The Weekend Edition Ft. Emma Chamberlain

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one time on my birthday Cody and his friend Sam we're like drunk men the three of us sat here not recording anything and had like an hour and a half long conversation just talking and he's your stimulus I can't I can't tell you I've done that like probably seven times well I got a drunk podcast we didn't even report it no you were definitely the only person that you at first did you think you were recording no okay it's just fun isn't this fun well yeah I'm kind of getting um adjusting right now yeah it's Alice oh me too but I'm like am i yelling I don't wanna yell okay I'm sorry just like a little coffee as Marley no oh God we're gonna love that people are gonna love that please no hate comments subscribe welcome back to the podcast guys now I haven't I haven't had someone on in a long long time like um like two months probably right probably besides you know that's not fair because we we like it dynamic we like something you know be up a little bit of sassy man we got a little bit of like sassy man I'm a sassy sassy I love it that's what we like about nah I'm just grumpy I'm not sassy you're sassy and then you have balance it out cuz you're told you're the good cop bad cop we have a little bit of both I love it we we established that early on mm-hmm today I have my girlfriend Kelsey and my dog you tuber okay Kimmy well not super Kelsey and my girlfriend and comedian youtuber yourself a comedian oh hell no okay I play your comedian thank you no rising Lee YouTube star comedian extraordinaire Emma Chamberlain Thank You Chamberlain Chamberlain Tamburlaine why does no one no one can say everybody's like Chamberlain know everyone's like Chamberland where's the D oh no for some reason to me there's a G in your last name is there is it Chamber lag me I don't know why I don't know why I repeat that no well okay honestly I think I could say your last name can I try try a college essay yeah you nailed it [ __ ] yeah you've said it but no no I have I try I've practiced well you're really secretive about it and so I was like I gotta figure this [ __ ] out and then like I figured it out nice I know how did you figure it out well I stalk you a lot okay oh and also my last name is pronounced everybody please listen up and don't mess it up Chamberlain chamber leg knee that's what it is guys no I mean honestly like Peter religion no Shawn Berlin its Chamberlain but how's it going I'm good yeah I'm just I [ __ ] love it here do you I do like it California oh yeah well Venice I mean California is the best so like that's as long as I'm here I'm relatively happy not always but like LA I know it's like everybody's like the people are kind of mean people are like what people see here right so very true okay perfect example right here yeah sass man you are definitely a Venice man I mean a sassy Venice man well I mean you do talk about Venice a lot and I understand why now do you know why everybody who hates on Kody and no she doesn't know well everybody you know so don't technically live in Venice and that's why that's true but know what I do Venice low-key as Kody would say it kind of [ __ ] and I really like it like I would live here and it's really cool because it's very very hipster lots of mustaches no a lot of there's so many mustaches here - have you noticed but I'm also warmed up now so even if it we did have to start over a bit like all right I got this no I'm good we're good we're all good I've been used as equipment in ashes yeah a lot of hipster men okay have you been on the boardwalk though no I'm kind of like I'm really like like I'm so against things that everyone talks about oh my god me like somebody no no like no joke like so me some people be like some people be like some people be like sorry I'm so relatable no like somebody will be like oh yeah you go to check out Muscle Beach and I'm like [ __ ] Muscle Beach I'm gonna go word no one else is going that's the kind of person I am I am the same same thing with music I'm the same thing with like everything like if people talk about it I'm like okay I hate it now that's why I hate Justin Bieber see he's kind of like I'm sorry I what sorry Justin if you're listening yeah dude she didn't mean anything by it alright I'm a fan a big fan so like I didn't like okay when he was like really hot you know not like hot like we're looking actually that was probably as ugliest I'm sorry Justin but like to be sorry man if you're watching this imagine if you watch today nothing to do with me I'm a fan still no no I'm super hot she's hotter now he's because he sings so good like imagine him like singing down in the winter his trail his Instagram is the weirdest [ __ ] I've ever seen mind do you like it I [ __ ] love it that shows his personality everybody's Instagram including mine so fake my Instagram so fake that is like I am so not me on my Instagram and like chiming young-kyu like that's not you know but like he's not trying to like sugarcoat anything he's just being him I don't follow injunctive itís like now gonad i tweeted about if i had like a nice guy no offense if i had one turn into the roast of cody right now i wouldn't post fur enough town or month i it took a lot for me to post while we were took a lot for me to go to that event - yeah she made me go hate all her sorority sisters I'd have liked it I had this giant [ __ ] tumor on my eye and I had to meet all of her friends and all of them were like hey actually the very first one I met she goes hi good to meet you you're what's wrong with your eye you're probably thinking about it that wasn't the first time you met her well the first person I saw a coder it's a lot of people sorry what do you do but see but this is the one but thank you it was literally the one time where like I was bringing him somewhere cuz it's usually just me like tagging along wherever like he's going and he knows everyone and stuff but like I was really looking forward to bring him to this [ __ ] and then like I was so excited then he was like yeah I can't go like I'm not gonna go with this thing on my eye and I was like yes you [ __ ] are I got so mad like crying I don't and it was fun ended up being fun it was I mean we just like we just drank margaritas yeah yeah I just I was disfigured the whole time but you know whatever that's what yeah you I'm assuming you with him no I didn't oh no I did I did I did I did yeah was very I mean I it's it's one of those things where it's like something about a person that stands out when you first meet him it's like you know I firstly kind of pisses you off and then after like five minutes you're like all right I'm just accepted that this person looks kind of weird and then you just don't care right you know what I mean yeah but what were we just talking about before that yeah you Instagram fakeness Justin Bieber because I want to get do you see the shitty post the other day with like the somersaults it stands up really I mean but like I hate I don't need to give a crap about Instagram like I mean it's really dope but like I don't care like I'm like I don't follow people like I follow like a few people like I mean no I felt like 100 something people that's not a lot well speaking of that I actually used to follow like 700 and then and followed everyone okay every single part I got to do that I had zero I was falling the bird the perch do you know how many people hated me after holy SH I I don't doubt it I know that time skate was personal I just unfollowed everybody because I'm like I don't even know these people never met any of them okay and I was just following them because of social obligation okay and I said you know what no I'm done I don't care I don't care I like and I got this Bluebird I'm like I'm not I don't I don't even know you I don't want to compare my life to you I don't even know you you know you live like 20 minutes away from me and like everybody knows who you are like I don't care and I'm sorry if you probably know you want well there's like 700 you like don't be offended like it's not personal but it's just like if I don't know you personally I don't give a [ __ ] about what you did on your Saturday night I don't care that you're jus lling with the buds okay like it's cool but I don't care a and like I want to know if my friends are jeweling with the buds I don't care about anyone else and that's what it is but we can all learn something from that that's the most inspirational thing I've ever I think we got to do it I think we got a perfect Church he's been talking about doing it for a long time I basically right now I'm in like a weird stage where I feel like all the people who I knew before I started dating Cody are like a little weirded out by like the fact that now I have like more followers on Instagram and like people have like tweeted me like we get it Kelsey you're famous no I don't think I'm famous by any means why cuz I tweeted about like ranch like it wasn't it wasn't anything having to do with like anything it was it's when you start being more chill okay because when everybody's like kind of you know when you don't have that many followers or whatever not like you have only you know you only have your close friends following you yeah yet you weirdly give more [ __ ] I don't know if that's just me but like when I cuz I was like oh I gotta like always be like cute or whatever like but now I do weird [ __ ] on my social media because I'm like I don't care I because it's like I know that it's not just like the people like directly near me that are gonna judge me it's like if you're like if there's somebody from like Australia that's looking at this and they think it's weird as [ __ ] I don't care because I don't know if that's how my mind is because it's all the way across the world real quick I was yeah no it's Australians dope really yes okay you can take me it's for my birthday okay well take you for your 18th birthday okay good so in two years two years so what do you go to high school right now no so I left and I mean I didn't like drop out but I left and I was going to do online school because like whatever like I mean true like that like everybody you know everybody like starts YouTube and then leave school and does online schools that way let's say you you are a youtuber I never I'm never good at like giving people contacts and like yeah the [ __ ] help talking I'm sure everyone knows cuz they're probably hear from your channel but you're a youtuber very funny I love your stuff thank you so does Kelsey we're very big fans and when did you you started YouTube okay well I think I came off wrongly with the whole like school thing of why I left because I talked about it in a video and it wasn't because of YouTube like if I well we'll start in the beginning like this summer like during in June like June first I was just like I hated my school I hated my social life and I was like this sucks I've always wanted to start a YouTube because like what kid doesn't I don't know I really wanted to start a YouTube so I was like alright let's do this so I made it like lookbook I made up okay yeah I seen it I'm sure don't ever look I watched I'm not you know first video I watched it let's pull it up right now I just watch it together it's so cringe but I'm leaving it for content like to show my growth I'm leaving the show my growth I tried to be like some sort of like like it's trying to be a lifestyle you do it you know it's trying to be that [ __ ] I was trying to fit into that like stereotype that's what everyone does in the beginning is that they copy what everyone else is doing what's doing well right now like with girls anyways Beauty stuff I'm not that type and I was like you know what I'm just gonna do it anyway so like for the first maybe 20 videos no ten I was like doing these weird like like girly videos and I am so not like that and it was so hard for me and he was like mentally hard cuz I'm like this is so not sustainable for me I will definitely run out of ideas in like five minutes but I was uploading every day view that you have to do that I feel like to start you 100% have to start doing something that is copying someone else in my opinion or that will I get clicks Oh totally but it didn't get clicks and that's the thing oh no one watched maybe I mean it took me so long in the beginning like it was like I wasn't gaining any subscribers but I was posting every single day I was worried every day every and you were still in high school at this point it was summer okay okay and I just did not care I'm like what I want to do well at this and I'm gonna I don't know one who's watching my videos I was literally getting five views per video and I was like remoting it no I know one on my social media knew about it no one I didn't know one knew I had it I didn't tell anyone until I literally had like 5k and I was like very secretive about it I didn't hang out with anyone over the summer I literally made these stupid videos in the beginning then who filmed them me but my dad also helped my dad because my dad's like you know he's like a nice camera he's like an artist he like knows about like composition and [ __ ] you take some of my photos too and and so like he really and he was like you need to do something creative because you're literally you're literally I was so in I was in such a bad mental place and I'd cuz I had nothing I was like my life is so boring like I'm so bored and so I was like I need him I was just dwelling on like everything else I mean it is distraction YouTube did that for me as corny as it is and so I kind of like started to figure out like that like the videos I would do where was like my personality and like me just like doing whatever and like being random like when that kind of started like snowballing not like subscribe but like with me like I was coming up with a bunch of ideas and it just snowballed because when you're doing something that's like your own like it was my at that point it was uncharted territory kind of like I wasn't seeing other people doing necessarily like the weird [ __ ] I was doing because it was just like random [ __ ] like and so then I like made a vlog about like getting a fidget spinner and it was like my first vlog ever and it was so fun for me and I was like I'm never going back to that old beauty [ __ ] so then I kind of like made normal like or the video is kind of like what I'm making now and then I made that and that was like it took about I think it took about a month to get my first 100 subs okay and this was like a year ago or what oh no this was like five months ago on June what yeah it was really it was this has been this is so insane I'm not kidding I literally don't know what the [ __ ] going on like I've never been so [ __ ] like it just went from like so it was like this summer this thing started by the time school started I had about 100k so I started 100,000 subscribers 100 that's a [ __ ] ton dude that's as well this is what happened in its okay so I made I made this car vlog basically was my first car blog in this video got like a hundred thousand views how like how it just took off like it just something about it maybe the way I tagged it maybe the fact that it was like my first time driving alone that was the video it was my first time driving alone and it was like I just got my license and so high you just got yeah I guess you're like five months ago you just got your license that's crazy and I'm still driving I'm driving everywhere I'm like that's my thing but you're better Trader Joe's oh yeah took my favorite store ever I love it thrive there all the time say I went there in my last vlog oh I have a whole city yeah oh yeah I'm a real fan but I love to just drive to trade shows drive to Whole Foods drive to Phil's drive to wherever and it's like it's that was really fun for me and I like that and so I kind of incorporated that in my videos now I love doing that it's my favorite thing I love driving vlogs you probably know in front of it because you're driving kill it it's so fun is that the market cornered on the driving blogs we love it I actually get really pissed and people are like Emma's Kawai King I'm like I don't want her to I can't wait I can't we just get about five seconds like for all of us like we can all driving vlog because it's like if you're doing your own if you're talking about your own [ __ ] like we're talking about different stuff we're very different people it's not like you're verbatim copying like I'm in the car oh I'm driving to fill us in like trying to like be me like a dream should just coffee one of our vlogs word-for-word I can memorize it no people have done that twice yep okay so while speaking of the car you serious let's talk oh my god yes wait how many subscribers do you have now 300,000 Reif like 39 okay I don't know I don't even look anymore it's unhealthy Alex might know I do I've I'm obsessed okay so blade at least once a day but I try to go no I mean I'm like and I'm like I mean I don't go on the live sub count anymore I just like sit there and just like well well let me explain how I got to the first 100k because it's pretty weird it was like one day well I posted that dollar store video and that video did super duper well like really fast but it didn't actually not really fast it took like a month but then like a month later that video started just like kind of weirdly like getting a lot of views and I was like alright I mine and it just blew me up like that one video and I got so much hate plea oh my god I it was bad like serious serious serious moments comments DMS like tweets at me why bull [ __ ] hated me absolutely we're sort of that one video well because like that video really like it was like I went from like 330k to like a hundred K in like a week yeah that happened with me with the Instagram comedy video the exact same thing happened I get like 20,000 subscribers in a day know everyone know that's what happened to me that video got me 20k in a day and I literally but it was unhealthy for me because I didn't know anything about YouTube I was so confused and I was like and so I was like oh like I just kind of thought it was normal and then when my sub started like going down to like a normal level I was like it's over it was only and so because I didn't realize I think I think the way that YouTube works like their algorithm is that like there's like certain tiers basically that like algorithm like recognizes and once you gain enough traction and one tier it'll like blast you up to the next tier and then you like to stagnate for a little while and then it happens again and again like if a video starts doing really good like they'll like supposedly I was getting a bunch of people that were like oh why is this a my recommended page like it's just so stupid but like that was every comment I got was like this is my recommended page I kind of like it yeah other people were like this isn't my I recommend him be you think you're really funny and you're an ugly [ __ ] like that it was like it was both of that and but for me I was like I don't like I I don't care about hate to be honest like it doesn't piss me off like because half the time I'm like okay you're kind of rat like no like the haters aren't right but like I'm like you know what go ahead like you're it's like you're saying something like oh you're a sarcastic [ __ ] and I'm like okay well that's kind of true I am a sarcastic [ __ ] and I am like you know so you kind of I'm a sassy man right like call me sassy man I embrace it now right I mean sauce man how's like but the old comments seems like those get to you they do I [ __ ] hate them no you're not old I you're just not old it's just it's just like I am now you're okay free you're not getting out there we don't have any wrinkles oh that's cuz I got a facelift okay so we love a venice botox venice botox sassy man mm-hmm but you're not old it's i know i know not i'm not old and i know it's like a meme but it's like it's just like it's not funny anymore and it's just like they people just keep I just I don't get it and the worst part is is when I when I meet someone from the industry who like what [ __ ] in Hollywood when I go on meetings and [ __ ] like that people like oh yeah yeah I was on your channel everyone's like calling you old and I was like it's a joke like please don't oh it affects my like career see but that's the thing it's like people I think also like in the industry which Tony um but like what was that we won't go there but like I don't know like well actually I didn't realize like YouTube is well not YouTube but like people are like trying like it's there's a little you can be a youtuber without being involved in like the industry I think yeah definitely yeah and but I think like it is something I know I mean like somebody who I kind of tried to like dip my toe in mmm so what that Hollywood no but like - like just maybe like being a little bit more like if like a like kind of like doing stuff like management or like trying to take acting classes and [ __ ] like that I didn't actually get into it but like I was showing about absolutely sure I think you out of anyone should definitely okay but here's the thing about it I would like like with like something like I don't know acting like that'd be fun and I'd love to do that but like with my youtube I feel like when you have like things kind of like maybe people like kind of chiming in or like trying to like do stuff like oh if you you know kind of like set basically like kind of turning you into something does that make sense like I don't want to be like they try to kind of put you in a box a little bit maybe I don't want to be in a box like I don't want anybody like I don't want people to be like you know oh you're you are a comedian and you can't do anything else like if you want to make a video about like you know like if you want to make it like a story time you can't because you can only make comedy videos like I don't want to be in some sort of like thing like that and I think that completely defeats the purpose of YouTube I think the whole point of YouTube is you can do whatever the living crap you want like whatever you want I think we're add like a like a point in like just like YouTube and Hollywood and whatever where people are like realizing that you can like as an artist you're just an artist and you can do anything that you're like a creative person whatever creative endeavor you want it like if you like filthy Frank that's now making like serious music and it's like taking off right you're like Donald Glover who's done everything end up liking you for you hopefully as long as you're being yourself like they're gonna like you know and they love you and they want to support whatever you're doing that's how I am like I know like you know when I see like certain youtubers I like I eat Cody but like you know making music like you best believe like I hear about that [ __ ] and I'm on it because I like you and I like like you know and I like like your videos and like maybe I like his music and I mean the cloud music video kind of hit home for me I really like the Brazil part yeah but anyway no I like pissed my pants really anyway no but like I think this really dope and like I like seeing like other people do that when they like do other stuff I don't want I don't want to see somebody like kind of like dig themselves into a hole where they can only do something and so like and I think that's stupid so I like to see like I like when people evolve like I like the music now like I like like who else is doing you listen bangers an ass of course yes no a percent what honest it was genuinely really good and like but here's the thing that I like about it because everyone's making music mm-hmm everyone's doing it and the thing is is it's like because okay I'm definitely I'm probably gonna offend a lot of people please don't hate me and I don't think I will actually I just am you know direct the hate towards me okay well no because like well but a lot of people are making music and I think that a lot of people shouldn't I think I think I agree no like if you are passionate about music make music but I'm starting to see I just I just realized we were talking about like to put people in a box thing yeah and you're like a lot of people to make music I'm like yeah you shouldn't do that even though I just said before you're a creative person you should be able to do it are you saying like if you're actually passionate about making music then make music but if you're just making music - I totally agree making songs for it literally money and I see it I'm like there's no way that there's people who actually are bopping to this song right now there's no [ __ ] way yeah Jay Paul's Christmas album exactly and or even something like I cants I'm not gonna sub tweet but like there's other ones that are just like these people they definitely didn't write the song way who I want to know who your mother is I literally won the podcast hands okay okay but like auto-tuned like completely which auto-tune when you're rapping or when you're doing other stuff like but they're actually trying to they're like doing like maybe singing right and like I bet it would actually sound better without all that [ __ ] like that want to know if you can just sing don't try to like you know make this like song that like you didn't write that like just I feel like it's just for money yeah that's really stupid if you're passionate about music make music but don't make music just if it's just like putting your name on it I don't know if that's true but I would be very surprised if certain people that I have in mind are writing their own music that's all I have to say nobody's running their own music no yeah and it is hard I in the video I posted today I put a little rap in it oh we saw dude it was good it was yeah it was good thank you I like my [ __ ] on iMovie right minute I want oh [ __ ] no it's like you did like a rap song yeah how did you do it yeah that's the [ __ ] beauty of of this [ __ ] like if you want to sit down and really I want to make a rap tune you can make a habit you don't need the software you know you process you make I move your [ __ ] people hate on iMovie like people are like oh you know you don't you like whatever you know if you you can make it your [ __ ] yeah you can and I don't know how long it take you to learn like when you started youtube did you know how to edit yeah good because I read little well I made like party vines I made some I made some vines but I did but I also made like I made okay well I did competitive cheer and so when I did that I would make like kind of like artsy videos like the Bayern to your team like of like a competition it was like a montage base okay I also did like travel like when I'd like travel I would like do GoPro videos basically yeah and they were like really fun like I really loved that and I like it made me you know it made me a better editor it made me know how to like do a lot of [ __ ] because I was like doing that and I'd like spend like a week on those videos even though they were not great but like it was fun and I learned from that and then I like kind of like of all and then I but I I wasn't comfortable in front of a camera at that time so it's never like vlogging or anything he's just like clips yeah and then but yeah and then I I don't know I think if you just learn something well enough you can make it do anything you want right and like I you know I really like I wasn't gonna like try to use like GarageBand oh god her rap this is a rabbit she made where did you get the beat [Music] [Laughter] [Music] good it is actually really good and I like the um I'm so like that no hopefully people actually wanna like go to my channel mouth who are like Cody's fans well actually want to go from that hopefully yeah what how did you like the vocal effects and she like that what did you do local effects a lot I like the little little guy basically well I I movie has all these like vocal think they do have the vocal effects that are just on it so I you like layered to like so I put like the my audio track I put it twice yeah bring you just home alone like shouting your rap into your computers yes and my neighbors were outside and like and they weren't they hate me too so it's like that's even better you know they hate me so like it would just what do they hate you well okay so I I live in an apartment and they live below us that's all I have to say okay like I mean we're I'm quite I'm allowed to sigh stop I mean and it's not my fault like I actually tippy toe now because they like call the cops on us I'll literally walk from my room to the bathroom and they will call the cops call the cops they will call the cops but they also like they do drugs down there they sometimes all they'll be like 12 people down there like one time what drugs do they do I mean ylang Queen on them smoking the devil's lettuce down there well it comes as no one I know but like it comes up into our apartment and like me and my mom get like a hive right now I'm just gonna no contact I am the cops we're getting contact hi second Martin Emerson hand hi no but they're like so insane and like she's like she they fight down below like Daleks it's a daughter in her mom and the daughters like 25 and they really really fight a lot and like they'll be screaming like about like I remember one time I heard them arguing about how like the mom leaves the toast her toast on top of the toaster and forgets to eat it like our daughter was just like going off I'm talking about like crying screaming like closing closet doors really loudly like snaps leaving your [ __ ] no no but it's like serious fights and like so they're insane but um so like them hearing me rapping probably wasn't wasn't the best for me say they know who you are so they totally do I mean we've lived there for like four years okay but like do they know about your UTIs oh hell no they're wait well no I don't think so cuz like I'd be really surprised they're not that type they're not that type like to watch YouTube but they would probably watch like Game of Thrones and that's it oh they're that type yeah they're game of Thrones no no the daughter Degrassi the grad I bet she watches that like still do you know any minute I'm not kidding like I mean I've never watched I can't judge but she would be that I did anything I don't know um okay so let's go back you so you did the video the dollar store video yeah that took off and then you dropped out of high school [Music] so um I was I was like successfully I mean like uploading like in school my grades were good like whatever is like not an issue there I've always been extremely oh my god so don't bali for school mm-hmm it's so bad for you mentally like because the kids it's all about like now i'm like college like any we're gonna like my mom's like gonna get me to Stanford like I just I can't with that because I'm just not I'm just a normal like everybody also everybody I feel like it's just if you're from the Silicon Valley name you can agree but like people are very like very like highfalutin about college you know oh hey oh this is that moment when it goes black I'm so proud to be here for that anyway so people are really like yeah very like about college my entire life I've been like my entire life is surrounded around what college I'm going to I'm like I would stay I literally slept for as four hours a night every night doing my homework like and then when I started you know it was like YouTube then it was like I like with literally pull all-nighters so that I could edit and have like I didn't need to do that I didn't need to have three videos up a week or whatever I didn't but it was like for me meant like YouTube was the only thing that I liked liked and I hated my school and um sorry like administrators if you're watching this it was a small private school they would find out about this somehow okay and they're probably watching this right now shut up what's up guys what's up guys good to have you here right traitors of whatever school you went to we won't be shouting them so like you and I really and you know they tried to like make a deal with me you know but I was so it was like well I'm that school like something about it like I don't think if whoo I don't know if it was exactly that school super depressed like so bad and I'm not like a depressed person I can pull myself out of it real quick but like when I was doing homework pulling all-nighters I was sleeping like nothing I wasn't eating food I literally like looked actually dead like I literally looked dead okay and it was like fine not really but it just got to a point where I was like this is so dumb like I could literally I could do online school I could well what I'm planning on doing is graduating early you can take a test in California and graduate early mmm pretty sure I'm gonna do that so mostly are you like if it's like study for it well I'm not really sure um I I think that well okay I've kind of low-key already took it but and I kind of look he already passed the test I basically graduated well it's it I don't like to tell people and I also hide my school that like didn't believe it oh my god you did I'm a high school are you graduated high school I'm really proud I know it's so cool I know it's an opportunity you also just mention well I kind of like I don't I try to like genius back i know'd oh damn genius thank you we are goddamn proud parents thank you or lead out of cheers i well it's actually I don't think they don't promote it like they don't tell you that you can take this test and graduate because everyone would [ __ ] do it the school system is so [ __ ] okay I it's like it's not designed for everyone in like red and also people look down upon you if you graduate early because it's like you know okay like you know I could have stayed at school taking all the APS whatever [ __ ] that I was and like then I could go to this really bomb-ass college whatever but like I could still go to college right now I could even like with this kind of thing that I have going right now I could go to a junior college for my last like for two years yeah right now yeah and then you could graduate from college transfer into anywhere I want if I wanna graduate from college at like 19 exactly that's so cool I don't we are you gonna date that I don't see here's the thing about college well I think I'm gonna take definitely this year off and like I can just do videos like just well no I I mean I definitely I don't know what I'm gonna do I think with like because I did while I was very school I was a very very school driven child like until sophomore year like I got straight A's every single year and like sophomore year it was not as good I was like I mean it was still good it was still good and I was taking hard classes and I really pushed myself and I spent all my time I'm not smart I just spent a lot of time on it and I like did my best and I just like really like worked hard and I didn't like [ __ ] off I mean I did but like I you know at the end of the day though like I will stay up late and I will do my homework and I will like and when other people are doing with the boys right Emma's at home eating snacks and like doing her homework actually no I think that's just crying and doing her homework a little bit too real but no I'm saying I actually well I didn't even cry like I would just kind of like I was just like like for literally 7 hours after school and like I was just it was bad for my health but I think the thing is like that school was really it's not like it was they you know the classes were not easy and like the teachers were hard and I mean those nuns and they live in the back and we don't see them I'm not really just at all actually yeah okay well this is the schools not gonna like this either but I've kind of grown up being somebody who's maybe I'm kind of like spiritual man you know like I'll figure that out or like I like I kind of have my own weird beliefs that don't fit anywhere like it's kind of my own like ideas and like so but I think being around like a religion very like they weren't like shoving it down your throat I mean you didn't have to pray you didn't have to do the sign of the Cross right but it was always like it's like in the air and like in its you know and one you don't it's like cousin man Oh totally and like when you know when you don't like if you don't do the sign of the cross everybody's gonna like 100% totally and it's it's a little subtle but let's show the cut yeah like if you know right yeah right exactly a good job I don't know I know there's also an all-girl school I don't know if I mentioned that hmm but like it was I mean I don't know and I think it was a lot it was it was a lot of I think the vibes at the school for me personally just weren't the best like I feel like the morale overall very negative a lot of kind of bringing each other down and I think that that was I think that's high school maybe yeah but I think it was also I think being all girls you would think it would kind of like diffuse a lot but I don't think it Tate I don't I that's why I almost went to an all-girls yeah private Catholic school and I was just like I can't no that's it's God everyone's gonna fight yeah well also I would like guys like well yeah I mean I like hanging out with guys too and like I mean you know the feeling may not be mutual but like I like that I dunno like I like having friends like guy friends too and I think it kind of like cuz they're more chill like they're not like all like weird and competitive about [ __ ] the girls aren't Liana I really you know my skin is so good right now like you know like I don't know like guys aren't like that they're more chill it's more just like yo you can use snacks I don't know like and so I don't know I just thought that like I think it would have helped to have a little bit of both with the dining right yeah girls it just yeah yeah but so then you so you dropped out you graduated now you're are you gonna go to college after you take the year so I don't I'm not exactly sure because well here's the thing about college and my dad's kind of my dad came from all my dad went to San Diego State and he left after two years to be in a band then is now like a painter full-time like that's his job or whatever artist I guess and so he kind of I kind of like grew up around him and he's like and he's very successful guy mhm and so like seeing that really did kind of make me feel like college is amazing great great opportunity it's so great yeah and I really think that it's something you should never like you should net say you have to and you should never say like you don't have to like it should always be it's like it's one of those things where I feel like it should be something you should really really be excited about and passionate about and so you have to find a place that like is like good for you and you know like something like if you're interested in something like don't okay if you really like making YouTube videos not that I'd go to college for like film like I don't I'll figure that out on my own but like if you're really passionate about like I don't know maybe I want to be director then I'll go to like film school not that I want to do that right but like everybody I feel like in high school you just kind of are like told like you don't need to care about what you like to do because you're just gonna like you know you just have to go to the good College first right and you figure out what you're gonna do I told you a hundred percent agree I think it's like extremely beneficial like youtuber not whatever you're doing the fact that you're like making money now and like actually like running a business especially no totally I think that's like such like I don't know you'd never learn that in the real world once you doing this [ __ ] I mean like I mean you know you're managing your own money you're looking at you know you're like looking at well how can I you know oh this video like got to monetized here like why like I want to make them you know you like avoid that in the future like I you know I'm doing stupid merch stuff which isn't even like no it's not stupid but like I I you know I set up my own merch site on my own I'm kind of somebody who I like to be in control of all of it and because of that like I haven't really had nobody's really been holding my hand but it made me like really I think it's made me a really like I feel like I can do anything yeah because I like figured all this [ __ ] out on my own you don't need like you know you don't need someone to bring you up if you you do it on your own you can do it on your own and like or like to teach you how to do all that [ __ ] but like college wise I don't know if I find like a program a college and I find something that I'm passionate about that the college could offer me I would 100% be the lad to do it and I and I'm doing my research about trying to find that and I haven't found anything yet but if it doesn't if I don't ever find one and I don't ever go I think I would figure it out yeah yeah you know what I mean and that's something that like you have to kind of but not everyone can you know not I don't know if that's something that would be a good path for everyone to not go or to go like it's you just it's so different for everyone yeah don't don't not go to college but maybe good college and don't but don't feel like you have to go but you shadow maybe you could go but but don't think you have to know right but don't not think you also don't have to right it's totally it's your life yeah thank you you should tweet that yeah I think I will I would not retreat it you know what out you know you basically goes throughout that tweet you know what I'll sing you a tweet today get this joke all right hot jokes right here it's it's pretty [ __ ] dope that on that okay is this the tweet or no yes all right for Christmas people will just send each other pictures of themselves in the mail oh [ __ ] you're not funny I love like as a concept okay that was the tweet like it's just whatever but like as a concept isn't that absurd it's so it's families see like here happy holidays here's a picture of us it's hashtag bragging why don't it's very bizarre it's weird I just feel like here's our standing in front of sweaters thanks my family yeah and you send them out you saying about did I get it I don't know it's it's definitely weird but I I feel like when you don't do it like there was a year or my mom was like all right I think we're gonna stop and like no people get pissed people like family like that lives in New York who only sees pictures of us go you guys did like got like pissed right bad no I I mean like I don't know what you look like this you spend time on like new year as if you can't see it on Facebook every [ __ ] I don't want even though no one goes yeah sure you know what Merry Christmas has a picture for me yeah send it to all you know all the you know Jake Paulson actually Paul send it out to speaking Jay Paul he's hashtag hat yeah so what's the deal with that tell me the deal Jake Paul got hacked and tell me your conspiracy by no well tell me how we got hacked what happened what happened what I okay his videos got hacked listen to this shiz okay so last night I'm talking to my dad on the phone and I was talking about some random [ __ ] okay and I don't even know what I was talking to him about we're talking about Jake Paul cuz idling check tip on checked up on him Jake Paul have a no no Abbot I'm not subscribed I know Pharaoh so I'm so sorry I'm literally only subscribed on YouTube to you and all of Cody's channels I'm subscribed to thousands of people hosting like a hundred people no don't watch any of it to talk about who your favorite is on YouTube but let's talk about the Jay Paul thing okay so well Jay Paul I'm sorry if you're watching this but I'm Stephan not watching this well might be Justin Bieber Bieber and Jay Paul are watching this together dude love that no this is a very good podcast yeah okay I got it what are you the first thing I notice I could I look at his channel and I see his icon is this weird creepy symbol I'm like this muhfucka was hooked on YouTube on YouTube you can check it out it's like it's kind of like black with like a weird like pixel e8 it looks like or maybe be don't know could be both I'm not good at math and and so then I like clicked on his channel and I'm like is this my and then I look okay you know when you like okay right no no about click on the About tab on the yeah look it's all black lines that's [ __ ] creepy as [ __ ] is gone no but like yeah just these little black things great so I saw that [ __ ] last night for the and I haven't been on his channel in a long time so I was like what changed here I don't know I look at his past two videos and they're these creepy ass cryptic weird videos really but listen to the content like what what the videos were about it was basically what okay well there's Tai Lopez totally good but um it was well speaking now we won't talk about Tai Lopez I know you've already done enough of that yeah but um like okay here it is I'm drink too much coffee alright but okay the video basically is saying that there was a team tent somebody who wanted to join team ten but like wasn't let in basically everyone Wow no but a lot of people probably are like that but of course one of them you know didn't he like he was completely ignored didn't even get the time of day okay okay and I guess he's mad so he hacks Jake Paul are like his team hacks Jake Paul is basically you know who I am I'm hacking you because you didn't let me be in team ten I have to your YouTube and your Instagram but not your Twitter and the second I heard that I was like Bing and then it was like the only way his fans can contact him is through his Twitter and I'm like hmm ding all these are red flags for me when I'm watching this video yeah I think about it for five seconds I go onto his Twitter he posts a very unconcerned video like about like everything's hacked me okay and I notice his twitter has substantially if that's the right word to use less like a very he's way less followers on Twitter than every other social media is that like you know coincidence that that one happened to be not hacked my conspiracy is that exactly because the only way that you can contact you call right now you can't get to every day bro stuff so you got to go on Twitter for that content from Jake Paul that you need so you got to go to Twitter okay he stills 2.8 that's what I saw it last night but that's my conspiracy is that she did it for Twitter followers and twitter engagement he wants his fans to go to his Twitter but it's probably true and he's losing subs right now to I think is he really yes I looked I yes holy [ __ ] yeah but this happened some like once a week so it's like whatever yeah I mean like he goes through phases where he loses but if it's real then bless your heart whoever hacked him well do you know what honestly no worry this is what I was thinking I firstly thought it was real if there's no way it's 100% a publicity stunt I sure do do sorry keep going i he is [ __ ] 12 million sizes like to do this [ __ ] he's like a million billionaire like he really does not need to fake up being hacked also being hacked that [ __ ] scares the living crap out of me like that is so sad and like I don't even care if it's Jake Paul like when I heard I was like oh like even my heart broke for the kid and I'm not the biggest fan but then I watched the video and I'm like this [ __ ] trying to trick us all make us Twitter so we can get our everyday bro I'm very manipulative we have added smart that you like put all of that together but I wouldn't it just doesn't need to do it but but he I think he feels like he probably needs to like spice it up or something no for sure keep him relevant you know you got I mean like keep like if people stop talking about him he doesn't like if people stop talking about him yeah and he's not people weren't really saying anything positive about him lately I feel like there's a lot of like accusations about him like bullying people and whatnot so he was like let's just maybe let's forget about all that if I say I'm hacked people feel bad well I think you felt bad I I did anything I'm sorry for assuming um I'm maybe don't be who you are or you know yeah you know you could do is just like not bully people and they cannot be shitty right that's nice that's what we contending you out hacked you could just like you know like maybe yeah but I mean let's think about it here that the point when Jake call does anything good who gives any facts I like I feel like when Jake ball does something funny because you feel like just in a Jake Paul way like he does he went to what did he do like rent jet skis or something for the Houston right flood and he was like helping people on Jets it's like why it just feels wrong Jeep dad maybe he's like handing out merch to the people and it's so true that's the bad part like I wish he's like well he is kind of like a living like and it's also weird to like I don't know it's always weird like I wonder like how could somebody like I don't know I don't understand who is like who exactly is his audience because the other day I was in Phil's stronger and I saw someone wearing who was like I was so good by like 20 oh really so feels I know me too okay get him glad but I've never been there it was so good and I went to the Santa Monica once and it was really good I mean same everywhere but anyways um like I saw someone who was like no joke 20 and I don't judge like but I was like really curious like wearing a you know like teen 10 no way like 20 years old and I was so confused but I was like I mean I'm not gonna jump to any conclusion here maybe like Jake like really lifts up her day I don't know but it was very surprising to me because I assume that he's like demographic maybe 10 twelve that's my dress like but maybe not maybe there's some underground I mean she had his merch like that's money like I don't know I have so many youtubers I like I don't own their merch I mean I own your watch but like I know I do do you actually yeah I'm in the video oh yeah right right did you buy just for that video no well actually what happened was me my friend well yeah like we were both really big fans she bought me this shirt and I was away yeah I'm sure not to your friend yeah we were talking about it and like well we watch her video we used to watch your videos together okay and so then like of course and then it was like kind of our thing you know and that well I mean also flattered things well you know yeah it was it was it was I was pretty excited about it and I got hmm but Chamberlain merch now and now I need to get better what's on it buy it okay well I have this is so cringe so like I made marks that said Frick on it okay because that's what I say all the time turns out like 20 other youtubers have merch that say Frick on it like exactly right here like the exact same as my merch really and I don't know well one was Brent Rivera Thank You Brent like we get it you were really great on by and I wasn't but like with him it's not ironic because he doesn't swear right know where you do right I mean I've sworn and dropped a couple f-bombs on this dirty mouth you know I have to go through and edit all of those oh sorry yeah I edit my now because like I don't wanna get de mano time I've been demonetized all the time yeah but I request for review and it gets passed every time the video I posted today demonetized it's so annoying right away right away I know mine does that too in your quest for review yeah every time it takes like a day or two days all your [ __ ] yeah it sucks I don't make them do you make decent money on your channel honestly like I'd say if I mean it's it's it's pretty good yeah I mean it's like considering like it's not like I mean I'm 16 I this is like you know my job or whatever in considering all that it's pretty good and I would say like for anyone who even though I do get to monetize sometimes because I upload three times a week it helps because it's like by the end of the week I you know like it adds up yeah so then it's like you know and that's what really helps I think posting a lot is the way that's how you get you know if you want to make a lot of money from you too that's why everyday vloggers I now they holy shake money and also people can binge-watch they go back watch other videos yeah yeah and that's what it is but I think yeah is it hard posting three times a week like how do you run out of ideas and [ __ ] are you working on it like all the time all the time yeah just reading or editing right well no I'm actually ahead because I made myself a head for this but so that I would like not be stressful I'm here you know I mean and what I'm also like you know I'm always thinking about [ __ ] I'm like okay like if I'm gonna be going to Venice like I've logged the whole thing I can write it off you know what I mean yeah [ __ ] like that which is like adult stuff that's crazier 16-hour writing [ __ ] off but you're so much well I want to be you when I was 16 me too I want to be you I was doing this [ __ ] when I was young so yeah no no I I really I tell ever like I don't know why like you think that it's not like you think that you don't have a chance like when you're gonna start you're like there's no way there's too many youtubers that's so false like if you literally if you're yourself well everybody's fake I hear you're funny though like thank you but like I don't know I I'm always yeah follow your dreams in that [ __ ] but like be realistic too you're not good at painting like I'm never gonna be like alright I'm gonna be a famous painter right because I'm never [ __ ] gonna be a famous painter well I think that's true but that's well I mean no no no I never seen your art sir I did those up there actually no way holy [ __ ] Cody is literally like that's like a friggin like you know one like the people outside that's not your neighbor would make I feel like no she's just rolling rolling the joints ass in any way and then puffing it into my apartment okay I'm gonna get him me hi yeah literally I mean I've like that was the only time I've ever been I was from her secondhand soul it bro loved it noticed me but I don't know what we're talking about oh all your dreams yeah oh yeah posting three times a week do you have friends that are youtubers yeah I mean I've been I kind of like well in the beginning that was really hard because well I mean nobody lives close to me there's like one or two youtubers who live close to me I don't know them talked I don't like we've never talked I mean live close to you like in the Bay Area okay and like I see them at like parties and she it's like really weird go to youtube parties oh [ __ ] no like actual like high school Oh gotcha but like I mean because I was kind of in like it was new it takes a long time to like develop friendships you know yeah and like you know you gotta kind of feel like [ __ ] all right I'm just gonna follow him on Twitter see what happens and like stuff like that or and then sometimes you like try to like reach out like comment on their pictures and [ __ ] and like that was hard for me because I'm not that type of person who like will like reach out like that but through YouTube I've been like you know like we're all kind of in this together like so I'll like reach out to people but um there's not a lot of people like my age doing the kind of videos that I'm doing it's a lot like I know the age that's like 16 my age it's a lot of like it's a lot of like lifestyle stuff and I'm just I don't fit in with that so that's kind of something but I do like I mean those girls are amazing and I like love all the girls you know what I mean but like I just am NOT I'm like I'm not like that so I always am like I don't know I mean I I feel like but I also it's harder for me to like necessarily like make these friends because I'm like I mean I have a few but like but there's it's hard for me to reach out because I'm like why would they want to be friends with me cuz I'm so [ __ ] weird and they're like pretty and they're like out here doing this like pretty like lifestyle [ __ ] now I'm out here being like [ __ ] this page I'm like and so I feel like that's a little bit weird but that's always kind of been how it is with me where it's like I'm the one who's like you know kind of like like everybody's like doing crazy stuff and I'm just like I'm just kind of chill yeah it's like I'm gonna cook uh I'm just gonna make good gingerbread rape house the funny video by the way yeah we watch the whole thing I actually I post that one I watched it by myself and I made him watch it I thought it was one of the funniest things just cuz you were like so I just over everything no that's like you could just tell that you were just annoyed with like everything and it's like still sticky from it it's so annoying like every time I walk over it it's like a little bit crispy and I'm like that video I almost didn't post it I hated it oh my god so it was just so you'll never know what y'all works on YouTube crazy and like leo is a great video on the known wall that's it exactly what happens to me every time I'm like oh damn this is like one of my best and it'll get like no views and then like the other one that I'm like it's always the ones that I literally am this close to not posting that like do the bats and I'm like like who's your favorite on YouTube okay honestly like this is embarrassing I'm not just saying this like it's genuinely you both and I'm not just saying that I miss your hat say it's me I just know it no no but like I mean I mean I know I've been watching you for longer because you just started but like I'm I'm I'm kind of now that I make videos I'm a tough critic because I'm like I see right through all of it yeah cuz I know I can see when someone's being fake I can't tolerate it I cannot tolerate it like if I watch a video and someone's not being themselves I don't want to watch it because I'm here for them I don't give a [ __ ] about what they're doing like I just want to watch them for them and so it I think that that's kind of a hard thing on YouTube because a lot of people in the whole kind of like you know girl culture on YouTube is a very fake one yeah and I'm in I kind of think guys - I would say like it will have a Travels you don't mean portraying a lifestyle of it actually don't have that's very true but I think like somebody like kc9 stat like I watch him of course and he's great because I feel like he is him and I do think he has a formula of what he does it's very similar every time but I like he comforts me so I like that I like Casey I like I mean I watch like Tana mojo I watch like I even watch like James Charles he's kind of funny entertaining i watch okay i watch enya drew mm-hmm those two they're super funny [ __ ] let me think about this I don't like leave someone out because that would be really sad I don't know I can't think I saw a podcast I don't think I could do it you could do it come on it yeah hell yeah okay hell yeah definitely maybe what am I think I want to do it when I move out like I don't I can't do it yet because I live like I live with like you know people around I know it's awkward having to gas my roommates to leave every time I mom to leave when I'm filming and then it's like and that's just sure like that's like you know wow how long have you film for actually I'll usually have like an hour two hours sometimes how long does it take you to get down to ten minutes whatever well okay so the first I add it for two days per video and if I do any more I lose my [ __ ] mind marbles I lose it so I have to I do like usually 6 hours a day for each video so the first day is like just the first like kind of cut where I just like cut out all the [ __ ] it's like stupid yeah that's the worst part about it that's the worst part he's cutting out the spaces right or like the weird burps and stuff like that you can't leave that in actually sometimes they live in a burp everyone's moms but like um but never for it we don't do that oh yeah no I'm not there yet comment down below if you guys want me to fart no but actually I don't think I could do that like I draw the line well I'll start filming on the toilet soon but no that actually likes the rough edit though like I like kind of like seeing how the video comes together and like seeing if it's like wow how is this you know what I mean and kind of like looking at like the raw like the skeleton of the video then the second day coming into all the zoo me [ __ ] you know zoom ins text all I need to ask you about that yeah oh yeah you got it yeah you gotta teach you how to do the zoom in then how do you I'm not I haven't made iMovie my [ __ ] I know like I can zoom in like I just I can just she can like yeah crop the video like closer Ken Burns you need some Ken Burns mmm yes you use like that thing we looked at yeah when you like we're slowly go in like when you like the animated zoom in not just like going straight to my face like slowly zooming in on my face you know and I mean yeah out of just not being zoomed into being zoomed in so like kind of making it like a slower just making the animating this is showing the zoom happen like how you like can slowly zoom in on your face yeah so like we're so not like cuz I mean I know I do a lot where I like will zoom in really quick and then it like stays right there is that what you to like not like that like the opposite like slow cat just when it just burns is my dad you are not kidding like that is my favorite once big shout out to Ken Burns who the [ __ ] is Ken I didn't love that man who is Ken Burns he's so hot in bed you know event pictures just moving is that so you're just referring to this zooming it's like it's like okay so baby I know what it is it's next to this lighting its crop to fill ken Ken Burns yeah we love the inadvertence here okay yeah he's an American filmmaker this is him right here holy [ __ ] no such a good personality does he have kind eyes Kenneth Tony Burns is an American filmmaker known for a style of using archival footage and photographs in documentary can you look up 2cv as a hot Sun cuz that baby hot Sun sorry what no Ken Burns hot Sun that's how you know I well oh now you're on Jake Paul I can take Paul stats again of course well he has an A so what are we doing wrong that's true actually yeah what do i when I have like a bee I see - no no I know my Instagram great on socialblade it's so bad it's like if D I think really yeah so what's it what's the future for you are you gonna like you're gonna continue doing YouTube obviously oh yeah gonna do you want to like actor do comedy or anything well like I know maybe be good at improv okay I kind of talked about that with like some people like about like doing maybe improv even I had like someone tell me should do stand-up I know you do stand-up you sure there's no [ __ ] way I could do stand-up I would not be good at it also I mean I don't know I guess you learn you gotta just try great you'll never know I don't know but like I don't I don't know I also I did want to act I was like kind of like you know somebody's like no you should act and like one person says that thun you're like oh I'm an actor now yeah I love the black scream what happened - I did it die it's so Slough being here for to see this moment because it's so iconic every time right it is like your podcast wouldn't be your podcast without the camera shutting off at least once but like you should try to find a camera that doesn't like have that cuz like my camera it'll film like an hour no it won't will it I think that one does yeah no I think it shuts up oh she's seven acts not that you want to use them wait so you've net you don't get it doesn't shut out after half I don't think so when you're filming know what I don't really good maybe I'm wrong I I've kept that [ __ ] going for so long and it doesn't shut off okay but maybe that's jam quarters don't I just need to buy a camcorder like wanted like you know the long sketch ones that's but I feel like those are like I know like I don't know it's like Noel has one so we use it now for our other pocket okay well I watch that one too and it looks good yeah so I mean yeah thank you I'm a pocket no I love podcasts like well the thing I do you want to know how I found your podcast yeah okay guys I cannot tell sorry so this summer I was also vlogging [ __ ] but I was like I worked for my grandpa and so I like I was like he's an electrician so I was like sorting parts for him and like getting paid like ten dollars an hour it was but he's fun it wasn't fun it would but I got really bored because like you know that's pretty boring um so I was like what am I going to listen to and I was like so bored of music cuz I'm like I don't know I mean the music is great yeah yeah I want it like I personally hate music it's in general really not a fan of music not a fan of music don't like ours no I don't really like beds but I was I was like you know well I mean I liked your videos and then when your podcast came up and I was like what the [ __ ] this watched like ten of them while I was doing this then I found your note jumper interview okay into that loved that really and yeah now I listen to his podcast - do you really know jumper if you're watching this I am a rapper now so check out my video it will move its little note right here I can't believe well Moop is here in the fourth studio I am we should record after this Oh totally down some heat oh for sure I am a poet no but I actually really liked making poetry when I was like young same actually I loved poetry too and so I can try and write poems oh I like I like got like in middle school I like got write poetry slam poetry open my 22 Jump Street yeah no oh I literally don't want welljust I'll just send you the scene okay perfect so it's just what the scene when he does the slam poetry and he's like moving my hands I really I I like trying writing poetry I liked writing in school too and I one time like there was this like this there's like the Stanford like book of like young writers and like our whole school like entered and like one of my poems made in there my poem made it into gavest book famouser I'm more public thought we could like connect I know I know I like literally was a shitty poem it was like sleep on the airplane tracks airplane flies away like wow I was beautiful is that it yeah that was it Kelsey you didn't like it actually it was looking it was located slap like it rhymed like the dinger oh so dinger like it like if you put like the little pump like music in the background like I'm not kidding like gucci king with like down the charts like immediately yeah Wow good for you thank you so much so well do you get recognized in public yes sometimes in it literally I [ __ ] my pants like I shake I get so nervous really oh [ __ ] yeah I'm happy what are super nervous and they come up to you cried in I cried like what the [ __ ] is happening right now her friend was like her friend was choking me because her friend I know I could clue like what was going on and this girl it was so cute I was like but and I loved it like I think a lot of times I walk around I don't have an RBF resting [ __ ] for all of you uncultured but I like I think I do kind of walk around with the purpose maybe a little bit like I have places I'm not like you know walking around like smiling like I maybe look like a [ __ ] even though I look I'm 12 so it's like kind of evens out so I think sometimes people like will like stare at me and like won't come up because I maybe look like a [ __ ] or sometimes people will smile at me and I'll look over and I won't realize and I'll be like oh [ __ ] a [ __ ] well she smiled back at least not look like a [ __ ] like but yeah it does happen sometimes especially at malls lots of malls yeah figure out of VidCon honestly like do it don't do it I don't know you're gonna go hate it no I'm gonna go why why did I wasn't gonna go last year and then and then you went maybe for brand opportunities and I would have never met the Photoshop guy or the Adobe guy if it wasn't for that so I'm kind of glad I went this year can we go why I want us I just want to meet people like I will not meet you I just wanna see some smile and I want to like and he did like establish my presence as your girlfriend oh no because I feel like you've been like a bachelor of all the other vidcon's and everyone's like oh hang on there's Kuniko but I now need to be like no one has ever said that well not to you but her there is bachelor but like you oh you were like known as a single guy a hot single guy a single Venice Queen now I feel like I need to go so I could be like yeah what's up okay here now [ __ ] claimed [ __ ] no I will just go alone no we can mean you to go me and Kelsie will go by Cody no no we can actually go if you wanna go then yeah I'll go with you and you want to babysit me mom we're there but you know I'll be your shopper okay perfect what are you and Cody okay Cody and I hope he doesn't wanna go so yeah he's 100% gonna go in spirit you're gonna go I'm so glad I'm here for like I always witnessing all the good that camera shutting off I know back to me I love it you guys it's good the guys are bold sassy though cuz it's like she wasn't a little sassy it would be really bad ya know what's good for her these aspects I but I don't know I want to like see other youtubers like I don't see other youtubers ever and so I want to like you know see some like just be like what's up spot like you don't know who I am probably like what's up you know what's up rise go do you think he goes gently go of him I don't know I know there's a lot of youtubers who like kind of had to stop going because it got kind of intense like I don't know like I heard like the Dolan twins didn't go because like they're early you know their girls are right do you want to go to meet them um they are very good-looking if you're watching this please no I'm just kidding do not no no no no no no please what no sign media no can't have dirty mind something hey Dolan's um I was here I really wish I didn't bring it up but I mean also like no I think they have like Oh such a strong fandom and like fandom I hate that word but like they have a very strong fan base and like their oh my god those kids they are I admire the [ __ ] out of like the Dolan twins and like they're because they're like fan even know what they do they're like fans I don't know how to do it they are so obsessed with them like I've never seen the kind of like engagement they have so much engagement people are obsessed with them like they buy merch that sells out immediately like they are so like people like search them down like they're very sought after and is it I don't like I've seen it like they're you know and I but I like respect it and I was you know I mean like that's do they make youtube videos yeah they were Viners to see you later yeah they like bought like a warehouse or some [ __ ] miners that humped the floor yeah yes they were sweet were they actually oh there's a lot of those you know my 13 year old self you I hated it actually huh I mean like well I was like 13 I was just watching like I just saw like the peanut butter baby you know I'm looking at this like on [ __ ] like I was a ho for magcon what really oh my god no no I mean like every 13-year old girl was probably right loved madcon I don't even know what that is where did you go to it you know okay I don't know wanted to though like me back on it was like nash grier and like and [ __ ] cameron dallas and those guys like they basically did like a tour oh man don't see that in front of my dad I said don't even talk about I agree there one of them why cuz they're too good-looking dude no they're not too young how old are they like 20 no because people say I look like an Oscar nash grier well you have the blue eyes like him that's I know we have I was obsessed with nice brown hair and blue eyes so everyone thinks that we looking exactly like right it's also you don't really look like him but I kind of I think size in there that's what I am but but Meg yes um make on the east like tour right and it was just like they'd get on stage and like hump the air am i serious yeah in like hotel in like Hotel Convention rooms like really depressing [ __ ] like seeing the ABCs I remember I saw like a Twitter video of like okay do you know what I'm not gonna say the name of the person cuz then all the stands are gonna come at me no it's whoo Taylor King yeah I was Jacob starting right now it's the new the newer Matt Connor um like he was just singing that alphabet onstage ABC what the like okay I don't know but like people pay like [ __ ] tons of money and you know what I can't even judge because I was that [ __ ] to and me and my friend we were like literally like we would go to like I remember one time we went to the Apple store and changed all of the [ __ ] iPhone home screens oh my god I like the fact that you described yourself as a ho for that's like nobody one of my favorite phrases oh I'm like I'm like me too I'm always like today - what I never say it you said I'm a ho for rosemary potatoes and it's like such a funny phrase I feel like so good like I always like well you know find those and I'm like [ __ ] I'm about overuse it but like I use it while it's hot you know yeah it's good can I start using it no maybe I mean I did copyright it like yeah people are gonna call you about now first dealing all right first part blogging and now and now your hope for things Wow I'm a hope for Emma okay honestly I'll let that slide p.m. I was a hooker madcon what can you do but I mean I mean I think it's like well I think girls you know at this age we're always you know guys this age it's it's a true it's hard a 16 year old boys 13 year old boys it's hard you know and they're not it like it's not it's honking like you want to find like that man that's gonna treat you right when you're 13 13 wow you have like an idea of like romance I want some light I want some flowers I want some heart chocolates baby but like no one's gonna do that 113 you know what I mean so then like you know you see the matcom people you wake up you're on your phone and it's like good morning baby you're like yeah you're beautiful I always remember that and you're like yeah did you like that that's an icon trick we love it I think it's just I think I just like him well I think very rightfully so but I mean am I your magcon my personal Mac sorry have to be here for this oh I love it I love seeing my parents in love are you kidding me let's take the Christmas card right now right fire it out you know we're gonna take pictures after this I was really hoping yeah yeah we're gonna eat is your mom coming um I mean I might kick her out because I want to be tonight real hairy also she wants to go to Muscle Beach and I'm like it's a sight to see no it's not it's actually there's not gonna be people working out today well I just want to see the muscle so yeah it's not like hot guys it's like gigantic European meatballs are they vegans like that's actually right that's so may tight actually I'm not I don't have a type I used to but how did you how do you lose a type you you just do more versatile now I would I used to have a tight I only lose returns my type was like um like deadbeats oh she they love those I feel like people this is where they were talking about this guy but like people are like he has to go to college and he has to be educated and blah blah blah and so I was always like well no he doesn't so like I feel like I always felt like I had to make a point of like dating someone who like like I like had to prove a point so like I feel like my type was just like grungy guy then you would do it doesn't it doesn't know what he like wants I know but see I want that beat though [Music] like or and I don't have a Cody I will make an ebay offer and I will pay lots of money to find one thank you like I just realized I have I don't know I love the fact you're so smart you're this you're so smart you know I love you are pretty smart on me no I you are and I think you oughta people know it's very you sound smart when you talk I love the way that you do talk about Bitcoin and your ass isn't smart then you're not talking about Bitcoin you reach I'm sorry I don't know anything about it you should you should research it's it's very interesting I'm it's not it is see I tend me talk about it all the time around her and every single time like it's like every single conversation really like I have I always like anyone like even random people is now about like Bitcoin knows like every time a god damn it not again right I just check out mentally do you want to talk about it and then I would know because I'm well I mean I'm also like 16 year olds don't tend to know about Bitcoin like I think you can I have a few years to have to wait to figure it out hopefully yeah before it starts being like an obligation you could be like I'm only 16 I don't know about Bitcoin now he's on a Bitcoin status oh it's almost a 20 grand it's insane did you make good money from the [ __ ] yeah that's pretty good I mean hey any extra monies are like money's money gives a [ __ ] that's what I'm saying I don't like 24 hours I'm very into it yeah I don't need to know anything about as long as he knows about it it's fine Oh totally but um I'm never gonna learn about Bitcoin I think I'm just gonna look at Jake pulping hack and hacked instead real brain cells for that one we're gonna like write a book or anything look like youtubers do know I've been thinking about it I would I don't want to read your book but I would never write my own that's how it is really where's your I don't have enough I would rather make a video about it like I'd rather verbally talk about it because for me you can only have so much tone in a book and you know why all you authors out there I'm gonna roast me I'm just scared of getting roasted honestly but either way roasts are the worst you don't get roasted by an author that's actually probably roasts I saw that we got [ __ ] you can't say vegan anymore and I'm not the bleep ass you can't even say the word vegan now I'm vegetarian I've been vegetarian my whole life but then like I try my best to be vegan sometimes I like [ __ ] up so I try not to like tell everybody like well I'm vegan because I I do make mistakes and I do know how angry people do get it being like if you don't you know but I do try to do it as much as I yeah and because I do believe in it like I really do think it's cool and I think like health wise there are a lot of health benefits as long as you're doing it correctly because there is ways to eat unhealthily Wow being vegan you're not gonna like you know you can drink beer and like like eat like french fries [ __ ] and like be vegan but like and I mean you can also do that when you're not vegan but it's just like a lot of people will like resort to like bad things because they're vegan and they feel like they have no other option so it's like they'll end up actually eating worse and I've seen that we were saying Cody yeah yeah well I went vegan one time and I just ate french fries exactly all time how I gained weight it's bad I mean also a lot of carbs and harder to get protein yeah because a lot of calories come from meat and then that's you know I don't know but I did a lot of like research when I was younger about it because I mean like growing up vegetarian then I like kinda was like why like what even is this because my parents were vegetarian when I was born I think they might even have been vegan I think they were vegan I don't remember but for like health reasons and then and my dad is still vegan for health reasons and then my mom is like she's just she doesn't she's a vegan anymore but they never like force it upon me it was more just like there was no meat in the house they don't even cook me right so it's just like I grew up that way and then it would be like I'd see like a burger and I'm like no interest whatsoever so you've never tried a burger no you've never tried in and out no you know you can oh I can't no no no not like I'm not telling you to eat me now so you can get a grilled cheese if you oh no no I don't eat and it made me want to not be happy from in and out okay like I know I'm not saying like you know you cannot mean that's a no I meant like you could yeah like I've been in and out and I've like half the fries and every good like I don't like the fries they're they're kind of dry but they're not uh but like um I want it we're gonna get a lot of hate this I said then we already and then from people people people are passionate about in and out yeah I like in and out I'd only be in and out fries and I think most of you can agree so don't give me hate all right here again by the way they're a little bit dry they're a little dry but I I think when they won that you know when the person on the fryer he's a good man yeah we have some good fries but you just got to get there yeah and you got to be there late at night late at night I fry man oh you get a sassy fire it sassy cashier - here yeah oh no yeah hey like they know your tricks you know like they know like they know you're like you're here for some fries you're here for a water cup and you're not so you don't really like have milkshakes no I make smoothies suppose smoothies are good if you're if you want to smoothie but what if when you want a milkshake I honestly I've never been a fan of sweet drinks like I've never liked soda never like juice even though now that I'm older I'm like I went pressed juice and I'm kind of I'm kind of oh you go get a I do you go that's near here even though - this morning I went to creation with a K and it was really good but I got a smoothie and it made me nauseous but I feel better now okay good very nice we should go to lick eliminators are you really that's where we should go decided it's in a trendy you want to know what's interesting I knew we were gonna go there or no psychic cuz I'm a good friend sorry afterwards and get one of those things what yeah Oh [ __ ] you Oh Oh pick it up hey here we go right now going on for an hour before I sign off I just want to say I probably offended multiple people I'm not a bad person I just you know I can't cut out my offensive things in this so I don't know if it's offensive until after I watch I'm gonna actually cut in offensive things I wanna make you racist we like secretly record you at lunch and I'm like so what are you not green no I feel like if I did offend you um just DM me and let's work it out no it just don't [ __ ] give her a hard time okay I'm a learning girl I'm just scared to ask mama bear on it she's acting up baby bear needs some help I'm gonna keep talking first I actually can do our own oh my god I saw comment on your ear because I always like whenever you name me also thanks for giving me like multiple shout outs in your podcast like oh yeah that was very appreciated one time I literally I was watching usually people would be like oh Cody like talked about you and this so then I would like end up I would hear about it from other people before I would see it there was one podcast it was like you guys are like sitting in E in your bed I think yeah and like you had pressed juice sorry I'm not a stalker I was like watching it because I didn't expect you guys to talk about me in it I like low-key like teared up but I was like emotionally touched by it like it was the weirdest thing that's ever happened to me I was like and not expecting somebody to talk about you in like a video and then hearing it I was like I know Cody's not good with emotions I bet he cries a lot though oh yeah I cry like when I'm alone like in the shower and what I'm going to know I don't oh I cried so much do you cry a lot healthy yeah I'm a big time crier I love you I think she's got tears like just weed you ready to go at all times because it's like what if I just started crying in the middle of the podcast while you guys were talking about like am I going to college my future mom is ignore I mean I've never I've actually never cried in a video so I'm waiting for that day yeah I'll just be a little Trisha Paytas Tina she cries she has some actually kind of respect the emotional I just don't know how get how can you cry in a video and then edit it I'm like sit there and watch yourself cry so and not the only thing I mean I would cringe but I think when people get choked up in videos like when I'm watching a wedding video just kidding I'll call a brand I whatever it is but no I don't like what well these are cute oh oh oh the dude that we saw at the cafe he was one of the guys that I made fun of in that video for his wedding video I'm sheet he was one of them I put a clip of his wedding video and you see hello like hella bay area represent you guys probably see like a lot of like other youtubers around here right um yes I I said you know I saw the other day [ __ ] Connor Murphy that muscle dude that like goes up to girls on my Smurfs you see him you're like we're like a fat like a shirt that makes him look fat and then he'll like you like take it off I'm super jacked in front of girl and it's like me this guy is the [ __ ] worst and he was a song in I was like going to surf and he was like pranking people on the boardwalk this is time for me to go home yeah I mean I've never seen another I mean we've seen people but like because we like never like friends event we would you be gay you're friends with baby I know people it's just saying I know I know you know I mean I've seen like hey you know david dobrik just friends on here do you like David Oberg of course yeah oh yeah I do watch david dobrik I didn't mention that we hung out we hang out with him once yeah cool no invite thanks mom I wasn't you've hung out with him more than that I was just there once yes it's kind of dope like it's always so weird though like I would you know I never would have thought like even well like Liza I do i okay well for me I don't personally watch her to be honest but I do like her stuff and I do like I think she does dope she's really talented she is she's super talented um but yeah personally I don't know i don't i cannot even subscribed it's always weird like that like i'm always I am somebody where it's like she's a huge hype and so then like I like I was wrong about that earlier right I just won't check it out so I'm like that I just watched a few of hers and they're definitely funny she's clever and her edit in editing I don't know if she edits or whatever but it's really good yeah and I was and I think it's you know but they're short I want to see more of Liza I don't know what she's like in real life and I wondered a vlog or some [ __ ] yeah but some people aren't in that like that's not their [ __ ] like I know like David like there's even not like I love I like David's personality and like on his like second account like I love like seeing stuff of just him but his actual main account is like I don't even feel like it's that much David it's more as friends yeah I think that that's cool like reading the characters like that's its own art yeah that's like being a producer like a totally sure you create people like if somebody's in your vlog like you create them you know and I know like I was at even when I put people in my vlogs like I kind of like try to like make them into a character they're gonna make me into it character this character to get me back I'm gonna make Kelsey that's like dream and then I'm gonna make Cody the sassy sassy Bennis hipster man well that's not a character so and I'm just a dream yeah Kelsey is Bay because he's gonna be crying the whole Kelsey is just like she's a sensitive she's a sensitive little Hufflepuff you know now it's just Hogwarts but I'm trying to you know thank you I you know I do identify with the ruffles I feel like you were miss living I think so oh you're definitely a Slytherin I know absolutely nothing about anything I'm saying right now actually you want to do let me rephrase I'm what's the one that Harry was in you see that's what it yes you're in that one I don't know what is called what the [ __ ] is it called Glendale Glendale was close no Glen dosoo right there dude you are such a Harry Stan Harry Styles I'm a Harry Styles sand are you really have a crush on him okay honestly though who doesn't have like it what's the question ashes of course she doesn't yes you do of course you don't honestly know I don't know if he walked into a room and I was with you you just don't leave I would still hold your knees like we're done for the night wouldn't what we'll see it's like what's he like in real life exactly I don't know but like I know I mean I am well see his prom with me all my celeb crushes are older than me like they're all like 25 I'm like [ __ ] you know that's sad there's a no chance I can't even slide into the DMS you know let sweet I'm hungry bye this is long as part no it's not the one with the hustling I think it was longer I loved them every [ __ ] day okay because I like I do understand I literally for all of us who are watching and who are gonna hate on me I literally flew to Venice for this I had no other reason to be here Kelsey was like can you come at the end of the week and I was like [ __ ] I'm booking my tickets right now I booked them immediately after she asked that's dope I appreciate it well I mean we appreciate it was hilarious and this is a watching she's one of the funniest youtubers I think coming up right now you're coming up I hate that [ __ ] term but it's like I just like you said before there's not a lot of genuine people on YouTube right like there's so much fake [ __ ] and it's all about like money and whatever it is and I think people who are actually like care about like the arts and also care about the [ __ ] people who are watching your [ __ ] yeah people like take advantage just go on all day you know my ass but like like I don't know people do they kind of like they'll like put out like this [ __ ] just so that you know the well I know that they're gonna buy it like you know I'll put out music just cuz I know that they're gonna watch it cuz they love me and then I'll make money from that even though it's [ __ ] and like I don't believe in that ass though please seriously check her out subscribe she's very funny it's a merge chamber limit and mature hitting me chamber why Chamberlain go subscribe Kelsey what the [ __ ] yeah and Kelsey too because she's got a channel on it's very tough she's going on a third video going up pretty soon right yeah she's in the final edits yeah alright guys bye guys I already have the outro music playing [Music]
Channel: Insanely Chill
Views: 2,716,534
Rating: 4.9253941 out of 5
Keywords: podcast, cody ko, interview, chill, conversation, emma, kelsey kreppel, chamberlain, dollar store, long form, comedy, tmg
Id: BJd3MR7f-Wg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 3sec (5343 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2017
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