SOMETHING'S WRONG WITH ME... | Amnesia: Rebirth - Part 2

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Oct 26 2020 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome back to amnesia rebirth we just got off the phone with some doctor and then apparently yasmine was also there and we got to go through the desert we got to get to this town in order to survive whether we're going to get there or not is up to my intelligence and my ability to see through [Music] it useful can't we just get out of here this place gives me the creeps they're dead and gone can't hurt you now ah jesus jonathan look out the door get to the door everywhere well number one you were proved wrong and number two maybe i shouldn't have been sketching and maybe i should have been helping you guys that's probably fine why do i need to look at this so intensely quartermaster only i get it oh that's a headless body that's one of them headless bodies oh is that jonathan is that is that jonathan how can you tell know him from his torso do you all right sure i've got this lantern but it's oil runs out super fast as far as i know actually it just seemed like that before okay missing supplies will be treated as theft little old me missing supplies it couldn't be there's saltpeter in there i'm gonna have to blow some up sure seems like i might have to blow something up hey hey how you doing maybe i should stay away from the holes in the walls oh yeah sure get the millet out of here get the millet out of here get them in oh get them get the millet out get the melon out of here what is that hello thank you sorry goodbye oh no no no no oh no oh no so peaceful in between the panic all right well yeah i hope there was nothing else that ah there we go i think i think it stopped yeah you know probably for the best hey baby hi dawn you all right there i'm gonna get through i'll beat up any monster that gets in between me and keeping you safe yeah i should have turned down the job definitely yeah oh look there's even footy prints look at the footy prints wow they really went all out with the engine update on this one i'm quite impressed um also i'm still not entirely sure you're not an alien baby considering i have an alien bracelet that lets me walk through portals and whatnot all right okay baby you just sit tight baby don't worry baby i'm gonna take care of everything baby it's coming it's get over here after it killed jonathan we escaped through the big gates into the past uh-huh through these big gates into that pass i can't move this not on my own uh maybe i could i'm pretty strong okay so what do i gotta do fire a shell i see a tank oh i see a tank oh do i need to do what i think i need to do with that tank oh that's right in the quartermaster area there was saltpeter is that what i'm have to blow up oh wow oh please tell me it's so please tell me it's true please tell me please tell me that is what i have to do oh my goodness oh my god oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness oh hey hi [Music] well sorry about that man that sucks uh got a key though [Music] well this seems oh my goodness okay wait i need to see through the hole okay so we are not lined up so we probably should it really doesn't want to turn that way oh come on okay uh oh okay we just got to unlock it first i see okay are not quite not quite not quite a little more man shooting these tanks sure is complicated why don't they make this easier almost almost okay get ready everybody the earth shattering kaboom is on the way oh that's pretty good pretty good but we can do better what was it squeak was that a door opening oh locked on tarp fire fire fire fire fire oh no bullet all right need to make bullet okay no bullet got it no bullet right okay so hey you got a bullet you sitting on one you're secretly sitting on one lock that in place so that not going nowhere it's still lined up yes oh dead center okay so i gotta go make a bullet or find a bullet make her find a bullet find bullet make bullet listen baby you're about to get experience of fire in a tank are you ready for that kind of destructive responsibility i bet you is i bet you is why does the worms creep up on my vision when i look down on my baby are they always there are they just always there also what are they it's a little strange whatever hey [Music] i don't know i don't know what you're talking about i i know nothing about the delicacies of the political climate here so that's great oh thank you all right hey a water pump excellent it doesn't work what a useless pump why did i come here let's go oh hey hey get away i'm gonna step on you crunch did work yeah whatever listen i got some crazy cravings right now i could eat a scorpion hole do i gotta go back in i i've got to go back in don't i i got a key that's right wait i got a key what is the key tour a key found in the tank with arsenal written on the label okay so it's gotta be to that soccer club or something i'm trying to make a sports joke but i don't know enough to follow through with it so everyone just nod your head man i sure am funny um maybe there's another back wind because it would be a long way around if i had to do that okay this is strange huh i don't know if i can just go in here i can okay good i mean not good if the monster is literally red on the other side of this but you know good enough that it's gonna save me time from getting from a to b it's a convenience good enough not necessarily a survival good enough i couldn't tell you which one's more important hey i'm back hey buds i am back okay so that's locked up and it definitely isn't for that one i'm gonna operate on the assumption that it's stalking around here somewhere whatever it is oh okay how you doing yep if you wish to have something issued from the supply applied to cpi delacroix do not take them yourself well i'm gonna take him myself oh oh he opened it oh thank you oh no thank you you have some creative curses i have not heard of these salt peter i have salt peter i've got peter's salt what do i do with it that was loud okay so there must be some other place that's locked up i don't exactly remember seeing anything like that did you guys see anything like that maybe over there i guess i would have to get back in somehow what was that what happened is there nothing is it nothing or is it ever is it everything ah i knew it i knew it i knew it i knew it are you actually a thing or is that just like a like a one timey hidey hole kind of thing all right cool hey all right cool hey why is this all blocked up now this wasn't blocked up before was it this was not blocked up before was it okay then am i not going to be able to get back uh crap um crap crap hey hi how are you doing okay good that's fine carry on okay there's where i threw that down i don't think i might be able to climb back up there so it can't be up here there must be some kind of uh arsenal out here right i would have thought it would have been the quartermasters area but i could be entirely wrong okay all right [Applause] i don't like it oh what is this i don't know that oh that goes back that's right okay i'm just go i'm just gonna assume that um i'm gonna assume there's nothing here for me i'm gonna assume there's nothing here for me if there's nothing here for me then i don't need to worry about anything then it's all good this door is here and it doesn't open to this definitely not so where's the arsenal i mean that looks like a thing all right whatever i'm headed back outside i don't exactly know what specifically one one one oh no oh no so we just gotta find an arsenal of some kind oh god mike you shut up shut up shut up a-hole the weed oh of course of course of course probably shouldn't light matches around all this gun powder or whatever this is a gun this is a boom stick oh my god it's part of a boom stick it's not a boom stick okay whatever all right who's laughing at me why you think this is funny it's not funny it's not funny hi can i help you shh little one it was a dream just a dream all of this was just a dream nothing to worry about nothing at all just a dream okay all right let's uh let's do this ooh coil seesaw rope de la croix okay well i did get this salt peter i probably needed the salt peter to do something in here so i don't think that time was wasted i don't remember this please yeah i don't either tell me what that smells like to you what do you you say it first you tell me what you think it is and well i'll see if i agree with it oh that's a bigot okay well that's a gunpowder press okay okay makes powder mix unpredictable better than nothing ask corporal khadirith in doubt i'm about to blow myself and my baby sky high if i don't get this right i ordered the saltpeter for tanning not for your powder i have moved it up to my stores and there it stays rexistion your own well i got the saltpeter i didn't even know i needed it but i got it do not use on metal oil blade after use okay well that's good i don't know what this is so it's not really going to help me because i don't why is there a trap there what trap is that it's a trap it's a trap there's a trap there why why is there a trap i don't trust that trap there's a ballista there what [ __ ] yeah if i was running in that would have been bad oh i probably could have caught the thing with it oh oh no okay i do like the the match mechanics better than the the tinder boxes from the other game i i think i think it's more fitting you hold a match you like some lights what you can find oh there was something there damn it and then uh maybe i can cook myself some food i'm ravenous some scorpions out there maybe i could you know cook them right up charcoal sure let's grind up charcoal thank you we are one of the same we are two of soul we get each other oh well that's weird oh there's lots of little knickknacks that you can hide stuff here man if they open up mod support to this game i bet people can make some really crazy stuff they seem to have a lot more like environmental stuff detail stuff oh yeah uh-huh what's happened to you god whoa i didn't even see it i see why you were panicking now oh my god all right painkiller how you doing there oh careful this is rigged oh you're right i didn't see that i would have blown me and my baby sky high all right well good yeah glad you're talking to yourself all right let's get these candles going okay okay okay okay we're good i'm gonna see if i can get some more more light please yes yes yes no no no no no no no no the answer is no okay all right yes please the following items are off limits without authority of the captain medicine's strong spirits the cage is not to be opened without a senior officer present wait do you want to blow up a senior officer seems like maybe that was what you were going for all right okey dokey any hidey hole entrances hmm there whatever you say just gonna walk past all the whatever the hell you call the the decorations it's halloween yeah it's gonna walk by the decorations lovely they're lovely trust me you know you don't need to doubt it for a second these these decorations you're gonna win you're gonna win the halloween contest you're gonna win it i could jump i could but i won't i won't do it oh there's one that's what i'm looking for did i put that out or is this hi hey how you doing what's this way thank you that was that was easy to miss but i appreciate it couldn't stop looking at your handsome face you know just really really some special you anyway you get out of here you're you're too handsome i'm tempted to smooch you all right i'm gonna go now maybe this isn't such a great idea maybe you should stop talking to yourself huh or are you talking to your baby listen your baby if i'm your am i your baby am i your baby talking to you i'm wise listen to me you gotta listen it's a heavy door i still like the interaction things in this game i'm not 100 sure about but it's fine it's all good good heavy blanket get out of here close close close all right now i just jump listen mama let me tell you a thing or two about a thing or two you don't know nothing about what is and is not dangerous i'm an adrenaline seeking baby i live life on the edge priceless artifact destroy get out of here somebody get this baby some beer let's just have a good time medical supplies yeah medical supplies ointment of sulfur you know for joints listen mama this baby wants some opium give me some loud down gnome just start slugging it down let's see poison in excessive quantity well that would explain why uh in the last game in the dark descent uh main character might have been losing it a little bit but you know everyone's got to live a little and when you're being chased by the demonic entities from the depths of hell sometimes god do what you gotta do to who those who come after us i have failed we tried to die in defiance but these devils will not allow it the screaming does not stop i cannot shut it out i cannot bear it they treat my men as cruel child treats a puppy reveling in the joy of their pain and they watch me all the while alderit keeps crying my name gardener has stopped breathing he is the lucky one suicide is a sin but the lord has deserted us and i will not give these demons their satisfaction so here i take my stand and make my death on my own terms i pray you do not tell my orally of this fate tell her we died in some glorious noble purpose and that i was a father to be proud of she has done nothing to deserve this hurt scene ado captain augustine lift hill well i mean seems like your plan might not have worked there buddy sorry about that hey dad with a flag in his hand that is hella patriotic anyway can i open i shouldn't touch it hey yo okay maybe i should have just gone the other way around you know maybe this wasn't such a good idea why am i all why am i noodle noodle-eyed mama why are you panicking so much come on i'm a baby that's like the rat and ratatouille sorry excuse me i got too close to the truth uh all right um is this key oh well that's a nice shortcut i guess i could have gone around the outside but uh now i don't have to thanks guys escape artists i got achievement all right cool is there something over here i just noticed this i literally would not have looked at this oh weird oh interesting hello oh it's just the other way around okay well that's boring well that's boring give me my oil where's my oil come on okay so what do i mix mix i don't know what do i do uh sulfur powder saltpeter milled charcoal [Applause] oh okay okay oink okay sulfur powder oh this is liquid sulfur right okay so something about this what is this okay so i gotta turn this into powder sulfur ointment okay so there's gotta be a way to turn sulfur ointment into powder boil it boil it boil boil it take the lid off and then boil it boil the oil bubble bobble toil in trouble well it can't boil off that way boil boil that's gonna take a while um what is this oh this looks fancy this looks expensive can i have this i'm a greedy baby hey mama listen to me i guess i should just have a look around see if there's anything that can happen help me i'm hungry i might want to eat some those scorpions look pretty good maybe just shove those down your gob oh this is probably perfect let's just grab that with my hand it was only boiling that's fine all right uh popper in boink delightful smell and slam it home instant tank shell and oh far i still have all my fingers so far try it out i guess i guess all right let's do it let's blow up a door just try it out what's the worst that could happen i'm not strong enough to open the door so i just who's that little one kitty cat uh-huh why is that creepy to anybody else probably not i'm probably only creeped out by that it's like just barely not photorealistic enough that it looks super weird to me i don't know why just very strange all right let's load her up uh put it in the slot here anywhere oh i'm down i'm up oh i'll take that all right [Music] [Laughter] what could go wrong three two ow yeah what could go wrong what could possibly have gone wrong that also looks very strange what is happening [Music] alice little one something's very wrong something's very wrong something is wrong here there's some depends deep or something or other and i'm not well that's fine that's probably fine that's probably fine yeah totally fine what the [ __ ] i don't know yeah get it off me mom get it off good little one i'm so strong am i doing it i have no idea if i'm actually doing anything you know i don't know how to tell [ __ ] seems like it's all good down here mom don't worry about a thing i haven't heard you in there oh no oh no oh no oh no okay i'll just rotate the yeah yeah i i'll rotate oh no okay probably fine perfect yeah i'm gonna i have a bad feeling oh no no they wouldn't oh god i need to get out of oh here oh those bastards look at chills uh they wouldn't they wouldn't right they wouldn't they wouldn't right there's something down there they wouldn't do that no in this open apparently not i'm just getting flashbacks to the water level from the original amnesia and i'm just like okay if you say so if you say so if you say though if you say so if you say so if you say so if they say so what do they say so oh is that do i need to knock hello i'm trying to drop it can i clang clang it's not working the the interaction is just a little wonky okay well that ain't working all right um oh this looks sure oh that's not good no no no no anna [Music] i'm going i'm going i'm going i'm going ah where am i i can't see where am i let's start okay we're fine oh no oh no oh god no mother of god and all of his angels oh what what what did i uh which is where is it what is happening what's my baby baby what's going on there that's what's you i can't feel you i don't know what home is this is home to me it's nice to know you oh well good to meet you too all right anyway i'm gonna sleep now or not yeah parties tonight need a nap oh if we are to investigate further then we will need a mild uh we will need to build mild build a scaffold we will need wood and a good length of rope i think there is some break and the walls deep below the water level used to be much higher and we can see light shining through the water okay sounds good is that two pieces of paper oh my god it is oh my god it is i don't know what any of this is sure it's i think it's a map of the area but i i don't know how to reference anything to what i'm seeing okay man sure is dark clang yeah i'm just sorry i just feel a little destructive don't you worry about a thing i'm sure no one boarded this up all right mom we got this together hello okay good it seems like there's always torches nearby it's the funny thing i never lit torches in the original amnesia and i'm lighting them all the time now so i think i think that's good like they got they got like that balance and matches do not last long i think they technically last longer in real life than they do right now but hi oh hey whoa what are you doing how do i do the thing how do i do the thing how do i go pokeball uh how do i do that i don't remember how to how did i shoot yeah there it is got that just in time all right [Laughter] fair heights playing in hard all right what was that yeah whoa yeah yeah whoa okay yep then i'm not sure i'm gonna be able to race whatever this is controlling huh what a what an intricate puzzle system you've got here you're glad they really built it through with safety centers yeah calm calm like the ocean calm i'm down calm aw i am calm oh am i out of this thing does not last was big medium oil okay that's good enough for now hello wow okay i just got it well all right nice ass how are you doing hey how you doing nice ass hey hey what's up nice ass listen i know uh i says when i see one actually i guess i've never seen one in the world i'm a baby in a womb i've never seen anything i have no idea what anything is ever so shut up and go away maybe your ass is terrible whatever i'm not sorry some behind here oh there was okay there's lots of secrets tucked behind everything in here it's just because the the the environment is actually really really detailed which is quite impressive oh please it's darkens i'm out of oh my god i'm out i'm out give me more give me fuel give me fire literally just give me fire oh no i'm doomed no please okay it is apparent from the writings of usm of the intent of the newcomers they came to us from a far place with their thoughts set on conquest and they made us into their servants their slaves their prey their fodder the last word may also be translated as crop their origins are unclear but it is highly likely that this was another incursion from the lands around the nile or even further into persia okay the queen had no king many princes came to court her but none brought her joy she was sad because she wanted a child she asked her wise people to help but they said why do you want a child we are all your children i must have a baby she said because i cannot be queen forever and someone must be queen after me nonsense the wise people we will brew you a magic potion and then you will live forever you will always be our queen so that is what they did but sometimes when she was alone the queen cried because although she was mother to the world it was not enough well then that's just greedy or something i don't know whatever anyway i don't know i'm not a mom i'm a ah i'm wasting oil okay three i'm not gonna light oh [ __ ] oh geez these kicks all right cool thanks anything in here skiller yummy anything in here what do we got well that's it on that day the people thronged the byways of the city when the doors of the tower opened the name of their new empress rippled through the crowd before her like die into water she stepped out bare-headed and bare-handed dressed in a simple row and she walked amongst the people some cried out with joy some wept openly behind her came to maku and the rest of the alchemists bearing a litter on which rested seven crystal orbs okay so that's definitely tying in to the original uh amnesia way back in the day because there's something about the orb something about the orbs and trans-dimensional yada yadas you know what i mean azrael gautier ruling in the southwest part of the world and hath 20 great dukes to attend him in the day and as many a night who have under them several servants to attend them did we imagine eight of the chief do except along to the day and as many as belong to the night because they are sufficient for practice and the first four that belonged to the day had 40 servants of peace under them and so has the first floor to belong to them in the night and last four of the day twenty and the last four of the night ten peace they are all good nations and willing to obey thee those that are for the day to be caught in the day and those of the night in the night and these be their names and seals that follow with here's eight dukes that belong in the day oladores carga boonie els rabbis arisat ariel tuple maligel i nailed those names no one can argue i really did them justice nope there we go it is the third day i've fallen in with a group of morris travelers one of them is suffering struck with the curse of the king's evil so i prayed with them for her fortitude that she might reach the cave of the mother with all speed they told me that is within two days journey should all go well yet there is an obstacle still to overcome the path goes through the dements of one park henrys a robber baron of the ottoman people pilgrims must pay a heavy tithe to use his water and to travel the mountain pass i have spice and three tailors left i pray it will be sufficient i don't know what a failure is but it sounds impressive so i think he i think that guy made it i think that guy definitely made it 100 100 oh is it opening or not no okay whatever you know i didn't want it to open anyway i don't know what would have been on the other side of it let me just let me just real quick anything else anything else anything else please one more yes oh that's a wheel ah scary wheel you are all terrified of that right not just me wheel get put that back in place okay smash sorry i'm just baby's jumpy baby's jumpy spurs splatters what well i feel better all right what a fun time just checking behind everything you never know what's gonna be snuck back somewhere thank you okay well i didn't need to stop baby please mom yes sorry i just i ca i keep yelling i don't know why i'm just a very loud baby i think everybody knows this but i am hungry and there's a lot of bugs around good eating so you're just wasting there mom i don't like the blackness of that the darkness okay okay yeah i'm close okay anything else on the walls here is that a pit can i like that can i just light this whole place on fire oh my god i don't know what the growth is i don't know what that's all about that's a weird okay whatever great good stuff good stuff i think it was just a drawer opening but my goodness they really want to startle me oh one set of oil slap we're there to slap them in okay i'll do something what do i do what do i do oh god oh my god what do i yeah i'll find a place to hide is this closet i don't know where am i oh this man i'm dying i'm crushing i know that i'm kind of in the whoa ho ho ho it's is it still a problem i think it went in a hole so i think i'm okay okay we're fine totally fine 100 fine it's okay mama it's okay hey don't you worry hey don't you worry hey don't you worry don't you worry about a thing because if you start worrying then i'm gonna start worrying and then it's gonna be a cycle of worry and that's not gonna help anybody i don't like the hole hurry up hurry oh not now not now not now not now not now not now not now not now not now okay okay okay this is great all good here super good actually the goodest some might say some have said rumors have said how good is this situation oh may not now not now not now baby hey the darkness it feels like i'm losing control i'm losing control of what it's just me you're perfectly normal human baby very i don't know oh why did i like that it was perfectly fine right here oh well might as well keep going light it light it light it okay yes all right let's see what was up here first oh this game started to get a little spooky just a little bit just a little spooky here and there a little spookiness ow oh cuz off this what baby what yeah it can't be too bad yeah yeah can't can't be too bad yeah yeah by the way mom don't worry about those broken ribs that you had earlier that you kind of forgot about that was me it just mended up up here i saw they were broken so i just went well there you go put some put some glue on there and you're good to go good to go mom i'm glad i'm here all right can you actually do a thing oh is this some kind of a puzzle oh it's it's an ancient egyptian crane fascinating wow now that's really something that doesn't go anywhere oh i see oh wait i see i see i'm seeing so that's all clogged up by the looks of it so what we need to do is we need to go to the right right about not quite here yeah right there we're gonna make this go up why can't you go up it really looks like you should be able to go up there oh well that's not good okay um i'm not sure what this is for that's clogged up okay whatever i'll come back to this once i figure out what i exactly need hello boink hello can this open please very slowly thank you thank you very much um oh that's a good this is a good sign i can make that jump [Music] you know i don't feel too comfortable i swear okay sure thing mom yeah you got it okay that's definitely stuck i suppose i could jump over to this and then go over here yes it seems correct as correct as should i look should i look i'm looking i am looking i'm going in the hole i'm going in ah i'm going in i'm going in i'm going in bone good sign good side that's a good sign oh no not now it's fine plenty of oily hello great what is this big oil big big oil a noisy bone didn't like that at all uh oh okay i see so there's got to be some reason to be up here right okay so there's some reason to be there right okay so i do need to figure out a way to get this up okay but it seemed to be stuck let me see if there's a another way to go down here to the left there was something else i think this might just loop back to that other one that's closed oh hey hi oh my god baby not the time right now is not the time okay all right good great why did i do that i don't know i've i have no idea i don't know why that was important baby uh yeah what do you want i just need to keep calm do you remember what the doctor said okay sure who's the papa maybe you should think about that a little more right so there's got to be a way to get it up because that's how i'm going to hop it over there i mean it doesn't look like it's oh that oh it was hitting that thing that makes more sense okay so now that i got it unclogged i should just be able to go in the other one yada yada oh not that high right there which would perfectly yeah okay i get it now oh just man delicate machinery here hey wait a minute hey oh wow i know how to do this oh you fools you foolish fools you think that your puzzles can thwart me they cannot they cannot i'm going i'm just gonna deal with the darkness for now oh there's a lot of darkness just gonna deal with it for a bit for a bit i'm fine i'm fine i'm fine i'm fine i'm fine this helps hey baby i like this light mama hey mama i like this lights blue and alien and for some reason i'm really appreciative of it you know better than this human light that you got i mean our human light wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink am i winking wink wink wink perfect anyway all right and we're a genius i suppose we could just jump down from there what our ribs were son of a [ __ ] [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] all right well man they they should have built like a ladder or something really would have improved the decor the feng shui if you will and you probably won't and i got four i got four i got four i got all four great stuff guys great stuff this is great what am i saying oh yeah it was just as bad as i imagined well that's close now hey how you doing bud hey bob i'm feeling pretty hungry that corpse ain't gonna do nothing for nobody else whoa that's creepy i'll save it a little bit i got some oil so might as well stock up on some of these first oh it's fine it's nothing sure a lot of bones excuse me it's like going through snow i'm sorry you prepared me expecting mother coming through whoa uh okay um all right wait hang on let's let's talk about this for a second okay let's talk about houdini's box here for a moment let's talk about houdini's uh closet going on air i thought there was gonna be more um is anything going to explain what's going on here did anyone want to talk to me about this thing everybody want to explain what the hell this is all about sorry how about film mom mom i got a bad feeling about this i feel like there's monsters everywhere and they want to kill you got a bad feeling about it real bad real bad feeling i'm almost out of oil okay i think i just got to stop using my lantern so much i'm there's no way that i'm going to be able to keep enough oil never mind never mind there's nothing in these boxes oh is that another houdini box wow that's strange okay sure let's go oh no why did i smash oh please i'm down here now it's fine [Applause] oh no oh no no no no no no no no no baby's angry baby's angry i don't know oh [Music] what the hell what the hell what's happened i don't know what has happened i don't know what has happened oh i'm in a hole i'm in one of the holes oh i'm in one of the holes it seemed like uh i was grunting and growling quite a bit there well that's a bit of a jump can i make it through excuse me this rib cage is in my way hey i better you okay where am i now i'm okay i'm pretty close to where i was oh that's fascinating that's so strange so it must be some kind of affliction i'm not going to go with infection just yet all right well wait a second oh my god oh my god oh my god how am i supposed to be able to hide if suddenly i go crazy what do i do what do i do oh my god i'm hiding oh i guess they're not gonna go away so i think i gotta go around them oh he was hobbling oh my god oh my god no please no i didn't want any i didn't do it it wasn't me where am i oh my god wall okay and hiding perfect perfectly executed they'll never know i'll never know oh my god oh my god oh my god where is it where is it i don't know i don't know i'm just gonna go for oh it god hey how are you doing okay my mistake my bad hey excuse me okay i just i can't go anywhere near you're just gonna slap me around okay that's really rude i'm pregnant so you shouldn't do anything about that hey don't mess with my mama i'm the baby now talking okay hey whoopee dee doo this is not gonna help it's not gonna help is it not gonna help go over there oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy it's fine it's fine it's fine i got this all planned out all planned out easy peasy easy peasy easy my p my pieces are easy i've got so many pieces and boy are they easy oh my god there's another oh there's another oh where do i go where do we go oh my god where do i go i don't know where i'm going i'm going to hide now shhh no no don't make noise stupid bones yeah man may look bad okay oh no go over there oh what am i doing whoa hey hey i don't know where to go where do i go through this little hole no it can't be it's got to be the little hole is it a little oh it's a little hole it was a little hole the whole time it was the light guiding me but i was like i didn't see your way through it so i didn't go in there like an idiot how you doing baby i'm good man i'm good i'm good sing me a lullaby hush little baby don't be alien that's handle all by good stuff good stuff really good oh no well seems like we're now into the game proper with all the spooks and the monsters so that's good they kind of remind me of like necromorphs anyone else seeing that like a little bit of a i only got like glimpses of it obviously but i was feeling a little bit necromorph oh do i gotta go for a swim am i about to go i'm about to go for a swim aren't i sploosh i hate it hate it oh yeah i know baby baby listen mom did you know you couldn't breathe weird okay you know what uh i'll settle down now i'm gonna take a nap okay and carrying on what does this do oh it's your bad pipe it's bad pipe didn't mean to do that that was a bad pipe can't opener yeah okay thanks thank you thank you no it better not oh oh no okay it's not a water my god boundary it up oh my god i know i know i okay i can see i'm open to close i fall there where am i going [Music] i can't see it's all darkness oh god yeah you doing i know it's horrible but together thanks mom hey little one don't worry you'll be okay uh-huh we'll be okay yeah just like our just like your ribs just like your ribs ma oh that fell when did that fall oh it felt before that's right i remember okay cool yeah i was um that was an experience that was uh that was something else really some else ma i tell you what oh something else is this a dead end oh no what who are you what do you want uh oh perfect yeah this is what i'm looking for oh this don't seem good what is this oh my god oh my god i can't oh well done precious one okay good memories good memories great memories actually it's kind of like being born all over again yeah to break more bones your spine was shattered in half mom but i had some knitting needles in here so i just sewed them right back up everything's kind of blurry can't see do you need me to fix your eyes i can do it from the inside here oh you worry ouch just let me know you're all right are you there little one you're okay aren't you just just sleeping okay all right well i'm pretty sure it was the bashing of the water against the walls that did it who are you what do you want are you the alien papa look what you did to me where you put inside me how dare you tell me maybe who knows at this point anything could be true um i know this is probably all poop water that i'm waiting through oh wait you came this way not good not at all we may be chad but he will not [ __ ] [ __ ] um yeah uh we went through the the water sploosh we did that we did that we did that did we do that are you sure about that that are you sure so all those gates were closed and i had to open them up again the thing in the fort a ghoul you said what was it i i don't know it's just a story it said they wanted grace oh was there more to that i don't know hey this looks like it might be a hole in the wall hole in the universe universal hole do i not have the magic toxin anymore because my baby's dead is that the problem hey baby maybe you're there is that actually a thing i feel like that actually is a thing well oh yeah that's fine alive christ almighty don't go near it tazzy i think i think she's trying to help us oh my god oh my god oh my god my god it's a [ __ ] devil he's what it is oh so you saw this thing too okay that's that's great that's good stuff um there you go is that what i was supposed to do doinkus sure 1937. i am tazzy trianan i survived the crash of the plane cassandra with me are hank mitchell yasmin shabani dr anton mezier leon de frise and malik tambora my husband salim and others are in a cave near the crash and need help some have died richard fairchild could not handle what we saw here he ran alex sterling has gone after him we can't wait we must do something that is utter insanity hank mitchell our leader and my friend was badly wounded by a creature in the fort yasmin calls it a ghoul a flesh eating monster from desert legends she may be right hank is losing blood fast and he will die there is no time to get to hell there is a shrine here to a local spirit this will sound like madness she appeared to us a figure of glowing light she spoke to us she offered healing and to save us from the desert and i i agreed she led us to an amulet hidden here in the shrine i took it now there is a a shimmering doorway in the rock i swear it wasn't there before if we step through hank might survive he is so pale ah salim i don't know what else to do this is crazy but i promise i promise i will return to you why is the handwriting going all crazy and why is there blood on it that's that's what's strange i mean there's many things strange about that letter there's many many things especially the content they're in so i'm sorry was that a radio i have a radio yes yes i'm here doctor oh it's so good to hear your voice ah you're still well where are you the oasis oh we were here before what happened to us i just read something i wrote there's a spirit a glowing spirit i've seen her i will explain it all darcy come to the village we have lit a beacon in the tower look for the smoke thank you thank you doctor you talked about my blackouts i have these marks on my skin and i keep losing control you gave me a medicine what's wrong with me i do not know for certain we need diagnostic implements reference books civilization remember tassie control yourself avoid fear avoid anger at all costs i have to go yes man she needs me doctor doctor hey i need you i need you doctor okay so something obviously ain't too right with me there's the smoke that's pretty far away well time to hit the old dusty trail it looks pretty far i don't know what you mean little one a village people a way home yes um you love paris we'll go walking in the luxembourg gardens uh-huh i'm sure yeah [Music] hi birdy how you doing birdy hey birdy hey when we get to the village you can meet the doctor oh that sounds great yes she's from angel she's nice i don't know where algier is she'll figure out what's wrong with me all will be will be well uh-huh oh we'll be well just like all is well all is swell actually real swell this is all of it actually oh boy here we go oh no yeah me neither all right oh no yeah but what if i don't yeah but what if i don't yeah but what if i don't yeah but what if i don't what if i just don't ah screw it i'm going in hello hey oh thank you glad that was there really convenient okay cool oh no quicksand [ __ ] well doc i guess i'll catch you later christ we were so close yeah that's how games go the hell is this place now i don't know boop boop beep okay so we fell down in a hole hey hey how you doing okay we fell down in a nice hole there's a butthole on the ceiling but it's an alien butthole so that's fine so i'm gonna end this one here i'm enjoying this this this part really like uh felt oh this part definitely felt more true to uh amnesia and definitely had like it took a while to get into it but now i'm getting into it and i'm enjoying it quite a bit so thank you everybody so much for watching let me know what you thought down in the comments below expect more of these coming regularly and as always i will see you in the next video bye-bye
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,466,500
Rating: 4.9693489 out of 5
Keywords: amnesia rebirth, markiplier, amnesia the dark descent, scary games, part 2, playthrough, walkthrough, gameplay, gaming, amnesia rebirth markiplier
Id: OIdHPqvWfgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 16sec (4396 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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