HermitCraft 6: 147 | Closing Sahara down

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hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to another episode of hermie craft season 6 today we are starting things off at Sahara because today is the day where we potentially temporarily shut down Sahara okay I'll admit that what that was quite dramatic was quite dramatic but I do want to close the Hara temporarily today because today I want to spend hours upon hours of finally restocking Sahara I mean everybody knows it Sahara is very low on stock if you look at this chest Owen compared to other shops we simply still have a lot of things yeah we actually still have a lot of things in stock now before we get into restocking and having a look at what we need to restock which is a lot of things I'm kind of curious to see how much time is we've made and why did I not make this easier why why did I make a payment chest that doesn't really have an output for employees seriously I don't even know where where the payment just is yes okay so we've made 18 diamonds in this horror main store that's not that's not great but consider that we don't have any stock I mean it's it's decent okay so this is definitely on the to-do list we need a better way to collect those diamonds possibly over at the architect or Sahara headquarters I really love this aquarium that I made I still haven't put any fishes in it but I really love it it looks really really cool it looks very sour ask anyway I think we are also completely apt we are completely out completely out of Sahara now deals at the moment which is hilarious so that means oh my goodness we have made a lot of diamonds in Sahara now and this is this is not included in the memberships its Sahara is doing so very good at the moment I can't believe it I mean many doubted with every break every break even include myself Mambo and Gurion but here we are making a lot and a lot of diamonds I should put these diamonds in the vault 11 fresh diamond blocks I mean again we are not including all the diamonds we made which is a thousand diamonds from the Sahara now memberships but that is already looking better than ever in the vault yeah it still looks pretty silly as a vaulted ceiling so that's the same before I got distracted by all the diamond bling we really need to restock Sahara we need sand we need probably even more ice we need more redstone we probably should have some observers because that is the thing that I know sells we have a lot of these things still maybe some more with the Roses I think we have stock of that maybe some more gravel I mean all in all we're not completely out people has also complained that this is again not working and I think that it has to do with their warehouse modules there may be a broken warehouse model but let's just see if the shop front works and if we do get gravel it should should be okay yeah yes what are people complaining about seriously once again once again I ordered this stuff and everything is working just fine Sahara is working I think the times when people have ordered something and there isn't any like they don't get anything back I think that we run out of stock and that's something we need to consider because we can only stock 9 sets because that's what our dropper fit holds in the warehouse so now that we restock we should make sure that we only stock nines everywhere yeah so hora nines are at 9 stop in the warehouse I can see that rockets golden carats sea lanterns string or things that we are not having in stock all of these things I think we still have a little bit of stock in but I'm gonna go through every single module and I'm gonna make sure that they are configured correctly and I'm gonna make sure that they are stocked we also need sand which is a good thing what do we have over on this side here that's droppers and then I think oh I actually did fit item frame say look at me go we got hoppers over there yeah that's a little bit tricky to get around that is bone blocks and with a roll say and that's it that's all we stock okay so I think the most pressing things are the golden carats and the Rockettes probably but like I said I want to spend my entire day today trying to restock Sahara because if we're making diamonds when we're not stocked imagine what we can do when we're stopped Sahara is brilliant we set it from the beginning and truly Sahara is brilliant well well well it's six hours later and we have done it I am so excited I haven't fully done it though I haven't fully stocked Sahara yet but I've collected a bunch of materials first of all Green helped me out with the sand port so we got a bunch of sand and this module is actually fully restocked at this moment in time and I need to block that up I've also collected redstone for mumbles which form and unfortunately they didn't have more than this which it's a bit of a disappointment to be honest not gonna lie I made a bunch of rockets for us and we got a lot of golden carats full double chests sea lanterns from the surah Guardian form comes upon tons of string got all the gravel and then all of these things are already stocked except observers services of real pain to make okay you need one piece of quartz and two piece of redstone and six pieces of cobblestone I don't have quartz I don't have redstone and I don't have cobblestone so I'm gonna let this one be something that Mambo can stock maybe yeah that sounds good he loved he lost his gobbles thought we were also out of bone blocks so I went to my with the skeleton farm and I got those together I have stoked a lot of blocks of quartz ink all the ink that we are getting with the partnership with stress is going to go in this module here and I'm already installed the reader and the filter and all of that stuff I just need to put it in the chest and then I also added glowstone this is actually something that we weren't selling and con Corp and pythons shop are selling at the moment so I figured we should also sell no some because we are the only ones that have a which form mumble switch form that is tell mumble to make observers he's gonna make observers right another thing that I've also done is that I've added a book here and I know that green is not a big book fan okay but I really I think that this will help and to put this on science would cover this entire room so hopefully hopefully he will be fine with this anyway what does this is it tells us how many stacks we need to stock when when the when the stock quantity is completely out I know that sounds a little bit strange but bear with me so we want to stop calling carrots for example we need to stock it with nine stacks of golden carrots at a time for in stock Rockets we got to do 36 tax seal anthers nine stacks doing 36 jacks etc etc etc I have some terrible FPS tops at the moment I don't know what's going on suhara please don't take my computer yeah this is really really strange I am getting some mega FPS tropes I can barely walk around properly like now it's fine but then a little bit it's just gonna it's just gonna plummet again I think I think I have to restart my computer I mean I'll be honest I don't think I've restarted my computer in a week or so so yeah that's probably a good thing to do restart done hopefully that's better so the reason I haven't yet put all of the stuff into the modules is because I think I've come up with a very failsafe plan to future-proof Sahara and the stop keeping and I'm super excited about this I'm not gonna lie it is this is a flash of jeebies it's a flash of kiddies however the plan is is mega it's it's another mega addition to Sahara that is required in order to failsafe it for all future but it does require us to change the way we have previously stocked it you see every time I've gone here and stock Sahara I have just dumped all the sand into these chests I've dumped all the redstone into the redstone chests etc etc whenever I've restocked it and that causes some problems which leads me back to the book that I'm sure agree and won't appreciate but everything here is divided by nine and the reason it's dividable by nine is because that's the amount of slots we have in the dropper sorry it's dividable with with the it becomes nine divided by the amounts we are selling per purchase yep really confusing I get it but look at this so we are selling three stacks of sand per diamond right threes of San three times 9 is 27 redstone 36 so we are selling for taxes and per diamond which means that 4 times 9 39 36 Wow I just man I just messed that up and so on and so forth and that's very very important because if I would stack 26 tax halves and the system wouldn't know that because the system is based off of timers these things here and so the system would just still stock 8 boxes of three and then one box of two and that's why we've had failures at Sahara in the past before I can do any of the future proofing mega-project of doom yep that sounded pretty cool before I could do any of that I need a mega hole and I've been looking around Sahara and as usual there isn't a whole lot of space I'll be honest there is redstone absolutely everywhere specifically underneath all of this all the way to the shop prompt and then underneath that is TFC space now when I say a mega hole I'm I'm looking at maybe needing like I need something that's like 11 tall so that's like from here to up there almost and I need five times forty four times four it's a lot of math basically I need another warehouse I need another warehouse sized build and unless I want to build it on top of this ginormous building there is absolutely no space in the Sahara property I don't even think that there's any space around her middle hands for such a big footprint so with this one I'm actually gonna have to go underground and like I said all of this area here is filled up on the ground already there is just no space underneath I did find however that if I would dig down underneath how did I get there in here yeah if I would dig underneath this way we should have space we should in theory have space I'm gonna need to come down all the way to Y level 72 and then from here dig it all the way up and that would be the ceiling right there this is gonna be a lot of digging that being said it is so very satisfying to dig with hey Stu it's a really good feeling not to mention the joy of all the resources you get to keep and all the diorite that you get to burn yeah that is a good feeling but all in all it is truly a pleasure twins the mine once you're finished so I'm probably gonna need a lot more space than this but this is at least a start and I just got the idea as well that up here probably want to make some kind of walkway or balcony I think that could be really cool I really want to get into the technical function and why this room is so important you see if we don't know if we're out of stock or not at Sahara it's really hard to keep it stocked yeah maybe that sounds like a given but that's basically the issue why a lot of things hasn't because we haven't been keeping track of it so what I want to create is a stock track keeping room of doom and this is gonna be really tricky because the warehouse upstairs is completely full we don't have space to put in any comparators or anything like that and this is where my flash of genius comes into play you see one thing that we do track at Sahara is our sails we have this barrel here and whenever anyone makes a purchase at the shop prompt the item is sent into this chest or the keycard is sent into this chest so that we can see what we have made in sales so here's my plan rather than tracking the actual stock in the modules at the warehouse we're gonna track key cards and every time we stock Sahara we're just gonna stock it with 9 sets of an item now remember we can't really sell more than 9 sets until the where else have had a chance to restock so that also fixes the issue with over purchasing something and getting too few items so we're just gonna stock with nine of each set and that way we can keep track of our stock because if I have say five hoppers sent into this store keeping room then I know that we have four remaining over here 5 minus 9 is 4 it may sound simple but I think I need to spend a bit of time in my hit creative redstone test world so quite a few hours later I have constructed this and this looks absolutely mega I love this thing I love it so much and it actually works so let me demonstrate this so cuz it this our input where the keycard selectors what the customer purchase comes back and let's say that one key card is a smooth a stone if we look over here we should see this one yep look at that we made one sale so that means that we have one two three four five six seven eight left in the system and if I just throw in a bunch of these so let's say five six eight and one and one we should see this draining all over the place yeah the smooth stone is drained and now here comes the granite key card I mean this is just the coolest thing I I know I keep saying that when I do these weird redstone contraptions but look at it it looks like some kind of an equaliser 12 looks deep it's 13 blocks tall and this is just one two three four five six item more tables the reason I was laughing hysterically was because right at that moment I realized that although I dug out this massive room I needed a lot more space so I dug out some more as you can see back here and I started constructing these modules over here and I mean they take up a lot of space but I gotta be honest I kind of like that they are this big I kind of like it we could just have chess counters or something boring like that but this gives us an immediate immediate visualization of the stock now I haven't hooked this up to the key cards yet because as you can see or as you can probably see this thing takes up a lot of redstone resources a lot of redstone resources and I think I'm down to my last 34 pieces of dust right now but the way this work is it utilizes the subtracting function of comparators and subtracts a full inventory one piece at a time outputting or lowering the redstone signal by one so if I press this button here you can see that that stack there is dropping in signal strength it is quite quite a little bit redstone high-tech stuff but it's actually very very simple to build one of these modules so it's these four droppers here that is one module there are actually four wide and fully Thai level which is nice now if I want to then reset this so say that we stock it all I have to do is give an input signal here and that will reset the whole stack so the next thing I need to do is to change this button up for an input decoder basically an item filter that knows what key card is sent over to this place and that signal is gonna come from there we're gonna have a redstone torch here and we're gonna have a piece of dust there and another redstone torch right there and that is going to be where we send down the signal so there's gonna be a hopper right here which is gonna be our filter and then we're gonna have to send the items above preferably actually in hopper chains because I streams has a tendency to miss picking up items and we don't ever want this to miss picking up item so I think we're gonna be using a hopper belt we also need to slow down the items before they come into this system somewhere but then the idea is from here this is gonna take up a lot of hoppers though but from here we're gonna send the item the key card back to the front here so that when we check the warehouse status and we want to do a full restock we can grab the item filled or the key cards and go back to the shop front and deliver them back to the chest when we have stocked it one two and three that should be three gone from the system nice and they now should be in here oh I'm an idiot I'm an absolute idiot I need to have a half slab here so that it doesn't transfer the redstone into the block okay it saves the data as well which is really cool because it's all based of signal strength in the compare there so now we should get all the cobblestone there sweet that is actually a fully functional module right there I mean but you have to hook it up to the to the key card reader before it turns out really cool but as you can see I have to take down all this storage room I have to repurpose this room entirely in order for us to access this thing and I need a lot more redstone resources to continue this it's it's yeah it's really bad at the moment cherry restock please so because I'm completely out of redstone and yeah I I wasn't joking chair computers is also completely out of redstone we're gonna have to wait with completing they stopped keeping it room of do so keeping room of doom that's pretty good that's pretty good I want to head over to hermit ville to check out my minigame because apparently according to comments and tweets and well just general people in my twitch chat etc there has been a lot of a lot of place a lot of people have been playing the game and I think if I understood it correctly drienne won and the mega jackpot the other day as well oh my goodness we're completely out oh are you serious we're completely out of book says what so how many times have people played for people getting so good at it now that they don't have to play so much for boxes two stacks in nine gotta be kidding me so I wonder if I'm now making diamonds oh I'm gonna need someone to tell me down below in the comments because I can't remember how many diamonds I had when I stopped it last time I don't think we're making diamonds I mean in total we spent twenty blocks of diamonds no we're definitely not making diamonds which is good that that's the whole idea the whole idea is for people to have fun but we've got a healthy amount of diamonds once again and I've got to restock run once again this is this is crazy should I continue to stock this game let me know down below in the comment or should we leave it and say that this was a great success but now we are forever closed I I'm not sure I'm not sure and while we're over here maybe this mini cherry which looks fantastic by the way maybe mini cherry has some more smoke of redstone it has observers take my diamonds score now technically I could remove this caution banner and I could open up Sahara with all of the stock that I've added today but I really want to do this with a stock keeping unit so closed for maintenance check back soon I just realized that that would also mean that I chose down Sahara now yeah I don't want to do that I'm gonna move this yeah that's a lot better no one can misunderstand that that module is closed but if you're a Tsar now a member you can still access Sahara now if I could fly and I believe that Creon has actually been restocking so har now and he has I am NOT gonna look at that I'm not gonna look at that I'm gonna let you all wander but I've got some mining to do so hopefully we can finish this off in next episode I gotta say though it looks absolutely fantastic absolutely fantastic of course I want to design this and stuff like that and then we want to have more news on the other side and I just thought that we can always extend that way when we need to because we're only selling like 15 different items at the moment 7 8 9 yeah so that's 9 that would be 18 so it would be enough with this space to start off with actually we have one space here and one space there as well so it will be 20 modules that we can stop keep for the moment which is going to be enough I cannot wait to have enough redstone to link this up and test it out hopefully we can do that at the beginning of the next episode but anyway I really hope that everybody has enjoyed this video if you did do hit the like button down below and if you're brand new cause it is described in and I will see you dudes in the next episode you
Channel: iskall85
Views: 655,746
Rating: 4.9601769 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hermitcraft, hermitcraft 6, hermitcraft season 6, minecraft hermitcraft, minecraft smp, minecraft server, hermitcraft ip, hermitcraft iskall85, iskall85, iskall minecraft, iskall sahara, sahara restock, sahara stock footage, sahara iskall85, iskall stocks sahara, sahara warehouse hermitcraft, sahara shop hermitcraft, hermitcraft best shop, hermitcraft best shops, shopping district minecraft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 0sec (1320 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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