Her & I

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hey you guys what's up welcome to insanely chill I'll be your host today kelsey [ __ ] i'm not your usual host he just started recording and then walked away but he's coming back here he is Cody um she's not the house I'm the host you and me the host I said you're the host you said I'm the host today well you weren't here okay I said your normal host walked away when we started recording you can all hi you guys welcome to insanely show with Kelsey [ __ ] I'll be your host today Kelsey crapple thank you for coming no worries yeah no thanks so much for having me appreciate it anytime so how have you been good good yeah I've been been pretty good you know things just you know just same old busy busy but just good you good good thank you yeah what have you been up to uh well I today yes okay well cuz you know we've just did you know I guess this is the host had things yeah you know got a doughnut today oh yeah so this morning I went out with my girlfriend and we got some coffee and we a we got a donor we shared one you guys yeah really cute stuff is she great Kelsey yeah your girlfriend yeah she's I mean she's amazing yeah she's great okay you can take a back over now okay what's up guys I want to apologize for not posting this in time I think this is like the second time I've done this ever which is pretty decent out of 50 episodes more than that actually I think it's about 65 episodes now this is the second time I've posted this late and so I want to apologize I am you know I'm just I'm sorry I don't really have an excuse well you were busy well no but I was I was just busy by my own accord had said I should have prioritized hard and I didn't and somewhat to my chode stirrer pod bays my little pizza pods to my little just Bulbasaur little pizza pod pod sturb a chode gang I want to say I apologize to you guys and but you know we got the episode up eventually just a day late someone tweeted me and they were like so you're just not gonna like address the fact that there's no podcast today or whatever so sorry this is me addressing it I apologize I booked a flight yesterday and I was on a flight back from Miami and so I didn't and I was gonna do when I got back but instead what we decided to do instead was go out for dinner at CPK because tells me that we had to celebrate tells you here's our YouTube channel and her first video now is that like 25 thousand views in a week 29,000 wait really yeah 29 she's blowing up this is actually for real you you got 10,000 views on your second video in one day okay so yeah I can't even keep track look at this this is this is hockey stick growth baby this is what's gonna say incremental that's not the right word this is exponential growth you'd already knew it in already knew what I was gonna say mm-hmm what's next I think you're the best girlfriend read my [ __ ] mind okay how do you feel being a YouTube celebrity you know it's a pretty great life right you'd raise II I'm such a celeb um what's the best thing about being a YouTube celebrity key now anything like five days five days you've been a YouTube superstar yeah and how's it feel you know honestly it feels just simply amazing does it yeah I mean it's certain going please I was gonna say cuz you got to kind of seal TMZ's on your ass probably like I've gone so many calls calls from TMZ to call you to clarify things yeah why do they have your number my cousin works there your cousin works at TMZ and she gave them your number and they're calling you to clarify verify rumors rumors what kind of rumors well like like this weekend you and I weren't together and so there was a physically right yeah yeah I mean I hope so - Jesus we were together you were my boyfriend that's what I'm saying yeah yeah right so that's one of the things but I'm saying we were not spotted together all weekend so TMZ got concerned right okay gotcha and so they called they're like hey we want to clear things up you know you're just physically not together right now but you're still boyfriend and jarran Joshu said yes gotcha gotcha okay yeah that makes sense but other than that you know my family's adjusting well okay I bought him a house yet or anything I bought my mom a car okay yeah my brother I bought a house okay um and my dad I bought a Rolls Royce so I actually brought my both my parents cars yeah okay that's amazing you're making that much money already yeah I mean they already it must be the family friendly thing you censoring her why f-words inserted your first video he's in censored and your second one is yes cuz I was showing it to my parents and like although I'm 24 yeah like they definitely know that I cuss mm-hmm I was to your parents I've seen you do that yeah I know but it was like I I don't know I was like this is already so new me being like hey you guys watch me on YouTube and I was like driving very distractedly the whole time and I was like cussing I didn't want them to be like completely disappointed in me hmm as a person you know what I mean so second time around I was like maybe I'll just throw a couple just a couple blank slang blank spaces links in there so that we're gonna do you not gonna use this sensor noise or like a or something like that no that'd be kind of quirky right no you ever one you so watch watch episode I was younger at how they made the swears like the duck noises or whatever I don't remember I just remember like the food portion yes I like this the main yeah yeah but I always lots of the duck noises thing in I want to make it I don't wanna make it super gonna really want to bring attention to it yeah you know yeah and I feel you you're gonna be just raking in ad dollars I don't know thank you guys if whatever's hot Bay's my sweet sweet pod Bay's my favorite my favorite group of Cody's fans and yours the sweet people asked for you to be on here all the time everyone I cap odds that's what you're gonna call them not curate yeah okay pickups 20 so we're at 29,000 views now in the first video and [ __ ] almost 12,000 on the second video she's already more consistent than me to she's posted two times already in the time that I've posted once well I have to get like people comfortable with me and you're at 7500 subscribers you're blowing up this is this is just this is nuts I just want to say I'm proud of you how does it feel be like how does it actually feel going from nothing to like making like content all of a sudden is it fun it's definitely fun I mean I don't know it's just me doing exactly what I would normally be doing in my car just recording it and so you already did that you already like to myself yeah like you already logged in your car just without the camera I talked to myself yeah I'm driving she's just vlogging without a camera I don't know I it's cool I like I actually really like editing do them yeah was like learning iMovie it's tough though I mean your buttons there are a lot of buttons a lot of buttons but I I made it kind of I mean I know they're not like 100% great but I mean I'm just learning and it seems to be doing well you're learning iMovie and I'm learning Ableton this is what we'll together will you want to you can old sorry Jesus my bad you got to graduate eventually to like like final cut or something or premier I'll teach how to use I know I will but I mean just like the first few mm-hmm I'm gonna just do this well you and Emma can chat iMovie this weekend where Emma Chamberlain is gonna come on the podcast this weekend she's a youtuber she's very funny Kelsey's a big fan of her they're like best friends now they're texting all the time and so I pretty much just gonna sit back on that one and let them take take care of that conversation but it'd be fun one I'm stoked yeah and she's an iMovie Wiz apparently he is I mean that's what she uses that it but yeah you know it's what else see what else is different nothing's really different I just I like I like doing it I like doing it a lot I'm glad that we asked you guys if I should and I got a positive response what sounding yes cuz I like wanted to what some I I thought it would be fun let's pull up some comments here okay let's read some I'm gonna let's read some one I'm gonna do one of those videos right now um where it's like boyfriend reads girlfriend's comments you know I mean this is this is actually exciting because we've unlocked an entire genre of content we now can do all the girlfriend/boyfriend [ __ ] you know what I mean your channel my channel it doesn't matter I'm talking boyfriend does my makeup I'm talking girlfriend does her own makeup I'm talking girlfriend does my make friends makeup I'm talking boyfriend eats girlfriend's lunch lunch of course I wasn't going I wasn't going in any any bad direction and then I saw your face I should start a pornhub account to you know I don't want to be a porn star girlfriend does boyfriends I mean boyfriend does girlfriend's makeup that's what I was gonna say there okay so the second video here is of you save pretty much the whole thing is you singing along to rent very funny very funny I mean it like chuckling fool of myself in it's hilarious the comments let's see already more consistent than Cody that's actually very true I thought I could I thought I couldn't love you any more than I already did Wow see ditto that's my ghost account I write down is that car seat in the back of her coat that doesn't even make any sense that doesn't go along with the old joke at all I'm so old I need a car seat and it's kind of funny honestly I'm on standing Cody you're my new fave you know I wanted to bring this up just speak if you like my videos that's really really great I'm super happy that you all like my videos that's that was the goal but like you don't have to like hate Cody now I'm getting a lot of comments that are like Cody Hale uh Kony sucks now but it's like we could also just both be good at it that's very true and it's sad it'd be like the power couple I'm just I'm just getting trampled this is what it is why why is it like this oh we want to see you oh it's bra guys we want to see Kelsey how was your podcast let him host the podcast still my sweet pizza pod bay chose pizza pods so anyways guys check out Kelsey's channel it's Kelsey [ __ ] and check out her videos go you know throw it a like hell maybe even comment comment something like hey really like your videos also like Cody's videos I'm gonna enjoy both of your videos from now on they come in fact that would be a great both making videos that's amazing yeah exactly that's just a just an example of a comment that you could post something like hey I like Cody's videos but also a fan of you now that's another good one I love the ones that are like Oh Cody I could see why you and Cal you and Cody are together you guys are similar those make me happy like just looking more and more like the let me speak to your manager haircut I gotta do something with this you just need to get it cut again I know well I can't because of the thing here okay here so here's something I wanted to update my my code base on so I went to Miami I came back I didn't go to Israel I was supposed to go to Israel and then I didn't go and it's because I got a I got an acting job for the first time in over a year now I finally thank you mic tap for that appreciate that I'm little jug bump yeah yeah little choked up for the first time in over a year I remember I remember and I'm pumped about it it's a it's a supporting role at supporting role reoccurring supporting role was I don't say both on a TV show it's another go 90 shows in the digital show but it's like won awards and [ __ ] like that I don't know if I can say the name of it I don't know they sent out like a bunch of social media guidelines and whatever but like it's cool one of the guys from the TI I really like this TV show on hulu called can I say this yeah I'll be able to figure out what show it is I don't okay fine I don't know it's a show so I watched this show I really liked it and the lead guy is one of the leads in this show he actually like produces it and I think writes it too and so I got to do like a scene with him the other day and I think by other ones are also with him which is very which is very cool it's very cool it's bizarre I don't know it's cool the way this is gonna sound cheesy as [ __ ] but the way life works you know what I mean I don't know you know I'm talking about when that [ __ ] was like I didn't year later and you're like what like I remember my so the the reason why I got turned on to this show was my friend at work she was like you should watch this show the lead guy in it reminds me of you and so you know being the vein person that I am I was like I need to watch this immediately because I'm gonna love it yeah oh yeah and I watched it and the guy doesn't remind me of me at all but I really like the show and I like his character and then fast forward a year and that the role that we were doing it was like I was a younger him in the scene that's crazy isn't that kind of weird that's it's amazing it's really weird so anyways I'm just stoked to be acting again to be in front of a camera it's cool I remember like a year ago I more than a year ago I'd my agent I was like well well booked something soon right who's gay he's a yeah things are heating up we'll definitely get some and just nothing nothing he's like listen Cody I'm a realist here and it's not looking good for you definitely it's part of his job to be like yeah of course I'm sure he'd get something I was like I don't know I'm like yeah you sort of an optimist sometimes I'm just like I thought work hard I'll get something and I got a couple callbacks but nothing it was always like some weird reason why it's always like oh well like we casted someone way younger than you so you now look too old and all that [ __ ] but you're great for the role and just like you know keep keep on doing it and so and then and then I think like six months came and it was like alright well summer is over but we'll get something for the winter writing scheme we'll get something for sure nothing happened and then this came out of nowhere so it's cool so that's why I'm not now I'm shooting on Friday and then I'm not gonna Israel anymore I'm just going home and she's coming I'm going home I'm going to Calgary yep she's coming to Calgary and then we're gonna be in Montana for a little bit meeting the fam and me nervous just celeb now it's gonna be like my mom's oh you mean my parents gonna be nervous to meet you I'm nervous to meet your parents now that they've seen me singing maybe singing maybe they said I don't know I don't know I should ask my mom she's watching but if they watch this podcast then they'll be echo Kelsie as a channel they're definitely gonna watch this but they say they watch this and they put it up there's like a TV by my kitchen table and they eat dinner and they put up this podcast and they watch them all so shout-out to you guys right now if you're watching this at the dinner table I'm guessing you're eating some sort of spaghetti squash or some sort of salad some sort of dinner salad I'm guessing maybe with it with quinoa or something in it that's what I'm guessing thirty they like to eat that stuff yeah wait to meet you guys and she can't wait to meet you and I'm pumped to be home and yeah it'll be good I'm super excited I am a bit nervous for what to meet them yeah they're there like I'm nervous to meet your sister yeah she's a [ __ ] hard-ass you should be scared down to her core I don't think she's gonna like heart she's gonna make your my life miserable can you magic but he can take you what if like she was a super-sweet to all you guys know like when her and I are like in the private she's like be careful with my [ __ ] brother you little [ __ ] she's gonna be really kind on yeah hi yeah when like we're all around me you and then she's gonna take you into a room that more your intentions and then she'll like I'll be like getting dressed or something and should make outfits [ __ ] I lose [ __ ] she's just a bully you stupid [ __ ] like the side of her mouth what sorry did anyone else hear that no and I like try to talk to you about it and you're like she's an angel talk about her life Crispo if you're listening I can't wait to me is it a movie I know I made it a whole movie IMPLAN did you write that that sounds like the most generic lame romantic comedy there's ever been yeah you know I'm picturing I'm picturing the proposal number that one's Sandra Bullock Ryan Ryan Ryan meet the parents oh what a great film just an absolute classic yeah yeah what was it one enough it's good quote I was gonna quote that movie and I can't think of a single one [ __ ] her is the only thing I can think [ __ ] [ __ ] write their last names are [ __ ] his last name is [ __ ] his last name is [ __ ] mmm you you you I have nipples can you milk me yeah there you go that's an absolute classic isn't it yeah well I hope I don't uh I hope I don't have to live that out I can't wait to meet you actually I know I sound really sarcastic but I'm like genuinely very excited to meet the family like I were just this is just a this is just a prolonged video chat with my parents just a delayed one they send us a message back when you guys get this and we'll see you guys soon enjoy your dinner [Music] are you pumped are you gonna ski with me yes yeah are we hitting the black diamonds or what there it is that's the technique right there you got it can't have you skied before yes once and how'd it go in eighth grade how'd it go well you know the first day uh-huh wasn't the smoothest okay what happened I took off my skis and walked down okay so fitted ski that is the only thing no I learned how like I took a class to learn how right and I got so frustrated hmm like when I was on my own when they were like all right go enjoy I was getting this I was so nervous about the whole thing and I was getting so frustrated that like it just got to the point where I go [ __ ] this and just took off my skis and held them and walked down that's good I mean so that that's like the really the only thing you need to do to say that you went skiing you didn't you didn't do so that mean no but listen I am not done the second day hmm I was like I went in with like a new attitude I was going to try this again the news a new tude new titude uh-huh doesn't really work keep going you went home with a new tude and I was great at it really yeah like I really I got the hang of it I was like listening to my ipod at an iPod mini okay ooh ooh iPod mini shut up I bought many and I was just listening to it listening to Christmas music okay and just skiing around where we're loving it mammoth okay okay that's great so you'll be fine you're natural I think like when I first get on the slopes it might be a little bit rough if you could work the into it geez well patience is not my apron because we'll do we'll do this also just sounds like a scene from a romantic comedy movie doesn't it are like is a ROM this is like act 2 now we go skiing and you're like falling down or whatever and I'm like like let's just go to the double black and then you you know I mean no I'm not this is all playing out in my head no no this is the movie that we're gonna write I'm thought that's what it's called I'm falling that's the movie I'm falling yes double meaning boom this is I'm count on this [ __ ] this is we're gonna actually write this movie I'm gonna make us do this right over on romantic comedy that's edgy and cool like our song yeah like herself alright so here this is something okay have you guys seen the him and I video with gez and Halsey into the Impreza dude hauls the impressions I can't hey man hey man it's so have you guys seen this video the song is alright I song is like the first time you listen to it we're both kind of like man no I think the video is really weird videos definitely uncomfortable but like I think I kind of like the graininess okay yeah yeah I agree cool I think I like her clothes and portions okay but I just think that the dynamic is really weird oh yeah it's it's uncomfortable I feel like it just like doesn't really see like a lot of the comments like oh my god they're made for each other yeah it's like that's the complete opposite vibe that I got it's like really weird you're very fabricated it seems like that's what it seems yeah but so Cody and I had a brilliant idea that we should we're gonna parody that [ __ ] that's right baby I'm gonna produce a damn song you know what speaking of producing songs let me show them the little beat that I made Cody made a beat this is so it's so bad this I feel like this can't be for us so this is no no no this is just more of like a hardcore this is our like when we like our couples this is more of our like cardi being offset type song you know what I mean like the what so motorsport or whatever they were the one of these did recently together I didn't know I didn't know they did a song together yeah [Music] I'm just I'm just still [ __ ] around you I mean I'm learning how to use Ableton I bought it he did spend way too much money he did yeah and so that's my if you like that little beat let me let me know and then or don't honestly I'm just gonna keep doing it until I get good let us know if you'd like to see a parody of the him and I video yeah we're still gonna make it like I want to do like weird [ __ ] like like he like picks her up like a drop I'm thinking like weirder like I pick you up like all the way and you're just like this like err planning on my hands and I spin you around or something you think that we could do like your legacy more we're like eating together or something we're like Boop put some icing on each other's noses and then it gets like way too intense and we're like smearing it on each other's faces and then like making out in the middle of a [ __ ] actually really weird couples [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah this would be really funny I think it'd be really funny so I'm gonna make it I'm gonna make a real romantic track what are we gonna talk about how you're a Sagittarius huh in the song okay geez he's obsessed with saying that he's a [ __ ] Gemini for some reason it's like his excuse I cheated on you but it's just come in Gemini you know how Gemini's get alright I had jail hours it was my other personality it wasn't I'm a Gemini alright take me away yeah I did cheat on you but you try being [ __ ] Gemini's on heart I mean it's not easy and she's like yeah yeah hey halsy why you singing like that just like maybe singing you guys watch the video there's a part when geez they're not actually singing like when you shoot a music video your lip-syncing but like she's like all right yeah man yeah and you like see your mouth do the movement yeah like this is how you pronounce that him and I there you go hey man ah that's all it is him and I like that you're saying so she browses Haman oh it's like Haman it's like a man ry why a rry a and you can see your mouth to mouth like unhinges in the middle of the eye [Laughter] Haman and like your job pops off in the middle of they said it's so and you can see it that's the worst part with hearing it is bad enough hearing it is like why you do homage that just the way you've some weird speech impediment or some [ __ ] that's making you do that I don't know have no idea but in the video you can the foot it you can see it and you can see like as she starts the I it's like or jobs doing some weird here and like goes back in and down and you're like I don't know why did it what but the thing is they're like lip-syncing so she's probably just like have a note sound - that's the weirdest part about the video is that is that like it so the description is like hey it was like Ian Halsey oh yeah what does it say favorite they filmed no it doesn't say jeez it sounds like Gerald and Ashley Gerald and Ashley I think their names are recorded this like on a weekend in New York City with friends and yeah no but that's it's like this is like a natural thing you just filmed it themselves and there's their lip-syncing the whole time and it's like Arthur friends around like if you're gonna film something yourself with your friends like just have you're like oh like I'm laughing or like just them literally hanging out I'd so much rather see what they're actually like hanging out together them like pretending to hang out together and there's no friends in the whole video no one else is around besides the one poor poor person who's filming and it feels like making out in my video it's like but like it's and so there it's just that's not what they were doing they weren't hanging out with friends and I know they were singing to each other alone in the bar through each other oh man just cringy real cringe yeah but I mean so go check it out guys check out the are I my we're speaking of well you're really speaking of it but it's just a time to segue into this we're gonna do we're gonna go vegan for a little bit it's true starting tomorrow maybe cuz we did have that doughnut and that's gonna like it's not gonna be one of these things where it's like oh when I'm vegan whenever I'm not drunk or whatever it's like we got to do it yeah no we're gonna do it yes why why are we doing it you just said you were gonna do it now so [ __ ] it I'll do it too I like doing [ __ ] like that kind of talk I'm gonna talk about this in my vlog okay but I mean I can't talk about it now but like well I just talked about it yesterday because that's when I decided but like I just realized I but just have been eating not healthy okay and I want to eat healthier and I feel like that's just just a good way to like you to limit the cheese isn't stuff yeah cuz like I can just say like oh I want to eat healthier but not really in set any guidelines but if I'm like okay I'll just follow a vegan diet then all right I have more like set rules there and stuff but um I don't know I just want to try and I've always wanted to try it or at least be like vegetarian I just never do mm-hmm but I think it's time to try it so I thought yesterday I'd start and then I accidentally ordered a sandwich with cheese on it it was a vegetarian sandwich though but it had cheese on it and I was like so start from zero now we ate the donut but I've been drinking almond milk in my coffee now is that did you get that today oh you got no did you yeah oh good this is the reason why I'm doing it is just to just as an apology to all the people got really pissed at me after [ __ ] the last episode yeah we talked about vegan things should never have talked about that I give it actually even regret bringing up already cuz they're gonna be like you you're just going vegan for the health reasons Oh what the planet doesn't matter to you ethical reasons I don't you don't like animals dying oh there was a I saw some girl tweeted by the way just at the last episode I wasn't serious about all the vegan [ __ ] he's just a little thought I had people were like that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard you're so dumb it's just it's a it's a it's a quirky little a take on the whole vegan thing alright I wasn't serious about it I don't give a [ __ ] about vegans not vegan whatever I'm gonna go vegan I don't feel that strongly about eating meat I've never really liked me that much yeah sure yeah I respect it but some girl tweeted and was like some somebody retweeted it and it was like the tweet was like for those who still eat meat or something please please do some research people who eat meat is like one of the leading causes of climate change do some research because your actions are killing this planet and then the four pictures that she attached were all of polar bears that were way too skinny that were like dying basically and that was the tweet and it had like 30 thousand retweets on it and I'm not saying what she said is not true or true or whatever it probably I think it is honestly food processing and stuff like that was is yeah but they were just random pictures of skinny polar bears that were like suffering because of climate change it could have been it couldn't even just been a polar bear that had like a medical issue or something I have no idea but that's think about Twitter is that people just like take that as truth all of a sudden it's like holy [ __ ] wait a minute I'm literally killing polar bears if I eat chicken that's insane like that's what like people on Twitter thing yeah it was such a funny like she was like do some research your actions are killing the planet and it was like do you realize how hypocritical you're being just posting pictures of skinny polar bears and telling us to do research what the [ __ ] you do research we should ask her to like like elaborate she probably doesn't actually know oh absolutely not he just google pictures of negative effects of climate change and it was like oh this polar bear is gonna like touch some people's hearts skinny polar bear it was really sad these polar bears were like straight-up suffering it does they were way too skinny bears are my favorite animal like they must have gone vegan I'm kidding joking joking do all the polar bear desire get even more heat for this [ __ ] we are kidding I'm kidding all the vegan if you're vegan and you're about to comment something negative just don't even alright just know that saying was true it probably does have a negative effect we're just saying that maybe she didn't exactly know she was just posting pictures okay we get it we're not saying that she was wrong yeah so Wow thank you backing me up you didn't have you didn't have to take ownership over that opinion but you did we are a team whose arrest the pot guys like this sometimes Cody and I walk and hold hands we realize that we're holding like walking like this like this with straight arms is comfortable I don't know why so weird it's so weird editing that out for sure I won't too lazy honestly I gotta get this up like ASAP eat the pods want to see the true us milk jug bump their little Cho dab dab me up what else we had to talk about I just reject you on the last one I don't know but today this morning we went to get coffee as we mentioned and Cody said can I have the California and she said yeah are you aware at $16 $16 people for a cup of coffee airhorns not like a bag of beans not a not seven cups of coffee one one this size mind you sixteen dollars 16 I'm talking to both Mike's right now 16 and 16 16 16 16 okay so and then $16 for one cup she's like mind you it's $16 and I was like well beans usually grow it near the equator and it really is it's it's amazing that they grew it in this little yeah it's locally grown in California and coffee usually grows very close to equator and I'm like I don't give a [ __ ] I don't care where my copy is [ __ ] yeah tastes like coffee am I gonna buy 16 bucks for it $16 Dean you know you can buy with 16 bucks I don't know that was I was asking you oh yeah 16 dollar menus from McDonald's yeah you can buy actually the actual menus or you could buy like a shirt I mean you could there was a shirt that I almost bought yesterday that was $15 yeah for H&M you could buy you about the whole [ __ ] story H&M for 16 bucks you could go to the Dollar Tree and spend a [ __ ] fortune yeah you know what I mean yeah no I'm but one of the things I realize about Miami is that it's like I realize how expensive food is here because I used to live in San Francisco and LA and I guess like New York is like really the only place where I compare in like Calgary I guess is like a little bit expensive too but when you're there the Canadian dollar is weaker so everything is like the same amount but you're actually paying way less but like Miami you can get like a breakfast sandwich for like 4 bucks you cannot get that here in LA can you there's somewhere that we go that's cheap no but like everywhere was like that I they would nobody in their right mind there people here paying 16 bucks for that cup of coffee I'm sure there are 16 [ __ ] because here are like oh that's like a serious person actually people's rent yeah you know I'm saying it so people people probably some people probably like in LA certain areas people might be like 500 bucks for rent $16 true true true it's insane crazy anyways yeah so that I don't know this morning yeah boo bottle can [ __ ] off with that [ __ ] but also I my drink was good I I want it your drink was good yeah I mean my coffee was good I paid for 4 bucks for it or whatever true I just want to know if if this this person who grows this locally sourced coffee mm-hmm if it's like economically viable for them to do that that means that there are other chains that are buying this coffee from him for however much $10 for like a bag of beans or some [ __ ] so there's it up they have to up sell it to 16 people are actually selling this [ __ ] it's crazy I know actually you know what I don't know I'm a hypocrite because I go out and I pay $22 for a drink at a club it's a that's even worse alcohol is way cheaper $2 I paid $22 at that club for a drink in Miami yeah so yeah I'm a total hypocrite that's it's like I don't know you kind of have to do that then in the club if you want to drink or you get it I don't know it was $5,000 for a bottle that night and then saying yeah I mean I didn't pay that I'm just saying that's what someone asked it was $5,000 so yeah I take it all back actually I take it all back I have no place to make fun of people paying 16 bucks for a cup of coffee 22 bucks is way too much for a dress well I do because I'd never pay $22 for a drink and I thought that was absurd it is it's still absurd to me I just it's absurd that you can $22 for a drink well it's you know you're in the moment it's like you know I mean the music's and you're saying I don't okay yeah sure or yeah you can tell you how much it is they just you the bill afterwards yeah I didn't know I was in 22 gone to a bar and like ordered one time I ordered me you and Colby roses hmm that was like 16 bucks apiece yeah and I got the bill and I was like no life crazy how life works huh treating my boy and his boy to job out here oh thanks appreciate that I was off work and it was yeah you were a little vacay well staycation we're about to be though christmas is coming up what are you doing oh I can't tell you you know yeah you got a little idea yes really yes we already know what I'm gonna get you are you getting me I'm not gonna say it I'm not gonna say about you already know a puppy something to fuel the YouTube career a puppy not a puppy but no I can't believe you're getting me a dog I'm not getting you a dog oh damn we went over 41 minutes already time flies so I really like to get a dog mm-hmm a mini golden doodle hmm I think they're the cute I think there's some of the cutest you know growing up I always wanted a pug always always wanted a pug yes you told me did I mm-hmm but now now that we've been talking about Goldendoodles so much it's like now it's kind of stuck in this it's [ __ ] cute it's they're they're I mean they're really cute because they're cute cause you could tell they're like smart too and they're fluffy they're curly I'm Carly it's like your curly yeah I guess you are it's like there's something to be said about having a smart dog a dog that's not shitty not I mean I met a really shitty dog this weekend and it was just like a just like what's just do selfish you know how so this dog was just in his own head just [ __ ] running around not not caring about [ __ ] was it like some mix rescue dog no not really sort of that was cute what sort of cute I think all dogs are like generally pretty cute I think they're smarter I mean they're cuter when they're smarter you know what yes I know what you mean duh my two dogs my parents are so smart and so cute they are pretty [ __ ] smart and cute yeah thank you thank you they're smart there's mute but my dog my little mini golden doodle that I get is gonna be the smartest cutest little guy he's a good boy I can already tell here do you know we're gonna name him William reveal the name Gilly Gilly would you ever get a pug I thought about it for a while really why um cuz I wanted a little dog that wasn't a chihuahua okay but I didn't want a tan pug I want a black pug oh really mm-hmm you can't even like it makes their eyes a little less bulgy okay they're so [ __ ] cute hmm they're so cute they're just like they're all they're all [ __ ] up is the problem sometimes I think they're cute and sometimes I'm like I've always thought that French bulldogs are like some of the cutest dogs on the planet shame and I think I've always wanted one yeah same in an English Bowl yeah agreed and then Colby's brother has one so the little blond french bulldog named Thor just the cutest goddamn dog ever so cute and he was like with his brother for the weekend and I was like how was it hanging out with Thor how's he doing and he was like you know I've always wanted a french bulldog but like he's [ __ ] up like he like he like it's out it like when he when he gets excited he can't breathe and so he like stands there like suffocating but just when he gets happy when he's happy he suffers how [ __ ] is that pretty much life that's no it's not no it's not that's the good part of life when you're happy yeah you just can be happy eventually will turn into some sort of suffering like eventually but not right away not like not like oh this is dope oh my god I'm in pain you know I mean sorry that was my French Bulldog impression and also like if they jump their spines can break or some [ __ ] or they're like bellies can like turn inside out and they can die I don't even like it's just [ __ ] I don't know it's just like how a living is a burden for them yeah I think it's probably best to just stick to the main Goldendoodles yeah I'm just I'm sad now okay French bulldogs anyways guys something we're gonna wrap it up thanks so much for watching and you know you know what it is insanely underscore chill I apologize again that his episodes late go follow Kelsey on YouTube go check her videos out and yeah you know throw them alike and give them a comment some about how you like me in her boat and thank you I'll see you guys for it tanu Oh might make state or EP this Friday tomorrow night at midnight it's gonna thing I just got like though it's in Spotify and [ __ ] she's getting ready to now it'll be live tomorrow night at midnight yet already so do you like it I [ __ ] love it okay cool so it'll be good I'm so excited I'm pumped and we'll see you guys next time love you [Music]
Channel: Insanely Chill
Views: 538,644
Rating: 4.9641356 out of 5
Keywords: guest, kelsey kreppel, podcast, long form, comedy, lol, youtube, conversation, interview, haha
Id: cdfGKdDyfiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 39sec (2739 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2017
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