably it's fair to say that we've spent a thousand diamonds all together on all the red stone components and that sort of stuff in the warehouse and yeah yeah and hiring hiring ariana grande wasn't cheap like she charges a lot for her appearance and we spent alone the grand opening that wasn't sheep news all that stuff doo-doo-doo-doo dude no when we were doing those things you never mentioned that there was any really any much of a cost involved you just said ariana grande of course or maybe her agent I don't know they've got the pot the point is they're gone so it's caused gone right by don't we have any diamonds it was it was quite a few did you spend the new diamonds on anything material oh no they've got the concrete myself it was mainly mainly ariana grande the Hermit news the grand opening or the fireworks all that kind of you know the father's marketing budget did you buy the fireworks as well you bought the fireworks I get through a lot of fireworks boys I've got gunpowder farm I have a baby farm I used oil and that's don't you okay with this I mean this chair you you got this yourself you oh yeah no no no I paid for this gentleman this was an expense but what what else what the trousers you wearing the shoes what they do that haircut is not be look at that look at it it looks like a waffle yeah I mean that is I'm assuming ok please is Cal at least at least you didn't pay for this using our money no no no I took the observer's that you finally made and I may have bought the redstone lamps actually win a chair last second yes I'm actually surprised how long it took you guys to bring the princess nope I just thought I'd make it very clear to - both other sour members that I have in fact succeeded in completing the yeah the the chair competition sweeping him right the last minute I constructed this about fifteen minutes before this meeting I thought that was fitting all right yeah you've won the cheap steak chair yeah it's girls won the most annoying chair that's ever existed yeah and you have the most expensive chair Sahara yeah it's a horror does cost costing chair fantastic world case I have okay okay we've spent a lot of diamonds clearly things that costs have gone a little bit hand nobody really saw that coming me Anna scale thought we were on top of the costs and things we hadn't realized that we were chucking diamonds left right and sends it to all sorts of different different ventures so how many diamonds we made you a hundred and seventy 70 blocks hundred and seventy blood hundred and seventy person how expensive washy Ariane agree under if I tell you then you know we're gonna start playing the blame game and you know I spent you spend money on redstone I spent money on ariana grande's so let's just leave it at that the let's get down to brass tacks let's go and check how many diamonds we've actually got in the pile okay okay I'm gonna sleep first this this bed by the way brought to you by Khan Corp yeah I can't be bothered to count them alright let's let's start smashing these down no it's solid yeah oh yeah hi guys yeah maybe okay so maybe I made it look like we have more time oh my goodness 38 plus 64 that all of them yeah so we made a loss of two we may we may delay loss of $2 box for diamond blocks made a loss well give me a second guys give me a second IIIi have some done in volts in my under chest [Laughter] what happened cracked sorry mmm mumble you don't need your and how many times do I need to tell you this yeah yeah you're under chest okay oh I did ghost mind a chest I just forgot I've been there we broke even we bring another break even we had a pretty five looks in five diamonds how do we split that between three people well I say mumble you take two I like to angry and you take one and some carrots yeah I mean they're my carrots what is the return on investment in terms of potentiated wise of the amount of diamond blocks listen this was a great project but overall it was a financial disaster you know next season maybe with a little bit of a head start we didn't we can do something bigger and better than this yeah yes so horrible I'm getting scared again instead instead of instead of just splitting those five diamond blocks why don't we send those to season seven with us as our initial investment into whatever we do next season five diamond blocks I mean it's a better start than you would definitely pay ariana grande wouldn't it well no I don't you know what let's look okay what we can definitely say is the season seven we're gonna have to keep an eye on his costs we're gonna have to double check every single ridiculous idea that he comes to us with about opening ceremonies and fireworks displays to make sure he doesn't come to us and say oh hey guys I would like to hire ariana grande that no no no no say hey guys guess who's in the next room it's a tree and look at my parties listen to my music though listen to this live performance five arranged those of this towel next I've acquired look at my headset oh man on my head look at my silly haircut twenty again no no no no no okay five four one seven yeah that's correct that's what he doesn't do wait so you saw it coming you didn't say anything and you let me embarrass myself [Music] yeah I needed to get great a new haircut so there you have it I know there was doubters but but Sahara actually broke even and made a profit we don't have to talk about the amount of profit that's irrelevant at this point in time we actually made profit but anyway with my second mumble cutscene of doom in this video we're gonna move on and we're gonna deal we're gonna deal with with this dragon hadn't and me staying alive on the recraft server welcome miss cow you're probably surprised to see me here a little bit though what's happened here is I went half sea with it with impulse on this so that I could be super involved and we've kind of gone literally so I've done half of your device and impulse has done half of your demise and I think you'll be able to tell who did which bit but you know as a surprise I can't believe you guys did this so basically impulse you won the auction and then did you how did how degree in your life dude okay are you ready yeah I guess in that chest because you are going to die we didn't test this with a dragon head on I can take that off but hold on just one last time I want to see since last death 7.38 days no way of cake okay so and this is kind of a solo experience for you so we're actually gonna leave you to it and I think we'll have to say enjoy the ride right impulse enjoy the ride of your life okay the other end yep shake your hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times [Laughter] [Laughter] what a lovely die right statues Oh treat let's burn it yes good he seems to hate it yes good beat him beat him up that's not all is Danny in this hermit craft household after all let's see it seems the Builder has acquired a taste for Dorado and has decorated the entire house with will help the Builder through this troubling obsession no no no yes it seems that he would rather see the house blown to smithereens conversation let's find out the Redstone ax has left the Builder alone with the diorite it seems the Builder is plotting some kind of revenge how will this thrilling tale and for our hard-working joy the ride it's Kyle 85 to your demise oh my okay okay yes No is this it is this pulled off the good okay it's Cali we say oh I'm gonna fart on half art I have heart oh my goodness I told ya one game the wrong game is here that's looking awesome but that bad looks scary [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] he just punched me to death after all of this I died from getting punched I'm pretty sure that was that there I'm pretty sure that was out there at my headband shop oh my goodness my head is gone oh look at that glorious face I'm back impulse I think we should take a bow for our little acting skills there in the world what side of the which side of the demise the Redstone around the Builder I see how this I gotta say I must I must get a copy of that suit okay it alone it to you for sure that is a very fancy suit I do approve it now this was this is incredible I mean I'm kind of happy I'm I know I just died but I'm kind of wait a minute by the way you punched me Korean you can that's Babbage of diorite as I was going I mean that kind of prepared me that put me in the mood to you know I have yeah I had to get the biggest wash thank you guys escalator you went up it's actually the escalator no no that's cool the other room the escalator the green room that was so scary I had half heart through that room I thought for sure I'm gonna die one of these Mouse's and then and then I drove up towards a dispenser thinking okay well here comes the arrow and then I drove up I drove to a lava room do you guys know that and the arrows didn't hit me they just went driving from my face every single bug big big brain big brain redstone there well done I'm weak but we did it can I just ask did I get killed in my own hit so my track record of the of that black pearl shop this season is one hit ordered on Korean which ended up with me dying because I was chasing this man around in Positano if you remember I was chasing this man around he dug away a hole and I went to mine corn and met up with a fan who had painted a beautiful picture of me falling into that hole and the second time and I now have six minutes this is really good do not dispense another dragon head on my face because it is massive I gotta be honest I've really loved being a dragon bro but having my face back it's a really really good feeling I mean look at me with rich girl it was just glorious and and I do have the diamonds to show for it at the end of the season I did make over a thousand diamonds which was my goal ever since I made it the first time anyway I've made my way all the way back to where it all began or well it didn't really begin here because this was this I think this was my third attempt at a more permanent base and I gotta say I mean this is looking pretty good it's kind of been forgotten about in my face I never felt that was supposed to be my storage system and I'd built the storage system that I ripped out because I needed the hoppers and never finished the face of that Sphinx but this this little area it's it's I think it's really good I'm really really proud of big big thanks to agreein for helping me a little bit with some of these but I think Korean built that building there pretty sure but yeah I'm not really I'm not really planning on making a tour or anything like that I just want to I just want to be a little bit nostalgic the reason I don't want to make a tour by the way is because there will be a world download for all of you to explore the world yourself within the next few days and if you want to you can download it and run it on Minecraft Java and then just check out all of these things for yourself and go into the spaces that we have never shown on camera and stuff like that that could be I could be quite exciting yeah there's also this whole I remember digging this hole out at the beginning of the season and thinking wow this is such a mega project and I mean it probably was I make it propose that it's got a glitch there that must be a glitch yeah okay there is there's ice there just just a light glitch anyway back in July 2018 when the season started I really didn't have a plan I really didn't have a plan for what I've wanted to do and in addition to that I hadn't checked out update aquatic I I knew very very little about it and I hadn't been checking out the snapshots or anything like that I kind of wanted it to be all and because it was update aquatic I mean I think it was quite obvious that I'd go to the ocean and create my ocean base and I know that Mambo also created an ocean base and I think this yeah this was the official entrance to this starter base and I gotta say just like looking at it it was it was a really fun project it was really weird I remember it being really weird to work underwater and it actually working to our kind of water we even got the frozen bamboo curtain I from season 5 joining us and and forever watching over us and I spent quite a few hours in this base I had the storage system I had this idea of building a storage system that was kind of brain smart and not redstone smart it didn't work out great in the end this way we created a vault down here and well as you can see I never really I store the diamond horse armor I never even had a horse this season nor did I plan to have one I remember trying to create a calque for him thinking this was a smart contraption but this kelp farm was just the slowest thing ever considering that it was gonna power my first mega furnace which was this thing here where you just sort of threw the things into can I just can I just do that will it break it up probably will yeah you just drew the things in and it started smelting up oh no you can actually smell smooth stone into into smooth smooth oh that's a lot of glass I wish I knew that earlier if I would collect all of the things I have in all chests around the server I'd probably be I'd probably be good for materials to be honest wow this room was really Doric this room it's been so long it's kind of surreal to explore the starter base of this season but I really this this looks really cool doesn't it I had one thing in this base that I didn't ever have in my new base and that was a proper bedroom and I had this and I think this is where I firstly got cranked to see since someone put poisonous puffer fish I think it was Exuma but I don't know if he was ever found out but yeah he put poisonous fish here and I couldn't figure out what was going what was going on hello dude hi are you happy you look really happy but I think the most important room of my starter base was this room here this is where this is where we plotted the very first plans of what came to be one of the biggest thing that happened this season I gotta say and that was the civil war and I wonder I don't think these maps are updated but isn't that the battle area shouldn't that be the battle area right there or am I am I saying this completely I can't I can't I can't coordinate myself here hold on this is scars big cool tree that's yeah look at this this I think is the battlefield of the Civil War I don't think the maps ever updated or that could be sahar maybe that's a horror I don't know this is weird this is an old rendition of the Hermann craft server it's gotta be from like somewhere in 2019 I'm just gonna yeah look it even has the cake the Korean blew up before I clean that up Oh Civil War was a great weird great happening I think I'm just gonna leave this unrendered because it's kind of like a steel frame from how the hermit crab season looked back then if we've done so much since then I even had the alignment of the teams over here me Korean stress Jevon tango and Cleo and then these people I think were unknown at the time but this was the other team the star team the hermit gang team while I've made a few things this season that I'm really proud of and then I think turned out really good I've also I've also made some really weird looking stuff that I never really got happy with this being one of them this section of this I mean I'm happy with this Dom okay I think this dome is cool and it took a long time to build and come up with the shape and all of that and at the end of it it felt like oh well I think I think I spent like 20 hours on it because I'm an idiot and I had to rebuild this dome I don't think I ever talked about it but I have to rebuild it twice because I measured it but the connecting area to this oh I just I just never really liked this I I mean look at it what is that wooly that just looks weird and then I try to add this robot in here for my slime farm and it's I mean I don't know it's it's it's cool to see the slime balls I guess that's really cool actually I like seeing moving parts and my wow that's a lot of slime only I like seeing moving parts in Minecraft but it was such an over complication and it just it's just it's something that doesn't look right with it the legs are way too small wait this wall one of the things I really enjoyed this season was taking on very large-scale projects and trying my best to complete them and perfect them and I think on the top of my head off the top of my head there was three such projects this season for me that took a ridiculous amount of time but that I actually finished and the first one we saw was that was the Guardian farm the second one being my nether tunnel not this part but my nether tunnel that takes me 1302 from the main island all the way to my mycelium Island I mean that took me a week and we did most of it in streams it was really fun to hang out with a lot of you doing it but it was also very very repetitive but the biggest one by far is this place here my wither skeleton farm I am ridiculously proud of this this is probably probably my favorite project mostly reported this season and I started it in the I I went back and I checked I started in the winter or during the holidays of 2018 so the server was only or the season was only half a year or five months something like that old when we started this project and it turned out great it for those of you who are interested in mob spawning and building mob forms this way the skeleton farm was really something wasn't it and the reason it was her grinding was the 50,000 buttons placed down around the nether to block all other mob spawns and I remember sitting there I remember sitting there during the holidays on live streams and off-camera and just just placing down buttons and it doesn't sound fun but trust me trust me it was really it was really fun it was really satisfying I mean just look at this thing I know I've shown this a few pounds on camera but it doesn't get old it's just so incredibly fast and so satisfying to collect with the skeleton skulls it's I can't remember the rates I cannot remember the rates of this form but I know that I had it on the cat on camera in the episode where I finished it because on YouTube I actually made this all into just one episode I think it's called 50,000 buttons in case you're interested in going back and you haven't seen the episode but yeah it's an absolutely ridiculous over-the-top farm and I gotta say I gotta say I'm gonna give myself a challenge right now I do want to do something similar to this in season 7 I don't know if it's gonna be with the skeletons or what its gonna be but I definitely want to undertake at least one or probably more mega-projects mega-farms that we just work on for weeks on weeks and just perfect and try and get the best possible possible results we can cuz it's a lot of fun I really enjoy that part of Minecraft and by the way I stood there for literally less than a minute and we got ate with the skeleton skulls yeah I think that's that's that's probably very very lucky as well but this form is ridiculously fast and I cannot wait to for some of you who are interested in it to check it out in the world download it's gonna be it's gonna be something that I want to hear about plea please tweet me if you do check it out take a screenshot with yourself standing here or something like that that would mean a lot to me I am I am forever falling through the world this has never happened but I'm at minus 1700 on the y-axis I just went through my nether portal and I am forever falling oh there can't be the end though I still want to talk about Sahara please please work is this gonna work please please work did I did the server die I think this server may have actually given up this this strangest thing the amount of times I've gone through my net report on this season that has never happened I think I crashed the server well I okay oh look at this that looks like the server's back up I wondered what in the world oh the rollback that just happened the room back that just happened what and did I just did I just gain I'm with the skeleton out there what is going on and where's my boat this is just so weird I've already traveled this part of the world III think that literally it is it is probably very good timing but see season six ending because that was a big big jump back in time oh my goodness I can't end the season without talking about the project that has meant the most to me during this season and that is without a doubt suhara I have had so much fun developing this together with green and Mambo and coming up with all of these crazy parts that make up this unbelievably overcomplicated shop of doom I mean it is it is just it is just ridiculous it's so weird to look at how large-scale this project turned out to be and this is what most of you guys see when you see us are shooting a video from from the Sahara area but there's a lot more to it there's the decoder room right underneath this thing and underneath this there is the whole storage keeping facility etc and I've learned so much I've learned so much just working on this project and I feel like I hope I hope that we can take it to the next level whatever that may be in season seven but this has just been such a mega project and I still remember the day very very well like it was yesterday I was working on another project that I never got happy with the Central Station this project here I think this is probably one of my earliest business I've ever constructed I mean I really tried to make it work with granite I really tried to make it work but it just doesn't feel just doesn't feel completed for some reason I I don't know it was it was also very very tricky area to build it all in but anyway I was working on this area when gree and a flew by and invited me by sending a letter to my actual address he invited me to the architects and that then lead on to us creating Sahara and what a project it has been unreal I have enjoyed thoroughly enjoyed every single minute I have spent well that's not entirely true there's been some really kinda pieces that troubleshooting that has just been you have just been just been very stressful but I've really really enjoyed all in all working on this project with the architects it's been it's been a great honor and it's really really sad to say goodbye to it but we I mean we made a profit we did in the end make a profit and we have sent that on to season seven now before I leave the shopping district for the very last time and I feel so so real weird to say but before I leave this place for the last time III gotta admit to something I may have made a habit and I can't believe how many beds has been replaced but I may have made a habit of taking these light blue beds from this place whenever I needed a bed I mean it's just been very convenient them renting out beds and stuff like that but yeah it was me it was me it was me all this time so I guess the time has come to say goodbye to her craft season six 583 days or 839 thousand five hundred and twenty minutes since we started this season that's incredible right that that's by far the longest hermit crab season we've ever done and I want to do so by saying a massive thank you to all of you who have been watching my videos throughout this season and to all of the enjoyment I've been getting from all the other Hermits it's been so much fun to work together with with all the other Hermits and to work together with you guys that's been watching the videos I've read a lot of the comments and I take a lot of inspiration and stuff like that from all of you and for those of you been paying attention in this video you may have spotted this thing that's that yeah we'll get to that we'll get to that in a minute but yeah like I said I I cannot thank you enough from the bottom of my heart but thank you so much for for just being there throughout this whole season and I really do hope that you join me in season seven and we once again like just just just reinvent really and and see what we can come up with I'm really hyped I'm really excited and don't worry you won't have to wait long we are planning on starting the season this coming weekend so there will be a very very short gap between season six and season seven of farming craft and that's good because I cannot wait I really cannot wait to get started and for those of you who want to download the hermit craft map I am going to put down right here at my storage room facility I'm going to be putting down a chest with all of my stuff in it and I've decided that I'm gonna create an ender chest by taking this is gallium and chunky box which I've renamed to my own chest I'm just gonna put all of my stuff including is hatered for the eye right into this and into this chest I'm an idiot I can't use this as an exhibit totally ender chest there we go that's better now as a joke I also took mumbles redstone boxes and I guess I forgot I forgot to believe them back to him but is his redstone boxes useable box is gonna be in my totally under chest over here my base it's too funny and without ladies and gentlemen it's time to say goodbye but don't fear I will be back you
Channel: iskall85
Views: 1,242,415
Rating: 4.9781561 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, modded minecraft, minecraft mod, hermitcraft season 6, hermitcraft 6, hermitcraft iskall, iskall hermitcraft, iskall85 hermitcraft, iskall85, lets play hermitcraft, hermitcraft diamonds, iskall demise, iskall hermitcraft season 6, season 6 end, hermitcraft season 6 finale, hermitcraft finale, iskall season 6 finale, wither skeleton farm minecraft, hermitcraft season 6 tour, sahara hermitcraft season 6, season 7 hermitcraft, hermitcraft season 7
Id: WP4mKmeoAgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 33sec (2673 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2020
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