HermitCraft 6: 158 | Architech Bunker SECRET Entrance!

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hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to another episode of hermitcraft season six today we're starting things off at the resort that we started building in the last episode and I gotta say I really like the look of this thing I mean it is it is really weird it hello it does look really really weird with all these jungle colored planks and stuff but it is it does certainly look like a resort doesn't it and since the last episode I've seem to have got some science here it's called the most hospitable man hospitable ma'am yeah yeah yeah absolutely for how many diamonds and at what time might a seriously inquisitive hermit procure launching my goodness I feel like I'm in the 1800 century here ever yours in the lively kindness Joe Hills I mean inquisitive Hermits procure lodging he does know that I'm Swedish right and I don't understand any of that I do understand one thing though and I do understand for how many diamonds and with that I can I can only assume that that this means that he wants to buy an apartment at the resort which is great I haven't even done any marketing like this this is clearly working out in terms of making diamonds off of the living the only problem is it it's not finished it's not secured I don't have the casino built and today we're actually not gonna work on the resort yep today we we have some more important tasks for our own security and safety so we're gonna make our way back to the main hermit land and I am a little bit scared because I decided to do this as the Sun is setting now so far in demise I'm quite shocked about this but no one has died due to mobs or night time which is weird because to me the scariest part is the creeper coming up and going like oh man I don't know that meme I'm sorry anyway what we're gonna be working on today is the architect bunker I want to make sure to install the entrance that Green has ordered for the architect bunker my god I got a really good idea for this love like I got a really good idea it took me a while I'm not gonna lie it took me a week to think about which is weird but I think I've come up with a plan that is just gonna be it's just gonna be brilliant it's just gonna be brilliant now the reason I want to work on the bunker instead of the resort today is because the server is getting more dangerous every single minute that passes now at the moment I'm pretty sure that we have got three people dead three I mean three people that can trap us that can do whatever to the world to help us join the demised and that's scary that's that's really scary so I need to make sure that we are secure before we can do anything else now for this entrance we're gonna make we're gonna start off with a very very simple simple little out of auto shutting or hidden trapdoor sort of thing with Pistons that made no sense in the world I'm really bad at explaining things sometimes but basically I want to have a flush door here where we have to grasp books like that and then off the press of a button dolls retract and a stair is put in its place so that means I'm gonna need some Pistons on this side now lately I've been trying to become better with pistons it is my weakness in redstone I'm not very good with with pistons for example I can see already that these two Pistons here need to be I have no proper blocks here these two Pistons right here needs to be placed there I think yeah those Pistons are gonna be grabbing these grass blocks they're gonna be pulled down and then these pistons here are gonna pull those Pistons and the grass box to the side these pistons are then gonna push out stairs so that means that I want this piston on this side and I think that looks correct so that means we're gonna have stairs right there and the last book you'll have to just jump I suppose maybe I can do something there I'm not sure but then I need to power these pistons and empowered these pistons right so if I just connect this Reds the line up together and put a lever here this should now work so we should see these two grass blocks being pulled down and then pulled out to the side leaving an empty space for me to push in those stairs so yep that works and the reason that works my golden rule is because there is a 2 tick difference between the flushing Pistons these here and the pulling pistons these on the side so I had got 3 ticks on my repeaters here and I got one tick on the repeater there and yeah it's just a to take difference basically this shouldn't be too tricky so if I take the redstone from that signal that powers this and just invert it like this and then do something like that with a redstone dust there that does the stairs if I know what happens if I pull the lever that seemed to worked no no not quite that didn't quite seem to work I think I why what what is happening there I think we may have just an update order issue here ok so let's see what this does that ok that that's that's that's that's good that is really good ok so if I pull the lever again ok so that works and I'm pushing it out we just need to update this piston yes an update piston problem so that should be wait a minute so that should be super simple if I send a later a delayed signal to this redstone line here maybe through there that would power oh yeah that would power that block updating that redstone line again let's see if this works ok that works and yes yes yes beautiful so that we should be able to the ideas to have that covered up and oh oh for goodness sake I I can't walk through that okay well that would be simple I could put a piston up there that just pulls that block back as well so the final test and that is working and we can now walk down and then down here we'll do the next part of this door but that is looking really good yeah I really like that now we need to figure out where we're gonna have our input and here's the thing I want anyone to be able to access this door I know the Korean said that it needs to be a secret hidden entrance but with the plan I have for this whole thing I need this door to be accessible for anyone yeah it sounds really weird prepare with me I turns out that I'm very low on comparators as always and I came over here to find this Cherry's closed for refurbishment I flew into the water this one think you're not thinking about it because it's always been open but cherry has closed down and I only just noticed this how did I only just notice it it's a mega hourglass with diamond blocks and I believe on the top of it is the cherry computer logo thing yeah that the redstone cherry is scar are you showing off the amount of diamonds that I and others have been spending that's incredible dude what does that mean why is there an hourglass of diamonds and a cherry and why is cherry closed I guess in terms of Sahara business though that's that's pretty good as long as we can stalk observers mumbo and do we have we do have comparators I'm gonna get myself let's get myself a Sahara order of comparators so I needed the comparators to make a pulse extender and if I connect that up that is to input there can remove that and then I just need to connect this up to my input which is that redstone block there and this button here and now hopefully yeah that seemed to worked ok let's cover that up and if I press it from this side oh that is beautiful absolutely beautiful I also feel like that time is brilliant there is there's enough in us enough time without being rushed to get into the entrance yeah let's work it off really really well so now that we've got this all sorted out the next plan is to get down to the actual bunker and by the looks of things Green has been busy I mean this this is looking absolutely gorgeous I love this I love how secure it looks with these cobblestone and this sort of Cavey look it's it's absolutely fantastic but to get down here we need something else time for module B module B is going to be what more emotive be it's going to be model B is going to be what's special with the center's because so far that button is accessible by everyone and that is intended now for module B I'm gonna need a lot of space and the problem is the this will here it's just there's no space behind it whatsoever why why do I have direct in my inventory as I was saying there's no space here whatsoever because of this cake cookie thing cookie thing that's behind there so we're gonna have to have the module B entrance beyond this wall over here or on this wall over here so I've just completed a tunnel that takes us from the entrance that we built over here and then it turns the left and we just follow this tunnel over to this place over here and this is where we're gonna be installing module B so these two holes leads down to the bunker wall and we're gonna use simple water elevators here we're gonna have one for up and one for down thing is though this is where this entrance becomes secure and secret now for those of you paid attention in this tunnel I have used carpets as the floor and the reason for that is because I can now go ahead and hide a hopper very very easily underneath and I gotta work out where where exactly to do this to make this work this is gonna be a very very tricky build but if I if it does work then I'm gonna be very happy the only problem is that we don't have a lot of space so this would be the ceiling I'm gonna make sure this doesn't feel too crammed then again it doesn't really matter if it's a little bit crammed I suppose but I think I want to come out with the walls here so the walls would go like that and then it makes complete sense that our secret little entrance thing is gonna be right there so that would be carpet than all of this would be carpet and throwing an item on there sucks it up by the hopper okay yeah that's step one step two is to create some sort of item filter and I won't decide a filter to be rather quick from the time you drop your item in okay so let's try the speed out the correct item at the moment is a redstone dust so if I throw in an enderpearl nothing should happen but if I throw in an end or a redstone dust we should here no block okay that's yeah that may that may work speed wise that may work speed wise I feel it's time to reveal my plan for module B because it is a little bit different from what I used to do now what I usually would do would be to have a key card reader and as long as you send in the right item into a space we get a door or something like that that opens up and you can pass through and you can enter whatever is behind it but in this case I want to be a little bit more sneaky now by the sounds of things my Adam filter is just broken for some reason yeah it's broken but that doesn't matter I'll fix that in a minute but instead of having a door that opens I want to leave these two holes open by default so one is gonna be an elevator up and the other one is going to be a full pit with water in the bottom but here's the thing if you don't put in your architect keycard or if you put in a false item into the thing the water once you drop down is going to disappear and then you're gonna and that block there would would disappear as well and you drop down to your death basically what it be it's a trap entrance for the bunker I feel it's time for me to go into a creative test wall to actually try and work this out because this is gonna require a lot of timing it's gonna require a lot of like testing and height and drop height and all of that stuff so it took me quite some time to figure out but I think I got a working prototype I think I got a working prototype this is so exciting so imagine this place here to be that area that we dug out on the hermit craft server where you press the button on the diamond thing anyone can access it they follow the tunnel and they lead up to this area here now we have an elevator to get back up nothing weird with this you just yet this is just a exit and then we have our drop chute to get down to the bunker now my my theory is that people that aren't authorized it doesn't know about the bunker they will see this and they will see the water at the bottom and they will think that it's completely safe to jump in however if they jump in without putting the correct or ketaki code in this happens water is removed the floor is removed and I fall all the way down to my death it's basically the most secure entrance ever now if you do have an architect key code and you put it into their hopper that we have there in the middle we will power something like this and oops I fell down and now when I when I step in nothing happens I securely and safely enters the bunker I mean is that cool or what I think I think that is yeah I think that is awesomely cool and it's actually a super simple circuit the tricky part to figure out was the drop distance for this string to have time to trigger the dispenser and I think I used to push limit for Pistons here so this is 11 slime blocks I believe yep 11 slime blocks is what I used this is actually you know it looks pretty clean doesn't it it looks pretty clean it looks pretty pretty straightforward so I'm about to start building this contraption on the home craft server and I realized that I don't have any slime blocks any scallion blocks anymore and this used to be a thing when I lived over here in the Glacial laboratory base or whatever whatever it's supposed to be I always had a lot of slime oh good someone has someone been shopping I was shopping in my slime farm that's that's quite hilarious so I think I've got the the circuits for the retracting floor and the water completely finished on the Herman craft server I haven't yet linked it up to the key card so at this point in time every single time that floor there should retract and the dispenser should be triggered now I don't have anything in the dispenser at the moment and I'm gonna be quite stupid I have feather falling for all my demise socks and I should therefore not die should should should i do have my totem of undying though so I'm just gonna try and drop through and yeah yeah that that worked that action that actually worked but oh my goodness is feather falling for good did I lose one heart for that oh this is getting very very exciting because I now have everything linked up so I've linked up the key card reader to these things and now if I throw in the correct key card the water should stay and nothing should happen and I got that on a pulse extender down there so that should be sufficient time to jump in now one problem that I faced was the fact that I don't want it to be known whether or not to you sent in the right item I wanted to just do the same sort of effects I had to do a little bit of trickery over here this is the wrong item circuit and it will trigger this piston and a note block and that's because this piston gets triggered if it's the correct one and a notebook so it basically should sound the same let's try it out so if I first threw in a wrong item a string we should see this power yeah and the notebook is heard and then if I throw in the right item which is a redstone block at the moment we get the same sort of feedback now I've changed the note block slightly as you may have heard just just just a little bit difference in that tone from that home but I mean it's not enough to to pay attention anyway let's see if this actually works so we throw in the correct key card we wait for the signal and now we should be able to yeah jump through and we're down in the bunker no problem whatsoever now for the actual keycard item I'm going to take a leaf out of mumbos book and use iron doors I've never ever thought of these as key cards but they work perfectly in item form as a key card they have that sort of yeah chip stamp thing or whatever so I think that is great architect bunker welcome architect make sure you wasn't followed cool okay so now that this is done and we have everything in place in terms of redstone we need to figure out how long of a drop we need to drop so that someone who tries to enter this without a key card dies even though they may have feather falling for let's head over to my creative where a test well again and do some fall test now to start this off I'm gonna try drop 40 blocks with feather falling for I feel like that should be enough so I got full hearts I'm ready to do this I'm in survival let's jump down and have heart heart so what about feather falling for 41 blocks half a heart again you kidded me now the answer to everything is 42 right so let's try 42 feather falling for and yeah yeah yep that that did it that did it 42 blocks that's incredible that is why level 25 I'm gonna bring it down just to be sure three more blocks I mean it doesn't it doesn't really hurt does it there is however one more problem and that problem is that most people are gonna be holding a totem of undying specifically if they drop into a bunker that they know nothing about I mean I would if I'd go down to this hole see this observer I would definitely hold my my told me if I'm dying I feel like I should test this but I also feel like I shouldn't test this because what if what if my totem of undying doesn't work I've never used one of these ever if this fails I'm gonna be very upset but I'm gonna I'm gonna try it out so no key card or actually let's insert the wrong key core so the correct key card is the bunker key card let's do this full-on I'd go with anything else and I get the confirmation that I dread my item I'm holding my total more fun dying I got feather falling for okay I didn't buy I'm just gonna bring this all the way down why not yeah just gonna bring this thing all the way down right so from white level 59 to Y level 10 should be 49 blocks I should definitely die this time I'm I'm scared but here goes please work told him upon dying wouldn't that world is going on it must be the water it must be the timing of the water that I thought I had figured out that I haven't figured out unless protection helps with falling right let's try this out let's find out whether or not protection for also helps protecting us from full damage I I mean it makes sense I guess I just never i'd never knew if that's the case here goes 42 blocks protection for feather falling it does help you with feather falling oh goodness okay I didn't know that right here goes protection for on the leggings as well do I take less damage I take a lot less it's pretty possible to die from full damage as long as you have some protection and I'm feather falling I mean that's 50 blocks right there and with many knowledge of protection and feather falling and how powerful it is I have come up with a different plan instead of dropping them down to full damage death I think something like this may work and then this looks ridiculously cool so you drop down into the chute we still keep it so that you die if you don't have the feather falling in protection combo but then when you when you fall down here you trigger this pressure plate which puts love up on your face now this also takes care of the totem of undying problem and what I've done here is to have lava pockets behind the wall so if you start mining this wall well you're gonna mine into lava and you will you will die there it'll be extremely difficult to get out of this one it's back up a hermit crab server and I'm just about to fill in the last two pockets of lava they should it should all work out so that is linked up I need to put a lava bucket in there but yeah that's gonna that's gonna cause issues and then if I do this is so scary about that and then another one here yeah so now whenever whatever block you would mind in the panic to try and get out that should sake trap you and your tolerance of undying czar gonna be pretty useless and that is all linked up yeah okay I think that is good so you're gonna die from feather falling unless you have or from full damage unless you have protection for on another piece of armor and if you do you're gonna be at low health and then have lava be spilt over you and you're totally encased in lava yep this this is a good plan now there is one last thing that I need to make sure is a function and that is to get the architect key card back to the architect who enters the bunker and I think I'm gonna make this fairly simple what we're gonna do is have a this is the roof so I'm gonna have a dropper I think there and that's gonna drop down the keycard so that when um exit the bunker the or enter the bunker the keycard would be right next to you I think that is yeah that that's that's gonna work out and I'll have to tell them I'll have to tell them a lot of things the architect boys so everything is in store let's give this a proper test and it's actually quite scary because there's a trap involved now but that works fine and my keycard is right here sweet perfect that is a very very dangerous and secret and special entrance to the architect bunker I'm not gonna lie I am I'm super proud of this entrance I love the fact that it's not just the secret entrance it actually requires it's actually like a little bit of a puzzle game and maybe we don't trap anyone maybe we don't get anyone trapped into this system but there is there is a chance there is a there's a big chance that we get someone trapped who tries to and enter our bunker and well you shouldn't you shouldn't enter bunkers that you're not supposed to follow however I have to summon mumble and green and I have to have a meeting and explain explain the whole system I also have to give them the architect bunker key cards so that they can actually access the bunker because without that yeah we we we all know we all know what's happened what happens but anyway I really do hope that you have enjoyed this episode of her me craft I have had a lot of fun building this very weird redstone contraption but if you have make sure to hit the like button down below and if you're brand new because it's grabbing and I will see you dudes in the next episode
Channel: iskall85
Views: 431,619
Rating: 4.9665127 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hermitcraft, hermitcraft 6, hermitcraft season 6, minecraft hermitcraft, minecraft smp, minecraft server, hermitcraft ip, hermitcraft iskall85, hermitcraft architect, hermitcraft architechs, hermitcraft architech bunker, demise bunker hermitcraft, hermitcraft demise bunker, iskall secret entrance, secret entrance minecraft 1.14, secret entrance minecraft, minecraft secret entrance, minecraft secret base
Id: ExwKJ1-jFvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 30sec (1530 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 09 2019
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