HermitCraft 6: 156 | The WITCH Riddles

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I've got something to apologize for to start off this video and that is the hence the dispenser had selection that I promised you all to do throughout the demise game in every start of an episode I completely forgot it last time I don't know why so I'm sorry about that but anyway we're gonna have we're gonna start off and I've got because I'm out here in her Midlands today which is where we're gonna be starting this episode I've got some other heads here and it's it's a little bit of a weird selection I'm not gonna lie so today we are going to be no:1 okay hold on I gotta move way up to this thing apparently today we're going to be me poultry man I fly around in the world and I do good for other people I make sure to clean the server of any non shenanigans that's going on here I've lately resided on a beach somewhere I guess we're chicken or we're a poultry man today this head must be one of the best heads in Minecraft to wear anyway ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another episode of heavy craft season 6 before I forget about it I'm gonna collect this thing up but today we're starting things up in the Hermit Land gaming district because stress monster invited us to help out with her brand new Halloween game and with this gorgeous pumpkin that it turns out that she moved all the way from our ice glacial area to here because full symmetry had built this as a prank and I think that's hilarious she to use the strength potion if you didn't see her video I do recommend checking out her video where she drinks a straight motion and moves it over here it's really really funny but anyway I've been speaking with stress monster in between episodes and the plan is that this is going to be a really cool hallow Mean Time Trial crystal mace game you don't know what crystal mazes well I didn't either until just a few weeks ago crystal mace is apparently like a big TV show in the UK I don't know if it exists in the US as well but basically you have to solve puzzles and you have to do it on under a time restraint so the idea of the game is the you press a button you enter and then your time trial starts with different challenges and the first challenge is actually something that she is done already and it's basically this room here and I'm assuming that there are gonna be some signs and then there are three buttons now these buttons would play different tunes so if I press this one here but it's just so good this look is so good oh let's press this one [Music] okay so anyway then it's up to the player to come over here and select the correct tunes so whatever that tune was whatever that to most and the final one this one is advanced stressful is extremely good with no clocks by the way I'm a I'm a a mini to ask her for help but anyway there are three correct answers and she needs to or you need to as a player select the three correct answers for the next door to open as far as redstone goes for this here this should be very very very simple I would think I think that we should have one two three four five six seven eight nine different choices and we'll put levers all over those choices and to wire this up so that the three or three specific levers are correct and including a NAND gate should be one of these is redstone contraptions ever actually she has marked some signs here temporarily to be correct and if I'm right all I need to do is use redstone torches on the correct ones and then we're gonna use repeaters on the non correct ones and then just pull our redstone line like this creating a NAND gate down to here and then put another redstone torch down there now the idea is whenever I have the three correct answers and no other answers wrong that torch should be on so if I have one false answer here and then pull that one that one and that one which is the correct we should still see a non say or an off signal but if I take this away so I only have the correct answers that redstone torches own and we can use that to power our door that is very very simple but I think that is actually enough for this circuit so just a double check if I only got two answers correctly yeah the redstone torch is not only so in total stress monsters planned for us to make for different challenge rooms and I'm gonna be making my challenge room in this area here so the next room when this door opens is going to be a game that I've actually come up with that I think would be quite fun and also little bit frustrating but we'll deal with that in a little bit I want to show you guys a circuit that I've been working on that I actually think serves the exact purpose of what stress most was asking for as well you see in addition when you enter the game you enter game with a certain amount of points let's say that we enter it with a stack of points 64 points and the idea is that before you start the game before you even see any of the rooms you have to place them in a chest like this and then very slowly this chest will drain the points over the course of the game so you can see that 63 that's 62 and the goal is of course true when you're done with all the rooms have as many points left as possible now personally I think that just one stack of points is probably gonna be too little so you'll probably have five stacks of points that you get up in the pumpkin and then you put them in the chest to start the game so this here is the circuit that I've come up with to slowly slowly pull out one point from the chest here and it's again very very very straightforward very simple this comparator starts the signal by checking if there's anything in the chest and then it goes around in a long loop and whenever it reaches this observer it has a to take unfreeze of this hopper which is by default powered on the backside here there so it has a two tick unfreeze and then that pulls out an item from the test now we can slow this down which we may have to do by just prolonging this clock however much we want but I think this axe serves the purpose I think this is actually good enough for what we want to do here so sometimes later and I've done a little bit of layout design because one thing that I've learned from playing specifically a lot with green is that you should probably focus on getting the entrances down first because otherwise things gets very unsymmetrical so this here is going to be our entrance elevator we'll do a bubble Vader or something we come out here and we're presented with this door and then over on this side I thought we could put all the instructions for the game it needs to be said very very clearly before you enter because otherwise it would be very confusing there's an exit elevator on this side here going back up to the pumpkin and I've moved this circuit over here and well I've just added a little bit of delay possibilities but in addition I've also linked up the door so if I now go ahead and put in say by points and this is indicating that I'm starting the game my door opens and I'm able to go through and then I play the tunes and I correct I get the correct answer and that then opens the next door and onwards and onwards we go now we could finally start seeing how this game is gonna sort of run through and I love it now next thing is to install our game so I guess I'm gonna dig this place out but I think it's time to jump over to my creative redstone test world because I have no idea in my brain thank goodness for creative test walls because yeah this this turned out to be a lot more complex than I was originally envisioning it but a few hours in and I've got a working prototype while hopefully I've got a working prototype and this is the idea right here and essentially this is a fishing game so if I pull this lever here that's gonna spit out a bunch of different items and we then have four different types of items that we need to get correct this says kelp dark oak lever and cocoa bean so I need to collect the correct item for the hole and I can see a cocoa bean so the idea is that I try and grab it and then pull it into that hole and if I get the correct the lights turn on if I get a wrong item so this is lever let's get this no clock instead nothing happens and the idea is of course to get all of these three or all of these four corrected now back at Narvik a server this is quite a bit smaller than the one I did in my creative test world but I think it's actually better it's better that it's smaller because the other one was just too messy anyway you the idea would be you complete this room we've come in here we'd have some instructions over here and possibly also some fishing rods because otherwise this is just gonna be impossible and I think I want to try something here we're gonna try this out together but can I have potentially a block there so you can't walk up to the ice because that would be better anyway to start it you press the button you have the science pumpkin lever and hopper in this scenario and then you have to try and collect them so pumpkin it should be fairly simple to get and then down there and the light turns on beautiful the lever may be a little bit tricky yeah but may this block is gonna be making this impossible Oh oh my goodness that skill throw there okay so you got a duck if they go far back and then get the lever and then the hopper I think that's also duck in one that's the wrong item doesn't matter and my fishing rod broke lesson learned let's make sure to have unbreaking 3 fishing rods and several of them in case in case they break but anyway to get the hopper is that not that's an android hopper yes and that opens the door and onwards I go nice I actually think I really like the pace of that Driss monster came up with a genius idea that makes this a lot more interesting and that is to have code names for the item so for example a lever could in theory be which is not right so that are saying lever we would say which knows and that would mean that the other hermits will have to guess in addition to hooking the right item hooked on a hopper could totally be an upside-down witch's hat how have I never thought about that and in the spirit of Halloween this could be the witch game now with the technical part of this room done I'm going to try and design it now that I've got it into my head that this is totally going to be assembled which I kinda want to make it look a little bit like a witch hut inside or like which is den or I don't know I don't really know but I'm I'm picturing some sort of witch thing I have just had a very very silly idea but I want to try and do I want to see this made this may just be absolutely garbage looking but I want to see if we can make I'm which face sitting here so that would be even those some of these Minecraft things and then I guess she has a little bit of a wart on the nose so that could be oh this could actually genuinely work I honestly think that this is fully doable so we would have her eyeball there and that is a very purple is that purple yeah very very purplish color now I couldn't fit her hat in this build but I think that's fine like that so she has the unibrow and I'm guessing I think the unibrow actually stops at the eyeballs looks pretty funny that looks pretty funny it would look better though I'm not gonna lie would look a lot better if we got away with having it this tall so maybe I should move that whole thing down a little bit of us a little bit of a stretch there and when I see a little bit of a stretch just looks wrong that just looks so very yes it's much better Oh assemble the witch we even got the functionality there I mean that should work right yep looks like it looks like she is hair cut this side must resist but finding it very hard to resist this is just I don't know why I think it's so funny to do these minecraft things in-game I just it just makes me laugh but anyway I finished up this room and I think this looks pretty good this does look like some sort of witches witches cavern it's very rugged and stuff like that and I added some shelves I used these jack-o'-lanterns which I think are cool and I changed up the world to be to be wood I'm stupid for using a stone wall I also wrote the science so this little mint part of the game is called the witch and then the instructions are take a rod push her wart collect all of her belongings now that is not crystal clear is it what that does but that's kind of the point you're on a time limit you've opened up the room you see all of these things and you sort of have to figure out what you do and the different parts is going to be the Hat the nose and the ice with all of this completed I hope that it's a riddle in itself and I hope that it's stressful and a little bit confusing if you take your time and understand it though it should be understandable I am on my way back to the main hermit lab I just realized I just realized that without thinking I jumped off the Hermit wheel and portal and started flying back or nether portal is 3rd fly back we're paying device here I'm flying around with that with the chicken head and gold armor this is this is not recommended I've made my way back to Sahara because I wanted to talk about something that I've seen a lot in the comments and that is my my diorite meter burner thingy machine and why I haven't finished it this is actually something that is mentioned in a lot of comments and quite frankly this thing I thought was completely finished and I thought it was working flawlessly so whenever this dropper gets items in it the first water arrives and then the more it gets into it the more it rises and all of that is actually working however I've run into some weird inconsistency with this repeater and with this dispenser anyway long story short I have been working on trying to fix this and couldn't really come up with a solution for fixing it and then something amazing happened honey blocks honey blocks I haven't been speaking about honey blocks at all since they were announced but I am overly excited about trying them out specifically now that they don't stick to his gallium that slime looks in case you encase your brand brand-new but anyway yeah honey box won't stick to slime docks which means that we can make a lot of contraptions that we haven't been able to make before and we can make a lot of entrances a lot of cool doors can be made and I actually saw mumble posted a video the other day with a massive tour using minimal amount of redstone and it was really really really inspiring to see so I'm very very excited about that but another thing with honey blocks that would help this thing is of course the fact that it can transport entities slowly up and down I haven't really tried it out but I think it can transport it upwards with with a slime block or something at the bottom well I'm not sure about that anyway it effects entities so that this wouldn't actually if I've understood it correctly need water so I think I'm gonna leave this because I'm not super inspired in fixing this anyway at the moment so I think we're gonna leave it until the day we have honey blocks now what is this custom order for tango 2d per stack 54 diamonds as tango ordered diamonds from Sahara is is that what I'm so confused usually would say what he's looking to buy which is what I'm assuming that is doing unless unless Korean has sold him something I'm not sure I think I think I'll leave that there I don't know what that means and while we're here I'm a little bit keen to have a look at the storage situation because we can dab dab dab I absolutely love this room I I think out of all the things we've created with Sahara this is definitely knows the most not the most complicated not even close but just a feeling in this room isn't it great it feels so mega it really really does anyway we seem to sold quite a few comparators we should have seven key cards in there oh this thing is working we still haven't stocked observer stole and it gave that testimony denied things things take time sometimes ooh it also looks like we've actually sold out of gravel because I'm pretty sure I fully stocked this oh yeah yeah that's that's fully sold out that gives me the opportunity to actually stock this for the first time ever like really stock this I'm gonna take the key cards out and we're gonna go back up to the warehouse and yes I'm using my elevators I don't want to risk flying too much if I if I can help it with the device gave under going and I think I saw this the other day it looks like mumbo is actually fixed the one thing that prohibited us from using that automatically Stoker I'm gonna have to take a risk to check this out flying around in the warehouse yeah it looks like he's fixed that so he's added on to the water stream a loop that sends the items back to the start I wonder when he did that hmm I must have missed it completely so let's use our book that I've made for restocking if we want to restock gravel we need to first find it in the list there gravel we need to do 18 stacks I could manually restock it because I actually have all the gravel kept in here but I want to see if the system works I'm a little bit scared though 18 stacks is what we need here goes everything goes in let's have a look the first box the first box failed I can't believe it the first books actually failed we're gonna give it the benefit on a doubt and see if the second box is gonna be correct no the second box is not correct either it's just a different number there's no episode that's complete without proper suhoor our troubleshooting is it well I think I know what the issue is in order to try and solve this smoking system before Mambo added that extra line on top I actually slowed down this clock and I think the fat water may have ruined a few things okay well that would have may have ruined a few things I think we're fine though as I was gonna say before the water ruined a few things if I reconnect the double speed clock here by doing that oh that is really fast yeah I think that's gonna fix it I think that's gonna fix it I wonder how much time I've spent in this season heard me craft troubleshooting and upgrading and fixing suhara it's quite it's quite ridiculous if you think about it but anyway that's the nine stacks or nine sets of boxes all fixed that means that we can put the key cards back here and now we get to do the super satisfying thing that I haven't done before pushing that button in the stockroom and this is the button I'm talking about which indicates that we have full-on stock again with gravel oh this is a great system we should have we should have started by having this because this is gonna fix all of our issues with being able to restock Sahara I'm very very proud of it I've said that before I know that but but yeah I am not coming up with it enters for this is not an easy task and I gotta be honest with you guys I'm still blanking a little bit I mean I could totally make a piston that hides that or is hidden behind that grass block and then retracts and displays a staircase but that's kind of boring Green didn't say anything about its being pouring he just said it needs to be hidden but I really wanted to be cool so I still have to think about this a little bit and see what I can come up with if you have any suggestions feel free as always to leave it down below in the comments or tweet me better yet tweet me a picture of a hidden little entrance that could work with this thing and yeah that would also look really cool small and would look really cool I mean that is a tricky thing to put together but anyway that's gonna do it for today I really do hope that you have enjoyed this video today I'm excited to see people play the Halloween pumpkin game I'm excited to see if people can solve the riddles with the witch but yeah like I said that's gonna do it for today I hope you have enjoyed this episode if you did do it like no and if you're brand-new because it's describing and I will see you dudes in the next episode
Channel: iskall85
Views: 423,563
Rating: 4.9685764 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hermitcraft, hermitcraft 6, hermitcraft season 6, minecraft hermitcraft, minecraft smp, minecraft server, hermitcraft ip, hermitcraft iskall85, pumpkin game, halloween mini games, halloween games minecraft, halloween minecraft, iskall halloween, iskall mini game, hermitcraft iskall mini game, stressmonster, stressmonster101, stressmonster iskall, pumpkin game hermitcraft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 14sec (1334 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 28 2019
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