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I have a little bit of a confession to make to begin this episode I'm on my way to my industrial district because I said after you episodes ago that I would finish my my sugar cane for I said that I would add layers up probably six or seven more of these layers and instead I went mining for almost three days which I gotta say was very beneficial okay we I am now possibly possibly the richest hermit there is which is a good change that's a good change but yeah I never really got to finishing this project and I feel like for the long run I can't be mining all of the 10,000 diamonds it's just gonna be it's gonna be too much so as I've said before my idea is to start a business empire at some point and I think one of the first order of business is to break the monopoly the tango Tech currently has on rockets but to do that we need we need a lot more sugarcane I just realized I built the whole thing asymmetrical didn't I maybe some of you has already realized that that wasn't the biggest problem with the design that wasn't the biggest problem at all well that's a pro that's a problem yeah not good at all not good at all not only me wrong honey blocks are awesome but punching items with them when items stick to them not the brightest of ideas that I've ever had the solution is gallium much better I did also realize that there was one more major floor with my design mobs can spawn inside sugar canes and stacking these on top of each other it's gonna be very dark and the solution was pumpkins lots and lots of pumpkins take that mobs I'm not gonna lie at the end of it I ended up rebuilding most of the design and the farm itself yeah yes yes however having the sugarcane form now actually functioning is this great okay it's great but that's their that they're in curfew a mega rocket industry of doom big enough to take on the big tangle tech himself so I I took to the task not only took me their entire day but the good news is is that the sugarcane farm is now quite Omega I should really build myself a new chair over at the industrial district to be fair take a look at this I gotta say I think it is it is looking it's looking really cool isn't it I mean the green the green and the orange really comes really comes together and how many platforms did I end up doing three four five six seven eight nine nine platforms of sugarcane and they're each harvested in segments of four which again it's not the most efficient way but it is it is cheap it is cheap others I mean look at the resources of this it's great doesn't use that many observers I better add a little bit more storage than for hoppers though because yeah this this is gonna fill up really really quickly if I don't as I've said before the plan of my industrial district is to have a central storage unit where everything is sent from a minecart that travels around and we can visually track but I for now I just need something quick just so that I don't lose out on sugar cane as I work here and I think I think this will do for a little for a little while at least this thing is pretty quick I've just seen yeah even more speed okay committed right break these and this should be fully functioning and starting to collect sugarcane and my smooth so that's very annoying my one smooth did there as well look at this thing in the dark it is it is lighting up it's like a lighter than pillar you can find us to illustrate the only problem is is that it is the only lighting pillar in oh my goodness it is like the only lighting pillar in my industrial district but that is looking that is looking really really cool how am I gonna do this without without dying I get that no of course not because my inventory is not oh my even through is full I will get this bed for did I do it did he blow up did he blow up something I think I think it did it yeah this is crazy I'd need suspense I've lighting this place up at some point I see an opportunity walking around over there danger this is gonna be so scary but I did say that I wanted creepers for these windows so I wonder if I can how do I even do this I got a name him fly way and then try and get him in a minecart somehow this is this is not a good idea scallop right here we go oh did I do it I think I may have done it I think I may have told it are you danger hello I can tell can't tell but I'm I'm losing I'm missing one I'm missing one nametag so I think he is who needs some rails I don't think I've ever captured a creeper in Minecraft and I have no idea how I would go about doing it go inside that minecart okay I do I do have a little bit of an idea yes no no stop lagging okay he's in take that danger I like how his slowly just saying don't do it don't do it I'm gonna do it all right so here's the plan we got a break in here we're gonna drop him into this spot here right in theory that should work now all I gotta do is get him on that ramp and I definitely don't want him to stop at any point where I have to push him stop looking at me like that dude we're gonna do this I need to break this rail and this right yeah yes okay okay okay okay now how do I get him to move that's that's another problem do I just fly into him let's try it did I get him oh come on not just a flew right into you dude I bet the safest way to do this is another minecart but what no you're a very very strong creeper but I have a furnace minecart go go go go wait where do you work out dude are you kidding me why can't what how much do you weigh dude yes yes I got him going he should be going all the way yes look at him go okay well now now comes the secondary hard task of breaking that minecart because I don't want him to sit through the minecart I can just sneak in and just yes okay I think I did it I think I've done it hello that was dangerous but look at that Mike I don't care about that minecart it's gonna be sport eventually that's looking really cool imagine us having these creepers in every single window and because they're named they are not part of the mobile cab so they actually don't affect the farm in any way I am the master of getting sidetracked right I gotta clean this up though even though I am undeniably very good at getting sidetracked I'm very I'm very proud of this I'm very proud of having our very first creeper installed that being said though I do want to try and hook up this minecart to the sugar cane farm so what I'm thinking is it's gonna come travelling here and then we're gonna drop it down and it needs to go this way and then inward right so the minecart goes all the way over here and then we're gonna need a block right there for it to bounce into and then it should in theory drop down into that hole and then down here we'll land it on a rail and then just shoot it off this way where we'll have some sort of pickup system right let's just let's just see if this works it should shouldn't be any problems cart off you go drops down and it sent off nice and then of course I'm going to be building a little bit of a building a docking bay building on the side here covering all of this up eventually and then over here all I need is a pickup system with detection to let the main system know that that the minecart is at the creeper farm this should do the trick and that will stop the minecart right so we push this in and I have a detective rail over here detecting that it's here picking up items then this wire will go off that way and light the redstone lamp and yes it just picked up everything sweet we may want to bring the minecart up here and then into the next forum but that's kind of up to let's come up to the next forum that we build right so now that we've actually got two functioning farms finally I mean it's taken it's taken a while but we do have a functioning sugarcane farm and we do have hello danger we do have a functioning creeper farm I think before I make any other farm I really do need to deal with the storage because specifically specifically the show you came farm is very very quick at collecting items up and I'm not I'm not automatically storing that so I got a chest over here yeah it's already starting we're so came we definitely need to start thinking about the storage system the idea is the minecart travels around and picks up items from every farm and then at some point it got to travel back here and send it into storage units for it to then get sorted but the main thing the main thing that I want to do different is that I want to be able to track the minecart as it travels sometimes you're just gonna take a decision and I'm terrible take decisions anyway what I think I'll do is we're gonna have this side here dedicated for the storage system so all of this is going to be the storage system with schalke box loaders and sorters and all of that stuff and that should give me enough space to build sort of like a horseshoe of this map indicator and this would be the corner that indicates the creeper form and then I think not entirely sure but I think what I want to do is have - indicator lamps whenever it travels in between farms I've just accidentally built myself a sewage system a local I this has been a little bit fiddly but I have now hooked up all the four or four different stations to the pre control circuits these lamps over here so what I've done is I've hooked up one to the detector rail in the creeper farm I then got a detector rail there and another one there for the mid stations and the sugarcane farm over here I haven't tested this out I haven't tested this out so that is the next thing I want to do I've gotta say I am super excited to see how this is working okay so there is a little bit of comm powder in there so if the minecart is sitting there we hurry back before that empties this light is on yes okay so that is working and then if I just wait here we should see this go off and then this come on then this come on and then that come on do you realize that it's a little bit hard to see when went that far down I may have to think about that a little bit but anyway it's still loading up oh it's just done so we should see should see this light come on and the minecart come there yeah light on nice next light on so we can see it travel on the lights and sugarcane hello hello I've tested this part already oh I I've covered up I've covered up the whole never mind that the sugar came did all turned on okay that was that was that was a little bit awkward but everything seems to be working oh there we go it's switched off and Mike Hart has flipped out this is awesome I don't know what it is I don't know why I'm getting so excited about this system but I I can see it now I can see it all coming together and I think I think it's gonna look absolutely fantastic you know what I haven't done in a while is update the maps so last time yeah last time we update it we didn't have the updated sugarcane farm all that made and the ceiling the roof of the creeper forum is also on there there's still a worm of boxes chillin around and some more junk over here but all in all it's getting busier mumble still I don't think it's updated its is very storage system I've spent the better of a full day on this sugarcane farm and redesigning it and doing the redstone system for it and making the making the map chart map chart I don't actually know but I don't know what to call it dynamic minecraft follower of doom that was an absolute awful name idea what am I thinking I'm gonna have to Gabe I'm gonna have to give that some thought anyway I am going to move on for today because there's something else that I really really really want to do today you see last episode I did it I got myself a mega amount of diamonds I can't remember I can't remember the exact cow exact counts but I think it was something like 2,100 to something which is absolutely crazy as you all know one of my goals this season is to get 10,000 diamonds and this this brings us a fifth of the way there if I would keep all of these diamonds which which I'm probably not gonna do in fact I've already spent about 10 diamond blocks of these I think what I want to do is try and reinvest some of this into the future because if I'm gonna get to 10,000 diamonds I'm going to need a solid income which is why we're working over at the industrial district so I wonder how much wonder how much of this I I'd want to reinvest I'm not sure but 40 blocks of diamonds should get me a pretty good investment hopefully but before I can invest anything I of course need to dress as an investor well hello there actually actually yes but but no rich Cal it rich Cal Spence he doesn't invest enter investor scum yes the smart me at least I'm looking smart but I don't know I don't know if if I will actually be taking sport decisions it remains to be seen I guess if he's really weird seeing my hand like this I got a solution ah that's better that's better so now that we look it really smells smart I love these glasses by the way they're fantastic now that we look really smart it's time we hit the shopping district charit ah the shopping district the island of opportunities you see now that I'm smart I or it look smart I can totally I can totally see the value of this area the only thing is is that it is very very quickly running out of space I mean there is there isn't a whole lot of space left to be honest so I figured what we should do now that we're smart is to make some clever investments in land but before we do that I wanted to show you a little bit of a renovation that I've recently done to my slime for a slime shop so a lot of you guys have told me that there are a lot of Hermits looking for slime and my shop hasn't been stocked but as you can see I've completely overhauled it in complete with with the new slime a scallion fog floor of doom I love this and it is stocked the only thing the only thing missing is a price sign prime slime one Dimond purtz back I think that's a very smart price no one else is selling slime there's no reason for me to make it cheaper the only thing remaining now is a little bit of a cleanup with these things here that feels really good those chests have been sitting there for a very very long time anyway of course we also need to make sure to provide an ender chest and there we go there we have it the slime shop is fully up and running once again now you may ask why I put so much emphasis on making a beautiful floor in this place what I gotta say is it's it's the smart move to do okay it's a smart move customers are gonna love it customers are gonna buy slime so on to my idea of investing in land I kind of want to buy out of the land around the slime shop I would love to create a little bit of an account Empire Empire a little bit of an Escalade Empire ish around this lake now if I remember correctly I made sure to place this line block and that slime look in the very edge and corner of the plot that I actually bought and same on this side although it seems to be removed or maybe I didn't I can't remember we'll just say that we own that land there all the way out to these as well over on this side and so that leaves the leaves a little bit of space here and I've got 39 diamond blocks to spend so let's start investing is cows a lot its cows plants is cows plots it's cow's land so that's a total of four plots and that will cost me four diamond blocks I still have thirty five blocks of diamonds to spend but that is a good security I kind of feel like I want yeah I think I want to do the same thing over here so by for for small plots here as well it's cows Quadra plot its cows second quadruplex right so with two more quarter plots this is starting to become a considerable amount of land that I own and it's very very very central smart very very smart so that sets me back another eight diamond blocks so we have spent twelve diamond blocks we still have reserve 27 to invest now ideally I would like this entire lake here and unfortunately unfortunately I'm already I've already tried to buy full symmetries plot here III made an offer on the hermit craft livestream Bay of 350 diamonds yep yep may not be may not be a very very smart offer but luckily luckily in hindsight she said no she has other plans for it however I do own this little key pot over here another about all of this land here I'm hoping that I could potentially buy impulses impulses land over here with his guardian guardianship cuz I mean this is prime location and I think he has spent at old off by the looks of things to Diamond blocks to buy this from the beginning so he spent 18 diamonds I think I want to make a very generous offer hello impulse I'm interested in investing a generous amount for the land new Guardian shop is sitting on in addition I would help you move your shop to a new location my offer 200 diamonds now in order to make this offer a little bit more exciting I figured with place down 22 diamond blocks which is a hundred and ninety eight diamonds in a pile that's quite a pile of diamond blocks and then to make it 200 we're actually missing two diamonds so we need to put two diamonds in there now this is a good offer I feel like this is a good offer but I will say I would totally understand if impulse didn't take it considering cuz they're doing the prime location he has we just have to wait and see what he comes back with so banking those twenty two diamond blocks there and having twelve diamond blocks that we need to pay to the diamond throne I still have five diamond blocks I still need to do a little bit more investments and I definitely think I really think that this plot right here is gonna add to the whole thing it's Cal's plot for diamond blocks to go it's cows plot three diamond blocks remaining this area up here is completely free real estate its cows plot two remaining is cows plot one remaining this little mountain here looking out over over my Treasure Island this is a good plot it's cows plot right so now all the remains is to pay the seventeen diamond blocks of invested plots I don't really know if this is what I'm supposed to do but I'm guessing I'm guessing I should put these seventeen blocks right on the diamond throne itself hello did you just take it you've just no no voting or nothing you've just taking taking the mayor position as is there are so many diamonds there are so many diamonds in this tournament road it is it's absolutely ridiculous absolutely ridiculous I wonder if that is 10,000 diamonds now that is all that we have time for today so I really do hope that you have enjoyed this video if you did do hit the like button down below and if you're brand new because it subscribing it's a very very smart thing to do and I will see you dudes in the next episode
Channel: iskall85
Views: 1,691,791
Rating: 4.9724765 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft hermitcraft, hermitcraft season 7, hermitcraft 7, hermitcraft 7 iskall, hermitcraft iskall, hermitcraft 7 minecraft, hermitcraft 7 ip, minecraft iskall85, iskall85 base, iskall85 tree base, hermitcraft tree house, minecraft let's play, iskall diamonds, minecraft diamonds, shopping district, shopping district hermitcraft, hermitcraft shopping district, sugar cane farm 1.15, sugar cane farm iskall, industrial district iskall, iskall industrial district
Id: 8708365zDt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 24sec (1344 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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