oh no... | RAFT

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Oct 22 2020 🗫︎ replies
oh i'm loading me also loading my assets how are we gonna know if there's if we're we're in the new world well there's supposedly new um things you can build so maybe like our blueprint list will change maybe hey boom boom oh there i don't know what would be new would it be the research thing would be new because because you can only build what you can what you've already researched yeah oh at least wade's not moving like a insane person again bob are you seeing this about wade yeah i don't know what's the deal with that he put on the bear head and he changed what are you saying i kind of missed that wait is this the island we were at yeah wait wasn't it bigger did we move to a small i think we moved to this remember i have no recollection of this place well let me look at the book okay we got a net canister okay this looks new backpack inventory expansion oh thank god okay grass plot we need dirt uh helmet we can make armor the only thing i saw was that there's like some kind of thing that automatically gets water and fills up the water now oh yeah yeah i'm not if that's one of the things we can build eventually because my trees grew what remember how my trees wouldn't grow my trees grew yeah we do have trees we've got like birch trees there's different types they weren't birch looking before no they weren't birch they were birds all right never mind oh yeah i remember this oh my gosh the carpet i forgot about the captain's nest it's the lush carpet in the cabin i remember this now oh i blocked you in fantastic and once again and you've got the you've got the oh okay there he goes apparently i'm hungry all of a sudden i'm down here now everything's fine okay do i get a hat what a hat do i get where's my probably the bucket oh i really hooked it at you i'm sorry i got it as a puppet that's not oh my god why don't hold them by the teeth they're sharp that's what it means rows of those i just see it in my bottom right like a gun like i've got a shark and i'm about to shoot you with it hey we got a seagull in our in the nest oh [ __ ] kill it no it's laying eggs oh don't [ __ ] kill it then do we have to do something about that yeah no remember so the question is did we explore this particular island the last island i remember exploring was one where we got the the honey and bees yeah this place is way bigger than that was or way smaller that was way bigger this small just no mark no size i know well do we want to explore this island real quick like yeah go go give it a scope i want to do something about the organization of the chess here because it's i know it's hell at the moment i remember that it just kept being hell because someone whose name rhymes with bade i've never done anything much less used your system oh i didn't use my system that's i'm very aware wait wait how do we catch the bees there's bees here again i don't know what i did to catch them i think you walk up to the to the crouch and walk up to it and then left click it with like a sword to catch the beast you need a net unless you're just trying to get them to get got by bees and then yeah you use a sword yeah did i get them i think you did i got it when you did that jars there's a cooler over here wait somebody's having a kegger oh my god it was just full of resources well they're mine now you took the whole kegger or the whole cooler check it right out the whole kegerator i i'm not seeing this automatic water thingamabobber can you tell what we need for that oh wait no i do sprinkler we have one yes sprinkler automatically waters your crops i think he meant an auto water purifier yeah oh i i have a funny feeling maybe we don't have the new update i'm not seeing it in the research and frankly now i'm remembering that we kind of had some of this stuff are you saying that we have to start over i mean was a grass plot was that in the old one yeah i think so because i think that's how you fed the animals the first thing we can do is try to find a new island uh because that would be the main thing right like there's got to be okay i've got a i've got a blip on the radar oh we need the number that's right we need to find the number we had a number in the journal okay we were on balboa island that's where we were oh jesus yeah all right all right the bear you told me about kind of forgot it was here i hear him doing bear stuff yeah he's uh barely attacking oh [ __ ] i fell off a mountain i'll get you you bear [ __ ] oh i've got a blip for oh i got the new island it's 3 000 meters away jesus beehive with flowers did we have this before yeah i made that no no i made that i remember that that's adorable yeah it's so weird did you paint the flowers on the beehive itself uh yeah that was me and and i made this bio fuel uh reactor so that we can feel the engines i do remember that because i remember the pipes yeah and i remember it being kind of funny yeah it's it's a little funny but it i can i can just basically take raw food and uh i need to water how do you make a sprinkler this game is complicated i want to make a sprinkler [Laughter] i don't like the laughing laughing such a bad fake evil laugh i mean fake i'm evil oh we did have copper ingots okay we're good oh thank god can't believe the organizational system's not working what are you making exactly um a sprinkler for the for the cross oh right right right yeah so i don't have to water the things constantly listen i'm basically just here to drive the raft around so when you need to drive call raft driver bob do you guys want to drive the raft to the other side of the island there's a whole bunch of stuff in the water on this side raft driver bob sure okay if i'm aiming this right this should just goose water all over this bad boy raf rider can you raise the can you raise the anchor and turn the engines on drivers don't do that sort of stuff i'm really more of a steerer this needs a battery oh yeah yeah there's supposedly a battery recharging station too is that something we can make well no i'm fine i'll do it myself on the new island what did he need bob i got it no it's fine do we have a battery anywhere i don't know we we had to have one for the um the navigation system or whatever oh my god but i think that was the only one we had okay actually i can make a battery that's not too bad you can go whenever you want um how how how how hitting the gas pedal i don't know the anchor's down i think you have to turn the engines on oh my god wade you just killed a bear it did reverse do we know yes put them in put them in reverse reverse they're not going definitely not go activate it right i got it turned them on oh okay there we go hey look at that so smart god it's been a while scrap anybody scrap if i have scrap yeah i have some can i have something you need it yeah i need to make a battery for the sprinkler get out of here i'm gonna truck it down by the pewter thank you there you go look at all this bear meat and leather i guess i could cook it do we need to continue to navigate around this island weight or or yeah you need to follow god damn it okay yeah would you just spill it with water do what what do you mean empty the navigation system was uh the battery for the navigation was empty you need to keep turning the way we're turning well the island is there so and three five seven i don't understand what the counting means all right uh bob basically straight through this island we got to get around the island all right we're going well this is great that i'm driving the boat because i'm also sort of eating lunch that's great that is a good combo you know back in back when i was a young lad i used to go to the lake with my grandparents and uh there were definitely times where we would like hold a sandwich in one hand the steering wheel in the other oh it's pollution what sploosh the sprinkler oh nice it works it watered everything wow good do you have to refill the sprinkler or is it just yeah yeah yeah it's a big reservoir we need to fill it up oh yeah probably wait did you just leave the nav system on market yes and three two one dead ahead overshot it a little bit starboard is right port is left half mast is how i woke up all right now i'm on shark watch okay yeah you just keep going straight ahead we are way far away from it but we are aye aye not captain it doesn't seem to be getting any closer are we going forward we're going the right way we're going man wait i'm not reading this right turn left good good yeah is this the way yep i'm looking at it it is the right way okay but you're not looking at it you're downstairs vital tasks but don't be snitching i'm so utterly confused right now i'm just gonna keep going this way you're going the right way i think are you sure mark's looking at it bob looking at it i can see the machine you know this right yes yes it's beneath me then why do you just say you are hey there's a seagull doing something yeah come here you bird thing got him noon wait calm down who's the new fisherman i don't know someone should probably make food or something though i mean i am currently whoa did you guys just experience that bagel i made my noises for other reasons which i'm not going to share with you [Laughter] full match the head up there bob like jack sparrow i might mysterious and confusing yeah mostly confusing can we make another one of these uh honeycomb houses yeah do you have the bees for it i don't know how many you need but i've got 18 bees that sounds like enough look in your uh crafty menu thing it's a technical term for it i just dropped them in this storage chest hey here's some kind of shark thing happening i want me to do the beast [ __ ] damn bob what is that what did you just use that cleaver i got a sword that doesn't remember we learned how to make a sword on that island oh i looked from the back i thought your hammer was like three slices of tofu stacked like is that a new item wow it's a skin bro just go on the store if it's 7.99 or 3 000 zoinko coins you can get a tofu hammer i gotta steal my dad's credit card for zoink kiddos if you're trying to get those zoinko coins make sure you steal that credit card uh do we have an axe of some sort i have an axe yeah because i think these trees are ready to be chopped chopping i think chocolate if you can chop them they should be ready to be chopped chopped chop chop chop all right they just exploded there was no seed oh they just kind of mark you did it wrong what do you mean i did it wrong you did it wrong well i'm still going it goes into your inventory check your inventory see if you can i'm sorry i'm only getting planks which is great oh yeah no yes oh i got a coconut from this thing that's a seed is that how seeds work yeah i got one cocoa nut that's not enough i had a fishing pole i could fish oh i ate it i ate the coke i'm sorry mark i got confused with the hole in the ground in my mouth i was that's disappointing and stupid the coconut mark oh my god we almost crashed into an island but we didn't thanks to my brilliant pilot experience oh wait we might still ah you're going good you're good uh the skill the raw talent that is legitimately the tightest you could hey wade how's that bee hive coming i need to get six wooden planks i got you pieces here so many important take mine i have harder longer plans what is the organizational system of this and why isn't it i didn't fix it it's in progress why is metal scraps the most difficult thing to keep stocked we have none we need to go well there's an island right there there's probably someone well i don't know we're not stopping all right well that might be the root of the problem i don't want to be that guy but just a thought well i realize that it's uh yeah it's uh they're on the ground now they don't float exactly i just thought i just realized metal don't float i've got wait how many metal scraps do you need i have 17 on me oh you have 17 can i have some i'm trying to make more boxes so that we can have a better organizational oh um that's definitely insane trying to pick it up i will please don't leave me behind i'm taking this shark uh coming back how do we not leave you behind oh god don't run me over going forward all right okay good okay great good stuff with the auto the potatoes are almost grown again potatoes grow like weeds in this [ __ ] good more for the biofuel so do we need to check our heading are we definitely still good oh worse oh mark's up there yeah i see it right now it is just amazing actually our headings i don't i don't something about this i don't believe you what no it's good our heading is so good why are all these beats over here by the biofuel container we're working on it okay this storage over by the biofuel is for biofuel inputables only the storage by the smelter is going to be for smeltables and planks i'm going to put smeltables on the left our planks are on the right huh are palm leaves multiple i don't think so because that's where i want to put my palm leaves now that you said it out loud well but all right captain i have utter faith in you um should i go ahead and smell some copper or do you want to smelt more metal in good uh smell whatever you can smell we we should just smell everything we have whoever smelt it dealt it am i right am i right though guys until just now no just me that's why i'm the captain wait what have you done what did i do how would you turn it that way i was trying to rotate it turns out you're supposed to press r to oh look you got blue on the left red on the right everything about this is exactly what you'd want oh man i i could have rotated the blue red and white i just wanted the black and white to be the only color uh but now that's oh hey this honey's harvestable so that's something that's something everything's fine over by the honey thing about it you're right thank you navigation your captain says great job matey thank you okay i dumped my water out instead of drinking it ah uh incoming where are you incoming no brilliantly piloted ship would never hit an island such as this one uh all right i have full faith in you captain that's as well you should god i hate these ladders do you guys ever hate ladders with your entire being yes god damn it specifically these ladders these ladders man they're not very good ladders oh it's really hard to get up to the captain's captain slight adjustment the brilliant piloting continues marvel at it as we don't slam into the island mark can't look right now he's at navigation yeah mark has the navigation lugging it looks good here but then again i don't have your eyes or your uh point of view up there or my dick i yeah oh shark's back i don't see it oh there he is hey buddy we're friends with him right yes his name's ted head you know ted the shark wait was that it the island on the left was that our location uh i don't know uh you're on navigation yeah navigator uh the batteries are dead so i i didn't turn it off ah well battery's not my department not my department all right the battery battery liaison if you could please oh yes i need the three scrap please uh uh no hats oh i believe our engines are also dodged oh dear we're dead in the water are we oh goodness uh it's okay we have okay hey honey i got it starting to remember some of our issues from the past issues that's what i always say that is what he always what you've always said why are there so many points on the ground you're god damn chode for one second time working on it what was the explosion the engines are booted back up my dude it was a [ __ ] explosion what was that that was the engine's booting back up oh right uh we're about to be out of biofuel so hard uh well hold on we got honey out the ass put get where where give let me let me take here i'll put it in this chest what does honey look like those are honeycomb does honeycomb you need to make honey you have to craft it in uh how do i do that honeycomb and glass there's glass eye working it's under the little the little resources what is the organization we're working on where is the glass it's done it's over here glasses are right now it's over here it's in uh this one this this one right here it's just for temperatures sure i'm working on it i'm working on it i like how you made flanks chests if we ever have extras of those well it's go have more gonna go eat and then i'll come back down and i'll keep working on the organizational system we're probably overshooting what we are if someone could make a battery i'm working on it i'm working on it done got a battery all right thank you navigation oh back up i see where we're going the blue icon is the current oh we need to turn left how far away were we before was it 1600 or are we further away well we started at 3 000 so oh we're making terrible progress all right hang on sending the tower amazing ladders that are so good left you said oh yeah uh pretty much straight ahead here oh okay that's not a very clear instruction but i'll just go straight oh you did it perfectly though oh nailed it that's why i'm the cap preserve this battery i feel like that's the smart play i agree with you good sir hey the palm trees is growed mark where's our and the potatoes is growed you know guys i am trying my best i'm just gonna put it in here with the honeycombs i feel like that's crazy don't worry bob mark's on navigation it's it's funny when he pretends to be sad no you're not sad you monster yeah you got me one of it the instant turn yeah yeah you got me yeah yeah i didn't know how fast i was going yeah yeah uh either somebody with an axe or somebody who knows about where's planks is that oh there's planks i knew that i put those there all right thanks everybody you're welcome bob should i be souping the fish or cooking the fish probably soup if we have the right kinds of fish is more efficient i'm gonna put some uh what do i have here i've got mackerel tilapia and herring i'm gonna put in yeah i got pictures not names so i don't really know about that uh look forward that's fine we're it looks like we're gonna hit it dead on but i promise you that's probably not gonna happen was was your question look forward i'm the captain of this it's the frog it's a frog it's the leaf it's a frog don't just call it the palm frog it's a frond just call it leaf no you just call it a glass of water to jug a juice because the words have meaning idiot yeah exactly i'm with bob on this one wait what what how did that happen weighed some kind of wizard well now you got me i was trying to conceal it but you know all right fine i've been casting spells this whole time oh oh god scrap we need scrap maybe we should go to that island first crap yeah you want to just slam those [ __ ] in reverse or just turn them off that's fine oh are they out oh we out i mean we could just turn it away from it that's okay well good news i changed direction do you not know how this works this jug right here this jug pick that up and put it in the big this thing yeah no no no no no no no means try something else no yes but yes no yes wade are you there's a yeah i have a machete and you look like a bear i put it in i wonder what a jury of my peers would think about this situation hey look guys an even larger island in front of us maybe we should have just gone that way now look in the distance off the off the bow of the boat the bow we'll probably need all of them that's the front all right i made it up okay i didn't make it up okay like i'm just trying to believe and i'll believe whatever you say the truth is out there [Music] nope hang on nope no i got this one hang on okay nope no that's not it there it is are all of those together a good representation of me yeah okay uh turn the engines off quickly quickly why oh okay there we go look at this lovely spinning motion we're in let's go ahead and lobby here no problems i'm doing fine i'm working on the organization as hard as i can no no mark's on navigation yep mark if you're the one that's responsible for this organization i have some questions for you mark what do you mean france plastics [Applause] how did you do such an exemplary job with so little resources and no support from your friends yeah i didn't have any i don't know man i it was tough every moment was a struggle but i got through it and what are you gonna do now that you're a champion oh i i mean finish the job you know see it through to the end are you just asking these to take a food break so that you can i mean i can eat and talk i'm i'm asking these because i like you and i'm proud of you okay oh listen douchebag with an axe come chalk some of these trees down oh is that me yeah no no that's that's the other dude well unless you have an axe but you're not the dude you're not the douchebag listen wait wait wait that only leaves me i can't be the douchebag i feel like this time i'm just the lackey that gets tossed around what mark i was just being really nice to you all right bob i had next the whole time this do we literally stop at the only island that doesn't have a drop of scrap metal laying around it it does well the scrap metal is usually in the water and i don't see any in the water so i think your observations would be correct all right yep you got there he got up late now those were the things the observations i was basing my statement upon oh wait there's scrap metal there's scrap metal wait where yeah on the opposite side of where our raft is that's good guys it's good guys it's really good not as good as your organization mark can i just say thank you can i just say yeah well there's metal metal are we low on metal or mark yeah get get get everything yeah oh i see the shark yeah we is that where you are with everything um cool okay next step i'm going to try to get i was burping in real life and the shark attacked me that's horrible hey guys i'm going to die wait hello nice dodge i'm i'm uh dead you're dead i didn't dodge i i didn't dodge either i don't know what you saw but all i did was swim to the left and then his head it looked like yeah he jumped out of there he got me oh hi i'm being carried by a good friend all right poor douchebag our old friend is about to die too get out of the water my good friend yeah yeah good friend good friend like three seconds ago or no no no put me in my bed that'll help so i've got those i've got this metal okay okay did you guys get more scrap metal a little bit but uh we need there's a lot more we need to kill this yeah should we drive around to the other side so it's easier or that might be smart let's do it okay oh my god look at the organization it's making progress it's just exploding wait head broth that's a different recipe i'm gonna take down the coconut chicken recipe and i'm gonna put up head broth it's good because we don't have a lot of coconuts yeah we got a lot of heads and it needs a bucket of some white liquid oh no we know what head broth is now it could be milk we probably need an animal to make milk remember i told you there were animals you could catch and people on your boat could be many things wait where are we we went to the other side of the island as discussed it's odd now it's off the other side of the boat yeah this is exactly what we discussed and planned together we're just a little bit further from the island than i expected it's all yeah well it didn't look like we were this far away from it when i was up on the captain's perch i gotta be honest i might have been a little drunk but there's metal down here so let's just stop bickering and get you some oh god oh god look out for what this shark the shark we need to team up on in murder we should do that are you doing it trying i got one hit come on you you did i got him [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i'm gonna die now don't die again nice hit mark me or me oh no one's in there no one is around me when do we get automatic rifles to deal with the shark yeah when do we get like military-grade equipment it's going after someone i don't know right behind waden i don't know what that laugh was i don't want to i appreciate you just going straight to mocking instead of talking about it we don't need to address anything about what just happened we all know why is this just called a head you'll open it up i don't know if we need two entire boxes for heads we got two types of heads what do you mean i'm glad we have something in each one because if there was no net i'd break a skateboard i guess oh fishing fishing's fun fishing yeah fishing watching oh great just remember fishing fishing yeah yeah yeah why why are you saying oh my god that's how i always talk uh-huh fishing i love fishing that was really fun fishing but i really like the piece well i'm gonna step into the the wade's nest and rip one out is that what you call it when you keep yeah this next time we have waited in person five years from now it's like i was gonna go rip one out boys goes into the bathroom just here isn't that how is that how you pee yeah just everyone have fun okay bye all right mark i got an inventory full of stuff is your system ready it's getting there depends on is it ready for me where do i put clay clay oh [ __ ] clay we're gonna put flowers uh hanging flowers going head clay will probably be knees uh where i put shoulders push shoulders is leather and like other shoulder type things what goes in raw raw's for ore are you okay you sound stressed okay where does stones go and stones on the other side of uh fronds fronds and stones okay all right niese's clay you said jesus clay and other knee-looking type things clay sand rope seaweed all these to me that's not neat okay i am so ripped what oh right you should really get your um colon checked out what's it prostate your prostate's probably in your colon right oh i don't think i have one of those i think the shark is doing something does that truck bigger wait am i crazy that shirt bigger squish i went in after him uh no he's not you are an idiot if that's what you asked okay something about the naming system got a little weird no no you just have to you just have to understand and not be an idiot yeah don't be an idiot where's um these two and toes too knees is plural both head shoulders knees knees and toes oh that's true well those will have to be separate yeah i'm getting to it wait it's working progress sorry toes is seeds and anything else that looks like little toes knees is blocky things that look like it might be a knee okay so that includes sand clay uh vine goo it looks knee-like wait can you help me with the shark can you like yeah my weapon's about shoot it with your gun or something oh yeah we're under the thing okay well i wasted all my health oh i didn't get air i forgot the air part about the getting air that was why i was oh you saw that you shouldn't have even come close i'm gonna make one bow go for it i'll put the feathers are in head where's the rope at is rope shoulder rope uh rope you can make from fronds but uh rope is coming soon guys i am your legolas we have a flowers box uh yeah right now actually i'm gonna make these two plastics uh probably like flowers and happy things what got me doing it caught me too we're not feeling so unsafe we're not safe here mark i've i'm going to uh up to my captain's hidey hole okay are we in a good spot to get metal yeah there's some metal down there we can get rid of this dang shark okay oh he's gonna die soon he's gonna die he's gonna die painful all right yes he's dead yeah he's dead okay time to go for metal yes yes we need so much metal i have a weird confession to make i i couldn't hold this in anymore though i wanted to um so when the shark attacked you both he came for me but i got back on the raft at the last second and i was hoping to stab him and then i think he was just stuck in the full murder animation and he somehow got you guys so i think it was my fault i'll never forgive you i feel good about coming clean don't really feel bad about what happened to you but i came clean so my conscience is clear i can go to hell peacefully now no you go to hell and you die in which order that order good you go to the hell and you die you guys got this i'm going to keep working on the organization my hook's about to break actually i kind of don't have this literally my hook just broke and there's metal right in front of me i can give you my hook if you come up and i'll give it to you did you register my side did that land for you oh i forgot air and my hook's broken can i have your hook too oh wait a minute come on is that you bob okay thank you wouldn't want wade to have that the hell that's the sound of me drowning is that not what you sound like when you drown not when i drown i don't know about wade oh that's exactly what i saw when i drown drowning again oh no i gotta keep breathing constantly [ __ ] oh god i'm gonna do the grossest thing i can imagine and eat food while i'm swimming in salt water everybody loves ocean seasoned ah the shark is back oh no i'm out of health because of all the drowning wait friends wait wait a minute i didn't understand how drowning works okay that's unfortunate oh hey bob i guess i'm fine i'm back now there's more stuff out there there's a shark out there though we could kill it you and me and mark no i'm good i got organizational business you and me and us you and me and our army who did a bird take my flowers oh we're out here living and dying that are on a razor's edge and you are gardening and what's going to happen when you oh when you cut when you come home and you don't see flowers and you don't get happy what are you gonna do you're right if i don't have a fresh cut bouquet on the table and i get home from work next to my martini new york time slippers pipe and smoking jacket or whatever people wear in this imaginary world i'm doing a joke about yeah i will be outraged uh-huh not to change the subject mark i'm a little curious why you have raw and head next to each other raw's on the other side of head do they have nothing to do with each other okay yeah i don't know what connection you're making here and you're messed up brain wave but yeah it's fine uh well if you're gonna no there's no one go on go on go you gotta have your head cooked man you can't do it wrong i'm what oh oh [ __ ] hey can you grab me oh don't bite me don't bite me don't bite me lay me gently in the bed i appreciate there you go buddy sleep tight oh this is sweet oh you're done hey oh yeah i'm okay oh i'm sorry did you want to watch me wait wait i'm not there i'm not there i'm not there oh oh that's so sweet right by the bees he died got it all right we can go harvest some more i can get my arrows back from him too they stay in his corpse oh i shouldn't have harvest morning yeah sorry i should have finished harvesting the corpse all right let's get all that metal stuff mark are you done yet jeez almost i'm sorry i didn't mean to okay it's uh it's okay rationalize the feelings of hurt and pain that were deep inside my soul but i'm good i'm good now okay then i'm not sorry oh okay that's fair oh the drowning i always forget about the drowning it makes you feel it but i've never met a person who uh who had drowned to death that kind of does make me feel better actually i wouldn't want to meet someone that drowned to death why sounds very scary because mark is closed-minded that's why that sounds very presumptuous mark i'm sure they're fine people try to have the open mind no could at least try more no okay that's a very convincing agreement oh you've got me there no is there something going on that we need to know about over there okay no can we make the swimming gear isn't there like flippies and oxygen tanks and stuff we could be making to make this all oh yeah totally better yeah yeah my brain is just broke my brain what it's not a complicated thing i'm trying to think of what's cookable and what's not cookable but my brain is really struggling right now i don't know why why are you trying to think of what's cookable and not cookable i'm making a cook chest and eat chest and my i can't rationalize anything oh well why don't you just say him out loud we'll help you figure it out okay cooking we don't have a fingers chest and i need seaweed isn't quite knees like the goo see we would be toast obviously seaweed is fronds no no see with his toes it's fronds it's not toes it's toes kind of toes look like a seaweed my toes look like a seaweed well your toes are weird then oh i broke the hook that you gave me well now my present's gone i'll never remember mark for the rest of my life what about extra rope where can i put rope clearly ah the shark's back yeah oh i understand why that was confusing but those statements were kind of unrelated [Laughter] holy [ __ ] wayne why are you doing that oh i just stumbled upon the crowd what's up standing in front of a chest just talking [ __ ] on the ground i wasn't i was mass correct my systems it's fine whatever just [ __ ] all over my dreams mark i'm here for your system buddy don't worry about it i just need to know where the rope goes hey mark there's a seagull really going to town on your flowers cars they're our fires your stupid flowers that you love so much are in peril do you want biofuel do you want that do you want me to rub honey on your shoulders do you want that then you that same thing they are the same thing do you guys not like my organizational system my work i love it a1 2b watermelon three that joke from fall guys i love it i'm here for your system thanks man thank you always a sport nobody in the comments likes it because they're all ignorant stupid heads i like it i love the system i'm in i'm on the sand would be raw that's a good point yes but clay that surprises you it's disappointing still the knees so i'm gonna put but clay is oh wait no clay is nice clay you gotta lay out yeah we're both stupid for different reasons oh why is it raw why is that raw the shark meat i didn't cook did you just shove shark meat in your mouth no no i put it on the on the stove top grill can you stop using my stoves without my permission i thought you were captaining are you cooking yeah captain of the ship where the stoves are sorry i'm captain of the whole world as far as you're concerned mark's the organizer you're the captain cook i just need to find my place on this ship you know i'm just trying to find my place you're the best boy i'm pretty sure that's a roll on a ship there's also shark bait [Music] it's a good movie all right uh we're on anchoring i'm activating the engines okay heading check navigator mark are we going the right way yep remember that thing about pouring the water out instead of drinking it yeah yeah kind of vaguely now don't do that okay weird uncle who i didn't invite to this party don't do that do we ever cook vegetable soup that's what i had been cooking but i don't know if we want to use the potatoes for biofuel i don't know if that's the best thing i think we might need to cook fish what i might do is i might set up another crop plot just for potatoes that need we can have a biofuel crop yeah i'm thinking just separating and then these can actually be beets and potatoes yeah so this will be beets so i'll replant this beets and taters yeah i'm gonna take uh summers uh i'll leave the beets it'll just be potatoes for uh the biofuel okay yes lord of the rings exists thank you why is why is there who put a chest back here by the secrets secret chest this is a secret why is it back here secret yes i'm actually having a fantastic time organizing i didn't think this would be fun are you a fan of consolidation would you say not usually which is the thing i usually yeah you got really mad at me when i did that well now we know what 2021 markiplier's gonna be into dude i hope so my life is chaos if i have some organization in my life i'll be so happy you do look at all these chests this is some organization you've succeeded in your goals for next year already thank you that was both a complimentary and patronizing impressive thank you thank you i succeeded in my goals for 2021. my goals were just to get a good old-fashioned compliment from my friends did it have to be sincere no i take what i can get okay man well i'm glad you have realistic expectations i can't believe i remembered where vinegar was literally my brain it looks like a knee head obviously i know this too about that [Music] what the hell [Laughter] what the hell what the hell was that then i opened the first chest and the fronds weren't where i thought they were going to be so i turned into like my great grandpas what the hell i'm sorry grandpa wade i'm so sorry for whatever i did please don't get your belt that's already got oh that's not even the same voice you'd better watch out you're going and i already didn't got my belt no weird family win ever tell you that yeah i'm going to do some more fishing how have we not gotten to this island oh i i think i see it as you say that i just have an infinite stack of potatoes in my hand and i kind of don't want to put it down wait mark you're on navigation right because i haven't looked in a while now yeah where's the navigator mark yeah we're headed the right way hey guys i think the water guy is empty uh so the island is the battery dead it's not water might be dead batter might be dead it doesn't need battery we gotta get that battery charger holy biscuits assuming we have to restart to get it hopefully we're close to it no i think there's recipes blueprints that we can pick up off the ground so i'm pretty sure that it's just something we gotta find okay well this is definitely a place i see pads on the right actually check the navigation yeah yeah this is it okay oh did you i did i wasn't i actually i saw you when you said yes we're standing right behind me so i was like i'll go actually look look at this it's like civilization up there wow wow there's ah building other bridges oh wait you're right i thought you were just bullshitting wow what if i ever bullshitted you every time blessed you are you allergic does a sneeze or a scarf or both man cause if it was just a sneeze it was brilliantly timed can i tell you it was just a sneeze i have no weapons i have two weapons you can't have any all right oh by the way we're going right for the wall yeah i'm up here captaining don't worry about it turn the engines off we're parked baby uh mark i hope you're by the engines huh wait did you what stop stop whoops whoops that does not sound healthy i i couldn't i could never tell which way is on and off so i the whole i'm glad you were there to see that yeah we're off we're good we turned it off and i watched bob turn it on off on off off it's fine it's fine he's the captain he knows what he's doing don't question the captain no of course no of course not spray now you're whatever word you're thinking it's cutting out it's sprayed is that good yeah because now the potato downstairs are cooking and it's got a water thing by it so it can get water it's uh we are in business hell yeah i found a new note for you guys oh cool dude there's a bicycle schlong machine i don't know what it does i'm sorry um wait a moment what hang on one of those words i would like an explanation sir where are you guys are you on the boat yeah yeah come i to papa i definitely don't want to do that yeah this doesn't sound can i just stay here where i am i don't want to learn what a bicycle machine is what hit me sounds like somebody's getting what they deserved i didn't bring any food with me did you arrow me i was in the water no i did not arrow you you look look nothing about this oh actually actually okay okay it takes a minute but yeah okay okay this is a bicycle wait there's a tear deck falcon what is that what oh my god is that what's actually hitting this is there's something incredible on this island that i should pay attention to because i'm getting a little organization tactile monster near the bicycle swamp worth me stopping organizing is it worth you should you should check it out you should keep this mark [Music] oh this is terrifying i hate it i don't know if we want these pigs they're not very friendly how did this happen to me who put beets and watermelon seeds in ingots i'm breaking everything i'm gonna break everything [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,049,226
Rating: 4.9727635 out of 5
Keywords: raft, raft game, raft gameplay, raft update, raft markiplier, raft playthrough, raft walkthrough, raft lets play, raft multiplayer, raft online, raft game online, raft game markiplier, markiplier, muyskerm, lordminion777, mark bob wade, collab, multiplayer, ocean, f the ocean, screw the ocean, i hate the ocean, ocea is scary, sharks, sea monster, cast away
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 55sec (2875 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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