Helldivers 2 Just Changed The Gaming Industry Forever...

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hell divers 2 is creating more than a fun Co-op gaming experience it's creating its own shared culture and community that is reminding us why we love video games and it may be the meteor that ignites a hugely important shift in the gaming industry in this video we'll be exploring how it accomplishes that while in and of itself being a love letter to the world of military sci-fi especially Starship Troopers Halo and so much more what may strike you the moment you boot up hell divers 2 is exceptional production quality but it's production quality for a piece of art that doesn't take itself too seriously sweet liberty no prove or does it that cut was actually really sick show that again prove to yourself that you have the strength and the courage to be free join the hell divers okay I mean it's not that serious these guys are chest bumping uh but the music's actually really [Music] good wait huh this seems like a lot of fanfare for a game that's about okay what is it about in 2024 it feels like everybody has an opinion now every body has to let you know why this video game movie or music concert was bad not bad in terms of bad quality no no no bad for society and if you consume the wrong type of media that's also bad if you consume the media the wrong way that's also bad what's the right way to consume a video game a video game is supposed to be fun right well hell divers 2 manages to accomplish that well providing some commentary and no commentary all at the same time if that feels like it makes no sense keep watching anybody who's even remotely clued into the world of action movies sci-fi and Military fiction is familiar with the movie Starship Troopers and comparisons to this cult classic it's another movie that had the John Carpenter effect releasing to mixed and even Flatout abrasive reception while Starship troopers the movie leans into quite obviously over-the-top aspects to make dark humor on the topic of jingoism and putting too much stock in a military Society it still at its core is a pretty entertaining action movie even if it's trying to make a point that's also part of the appeal though say something and have some fun while you're already there but this is a movie Hell divers 2 is a video game and as far as games are concerned if it's not fun why bother so the game's obviously heavily inspired by Starship Troopers you fight on the behalf [Music] of super Earth our home to take down the termined Giant bugs and the automaton giant robot Menace the game leans heavily into this Vibe players who get kicked out of your lobby are Court marshaled players who leave the lobby return to civilian life and behavior that is Unbecoming of a champion of humanity is considered unpatriotic at least according to your friends anyway you'll spread managed democracy via bullets orbital artillery from onh high and Earth's finest violence dispensing technology and as far as you tell if you spent a lot of time online everybody seems to be having a lot of fun spreading ordinance sponsored freedom to the planets of the solar system explosively the game never lets up with these thematic aspects every step of the way tries to deliver this point of blasting away Humanity's greatest threats on the behalf of humankind and our way of life and I'm smart and Democratic so I am immune to propaganda I'm kidding I'm not from the moment you look out from the the bridge of your Super Destroyer one of many in a planet-wide campaign to dispense the GDP of several developing countries onto the surface below and leave just about any trace of what was there turned inside out including the ground it was walking on it's clear that hell divers 2 wants you to have as much fun as humanly possible the game is built from the ground up with cooperation in mind reason being you can certainly solo the missions if you want but you can only do so much on your own as a lone soldier and you're going to be met with a certain difficulty cap at which the enemy types and amount of enemies you encounter is just going to be too much but what if you had a friend what if you had two friends what if there were four of you what if one guy had the big gun to take out the light armor the other one had the machine gun for the smaller mobs and the other one had the ammo backpack to keep you all resupplied and the other one had just about every automated death dealing auto turret you could find okay that's pretty cool what if I need more than that well how about a space A10 Thunderbolt got it nice and all right cool I get it stuff explodes but don't FPS games have other stuff that's not just shooting and exploding how about something strategic well yeah you can call in smoke grenades too you can call in a giant lightning rod an EMP blast that slows down enemies an orbital rail gun that Snipes the biggest more heavily armored bad guy in the field or giant laser so is the game difficult it depend depends on the difficulty duh it's not a great question cuz the game is as difficult as you make it there are several difficulty levels but it Embraces the camaraderie of Co-op shooters by giving you and your squad the itch to say I think we can turn the heat up a little bit and to see what happens and it makes even the most terrifying and insane moments imaginable feel like you're right in the middle of an action movie with Incredible production quality rousing soundtrack cous sound effects and visceral voice acting the reason this all works is because hell divers 2 Embraces a little rule in the movie business that all the greatest action directors the Tom Cruzes the James Camerons and the Michael Bays of the world understand the rule of cool one of the reasons the co-op shooter tends to do so well is the Cinematic feel of it you and your buddies feel like a small army fighting against the world for survival it's not unfair to compare hell divers 2 to Left 4 Dead in the sense that it follows a pretty similar Mission structure load into the world do what you got to do fight your way through hordes of bad guys and get to the safe Zone in this case a extraction aircraft that comes in during the heat of battle to save you from the coming tide often just in the nick of time but it's going to give you an opportunity to have a cinematic moment as it flies in with a giant autoc Cannon SL underneath the nose to give you just a little bit more push to make it out alive maintaining altitude until hell divers are within the EXT Zone come on One landing sequence initiated watch where you're standing you're doing great come on what the that's the that's the game that's that's my heart was pounding dude that's the video game happening have a of democracy Jesus that over kill him he's still alive yep still alive he does not give a about the play thr calling in reinfor I'm out got him seconds on an orbital laser holy okay let's recuperate gentlemen throughout the course of this video you'll notice I've mixed and matched a lot of different play Styles and weapons that's because the sandbox is so varied and interesting that I can't stop experimenting and trying out new stuff unfortunately while I was recording The Heavy Armor category is kind of useless since armor rating is the same right now and doesn't adjust from the default so you're just fat and slow but you'll find yourself gravitating towards certain roles with your team and find things that you're comfortable with like your own little Left 4 Dead posy you had maybe when you were a teenager out of your friends which one are you the game takes place in a giant interactive world map where you can observe the shifting tides of battle as well as how many hell divers are in the thick of the action to either defend from enemy Onslaught or liberate with some managed democracy spontaneous moments spark opportunities to catch up with old friends as they drop in on your mission to help you out all Destroyer joining deploy to combat zone got a random wait what oh dude it's chowderhead oh you guys playing with chowder yeah he just joined in populated combat zones are filled to the brink with ships in orbit I'm told different things on the nature of this some claim that the guns fired from the ships are actual commands being called in from Hell divers on the planet below regardless of whether that's true or not the Cinematic feel of it is still exciting so let's talk about that rule of cool one controversial piece of news that came out relatively recently was word from a former 343 Dev expressing that a game very much like hell divers 2 could have been made with the Halo license specifically they pitched an ODST game that's orbital drop shock trooper you can probably tell where the inspiration comes from obviously that never ended up being made and there's a big overlap with the nerd culture Community here in a positive way in the sense that hell divers 2 seems to remind everybody why they love the genre so much references have been made to Warhammer 40K Halo and many other licenses in fact if you go through the Cosmetics the game has to offer you'll notice this breadth and variation in art styles yourself yet somehow it all seems to kind of work together and coexist personally I'm pretty excited for Dune part two as you can tell perhaps the fact that the game doesn't take itself too seriously helps a lot but something tells me we're not going to get any clown suits in the game so there is an effort to have as much fun as possible but not deviate Too Much from the art style the biggest comparison here is obviously the ODSTs of Halo even the helmets seem to have a distinct similarity but they still feel like their own thing the game has a utilitarian look to it but it also wants to have fun and revel in itself a little bit everybody has a cape for instance why cuz capes are cool duh and certainly the subtle branding of the skulls and the armor adds a little bit of gritty panach kind of like how 40K does dialogue is quippy and the humor is definitely leaned into quite a bit but the voice acting is actually pretty good the origin of the automatons is yet unknown but after this contemptible incursion their fate is sealed each ship has its own assigned democracy officer on behalf of superar emboldening your efforts to take the fight to the vicious termined threat and the automaton Menace if the goal here is to make me a loyal Soldier it's worked my brother in Christ doubled the defense budget now the game bleeds with personality and manages to feel like a kaleidoscope that illuminates and pays homage to its inspiration rather than feeling like plagiarism or copy pasting this is a sweet spot of artistic Direction that's pretty difficult to pull off but when it does happen you get a game that attracts a massive audience as well as a shared Community culture and feeling of personal involvement that makes it feel alive I don't know how many fans of this channel are addicted to Twitter like the person making this video is but stay on the timeline long enough and you'll find no shortage of memes while the illusion to various sci-fi licenses are there the game is about you shooting as many bugs and Killer Robots as you possibly can while doing a mission whenever you make a co-op shooter the thing you have to nail is the different enemy types as well as the various mobs that the faction will throw at you and the game does a brilliant job with both that are available right now the terid are your typical standin giant sci-fi bug like your Zerg from Starcraft or tyranids from 40K the automatons are basically Terminator or that weird mech suit that one guy had from Jedi Outcast bit of a deep cut I know each enemy has a distinct sort of gameplay Loop you have to go through in order to take them down that doesn't feel forced or cheap some of them you can just shoot them some of them you got to shoot them really precisely some of them you got to blow up and there's more than one way to skin a cat for instance Robo Nixon is up armored and can't be easily taken down from the front with conventional small arms but with this armor penetrating rifle with a scope attached I can go prone reducing The Recoil significantly with my armor passive and snipe him with multiple lawn R shots on his head which serves as the weak spot you can of course be less subtle and just blast him with anti- armor Rockets but since the 40K dreadnots tend to be a big pain in the butt I usually save the rockets for them and try to take them off the board as quickly as possible still non-specialized weapons can serve functionalities in a pinch meaning that every enemy is still vulnerable if you play your cards correctly which is a trait that I like quite a bit instead of a rock paper scissors game it becomes one of resource management different enemies have their own different energies that they project onto the battlefield that can turn the tide in an instant and even the smallest of opponents are dangerous in numbers one particularly terrifying bug can go invisible and seem to take frustratingly large amounts of shots before getting away meaning you really should be aiming for the head if you can help it bigger opponents often have knockbacks or explosive ordinance that can knock you on your ass and put you in another action movie scene you didn't volunteer for down holy guys I don't think you understand don't come up the hill don't come up the hill we are there's hundreds worst case scenario it's the best opportunity to feel like the main character anybody got a like honestly any direction the game encourages you to use your brain a little bit at higher difficulties and out of the box it already has some kind of tactical bro mechanics to begin with which is interesting for a game this arcadey for one milsim guys will notice that reloading doesn't magically merge your shots together if you toss the mag early you toss that magazine early and lose it forever so you can't Cod reload ammo conservation becomes an important aspect of the gameplay Loop and forces you to think carefully about how you're going from point A to point B and while seven magazines for your primary weapon feels like a lot you can and will run out faster than you think considering the sheer amount of enemies you'll be shooting the bulk of the game is in the strategy system though a system of call downs from from orbit that provides you with power weapons ammo air strikes and other logistical supply stuff but to call them in you got to do a little bit of DDR with corresponding up down left and right inputs before being able to call in the package this mechanic is carried over to stuff like terminals to move the objective forward and a near Limitless potential of balancing is integrated here with the complexity and the length of the directional Strokes over time you can memorize the key strokes to the point where it feels like a walk in the park but if you're not as familiar with it you'll be punished for trying to use a lengthy Colin while being surrounded by the enemy other Callins are as simple as upright right and can save you in a pinch the game has spawned so many memes art memes more art more memes it has a shared culture in a pretty short amount of time it even has shared narratives as the game World shifts so too does the community to the impending threat in game this video was created off of the heels of the automaton campaign as they ravaged the Western quadrant of the galactic map the planet Malong Creek was commonly jokingly albeit not really jokingly referred to as robot Nom which if you look at the footage yeah it's robot Nom and the community laments its fall to the enemy a testament to the numbers and viciousness of the robot Menace but drop near its neighboring Planet must not fall the game encourages you to participate in different campaigns and rewards you over time with commitment to the war effort the game caught fire so quickly too I'm prepared for the sheer amount of player numbers not particularly to the fall to the devs the servers needed to be kept at a certain cap of 450,000 to keep from crashing it's an interesting sort of good problem for a game to have being too popular at one point the devs rewarded everybody with an XP boost as an apology for the server problems which caused more people to play and put strain on the servers the game has become a shared favorite just about overnight evoking notes of the Pokémon go craze that happened about a decade ago just about all your friends are probably playing it right now so you can hop in on the raid and say hi one thing the game is making people talk about is the difference between making a game fun and making a game competitive in a world where competitive orts anything is just about as controversial and heated as a conversation can get for FPS games H divers 2 invites you to take a step away from that scene and just have some fun but it's not to say that the game is brain dead and easy it's not to say that you can't sweat a little bit either because at higher difficulties the game is certainly tough if you don't set your turrets upright if you don't isolate the targets you need to isolate you will get to a point on some missions where it doesn't matter how well you can shoot because you'll be surrounded by opponents every turn there are strategic battles you have to win to win the Tactical ones later somehow the game manages to do a really good job of making each moment feel winnable and I think that's what makes it so special seemingly overwhelming odds certainly feel overwhelming but at the same time triumphing over those odds is super exciting it manages to hit this perfect sweet spot of challenging and fun at the same time some missions and ESP especially higher difficulties will require you to coordinate with your team and manage your resources efficiently if there's anything that Destiny 2 players can attest to just because something is PVE doesn't mean it's casual that's a big mistake to make but what stands out is The Game's emphasis on coordination and team play not feeling forced there are many opportunities to take the load off of your teammates for instance there are weapons that are a massive pain in the butt to reload on your own though you can certainly do that and be self-sufficient however you can also have a teammate put on the backpack for that support weapon if you want and then reload them from that backpack more efficiently putting out a cone of fire that you might desperately need when being in the right place at the right time turns a lost situation into a one situation it makes the game feel so much more alive and exciting little things aside from just shooting win the war and that's true in real war as it is in video game War so the game rewards you for having a plan and sticking to it there's a phase at the beginning of the drop where you and your teammates can select on the map where you want to go in relation to the other mission objectives you can see the location of enemy threats marked in a heat map and so a lot can happen before this even starts planning out the actual route that you want to take in the mission map is crucial to making sure that everything goes smoothly and this is an interesting part of the gameplay dynamic because you can bounce back and forth off your teammates shoot out ideas and then eventually your plan might get shot down but it might not have been a bad plan per se so in a way the game is making manag democracy fun and what's wrong with that everybody loves a little bit of managed democracy right it happens among my friend group but maybe it's happened among your friend group too people are talking in Hell divers speak uh I think you can kind of infer what I'm getting at it's really interesting how the game has managed to get so many people on board with this idea quite naturally and a fluid and dynamic way like yeah irony poisoning has certainly infected the internet but the game isn't really trying to make a point in the same vein that Starship Troopers was the game is just really fun more than anything else and leans into that as much as possible does it have very very on the- nose humor yeah yeah it does liberty hi there hey democracy our way of life oh [Music] hello but Freedom doesn't come free no swe Li no look familiar the only good bug is a dead bug okay another component that's really interesting here is the potential for more content in the galactic map you can see these different quadrants have different territories that the enemies are occupying or fighting for but these are just small sections of the map there's a whole bunch of other planets in the middle here that I assume are going to be raided at some point in fact the game even implies that Earth and Mars are up for the taking from an enemy Invasion I'm sure a lot of people have started with hell divers 2o I didn't even know hell divers was a thing really I didn't know about hell divers 1 the twin stick shooter that it was before but in Hell divers 1 you had Mech suits and you had a whole third enemy faction the illuminant which were like these floaty force field laser alien types so there's already potential for a lot more content they can integrate into hell divers 2 moving forward here and the base game already has a lot of replayability and a robust amount of content for $40 compared to other games out now on the scene for $70 it really begs the question what could these guys have done with a bigger budget if they managed to do this which is leaving a lot of $70 games right now in the dirt what could Arrowhead do with more resources and more staff what we have currently is already such a mass mive slam dunk it's really going to be interesting to see where the game goes in the future I don't think hell divers 2 is exactly the most complicated game at its surface it's pretty simple you drop into a map there's an objective run around shoot bad guys and get away but the fact that I feel like each dive per se has its own unique sort of narrative and story that plays out over the course of say 40 minutes or so is really really exciting and fun in fact just working on this video I had a harder time time figuring out whether or not to work on the video or play the game cuz there were just so many nuts to crack here it's $40 if you like Gears of War this is hugely up your alley if you like Co-op PVE based kind of Shooters this is hugely up your alley or if you're just a military sci-fi nerd in general this game is hugely up your alley I recommend hell divers 2 wholeheartedly passionately democratically my life for super Earth [Music] we deal with that problems head on I like that strategy I can get the I can get the B drop I think once it comes in enemy down baby
Channel: Couch Co-Op
Views: 777,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers ii, helldivers 2, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers, helldivers 2 review, arrowhead game studios, ps5, helldivers ii gameplay, helldivers ii pc gameplay, helldivers ii live stream, helldivers 2 ps5, helldivers gameplay, playstation 5, helldivers 2 release date, helldivers 2 pc, helldivers 2 reaction, shooter, hell divers 2, new games 2024, offline co-op multiplayer, online co-op multiplayer, local four-player multiplayer
Id: pACa-vxQyzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 18sec (1398 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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