Taco Tuesday girl

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what's up guys it was perfect this is uh I'm here this is Kelsey she is my girlfriend so I felt we were saying that first time I've ever said that on the internet ever I'm his girlfriend she has indeed and I thought you know she was sitting around today she doesn't work til 4:00 and I was like what do you hop on the pot I've actually gotten a lot of requests of people asking you to be in the podcast how do you feel about that do you feel good I really appreciate that do you yes people like her way more than a nag me and change after this after this bond because I've seen her like pictures of me what are you gonna do you gonna be racist or something yeah yeah pull up pewdiepie maybe drop the n-bomb a couple times you don't know who pewdiepie is this is my career and you don't know who beautifies who's pewdiepie he's the biggest youtuber on the planet he's got like 50 billion subs what to you am i I can't believe I didn't have why don't we just do that we keep keep the romance to a minimum on this podcast solutely keep this strictly professional yes this is very business I'm I'm dressed professionally as a mind good to have you on the podcast Kelsey can I put this microphone on the stand no no we're holding them today this is one thing I wanted to address is that I feel like the podcast as I've been stressing out about it recently a little bit for some reason I don't really know why I just I want it to be good which so I don't know why I had her on but and so and I feel like the fact that it's in the stand on the table I'm like leaning forward talking into it my back's getting all sore it's not chill as long as chills it should be and it's call insanely chill which I understand except you're talking with your arm meaning like it's still on this deer sorry fine lean back take it in fine oh yeah look at this oh really getting comfy now so what's up what's up what's new with you I'm looking at my notes should we talk about marathon training again yes let's just talk like I'm just here I'm just here I'm along for the ride okay so little never you need to do this is like in in Iceland I had to do the podcast in Devon and I were driving across Iceland in a little car that we had rented driving across the tundra pretty much and I had to record it so I had a little like lav mic and I just did it in the car and he would like and then he would talk and I would just move it over to him like it's a tiny little mic you know just move it over to him and it ended up being a kind of a good episode so maybe this one maybe this one will work out there's a small chance now I'm super stressed yeah but it's not looking good right now really no I think it's been quite all right I mean think you're doing good huh thank you guys for having me maid showed fam see she's already a natural listen do you I did did you listen to the most reason I like I've listened to like a lot of them two of you what's been your favorite this is news to me what's been your favorite one the one I I went back in time okay and which one did you listen to the Taco Tuesday one oh my god jesus christ everyone was asking about it everyone is like it's Taco Tuesday girl so this is Taco Tuesday girl - every - all the Cho survey fan pods that are listening right now this is Taco Tuesday girl this is her this is a girl I was trying to impress and clearly it worked I mean this is weird this is really weird there's a come full circle I didn't even think about that and I didn't think about saying anything but it's like this has come full circle maybe this is the hole maybe Wow never mind I was gonna say something so tough no it was like mean up yeah I wasn't know wasn't about you I was like maybe maybe this is how maybe this is just how like mastermind I'm being about the podcast this is all a big just plot this is all this a segment I'm sorry I just gets meaner and meaner and I'm sorry no no that's not that's what stop stop saying romantic that was too good to be true this sucks I'm sorry I keep scooting close yeah fully off the chair you know Cody's fully sweating it's so hot in here as you guys know this is a theme we sweat every episode no matter who's here just me we got a guest everyone's always sweating you can do whatever you want can't take it off on camera okay can we just yeah yeah I watched your podcast hmm thank you for talking about me and what do you think about the Taco Tuesday one thought it was really cute yeah that was cute it was like what'd you do describe the face thing you're making an embarrassing wasn't that I'm not and then my friend my friends have all met you it was one of them okay um I only have a few so and they met you and the one who lives in Virginia okay she listen to your podcast get to know I feel like I'm screaming in the other one you guys um she listened to get to know you if she lists so this you never met me before she was like I want to keep wanna hear what this guy's about okay so she listened to the one I told you this where you talked about me again okay and what we went to Ed Sheeran concert oh yeah what did she say so then I listened to it okay she listened to it first yeah and what'd she say we should I go Jesus Kelsey what did you get yourself you could do better - I'm just kidding no she obviously approved okay but then she was like have you listened to it and I was like no and she was like what did that mean cuz it was cuz you were like you were like oh she's you talked about me okay okay okay so I listened I wanted to hear what you had to say and it was good okay good good this is this is something I didn't even consider I didn't even consider the fact that when this became my career that potentially I would meet someone and they would Google me and a song called keep Nick fat would come up which is is that something that also happened I didn't Google you but like Google do you have oh yeah what have you come across and go oh you never I looked up on Facebook yesterday and I almost added you yesterday and I was like I'm not gonna add her I don't know it's weird I literally did I was sitting waiting for the kids to get on a circus and I was on Facebook and I Google I looked you up on Facebook and was like hey my music we should like be friends on Facebook and then I was like so then I almost did then I went on my own and stalked myself to see what you would see if you added me on Facebook okay and I was like what this is weird now so then I just kind of put the whole thing away it's really weird it's super weird way also can you just not gloss over the fact that you said while the kids were waiting for circus and then you just kept going I'm sure everyone is like what the is that I don't think anyone would have thought twice about that I would have thought twice you can't just like circus what is that circus class like Cirque circuit like clowns okay so you're the your kids she has a couple kids by the way new kids who you know proud stepped out over here I don't have any kids I feel like should I tell them how old I am no I'm so young you are they say that she's not young but she so you nany two kids should we talk about this I don't know how like personal I don't know I get pretty personal like I guess if I want them they like get to know me yeah okay do you do why is this probably something you should have thought about before yeah I don't care you popped on to my life okay go for it can I change my shirt first yeah go for it cuz now I'm sweating even more yeah sure okay talk about this okay she's got my she's I got my notes up on my thing um update did I where you talk about running oh yeah here you know what I'll tell this story last Friday this is the Venice the weekly Venice story of the week the weekly Venice story of the week yes I'm talking about Venice again but this just I had to talk about this so last Friday I'm this is the type of that goes down here last Friday I'm walking to meet my friends at a bar down the street and show up at the intersection right underneath the Venice sign like the main intersection in that in Venice like the one that everyone all of every single girl takes a picture of the sign I mean it guys do it too actually when it's all lit up it's like oh my god so walk up to that intersections as a dude sitting on a bench just doing his thing just talking on the phone fat dude bald guy but just by all considerations and pretty normal looking didn't look like he was up or anything and he's talking on a phone and then with one hand and with his other hand he's fully just digging into his shorts and so when I saw that I was like oh I know what he's going for in there there's only you know there's only a few things in there he could be going for up the leg of his shorts only a few things right there's whatever this is a dick and then there's the balls as well what you can come back I was talking to you right so dick and balls would say there's what's what stained guy's just pay no mind to the stain on her shirt she was she was um she had a big guy beef dip yesterday she's gone in a big deep beef big deep dip big big beef bip bip nope not that either so anyways reaching in there right now I'm thinking going for his dick and balls for sure one of the three I don't know which one it is it's gonna be one of the balls I don't know one of the digs right and and then he and then this is what he can't quite get to it I don't know if he's because he's like pretty overweight or what's going on so he puts the phone down whoever he was talking to it was just like hey man could you hold on a sec or like baby maybe he was talking to his wife I don't know puts the phone down on the bench beside him and then goes in there with the other hand I was reaching in his short legs with both hands in one leg in one leg okay and I'm like all he's definitely going for his dick or balls at this point I'm like I'm thinking probably dick probably dick I'm thinking what do you think what do you think he's maybe pulling the whole thing out I was thinking maybe he was going back back a little further to his taint I don't owe to his asshole yep okay okay maybe maybe but I'm kind of thinking another this guy now I'm not telling the whole truth here I did see a little puddle of what looked like piss already underneath this guy so I had a little bias a little bit of bias I was like this guy's probably going dick he's probably done this before already since he's been sitting here and he's probably gonna do it again sure enough as I'm crossing the street this guy I just see this urine rainbow spring out of this guy's like crotch area he's just sitting on the bench with a phone beside him hissing an orc like you know that you know the little sticker of Calvin from I almost said Calvin and Harris Calvin what the is Calvin and Hobbes Calvin Hobbes the little sticker that dudes with big trucks get and I'll put it on the back of it psyche Calvin pass it was that but he was a big fat bald guy and he was sitting down pissing out of the leg of his shorts but it was the same for arc he had the same sort of trajectory onto the street and it was really scarring it sucked ass seeing that wasn't good and then I will as I was crossing the street I was like no I didn't I was like oh my god what the cross the street looked back he was done and he had put the dick back in the short leg pant leg and he picked up his phone and just kept talking like nothing happened do you think he told the person on the phone hang on gotta pee and they're like wait are you in the bathroom right now he's like nope none of the bus station no not even bus station that's a public bench I don't think buses stop there I think this dude would show I'm at the bench hang on then the guys like wait the pissing bench and he just fully pissed and I was like I kind of admire that a little bit did you imagine a laboring that would be just you don't even have to move just like hold on Gary I guarantee it was not hold on honey one second she's like you pissing on the bus stop again he put down his phone and use both of his all of his might there was nothing like casual and like relaxing about it it looked Bridge Hill it may have looked chill but you know he broke a sweat trying to get his dick out no nowhere as much as I'm sweating right now no we're close probably same and all we're doing is talking into mics and I'm still sweating so hard so I don't blame the guy for that to sneeze when your dick out of your short leg sometimes can be a little bit tough go have a go for you can sneeze you dare sneeze I it's a one cardinal rule of podcasting is you can't sneeze I I've not been okay I'm sorry I was hitting the jewel this morning and I wasn't I told you I'm not gonna smoking through the weekend and I did no I didn't didn't even bring it I wish I did actually a little bit into the thing I said that I said I wish I brought the jewel but you know you should do what you know how um Lil Wayne like before he comes on oh you always hear him like sparking up a blunt you should like rip the jewel into the microphone that's a really good idea thank you that's a really and then everyone like happy that we have me saying it on tape and record it on here so everyone knows that that was I'm cutting that out and I'm just gonna steal it good just like everything else Jesus Christ joke I'm stealing it so I want to tell you actually about not you because I've already everybody cuz I've already told you but the people so last night we were in the studio again with Christian Diamond Pistols he's the guy that produced the last couple songs the last one being a remix 90-minute remix what did you got cover a cover of Owl City which I wanted it sorry I'm the burping now I'm just excreting gasps excreting is not the right word there hey just gas everything I think I was farted - she doesn't think that sound sounds like a fart a hundred percent does [Music] that sounds like a fart 100% sounds like a fart so anyways know what is wait really high one I've ruined it I should just end on the good one so last week we're in the studio with Christian right we're working on we're working on music and so we're working on this beat and it's like almost too good the songs like too good and Noel and I don't know what to do with it because we're not like actual musicians were just pretend musicians and so we're like we're having writer's block we don't know what the to do and someone goes someone won't Spock was there I don't know if you guys know Spock he's DJ real cool guy and he was he's like been helping us a little bit hmm she's been hanging out and helping us write lyrics because again we were not musicians in he is and so he's there and he was like it kind of sounds like owl city a little bit and we were all kind of like that's like a strange comparison and someone put on a low City and it didn't sound at all like owl city but it was at the point in the night where we were like way we were like just absolutely delirious it was like 1:00 a.m. we had made no progress on this song make no L&I Christian had written the entire thing because he can just do that so you just write songs in three hours and they're like the they're like radio hits I mean supers an perfect example radio hits radio hits so we so he had written the entire song Noel and I were just like just standing there with our dicks in her hand or dicks out of our short legs okay and so we're like we don't know what to do and Christian usually when we're doing like that happens he'll just like do something that will like inspire us to like write or something like that like in super zen he like took that guitar and he played the guitar during the course that's like what got us to come up with that hook and hmm so he just goes he just plays owl city and we're like this sounds nothing like owl city and he's like we're like but we could rap over al city and he was like done 100% he took it into into Ableton and made that beat in like 10 minutes and then and then we rapped over it and it was 1:30 a.m. and we had this moment where like what our what the are we even doing why are we we just went from this like absolute real cool mainstream banger to rapping over our city in the span of half an hour no you can't rap over our city that's the whitest thing you can possibly do all I like to do is just imagine the two of you like standing there just singing the actual chorus together oh my god you should have seen it was like it was like no I wish I I wish I saw that was the thing you should say she came for a little bit to sit just to say what's up and see the dog Christian God this like Corgi which is the cutest is the cutest I've ever seen in my entire life yeah well you don't think so oh your dogs my dogs classic classic dog owner it's true but that dog was definitely number 2 3 yeah what it was the number one smallest dog cute cutest smallest dog it's definitely smaller dogs on earth everything's smallest cutest yeah I'd say it's the smallest dog I think I've ever seen smoothest say that to Christian next time you zoom by the way I tell you you have like this Mutis dog I've ever seen I feel like you'd just be like thank you that's great what Christian yeah I'll kill him what was I talking about you were talking about our walls so this is the funny part that I was that I was talking about so we're at the point where that right now where we're wrapping over Owl City and we didn't get this give it a second thought weird all it's like yeah let's do it we're gonna stay where it's like let's do it and so we started doing it and we needed a chorus and we were both like let's just sing the normal chorus we had changed all the layers up until that point and we were like I don't know it was like laziness and tiredness we're like dude let's just sing the chorus like normally let's just resit instead of the Owl City guy who's who made the song right and who did it in the best way possible for like let's let's do that the two of us try and do that not singers let's just do it and let's not change the lyrics and we're like we should we change the lyrics and Spock was like Spock was tired too he was like no man I think sometimes it's like a little bit try hard to change the lyrics mind you we're already remaking Owl City that's not trihard I don't know what the is and he's like Oh things a little bit try hard and we're like you know what you're right dude you're right let's just sing the chorus so Noel sings it and then I go and sing the high part okay you can hear my voice in the background singing the high part which it wasn't Christian changed it to be good yeah it wasn't good at all so the thing is like so when I do the high voice I sound like a cartoon character so there's like a snapchat of like his roommate Graham was like there with us and he snapchatted me when I was singing this course and I couldn't hear myself because I had the head puts on and I think it's like the number one worst snapchat has ever been taken I see absolutely not why he'll be mortified you'll never want to have sex with me ever again crowd you'll never want to have sex with me ever again no I still have an excuse do you wanna have sex right now okay so that so that's how in if you guys have heard this song it came out on we I we were like are we even gonna release this and then because the original version was like really bad and then Christian went in and like actually I fixed the vocals I'm like did his thing with it and they were like it's still bad but it's like I don't know it's like a fun like throw away track so I posted it it's on my soundcloud posted on Thursday you can go it's got 30,000 plays already you can go I played it she played it and would you think of it I loved it I actually thought it was funny like I I told you I liked my jaw dropped yeah it's not a beginning yeah but then I was like funny funny it's funny everyone it's funny okay seeing seeing Colby in summers face when I played it and the beginning start and they're like this is Firefly yeah and then the bee comes in they're like oh this is kind of cool and then Noel sings about pubes and their faces went like horrified they were both like no they were disgusted is what they were there was kind of like and then the puce part came they're like and that's what their face was like for the rest of the song and even listen to it it's like I mean like it it's disturbing we didn't even that's how tired we would even think of it as like a disturbing thing you're singing pubes if you think about it like that's such a common thing everyone could you draw some pubes pubes just rappers don't talk about them ever but like you know they don't you know they mean oh yeah I guess like hell hell I probably even got some of their own they might even have they probably do but it's just like they no one talks about beauty everyone makes it seem like everything's so great down there all the time I highly doubt it rappers need to rap more about pubes tell us like tell us situations where we can all relate rappers yeah cuz we all come across him as Kelsey said we've seen a couple a couple yep cubes a couple of pubes cubes um that's the lesson here people need to rap more about pubes and we need to be more stop pube shaming tolerant to pubes think about it yeah stop it we all have it we all have them well some people don't anymore you know people do the laser shed they get rid of them entirely stop lasering your pubes the title of this stop lasering your pubes and just accept them 100% that says I love this vodcast 100% good all speaking of music gucci mane is doing a song with jake paul that's a thing that's actually happening I thought that I didn't even I thought I was walking I you know not a proud to admit this but Jake Paul's oh you know what it was is that his new song someone tweeted I mean was like you got it you gotta listen to his new song and like at this point it's like why why even bother like it I know it's gonna be so bad and I know I'm gonna just shut it off 30 seconds in and go like how the is this kid still making music and but I for some reason I still did it you listened did you I clicked on it and it's even worse it's called the Jake Pollard's anthem good and it's about it's I guess it just is for his fanbase to vibe out to I guess maybe just to sing when they're like hey think about Jake Paul was singing I made a preschool well that's the thing is that in the video he's like shirtless dancing in front of a group of his fans and they're like six-year-old girls that's weird it's so weird it's so weird like dude just where where is the adult in your life that's just like hey don't do that man filming it your biggest parents were like hey man don't anyone that's involved I feel like is the same like just doesn't I don't think there's I think anyone who is even involved in his life that is the same you you think there's not one person I with even a shred of common sense I definitely think there probably are a couple people who are like maybe we should be doing this but okay I mean I guess so yeah that's probably what it is people there's complacent there yeah like he's kind of scary like I would be scared to be on his bad side Jacob I love you Jake there what the no I'm just saying like I feel like he's a nigga very unstable you think so yes like I think he knows exactly what he's doing I think he's terrifying because this song is not only is the video weird don't dance shirtless in front of four-year-olds don't do it but the song is so insanely bad is so bad haven't listened to it and I don't do I would put it on right now but I'm gonna get copyright it we can listen to it out it's like it's to the point where is like why isn't why don't you have one friend that's just like dude yeah just maybe not this one man maybe maybe you'll get him with the next one you know you be that guy I am right now hey Jake Paul stop making music we're doing this for you Jay yep stop making music so and I was like what it just man and I'm not saying I make good music but I think I don't know I don't know what I'm saying I'm kind of saying that I make good music I like I like the music that you make is like well first of all it's like good yeah well no it's it's like funny like you're trying like you're making good music but you're also you're not trying too hard yeah okay yeah like you you're kind of making it like a joke good like satire kind of yeah but I think what everyday bro was supposed to be which is Jay Paul's like first song yeah I think I was singing it was an absolute dinger I mean that song spanx super hard but someone some people were saying it was the same sort of thing he was like kind of just like like they made it in like a day I felt like it was he was trying really hard right I felt the same way I think it's the same with all of his songs well yeah jokes there's also you're trying really right he's definitely trying you're not trying that I'm trying hard I'm trying hard to not to seem like I'm not trying and you're doing it thank you dad likes the camera stopped recording alright little update on my on my audition on Friday the hope to have my audition as if you guys are waiting to hear with bated breath how my audition I was ready know hey little up they don't think you guys didn't even know what's happening it happened so that that's good you did it so I had an audition on Friday it was for a horror movie and it was [Music] my notes what did is a Friday audition didn't go that bad oh thanks ruined it no you have to talk about it so Friday the audition that I had it didn't go that bad it actually was the first time I like walked into a room and like and the thing is is maybe it was because I didn't really care I was like I haven't really been auditioning that much recently and so I don't know acting like went in the past like few months hasn't really been like that big of a focus I was like whatever I'll just go in and do it and I did it and I was like kind of relaxed and I walked out and I was like that didn't go that bad bad didn't go that bad which was a cool feeling I don't know I'm always like I walk out of autism rooms and I'm like I'm quitting acting forever never ever acting ever again and is the first time that I was like maybe I'll quit in a couple weeks right after I find out that I'm not gonna get this role maybe have you anything yet I don't think so probably didn't get it but hey at least you thought it didn't go that bad exactly exactly I love when we finish each other's sentences same anyway y'all feel that earthquake yesterday what do you think about it was so bad it was bad for you I knew it was coming you knew the earthquake was coming mm-hmm how did you predict an earthquake I didn't predict and you predict that the earthquake was coming I was sitting in Meg's room Megas my roommate and my best okay who's sitting in Meg's room and I was like I don't know we were just talking and I heard it and then I felt it mmm like I heard I heard something and I sat up and I was like yeah it like sound like an explosion or something you just hear it you like rumbling it came here rumbling and I thought North Korea was back on their for a second I thought we were good and I thought we were kind of getting very like dunzo I feel like yeah pop that one might have been like a little bit louder you think so maybe cuz I think you'd still hear the boom and then you'd be like well this is it fellas and then the wave of nuclear like you know radiation would get you but you have that like couple seconds we're like oh I think but the boom is probably louder than the rumbling of the 3.5 earthquake we had you don't know it depends it's hard it's hard for me to say cuz I was we were blasting the banger that we were making last night in the studio we were just it was just a dinger dinging dinging away yes was so loud and so heavy and dope that keep it I think of a nuclear bomb mm-hmm hit LA you probably wouldn't even wasn't even haven't heard it heard it yeah probably just felt yeah like you just wanna shake yeah good maybe I should start making music anyway no it was I you didn't live here your whole life okay in California yeah have you experienced earthquakes little ones like that okay but like you just everyone's talking about it being like like the big ones coming yeah but like that's I've been prepping for these things since 93 well how have you prepped like you what are you supposed to do so you're supposed to have like emergency kits ready to go okay like when I taught I taught preschool and when I taught we every family had to bring in a kit and there had to be like certain he's moving away there had to be certain I'm like like foods that could last the whole year and like that's what you're supposed to pack like water applesauce okay sure like that okay crackers you're supposed to pack that like for if there's an earthquake that you're like emergency food okay just closet so where have it packed yeah and then when right when the earthquake happens Oh once again food that can last for a year like that's I'm just saying like when we had the families on my school make things I couldn't last the whole year okay and they'd bring them on like the first day of school and then we put them in this thing in case there was an earthquake each kid would have their own little so that they can survive for a year in a sort of apocalypse situation nope the food lasts the whole year so the food's not gonna go bad the whole year just in case while they're fighting for their survival zombie apocalypse up and I am Legend but with 32 preschoolers see what you're picturing it is it's not what I'm saying okay like they bring it like Lord of the Flies this type thing you'd have to eat each other eventually eventually okay damn oh no I ever do okay they bring it the like in case there's an earthquake okay any day of the year okay at least they'll have this food and the foods not bad because they brought food that doesn't go bad so it can last a year to survive off of for a year it's just to last okay but they bring a year's worth thank God yep okay I got it yes I get I get it so you're supposed to have one of those okay here yeah um but then like once the ground starts shaking you're supposed to go stand in a doorway okay I don't think that's true it is someone was saying last night that that Noelle was like it's actually wrong you're supposed to sit beside the bed because the doorway can collapse on you or something like that's like actually the most like not the most structurally sound place which is what people think is that true no you know you're insulted right now cuz you know your well I mean maybe no I'm stressed now because maybe he's right and I would die and you were in danger last night no I didn't even make it to the doorway you didn't know what maybe you're fine I was headed to the doorway will you get your apple sauce first before we ever eat again meg and I were sitting there and the like I heard it and then I felt it and I jumped up to go run to the doorway because I've been like wait like this is like my time to shine I was waiting for this okay to happen okay to go to the worst place in your house walnut earthquake he's having talked to my mom she told me it was the best place let's get her on let's call her up mom hi this Kelsey's mom hi you're on air with insanely chill wondering quick quick queue for you in an earthquake are you a it's supposed to be by the doorframe be by the bed see eating applesauce or D none of the above or e all of the above do them all at once yeah apples are um no so I got up to render the door Meg freaked out because she was like holy it's an earthquake so she jumped on me because she got scared she jumped on me and like tackled me we both fell to the ground and she was on me okay holy okay so a few of the roof caved in and you would've been fine probably I would've been okay her but in the long run I wouldn't have been because Meg would be Jude I will be gone dark all right so quake but we are okay we're good I'm fine I'm fine we barely freed we buried okay you want stop talking over me say something you're in the studio I own the studio on the valued barely felt it but again that's because the bangers the whole thing right um should we call people yep you want to call some people yeah all right who are you I put on my patreon again this morning I don't know if he was in the last episode by the way I don't know what the happened with [Laughter] you can't just do that oh no allies like kept going like whenever we like where everything's like serious writer's block we're both sitting there like just like I don't know what the to write he'd be listening all of a sudden be like wait a minute wait a minute and he could hurt going like this he big and I'm like what Vic you got something and he'd just go you would not believe here and the god dammit dude and he would did it he did it with like I I'm in love with a stripper too or something like that it was kind of funny anyways I don't know what the happened to the last episode on YouTube but it's like only 18 minutes and a bunch people were complaining about it I don't know if it's like a bug on YouTube or not so if you didn't get to watch the whole last episode I was calling I called people I call people that my patreon contributors I called you guys and we talked a little bit and I figured we would do the same thing except for the fact that we have three minutes left what well Kluge is gonna come back here as an interview we'll just keep going and then can you go in his room I will keep what this is fun okay we'll keep going now what you can you can pass me that yeah wait do we have to stop actually I mean what the people are they hey if you love this you love this raise your hand let us know we have to call the people I'm calling him ready I didn't I have oh my god I'm always not prepared for this part well I gotta get a fake number oh you need me just call mine off your phone yeah block yours it'll take five seconds to get this keep me entertained um talk about San Diego so we went to San Diego this past weekend to celebrate Marcus's birthday Marcos turned to 27 am I allowed to say that not to say that well I tried to tell my age and you were like now well because I don't well people know Marcus's 27 I'm pretty sure the same age as me okay my birthday is on Sunday so stay tuned for my age she's way older than I am mm-hmm Oh cougar met her on Cougar life cougar life.com Danette cooler life net anyway so we went to San Diego for Marcus's birthday um it was great it was a lot of fun we all right went it keep going we surfed Cody did yep I did a lot really good surf on Saturday I'm sorry which was Marcus's actual birthday then we went to eat breakfast at this really good polling and then you know we drink yeah we just kind of dicked around and drank a lot it was the best vodka vodka redbull slushies yep robot water as they call it and it makes your heart feel bad I was fully having palpitations over you didn't do anything to me really well wouldn't rub it in Jesus his tolerance Oh like like the Red Bull didn't do anything I mean it sorry to change the subject love we were talking about but let's call something you guys I know that was exciting um okay column so last time people were like why didn't you call any guys so I'm gonna call this dude his name's Brandon Wyman let's see oh if he's i feei siz me right now the first guy I call on this podcast should I leave him a message little voicemail like this is come full circle again I so listen to voicemail your call has been animated voice messaging system for fine to be on here alright sorry guys that was boring here let's call the girl let's call it thing Abby oh hey Abby what's up but this is Cody oh my god how's it going oh yeah where's where's that mean you don't to say if you don't want okay what's true what street is your you live in Omaha yes what is there to do in Omaha literally nothing what do you do what's what's the day-to-day so I do that and Memorial big shout out big shout outs in Memorial Park for anyone's this thing who knows that that's cool hey well I just yeah I will I will schedule the show in Omaha Nebraska I'm not gonna I'm not gonna thank you I'm probably not gonna do that oh I'm kidding maybe I won't okay all right well I just want to say hi and have fun of your dad's place to hide on for me thank you I will oh my God thank you so much I was here yeah love you too was it rain until you told her you loved her it was okay can I'm kidding I loved her I kinda wanted to jump in like 12 times here's a little DM from somebody it says have you ever come in a girl's mouth and she doesn't smack her lips then say it tastes like piss she sucks I don't make a mental note of that one make sure you did that we called jasmine Taryn house we go Darren Darren let's go I'm not laughing at your name Darren its Garin its Garin little on teh but pliant nothing wrong I don't think there's anything wrong with that name Garin I think Darren's a totally normal name I think Klug are you good you good what no it's fine it's all good we're just chilling we're calling people all right here we go hello there in the plant Jeremy thus far now did he straight up like ignored that or anything his phone's off or something it might be off it seemed like that was one rainy and he was like you thought I was you he was there no what no I didn't you were so excited talk to someone named Gary again nothing wrong with named Garen no I'm it sounds like Darren and Garrett mixed together just pick one on yeah okay Oh hello on yeah what's up it's Cody here hey oh my god how's it going I'm good how are you King jinx you owe me a stuff don't be soda they just said that at the same time tell me right now no please how what do you know Jesus Christ this is this is the rudest phone call I've ever been on I I like it it's a good change of pace yeah you're look I'm kind of scared to say anything else content yeah it is what are you up to um just chilling trying to find a career for me what do you like what kind of what kind of career you're looking to get into we're just looking for any career honestly well I really want to be a park ranger but I don't know how realistic that is like Yogi Bear type yeah like TJ I'm gonna learn Yogi Bear he's my favorite comedian interesting yeah it's not that that's not the usual career path when you're you know usually here and vet or something but what you can talk here wait else nothing what do you want to be a vet why our vets disgusting horrible you think vet you need we yeah you want to be a park ranger isn't there some sort of isn't there like wildlife involved with that too um yeah but it's not killing them you don't boil animals and that's do you like you also save their lives hey sorry Kelsey's here - she's talking hey that's really it doesn't it that's an interesting perspective well I listen I wish you all the best in your in your journeys to become a park ranger and if you do thank you you'll have to tuck me up with a park pass or something I will okay my dream part is probably Olympic National Park so come up perfect love that one love that one they can and I will have a great have a great rest of your day you too all right stop speaking damn god damn it action did you even hang up or did she hang up I think she hung up first she's French - imitating welcome to Brazil I know kind of like scared to like do another call you know what in fact I don't think I don't think I'm going to No okay but I feel bad cuz clues about being on phone interview I think we got to wrap it up sorry guys see this is a problem I'll get a studio and this won't be an issue anymore eventually sorry we can't call more people on yeah yeah sorry on yeah next time what next time we'll go on we'll be well yeah but next time I'll call more people for a longer period of time I know I said every time but and I maybe I'll answer some DMS and stuff - thanks for watching guys follow the Twitter it's ad insanely underscore show you follow her on Instagram if you want to its I'm gonna say it it's my name it's her name rated on iTunes if you like it 5 stars and follow me on Instagram Zack Cody Co or Twitter or whatever and we'll see you guys next time bye thanks for having me thanks for watching peace love you hello hello hey is Gerren yeah I can't believe you called back I really wanted what are you up to you Majid why'd you miss it I was insulted dude I almost left you a voicemail but then your number played and so I didn't want the number to be recorded so I had to hang up yeah no worries dude yeah my cousin is gone sorry I got Kelsey here she's my co-host right now okay that's where the son who goes to Yvonne - her cousin what's her tongue party I'm sayin baseball he's a baseball player you probably not yeah we don't know yeah yeah for sure I'm sorry sorry dude I just need to talk to you Garen talking to the phone oh my your phone good to talk to you so what classes what classes do you got today what you got going on I made a I made a speech in front of the athletic department very like concussion awareness thing was the only thing I did today holy hey that's pretty impressive how did it go did you stutter you know yep I completely missed half of what I was going to say oh that's good that's cuz you recovered and you did it you concluded the speech nicely everything went well yeah I did my gym I got away it's good well yeah it's good I don't know it a little bit cloudy today and it's um yeah but it's good yeah down we're chillin but I go surfing yeah they usually well dude good to talk to you congratulations on the speech Kelsey wants anything of course I'll call back alright Garen film on Cody yeah peace I was gonna say something about his name at the end I know I feel bad now that I couldn't ripped on his name damn it Darren did Aaron your really nice guy we were feeling I think a little down about the calls yeah and then um but you came through at the end there those could you called back think right after we made fun of your name and how I apologize Gary I mean Darren alright guys that's it for this podcast see ya you
Channel: Insanely Chill
Views: 636,462
Rating: 4.9644456 out of 5
Keywords: guest, cody ko, podcast, chill, comedy, long form
Id: R1anJHydyE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 43sec (3163 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 20 2017
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