HermitCraft 7: 3 | THE 10,000 BLOCK FARM

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the time has come this is hermitcraft and this is the start of a new season this is episode 3 I think today is the day where we build our first mega I wouldn't say mega big well it's gonna be large but let's call it our first non starter base farm the last episode not only did mumbo jumbo play somewhat of an you know reverse card on me when I was trying to sell him bones which made me end up with 12 bamboo that I'm currently holding onto I think however I should probably put them in my vault chest just to make them a little bit more safe one day those twelve bamboos are going to make me rich but the man holds a lost his mind a little bit and challenged me to dig out ten thousand blocks so I thought that it would be quite funny to kind of play a reverse uno card back on mumble by making sure oh that's a good pickaxe nice by making sure that we dig out ten thousand blocks and actually make them useful easy ten thousand blocks to me sounds like a pretty fairly decent-sized slime farm which means for everybody who knows Mambo that I wouldn't just play a reverse uno card on him I would play a reverse uno card with a superstar you see the man is addicted to slime blocks and I know honey blocks are out now and he is also very very addicted to honey blocks I'm not gonna lie but he needs both in order to create his crazy doors and all of that sort of stuff that he likes to do so making a slime form this early I think it's gonna be super beneficial we could possibly finally profit more than than twelve bamboos in fact this may very well lead to our first shop of the season because slime slime is super valuable early on I mean the only way to get it if you don't build a proper form is either by getting lucky and finding a slime chunk when you're caving or going all the way out to like a swamp during night time but even then you're not gonna get that many anyway I have found myself two slime chunks sitting next to each other right outside our starter base and I think this is going to be a great location to dig these 10,000 blocks out it's times like this when I'm really happy that this function exists in vanilla minecraft show chunk borders by pressing f3 and G that is making everything a lot easier to kind of grasp right so the plan is these two chunks here are indeed slime chunks and we are going to dig them out underground from wine level 25 all the way down to eye level 5 and since one chunk is 16 by 16 two chunks is 16 by 32 which is 512 times 20 layers is ten thousand two hundred and forty blocks yeah I know sometimes it seems it seems like even I'm smart but I'm just glad her capital a hitter's without being said I'm kind of curious to see this thing here times mine so currently I have mined six thousand seven hundred and eleven smooth stone I would assume that most blocks in this area are going to be smooth stone but there is also gonna be under site and granite and and unfortunately there's also gonna be died right well yeah we'll have a look at that once we are finished that would be an interesting little checkpoint so this is why level 25 and this is the chunk order here so I guess we'll just start digging and I just realized I'm gonna dig another three blocks upwards so we're actually gonna be at Y level 22 all the way down so we got to dig more than ten thousand blocks I'm seriously considering right now if you would be faster to go to the nether kill some wither skeletons kill a wither get a beacon and do this with instant mine I would say yes if I would have the beacon base blocks but I don't so I think I think I think this is the this is the speed this is gonna be do be done in I'm starting to realize just about how long this is going to take I mean I feel like I've been at this for a while already and I've only got one or three layers done yeah this is this is gonna take all day with that being said I'm gonna make sure to mine out all of the iron that we find so that we can events to get a beacon that looks like a massive either ravine or just a hole up there interesting I'm also gonna collect all the treasures because everybody loves treasures who likes beetroot though seriously why why are these why are these in the game why are these oh look at that our very first lime just sported hello dude I'm very sorry about this but that is our very first line balls this season I've just had a little bit of an epiphany and I'm so glad I did because this is gonna save me a lot of time since we are making a slime farm it would be kind of dumb to dig all of the blocks out in this area because I'm then gonna have to come back and put up platforms for where the slimes are going to spawn so instead of taking away everything I'm going to save every third layer and this will make a lot more sense later but for now that means that this layer here on Y level 25 where we are getting slimes to spawn is going to stay and then I'm gonna go underneath and dig out another 3 blocks just like this now that also means that the map that I did is completely useless I guess to compensate for the platform's I'll just have to go taller just have to make the farm even bigger which at the end of the day is that's gonna be that's gonna be that's gonna be a really good thing anyway I am going to make an effort into making each of these layers smooth stone so that it at least looks a little bit clean ladies and gentlemen it's done it's done I can't believe it but I have successfully completed mumbo Jumbo's challenge of digging out ten thousand blocks in fact I think I've dug up more than ten thousand blocks let's have a look at the statistics so we're 15 thousand seven hundred forty six stone then we got the granite we got the underside and diorite and all of the ores so just adding up the stone granite diorite and andesite i have mined eleven thousand five hundred and nine blocks since I last showed the statistics this is incredible I am so very proud of this and I'm really proud that I did it without any haste to begin it just feels just feels like a way bigger achievement that way and in addition from having chests upon chests with stone materials and all that sort of stuff we also have got quite rich doing this I mean look at all this iron I think I'm getting very very very close together with iron in my base to actually be able to construct a fully beacon base not to speak about the 19th I'm indoors in addition I bet you that Mambo was not expecting me to be able to do this when he gave me this challenge fully knowing that all I had to my name was an iron pickaxe with the efficiency for that was almost broken that being said I'm meeting up with him in just a few hours and I really want to play that universe card right back at him so the time has come to actually turn this into a mega slime farm I think it's time for a third-person time-lapse I just realized this is the first third-party time-lapse of this season that's quite exciting anyway building a slime form is actually very very simple I'm gonna be using some well-known mechanics including iron golems to kill the slimes and to do that what I'm doing here is that I'm digging out a 10 by 10 hole through every single platform all the way down and as you can see a lot of time we're already spawning in and I'm ashamed to admit this but at this point here I was very close to dying I had half a heart at the very bottom level I'm digging out 3 blocks all the way down to Y level 5 and this is where we're going to install the pickup system using rails because rails are just the best like hopper minecarts picks up blocks through items to use blocks and that sort of stuff so that's absolutely great now to kill the slime we needed some magma block so I had to go to the nether and I forgot to bring my bow gassed almost killed me was quite quite quite shocking really to be fair anyway the Mega Bloks goes on top of the rail stopper mine cars like I said picks up the slime through the blocks which is great and then the next step is to create these little platforms these are two by two glass platforms covered with glass panes in the very center of the ten by ten ten by ten hole and I'm doing this on every single layer on the same layer as the platforms and then I'm putting down the iron golems these these guys are just are just the best for slime farms in my opinion at the moment they are slimes are attracted to them slimes will will try and jump and try and get to them and they can't so if down in the middle and hi I'm looking like that that's a that sounded way too sad anyway let's take a look at how many slime balls we have got over the past hour or so while I was editing that footage oh my goodness that is that it's over one stack of blocks I mean look at this ladies and gentlemen we have got slime we've got a massive amount of slime it's just it's one of the best blocks in Minecraft hands down one of the difficult survive craft and it's totally sellable totally sellable I wonder what Mambo is gonna say he's gonna freak out it's gonna freak out with that said though I still have some time before I meet up with Mambo and present to him at the 10,000 block challenge complete and how do you wanna take that time to create a better storage system for their slime balls I think if we can I really want to send them all the way over to my starter base because I believe my starter base is close enough it should be close enough for me to be in the starter base and having the slime come in there the slime chunks are right there and this is where the starter base is that is definitely within range this is gonna be absolutely perfect so we have to move all of my diamond blocks somewhere else because this would be the ideal spot for the slime balls to come out so if I could build some kind of system that would get the slime balls almost it drove down real areas if the slab balls would drop down into like a cauldron remind me if I have a hopper there and a cauldron on top and I dropped something in the cauldron that goes into the hopper oh how cool wouldn't it be to have that and then just have slime balls dropping down from the ceiling then when we might mumble we don't say much we just invite him to stand here and watch this space as slime balls come dropping in I think I have to do this I think I have to do this this should be totally doable the only problem is I'm gonna have to align the items so that they actually get sent or central to this cauldron what happens if I drop an item on the side yeah that happens that's not good we need to align them to be in the central of the cauldron so I got a tunnel that connects the base together with a collection system here at the slime farm and this should be really simple all we got to do is connect up a system that pulses this back and forth and then shoots the slime balls out of that dropper reduce all onto a soul sand block and then this is going to be where we have some water to create a bubble elevator now the other problem is is that I need eyes I need one block of eyes at least to be able to send the items back align them in place so that they can land in the very center of the cauldron last season ice was never a problem because I lived in a nice by oh man I had a massive ice farm however this season I haven't yet found ice I suppose the only thing we can do is go on a bit of a hunt luckily I do have myself touch pickaxe so once I find ice I will be able to get a bunch of it I just realized I could probably skip the whole aligning and just just use the whole point curve underneath the cauldron but now it's too late now I've left I've left for my mission to find ice clearly my base is already already too far away no ice in sight yet but some chests on the surface a name tag not bad oh my goodness I'm not Chapel those of you who may be new to Minecraft this is like the most rare thing I think you can find in this game that's that's pretty incredible that's pretty incredible my first village this season and it is absolutely miles away it's absolutely ages away from my base I don't think I don't think it would be possible to get these guys back I never realized these guys I gotta say I'm finding all sorts of good stuff but no ice yet no ice I am gonna grab some of these dark oak saplings though well that's very odd is that it that is it Oh finally I am so far I'm so far from home so we needed one piece of ice yes I am joking I'm gonna get more so I've come all the way back home and I've installed our bubble evader and now what we're gonna do we need to align the item so that it's in the very center of the block it's so that it lands inside the cauldron and what I think we'll do is we'll use a staircase like that and then over here is where I need that super valuable ice this is gonna be where the slime balls come up and if I just put a slab there that may actually work and right down there is where the cauldron is so if I put a slab here and then I thought we could use some arm bars so we're gonna have one arm bar there and one arm bar there and that should in theory align the aligned item in the very center of the block hopefully you never know with these sorts of things though so now all I gotta do let's put some water down there that should work hopefully that should work okay so I think everything is ready to test is all we're gonna do is just power this cook again slime balls are now traveling oven I put the remaining Stein balls that was saved in the door over here they should all be sent us well eventually this is really exciting we should even get a chest in there that I just dropped Abe it's time for the big moment there's nothing here that's not a good sign there's also nothing there okay something must have gone wrong oh they're stuck here oh you know what I've done I've placed the water in the wrong block space I am such an idiot so the water needs to go in this staircase and that should mean that they all turn and go directly down the middle nope still getting stuck still getting stuck okay you know what I'm gonna do let's just try and use a pressure plate there yep that is looking a lot better now the islands are traveling in and they're getting centered and then hopefully they get centered in the other direction off of that arm bar there let's go check yep this is looking really promising everything seems to be going in the middle of the cauldron which is exactly what it's supposed to do and now I guess the backlog is all done with a bunch of stuff over there and about stuff over there anything that comes in now I think his new slimes being killed this this is awesome this is looking really really cool I love things like this in Minecraft and by things like this I'm referring to things that doesn't necessarily need to be built in a certain way I mean I could have just stored everything in a chest but this is just looking it's just looking awesome I love all of this oh here we go more slime covered in yeah this this is just this is just this is just so unnecessary but it's absolutely awesome and and I'm gonna have it I don't care if it's unnecessary it's great servants doula trapdoor and some ladders down to a deeper storage and I mean we're getting quite a lot of slime balls coming in already considering considering the amount of people online I gotta say I'm gonna say this is really rather fast I can't wait I cannot wait to show mumbo in fact hey mumbo are we ready to meet in regards of how much challenges that was how he said it wasn't it he's on his way but real quick he flexed at me I just got to make sure to have these diamond ore blocks placed down when he arrives challenges yeah you're actually you'll get man you're like that was that was pretty good that was pretty good yet times up I'm sexing with your iron armor iron sword and bread hold on hold on mate hallo mate there we go ah that pains me a tiny bit look okay I am unfortunate event okay yes I do kind of regret showing off all of my resources this morning because now I'm feeling I'm feeling yeah I'm not feeling quite so hot it has your hair turned gray your hair has turned gray dude yeah full bun by Baggins dude I'm embracing the Hobbit life well this is pathetic already this is not tender this this is not 10,000 blocks and it is pathetic I agree I hate it on the same page yeah this is a bit of a flex okay mmhmm yeah you deserve it but here's what I'm going to show you just stand here and look at this thing now don't stand in it don't okay I just stand here and look at it yep no it's fine I mean you know I've got I do have all day I'm I'm I'm a busy man yeah we've got how many things to do quest to run more doors to Mordor and rings to return and I don't know what you're trying to show me here dude because like like you you would toss to build a tent 10,000 you meant your mentor mind 10,000 blocks right yeah yes yes 10,000 blocks that's a maximum of four blocks dude I don't care that it's surrounded by slime blocks and things like that this is this is like four blocks all right well uh well it's been a good day oh wow oh yeah yeah did you see it did you catch it I did catch it look at this come down here God there was slime balls that came through okay yep I'm gonna show you the ten thousand blocks so these lentils are they are they for sale are you just keeping them Dave what do you more bamboo 12 bamboo tanned for bamboo 46 bamboo it's you bamboo she's little Bambino 828 bamboo happen in 28 I'll take 128 bamboo all right I've actually dug out something around 11,500 blocks you overachiever you look at look at this I've done that without a beacon taken all day all day I'm not surprised this is this is impressive could have done a little bit of better job on the decoration this place is it could be nicer but that we have actually everything is stone there's no granite than no dye right well there was some anticipate down on the bottom but I won't mention it you've got some thyroid in the walls up here as well I mean that okay I know that wasn't part of the challenge I know that that wasn't part of it that's fine it's fine that you didn't do it but maybe next time you know this is how much challenges it's quite a big deal that we really know this but show me you're sure we repaired then next time I'm not gonna give you such an easy task can you tell by the sound of my voice that that that that is hit that's hit cold with me that the yeah that's um that struck some fear into me how that helped okay next time a challenge is actually getting to home it challenges how after we get where abouts have you gone I've gone like I've done I'm still standing at my desert and I found fun a very important friend yes you just go the the jungle temple is right next to right next to my base dude did you see that's what I'm that's what evasive I caught up a nice that you have something following YES on your yeah I grabbed a parrot on the way there everywhere these guys this is great as in a great one before that's good I mean I okay well we'll go and look at my parrot then yeah is it a blue one I think the blue ones are the best-looking ones to be fair mines mines mines white - white yellow and red it's bigger than yours as well in fact my parrot is actually bigger than yours which is pretty impressive and it lays eggs this is the chicken mumbles oh this is a chicken it's not a double size parent you have renamed you've literally renamed and you've even you've even tied him up you've renamed a chicken I wouldn't want a parrot this size Kevin apparently look look at your pathetic pirate convert to my parent mate can you repair it parrot sit on your shoulder no it can't you know why because it's not a parent it's a chicken okay he's a strong independent parrot you don't need no man okay and you don't need to sit on no one shoulder he does it's a chicken it's not a fat parent it's a chicken you have you have failed mumbo-jumbo most - madman you have failed herma challenges you have you've renamed the chicken the chicken is a parrot it's clearly a paw is clearly a power and it's far bigger than your power and this is you have got yourself a chicken all right that's a chicken well I'm glad that's resolved what do you mean you've you've you said complete the challenge you've you've agreed that the challenges are completed I hit the bell saying you mind 10,000 box pretty I hope you'll say that's a chicken that's not a parrot no no no no no see that that when you complete the challenges the hobbits meet back up at this temple they ring the bell to say no I accept that you've completed the challenge I want us to have a serious look at that mustache this season because you there's something different with you you're so annoying I can't believe you rose well hours 12 hours of dig in blocks 12 hours of mining 10,000 and you've got a chicken with a name tag I mean less impressive they got a name tag but still it's not a Paris your name tag I know it wasn't it wasn't your name no it was listen my name tag no no and it's definitely a parrot I'll see you soon for another unbelievable I think it's fair to say it's fair to say that I'm glad this first tour challenge is over and although it's questionable if a renamed chicken would count as a pair of pet I guess I gotta give it to to Mambo I gotta get I guess I gotta give it to the man for being creative I mean it was really funny anyway I am super happy with our slime form and I thought I'd just pop down a crafting bench here as well because I will be needing to craft these into slime blocks fairly fairly quickly I mean this thing is just this thing is just ridiculously quick and by the sounds of things even though he offered bamboo at the time Mambo does want to buy slime and he's gonna buy a lot of this stuff I think next episode we're gonna set up a shop we're gonna set up our first shop this season and we're gonna grow our empire towards the goal of the 10,000 diamonds and with that I really do hope that you have enjoyed today's episode and if you did do hit the like button down below if you're brand new because in describing and I will see you dudes in the next sold you
Channel: iskall85
Views: 1,951,528
Rating: 4.9755297 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, modded minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft hermitcraft, hermitcraft season 7, hermitcraft 7, hermitcraft 7 iskall, hermitcraft iskall, hermitcraft seven, hermitcraft minecraft 2020, hermitcraft 7 minecraft, hermitcraft iskall mumbo, iskall mumbo, iskall mumbojumbo, hermitcraft challenges, hermit challenges, 10000 blocks, slime farm minecraft, minecraft slime farm, minecraft slime farm bedrock, minecraft slime farm 1.15, minecraft slime farm 2020
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 26sec (1526 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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