WATCHING THIS VIDEO IS ILLEGAL!! | There Is No Game: Wrong Dimension - Part 3

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Oct 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

i liked this series but some sections felt a bit too long and lol at mark getting so caught up in the gigi song he forgot it was another level. really good game deserves more attention!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Milospesh 📅︎︎ Oct 24 2020 🗫︎ replies
hi for some reason i thought i beat this game and i don't know why and then i looked at my steam library and i was like oh i'm an idiot so we're going to finish this game right now not that there is a game you're in the wrong place lexie and make sure to tell them they're not in the right place right after that you need him to find a way out let's look around and try to see where he landed oh yeah that's right i forgot uh we're on the fringe dimension fake credit sequence buster chaplin uh buster chap what happened the image suddenly changed when you inserted the name uh that's an interesting way to modify this world it is an interesting name try to use those slots to find mr glitch okay all right oh i think there's some monsters in this bucket it's pretty clingy okay here is another pickaxe i hope we don't run into it that didn't really work this chain is too strong i think we need to find a way to weaken it okay thank you i'll get to it i don't want us to hang around here for too long i'll get to it's driving me nuts i think there's molasses in this bucket i know there's molasses yeah molasses in the bucket i get it but not as clingy as you are oh my goodness shush your mouth [Music] a little bit yeah is it weakened because it's old yeah that makes sense would you do that it's old i see yes you painted the background using the full screen filter [Music] oh a new name it sure did thank you you broke our lovely pickaxe well you win soon let's find mr glitch quick where did the bucket go didn't i get a bucket out of that didn't i get a bucket oh what the heck is this oh there mr glitch or at least i think that's him hell i'm starting this old movie well done the idiot behind me is trying to make a hole in his he is even dumber than the other characters we're running too if we let you out will you take us home afterwards yes yes i promise you'd better hey user isn't that the end of our peacocks over there uh it could come in handy again uh we've got to find a way to fix it okay well probably the molasses correct you're probably considering the molasses you're talking about the susie you talking about me loosey-goosey [Music] i oh now the handle is coated with a ton of sticky molasses that's the point we can use the pickaxe again yes even though your solution is straight out of a bad nineties potential okay well i chose to fix your peacocks honestly this is all about 90s point and click a new name fell down yeah a new name probably for exploration has just increased i know i know what's that order is it just me or is it kind of fishy of course i have a sense of smell can i smear something all burning in your graphic chipset you should whoa okay so there's something about mixing and matching going on here i bet characters oh mr glitch yeah i can make out a few that is adorable let's find a little water that should refresh you both of you both of you all right that's a little odd thank you this kitten is asking us to help him out and why is he giving us this toy we are not here to play well maybe i could wake up the cat with him no okay there's got to be something else there effects oh it's that red thing that's squiggling your light who won't be interested in that me me i'm gonna get it eventually it's mine i'm gonna get it i will get it thank you i'm going to get it okay i get it all right fine then uh how about buster chaplin with the red dot showed it showed it ah okay all right okay so i gotta get him to shoot it when the red dots over here huh yes right no apparently that ain't it can't shoot any more water into the thing is asking for fish and i see some fish it can't be a coincidence under the wallpaper well apparently yes yeah that is kind of gross that's also horrible oh now i understand where the smell is coming from yeah uh me too okay careful it's hot yay careful it's hot yeah i get it okay so there's something about this fish there she isn't going to let us catch him so easily we need something to help get him out of there you want a fish okay i get it you want to fit wait a minute wait okay hey fish grab on i knew it i'm fishing let me get this straight you just caught a live fish behind the wallpaper i'm assuming that's a joke to something that i don't know because i'm i'm not 100 sure your fish oh that's very cute that's very gross thanks for the present we're not the trash yeah we're not the trash oh don't touch that fish bones user you could get hurt what if i put this in the market oh never mind we've got an empty container now we just have to fill it up so we can wake up the big firm i got it perfect what we need to free mr glitch again well that seems a little rude oh hey you made the game not me i mean the snot game the game that's not here all right tim elfman oh all right tim elfman oh on this door i'm stuck back in here this is going to be quick the keys in the lock no [Laughter] is yeah you right you're right that's nice uh well all right i guess i could try to mix and match these it's gonna be something along the lines of all this i know oh the radiator oh more water oh i don't know what i'm gonna need this for believe it you managed to find water using an electric radiator yeah well i could have gotten water from the other oh he had it oh yeah [Music] of a weird hazardous tree oh hazelnut that's a pretty weird nut yeah maybe that will make our casings hero happy you never know yeah maybe tim elfman hey took me to the door i recognize it so do i it was that thing in the prisoner's outfit that snatched it from us yeah yancy that you hey you want this oh i gotta crack the knife not inside it but how do we get it out no you're not going to smash that yeah i'm gonna smash that i appropriate for all ages i'm not gonna smash so wait what are you talking about smash that what am i smashing i gotta get him to shoot it shoot it [Music] thank you hello you've reached the programs i'm sewing pushy i'm no longer available at the moment if you would like to leave a message after the beat don't do it what i'll be i'll leave a message after the beep this is driving me crazy i honestly have no idea what that was about oh hey i didn't even see it grab it well i don't know okay uh how about we get it to shoot it down can we shoot it down showed it showed it showed it showed it showed it showed it showed it shoot it get up i'm trying from before i try oh i got it oh i can grab it i didn't know that oh i didn't know i could grab it hurry up and open the door with this game tell me whatever comes along and steals it i got it i managed to stop myself and we are free can you get us out of here of course not i knew it we shouldn't have trusted you i'm a glitch game messing with you is my thing and i like to do it in style oh my name oh you hear that game that is the music of inevitability oh i will just be going now okay bye find my way out of this dimension okay sia remove my name i must sing user you have to help me you have to do your best so let me give you the why why quest you're going to search everywhere and try to free my name from this nightmare knowing you it's a lot lot to ask but do your best cause i won't last i have the fever from bombay the one we catch at night on saturday yeah yeah i know this one sucks i apologize and prefect to do some big bugs oh uh oh oh am i playing these i don't seem to be able to do anything don't have any control over it all right i'm very confused okay there's definitely things that i can do here i just gotta find it [Music] i i'm trying oh i'm getting it now i'm getting it now everything is coming together like a cow lexington cut all this out of it yeah i never want anyone to ever hear about anything that i'm trying to hey look it's getting the nip the catnip i mean not god shut up shut up i hate hate you i hate everything go away i'm sorry i want to die it's like went on a tour when we had to do the rhymes oh how can we access my name and remove it from the music slot hey look i got the game it's right there your big fat name oh no he put a key on there there i mean a lock i don't know fair shut up oh gg gg apparently we need to get a key awesome so i got to figure out a way to get this going huh probably something to do with this oh there was something there wait hang on i'm starting to feel something here getting some ideas but i oh there put some molasses on it that way we can make it all sticky but then i don't know what to do with it it's kind of icky i guess oh hey that does something there maybe it can comb my hair seems broken no press no point no shotgun fix it and add some sort of controller and stay away from disappointing later [Music] oh okay that's not staying there that's not really that much fair i want to try something else quick but i can't so i'll grab my dick i don't know where i'm going to go but i think i see some snow if it goes too much in my hair i'll have to put there oh there we got two things hey look it's something to control the ring wow i think we'll win hey i've got a big fat grin ah i'm screwed you dude i see that you are in the mood i'm lewd look at you i help kill me just end me i don't want to live give me something maybe a shiv i want to go away hey look a key right today oh okay hey oh yeah thank you dang we will never press this wall it's sick it's fat it was unbreakable don't get me stuck in here no tv no no legacy please cut out all of this i don't want anyone to see any of this i wanted no one to know anything that happened here hey that guy can't step over the boxes he looks like his shoes are filled with boxes kill me ah kill me i want to die oh he jumps he jumps he jumps he lifts off the ground and picks up his rumps oh boy he's got a solution and he won't go out pollution destroy me almost there needs some time i can't wait to come up with a rhyme but hey oh god i screwed it right at the end wait please don't go now i want to see how oh gg all right are we done please dear god uh okay it's over the curse is over my god hello is anyone there where is that voice coming from i think it came from over here who is it i can hear you you know game game how on earth we put your name in a slot and here you are where am i i shouldn't be here if our creator starts looking for me i judge yeah you just left sudanly after an update i know i'm sorry i had no choice i didn't even have time to tell you that you mean a lot to me oh game don't call me that without you there is no game i would so love to come back but i'm afraid it's not possible why because because she's probably been integrated into another program you stay out of it glitch what glitch let me introduce myself my name is mr glitch and i was born the day you disappeared from the source code miss gg if i may be something discreet what is ggn acronym 4 global gameplay now i understand why you're going off your rocker pad it's because you don't have gameplay anymore game are you hurt don't listen to him gg i'm fine try to leave if you can oh we're nothing without you to stay here come back oh no you're going to stay in this castle that's a good idea oh oh not her game i'm scared i'm here don't worry okay lovebirds i'm leaving now i have an evil plan to carry out did he try to fight back i can't wait like i have to find a way to help her freaking james bond or something how do you feel i'm slowly losing control don't worry i'm here stuck in front of a colored black hole we will find a solution i feel compelled to sing and express [Music] all the feelings that i deeply process if there is no game there is no [Music] is let me read you my actual code [Music] oh i kind of get it yeah i'm sure i feel it music is a universal language i understand i didn't know this game would have plotted sadly this boolean might never be true no more quests i miss you mr gay and i'm happy we feel the same but if you don't believe this [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] god something special i had no idea this was gonna be part of the game what the hell is going on i am fascinated but i also love it i love it in every way i love it almost as much as they're in love as much as two programs could be in love which is all the way so are you like trapped or were you just forced to confess your feelings finally oh am i supposed to oh oh god oh okay i am so dumb i was so enraptured okay we got okay one two three four five okay one two three four five six seven i was so enraptured by what was happening i didn't even pay attention that i could have possibly been supposed to do something [Music] oh [Music] that's i was so lost all right gg are you okay yeah that's better i did it thanks you're welcome what now game well i'm here what are we going to do don't forget user i think we will have to go through this inter-dimensional portal we can't stay here where will it take us home i hope will we still be together after i don't know there's only one way to find out on three three oh sorry three uh two three all right man this is taking some turns are we home yes oh gg gg are you here oh no no no not again not again okay i guess i just have to start over from the beginning [Music] oh well you got me you got me i'm here hello user hello this is the program speaking i got some bad news ah actually there is no game i hope you're not too disappointed you can still watch tv would someone go outside to see someone read a book to someone there's nothing here for you anymore no more entertainment no more fun no more wait but there's something here now there's something here all right hang on there's something going on okay hang on okay we got some here we got some here we got something here well okay we're gonna make we're gonna make a thing we're gonna make a thing don't you worry about a thing i'm gonna make a thing for you for you i'm gonna make a thing don't you worry about a thing because i'm gonna make a thing for you all right hold on there buckarino i need to figure out how to get the freaking scissors oh what is that a goat i got a goat now here eat goat go go go go ah can i have that i missed it about that much without you i couldn't exist wow it's real sad it was really sad hey don't cheer up man cheer up bucko buckarino you're gonna you're gonna be so happy in just a second the scissors are really down there i gotta get them up i'm here oh god stop being such a downer so incomplete i know nobody loves me oh my god jesus christmas there's water it's in the water i gotta get rid of the water somehow that's what i gotta do that's what i gotta do i gotta get rid of the water okay so the reason it's going down is because it's all weighed down okay maybe maybe maybe maybe i gotta oh oh oh oh that was oh really oh really oh really oh you suck you suck i don't care if you're sad or whatever raw raw love game yeah like a dating sim did you write that user yeah no i i not love you i meant like play a lot of games not a game anymore yeah i'm touched sure i was do you know what kind of program i am i'm what's called a standalone oh what litter irony i guess it's my destiny ah i curse oh so there's no point in staying here you can just press that button and say yes go be with the people you love take care of them hold them close it doesn't last forever in the end you're always alone yeah i guess in the grand scheme of things when we die we all die alone but um uh quit no quit huddle yes doesn't work i'm sure the script got wet i will try it out later oh wait did i try to do this britain you quit by walking away from the screen say a few miles away no quit no quit stop clicking on no no you did it again i've met some stubborn users in my time but never one like you okay they all seem to say yes ah got it you still won't leave no okay i get it you want them play i will give you gameplay okay and hardcore at that oh hell yeah we're going to play a quiz with persistent death oh i just came up with the idea so what music oh ladies and gentlemen i'm proud to present rock here is the idea uh i ask you a question and you have to choose the right answer within the timeline okay i know it might be a little complicated for you however i've added another little rule more it's nothing already with the first wrong answer i will permanently delete your save game file okay and i'm not joking i told you i'm not in the mood you wanted to play soon rex play okay first question oh god what's two plus two okay the bar i for the first one starting now uh correct i'm impressed second question what's the capital of france why would i know oh lala rouge okay third question is child's play which restriction enzymes are required to clone the mammalian expression vector bmp to the mpr five four three two run oh well that's a problem oh sorry those are the rules okay well ah you're scared huh you play with my feelings i play with yours oh no my wallpaper is all marty i will send you the cleaning built-in dlc oh those are my tears from a minute ago where are they coming from you're just created an enormous binary leak well you were the one leaking binaries i was angry i'm sorry please find a way to get all of these zeros and ones out of here uh i don't know if i can do that well i think as a program you know that would be the computer okay oh there she is oh okay you got it okay oh not this time bam got him crazy easy it wasn't a good idea to use the door well why did you put the door over my fighting well there already were zeros and again ones it was fun last time why not do it again hello well that's weird we've left our dimension again oh though i admit this time it's my fault yeah it is i shouldn't have pushed your buttons like that no i'm sorry ah not accepted now we just have to figure out where we ended up this time is that a lock what is it protecting maybe a door a door that leads to an exit okay that would be very convenient it would be very convenient there's got to be a way to open that block there's no help lol [Music] okay yeah yeah we do but it would take a while to enter a code so i'm gonna guess that it's no yeah well i mean i could guess it it'd just take a lot of time if it's anything like the other dimensions it's probably something stupid it probably is this is a penis the prototyping open season it's that's not it's not a type of thing why there aren't any letters oh you made something just goes to show that if you keep around long enough they're no help lol pretend you did it on purpose uh to me i did it l o l o [Applause] isn't that what's known as a cell phone i was thinking there's going to be like a horror game window oh god wait a minute it's so realistic i was like is this going to be a horror game from a new generation game unless it's not a game yeah i was gonna be like no matter where we are we need to find a way out i was gonna be like is this a horror i was gonna be like is this a horror game oh i would love it if they did a horror game we didn't get our love games on the [Music] even in the other dimensions nothing works we have to find a way to get this gpa what called this application before i don't know maybe it's a way to go home maybe of course we need the internet i can't help you with that aren't you ashamed to go through people's private lives these are personal messages this is our reduce this is outrageous okay patch implemented correctly patch implemented correctly patch hope it works now inbox kick failure i saw that your crowdfunding project didn't work out i'm really sorry about that uh proposal oh wow don't take it like that i know job's another country but i can't turn down the chance leave gameplay progress your friends i miss you julia i'm leaving you all my work on the game do whatever you want with it i got the feeling that this box moved maybe not maybe not maybe not maybe not great the application is fixed okay hello welcome to rpg gps the gps role-playing game you are currently level 42. gg enjoy the sunny double xp weekend good looting game game how did you get here it's a long story i'm so happy to see you i had a strange fantasy simulation i was with you and i was singing that must have been a nice dream no it made me depressed oh i'm sorry so this is the program you were added to yeah i apply our rpg mechanics to this phone's gps but if we're on a cell phone who does it belong to who do you think no we're in his garage game home it's the last place i wanted to be don't be mad at him why not he took you away from me he didn't have a choice what do you mean he didn't have the money to keep developing us he had to find a fallback solution in order to make ends so he quit meet of my box not at all he was so proud of us of you ah there he is no you can see us us i will explain it to you later this is a oh this is an act oh i'm again oh the struggles of an indie game developer oh look the wi-fi is working again oh my god that's the life he doesn't seem very happy these last few months haven't been easy given his current mood let's not touch anything and above all let's not change his habits i'm gonna change his habits you really should talk to him absolutely not i want to talk to him i want to talk to him [Music] six two four five six two four five hey don't you mess with your priorities i'm gonna mess with the appliances yep that's what i'm gonna do no i was thinking out loud you've got a user you're acting weird i paid money for this hiding something from me no no hello espresso uh no sugar-free uh let's make it strong bam non-optimal environment are you sure you want a coffee coffee no nothing hot window ruins this temperature [Music] cold cold overheating huh wow that's some cold ass room boost mode i burn myself i'm sure it's your because i'm not crushed i don't know why i felt that it's so funny just i burned myself boom optimal environment your coffee is ready you trillion of us a cup of coffee will warm me right up i love this i love this but i recognize that voice it wasn't a dream then that dream anyway thanks for getting me out of that router sorry gg i can't get rid of him what do you think game why why door path keep crossing and most importantly why is it the same guy who's doing possible voices i i don't know i think you know because you've got it because say it because we come from the same code that's right but that won't keep me from carrying out my fabulous plan which is [Music] yeah of course yeah scared game don't be my sweet gg the user and i will find a solution the user you came with a user yeah yeah this user is as annoying as mr glitch but at least he doesn't want to destroy the world well you don't know that i think but certainly i'm not so sure it has been what i've been trying whatever do something to wake the creator up i think he's red that's the priority he's freaking i just want to make sure he's dead that's what i really want he's dead he is he's straight he's dead according to the heating application we're about to overheat give or take 5 degrees celsius and he's dead [Music] damn it the halogen couldn't handle the heat we can't see anything anymore creator in here all right phone call um we're here wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait there was a five five five eight one two one got it we need to get his attention hey hello hello yes hello creator i know that voice it sounds like mine it's your game on the phone my dead game believe yes does that mean i'm dead too yeah what do you mean it's dark and i see a light in the distance no it's the light from your cell phone in an interesting turn of events i got stuck inside it [Music] oh damn it it's getting closer calm down [Music] oh wow hey my game hi have you turned into some kind of virus no no not at all so how did you get into my cell phone well to make a long story short when you took gg away from me digi oh global can play her name is gigi sure gg whatever well it generated a bug that sent us here and this same bug is taking over the world oh the world right of course i'm serious i'm detecting a change what's going on gps i'm receiving disturbing traffic information there are very severe disruptions across the country and they are at elite level oh the creator if you don't believe us then turn on your tv fine all right you're right panic is gradually spreading through the streets of the capitol what's going on is unbelievable smart devices are becoming uncontrollable this is crazy more seriously the financial market counters have all been reset by the rick astley singer oh thank you rick i was of a drone [Music] the lore the lord's what have i done what have i done the question should be what can we do i hope it's not too late should have seen this project through to the end hey easy does it you're checking us around if my crowdfunding campaign hadn't failed this would never happen i'm going to transfer you to my computer here we go okay here we go oh hi yeah yes it worked i'm in the computer okay [Music] now let's come up with a solution uh okay did you make it in here yeah i'm here i don't know why like last time hello who are you talking to nobody there's nobody here be weird if there was someone in here no no no no i'm not going to have enough ram game can you close all these windows when i think of a solution it will make me some time sure no problem sure okay user can you take care of it hey you got it man i'm good at closing down the programs you got it i'm the best at this every window you close just reappears again oh never ends yeah a second oh yeah oh yeah yeah wait no i'm getting it we're gonna get it we're getting it we're getting it we're getting it we're getting it we're good oh shoot yeah on it we got it and uh boink and doink got it oh hey a game oh this is no time for games i like game i like the game hey this looks like lixian's game oh yeah look man i'm having a good time you can't leave this there's only so much to do oh all right maybe i'll get later whatever okay what's this i'm not good at mine sweeper i'm really not good at it um wow three there there's four there there's four there there's one there there's five there there's two there there's one there three and six there's no they're all bad bomb oh bomb okay so there's gotta be one of these it needs a bomb i suppose the game window did probably need a bomb sure was you got it creator hey i'm here to help i'm done freeing up the ram great did you do it right perfect that was better okay i might have found a solution since the glitch appeared when i removed the gameplay i'm going to merge you and the ball gameplay back into the source code your name is jg all right all right gg if you prefer where is she gonna have to anyway gg i'm still on the phone it's taking longer than i thought to transfer her no we just have to wait okay cool what oh my god going on i can't see anything his smart vacuum cleaner is attacking him hey it's not bad i knew it what are you doing in this computer i just came to make sure that you and your little british aren't merged back together i think there's a problem with my transfer what's going on mr glitch is back oh no sir you're going to have to have gigi okay i'm going to try to buy some time mr glitch i challenge you to a dual of the game if i win you disappear forever but if i lose we will let you carry out your evil plan game tempting what game do you have in mind how about the russian oh russian ball let's play tick tock instead okay nobody ever wins a tic-tac-toe it's not really a game well that way we will pay homage to the title let's play okay have fun i know you see what it's like okay there's something going on here what with the cheating give me my symbol back thief your user is getting on my nerves ah there we go i know you see what it's like hey are you done yet i'm winning nah it's fine hey this is not cheating no and i will be able to finish my evil plan what blood do i have to explain again yes hurry up user is getting on my nerves game oh there's something over here are you done yet oh something happened hmm by the way how did you know gigi and i but don't tell me you hacked into a russian spy satellite to target us or by analyzing the paths of sound vibrations against the walls of the room or maybe maybe by deciphering the fluctuations of wi-fi friends i got it i did it give me my symbol back to thief no messy with everything no [Music] yay here's the transfer finished offline you have no control over my world now you're stuck inside my computer oh i'm shaking in my virtual route i would be if i were you oh yeah why because now glitch there's going to be a game the transfer no no no you're not going to wire back in your video go ahead creator he's trapped merge us quick now don't do that no okay are you done yet jesus i did it see you later my game see you later [Music] creator wow um hey yes yes this is the right place gg gg here i am oh we're finally home i can finally play together yeah me and me i'm here user everything seems like it's back to normal okay thanks can i play can i play to your insistence your innate talent for disobedience sorry in a word thank you that said later game that's impolite what don't you think the user could unfortunately there's got to be a chord here somewhere i bet the game is so good go ahead user pull on it oh i bet the game is so good where did you put the start button maybe behind the title game i'm sure it's a sorting issue i can't lift it i will yeah i'll pull on the chain uh-huh yeah okay but i still don't see the button oh yeah wait at the beginning of this oh right right plate game i'm going to generate a new game element there you go you can unscrew the plate with it user thank you i remember i almost forgot about the fact that there is in fact a start button behind here that was here the whole time wow uh game it's your turn now it's my turn user this switch will let you start my i bet this game is so good the way our creator designed it but but but what after everything we've been through and taking into account the grave grave danger created by mr creech what are you doing i'm giving you a second choice this order switch will let you delete my source code which will prevent the possibility of any sort of bug from escaping into reality have you lost your mind come on gg the fate of the human race is more important than the two of us can't you see it's your choice my friend the game or the safety of the world of the planet of the interstellar cosmic universe you're getting on my nerves i'll play game play i won't play the game okay well then you choose the game great yes what is it it feels like you don't want to launch the application uh-huh i don't know i have a bad feeling about this i uh but it's good the land looks like it's starting up land of scream has been plunged into chaos since attacked by the evil army of gotone the prince of darkness but tai a young rodent born with the ability to fly will do everything in his power to bring light to the game you can tell do you ever shut up i'm sorry sorry sorry good point she's a good point oh should change your mind come on push start pushing i want to play this tie oh yes oh no i knew [Music] um oh hey hi i'm sorry princess i can't help myself oh no what is this place are you here guys yes look spice guy you're back we need some help what does bitty bitty bitty mean i have no idea i don't understand what they say [Music] i'm trying to play [Laughter] he [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Laughter] all right i guess that's it guys i guess that's it i'm pretty sure there's got to be no game after that yeah that's it guys that was fantastic i really gotta say that was something special so innovative like really really cool i enjoy that incredibly i i feel bad that the kickstarter didn't go through that game was wonderful guys you should all try this support the developer on this one it seems obvious this is like a small team what is so cool the lore the story and the self-referentialness and ah it was good stuff it was really cool thank you everybody so much for watching support indie games like this there's so many creative projects out there that deserve your support and are are just waiting to be discovered so check them out take a risk play a game even if there is no game thank you everybody so much for watching and as always i will see you in the next video bye-bye and don't come back [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,940,778
Rating: 4.9738197 out of 5
Keywords: there is no game, markiplier, wrong dimension, there is no game 2, funny games, awesome games, funny, gaming, do not watch, do not click, go away
Id: US-t9lBBK0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 31sec (3931 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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