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woods mark my entire security system just went offline great give me a second while we wait for Baja I'll be right back okay goodbye I'm back you want to hear something weird always yeah somehow the three ethernet cables plugged into specifically the Wi-Fi router we're all unplugged you're [ __ ] dead did you record it all right you ready to play I'm for that one cinematic what the hell unknown creature men Bigfoot's really violent in this game yeah you're not happy Oh Washington okay the Pacific Northwest where Bigfoot lives better than it did before yeah no it's just improved I gotta admit okay I don't remember any of the controls from before Oh me neither oh hey who wants the drone uh I've flown the drone before but it's not that complicated so so I've never flown the drone all you don't apply yeah okay there's three rights that's good start there's three flare guns that's also a good start tracking bullets tens what the hell is the tenth four I don't know what raw meat we got meat we hit the side what our [ __ ] yeah what is deuce oh yeah we did tracking bullets okay I'm getting meat hang on Oh Oh God you're so gross how you bring up your menu of stuff it was a whole circle [ __ ] you I said that was a really low key wolf attack I'm not taking tracking bullets so who wants to be our tracker there's enough tracking boats for everybody there just Runa but yeah I'm not taking any tracking bullet I've already got okay what you're just refused what did you find listen listen to my listen oh I thought here if one of us is the tracker uh-huh we stick together aha two of us can be ready to shoot at any given time while one puts that tracker in there you're right okay that makes sense I'll do it since I already picked up dragon balls all right I'm gonna pick up the drone then I'm not just being refusal for being a bud I'm really in like you know you could see how I would think that no I can I get it but like there was there was a madness to my method right in the dark not liking that no you know pulls up your tablet and the the to do list is catch Bigfoot if I've lost people I'll stick with this I'm good you guys get everything else there's more flares over here I don't no bullets my five bullets total okay okay well you guys remember the rules of how this works right the rules no flare scares them away we draw right traps put meat and bury the trap okay guys where are we headed which way we go and where's Bigfoot sniff em out all right scares them off we set traps we use the meat that's that's the thing right yeah and there was meat in the fridge you guys grab the meat in the fridge there's snacks on the ground I didn't have any meat sticks and rocks we build a fire our temperature gauge in the bottom right does matter I've got my rifle with tracking bullets out and ready to go okay man they really improved this this is a lot better yeah this is way more complicated than the last time I played it I'm alone wait oh no I'm back at the camp what the camp what I don't know what I do didn't follow us we went through the Western trail we're following the road whoa what was that oh dear dear let me shoot it yeah it's too late it ran away and there's a guy in the room oh wow wait cuz you shined your flashlight on my scope I couldn't see there was a flare on it oh that's weird yeah I literally couldn't see it I can turn the flashlight off but then it's just well I mean that's good left it I just not pointed at my scope well I didn't try to us trying to look at the deer and then it's just the timing was unfortunate yeah well now we know don't we oh okay are you blind it's so fun yeah it's good having friends is fun all right let's move out guys as the de facto leader of this expedition I say we go this way I'm hearing a lot of noises I'm hearing some yes and critters whoa what is that I don't know what is that that's that ain't good that's not one of the law people oh it's kind of like Satan's goal I think Bigfoot's governor's than around here well it was a body around here did you hear that do you hear that like I just know I know there was a there was a wood crack like there you know if your dad no I'm gonna get my gun out though I heard like wood cracking Lee sticks being stepped on oh I heard that was that yes he had a feeling there's a body or a person around here somewhere there was a snow modem what do you mean there was a body there was a freakin skull modem we're looking for for lost people remember alright okay alright well alright is this the same small modem do can we break this with a knife the totem baby wait wait you're far away from us just so you know god this rain is really coming down I swear to God in the distance I'm hearing like moaning or something I know I hear it but I can't hear it through the goddamn brain I feel like that's probably on purpose oh that was a noise what was that it was a deer it's fine it's deer okay that scared the piss out of me you do what you do you hear that you want to check it out yes god that's scared thing that legitimately scared the piss out of me I have piss everywhere I didn't even come out of the right hole it just shot out everywhere I know right my pores what pores of pits yeah piss pores they call it god I can't hear anything rain oh weren't the wall what the hell why is it green remark everyone knows this oh right you're right you're right I'm stupid I didn't go to late class the land is not supposed to have green oh my God look at the lighting in the fog I see yeah they really enhance the graphics but I don't know if that's a good thing it's spookier now why is it sabrine what the [ __ ] I think it's supposed to be like this swamp bug Rosetta oh hell yeah those uh Northeast was over toward Bob's direction from yeah that was I think it's fine so long as it doesn't charge us I mean I killed the last one with my knife so the wolves aren't a huge thing I mean technically I also shot it so oh okay well then - nice wings it's not a raccoon it's good you killed it it's dead it's where is it I don't see a spot I just see a getting meat oh it fell wait aunt got here's the meat oh if that Rogers man that wolf out of nowhere that wolf was huge I didn't see the wolf care of it you must have closed your eyes and pure tear or a building do in the middle of the labor you see south east east south east run it across the swamp okay well I see him I see him in the middle I lost him or you can't see him anymore I took a shot at a deer I don't know if I hit it great job wait thanks death whoa what the oh oh that's an angry that's an angry scream I got my flare gun out okay let me get one tracker on it if it comes this way I don't see it anymore always way the [ __ ] far away in south southeast now no south southwest even southwest he's like super far he's like across the water alright let's check out this building then okay I don't know what we saw guys it may not have been Bigfoot it might have been just a tall man Swamp house sure is the first aid kit Bob get any bullets if there are bullets in here yeah I've only got the five rounds yet this box looks empty take more of these flares then Bob what does the signal flare do is that just light it scares them away okay do you want to go towards Bigfoot try to tag him sure yeah he went off almost straight south of us hey the sun's coming up that's cool I hear oh okay that sounds like a big wolf the rains gone thank goodness I'm gonna go around right here wha what what was that what was odd you hear that wait no I did not hear that what no what it was like a blob League ugly sound from the swamp like a like a swamp monster sound what are you talking about I didn't hear anything I really just like I from like right nice to me legitimately didn't hear anything my dad heard it they heard it I'm not crazy you're crazy I'm not I don't think you're crazy you're crazy the spirit seems very familiar doesn't have a cave up here there didn't he have one he had like a cave but this is a different map yeah it's slightly different but also the lake is good well actually no that used to be a lake now it's a swamp so it is slightly different Oh ahead of us it's Wade you sure is or is that mark no that's Wade wayde's red left I'm going up through this pass to see what's up here okay that's where we're headed wait no we've got a different path okay that's towards the middle Bob let's Circle up and keep going around are you with me we're the I'm right behind him right behind you we don't have stamina right we can just like run all the time I think you kinda do if you run forever you whoa oh my god Kangnam oh my god shoot him with a flare you missed yeah okay wait you okay yeah all right only got one swing Hills back up yeah so Bob you gotta here I actually hit him i right now we see where is that oh cool Wow we do okay snap all right all right want to follow him um I mean I guess if he starts to charge us we should set up a trap so he runs over it agreed wait guys there's a cave up here at the end at the where I am I look like an adult I mean the unknown cave right now all right coming how long does that track her last should we save this for later no no it's fine running away so you'd if we tracked and it might wear off before we got to him yeah I have a I have a leg here not good yeah that's good man or maybe an arm one of the water peoples oh there's a there's a head with a spine on this is great a night-vision battery first-aid kit here well Wade why don't you grab that first date I guess it's still tracking him he's just kind of like probably popping a squat down by that road down there anyone else here rumbling yells oh I'm here in rumbly else there's a lantern right there just larks oh yeah that turned on why'd that turn on whoa you can turn whoa yeah weird music yeah what yeah what is this oh it's coming back oh he's coming back he's coming no he stopped oh no he's coming he's coming back his cave should we trap this yeah yeah maybe we should trap this cave quick oh he's coming quick guys who he's got a quick and I put a mean mcwrap and then cover it with the he's right around the corner and then I mask all right all right it's ready to go everyone hide I guess no I don't know in the cave I don't know I don't like that that's not a good idea but I doing it's fine he's coming he's I've got the flare gun out if you guys have the other guns I'm stuck in you guys dunk I've got a I've got a flare well mark you [ __ ] how in the world did he go around that I think he was wise to us he's doing it out he's still hanging out right down there should I reach wrap this I'll try Oh sort of on the path that he took maybe lucky if he charges us just lay the trap down in front of his path of his movement you know what I mean he's heading to swamp house there's not was there like a hot key for trap I have to I have to use the wheel and get it out I think so let me look hurry up she's coming back he's coming back he's coming back back back back back back he's by you go Knights it's fine hang on I'm dropping a trap I'm gonna bait him he's gonna come right to me there is I marry you where are you are you okay yeah I'm I trapped in lay if you're sweating bullets between the tracking right yeah we haven't done much damage what we could do is we could Bob you could wound from up here and look for like buildings oh yeah that's true yeah this is like a perfect drone spot yeah I can thrown from up here this tracker wore off yeah no no it's still it's just fading I think so how does this drone work you never used it I don't know I don't remember but I think it was pretty simple oh yeah there we go and then I do this aha there we go there she goes alright so how do I tag things I don't think you can tag things I think you just got to remember we're on the map it roughly is I think if you get close building it should hopefully just reveal it so with the drone I don't know if it will but it's worth trying wait wait oh my god the drone almost just crashed itself into the ground why was that oh it has a certain range - it can only go so far no it just like stopped flying and then I pushed a button and it kept flying that was wild well thank God you can't crash it oh wait wait did you hear that yeah I'm gonna place a trap right here just to have something know just be aware when you put meat down he is a track to do it so maybe not do that how did you put the meat down I just know I know I get you said he was attracted to it but I have zero meat I had to meet now I've got zero and one didn't go on the trap I don't know where it went maybe you can double meet it or something why do you guys want to meet it then he's got to get over here we're discussing control schemes mark alright okay okay okay but I was looking at Wayne he was like how to meet in his and he's like I just said we're don't do it he's pressed e and one didn't show up so I thought I was like well I'll try again just to see cuz I thought the controls were we I knew I could pick it right back up fair enough fair enough not seen any buildings though I got nothing that shadow effect for me being behind me is really disconcerting I now see what your problem was with that yeah it's spooky where you guys going oh you're going the other way I'll meet up with you guys the the roads meet up huh guys I'm hearing noises I swear I'm hearing a second set of footprints near me guys it's probably fine okay I'm hearing rustling and bushes nah it's probably fine okay all right trust you okay I see a fence over here there you guys are another effigy here did we try anything with those with the knife and everything knife in it I tried knifing it didn't seem to do anything and it really kicks up a lot of dust old dusty bones and all okay should we be spiking some cameras around what's that noise yeah what is it um that's probably good thing right whoa why there's one of us near one of the people maybe I don't know can kind of fan out okay that's - hell yeah that's just a wolf they're fine God dear god damn it dawn someone I didn't got a deer you got it you didn't say you were shooting a deer I don't really have time to walk you through the whole process that was not that was a Bigfoot you guys hear the Bigfoot what where where what it was like east of us here the distance he was all it was hear that no aha hi hi that's me I've got a huge feed this another dig at me like a no no when you call me tiny foot no I wasn't even talking to you I know if I thought it was like one of those side digs of my tiny feet this has nothing to do with you now might be six foot four but it I wear a size three shoe it's not my fault it's kind of your fault oh this will be average foot man you know yeah well you're freaked oh there's a lookout look look at the lookout oh there is there's probably bullets in there there are two traps in here anyone wanna trap good I've got two traps right now I've got two traps I've got yes I'll take it now I have three traps hold the cameras the camera also has a branch icon so we can hide the cameras when we place them okay well depending on how spicy you guys are feeling we could lay down some traps and try to get him over here yeah just let me know how you guys are putting the meat on the trip so I don't wanna despawn anymore Bob take care of it to set this up what I say you use the lookout or something no what do you what do you think captain we could do that what we should do is when we lay down and he gets trapped in it the other two should rush up and place traps in a triangle around him so that he can't escape we really whale on him yeah we could knife him close up all we're talking about that's what I'm talking about that's what I'm alright well so we'll do one money trap will he be attracted to it like basically no matter what I do in an area where where he has less places to run I don't know because I'd like to do it up against like the fence I feel like that might be cool go for it we just got to be far enough away that he doesn't notice us when he comes we should be Liam or this should we get a camera we're in mask issue that I think you got a hurry though he might be you might be close I'm gonna yeah I'm gonna get away I don't have the camera so I got a camera okay okay just in case that would turn off your light tree we got here we're doing it we're hunting a Bigfoot on that big boat cute I'll go into the camera I'll look I think I can do that from here on your tablet on your tablet that's it that's stupid you get your tablet out and then you look at the feet I'm already looking at it I'm looking at it more control wait Bob oh God oh good god Bob is that not what you wanted not particularly well I ain't seen nothing about I ain't seeing nothing that neither you know I could place a camera too and aiming at us and that way we can all look at the cameras and make sure that we could be in the cameras and watch place another trap okay putting this second camera down okay all right we got a camera too now yeah camera three down just so like we can get another angle of ourselves all right where's the trap one is are there we go wait no left left can you not see our names okay good great did I get the tracker on him I don't know if I did yes yes he's okay good all right well that didn't work no I don't see our names popping up mark I do yeah I don't know why you don't you've got realism mode or something engaged I'm gonna charge him and I'm gonna I'm gonna have a trap out and I'm I'm gonna show you the pro moves that I've got cuz he's gonna charge right at me from a distance with my gun out here we go hey nerd stupid footed nerd ah he's really far away yeah he's going I don't think he's coming back yeah you better run all right well that almost worked how how did he sneak up on us is my question here orde right next to me and then was just on you to see that's not fair I think you betrayed us or something or you made a deal with him or something no no no no what deal with the devil no no no I didn't come to you it's coming to you wait is coming to you wait wait I'm not here I'm not near you where why did you wait you're not talking to me wait what wait listen he and I are working it out just give us a minute what what he's company buddy yeah oh I see him he's running he's running to Bob he's riding her straight to Bob he's going straight for bob i trapped it come at me bro come at me bro come at me bro come at me bro how did you miss the trap that seems cheating I'm gonna get about dying I'm dying there I ran out of steam and I ran out damn it right here but wait what did you do you said you're not that way yeah what do you think I did um he literally ran right around my traveling blinding flash of light as he ran at me no no all right good just want to make sure what my flare icon did absolutely nothing when I shot it it just made a dink noise then they turned around and left well I did shoot a flare yeah oh I saw you shoot the flare yeah why did you do it I've been like that I didn't see it cuz mine did absolutely nothing my flare shot did absolutely nothing for me it looked like it might gun just like jammed and he left anyway well that was pretty underwhelmed thanks guys thanks that was pretty garbage guys yeah I'm very good at this I think we're bad at this [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,713,740
Rating: 4.9650121 out of 5
Keywords: bigfoot, finding bigfoot, bigfoot game, bigfoot update, bigfoot ending, bigfoot markiplier, markiplier scary games, scary games, horror games, lost in the woods, haunted, haunted forest, creepy, creepypasta, bigfoot creepypasta, hunting, gaming, gameplay, bigfoot multiplayer, bigfoot online, collab, muyskerm, lordminion777
Id: YG1zdYPjEls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 42sec (1302 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 25 2019
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