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what's up guys welcome back to the podcast this is a very special Halloween edition in which I've completely lost my manhood because I'm wearing a giraffe onesie so if you're watching on YouTube you can probably tell and it's because she made me wear it because no I'm kidding I actually wanted to wear it it was actually this is all mine this is my idea these are actually my onesies yeah she's dresses sriracha sauce sauce as opposed to there's nothing else is just a sauce I'm dressed as sriracha because I saw this I was actually going to Target to get that one then I saw this one this one that one's better this one this one is at dudes one it has a zipper on the bottom so that you can take the Wiener out and take a pee if you wanted to yeah I I just I pee through it as well how do you do that I don't even want to know the logistics behind that you don't mean tell you no I actually think I'm good to just be blissfully blissfully ignorant to that no don't want to picture that I'm good alright I can show you later if you want nope I'm good I'm just kidding oh yes horrendous happy Halloween to you and yours I hope that it's going great for you well this I guess it's not technically Halloween for you guys so I hope you had a great Halloween I hope that you went out trick-or-treating happy November having what oh yeah happy November to you my birth month is coming up the big two 7 yay what are we gonna do for my birthday it's a surprise oh yeah you got it already got a plan yeah what do you got we're having a big dinner the next day the next day what do you mean the next day ya know it's Thanksgiving yeah my birthday sucks no it's gonna be good actually I have a lot of things in mind like what I'm gonna tell you it's make sure you have a lot of things playing do you yeah well at least I remember your birthday hold out Cody asked me what my birthday was today as he was feeling something out and then five minutes later had to put my birthday and again and forgot it again no no okay is one of those moments where you know you're sitting there and someone's watching what you're putting in the screen and I came because I was booking her a flight and it came to it was like putting her name so luckily I remember that and then no you put in your sister that was just a little [ __ ] up that was more like a kind of spaced out right and then came to the birthday and I'm like oh [ __ ] if I forget this then I'm [ __ ] mm-hmm right yeah I'm never gonna have sex ever again and then and then that started you know I mean it's just snow balled snow it's a snowball of anxiety in my brain and I'm like now a Cameron Bure birthday Anna January as a genie and her birthday just [ __ ] happen I'm sorry it's fine well this is my punishment now that I'm wearing a giraffe onesie you were my own podcast not in wanna wear this he thinks he looks good in it I didn't know he's wearing jeans underneath it nope didn't think because you gotta wear pants under ones that you can't just go onesie I'm going onesie what happens if I have an important business meeting and I have to like right away and I have to strip down like what happens if some important investor was like hey I want a full-body FaceTime right now okay happy Halloween I'm committed I was walking down your street in this bad boy really put that money in the meter hmm what all I had is what was I gonna say oh yeah are we gonna go trick-or-treating I actually want to here's a funny joke do you think in Australia trick-or-treating is the kids giving candy back to the adults as they as they walk around you know how like toilets flush the other way I didn't no they don't that's that's a joke oh my god I knew that one would fall Wow what about this you know as a kid I always you know you always loved the houses that gave out full bags of meth there we go cuz I wasn't expecting it whoo love a good meth Joe chalk one up to me baby one good Halloween joke that I've written so far this morning and actually I had that one tweet I said plays there was a pilot of the turning hashtag he said places where pumpkins don't belong and I said right directly in my dick hole yeah you did which not funny was silly it's just silly so not funny I guess that sucks I was so high and now I mean it's true I guess and I'm gonna think about another house true tweet what it is that's pretty much the last place you ever want a pumpkin it is right right just inside your dick hole mm-hmm right that wouldn't be good no just it's like this yeah I couldn't I mean you know it's like with a straw right yeah pumpkin nothing not that you have a dick I'm just saying right in the let's move on shall we okay oh just think about your tweets next time we we had a good Halloween for the first time we did in my entire life Halloween Halloween usually to me is just it's just it's always bad it never works out we never actually have good plans we're always like it's always just it's two hours of us drinking in costumes and people saying what's the plan every 10 minutes thinking that saying that is gonna magically someone's gonna just create like a plan is gonna appear out of thin air that's what it is and this time Friday was that 100% that Friday we all got in our costumes and we were all dressed as referees except for you you were some sort of abominable snowwoman I was just wearing a robe and slippers it was like a big I was like a furry robe a big furry Rose doesn't excuse to wear pajamas I believe Halloween yeah you were comfy as [ __ ] I was but you were wearing pants under there that's wearing shorts so you can't hate on me I'm wearing shorts under a robe I'm not wearing shorts under shorts you're wearing jeans underpants you don't need jeans you don't wear shorts under your shorts know how our shorts I just have before have you yeah why like um like in high school mm-hmm and I go to practice we have have to wear like little shorts under our shorts for what Oh cheer she was a cheerleader they no cheerleader you know I wouldn't I mean I wouldn't make a big deal okay let me just saying I would say it was my guys Dana cheerleaders so okay don't worry about jealous assault it's all good totally understand I just kind of made it over here I'm dating a girl that wears sriracha onesies on the street wear shorts under her shorts and who was a cheerleader I'm a catch you know like Tobias from Arrested Development how he wears jean shorts in the shower you know what you never seen the rest of development have I've seen it before just I haven't seen that too busy watching this is us such a good show guys this is us really really good episode and there were a little bit too many feelings in it for him so he decided like he didn't like it I don't like feeling feelings you know no I don't I don't like feeling things no I'm kidding I do that's a big trend though it on the internet is people pretending to be numb because I think it's cool totally do you know what I'm saying yeah actually I'm just saying 100 percent okay I hate that I really do I it's okay to just it's okay to feel things you don't have to be numb you'd have to do this an X and just [ __ ] just be a robot you have to do that you can feel things you can be sad you'd be happy you okay I'm just looking sad I took a bunch of xanax right before I started this podcast so we had a good Halloween we did we this was the first Friday night was like we because everyone was the plan dude what's the plan what's the plan I don't know I'll try and figure out you got a plan no you got a plan not yet but I'm texting every we will disagreed on the plan and then it someone finally was like alright let's go to this bar everyone was like now that sucks let's go to this bar and so we like try to go to this house party didn't work out like last year it was this all weekend it was just us trying to figure out what if we had a costume we did great costume we were Domino's and so we were like planning on falling into each other wherever we went every year we have this great ideas for like a group costume and you have nowhere to [ __ ] go to do the funny thing but on Saturday we had somewhere to go Saturday we did I'm saying last year it was just we ended up with this like really weird like house party where people were like oh my god it was so weird it was so weird it was our friends friend's party or something it was like all the way out in Echo Park and we were bird all the way out there and we get to this house and the persons it was the person's parents house and the parents were there and it was all like 26 year olds and everyone was like sort of trying to get [ __ ] up but the parents like clearly were not into it it was so weird and that's where we started the night we're like well this is it this is just a wash like we heard 50 minutes out to Echo Park party were these people's parents let me laugh we went to another party and it was just like it's like weird when you don't know anyone and it's just people doing like mess and you're just which is you know that's that's a positive right yeah that sounds like I did yeah but it's like you don't want to do meth with a zombie trip that you don't know that's why I don't like Halloween yeah because we were doing meth for zombies just because of the zombies because you don't like zombies no just because I don't like people dressed up as things what do you mean I don't like people like walking around in masks why not it's just creepy yeah you don't know what they're you know we're who they are you know what they're up to I don't like people walking around and scratch you don't know what they're you don't know if they're wearing pants under their king shorts under shorts honestly don't you said you liked it no I do like it I think it's cool agronomics kind of jealous of your ones that he said I'd wear the giraffe when we can switch halfway to the podcaster take a little break why switch 1zz - Snickers bar here we go I have to put more money in my meter so that can be earth there's only two whoppers inside this one I hate whoppers what do you hate whoppers I think so negative I love you me I'm taking the role of Cody today um I'm sorry about my really swollen I don't know if you can see it here my eye is all [ __ ] up I've been numb eating a little bit too much ass recently you know what happens I'm kidding I have a sty I think or it could turn into a Chilean I don't know if that is but my eyes all [ __ ] up and it's not very fun and were you saying Halloween okay so this so this weekend we actually have Friday was kinda same thing we dress up as referees we had this whole great idea where we're gonna get people red cards in the bar and get people yellow cards and it was all really funny we had whistles and so we went to a bar on Friday and it just um it just turned into us almost getting kicked out of the bar for for whistling apparently people really don't like whistle house they really don't like them that was a whole theme of the weekend and so Friday we're in this like kick-ass shitty bar and the bouncer comes up he's like hey guys love the costumes but you know absolutely stop whistling that definitely don't do that that's gonna get you kicked out okay sorry only half the group of us heard him say that the other half was like at the bar so when they like came back with the drinks they were like so obnoxious yeah there's [ __ ] Adam he was like going in on it Taco Tuesday killer Adam like this is like right after the bar like what's up guys so two drinks for us all right after the bouncer comes up to us and goes hey guys stop whistling I'm like cool man sorry you know loved the bar great bar love what you're doing with the bouncer stuff really big fan sorry we're gonna totally stop whistling and then he like walks away and he's like five feet away and some are just meanders over with a bunch of drinks is what drink alert guy but it's like that's a normally a time and everyone would be like yes like you have like of course that one time it's Adam walking over like can you [ __ ] stop weird we got in trouble Shh [ __ ] you Adam was a bunch of drinks then thanks for the drinks Adam we have to hanks Adam if you're watching this and then had it and then we left we went home because I was really tired it was tired I was tired and so we left they went to another party which apparently they had a little bit of fun at so then whatever that's Friday mediocre mediocre but kind of fun sort of a little bit fun after and so we then set something outside all right the [ __ ] leaf blower guy yes it does maybe he came home to take a [ __ ] if I lived close to work out come home to take shits on you you live you work from and why no but it so I do that's what I'm saying Colby's dish I know their code actually I probably get in there yeah it's um it's I'm not going to say don't say it but tell me later so then Saturday we actually plans and we had a really good time mmm we did it worked out everything worked out the first time has ever happened it was just nice to enjoy the day knowing oh sorry I'm just kidding knowing that we had plans like we didn't have to worry about anything we just got to hang out I feel like I'm just like I'm never that person that's like oh we remember that person there's like on the list for things but you were yeah for the will for once but I just was stressing out because it's like - cheers thanks you know but Mike's thanks Cheers all right this is getting a little saucy little sriracha sorry guys didn't mean for you to see that like I'm never like I'm never like guaranteed on the you know what I mean I'm just like not that Hollywood sometimes never like all Cody's definitely on the list for a party he can bring whoever he wants it was like kind of a struggle today you know you persevered what I'm saying like all Saturday's stressing is what if someone's name was not on there yeah we get there and everything worked out because we had to give a list of names of all the people who are going yeah and it wasn't just like Cody plus friends it was like these exact people you know get to have their names um because you know that's how it works you gonna exclusive Hollywood parties you know a lot of a lot of movers and shakers at that party watch faces no but actually was cool the people from the American band was there that's like my favorite job watching a long time ya know is good got to you know rub shoulders with those folks like such a dad what am I saying like what a movers shakers shoulders a lot of important people because I feel like you already knew all of them I did but it was cool to like see them and just like also like I don't know I haven't seen him since the show came up right right and it was just a good time it was small really good time big the Peter kid the report that yeah yeah yeah yeah he was small he's a he's a small little I didn't get him though neither did I hmm so do you though shout out you're watching this thank you we had a good time Saturday was good yeah she was dressed as a hot cheeto daddy I didn't know what to be I never liked it she was a normal cheeto I'm just saying she look hot what's this what's the theme with dressing up like spicy things it makes me feel hotter mm-hmm you don't need the costume for that come here well sorry you want to bump bikes again here we go um anyway yeah I don't like to I don't like to plan out what I'm gonna be I just kind of go with what the first thing on my mind is and everyone's like you should have been a cheese it Oh beachie is it you sure but it no I'm not gonna be a cheese it why not why do you feel so passionately about this you really got this I did you know you know what you know what would make me be a cheesy receiving them where are you where do you get off talking to the pot search obeys like that that was so passive-aggressive know you know posture chota bathe in the P o box ever heard of it you guys sent Cody brand new shoes like he needs them and all I want is jeez it but you're right you guys are my pod bay chose your pod chode bay pants okay I'm trying to be nice you're Cody's pod bay chode fam which makes you gives you a special place in my heart especially because you let me come on this podcast and you listen to me talk and I really appreciate it so thank you guys for having me I mean the your the Hyatt most highly requested person and I appreciate it thank you guys for having me truly I got really excited when Cody asked me for anyone to be on today but you know son she's it's okay I'm sorry not for me for her I'm sorry I acted that way towards taking my child ster pod base my bod ster chode pays chadster shots their chat pods you guys I'm sorry I yelled at you I'm gonna like I'm gonna be up at night think about that love you guys my pod bays Cody's pod bays do you think um trick-or-treating in Australia is like the kids wouldn't go around to the houses that give the candy back to the to the adults did it work that time it worked I'm just I'm laughing at the idea that you just tried it out again I'm working on the delivery okay I'm thinking about it should we talk about what we got in the pl box cuz we did we're gonna do a video and we didn't do a video because we just like she was too anxious for cheez-its and so she it's honestly true I was like I just call the package Oh mom I'm trying to set up the camera I'm like just wait Kelsey she's tearing through the [ __ ] packages like a dog on Christmas you know dogs on Christmas class like tearing through packages as dogs I've never had a dog so I don't know if that's true I just kind of like swung for the fences there any other problems you know that's not a problem at all I just like I just realized I said another really dad thing swing for the fences on that one okay well slowly this is what happens when you almost turn 27 dad turn into a dad you know yeah well so she's tearing through the badges and I'm trying to set up the camera Mike Kelsey can you wait five seconds she's just tearing through these things open and [ __ ] up thrown it across the room because it's not cheese it's like throwing it on against the white people saying true people were sending these fragile little trinkets I got a bunch of like little cute little statues and stuff like that and she's just whipping these things against the wall and the shattering and and I'm just I'm freaking out because I'm like first of all this is kind of funny so I should get it on film second of all she's drooling she's frothing at the mouth trying to get to these cheez-its and there aren't any so she's getting angrier and angrier it's getting worse and worse and she's not even opening packages she's just throwing them off the balcony and the whole thing was a big mess so afterwards when I when I cleaned everything up and actually had time to like sort through the stock equalized by that point yeah yeah she I'd put her I'd put her down at that point I had a good you know sometimes when she gets like that I have some tranq darts that I use so and and so by this point she's kind of on the on the floor you know she's out for a couple hours I knew I know I'm at that point halftime but like really sore through this stuff that I got so sorry to all the people that sent me little statues little glass statues from Russia and all that I'm sorry those are those are long gone and now and but everyone else would send me stuff thank you I appreciate it we got someone sent me someone sent me a pair of shoes like it's just a brand new pair of Clark's they're nice I'm sorry they're nice a little bit too big but thank you for those appreciate it someone sent me a pair of excel sweatpants and said these look like the they'd fit you so [ __ ] off for that and also thank you but [ __ ] off we wear the we wear them at the same time Tech see that's what we should do for the second half of the pocket let's do it it's both wear now it's not actually okay I kind of like this giraffe onesie we good what else we get we got a box full of British candy that was good really good arrow and I didn't even get a bite of that arrows the best um we got underwear for two we actually got underwear that two people can wear yeah which is cool right now yep um we got a bunch of bunch of letters which whatever don't read them those go straight into the trash every time same as napkins I read them I'm just kidding Cody reads them too no I read them and I actually appreciate them they're nice yeah what else will be good I want to thank the people for we should actually bring it out here and go through it but I don't really want to I'm too lazy to go get it you could get it while I put my money in the meter already have to reload the meter mm-hmm in eight minutes mm-hmm okay okay yeah maybe we'll take a little break and do that or maybe not what else do I have to talk about today guy way he's spread so I still feel really bad about yelling at them for the cheesehead yeah I think you're good I'm like thinking about it I think you're fine good okay you weren't really that was just more giving you [ __ ] when you keep looking at my calendar it's just anything interesting no you guys I'm gonna Israel in December um so you have any if you have any recommendations for Tel Aviv Tel Aviv how do you say it Tel Aviv Tel Aviv then let me know restaurants maybe I don't know I'm excited okay so there's this coffee place that we got to buy used to be my favorite coffee place and then I realized it's really the most pretentious place and I don't like it why don't you like it I don't like it because if I'm waking up in the morning trying to get myself a nice coffee yeah I just want coffee I don't need a fancy drink with a lemon slice in it right I think that makes sense that's like $80 that's what I'm slowly realizing it coffee doesn't really need to be like them no you just need coffee you just need what it is that's what it is coffee you need you need it oh you really you really made your point with that one that's what it is coffee and you need it and that's all it is sorry um you cody has just oh let's finish talking about this place first which place the place yes no no this is I mean this is what I'm saying is is make sense because I agree it does it coffee doesn't need to be explained the to them the drink that you think is good that you get from there okay so it's a state I'm not you just Snickers real quick you know when you're hungry what's the Snickers tagline hungry eat a Snickers espresso and tonic that's right tonic water that's sparkling water thrown in with coffee with espresso it's not sparkling water yeah it is it's sparkling water as little bubbles in it it's sparkling yeah but it's like it's got like a whole bunch of other [ __ ] tonic do you think tonic and sort of water are the same thing no they're very similar though they're not similar at all they're both bubbly lipids they're both white bubbly liquids so all sodas are similar to you know their water really also does this ammonia are you being mean am i yeah I'm just trying to create a some good banter here you're yelling at me no I'm just trying to back I'm patterning you know you're doing me head in you're not battering you're just being you've been not very nice no I don't really like how what you're saying you think you think I'm obviously being mean I think kind of I think you're kind of picking on me no well no all I'm trying to say is that I'd I find tonic water and sparkling water to be similar yeah and I see that listen I think 100% my my type you had it still I can't I can do British for three words and then it starts to deteriorate do it you want to be you want to be amber from amber if you're watching this she's got a great amber from love Islands no one watches except [ __ ] uh everyone watches that [ __ ] not did that when I was near podcast probably yeah people watch it because I I talked so much about it in like the first few Cody told me about love island before we started dating and I was like the one thing that we like but like I was like oh let me a Texaco you have to talking about love Iowa that's our faction foundation for our whole relationship is it was just always my excuse you want a healthy relationship build build build a mutual connection build a relationship over love Island I think that's what we've learned that was your excuse yeah like something would happen and they're like yeah I'm gonna text about it maybe it's just probably talk to Cody about it means text him Cody went away he went to Chicago before he started dating and I was on Episode four of love island and he was like on episode like 26 and he went to Chicago for like four days and he got back and I was sort of 58 I was on episode like 23 and it was and each one is an hour an hour long like that's really cute but it I was like you did I didn't do anything for 25 hours and three days that's the only thing you could have done I had like late nights at work I just sat there and watched it I mean I don't blame you I do that [ __ ] too we did that with American are you doing there's a little fur on it thanks for cleaning my mic welcome um yeah anyway wow we just got really off track what the tonic jerk okay so this so tonic water very very good very very different from soda water very complete they're basically polar opposites right got tonic water on one side of the spectrum and then you got soda water on the other side sparkling water very very different both water-based couldn't be more it couldn't be more different every soda is water-based every so it is you know could use a single break cool off a little bit I'll keep to I'll continue talking about the top of the coffee I want to hear about the weighing okay do you want to take a break and we'll come back no just keep talking I'll just go move me no no let's take a break what's up guys sorry about the brief intermission there we're back Kelsey had to feed the meter and now the meter is fully fed as am i I've been going in on the Halloween candy over the past couple days added a couple lbs probably but that's okay you know fine planning on hitting the gym again I'm gonna hit I'm gonna go today it was the first time I'm gonna go to the gym in like three weeks probably is it now is it what is it again we talked about so espresso and tonic so let me explain this tonic water right so you picture that it's very very different [Laughter] I'm a big fan of Gina tonics I like Gina tonics and so espresso and Tommy it's basically the same thing you just take that you know you think about taking - - Singh the gym gin subtracting it I should say and then adding espresso yeah it's really good it's really good you would think it's gross it's really good and I like the fact that this place does that drink the problem is it's this plate it's just so now I don't want to I don't talk too much [ __ ] about this place because I feel like they always they already hate me for some reason I don't know why the vs. isn't really the kind of place that it is you think so yeah like it's so pretentious or not you don't have yeah exactly this is our main beef with this place is that they weigh their espresso before they put it in the machine so they like take you know from the grinder they fill up the little espresso thing with the fuck'd even like the little thing like the wall shovel yeah a little shovel yeah they fill it and then they weigh it on a little drug scale mm-hmm to make sure it's like the perfect amount of espresso and if it's even like half an ounce over but then he dumps to my Johnson he has to go back in and get like a little bit more just too much too much so you got to put it back in it's like we were just watching this process and he's like placing or this side he puts it down like backs away every time yeah yeah whole [ __ ] thing yeah it's like he's like finessing this thing it's like we don't care how much as any think it really matters honestly I'd prefer more the thing is so I don't think this is I don't think he's doing it because he wants to drink to be perfect I think he's doing it like because that's how much we're paying for okay I was thinking of it more like okay really you're not going to give us a little bit more think we're paying $650 for Cody's espresso and tonic can't just just just do a scoop of espresso it doesn't really matter how much it is I'm saying no I think they see it as like an art I may be a little bit of both either way it sucks yeah Wow harsh I know what is wrong with me I don't want to I don't want to talk [ __ ] too much because I actually sort of still like this place I know you do like this place I just think and I think I'm oftentimes very very negative on this blog and I feel like people just think I hate every no I'm sorry that I'm doing this I really like the drink it's a good drink and and maybe it maybe it does make a difference the the [ __ ] half what's smaller than an ounce the half a [ __ ] see this is why what he's spoon you're the half half a teaspoon of espresso maybe that does make a little bit of a difference but to me it's like I don't we won't notice but maybe we're being hypocrites here because like I'm I like like mixology like I like when I go to a really nice a cocktail bar I think it does matter like how much in the proportions all that [ __ ] and like someone's a good mixologist I think it's a good thing I don't you don't think it's a good thing I don't like anyone who knows this is like a good cop bad cop I'm actually the positive one for one I want to be the positive one but so no tell me I don't want [ __ ] why not because you're not one what are they Barton here's making cool drinks that's someone else Jesus speaking of pretentious holy [ __ ] you're a bartender that's all you are bartender bartender no no you're not critical okay no it's funny I'm just saying that because you I'm sorry you made one right sorry that I I'm pretentious and I'm sorry that I yelled at you guys for not kidding me cheesy you're still hung up on that they're fine listen guys you know that I love you I don't know do I and you know she loves you I'd actually I do I do I just I just my gripe with this place is that like you put the thing down you back away and then you put it in and the guy like takes a little orange wedge and like and like a [ __ ] garnishes the rim and then sticks it in and the whole hand gesture thing and it's just a little bit much it's like come on I don't know you're making it you're making a coffee drink that has two ingredients in it yeah yep it's really not not an art form I don't think tell them maybe it is I mean this is this is I mean this is coming from someone who thinks that this is an art form so I guess everyone kind of has their own art form right you know mm-hmm so who are we to say who are we thank you for your espresso and tonic not my kind of drink but Cody likes it it's really good it's really really good it's just I don't know maybe maybe you're not maybe you haven't had enough tonic water in your life before because you think it's the same as photo which is it's not this is not so maybe that's not amiss so yeah that's to the gripe with that place and you know what I mean I'm still gonna go there and I'll be there at some point this this week I'm sure that way definitely maybe today maybe even right after this yeah me too too much sugar too yeah like I've been saying I've been going in on this candy you should get salads for dinner no chubby let's go to Chili's do you wanna know come on that's gonna be dubbed ups okay yeah I'm super down good sold they have salads huh because there's Buffalo Wild Wings it's gonna go it's so good though I know it is I love it there but there's gonna be like a Dodger game on it's gonna be so packed Oh is there a Dodger game tonight yeah is it every night no there's when they fly back to LA isn't there like a like a one night break and watch the game on sending oh we did yeah we did there's been one day between between there sorry I was just yesterday kind of flew by cuz I was just in the studio coconut another another dinger right so time flies and you're dinging away or dinging mm-hmm that's what was called when were in the studio we're dinging I have a ding sesh what do you think of the neighborhood song I love it okay okay don't don't spoil anything just was gonna say that I loved it gonna spoil anything thank you for the bag I love that the fact that it's about and then just see that guys but another dinger on the way so keep your eyes peeled where we're gonna hard on this [ __ ] and let's so yeah I'm gonna go back to the gym I'm gonna do that I'm gonna get back in the gym and I'm gonna commit to it again it's been a long it's just been a you know we're gonna fall off the fitness train it's like you really fall off dinner I mean or no yeah I know I did we haven't really talked about this I definitely know what you mean I don't know I don't know if you know what I mean I do okay I fell off a while ago still getting back on my feet this is the this is the this is one of the issues with being in a relationship is that you know you just go to Buffalo Wild Wings all the time Bitsey I don't find that to be true go on like with okay sometimes sometimes it's like what I mean is that is that sometimes I'm like maybe we should eat some salads tonight and Kelsey's frothing at the mouth she's so pissed that she didn't get any cheez-its I said that's Nate I said maybe let's eat some salads tonight I literally said that sentence yeah but that was just for the cast and they don't actually say do too actually you're the one that eats healthy between us that's not true well no you do the thing where it's like you we go to a place and she orders the same [ __ ] and needs two bites of it and then I end up eating two meals just relationship things right guys what I was trying to say was that I yeah we go to Buffalo Wild Wings we like eat candy a lot and stuff but like I want to go to the gym more maybe because also now's the competition find those tranq darts geez I want to go to the gym more now because I like want to I'm like look good for you I mean you do you do look this is getting real mushy okay I'm just trying to finish my sentence someone's got to finish their sentences around here what does that mean Jesus I was the one being mean before and now I feel like I have to defend myself honestly no so I've written in my in my notes oh oh Nintendo switch you guys I we I bought one and it's amazing it's really truly changed my life it has I know I'm back on the video game grind games growing up yes would you play super smash bros mario party madden but madden yeah really yeah like on white xbox yeah seriously yeah are you good I love it really mm-hmm I wouldn't you play like in college or what no okay what my brother okay my brother played gotcha I would like just sit there and like watch and then like occasionally he'd be like can you can you jump on and I'd be like oh [ __ ] yeah and you were just like a savant it was really good cuz you'd studied it so much hmm are you really good I think I'm good I think I'm really good but I'm truly I just I just push buttons we should started we should I mean that's what everyone does with super smash bros I know but I'm talking about that's my Matt and I know but this is I think play Madden I bet you're actually good at Madden we should play it but we should why I hate sports games it's not my not my [ __ ] never been my [ __ ] okay people people growing up always put NHL on really yeah it's such a how Canadian is that [ __ ] I moved to the states and it was like everyone was so [ __ ] into FIFA how the entire world is so all about FIFA and Madden to Canada it's all NHL we'd play it's funny yeah I never really been in a sports game though I've always been I want to get oh we should get Mario Party for the switch when it comes out yeah 100% the game that changed my life though is Mario Cart it changed your life it is it's I'm fully I'm just I've remember now why video games were so important in my life because I loved it yeah when I first picked it up we bought the switch I bought it because I was drunk and spotted on Amazon because one of my friends was talking about it I want one so I bought it and it arrived a couple days later mm-hmm much to my surprise didn't remember ordering it okay I did wasn't that wasn't drunk and it came and so we were like what's a social game we can get so we can play with the friends over the weekend and so we just bought Mario Kart because he know it's a classic you picked it up she got it and and we started playing it and I was just like a normal Mario Kart game but then you learn how to drift and then you learn maps and then you start learning to items and it's like holy [ __ ] this is I'm fully in it I'm in it now and now it fully addicted a cart and want anyone checking into passages relatively soon you take down the number yesterday we drove by the passages billboard nine one nine that's that's my number that's the Durham area code seriously doubt passages as a Durham area code I didn't mean that that was the area code what do you mean those are the first three numbers of the number of the number yeah really it was either three one nine nine nine three something around there okay not stupid I know you're not stupid I'm joking I know good at Madden so what was I even saying Mario Kart it's amazing and if you have it do you like it yeah I think it's amazing if you play it they shout out to you I want to play online with some people I feel like I'm kind of good you are good I feel like I'm good at it you are good at it I know I'm just it's just taken over my life I'm watching videos on YouTube about how to like how the pros Drive certain tracks I'm learning all the shortcuts and stuff like that and we're gonna like make the jerseys we're starting like a league I tell you this is changed my life as friends you wondered no yo you're one of my friends I know you're one of my friend you're my best friend okay um so I can see did you ever see that vine I did um I guess did you yeah she's not just my girl yeah that's what you did in it did I I think so I don't think you just did that I think you like pretended to like throw uppers oh maybe but I mean that no idea I did that vine yeah as like a you know very sarcastic right no I totally but now it's like a you know I get it everyone is gagging out there we're trying to key words we'll try to keep the machinist out of we I'm yeah we are we are because I know it bothers some of you get very offended I get offended no not you okay some of the some of the pod Bay's I'll get I'll be I'll be mushy about Mario Cart all day though oh god I love mariokart mariokart loves you too babe I love Mario I want to play like online with you guys with the pod stirs like the pod chodes if you if you play let me know what configuration you use I mean what cart you like to use what wheels you use tips hips any tips would love some card tips cheat codes mm-hmm if you're yeah if you're a human game shark out there let me know did you ever play Sims yes I did you have the cheat code for the money I don't know what was that I had like a cheat code and you could just put in how much money you wanted okay and you would get it and you're for me so like I never really played I just like was always very rich and like got everything I needed and like never really had a care in the world and I would just add like a million dollars and every day that explains the pretentiousness yes I I don't remember like what could you buy with the money I don't really remember Sims I'm just like how it like food house clothes the newest products just saying things you can buy in real life with money like investments more um I just like wood built like I had like I had like uh that's my favorite candy anyway did you know that damn breezy mm-hmm sorry Rob we were talking yesterday about people has a Reese's PCs and how [ __ ] stupid that is like you and the dingers the dinger broke we the ding but the ding guys dingos dinghies ding dongs yes I mean the ding dong yesterday we were talking it was a gunshot I think it was a gunshot someone really doesn't like this podcast it's Kobe we were talking about house to you because like in college I had a couple friends who would say Reese's pcs and so they would say so much I would kind of fly like that then she I was like oh maybe it's a Canadian thing that I'm pronouncing it Reese's Pieces maybe it's like a kind of like a traditional southern thing to pronounce it Reese's pcs and in my mind I like maybe that's maybe I'm wrong maybe that's how it's and so we were talking about yesterday and we're like how how dumb is that it's a guy named Reese and it's his pieces it's Reese's Pieces mm-hmm there's absolutely no way in hell it's pronounced Reese's pcs absolutely no way in hell who the [ __ ] thinks it's called Reese's pcs who calls things pcs they're like little bits of chocolate they're pieces of chocolate you are you were telling me this like I say Reese's Pfc no I'm not I'm just like you're more of like a rubber duck right now I agree it's absurd PCs pcs like hey you want a couple you want a couple pieces of pineapple here like that never works for anything else what what what's weird is that like a piece yeah pieces pieces pieces instead of so much now it doesn't mean anything noises pieces pieces pieces pieces pieces pieces that's a weird one what are you a Pisces I'm a Sagittarius you know I don't know your birthday so how could you know what sign I am I'm a Libra for all you how you horoscopes Libra season baby ooh Labor season is long gone actually I don't yeah some Reese's PCs it's so stupid it's the stupidest thing in the entire world if you proud so like that what are you doing if you pronounce like that just maybe take a step back and think about the fact that that's not how you pronounce you're wrong and you suck and also that I hate you think about that now I'm the negative one now we're just switching off good cop bad cop bum mics quick mic bump we watched a movie last night it was called it was called shot caller shot caller I'm so big shots anyone who's watched that movie little Mike bump there good movie good movie it's about this guy who basically has to go to jail because he killed someone because he was point zero two over the limit while he was driving 10.1 no it's a point zero eight right and you said it was 0.1 yeah point zero two open Oh what you're saying so sorry simple math simple math yeah your strength but I'm just kidding so yeah basically tonic water and sort of water very very different color so he goes to jail family that's her guy gets a DUI goes to jail clean time clean-cut very easy house he says kid he likes to say things like rub shoulders with movers and shakers like that swinging for the fences just say things like that guy guy classic white dad suburban dad goes to jail and basically becomes like the leader of this gang in jail because it's the only way he's not gonna get like braked in jail right and so basically gets out of jail and then I don't want to ruin the movie but he did you know kind of kind of a changed guy in jail kids a whole bunch of racist turns into just a completely different person yep and just kills people in jail well I said it didn't want to ruin the movie he may or may not have killed someone in jail we're not gonna leave that up to you guys you won't watch the movie yourself I'm so sorry this whole podcasters me apologizing getting mad at the chod sirs and then ruining things for the chaucer's and then apologizing shows that I'm never gonna want me back sorry choads let us know in the comments if you want Kelsey to be back on that please say yes in the pod so yeah pretty dark movie I liked it I liked it too it's good like what is going on here it was like told in a way where like it's present-day but then all of a sudden it's past but then it's like kind of both yeah it was strange but it was good it's when those movies were like the acting is really bad but it doesn't matter right you know because the because the writing is still relatively good and like the shots were cool and yeah the story and like I I yeah I find like that that life yeah like jail life to be very interesting hmm I always have what do you mean like I I just like watching like shows like those like prison shows like reality shows I liked them I liked all the scenes when he was in jail okay yeah it's intriguing it is because it's like a place that hopefully terrifying yeah it's it was it was a weird movie because like he Cody is like just a normal guy right now and all all he needed all he needs to do is get a DUI and end up in jail and he can just all of a sudden be like an both of us no I know I'm just I'm just using as an example a gang leader to I could she's got that you got the grit necessary to be a gang leader I mean look at how much you blew up about the coffee spot Channel you were mean I mean well you I saw a little bit of gang leader in you Thank You warrior you mean boy area that's the movie it's weird seeing the guy you did you ever watch Game of Thrones that was him I know it's weird seeing I feel like he's like a very very good at playing like regal mm-hmm but a little bit I couldn't really see him like outside that I kept like thinking of him as like a king what's his name Misha I'm not king but I forget in Game of Thrones I don't know he's they do with LARM mm-hmm the guy that's banging his sister yeah yep yep nothing like a little incest so watch a movie I guess if you if you really didn't have anything else to say about them it's pretty good what do you want to watch The Ring no way that movie scared the [ __ ] out of me inside I was she's scared to watch it I really would just loved you never saw the ring mm-hmm seriously seriously I was always too scared there was a trailer yes that's why I was scared did you see the part where the horse like runs off the ferry no no no no I'm serious this is like this is the sitting this is a weirdest thing because I'm pretty sure was in the ring yeah it's the scariest scene in the movie to me I don't know why but that scared the [ __ ] out of me not the [ __ ] where the creepy chick comes out of the TV all that stuff this horse on a ferry just like all of a sudden goes crazy and like runs off the ferry and it I don't know why it was like scarring to me that scene from the right kid maybe we'll watch it actually and then we can talk about it we can talk about it next time you're on the pod in two months I'm being banned for two months you know it's not a banning know if this is like a more of like a like you're like a regular co-host every now and then every occasionally yeah okay next egg it's not regular an occasional regular co-host thank you you're welcome I want it honestly I think I'm gonna start my own podcast a competing one I'm gonna record it from the other side the same time dueling podcasts what would you talk about um you could do it probably you guys I bet you you could sit I would just sit and like me and do when it's 100 percent would you absolutely take it away well they can't do while you watch me like that take it away let's see if you could do an idea let's see okay um hey guys so this week interesting things happened it's - it's Tuesday right now yesterday was Monday I already already everything already you wanna yeah let me give you a topic okay bocce ball bocce ball thank you for asking it's not common here I grew up in a place where not a lot of people play bocce ball but I will say that I have played it next next Oh my dad sorry dozed off there Jesus give me a topic ok um blue hats blue hats easy easy easy isn't it funny do you think in Australia trick-or-treating oh boy blue hats blue blue hats that's easy ok me myself I you know people there's there's Munoz red or there's black hat hackers things black hat right they're the ones that are do malicious hacking and then there's the white hat hackers which they do good hacking mmm-hmm me I'm a blue hat hacker because I get any better at this ax me no not that was garbage that was all he's diggin I just had a bocce ball I've played it okay here I'll give you another one let's see no these are like the improv exercises wow I'm not an improv er you could be good you're good at it you're good Podcast I like on the podcast okay pan getting mushy yeah sorry um what else we got in the notes here I don't think I wrote a lot okay this is what we want to do we want to start we want to we were thinking like you know kind of doesn't make sense now after talking about all like the salads and all the gym time that we're planning on logging in the next little while but we want to start doing mukbangs which we do like health food ones like just like every smoothie that every health smoothie that [ __ ] creation mates mates I just said mates little forty and slipped there like a mate on our mukbang channel as we eat health food so that's what we're that's the genre of video that we're gonna start doing we're just gonna eat have you guys haven't seen these it's like Trisha Paytas does this alone on YouTube who I don't really know what she is but she likes to eat and so she'll just eat huge quantities of food on YouTube and film videos of her doing that and so we watched we watched a couple snippets from some [ __ ] actually one from Chili's so we're gonna do that but with health food we're gonna just order every single type of salad green leaf has to offer and go in on it mmm yummy you pumped pun pun pun but my guys was probably enough for today I think we discussed what do we we did it we discussed Halloween we had a good Halloween this is the first year I had a good New Year's and a good Halloween in the same year for the first time ever what do you do we went to this party at the W in in Westwood a lot of fun what did you do oh I didn't do anything actually wore that onesie my friend my one of my best friends got married in last January so her bachelorette party was like the last days of December and we so we had like a bachelorette party in Santa Barbara mmm so like by the time we drove back from Santa Barbara on New Year's Eve and we were all like very very dead so me and Isabel and Jen just just blew up put on the onesies and just watch them drop literally yeah that's exactly what we did I have a projector and we watched it on there it doesn't sign cyan requests Ryan Seacrest doesn't he did the ball drop thing so you must been just happy as a cloud nine she loves Ryan secret I really love Ryan Seacrest I was thinking about it this morning actually I think he's my favorite celebrity that's why she likes doing this the podcast because she thinks your radio it's so true you kind of heart I love it this is my dream job right here is it yeah especially today cuz we're in wearing onesies well it's an honor to help you live out your dream with that ladies and gentlemen I think I'm gonna wrap it up it's been fun hope you had a great Halloween I hope that you go out and be savory and I hope that in Australia maybe you give the candy back to the adults hmm so go out there find the houses with the full bags of meth and and have a good one or I hope you had a good one since you're not gonna see this yeah I hope you had to go and happy November happy November happy my birth month let me know what you're gonna get me for my birthday um I'm talking to you guys not Kelsey but I mean like you should yeah I'll let the pod bay is No yeah and we'll see you guys next time you want to follow the Twitter's ad insanely underscore chill episode 3 of the TMZ podcast comes out on Friday that's slash tiny meet gang now we're over $7,000 a month and over 1100 patrons which is insane where did though I was looking at like the stats for patreon we're the three like around the 300 the biggest patreon in two weeks which is [ __ ] insane so appreciate all of you guys if you want to watch that then contribute it's on iTunes now actually there was an issue with it but it's up now so if you want to listen to the first episode for free you can do that now follow Kelsey on Instagram if you want and at Kelsey crippled house the underscore crippled yeah you can follow me on Twitter yeah we're twitter because she's got really funny tweets actually blend in mine sometimes funnier than the dick hole to Cody's dick tweets regret it regret tweeting that and we'll see you guys next time thanks how much soda water is very different from club I love you guys tonic water [ __ ] I [ __ ] it up yeah well that's how you get by you [Music]
Channel: Insanely Chill
Views: 281,873
Rating: 4.9553351 out of 5
Keywords: guest, halloween, long form, podcast, kelsey, interview, chatting, talking, conversation, casual, chill, funny, lol, comedy
Id: -kQ19Sn_r2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 30sec (3690 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2017
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