How Cody and Kelsey Got Together

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I think honestly a good way to start talking to someone is- maybe just mess around a little bit. For example, when I met Cody he said, "Oh, I like that piece of art on your wall." And I was like, "Oh Thank you. Yeah, I actually- I did that. It didn't take me very long." He was like, "Oh my god. That's so cool that you did that. I can't believe you're an artist." And I was like, "Yeah." And then, I made like a couple more comments than he was like, "Wait. Did you actually do that?" And I was like, "No." We laughed. Boom! Sparks flew! You don't have to join a dating app. I never joined a dating app. Look at me now. Um, Taco Tuesday, where we get together and whoever is hosting cooks up some tacos and uh- You know, drink a few cervezas, and tonight, I'm hosting. I don't know how I- I don't know how this happened. I don't. Cause I'm so not prepared. I gotta cook! I got a cook- They're expect me to cook the whole fucking thing. I think I'll manage. I think I know how to fucking heat a tortilla. I'm stressing. I don't know if you can tell, but I'm a- little bit fast-paced right now because I'm stressing out. I gotta make sure this is good. You know, it's all because- it's all because this- It's all because I got a crush on this girl she's coming over. That's what it is! That's what it is! It's the things we do! The things we fucking do! You know. For people we have crushes on. I actually I met her on Tinder and she- her opening line was "happy Taco Tuesday." [Laughs] I'm joking, that didn't happen, but could you imagine? No, no, I'm not gonna get into it. But I'm just sayin. I gotta crush on this girl. She's coming over. So now I fuckin- I gotta make sure this is good, you know gotta- got to, uh, I just- I gotta make sure I can- I can- psh cook a little bit. Just make sure I'm not completely, totally fucking inept, at doing simple things. It's the things we do, you know. The things we fuckin do. You ever like, schedule a date with someone that you're like, that you're into, or something, that you're really into, and you like go- I don't know, you just- you do weird shit that you don't normally do... like you go and fucking clean your car, before you go pick her up? But anyone else you ever- anyone else you cared about, actually, you just, would leave your car in the dirty-ass state that it probably is, right? Mine, there's fucking In-N-Out cups all over my goddamn car. You know, gum wrappers everywhere. Just like, parking tickets. [Laughs] Old ones, that I probably still haven't paid just lying around my car. I could pick up my own mom and not clean my car. Love you to death mom. But I just- I'm just saying, I don't clean my car. And then- and then all of a sudden you click with someone, and you're taking them out on a date and you're like, I gotta- you know, whatever. And you decide to clean your car for that person. You don't even know them! You don't fucking know them! But it's the things we do, ya know, to prove that we're not pieces of shit, even though we are. Even though we are. You're just creating this fucking facade [Laughs] that she'll hopefully fall in love with. And then you can just drop the act and be like, "Oh, by the way, I'm not like that [Laughs] "I don't actually clean my car. I'm not actually a tidy person, at all." "But you know, I pranked you into falling in love with me. So, now you got to deal with this shit." That's what love is, man. That's what love is. [Cody] What video we're gonna film after this? [Carly] You'll see. [Erin] No, yeah. [Carly] We have to get- [Cody] Is it a surprise? [Carly] Kind of. We want your reaction on our channel. [Erin] Yeah, we want you to react when- [Cody] I'm fucking nervous. [Erin] we're telling you what we're doing. [Cody] Oh my god. I'm fucking nervous. Is it gonna fuck up my whole day? [Erin] Umm, maybe. [Carly] It depends what you're doing? [Carly] Yeah, are you doing anything like-? [Cody] I have to go to Ed Sheeran concert tonight. [Erin] Oh, you're going?! [Carly] Oh my god, it's perfect. [Erin] Are you going by yourself? [Cody] And no no, I'm going that I'm bringing- [Carly] So sad. [Cody] Yeah, I'm bringing someone. [Erin] Oooh. [Cody] Umm- [Carly] Someone? Who is it? Spill the tea. [Cody] It's a girl- girl. [Carly] Who? What's her name? What's her Instagram? [Erin] It's his sister. [Cody] I'm not telling. I'm definitely not saying her Instagram. [Erin] I'm bringing my mom. [Carly] I can't really imagine an Ed Sheeran con- like I imagine it just him with an acoustic guitar with one light on him. [Erin] Yeah. [Carly] Like I'm sure it's amazing. [Cody] It's probably like moving, right? [Carly] What? [Cody] It's probably gonna be like moving. [Erin] Yeah. [Carly] I don't know. [Erin] Especially because you're bringing a girl, she'll probably like when I make out with you. [Cody] Hopefully. [Carly] Yeah, maybe. [Cody] Fingers crossed baby. [Carly and Erin laugh] [Cody] It's been too long! [Cody] This shit better come off. I'm literally going on a date tonight. [Carly laughs] [Cody] I bet you it's gonna wash off, but like not all the way. She'll be able to tell I had it on earlier. [Carly and Erin laugh] [Cody] I'm here. This is Kelsey. She is my girlfriend. So- It felt weird saying that. [Kelsey] It felt weird hearing it. [Cody] That's the first time I've ever said that, on the internet. Ever. [Kelsey] I'm his girlfriend Thank you guys for having me. Podster-bae-chode-fam. [Cody] See? She's already a fucking natural. [Kelsey] I listen. [Cody] Do you? [Kelsey] I did. [Cody] Did you listen to the most reason one? [Kelsey] I've- I've like, I've listened. [Cody] To like a lot of them? [Kelsey] To a few. [Cody] What's been your favorite? This is news to me. [Kelsey laughs] What's been your favorite one? [Kelsey] The one- I- I went back in time. [Cody] Okay, and which one did you listen to? [Kelsey laughs] [Cody] The Taco Tuesday one? Oh my god! Jesus fucking Christ! [Cody laughs] [Kelsey] I don't know, everyone was asking about it. Everyone was like, "Oh is this Taco Tuesday girl?" [Cody] So, this is Taco Tuesday girl. To every- to all the chodester-bae-fam-pods that are listening right now, this is Taco Tuesday girl. This is her. This is the girl I was trying to impress- [Kelsey] It worked. [Cody] And clearly, it fucking worked. I mean. This is weird. This is really weird. That is it come full circle. I didn't even think about that. And I didn't even think about saying anything, but it's like- this is- [Kelsey] It has come full circle. [Cody] This is cool. Maybe this is the whole- maybe- Wow, never mind. [Kelsey] Don't even say it. I'm cringing. [Cody] I was gonna say something so fucked up. No, it was like mean fucked up. [Kelsey] Oh it was mean to me? [Cody] Yeah, It wasn't- [Kelsey] About me? [Cody] No, it wasn't about you. I was just like, maybe, maybe this is how Maybe this is just how like, mastermind I'm being about the podcast. [Both laugh] [Cody] I'm kidding! I'm kidding! [Kelsey] You don't actually like me? [Both laugh] [Cody] I'm kidding. This is all a big, fucking, just plot. [Kelsey laughs] [Cody] This is all just a segment. I'm sorry, [Kelsey] Oh my god! [Cody] It just gets meaner and meaner and I'm sorry. [Kelsey] I knew this was too good to be true. [Cody] No, no, that's not- what? Stop, stop saying romantic shit. [Kelsey] That wasn't even romantic. That was, "too good to be true"- [Kelsey] This sucks. [Both laugh] [Kelsey] Yeah, I watched your podcasts. [Cody] Kay. [Kelsey] Thank you for talking about me. [Cody] And what do you think about the, Taco Tuesday one? [Kelsey] I thought it was really cute. [Cody] You thought it was cute? [Kelsey] I was like... [Cody] What'd you do? Describe the face thing you're making. [Laughs] [Kelsey] I'm, uhm, frowning a little bit. But like a "Awwh" My eyebrows are raised. [Cody] I'm embarrassed that you listened to that. [Kelsey] I'm not. And then my friend My friends have all met you. [Cody] Mhm. [Kelsey] Besides one of them. [Cody] Okay. [Kelsey] Um, I only have a few. So...and they met you. [Cody, whispering] She really does. [Kelsey] And the one who lives in Virginia- [Cody] Okay. [Kelsey] She listened to get to know you. [Cody] She lis- So this girl who has never met me before- [Kelsey] I told you. She was like, "I want to hear what this guy's about." [Cody] Okay. [Kelsey] So she listened to the one, I told you this, where you talked about me again. [Cody] Okay, and what- [Kelsey] When we went to the Ed Sheeran concert. [Cody] Oh yeah. What did she say? [Kelsey] So then I listened to it. [Cody] Okay. She listened to it first. [Kelsey] Yeah. [Cody] And what'd she say? Like, "Oh, Jesus? Fuck Kelsey. What did you get yourself into?" [Kelsey] She said, "Well one, you could do better." [Cody] Oh my god. [Kelsey] I'm just kidding. No, she obviously approves. [Cody] Okay. [Kelsey] But then she was like, "Have you listened to it?" And I was like, "No." And she was like, "Give it a listen." "Why don't you go give it a listen?" [Cody] What does that mean? [Kelsey] Cause it was- cause you were like You were like, "Oh she's-" You talked about me. [Cody] Okay. [Kelsey] Okay? [Cody] Okay. [Kelsey] So I listened. I wanted to hear what you had to say. [Cody] And it was good? [Kelsey] It was nice. [Cody] Okay, good. Good. I looked you up on Facebook yesterday and almost added you. [Kelsey] I did the same exact- [Cody] Yesterday?! [Kelsey] Yesterday! [Cody] And I was like, I'm not gonna add her. I don't know it's weird. [Kelsey] Oh my god. [Both laugh] [Kelsey] I literally did. I'm not even kidding. I was on Facebook and I- I looked you up on Facebook and was like, "Should I-?" "I mean he's like, my boyfriend." [Cody laughs] [Kelsey] "We should like be friends on Facebook." And then I was like, So then I almost did, then I went on my own- [Cody] Mhm. [Kelsey] And stalked myself to see what you would see if you added me on Facebook [Cody] Okay. [Kelsey] And I was like, "What- This is weird now." So then I kind of just put the whole thing away. [Cody] That's really weird. It's super weird "How you know if the guy you're dating is good/right for you?" Ugh! I've struggled with this one and I hate the fact that I'm even saying this, 'cause it sounds so lame, but when you know, you actually know. I'm telling you, it's not difficult. You're not wondering if it's right. But don't let what I'm saying worry you. Like if you're in a relationship, and you've doubted it. Don't let that worry you. Because doubt is a common thing that happens. If it doesn't last, and if it's not the right one, You'll figure it out. Because what's supposed to happen, will happen.
Channel: tmgknees
Views: 848,645
Rating: 4.9710507 out of 5
Keywords: Cody Ko, Kelsey Kreppel, Tiny Meat Gang, Insanely Chill, Carly and Erin
Id: A47d7-FY6F8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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