EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED!! | Oxygen Not Included - Part 1

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today is a wonderful day indeed hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome back to oxygen not included it's been a long time since I've played this game in a serious let's play capacity and today is special because not only am able to play a game that I really really love but this game is now fully released back when I did my original series on this they didn't even have water working correctly and now they are out of early access with all the bells and whistles you could possibly want so I'm going to start a brand new game a survival game and wait a minute I don't know what this is tera meets all the requirements for duplicate 11 hold notes prizes ideal location for a first attempt establishing called me well okay Oceania is quite stable in research with with Meniere's but covered in a saltwater ocean who rhyme a frigid location marked by in hospitably low temperatures throughout rhymes low temperature will to make finding water and establishing farms or ranches problematic however the wide spectrum of minerals and cool environment could lead to thriving industry o ver Dante a lush location with rich and wildlife and life-sustaining resources establish a foothold in VAR Dante will be challenging do the roost food and oxygen options however abundant biological and mineral resources should afford excellent long term growth on board yeah colonizing our brewery will require careful planning right from the start because if its lack of metals finding biological oceans is a must Vulcania would be perfect if it wasn't for the volcano Badlands rocky terrain poses no threats but sparse resource ability will make expansion technological process challenging Oh a radio temperatures are a radio are much higher than expected while resources are abundant maintaining food an instructor will be difficult as your colony warms oh haha a wide outer ground desert will post temperatures threats and strain resources of a colony on Oh asses ass however surviving the challenge should present great industrial opportunities ok good oh my god oh my god I don't know if I should do a normal one or if I should do a not Armel and also hate myself for doing anything that would be bad you know I want to do a different one and I feel like large boulders large glaciers on Oceania I feel like that's an interesting thing game setting oh well you know I don't want to do that yeah okay let's go for it baby this is this unexplored territory I didn't even know that was new in the game we're gonna die we are going to go to our immediate death everyone who's a part of this colony will hate me cuz they're going to die oh [ __ ] nevermind whoops were sorry but it seems your game has encountered an air of [ __ ] we died before we even began okay good great I broke the game before I even got into it shouldn't it die I shouldn't have done a lot of things is the thing I shouldn't have done pretty much anything magma channels and frozen core well that doesn't seem good that seems like two peas in a pod that ain't gonna work out too good for me here we go hope I don't crash hey are we okay Oh interior decorator noodle arms Oh interesting Oh interesting Oh interesting all right we need a digger loves digging no taste irritable bowel that's not that bad but we've got our minor and then we need a operator off logic reactions to floral scents oh okay well that's not so bad iron gut that's good that's what we're looking for here that's that's exactly what we're going for and then we need a builder reroll mee-mah mee-mah mee-mah was a little slow but that's okay okay you're not gonna be named Nicola you're gonna be named you're your bull your beard ooh and this is nice she could sure alright that's you could chew that's beer do and that's me ma is the name of the colony is going to be the suave Brig no loveliest gang outrageous Hospital ill committee Oh ill committee would be the great name for a and was picton Pigpen thanks good Pigpen I like Pigpen I welcome to Pigpen cool I like that that's good Pigpen okay all right let's do this SUSE guys kaput oh look at this ideal placement watch the stress of all can colonization ever did okay so if you don't know about oxygen not included it's a survival base building game that involves a lot of crap so one of the other self-imposed rules here is you have the ability to pause in this game I'm not going to pause ever pausing is that one thing that makes you stop and think but the one thing that I want to do in this endeavor I've played this a lot I'm pretty good at this is I don't want to stop and think I'm gonna try to always play it at like medium speed occasionally I'll go too fast speed if they're like sleeping or something but for right now I want to go medium speed I'm gonna get them going I want to get everything started and I do not want to pause so this will be the only time that I pause and if I ever pause then I deserve to be punished alright cool good really glad we got that so we're just gonna keep this going and I'm just gonna try to build as quickly as possible build as quickly as plunk able then I'm gonna be relatively okay we need a door because we need to go up and then we're gonna need there's a lot of goodies here and there's a lot of goodies here a lot of algae up here which we're gonna need for oxygen so in case it wasn't obvious there ain't no frickin oxygen in this land there's none oxygen it don't work that way they just don't give you [ __ ] so I'm gonna put this here I'll put some oh I don't even have that Reece yes I do yes oh that's what I get for not pausing okay it's good real hard to not pause by the way pausing is like in my blood I really love what is this what is this select hat you don't have a hat what is this rocket piloting be still my space loving heart well you could chew what do you think you're doing so what was I doing okay so skills priority schedule I don't have a schedule I'm gonna give them an extra morning bath time maybe more down yeah give them some morning downtime that's the moral that we need this is gonna be good okay so I need okay pitcher pump that's what I need we're gonna get that there yeah it's gonna be good let's make that a priority we got to get that going else we're never gonna be able to do anything we're also gonna need birds with the bird oh [ __ ] I put that in the wrong place all right well I wasn't thinking but there here we go why can't you breathe and then look at this a bowl of fruit that's red eye waters weed seed we see the initial phases of the game just to get real scientific about it is not dying that's like the number one priority and all this is to not die it is so beginner mistake to die early on in the game not many people know that you're trying to avoid the possibility of being dead so long as you can do that everything's gonna be good Oh yellow alert I didn't know yellow alert was a thing I like yellow okay no oxygen defuser built what's an oxygen to few did they finally make this not take power does this not require power are they yanking my dog all right so I got to start planning right away for the different things that I'm gonna need the different like levels that we're gonna need what I want to do what I always try to do is I try to make the box around the thing longer thing I try to make that like a nice area for beds and stuff because it affords a really nice bonus for decorations so if I can have that that's good oh these lazy sacks a crapper thinking that they actually get time off for shame for shame everyone else that was just a clever ruse that I put I put that base in there I did not want to put that there I am not thinking clearly in any department so I actually have no idea what I'm doing half the time they've got their job I have my job we're gonna need a station we need a research station so we're gonna make this the research station area but uh but about about oh it doesn't it does need power I suspected as such I suspected it I knew it I knew it couldn't be that good they wouldn't give that thing without power but was they even thinking of course they wouldn't oh and what am I even thinking I forgot to get an oxygen flow chip Oh fluid dynamics is weird in this game it's not weird it makes total sense but nature's weird and life is weird so why wouldn't this game simulating life be weird I didn't make an oxygen flow channel what I'm going to do is I'm just gonna make this is gonna be the oxygen flow and that's gonna be it cuz you need to have space for the oxygen to go up and down or else it's never gonna be good manual generator battery wire station research station wire bada-bing bada-boom the reason I'm a little panicked is because if you don't set up the right stuff in the early game you are screwed and there's no other way to explain it other than that you are screwed if you don't set things up right from the very beginning and try to get things going from the very beginning you are going to die and not just you but you could chew beer do Mima they're all dead they're all gonna die and I ain't gonna let them die cuz I ain't about that I ain't about letting them die so I'm not gonna do that and also I'm not gonna be an idiot and I'm not gonna build my outhouses after I delete him I'm gonna build them first and then I'm going to delete the other ones cuz that would be smart and I am smart also don't ask me why I did three I've literally never done three ladders in a row before and I don't know why I'm doing it now but it seems and feels like a good idea also I really need that I really need all that oxygen up there so I need this flow to happen lower by the way can I mention that things are looking so smooth aren't you eating there you could chew what's wrong with you whatever you guys are so fun you guys are great I love you guys guys that's weird see if Ida deleted them they wouldn't have built the other ones and then I would be swimming and [ __ ] it would be literally everywhere but right now there's not they can't wash their hands though so that's me bah where are you getting up why are you getting up why are you waking up what unrest 'add there was a light left on you kidding me my strategy is danda my strategy is dead because they're light oh now my strat my six strat no no I thought that I could've gettin the decoration bonus I'm an ass okay whatever we're gonna do without the six strat we're just gonna make a big old Smorgasburg of cots up here and that's what it's good there's gonna be the cot room and that's it because we're uncultured swine who don't actually deserve to have anything nice in their life that's what we are isn't that right Iike to call any achievement earned hey what did I get hey have at least one toil in the colony and a bed forever I pick baby so let's not destroy that yeah because we don't have the means by which to recycle so there's gonna be a lot of people if we do that so let's not have kind of a personal policy of mine not have why did I make this too wide this is too long's an oddly-shaped okay anyway can we get some gosh-darn power going because if we don't get any gosh-darn power we're not gonna get any gosh darn science and we need science meemaw I know you're too stupid to understand but meemaw there is database update hmm I've synthesized enough who's to print a new duplicate all I have to do is choose a new point really good-looking skills on it what no you haven't no you haven't reached the temporal terror sends a duplicate on one-way mission to the first star map Desmond Bardo name on excuse Emma can you build this gosh-darn beer do stock you do [ __ ] you you piece yellow alert I like that yeah yellow alert hell yeah hmm that's cool I do like that a lot that's pretty cool I you know I'm about that I am all about that that's pretty neato burrito guys I I don't know if you've ever had burritos but that's neato new friend Oh what care [Music] you're back arbor acorn the seed of an arbor tree I don't know I know about Arbor Day I don't know it an arbor tree is or an arbor ACORN I see well that you know I'm not gonna do because I think I need another person first okay bottomless stomach probably fine athletics is good that's good oh but you can't be named Nisbet you gotta be named since you got twinkle toes on my name you tinkle toots yeah tinkle puss I get any wrinkled toots oh look it's over alright buy a CI the tinkle touch here hey are you doing skill point of this gonna danger tinkle toads is gonna tinker boots school boy all right let's research hey hey look that looks similar hey that looks pretty good fancy let's uh let's get food going cuz that's always a safe bet and I do want to get a lot of wrangled up animals I want to basically have a prison for animals what do they call those zoos yeah I want to have one of those alright is this enough oxygen for everybody are we doing okay on oxygen that's not oxygen yeah it looks pretty good I think we need a better co2 trap eventually but I don't have to worry about that right now I don't think it's ever gonna get to a problem unless it becomes so compressed that people's ears stop popping which is definitely a possibility it this happened before so let's actually let's try to do some preventative crap about it let's go straight down not that far and let's do this is just like a busy project for them to do in the meantime I don't want to have them forget things to do you know at any given time but I guess it's break time now so I guess we don't actually have to work I guess we're done you know I guess we're just you know I'll I'll be over in the corner just slapping my dick around while you guys do whatever the hell you were thinking of doing so I guess we're all good here thanks alright think'll toots I'm gonna call you tinkle Tish tinkle push that's a better name I'll call you tinkle push okay we need to start thinking about expanding and these can be destroyed now this can be just set to the right I think cuz I just want people to wash on the way out actually let's do both porque no los dos both right do--the yeah Dothraki alright guys get to work buddies we don't have the compost heap but we will show that's going to be good hey that batteries gonna start storing power hey that's gonna use power but that's ok look things were looking up thanks for doing good are we doing temperature wise temperatures like the other thing that you got to worry about a lot temperatures like always going to be a problem because it's like the law of thermodynamics everything's trying to reach equilibrium but everything just gets hotter and hotter and then everything gets colder and colder because everything is surrounded by the vacuum of space yes we are on an asteroid and what that means is that we were going to die isn't that cool it's pretty cool to me alright so those are done now they're spitting out polluted oxygen cuz I am an [ __ ] why didn't I just put that down here this would be such a better place for that listen I've got my big brain is just so big that I'm going to big brain all over this this makes so much sense right that makes sense I don't need two of those but it looks good so if it looks good then it must be good right ok we don't have anything else to build so I can't do anything until they build things well that's good that's great you guys hurry the hell up maybe I should go ahead and build some tasteful memorials because I'm pretty sure that these guys are gonna die well maybe not these guys but people are definitely gonna die tinkle Tish pickle dish might die are we doing on research not enough come on come on come on we gotta research go go go we can destroy these now well I mean not yet I guess cuz the wires aren't there but alright you know it's it's fine why the wires not connected but alright you know that's that's fine that's that's fine yeah what that's it's totally fine I'm not power and anything and having two of those just means the two people are always going to be on those I don't think that's a good idea let's let's we're gonna redo some things here this is how we're gonna do it this makes sense this makes a lot of sense except that everybody's going to take a break God you know I know we're missing a research station I set it to build why did I destroy it I've said that to myself that I don't destroy anything until it's built and then I do the thing and then I don't do listen I blame me mom I'm just gonna say it I think Mimas sabotaging with her non-scientific ways I think this is just an elaborate scheme for me Maude to try to bring us down try to bring us all down and I hate that this is uneven there's a lot of things that I dislike and it's all because I wasn't able to pause so I blame that and I take no responsibility for myself and my own actions but I fully am aware that I am probably at full hey hey hey hey hey hey hey sleepyhead hey wake up do I have to do yellow alert again because I will I will do a yellow alert I will literally do a yellow alert now I feel bad because yellow alert is this is taking a long time to build that thing can you oh also I interrupted your break I guess but you know frankly I think that you guys might have deserved that but whatever it's fun anyway let's uh let's focus on even ending this out cuz this is apparently the most important thing that I have to do now there we go now isn't that better now isn't everyone happy there we go now we don't have as much oxygen flow that is true down this channel but hey I think two is probably more than enough right it's only one of the main aqueducts going up and down my base so how important could it really be I fine why is it yeah why is that one low I don't need that to be one lower I need that to be one better let's dig this out first oh no no no no no well there's no rescuing you guys I I wish they didn't do that when they drown cuz oh hey but food though I feel bad not that bad but I feel pretty bad I do I do I do feel bad I really feel bad I do okay insufficient oxygen generation and we got research okay power regulation probably important employment oh yeah uh but no mm I guess plumbing right plumbing fruitless annotations and all the other things converse rust what is rust since when is rust a thing rust like the game I don't know I don't know what you're talking about very strange I don't know what rust is and I don't know what to do about anything if rust comes my way I think I'll die I think if I have to deal with rust I would die okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna in my my dioxide trap I'm gonna make this be the oxygen producing landing zone I don't have the air tiles yet but I think for now I think what I'm going to do is I'm just gonna put four here I don't need to go overboard that's something that I learned I do not need to go overboard with the algae cuz it's just not that important especially right off the bat it's not that important compost however that is important so what I'm gonna do is I'm also gonna make this the compost area cool right probably I don't know I'm gonna put you in a box and then when I'm able to make that be actually airtight that's what that will be but for now that's just going to be a box I don't know why I'm making doors but it feels good there we go nice yes yeah I like things being organized closed off that's what I like sue me what did you what what did you get what what happened he what do you just get his skill while you slept Oh skill boy oh my God look at your to Dueling I can actually see what you have to do you could choose yes you're my miner correct you're my miner so you are all about digging that's your job you could you're all about that and I believe in you all right cool anyway so far so good this is actually coming together quite well if you remember my attempts at my first few basis back in the day they did not go to cured I feel awful what is this skill points of Hill who's got skill were you a builder I can't remember if you were the Builder I think you were the Builder me Mao were you the Builder mee-mah mee-mah mee-mah were you the Builder I think you might yeah you would the Builder me ma you would the Builder all right me ma o beardo ok construction and beer do you are tinkering that's right beer do mmm it's going good it's going real good all right cool so I don't know what I'm gonna put up here yet but now that I got this down here that I don't have to worry about that as much okay and then I'll once once I get into it I'm gonna set the priorities and schedules and all that and get the vitals and yadda yadda but rough right now they were okay and we're pretty good on disease to these guys aren't being too big of a jerk what I'm gonna do is I need to make a dump for my polluted water that is important so where would be the best place for that I can't pause so I got to think about it as things are going I don't know why people aren't doing this over here and then I reach it no they can reach that just fine yeah it's fine okay so for now the dump I think doesn't have to be that big I think the dump can be relatively small there's slime over there so naturally left oh oh there's a lot of slime over here too there's a bowl of fruit literally under polluted water which is just disgusting I think what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to this will be the quote-unquote bathroom eventually eventually I have no idea if that actually it's gonna work but eventually that'll be the bathroom let's just do that for now and then this is where I'm gonna put the dump which seems really douchey because this is such a nice this is like a pristine terrarium of just lush life like there's animals living down here there's just beautiful creatures plant life this thing's going I am going to flood you with piss water you are going to be buried under my own feces not mine my people's feces I'm using the Royal version of the people's feces it's a good thing so I'm gonna I'm gonna use these acts I don't even think I need to do that what excuse me did we get research for food I forgot I was doing food hey I don't think we need a little person immediately I don't think we need another person I don't know what pips are but I want them I don't think we need another person right now I think getting person would just be too much I love the fact that it can give care packages now that is super rad I really like that and I appreciate that and I think that's really cool I'm not a hundred percent sure I want to get the the pooper scooper to be down there when this could also be good for farming area I want to keep the farming generally lower I don't even know if farming is gonna be the same anymore am I gonna have the same seeds for the seeds oh I got blossom briar meal wood I've only got one meal wood that's not a lot of meal wood maybe they toned farming down a lot they might've okay either way I think what I got what I'm gonna do is I'm actually gonna make it above I'm gonna make it up here it's gonna be the piss deposit or iam okay so also I just remembered that I want the composters in here not necessarily in there and then I can get the bottle empty years to be Roy cheer Android cheer for symmetry because somebody should I care about that anyway that looking good is looking good that's getting oxygen in there all right we are doing pretty eh okay maybe there should be like a germ thing here instead of that that would be smart now I'm thinking with my brain that's how I do that's how I do it that's how I do that's how I keep people alive hey what did I do research yay okay let's do instead of the rough stuff listen so that let's do the ventilation get all the basic [ __ ] stuff out of the way and that way we can at least have like a foothold in the world that is life oh yeah I forgot these things also spit out now now they don't just consume all the water that's another rad cool thing about it they don't just consume the water they spit out polluted water like it's not perfect but it's way better because they used to just suck in water and then it would spit out nothing but now it spits up water polluted water which I'm going to fix I will fix eventually I will fix the water but until I fix the water going to be a little bit of a problem well that's okay I like problems problems are good and eventually I'm gonna make this considering it's already almost a natural like it's almost a natural formation anyway I think what I'm gonna do is I'm going to make this be the water tank you know what I mean like it's going to be eventually just pure water tank I don't know if you need to do double layer but I always have water like break that [ __ ] from just the pure weight of it so I'm not gonna take any chances this is eventually gonna be loose we're eventually gonna have this year I like this whole not pausing thing I don't usually play like this but not enough materials what really I didn't know that could be a thing I think we need more metal well get more metal there's metal up here what did I just tell you to do alright whatever that's good enough for now to get started in in anyway so eventually that's gonna be the thing that we do and hey you know how I said I was gonna piss all over your entire existence well there's some right there but also you know right you know okay you know I need food I need to work on the whole food thing if I don't work on the whole food thing I am going to do the whole dying thing I need food okay so let's think about growing food just thinking about it doesn't mean we're doing it we're just gonna think about it you know what I mean yeah we're just gonna think about it just go think about it you know give it a little bit of brain juice okay so these guys got a lot of tasks to do so I'm gonna put him on fast mode I don't like being on fast mode because it lets things spiral out of control and I won't be able to do anything if things go wrong but for now they've got a lot to do I'm gonna let him go I'm gonna twiddle my thumb's and do absolutely nothing unless something goes horribly wrong which it might I should also probably prioritize this just a little bit more this is more of an important bill than the giant cup of water that we don't necessarily need to have right now I don't know why we're so focused on having the giant tub of water ready when in fact we have many other problems like this which is another problem and then the foods food also big priority gotta get those I'm tempted to do yellow I said I was gonna do nothing I'm gonna step back I should have put everything back already I feel like feel like I screwed it they're not doing anything else besides that so yeah that's that's the thing cool we're gonna put some eel woods no research focus uh we need a research okay hey no we just got ventilation you smart home duplicants can operate buildings more quickly if the building is lit the building is lit okay cool I'll keep that in mind um I need the airflow tile though and pressure management first we will get lighting eventually and this is lit right now because of the light they're so they're able to do that a little bit better you guys need to stop sleeping on the job I've got a lot of work to do and you guys are not helping I want to address something that I know is probably being shouted in the comments as much as possible I know there's probably like an optimal way to play I know this I'm aware there's probably optimal ways of doing things in base layouts in yada-yada I'm doing what I know and I'm learning as I go if I die then I die take a look at this ladder right here notice how it looks like a giant middle finger take that with a grain of salt I mean I think that beats a grab doing that gonna tell me how to play if you're trying to backseat game I will literally follow you to your house and beat you with my own leg I guess that means I'm gonna kick you oh you need light I don't have that I'm not researching that I should research that let's research light I didn't know you needed that you greedy bastard what happens if we go all the way down here and grab like some of the stuff down here that's just sitting around we doing food not good not good okay we're not doing as good on food as I thought we were gonna be we need food like immediately that's not like a number one okay we're not doing nearly as good as I thought we were gonna do maybe my priorities haven't exactly been in the right spot I don't know why I'm doing triple level things and stuff like that I don't know why I'm not doing do smart but you know hey I'm just learning dig out these sides you know that's just as good air flow is doing triples why am i doing triple ladders I have no idea there's no benefit there is no benefit to doing triple ladders I want to be very clear about that there's no benefit I don't know why I'm doing it and yet I am okay let's get another person in here yeah let's get another mouth let's do that yeah let's do that water water you can do that Wow look at Turner holy crap look at Turner look at her Turner's amazing I'm not gonna call you Turner I'll call you turn-turn no I'm sorry that's your name now Turner Turner yeah look at Turner go all right cool good I don't know what you're gonna do Turner you could be what are you good at I have no I forget what even what you were good at woodturner where are you there you are skills athletics you can be the deliverer oh you can be the SUP why our supplier right that's that's probably good for you yeah supply you shall be the supplier you're gonna run and give everybody everything and also the pout what are you doing what what I'm sorry what did you just do oh you can't be by flowers you sneezed Oh cure it okay and sneezed okay well not very cured are you then a snoozed well maybe you shouldn't go buy flowers you sneezed okay now that that's there I should probably destroy that one but it's too late now so I guess I just have to live with my choices in life okay so this is pretty good this is going well why are you doing nothing why are you doing oh it's break time alrights my bad okay so this is going well this is good for right now I'm out of time for this episode but this is a good start we could still die at any moment but we've got some good but I'm gonna pause just because I'm ending it here but we've got ye kachou we've got beer do we got me Mom we got tinkled push it a bit Twinkle pushin and that just makes it seem like she poops a lot we got turnt nur this is our family and with this family we will survive throughout the apocalypse of this horrible place that we have found ourselves we may just be clones spat out by a DNA manipulating pod but we are survivors and we are gonna survive together so thank you everybody so much for watching get ready for another episode of this coming at you real hot and heavy I want to do a full playthrough of this I want to see it to the end whether the end is a bunch of graves on abandoned asteroid in the middle of space soaring through an infinite nothingness or or if it's whatever the hell the ending of this game is I want to see it so thank you everybody so much for watching let me know he thought down the comments below and as always see you [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,009,948
Rating: 4.9534693 out of 5
Keywords: oxygen not included, oxygen not included markiplier, part 1, gameplay, gaming, lets play, playthrough, walkhtrough, funny moments, funniest, rage, oni, oni game, review, space, survival, sandbox, duplicants, oxygen, water, guide, how to, high score
Id: NeD6sqdr1KM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 58sec (2038 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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